xt7qrf5k9z99 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qrf5k9z99/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1923-10-oct15-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1923-10-oct15-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1923-10-oct15-ec. 1923 1923-10-oct15-ec. 2011 true xt7qrf5k9z99 section xt7qrf5k9z99 

     Minutes of the Resulrnr Monthly Meeting of the Executive Com-
mittee for October 15, 1923.

     The 3 xecutive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Uni-
ver-sity of Kentucky met in regular monthly session in Judge Stoll's
office on Tuesday, October 1;, at 7:30 p. m.   "hose present were:
R. C. Stoll, Georpe Colvrin and H. 1,5X Fromqn.  Frank L. MI-Vey,
president and Melington '-trick, 'secretary of the Board were also

     I.1 a sketBall BuiI.-. :.  a committee from the Alumni Asso-
ciation and Athletic Couno-l was present, the following persons
being representatives from those organizations:  Dr. W. D. Funk-
houser, chairman of the Athletic committee; Kr. George B. Carey,
chairman of the executive campsign committee of the Alumni Associa-
tion; i.r. Du ncn Hamilton of the Alumni Association; and Mr. J.
White Gu-7n.  The committee from the Alumni Association formally
requested the Executivo Committee to enter into a contract for
the erection of a Basket Bell Building.   M!r. Carey made the fol-
lowing statement: That R contract had been signed for the erec-
tion of a basement to the Bas t Ball Building at a cost of $20,000;
that the Alumni had set aside .i40,000 from the campaign funds to
be applied on a Basket Ball Buildine; that the total cost, accord-
Ing to present plans, of a Bnqket Ball Building should be about
,56&,OOO and -ould not exceed ;60,000; that the plans of the Alum-
pi to pay for the building Pre as follow.ts:  (1) To appropriate
3;40,000 from the campaign funds of the Alumni, and (28 to take
the receipts of the Athletic Council from basket ball games for
the present year and apply these receipts on the payment of any
deficit that may exist after the 440,000 has been paid.   He esti-
mated that the receipts for 'he present year from basket ball will
approximate 4`10,000.  He wanted the executive Committee of the
Board of Trustees to sign e contract for the superstructure of the
Basket Ball Building in order that there may be no loss in time
of the erection of a building.   Dr. 'i. D). Funkhouser made a
statement to the L-ecutive Committee, saying that he regards it
as a fairly correct estimpte that the rescipts from bashet ball
for the current year     'beill e as much as `10,000; that the Athletic
Council will acres to Pppl7 It hose receipts to the payment of any
deficit incurred. on the Fas-.et BPll Building in excess of $40,000
and that the Athletic Council .il1 not only ripply such receipts
for the current year, but will continue to make payments until
the building is paid for.

      The members of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trus-
 tees then discussed the matter of a building at length and on
 motion by IMr. Colvin, seconded by Mr. Froman, the following reso-
-Aution was authorized and adopted:



     WHEhI'AS, heretofore at the request of Captain 0. C.
Calhoun, Preeidsnt of the A'humni Association of the Uni-
versity, .an. Herbert 5-sham, its Secretary, a committee,
composed of Doctor i   'IcYe, 9enator Fronen and Mr. Stoll,
was appointed to cooperrte with the Alumni in the ere.c-
tion of buildings Pnd -tructures, and to execute contracts
for the Alumni in thq nnme of the University; and

     MW'RSAS, the Alumni of the University have raised a
fund byr subscription for the purpose of erecting a Stad-
ium, a Basket Ball Building and a memorial to James K.
2atterson, former president of the University, as well
as a fund for student loans; and

     17THiREAS, the said committee, acting in pursuance of
the authority of the University, has executed a contract
in the name of the University for the foundation of the
Basket Ball Building calling for an expenditure of t
at the request of a comMitt ee of the Alumni Association,
represented by George B. Carey, who represented to the
said Committee of the University that he had authority
to make said request with the agreement upon the part of
the committee represented by Carey to repay the University
all sums expended by it out of the first funds collected
on said Alumni jiund subscriptions; and

