xt7qnk364f0g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qnk364f0g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Teachers Association  The Kentucky Teachers Association 1951 journals  English The Kentucky Teachers Association   Kentucky Negro Educational Association Journal African Americans -- Education -- Kentucky -- Periodicals 75th Year of Progress KNEA Diamond Jubilee, 1951 text This publication is held at Kentucky State University Library. 75th Year of Progress KNEA Diamond Jubilee, 1951 1951 1951 2021 true xt7qnk364f0g section xt7qnk364f0g  





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The growth of the K. N. E. A. over the years has been the result of
the hope, aspirations, enthusiasm and the untiring efforts of the teachers
of Kentucky.

Before the Civil War, practically nothing had been done for the
education of the Negroes of the state. Most of the Negroes were slaves,
spending their time working for their slaveholders or owners. As a result
of their servitude they were deprived of any opportunities for educational
advancement. A few years after the Civil War some meager provisions
were made for the support of common schools for Negroes. Some years
later more plans were worked out for Negro education on a state—wide
basis. The taxes collected from the taxable property of Negroes, the poll
taxes paid by male Negro citizens, plus donations and gifts were used for
the education of Negro children. However, it was as late as 1882 when
an act was passed by the General Assembly which provided for equal
funds to be used alike for both white and Negro children.

During the early years of our history, schools were few in number
and very inferior in quality in comparison with schools of today.

With seventy—five years behind it, the K. N. E. A., through its militant
leadership, has worked incessantly for equal educational opportunities
for every Kentucky child. Today Kentucky feels proud of its many
standard elementary and accredited secondary schools. Great pride is
taken in West Kentucky Vocational Training School, Lincoln Institute,
Kentucky State College, and in all other agencies that are contributing
so much to the advancement of the Kentucky educational program.

As the educational picture unfolds itself, we are encouraged by the
progress that has been made during the seventy-five years of our existence.
The K. N. E. A. has had some part to play in every endeavor that has
been put forth to equalize educational opportunities in the state. These
endeavors include the building of better schools, equalizing teachers’
salaries, the opening of the University of Kentucky to Negroes, and the
modification of the Day Law to the extent that it is possible to attend
almost any school or college in the state.

To all teachers, both past and present, who have done what they
could to help advance the cause of education, and to our many friends,
we are grateful for your contributions to the success that is ours today.
We predict, if we continue to combine our interests and our strength,
that all obstacles in the way of adequate support of education in the
State of Kentucky will be removed, and education in Kentucky will be
on a par with the best educational systems in the United States.






Sunset and evening star,
And one clear call for me!

And may 'there be no moaning ol' the bar,
When I put out to sea.

But such a tide as moving seems asleep,
Too full for sound and foam,

When that which drew from out the boundless deep
Turns again home.

Twilight and evening bell.
And al'ter that the dark!

And may there be no sadness ol‘ farewell,
When I embark;

For tho’ h‘om'out our bourne of Time and Place
The flood may bear me far,
I hope to see my Pilot face to face
When I have crost the bar.



Earliest record of. schools For Negroes in Kentucky is 1827. These schools,
conducted for a few men hs each year, were in Lexington, Louisville, Covington
and a few other towns.

In 1839 the Common School Laws were amended to exempt the property of
free Negroes from taxes for school purposes.

Pay schools were conducted by white and Negro teachers in the years pre-
ceding the Civil War.

By acts of the General Assembly on February 6, 1866, a school system for
Negroes was provided. These schools were operated by white trustees from
taxes raised from Negroes. Negroes were employed as teachers, and were
required to hold certificates.

1866 found enrollment at Berea College opened to Negroes. Many tool;
advantage of this opportunity for better preparation.


