xt7qrf5k9z8q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qrf5k9z8q/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1991-05-jun18. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1991-05-jun18. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1991-05-jun18. 1991 1991-05-jun18. 2011 true xt7qrf5k9z8q section xt7qrf5k9z8q 

       Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentucky, Tuesday, June 18, 1991.

       The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met at 1:00
p.m. (Lexington time) on Tuesday, June 18, 1991 in the Board Room on the
18th floor of Patterson Office Tower on the Lexington Campus. Trustees
were in attendance at the Memorial Services for Governor Albert B.
Chandler, and a quorum was not present. Mr. John C. Darsie, Assistant
Secretary, postponed the 1:00 p.m. meeting to 4:00 p.m.

       A.    Meeting Opened and Roll Called

       Mr. Foster Ockerman, Chairman, called the meeting to order at
4:00 p.m., and the invocation was pronounced by Judge Henry R. Wilhoit.

       The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the call
of the roll:

       Mr. Foster Ockerman (Chairman), Mr. Ted B. Bates, Professor
Raymond F. Betts, Mr. Tracy Farmer, Senator Walter D. Huddleston,
Mr. Sean Lohman, Dr. Robert P. Meriwether, Professor Judith Rhoads,
Mr. James L. Rose, Mr. Jerome A. Stricker, Mr. William B. Sturgill,
Mr. Daniel C. Ulmer, Jr., Mr. Billy B. Wilcoxson, and Judge Henry R.
Wilhoit, Jr. Absent from the meeting were Professor Carolyn S. Bratt,
Mr. William E. Burnett, Jr., Mrs. Edythe Jones Hayes, Judge Robert F.
Stephens and Judge Julia K. Tackett. The University Administration was
represented by President Charles T. Wethington, Jr.; Chancellors Peter
P. Bosomworth, Robert E. Hemenway, and Ben W. Carr, Jr.; Vice Presidents
Edward A. Carter and Eugene Williams; Acting Vice President Leonard K.
Peters; Dr. Juanita Fleming, Special Assistant to the President for
Academic Affairs; Mr. C. M. Newton; and Mr. John C. Darsie, General

       Members of the news media were also in attendance. A quorum
being present, the Chairman declared the meeting officially open for the
conduct of business at 4:03 p.m.

       B. Minutes Approved

       Mr. Ockerman stated that the Minutes of the April 30, 1991 Board
of Trustees meeting had been distributed and asked for corrections or
additions. The Minutes were approved as distributed.

       C.    Resolution in Memoriam

       Judge Wilhoit read the following Resolution on the death of
Governor Albert B. Chandler:

       WHEREAS, former Governor Albert B. "Happy" Chandler helped guide
       the development of the University of Kentucky over more than a
       half century including serving as chairman of the Board of
       Trustees during two gubernatorial terms, and

       WHEREAS, Governor Chandler was always faithful in his attendance
       and participation as a member of the Board of Trustees, and


- 2 -

       WHEREAS, Governor Chandler's enthusiasm and encouragement aided
       the University of Kentucky as it matured in its quality of
       education and capacity to serve the citizens of the Commonwealth
       of Kentucky, and

       WHEREAS, the health and well-being of the citizens of the
       Commonwealth have benefitted immeasurably by Governor Chandler's
       personal efforts to develop the A. B. Chandler Medical Center, and

       WHEREAS, Governor Chandler was a loyal and dedicated supporter of
       the University of Kentucky athletics programs, and

       WHEREAS, the University of Kentucky will continue to build a
       brighter future for all Kentuckians as a result of Governor
       Chandler's courageous decisions,

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees of the
       University of Kentucky mourns Governor Chandler's death and
       extends sympathy to the Governor's family and all the citizens of
       Kentucky for their great loss, and

       BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this board dedicates itself to
       deliberate the important matters of the University of Kentucky in
       a spirit of progressive service characteristic of Governor
       Chandler's devotion to his beloved institution.