     WEtRh'AS, at a meeting of the Executive Committee of
the University, this day held, a committee of the Alumni
Association, consisting of George B. Carey, WV. D. Hamil-
ton and J. White Gurn, -apeared before this committee
and represented to this committee that the Alurmi Asso-
ciation and the alumni fund Association had set aside the
first Forty Thousand Qt)40,000) Dollars collected in the
Alumni dri-ve for the ereation of the Basket Ball Building,
but that the building  onld cost more than said sum set
aside, and requested the Unilversity to execute a contract
for such building, rnd. t.hvt in aiddition to the said sum
of Forty Thousand (`;40,000) Dollars such additional sums
as might be collected and made available for such pur-
pose would be turned over to the University to reim-
burse it for money which it may be required to expend
under said contract; and

     G1X'h1AS, I' W. D. Funkhou.ser, Chairman of the Athletic
Council of the University, anpeared, and for the Ath-
letic Council agreed to turn over to the University all
of the net proceeds of Bas'kat Ball gaimes played in the
Stadium to the Universit-y to reimburse it for any sums
that it may be required so expend over Rnd above what it
may recei-e From the Alumni -Association,



        NOW, THMOR2, be it resolved by the Executive Com-
   mittee of the University of Kentucky

        1. That the Chmir'man of the Yxecutive Committee of
   the University be, and he is hereby authorized to sign
   for and on behalf of the University a contract or cons
   tracts for the completion of 'the Basket Ball Building to
   on amount of not exceeding Sixty Thousand (M6O,000) Dol-
   lars, including the contract for the foundation for said
   building, whenever said contract for said building is ap-
   proved by the Special Committee heretfoi~e- appointie
   upon the presentation and delivery to the Special Com-
   mittee of the follo'ing

         (a) A resolution of the eBxecutive Committee of the
   Alumni Association on fthe University of Kentucky, duly
   attested by its Presi ent and Secretary, requesting the
   execution of such contract and agreeing to pay the Uni-
   versity any sums th   i it afy be required to expend on
   said contract up to thge anmount of Forty Thousand (40,OOO )
   Dollars, including 'the .-cunt expended, or to be expendedo
   by the University And the Alumni Association for the
   foundation of said. bnilding: and to pay to it such other
   funds that may be availnble for such purpose, and stat-
   ing that it is authorized to expend the fund hereinbefore
   referred to;

         (b) A resolution from the ]xecutive Committee of
   the Alumni Stadium Drive Executive Committee, certified
   by its Chairman and Secretary, containing the same terms
   and conditions as set out in subsection (a) of this Sec-
   tion 1 of this resolution;

         (c). A resolution by the Athletic Council of the Uni-
    versity agreeing to pay to the University the net re-
    ceipts from all Basket Ball played by the University in
    said Basket Ball Building until the University shall
    have repapid to it the difference between all sums that
    it might have been required to expend under the contracts
    herein referred to end the amount that it might receive
    from the Alumni Association.

         2. The action of the Special Committee in executing
    the contract for the foundation of the Basket Ball Build-
    ing is herebl?, rat'ifiod., appo0ved and confirmed.

    2. O. X, Robinson  OU'd f Fu    .   President MoVey reported
to the Committee that  I-9 AThe  for the land given by the 0. P.
Robinson Mountain Fund     ocn been execatod, the deed being as fol-


     THIS INDENTURE made and entered into this lOthday of Oct.,
1923, by and between THE E. O. ROBINSON MOUNTAIN FUND, an
incorporated association organized under the laws of the
State of Kentucky, party of the first part, and UNIVFR-
SITY OF KENTTUJCY, party of the second part, is to witness:

     The said first party in consideration to it of One
Dollar in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby ac-
knowledged, and of the co renants, agreements and purposes
and upon the trust hereinafter named, does hereby convey
unto the party of the seocnd part in fee simple and with
covenant of Special  a renty, subject to the conditions
of this instrument, -he hereinafter described lands, which
said lands lie in the couvnties of Breathitt, Perry and
Knott, State of Kentucky, nd. are described as follows:

     1st.   Tract known as boundary "a" situated on the
Clements Pork and the waters of Buckhorn Creek, contain-
ing 5,933.22 acres, ' sing the same boundary conveyed to
The Mowbray and Robirson Company by Taylor and Crate, a
corporation, by der;i dated November 14, 1912, recorded in
Breathitt County, .:ad book 35, page 1; in Perry County,
deed book 28, page 30; in Knott County Clerk's office,
deed book 30, page 487, reference being here made to the
said deed for a more particular description of the said

     2d.   Tract known as boundary "b" being on the
Laurel Fork waters of Buckhorn Creek in Breathitt County,
Kentucky, containing 2,477.55 acres.   For a more partic-
ular description hereof reference is had to the following
conveyances: Deed from Taylor and Orate to The Mowbra',
and Robinson Company referred to in the last above para-
graph which describes 2,124.20 acres of this boundary "b",
and the remainder thereof 323.35 is included in a deed to
The Mowbray and Robinson Company from Samuel Stephenson,
dated July 14, 1914, recorded in deed book 36, page 288,
Breathitt County, Kentucky Court qlark's offices

     3d.   Tract known as boundary "c" on the upper Beaver
'Dam Creek in Perry County. Kentucky, containing 490.30
acres.   For a more ppr-ticialar description of this bound-
ary reference is had to tkhe aforementioned deed from
Taylor and Crate to The Liowbray and Robinson Company, re-
corded as above stated.

     4th.   Boundary "d" on Fish Trap Branch, Perry County,
Kentucky, containing 89.53 acres.   For a more particular
description of this boundary reference is likewise had to
the aforementioned deed from Taylor and Crate to The

0 .


Mowbray and Robinson Company, recorded as above stated.

     5th.   Boundary "g"' on Hurricane Pork of Buckhorn
Creek in Knott County, Kentucky, containing 50 acres, for
a more particular aescri.ptiorn of which reference is had to
the aforementioned R    of Taylor and Crate to The ;Mow-
bray and Robinson Coropt-ny, recorded as aforementioned.

     6th.   Bounddry "Te" on Ross Branch Fork of South
Pork of Quicksand in Breat,.i - County, Kentucky, contain-
ing 452 acres.  Por a more particular description of
this boundary reference is likewise had to aforementioned
deed from Taylor and Crate to The Mowbray and Robinson
Company, recorded as above stated.

     7th.   Tract described as boundary "f" on Little
Caney Creek in Breathitt County, Kentucky, beginning on
the south side of Poor Branch, containing 483 acres, for
a more particular description of which tract reference
is here made to the aforementioned deed from Taylor and
Crate to The Movbray and Robinson Company, recorded as
af ore said.

     8th.   Also tract on Beat Branch in Breathitt County,
Kentucky, containing 425.34 acres.  For a particular de-
scription of the boundary of said tract reference is here
had and made to a deed from the Breathitt Coal and Timber
Corporation of New York to .'. 0. Robinson, by deed dated
15th day of March, 1917, recorded in deed book 41, page
45, Breathitt County, Kentucky. and then conveyed by B.
0. Robinson to The `.'Iowbray and Robinson Company by deed
recorded in deed book 46, page 80.

     9th.  Also a tract on the Lewis Fork near Clements
Fork in Breathitt Corit-fr Xentucky, containing 89 acres,
for a more particular description of which tract refer-
ence is here made to the aforesaid deed from the Breath-
itt Coal and Timber Cu-ioratiorn to }h. 0. Robinson, and
the deed from E. 0. Robinson to The Mowbray and Robinson

     All of the aforementioned tracts are as shown on the
general property map of the said Ilowbray and Robinson
Company, a copy of which is hereto attached for reference
in identifying the aforementioned tracts of land.