The State Association of Teachers in Colored Schools was organized in Frank-
fort in 1877. John H. Jackson was elected the first president. The name
of the Association was changed later to the Kentucky Negro Education Asso—
The first work done by the newly—organized association was to send a com-
mittee to the General Assembly to request that improvements be made in
the schools for Negroes.
Simmons University was founded in Louisville in 1879.
L ‘By act of the General Assembly in 1887, the State Normal for Colored Persons
was organized. This institution is now Kentucky State College.
In 1892 the membership fee was made $1.00 per year, and life membership
fee was set at $5.00.
During this period rural schools were operated for a period of five months
out of the year, and high schools were organized in many cities throughout
the state.
The twenty-first session was held at Berea College in 1901.
Western Kentucky Vocational Training School was organized at Padueah
in 1911.
November 12, 191.3, the State Association of Teachers in Colored Schools
was incorporated as the Kentucky Negro Education Association. At that
time Louisville was chosen as the permanent meeting place for the Association.
In 1917, the 14th of November was set aside as “Booker T. Washington Day.”
A War Conference was held at Camp Zachary Taylor in 1918.
“The State Normal for Colored Persons changed to Kentucky State College,
and West Kentucky Vocational Training School reorganized in 1921.
The 50th Anniversary in 1926 was highlighted with a “Pageant of Progress.”
During this period the schools of the state were greatly benefited by aid
received from the Rosenwald Fund, the State Jeanes Fund, and the General
Education Fund.
Initiation of school consolidation and school bus transportation, and the
abolishment of many of the Negro school boards were noteworthy events
of this period.
The first Annual K. N. E. A. Musical was held in 1931.
In 1934 an act of the General Assembly extended the benefits of the State
Salary Code to all schools.
The Anderson—Mayer Act of 1936 gave state aid to graduate students in
schools outside the state.
The K. N. E. A. cooperated with Frank Stanley, J. A. C. Lattimore, Jesse
Lawrence and others in getting the Day Law amended in 1950.
The suit made by Lyman Johnson in 1950, to enter the University of Ken-
tucky was backed in part by the Association.
This period in the history 0" the Association has seen the appointment of
A. E. Meyzeek to the State Board of Education, the appointment of C. L.
Timberlake as a member of the State Textbook Commission, the appointment
of W. M. Young to the stafl" of the State Education Department, and the
appointment of Miss B. Lillian Carpenter as an Assistant Supervisor in the
public schools of Louisville. These appointments, the first of their kind for
members of our race in Kentucky, have gone hand in hand with other “firsts"
too numerous to mention here.
Throughout this era there has been an increased emphasis placed on the
trades, libraries, health and physical education, and the preparation of teachers.
There has been an unbroken series of meetings since the first meeting in 1877.






One cannot always live in the past. The future
beckons. Progress ahead lies in the hands of the
present officers and the members they lead.


R. L. Dowery, President

Mrs. Agnes G. Duncan, First Vice President

F. I. Stiger, Second Vice President

W. L. Spearman, Secretary-Treasurer

Mrs. Anita C. Richards, Assistant Secretary

Alice D. Samuels, Historian


W. Ben Chenault, Stanford C. B. Nuekolls, Ashland
H. C. Mathis, Drakesboro E.W.Whiteside,Paducah

= i

Secre tary-Trcasu rer


187 7-1950


Throughout the years the K. N. E. A. has benefited by the unselfish service of its
members. Space 01' time will not permit recognition of the many. Instead on
this page we proudly present some of" those men and women whose untiring efforts
as leaders of our organization have led us through seventy-five years of educa—
tional progress.