       On motion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried, the
Resolution was adopted, ordered spread upon the Minutes of the meeting
and that an attested copy be sent to the Chandler family.

       D. President's Report to the Trustees (PR 1)

       In reviewing his report to the Trustees, President Wethington
called attention to the following items:

       1. John Russell Groves Jr., Associate Professor in the College
           of Architecture, has been named Academic Ombudsman for

       2. A Fayette County Justice Center, a joint public service
           initiative of the UK College of Law, the Fayette County
           Courts, local social service organizations and the organized
           bar, was recently announced by Kentucky Chief Justice Robert
           F. Stephens. The Center will help central Kentuckians
           mediate and resolve disputes without going to court and will
           be in operation by 1992.

       3. The 1991 Children's Miracle Network Telethon to benefit the
           UK Hospital's Pediatric Program raised more than $300,000.

       4. Kimberly A. Ward, Assistant Professor of Chemical
           Engineering, has won the National Science Foundation's
           Presidential Young Investigator Award.


- 3 -

       5. The Leadership Academy, sponsored by the UK Community College
           System and the Kellogg Foundation, was recently held at Shaker
           Village. This Academy is a component of the American Association
           of Community and Junior College's Beacon College Program and is a
           major, first effort for the Community College System in helping
           prepare some of its own leaders for the future.

       President Wethington asked that the Trustees review the other items
in his report at their leisure.

       E. Personnel Actions (PR 2)

       With President Wethington so recommending, Mr. Stricker made a motion
to approve the routine personnel actions in PR 2. The motion, seconded by
Professor Rhoads, carried. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)

       F. Statement of University Purpose and Mission (PR 3A)

       President Wethington reminded the Trustees that the University's
purpose and mission statement was pulled from the April 30, 1991 Board
agenda for further review by the Senate Council. With the concurrence of
the Senate Council, President Wethington recommended approval of PR 3A. On
motion made by Professor Betts, seconded by Mr. Wilcoxson and carried, the
Statement of University Purpose and Mission was approved. (See PR 3A at the
end of the Minutes.)

       G. University Basic Life Insurance Plan (PR 3B)

       President Wethington stated that PR 3B authorizes the President of
the University to take the necessary steps to increase the amount of Basic
Life Insurance carried on regular, full-time, active employees from $5,000
to $7,500. It is the opinion of the Employee Benefits Committee that the
current $5,000 amount no longer represents a basic amount of life insurance
necessary to provide burial services. Mr. Sturgill so moved. His motion,
seconded by Dr. Meriwether, passed. (See PR 3B at the end of the Minutes.)

       H. Revision of University of Kentucky Retirement Plan (PR 3C)

       President Wethington stated that PR 3C is a recommendation that the
Board approve the revisions in the University of Kentucky Retirement Plan as
incorporated in the Administrative Regulations to reflect University
contributions of eight and one-half percent and participant contributions of
four and one-fourth percent for Group II, Group III and Group IV personnel
effective July 1, 1991. He noted that this is the first step to begin to
equalize the required contribution percentages of Group II, III and IV
retirement plans. On motion made by Professor Betts and seconded by Mr.
Lohman, PR 3C passed. (See PR 3C at the end of the Minutes.)

       I. Amendment of the Community College Coe of Student Conduct (PR 4A)

       President Wethington recommended that the Board approve the proposed
changes in the Community College Code of Student Conduct. This change
pertains to the definition of indecent or obscene behavior in Article I -
The Community College Judicial System. He stated that it will bring the


- 4 -

Community College System Code of Student Conduct in line with the University
System Code of Student Conduct. Mr. Stricker so moved. The motion was
seconded by Professor Rhoads and carried. (See PR 4A at the end of the

       J. Appointment of President. Owensboro Community College (PR 4B)

       President Wethington reported that PR 4B and PR 4C relate to the
appointments of two community college presidents. He asked Chancellor Carr
to comment on both items.