     10th.   Also boundary of land situated in Knott and
Breathitt Counties, Kentucky, on Coles Pork of Buckhorn
Creek of Troublesome Creek of the North Fork of the Ken-
tucky River, containing 4,067.52 acres, for a more par-
ticular description of 1,hich reference is had to a deed


dated 24th of Septemlber:, 1919, between M. S. Kaemmerer,
executor, etc., and The MAvLbrayr end Robinson Company,
recorded in deed boCk 3', page .5(85, Knott County, Ken-
tuck, Olerk's oef fice.  L ma showing the said boundary
of land is also hereto attached.

     11th.  A lot at Quicksand, Breathitt County, Hen-
tucky, acquired by deed from Jerry Caldwell, dated Aug-
ust 24, 1917, recorded in deed book 41, page 394, Breath-
itt County, Kentucky, known as the store house building
site and described as follows:

        Beginning on the northwest corner of a lot con-
   veyed by Miles Back and wife to James Back and Mary
   Back and in the south line of the Lexington and
   Fastern Railroad right of way; thence a west course
   with the line of said right of waly sixty feet to
   the -northeast corner of a lot conveyed by Miles
   Back and wife to IMIowbray and Robinson; thence a south
   course with the line of said Mowbray and Robinson lot
   to a fence standing on a line that is an extension of
   the back line of the Gordon Cooper lot; thence with
   said fence an' easterly direction sixty feet to the
   back corner of the James and Mary Back lot; thence
   with their line a northerly direction to the said
   railroad right of way, the place of beginning, in-
   cluding all the land betevsen James Backts line and
   Mowbray and TRobirl;-r 's line, and including all the
   houses, buiildinils   in,-fi i'rovements thereon, and ap-
   purtenances t.95 erl Ato belonging.

     12th.   Also a lot at Quicksand, Kentucky, acquired
by Mowbray and Robinson Co;npany loy deed from H. E. Oney,
dated March 1, 1915, recorded in deed book 36, page 480,
Breathlitt Covanty, Kentucky, described as follows:

        One lot in the village of Quicksand, being the
   same land sold to H. F. Oney by Miles Back and Nora
   Back, his wife, by deed under date of December 19,
   1912 and recorded in dead book #36, page 453 Breath-
   itt County Clerk's office.   Beginning in the edge
   of the L. & E. S. B. right of way at the corner of
   the George Young lot, now Ekned by The Mowbray and
   Robinson Company upon which a boiler house is built;
   thence a straight line in Southerly direction and
   with said George Young's line about 168 feet to a
   fence that runs along the back side of Young's lot;
   thence a straight line in a westerly course sixty
   feet to the corner of C. A. Mackls lot; thence north
   with said Mlack's line to the edge of said L. & F'. R.
   R. right of way; thence with said right of way to the



     13th.   Also the Breck Combs, etc ., land near Quicksand,
Kentucky conveyed by leae of Kentucky River Hardwood Company
dated July 20, 1917, recorded in deed book 41, page 290,
Breathitt County, Kentucky, containing 150 acres more or less
and described as follows:

         That certain tract of land at the mouth of Quick-
    sand Creek, Breathitt County, Kentucky, comprising
    about 150 acres, purchased bxy K. R. H. Company from
    Breck Combs, etc., and described in the deed from
    Breck Combs, etc., to K. R. H. Cornnany, in deed book
    32, page 133, ore::.thitt Oount,* Court Clerk's office.
    Also a tract of a--ou.t 3 acres, lying and being on the
    north side of t'-, uh Fork of the Kentucky River,
    Breathitt -Oo.zvt7, -  tuc y, arnd being the same par-
    cel of land convy-4, -; tO U. B. Buskirk snd others by
    John M. Snowoen a.ne Wife, byo deed dated August 17,
    1910, recorded in deed Look 1'o. 29, page 557,
    Breathitt County Court Clerk's office, reference be-
    ing made to said dteed for a more particular descrip-
    tion of said boun~dar' of land.

      There is excluded from boundary "a" -first herein men-
 tioned so much of the George Bradley patent No. 51,694,
 dated May 1, 1876, as conflicts with said boundary "a", es-
 timatedI to be 85 acres more or less.