John H. Jackson~1877 F. M. Wood~l908—15
J. M. Maxwell 1878-80 H. C. Hussell~1915-22
W. H. Jackson—1880 E. E. Reed l922—25
H. Shirley~l88L82 E. B. Davis—192527
‘ W. H. Perry. Sr.~1883-86 A. E. Meyzeek71927—29
C. C. Monroeil886-88 W. H. Humphrey—1929-3l
J. S. Hathaway—1889 D. H. Anderson~193l-33
,- W. J. Simmons~1890 R. B. Atwoodh1933—35
J. H. Jackson~189l W. S. Blanton——1935-37
W. H. May0~1892-93 W. H. Fouse—193739
B. Mitchell—1894i S. L. Barkerwl939-4]
C. H. Parrish, Sr.—~l.895-98 H. E. Goodloe—l.94l-43
Miss M. S. Brown~l899 Mrs. L. H. Smith~1943~46
J. E. Wood~1899—l901 W. O. Nuckolls—l946—xilr8
F. L. Williamsfil901—O7 W. H. Young—l948—50
W. H. Jackson—1877—78 Miss M. V. Cook—1894
J. C. Graves—1880 Miss C. Butler*1895—99
W. H. Perry, Sr.#1881—82 Miss E. F. Kennedy—18994900
C. Steele-1883 J. H. Lyons—1900—01
W. H. Mayo—1884 Miss Z. F. Cox—1901-07
M. W. Britton~1885-86 Mrs. A. L. Garvin—1907—08
' Miss R. J. Davis—1886-87 Miss K. C. Brashear—l908-15
G. W. Talbott~1888-89 E. E. Reed—1916-22
A. H. Payne~1890-91 A. S. Wilson—1922412

Miss G. G. Moore—l 892-93 W. H. Perry, Jr.fil942-50



L. D. Williams W. H. Perry, Sr. V. K. Perry
Mrs. L. B. Fouse G. W. Saffell R. L. Dowery
Mrs. M. G. Egester R. L. Yancey W. H. Young
F. M. Wood H. F. Jones L. Hawkins
P. Moore W. C. Davis E. Poston
W. S. Blanton G. W. Adams W. H. Maddox
Mrs. L. C. Snowden M. J. Sleet E. W. Whiteside
Mrs. E. S. Taylor F. M. Wood C. B. Nuckolls
F. A. Taylor J. L. Bean H. C. Mathis

- J. E. Wood G. L. Barker W. B. Chenault

G. W. Jackson E. T. Bul'ord



K. N. E. A.


II. C. RUSSELL—1915222



S. L. BARKER—193941


—] 941-443










A. S. WILSON—192242
WM. H. PERRY, JR.~194~2-50



Member of the Board 01' Directors



F. I. Stiger, First District, Mayfield

G. B. Houston, Second District, Henderson

L. J. Twyman, Third District, Glasgow

Mrs. Bessie Thompson, Fourth District, Elizabethtown

W. L. Spearman, Fifth District, Louisville

W. Ben Chenault, Bluegrass District, Stanford

H. R. Merry, Northern District, Covington

W. A. Croley, Eastern District, Jenkins

Mrs. Jolmny B. Wood, Upper Cumberland District, Harlan


The Third District Teachers’ Association was organized in the late 1800's at Bowling Green,
Kentucky. by leading educators of that period. Those educators realized a definite responsibility
to the youth of the area, and felt this need could be met more ell'ectively by organized leadership
of men and women who had dedicated their lives to the teaching and educational process.

In spite of two \Vorld \Vars the organization has moved forward, and has met annually in
October in various cities in the Third Congressional District. quch interest has been shown by
the large portion of the membership who attends these annual meetings.

This organization has had many leading educators to serve as its presidents over the years.
Among these presidents we find such leaders as C. L. Timberlake, H. E. Goodloe, E. 'l'. Buford,
.- R. H. Sewell, and H. C. Mathis.

Throughout the years the Association has sponsored many educational activities. These
activ1t|es 1nclude an annual District Musical and ()ratorical Contest.


, The Third District resolves to support the Diamond Jubilee Celebration as well as all progressive
steps made by the K. N. E. A.








The Fourth District Teachers Association was organized at West Point, Kentucky, in October
of 1900. _ During these 51 years the Association has made outstanding contributions to the field
of education in each county represented and to the K. N. E. A.’s general program.

Throughout the years the Work done in the Fourth District has attracted the attention of
teachers in other areas of the state.

It is impossible to name all who have served as president of the Association, but we will list
a few of them: S. G. Smith, J. R. Ray, Burt Lark, A. L. Poole, C. B. Nuckolls, R. L. Dowery,
C. H. Woodson, Russell Stone, M. J. Strong, A. R. Lasley, N. S. Thomas, and Mrs.
Bessie Thompson.