       Chancellor Carr reviewed the credentials of Dr. John M. McGuire and
expressed pleasure in recommending that Dr. McGuire be named President of
Owensboro Community College effective July 29, 1991. On motion made by Dr.
Meriwether, seconded by Professor Betts and carried, the Board approved the
appointment of Dr. McGuire. (See PR 4B at the end of the Minutes.)

       K. Appointment of President. Prestonsburg Community College (PR 4C)

       Chancellor Carr reviewed the credentials of Dr. Deborah L. Floyd. He
said that he was pleased to recommend that Dr. Floyd be named President of
Prestonsburg Community College effective July 29, 1991. Mr. Sturgill moved
approval of PR 4C. The motion, which was seconded by Professor Betts, was
voted on and unanimously carried. (See PR 4C at the end of the Minutes.)

       President Wethington noted that both candidates were recommended by
the search committees and were interviewed by himself and Chancellor Carr.

       L. Appointpent of Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Studies -
Lexington Campus (PR 5A)

       President Wethington stated that PR 5A is another significant
administrative appointment for the Lexington Campus. He asked Chancellor
Hemenway to comment about the recommendation.

       Chancellor Hemenway said that a brief biography on Dr. Watt was
included in the background information in PR 5A. He added that Dr. Watt
represents the combination of teaching and research, and he has proven
ability as an administrator in his role as chairman of the Chemistry
Department. In his opinion, Dr. Watt is an excellent appointment.

       President Wethington stated that this is the third significant
appointment affecting the Research and Graduate Studies area. He reminded
the Trustees of the appointment of Dr. Linda J. Magid, Vice President for
Research and Graduate Studies, and Dr. Delwood Collins, Vice Chancellor for
Research and Graduate Studies for the Medical Center. He said that the
University is fortunate to be able to appoint a distinguished scientist like
Dr. Watt. He expressed pleasure in recommending the appointment of Dr. Watt
effective immediately.

       Mr. Ockerman entertained a motion for approval. Professor Betts so
moved. The motion was seconded by Mr. Bates and passed unanimously. (See
PR 5A at the end of the Minutes.)

       Dr. Watt was in attendance, and President Wethington asked him to
stand and be recognized, following which he received a round of applause.


- 5 -

      M.  Appointments/Reappointments to University of Kentucky Mining
Engineering Foundation (PR 5B) and Appointments/Reappointments to University
of Kentucky Business Partnership Foundation (PR 5C)

       Mr. Ockerman stated that PR 5B and PR 5C pertain to appointments and
reappointments to the Mining Engineering Foundation and the Business
Partnership Foundation. He asked that both items be considered on one vote.

       President Wethington reviewed the names and terms of
appointments/reappointments to the Foundations. He recommended that
approval be given to the appointments/reappointments listed In PR 5B and PR

       Mr. Ockerman entertained a motion for approval. Mr. Stricker so
moved. The motion was seconded by Mr. Rose and carried. (See PR 5B and PR
5C at the end of the Minutes.)

       N.  Fund Board of Directors Appointment (PR 6A)

       President Wethington recommended that approval be given to the
reappointment of Mr. Arch Mainous, Jr. as a member of the Board of THE FUND
for Advancement of Education and Research in the University of Kentucky
Medical Center for an additional two-year term beginning July 1, 1991 and
ending June 30, 1993. On motion made by Mr. Wilcoxson and seconded by Mr.
Ulmer, PR 6A passed. (See PR 6A at the end of the Minutes.)

       0. Agreement Between University of Kentuckv and Kentucky Medical
Services Foundation (PR 6B)

       President Wethington reported that PR 6B is the annual agreement
between the University and the Kentucky Medical Services Foundation. This
recommendation carries a significant change which involves the percentage
allocation. He reviewed the proposed change and recommended its approval.
Professor Rhoads moved approval of PR 6B. The motion, seconded by Senator
Huddleston, carried. (See PR 6B at the end of the Minutes.)