      There is also excluded frot boundary "b" the follow-
 ing tract adjudged to Irvine Allen br the Breathitt Cir-
 ouit Court in the suit of Irvine Allen vs. The Mowbray
 and Robinson Company:

         Beg inning on a spruce pine standing on the bank
    of the Right -ork of Laurel Fork of Buckhorn Creek
    at the upper end of Irvine Allen's field (an agreed
    corner); thence running with the agreed line be-
    tween The iRowbray And Robinson Company and Irvine
    Allen north 60 degrees 30 minutef east 295 feet to
    a spruce pine on the first bench of the mountain
    on the left hand side of the right fork of the
    Laurel Fork; thence with said bench north 100 feet;
    north 10 west 85 feoe1t; north 16 degrees 45 minutes
    west 98 feet; norw=h 5 degrees 15 minutes, west
    156 feet; north 6 -eet 418 feet to a small white
    oak; thence leanrirg the bench and. down the hill
    south 31 degrees 81 minutes vest 330 feet crossing
    the branch at 300 feet; thence up said branch south
    28 degrees 30 minutes west 210 feet; south 10 de-
    grees 4 minutes east 471 feet to a rock marked "X"
    south 36 degrees 30 minutes rest 284 feet; south 24
    west 330 feet to a beech and cliff of rocks on end


t .

  .of point; thence down the hill north 55 degrees 15
  minutes east 360 feet to the beginning containing
  5 acres more or less.

    'There is also excluded from the foregoing tract 13
the tract of land conveyed at the mouth of Quicksand to
Clay IW'atkins by 'he I'Iowbray and. Robinson Company by deed
dated May 16, 1919, recorded in deed book 46, page 435,
Breathitt County Court Clerk's office.

    There is also excepted the tract containing 100 acres
more or less conveyed by The Moilbray and Robinson Company
to R. B. Haddix on Big Mill Seat of Clements Fork by deed
aated October 6, 1922, recorded in deed book 51, page 433,
Breathitt County Court Clark's office.

     There is also excepted from the foregoing conveyance
the oi1, gas, coal and other minerals conveyed by The
Mowbra-y and Robinson Company to E. 0. Robinson and P. J.
Mowbray by deed of date 25th day of October, 1922, re-
corded in deed book 51, page 91, Breathitt County, Ken-
tucky, together with all rights, privileges and easements
appurtenant to the said mineral estate so granted, which
said rights, privileges and easements are described in
said deed as follows:

        "The right to enter upon said lands and to re-
   enter same, from t-ime to time, to explore for, mine,
   excavate, drill or otherwise develop and operate
   said minerals together -with the right to build, -al-
   ter, repair, maintain or change any or all of nec-
   essary roads, pipe lines, water lines, buildings
   or other structures or such as second parties may
   deem necessary in the matter of extrazting or test-
   ing or opernting said mineral estate, together also
   with the right to take and use water, deposit shale,
   slate, slack, gob, stone, earth and other debris
   from such mines or wells as second parties may de-
   velop thereon, and without liability for damage
   because of the manner of second parties' said use
   of said lands or any of them."

     The foregoing tracts of land hereby conveyed to the
first party were conveyed to the first party by The Mow-
bray and Robinson Company by deeds dated June 28, 1922,
recorded in deed book 50, pasce 606, and deed dated June
27th, 1923, recorded in deed book     , page     , Brepth-
itt County, Kentucky,.

     14th.   Pi.st party also hereby conveoys, avr As and
transfers to thie second pnrty and i^s successr- tn i


following rights of way upon which is located the narrow
gauge railroad, lately operated by The Mowbray and Robin-
son Company, which extends from Quicksand in Breathitt
County, Kentucky, to Buckhorn, .-untucky.