The officers and members of the Fourth District Teachers Association offer congratulations
and best wishes upon this your 75th Anniversary. May you continue the forward march of

(Mas) Beser THOMPSON, President


As early as 1936 mention was made of the Fifth District as a loosely organized district under the
leadership of Mrs. Etta Taylor.

The reorganization of the District, one of the youngest of the nine district associations of the
K. N. E. A., took place during the school year 1945-1940.

Its birth developed out _of the desire of the Louisville Chapter of the NAACP and a group
of Louisville teachers to gain equality in professional growth for all teachers in the system.

The interestedjpartiesZoanontactingZSuperintendentLOmer Carmichael found him very receptive
to the idea. . This was probably_ the first step made by the then new superintendent to place
all teachers in the system on the same professional level.

Mrs. Elizabeth Collinsiafter {conference,with‘Mr. Carmichael, was asked to serve as chairman
of a group to perfect .the reorganization of the . ssociation. She was successful in securing the
assistance of the prinCipals of the City and through Mr. W. H. Perry the support of the K. N. E. A.

It Thelfirst threeflyearszfoundlMrs. Collins at the‘Lhelmiof the organization. first as Chairman,
and for two years, President. Duringathese years the facilities of the commercial departments
of Central High, Madison Junior High,;‘and Jackson Junior High were donated to the Association.
Financial assistance was given to the Association at this time by the K. N. E. A. However, un—
der the capable leadership of Mrs. Collins, the Association was soon able to stand on its own feet.

During the term of Mrs. AgnesDuncan, the second President, the Association did a magnificent
job of throwrng its resources behind the Lyman Johnson vs. The University of Kentucky case.

A workshop was sponsored by the organization in 1951 with Mr. Vernon E. Miller as chairman
of the program committee.

The Association in 1951 stands in the unique position of having as its President the Secretary
of the K. N. E. A., and as Its-VICE President the President of the K. N. E. A. Mrs. Hazel Bolari
and Mr. Carl Forbes are servrng as Secretary and Treasurer, respectively.

The officers and membership of the Fifth District offer their hearty congratulations to their
parent organization, the K. N. E. A., on its 75th birthday.


The Upper Cumberland District Teachers” Association was organized in 1931 at Middlesboro,
Kentucky. The Association is comprised of the following counties and the Independent Districts
therein: Harlan, Bell, Knox, Whitley, Clay, and Laurel.

Since the organization of the Association, meetings have been held in many of the towns which
comprise the district. T he organization began with the purpose in mind of helping teachers
acquaint themselves with the newer trends in education. Besides the use of local talent. special—
ists have been brought in to conduct workshops in the newer trends in teaching techniques.

The U. C. D. T. A. has been active in the support of the K. N. E. A. and its policies toward
improved educational opportunities for Negroes. In addition to this we have tried to encourage
scholarshi by promoting speech contests and spelling matches. We have sent a number of
pupils to touisville to take part in the annual K. N. E. A. Spelling Contest.

Mns. JOHNNY B. Woou, President





R. B. ATWOOD, President CHANDLER HALL, Girls’ Dormitory



A Class “A” College—Co-educational
Ideally Located—N’Ioderate Rates—Excellent Faculty


The aims of the Kentucky State College are:

1. The training 01' teachers, administrators, and supervisors for the public educational system
of the Commonwealth.

2. The training of workers in agriculture and home economics.

3. Preparation for entrance upon graduate and professional study.

While emphasis is placed by the college upon these major aims, as was originally intended by
the State, the institution is also attentive toward the training and development of qualities which
are necessary for effective living in present-day society. To the end that its graduates may be
trained for a complete and full life, the college offers a program of curricular and extra-curricular
activities that includes the following objectives:
acquisition and maintenance of sound health
discovery and development of interests and aptitudes
cultivation of an appreciation for beauty and nature
application of ethical ideals in individual and economic relationships
preparation for worthy home membership
preparation for the proper use of leisure time

he my: :79:



. cultivation of an appreciation for and an understanding of racial heritage
. preparation for social adjusting

achievement of excellence in scholarship

development of a Christian philosophy of life


Kentucky State College is the result of an act passed by the General Assembly of Kentucky in
1886. This act established the State Normal School for Colored Persons and was approved by
Governor J. Proctor Knott on the 18th day of May in the same year. The city of Frankfort,
through its council, donated $1,500.00 for a site. Since that day that site has been locally known
as ”Normal Hill.”