       P. Establishment of Center of Membrane Sciences (PR 8A)

       President Wethington recommended that approval be given to establish
the Center of Membrane Sciences which is a multidisciplinary research
center. He noted that the Center will not have students enrolled nor will
it award degrees. The proposal has been reviewed by the Senate Council and
passed by the University Senate.

       Mr. Ockerman entertained a motion for approval. Dr. Meriwether so
moved. His motion was seconded by Mr. Lohman and passed without dissent.
(See PR 8A at the end of the Minutes.)

       Q. Appointment of Board of Directors - University of Kentucky
Research Foundation (PR 8B)

       President Wethington recommended that approval be given to the
reappointment of Mr. Ralph G. Anderson and Mr. Jerome A. Stricker to the
Board of Directors of the University's Research Foundation for three-year
terms beginning July 1, 1991 and ending June 30, 1994. Mr. Sturgill made a
motion that PR 8B be approved. Dr. Meriwether seconded the motion, and it
carried. (See PR 8B at the end of the Minutes.)


- 6 -

       R. Acceptance of Interim Financial Rept for the University of
Kentucky for the Eleven Months Ended May 31. 1991 (FOR 1)

      Mr. Ockerman, Chairman of the Finance Committee, reported that FCR 1
is a routine report and stated that everything in the report is in order.
Mr. Wilcoxson made a motion that the report be approved. Mr. Rose seconded
the motion and it passed. (See FCR 1 at the end of the Minutes.)

       S. Disposal of Personal Propertv (FOR 2)

       With Mr. Ockerman so recommending, Mr. Stricker moved that the Board
approve the Disposal of Personal Property as described in Exhibit I. The
motion, seconded by Mr. Lohman, passed. (See FCR 2 at the end of the

       T. Capital Construction Report (FOR 3)

       Mr. Ockerman reported that the Capital Construction Report is a
detailed report for the nine months ending March 31, 1991, and the Finance
Committee recommends its approval. Mr. Sturgill so moved. His motion was
seconded by Mr. Farmer and carried. (See FCR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)

       U. Report of Leases (FCR 4)

       On motion made by Mr. Bates, seconded by Professor Rhoads and
carried, the Board approved the Report of Leases, authorizing the President
or his designated representative to enter into leases and easements not
exceeding $30,000 in value. (See FCR 4 at the end of the Minutes.)

       V. Approval of Leases (FOR 5)

       Mr. Ockerman reported that FCR 5 relates to the renewal of five
leases and stated that the Finance Committee recommends approval. Mr. Rose
moved and Mr. Farmer seconded the motion that the five leases be renewed.
The motion carried. (See FCR 5 at the end of the Minutes.)

       Mr. Ockerman stated that FCR 6 is the Operating Budget and would be
considered as the last item on the agenda.

       W.  Patent Assignment (FCR 7)

       Mr. Ockerman stated that FCR 7 is a routine patent assignment which
is in keeping with the policy of the University of Kentucky and is
recommended for approval by the Finance Committee. Judge Wilhoit so moved.
The motion, seconded by Senator Huddleston, passed. (See FCR 7 at the end
of the Minutes.)

       X. Acceptance of Gift from the James Graham Brown Foundation (FOR 8)

       Mr. Ockerman expressed pleasure in recommending approval of four
outstanding gifts, the first being from the James Graham Brown Foundation in
the amount of $500,000 to the Sanders-Brown Center on Aging to be used to
initiate a $13 million building campaign for new clinical, research and
educational facilities. Mr. Bates so moved. Mr. Bates' motion was seconded
by Dr. Meriwether and unanimously carried. (See FCR 8 at the end of the


- 7 -

      Y. Acceptance of Gift from the John R. and Margrite Davis Foundation
(FCR 9)

      Mr. Ockerman next recommended that the Board accept the gift of
$425,000 from the John R. and Margrite Davis Foundation to the Gaines Center
for the Humanities. On motion made by Professor Betts, seconded by
Professor Rhoads and carried, it was so ordered. (See FCR 9 at the end of
the Minutes.)