     There is reserved for the benefit of the mineral es-
tate which was reserved by The Mowbray and Robinson Com-
pany in its conveyance to first party of the foregoing
described lands, all necessary or needful rights of way
to, from and across the said lands for the purpose of
removing, mining, manufacturing and exploiting the said
mineral resources of said lands as the owner of said
mineral estate may deem advisable, including in this res-
ervation the right to use the rights of way conveyed in
     wh5Oi' ;D.,i s8"6  -thLlis paag, 1,w i - ; v-er,,i r St
'he foe, i scr of ti         ragai       o'~e, ~. th
owner of said mineral estate shall at any time use the
present railroad right of way over said land or any
change thereof, it shall operate such railroad as a
common carrier or as a private carrier as hereinafter

     It is further understood and agreed that in the
event the Univeirsity should operate a railroad over the
present right of way or any change thereof, it shall not
be required to operate it as a common carrier and it may
oOerate it for the exclusive benefit of the University
subject to the right of the owner of the aforesaid mineral
estate to take it over and operate it as a common carrier
upon compliance with the conditions hereinabove set out;
or at its election to operate same as a private carrier
for the sole and joint uses of the said Universit-y and of
the owner o-e saia mineral estate.  If the said owner of
said mineral estate elects to operate said or any railroad
under this clause, then it will carry the servants, em-
ployes and officials of said University and its freight
to and from any points on said railroad without charge
theref or but in consideration of its use of said joint
right of ray.

     Failure -Nor an unreasonable length of time by such
owner of the mineral estate to comply with the conditions
of this clause respecting carrying for seaid University,
will operate to revoke this joint right of way to such
owner and said University and its assigns may thereupon
re-enter same and hold and use same exclusively to its own
ones wmt~"t. liability to such minered 9stwtte owner for im-
proxrements upon said right of way.

     The rights of way which are hereby transf erred, as-
signed and set over unto second party, and which are in


addition to the tracts of land hereinbefore described, are
as follows:

     1. Lease Pinley Hounshell and wife to Kntucky River
Hardwood Company, recorded in deed book No. 37, page 554,
Breathitt County Court Clerk's office.

     2. Lease P. B. 'hittalrer, etc., to Kentucky River
hEardwood Company, recorded in deed book No. 37, page 552,
Breati tht County Court Clerk's office.

     3. Letse Dr. 0. H. Swanro and Dora C. Swango, his
w.Tife to Kentucky River HardwTood. Company, recorded in deed
book llo. 37, page 567, Breathitt County Clerk's office.

     4. Lease Elizabqth. Tharpe and Jess Tharpe, her hus-
band to Kentucky River Hardwood Company, recorded in deed
book Fo. 37, page 565, Breathitt County Court Clerk's

     5. Loase Thurmond Allen to Kentucky River Hatdwood
Comruany, recorded in deed book No. 37, page 537, Breath-
itt County Court Clark's office.

     6r Leaso G. W. Allen, etc., to Kentucky River Hard-
wood Comprny, recorded in deed book No. 37, page 533,
Breathitt County Court Clerk's office.

     7. Laese MIary Iard in, etc., to Kentucky River Hard-
v.ood Company, recorded in dead book No. 37, page 538,
Breathitt County Court Clerk's office.

     8. Lease L. L. Combs, etc., to Kentucky River Hard-
wFood Comnany. recorded in dee, bnoc- No. 37. paee 569,
Brenthitt County Court Clerk's office.

     9. Lease Mollin Canpbell, etc., to 11entucky River
Hardwood Company, recorded in deed book No. 37, page 540,
Breathitt County Court Clerk's office.

     10. Lease Lucinda Combs, etc., to Kentucky River
Hardwood Company, recorded in deed 1book No. 37, pare 542,
Breathitt County Court Clerk's office.

     11. Lease G. C'. Coinbs, etc., to Kent-ucky River 1lard-
wood Compcrny, recorded ini deed book Yo. 37, page 544,
Bratnhitt County Court Clerk's office.

     12. Lease 0. H. Davis (Hop), etc., to Kentucky River
Hwardwooal "'Jcm-pny, r2ecordad i.n deed boo'. Yo. 37, paga 54S,


Breathitt County CUort Clerk's office.