The next year, 1887, Jackson Hall, containing four rooms and a Chapel, was erected. John H.
Jackson, A. M., from Berea College, was elected as first president. The school opened its doors
on October 11 with three teachers, and before the school year ended there were enrolled fifty-five

During the last decade of the 19th century the school witnessed many changes. In 1890 there
were added the departments of Home Economics, Agriculture and Mechanics. In the spring
of that year the school turned out its first graduates, a class of five. In 1893 there was organized
a High School department. In 1897 a farm of 265 acres was purchased for the Agricultural
Department. This expansion continued in the 20th century, both in name and program.

In 1902 the name was changed to “Kentucky Normal and Industrial Institute for Colored
Persons,” and the president was made an ex officio member of the Board of Trustees.

In 1908 a Practice School was organized.
The next year Hume Hall and Hathaway Hall were erected.
In 1911 the school had its first Summer School.

In 1921, through a gift from Mr. Julius Rosenwald, a new brick school was erected for Practice
Teaching. -

In 1926 the name of the school was again changed to “Kentucky State Industrial College for
Colored Persons” and provisions made in the statutes that the President be elected for a term
of four years.

In 1938 the name was changed to Kentucky State College for Negroes.

The presidents have been as follows:

John H. Jackson, A. M. (Berea) 1887-1898.

James E. Givens, A. B. (Harvard University) 1898-1900.

James S. Hathaway, A. M., M. D. (Berea and Simmons) 1900-1907.

John H. Jackson, A. M. (Berea) 1907—1910.

James S. Hathaway, A. M., M. D. (Berea and Simmons) 1910-1912.

G. P. Russell, B. Lit. (Berea); LL.D. (Wilberforce) 1912-1923.

F. M. Wood, D. Ped. (Kentucky State College) 1923-1924.

G. P. Russell, B. Lit. (Berea); LL.D. (Wilberforce) 1924-1929.

B. B. Atwood, A.B., B. S., M. A., LL.D. (Fisk, Iowa State, University of Chicago, Lane) 1929—.


The institution has grown from a normal school into a full-fledged class A college. The greatest
growth of the institution has occurred under the present administration which began in 1929.

The physical plant, under the leadership of President Atwood, has been greatly expanded.
Replacement value of the property exceeds $5,000,000. The four residence halls for students
are among the best in the nation and are modern in every detail. The dining hall is unequaled
among smaller colleges. Under construction at present is a large classroom and science building.
A new laboratory school and a new fine arts building have been authorized by the State Building
Commission. Work on these two buildings will begin as soon as the sites have been secured.
Projected and in the planning stage is a new library building.


Kentucky State College is situated about three hundred feet beyond the city limits of Frankfort,
on a beautiful hill overlooking the city. Its campus consists of about thirty-five acres of rolling
land. beautifully studded with evergreen and deciduous shade trees. Its farm. consisting of two
hundred sixty-five acres of choice bluegrass land, adjoins the campus.

The Louisville and Nashville Railroad, carrying not only its own trains, but those of
the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad Company. passes through this farm.

The U. S. Highway No. 60 passes between the campus and farm, forming a dividing line between
them. Entrances to both campus and farm are located on this thoroughfare.



The students at Kentucky State College take an active part in the government of the college.
They have representatives on the Discipline Committee of the institution. Pictured above are
a group of oIIicers ol‘ the Student Council in executive session. Every class in the school has
representation on the executive committee of the student organization.


Among,r the many cultural activities of the college is the dramatic rroup known as The Kentucky
Players. This organization is under the guidance and direction of the English department of

the college. Many of the outstanding and classical stage productions have been presented by
this drama group.