       Z. Acceptance of Gift for Nicholas J. Pisacano. M.D.. Chair in Family
Practice (FCR 10)

      Mr. Ockerman then recommended the acceptance of the gift of
$780,840.34 from an anonymous donor to the University of Kentucky for the
College of Medicine Department of Family Practice. The motion, which was
made by Dr. Meriwether and seconded by Mr. Bates, was voted on and carried.
(See FCR 10 at the end of the Minutes.)

       Professor Betts stated that this gift is doubly noteworthy. It
recognizes Dr. Pisacano who did so much for family practice and indicates
the value of family practice to the medical profession.

       AA. AcceptancQf Gift of M. Margrite Davis and Ralph E!. Mills
Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy Facilitv from Ephraim McDowell
Cancer Research Foundation (FCR 11)

       Mr. Ockerman recommended another outstanding gift from the Ephraim
McDowell Cancer Research Foundation of the M. Margrite Davis and Ralph E.
Mills Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy Facility, the third
building of the Lucille Parker Markey Cancer Research Center. The motion,
which was made by Professor Rhoads and seconded by Mr. Rose, unanimously
carried. (See FCR 11 at the end of the Minutes.)

       BB. Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky
Accepting the Successful Bid for the Purchase of $36,35  .00 Principal
Amount of University of Kentucky Community Colleges Educational Buildings
Revenue Bonds, Series H. Dated June 1. 1991 (FCR 12)

       Thereupon, a motion was made by Professor Rhoads and seconded by
Professor Betts that the following titled Resolution, which was presented to
and accepted by the Finance Committee, be passed:

       Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky
       Accepting the Successful Bid for the Purchase of $36,350,000
       Principal Amount of University of Kentucky Community Colleges
       Educational Buildings Revenue Bonds, Series H, Dated June 1, 1991

       (Resolution attached to these Minutes.)

       The motion passed. Thereupon, the Chairman declared that the motion
had carried and that the Resolution had been passed and adopted. He
directed that the same be recorded in the Minutes of the Board. (See FCR 12
at the end of the Minutes.)


- 8 -

      CC. Operating Budget for 1991-92 (FCR 6)

      Mr. Ockerman asked President Wethington to make the presentation on
the 1991-92 Operating Budget.

      President Wethington reflected on the significant progress for the
University and indicated the $816.8 million proposed budget is a very good
budget. It represents an overall increase of $75.9 million (10.2%). He
expressed appreciation to Governor Wallace G. Wilkinson and the members of
the 1990 General Assembly who passed an Education Reform Act and raised
revenue to support higher education.

      Using a series of slides, he provided an overview of the proposed
budget and called attention to the following items:

         - The state appropriation increased by $33.3 million (14.5%) for
           the University System. Of the $33.3 million increase, $9.6
           million represents new debt service and $23.7 million represents
           the formula increase.

         - The state appropriation increased by $14.9 million (25.5%) for
           the Community College System. Of that $14.9 million increase,
           $4.9 million represents new debt service and $10.0 million
           (17.1%) represents the formula increase.

         - The percent of the budget supported by the state appropriation is
           increasing from 38.8% to 41.1%.

         - Tuition and fees have increased by $8.2 million (11%) -- 8% for
           the University System and slightly over 6% for the Conmunity
           College System.

         - Auxiliary and affiliate income has increased by $8.1 million.

         - Hospital income has increased by $11.5 million, primarily due to
           a 10% rate increase on ancillary service and room rates in
           addition to new programs, increased volume, and operating program

       President Wethington informed the Board that the budget will be spent
as follows:
                  People                              57%
                  Operating Expenses                  33%
                  Debt Service                         5%
                  Capital Items                        5%

       He provided information on the special state appropriations that are
earmarked: Debt Service Adjustment, New Debt Service, Kentucky Cancer
Registry, Omnibus Health Care, Groundwater Instruction and Research Program,
Commonwealth Scholars Program, Operating Funds for Animal Diagnostic Lab,
Community College Courses in Carrollton, Cost-of-living for the Extension
Salary Catch-up, and the Kentucky Geological Survey.