     13. Lease Adam Hudson, etc., to Kentucky River Hard-
wood Company, recorded in deed book No. 37, page 550,
Breathitt Couaty Court Clerk's office.

     14. lease S. S. Taulbee and Mat Taulbee, his wife,
to Rentuck-y River Hardwood Company, recorded in deed book
38, psoe 54, Breathitt County Court Clerk's office.

     15. Lease Bank of Raphine to Eentucky River Hardwood
Company, recorded in deed book 57, page 622, Breathitt
County Court ClarkTs office.

     16. Deed S. H. MvIcIntosh and Susan MIcIntosh, his wife,
to Kentucky River Hardwood Company, recorded in deed book
No. 38, page 53, Breathitt County Court Clerk's office.

     17. Deed Cornelius Johnson and Clarinda Johnson, his
wife, to Kentucky River Hardwood Company, recorded in
deed book No. 38, page 69, Breathitt County Court Clerk's

     13. Deed G. A. Miller and Eliza Miller, his wife, to
Kentucky River Hardwood Company, recorded in deed book No.
38, page 61, Breathitt County Coiir Clerk's office.4

     19. Deed Rcbert L. Pugate and Silvania Fugate, his
wife, to Kentucky River Hardwood 'Company, recorded in
deed book No. 38, page 59, Breathitt County Court Clerk's

     20. Deed Edward Fugate and I.Iartha Fugate, his wife,
to Kentucky River Hardwood Company, recorded in deed book
No. 38, page 140, Breathitt County CourtiClerkTs office.

     21.Deed J. B. Noble and Margaret Noble, his wife, to
Kentucky River Hgrdwood Company, recorded in deed book
No. 38, page 77, Breathitt County Court Clerk's office.

     22. Deed William Roberts and Rachel Roberts, his wife,
to nvtu~cy 2iver Hardwood Company, recorded in deed booik
No. 38, paRe 83, Breathitt County Court Clerk's office.

     23. Deed Jamos Harvey and Mffartha J. Harvey, his wife,
to Kentucky River Hardwood Company, recorded in deed book
No. 38, page 44, Breathitt County Court Clerk's office.

     24. Deod Vimrod Harvey and Sylvania Harvey, hit wife,
to Kentucky River Hardwood Company, recorded in aeed book
No. 38, page 63, Breathitt County Court Clerk' s office.


I i .

     2F. Deed "'. Mi. Harvoe3 and 111&rtha Harvey, his wife,
to Kentucky River Hardwood Compaony, recorded in deed book
No. 38, page 57, Breathitt County Court Clerk's office.

     26. Deed  Uilliam Miller and Isabelle Millar, his wife,
to Kentucky River Hardwood Company, recorded in deed book
No. 38, page 67, Breathitt County Court Clerk's office.

     27. Deed Wesley Harvey and Sarah Harvey, his wife,
and Wlilliarn Miller and Isabelle Miller, his wife, to Ken-
tuclkY ELiver Ha r.wood C ompany, recorcl.aI iI' a d book Do.
38, rege 137, Breathitt County Court Clerk's office.

     28. Deed I1,len Campbell and Talbert Campbell, her
husband, to Kentucky River Hardwood Company, recorded in
deed book No. 38, page 65, Breathitt County Court Clerk!3s

     29. Deed G. W. Campbell axnd Sallie Campbell, his wife,
to Eentucky River Hardwood Company, recorded in deed book
No. 38, page 73, Breathitt County Court Clerk's office.

     o30. Deed Irvine Campbell and ""arinda Campbell, his
wife, to 1K tucky River Hardwood Company, recorded in
deed book ITo. 38, page 75, Breatlitt County Court Clerk' s

     31. Deed J. H. H. Riussell and Minna Russell, his wife,
to Kentucky River Hardwood Oompany, recorded in deed book
No. 38, page 81, Breathitt County Court Clerk's office.

     32. Deed J. H. I.udson and Martha Hudson, his wife,
to Kentucky River Hardwood Company, recorded in dsed book
No. 38, PaRs 304, Breathitt County Court Clerk's office.

     33. Deed H1a rgis Commercial Bank and "rust Company to
Xentucky River Hardwood Company, recorded in deed book .
No. 38, page 302, Brev.thitt County Court Clerk's office.

     34. Deed A. J. Noble and& Sarah NToble to Kentucky
River Hardwiood Company, redorded, in deed book No. 38, page
71, Breathitt Countyt Court Clerk's office.

     35. Daed Tolbert Hudson and America.Hudson, his wife,
and T. H. Hudson and Lotvtie Hudson, his wife, to Kentucky
River Hardwood Comppny, recorded in deed book No. 38,
page 40, Breathitt Uounty Court "lerk's office.

     36. Deed ^-drnr Hays and Adna Hays, his wife, to The
Mgowbray -nd Robinson 'ompany, recorded in died book No. 41,



pag6     Br6, eroathitt County Court 013-r' s off- ces

     37. Deed Dtilcina Allen and Andy Allen, her husband,
to Kentucky River Hardwood Company, recorded in deed book
No. 386 page 79, Breathitt County Court Clerk's office.

     38. Deed Tildie Richie, etc., to KEntucky River Hard-
wood Company, recorded in deed book No. 38, page 250,
Breathitt County Court Clerk's office.

     39. Lease Charles J. Jones by C. 3. Little, his
statutory guardian, to Kentucky River Hardwood Company,
recorded in deed book No. 38, page 314, Breathitt County
Court Clerk's office.

     40. Lease Irvine Allen and Melda Allen, his wife, to
The INowbray and Robinson Company, recorded in deed book
No. 41, page 435, Breathitt County Court Clerk's office.

     41. Lease Andrevw Napier and Polly Napier, his wife,
to The Mowbray and Robinson Company, recorded in deed book
No. 41, prge 542, Breathitt County Court Olerk's office.

     42. Lease Caroline Messer and husband, 2li Messet,
to The Mowbray End Robinson Company, recorded in deed book
41, page 587, Breathitt County Court Clerk's office.

     43. Lease Tilda Richie and Crockett Riahie, her hus-
band, to Kentucky River Hardwood Company, recorded in
deed book No. 38, page 248, Breathitt County Court Clerk's

     44. Lease Andy Eugate and Adelia Fugate, his wife, to
The Mowbray and Robinson Company, recorded in deed book
No. 41, page 433, Breathitt County Court Clerk's office.

     45. Lease G. W. Sizemore and Margaret Sizemore, his
wife, to The Mowbray and Robinson Company, recorded in
deed book No. 41, page 432, Breathitt Oounty Court Clerk's

     46. Deed Alfred A. Allen and Nancy Allen, his wife,
to The Mowbray and Robinson Company, recorded in deed book
No. 44, page 514, Breathitt County Court Clerk's office.

     Pirst party also conveys to second party all right,
title and interest first party may have in or to any
right of way over wi1ich said railroad is constructed and
which have not been mentioned above.



     Pirst party also sells, conve-ys, and delivers to sec-
ond party, its successors and assigns, in conjunction with
the properties before mentioned the ties and telephone
line, not including the rails, which rails are not owned
by first party, but are owned by the Louisville and Nash-
ville Railroad Company.

     HO HIAE AND TO HOLD ALL of the foregoing described
property and its apnurtenances unto the second party and
.i.ts stzccessors in fee simple forever.

     The aforesaid properties, appurtenances and easements
are each and all conveyed to the second party and its suc-
cessors upon the trust and for 'the uses and purposes here-
inafter mentioned; that is to say, for the purpose of ag-
ricultural experimental work and teaching, and for the
practical demonstration of reforestation.    The second
party rill institute and maintain upon said lands such model
farm or farms, orchards and such experimental farm develop-
ment as mast be desirable within its judgment, to the end
that practical denmonstration, study and work in operating
farms in -the mountain region and in teaching agriculture
therein, so as to conserve the soil fertility, add to it
ant utili