- 9 -

       President Wethington said that priority was placed on fixed and
continuation costs, competitive and equitable salaries and benefits for all
University employees, and equal opportunity initiatives in making the budget
decisions. He noted that emphasis was also placed on a first-rate learning
environment for undergraduate students, a commitment to research service and
graduate and professional education, and the continuing demands of
enrollment growth in the Community College System.

       After reviewing the fixed and continuation costs for the University,
he elaborated on the breakdown of the budget, noting a 10% average salary
increase for faculty and staff which includes merit increases, faculty
promotions, staff scale adjustments, equity and market adjustments, related
benefits, and an increase for retirees and graduate assistants.

       President Wethington reported that there are some improvements in
employee benefits that will be important in demonstrating the University's
commitment to equity and excellence. He cited the following improvements:

         - Increase in basic life insurance paid by the University from
           $5,000 to $7,500.

         - A move toward equalization of the faculty and staff retirement

         - Continuation of University-provided single coverage for health

       He then compared the University's salaries to the benchmark
institutions. He said that the goal was to bring the average salary of the
University System faculty and the Community College System faculty to the
level of the benchmark institutions. He was pleased to report that the
average faculty salary for both systems next year will be at or above the
median faculty salary of the benchmark institutions median this year.

       President Wethington commented on the equal opportunity initiatives
in the budget. He said that there would be $200,000 for additional
scholarships for minority students, $100,000 for a professional development
opportunity program for hourly staff, $200,000 for minority postdoctoral
fellowships, and $100,000 for women postdoctorates in underrepresented areas
such as engineering. He noted that the President's funding of the first
year salaries for newly employed minority faculty on the Lexington Campus
and the Medical Center would be continued. He then called attention to the
$300,000 set aside for the recruitment of ten minority faculty positions in
the Community College System and said that there is also $200,000 in the
Operating Budget for the enhancement of graduate opportunities for
minorities and women. It is believed that these initiatives will allow the
University to increase its scholarships, develop some of its own talent and
do an even better job of recruiting.


- 10 -

       President Wethington reported on the enrollment figures, noting the
rapid growth in the Community College System.

       He reviewed the items relating to the University's commitment to
research, service, and graduate and professional education, noting that
$500,000 was added for replacement and renewal of research equipment.

       President Wethington commented on budget management (reallocation and
cost containment measures). He pointed out that the University System is
reimbursed by the following units for services provided:

                  Athletics                            $1.2
                  Hospital                              2.0
                  Housing and Dining                     .7
                  Community College System              1.5
                  Research Foundation                   2.5
                  The Fund                              1.4

       President Wethington concluded his presentation by expressing his
appreciation and thanks to Ed Carter, Joan McCauley and their staff for
their good work in preparing the budget.   He noted that the document had
earlier been explained in some detail to members of the media. He said that
the budget represents some major opportunities for advancement for the
University. He expressed pleasure in recommending to the Board the approval
of the'1991-92 Operating Budget.

       Mr. Wilcoxson moved that the budget recommended be adopted and the
chairman of the Board be authorized to negotiate and execute contracts with
the administrative officers providing for the terms and conditions of their
employment. Mr. Rose seconded the motion.

       Mr. Ockerman thanked President Wethington for the excellent
presentation and also expressed appreciation to others that assisted in the
preparation of the document.  He said that the entire educational system in
the Commonwealth is very fortunate in having the opportunity to deal with
this kind of an appropriation. He praised Governor Wilkinson and the
legislature for their foresight in addressing the problems of education. He
called for a vote on Mr. Wilcoxson's motion; it passed unanimously. (See
FCR 6 at the end of the Minutes.)

       DD. Nominating Committee Appointed

       Mr. Ockerman reappointed the existing Nominating Committee. The
Committee will be Senator Huddleston (Chairperson), Mrs. Hayes, (Vice
Chairperson), Mr. Burnett, Mr. Rose, Mr. Wilcoxson, and Judge Wilhoit. The
Committee will recommend officers of the Board and members of the Executive
Committee of the Board for 1991-92. Senator Huddleston will present the
Committee's report at the September 17, 1991 meeting.

       EE. National Alumni Workshop

       Mr. Bates extended an invitation to the trustees to attend the
University's National Alumni Workshop at Jamestown, Kentucky on June 20-22,
1991. The objective of the workshop is to plan the alumni activities for
the coming year.


- 11 -

       FF. Mr. Sean Lohman Recognized

       Mr. Ockerman noted that Mr. Lohman's term expires June 30, 1991. He
expressed appreciation to Mr. Lohman for his punctuality, presence and
participation on the Board.

       GG. Meeting Adjourned

       There being no further business to come before the Board, the
Chairman adjourned the meeting at 5:20 p.m.

                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                        John C. Darsie
                                        Assistant Secretary
                                        Board of Trustees

(PR's 2, 3A, 3B. 3C, 4A, 4B, 4C, 5A, 5B, 5C, 6A, 6B, 8A, and 8B, FCR's 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 which follow are official parts of the
Minutes of the Meeting.)



                                                Office of the President
                                                June 18, 1991

Members, Board of Trustees:

                          PERSONNEL ACTIONS

Rec Qmendation: (1) that approval be given to the attached
appointments, actions and/or other staff changes which require Board
action; and (2) that the report relative to appointments and/or
changes already approved by the administration be accepted.

Backgroud: The attached recommended appointments and/or other staff
changes require approval by the Board of Trustees in accordance with
Part VIII-B of the Governing Regulations of the University. These
recommendations are transmitted to the Board by the appropriate
chancellor through the President and have his concurrence.

Under the Governing Regulations, the authority to make certain
appointments and/or other staff changes is delegated to the President
or other administrators who are required to report their actions to
the Board. This report follows the recommendations requiring Board

Action taken:  Approved    I      Disapproved           Other

Date: June 18. 1991




                      C0YMMJNTY COILEGE SYSTEM



              Paducah Community College

              O'Hara, Leonard F., Associate Professor in the
                   Community College System (with tenure), 7/1/91.


              Ashland Community College

              Brewer, Faye, Associate Professor in the Community
                   College System (with tenure), appointed Chairman,
                   Division of Social Sciences and Related
                   Technologies, 7/1/91 through 6/30/94.
              Howes, Charles, Professor in the Community College
                   System (with tenure), appointed Chairman, Division
                   of Biological Sciences and Related Technologies,
                   7/1/91 through 6/30/94.
              Livingston, George, Professor in the Community College
                   System (with tenure), appointed Chairman, Division
                   of Physical Sciences and Related Technologies,
                   7/1/91 through 6/30/94.
              Nicholls, Barbara, Associate Professor in the Community
                   College System (with tenure), appointed Chairman,
                   Division of English, Fine Arts and Humanities,
                   7/1/91 through 6/30/94.

              Henderson Community College

              Kline, Sally H., Assistant Professor in the Community
                   College System, appointed Chairman, Division of
                   Social and Behavioral Sciences and Related
                   Technologies, 7/1/91 through 6/30/94.

              Jefferson Community College

              Alderdice, Phyllis C., Associate Professor in the
                   Community College System (with tenure), appointed
                   Chairman, Division of Business and Related
                   Technologies, Downtown Campus, 7/1/91 through
              Bennett, Sharon K., Associate Professor in the
                    Community College System (with tenure), appointed
                    Chairman, Division of Natural Sciences and Related
                    Technologies, Downtown Campus, 'i,/1/91 through



Banneil, Loretta G., AssociaLe Professor in th