National Junior AAU Champion


James Knight, stellar athletic star at Kentucky State
College. was honored by the Kentucky Association of
the Amateur Athletic Union when they chose him the
AAU Amateur Athlete of the Year.

it marked the first time in the history of the award
that a Negro had been so honored. Knight is a regis-
tered athlete in the Kentucky Association. He is a
member of the Kentucky State College track team.
During the year he has won the following honors in
track: (1) Won the Midwestern Athletic Conference
broad jump championship; (2) Won the Ohio AAU
broad jump championship; (3) Won the national junior
AAU broad jump championship; (4) Took fifth place
in the senior national AAU broad jump: (5) Was the
first representative of Kentucky to win a national
championship in track and field.

Knight also played varsity basketball. He was the
leading scorer at Kentucky State, and helped his
school win the Midwestern Athletic Association champ-
ionship. He is a native of Milwaukee.

ALVIN HANLEY, LIIB, in the 1949 season
scored 15 touchdowns; picked up 1313 yards
in 163 tries; gained 119 yards in seven pass
completions; ran back five punts for 137
yards; ran back 19 kick-offs for 4-58 yards;
total gains from all sources in 10 games,
2029 yards for an average of 202.9 yards per
game. Hanley was placed on the first team
of the All-Mid-Western Conference Team;
was placed on the third team of the Chicago
Defender; and received honorable mention
from the Pittsburgh Courier. Hanley was

laced fifth in individual rushing by the

ational Collegiate Athletic Bureau.
Hanley has been drafted by the Los Angeles
Rams, a national professional football team.
This is the first time a Negro player has been
selected from Kentucky and he was the only
player chosen from the Midwest Athletic

Left Halfbaek




 Shown above is the Marching Band of Kentucky State College. Aside from this musical group
there are many others, namely: a string ensemble, a jazz band (The Kentucky State Collegians),
a glee club, and a choral society. The students have Voluntarily formed several quartettes which
are independent of the college.


From left to right: Marianne 'l‘icllenor of Danville, 111.; Mary Northington of Louisville, Ky.;
Mollye Cornette of Benllam, Ky.; Elizabeth Brown of Frankfort, Ky.; Carmella Walker of
Hickman, Ky.








Lincoln Institute, with its 444 acres of farm and dairy land, fil'tccn buildings, lakes
and boarding facilities, is becoming one of the scenic beauties of our state. Many
tourists Visit the campus yearly.

Lincoln Institute is meeting a very definite and imperative need as:
a. An “A” rated State High School for rural youth.
b. A teacher-training center for Kentucky State College.

c. A vocational center for the teaching of basic engineering, agriculture, radio and

applied electricity, building trades, G.I. program, home economics and practical
nurse training.

Approximately forty-seven counties and independent districts look to Lincoln
Institute to provide the highest type of all—around educational program for many
of their children.

As an interracial center, Lincoln Institute is highly regarded. Its Moral and
Spiritual Program stands out as one of the most unique setups of any in the state.
Through the Lincoln Foundation, Lincoln Institute is in complete charge of a
number of experimental projects now being conducted in Moral and Spiritual Values.

Lincoln Institute receives financial backing from the Lincoln Foundation, the
state and the counties.

A practice teacher from Kentucky State College conducting a typing class at Lincoln Institute.
Each year twenty—five or thirty prospective teachers spend nine weeks under commissioned
teachers in the following fields: English, Social Science, Languages, Mathematics, Commerce,
Agriculture and Home Economics.






For outstanding achievement in education, an annual award, the coveted Lincoln
-, Institute Key, is presented to the person adjudged to have made the most valuable
1 contribution to the cause of education in Kentucky during the year preceding the
annual meeting of the Association. The award is sponsored by the Lincoln

Jessie Lawrence .............. .1950


R. B. Atwood ...................... 1937
Lyle Hawkins ..................... 1938
W. M. Cummings ................. 1938
C. W. Anderson ................... 1939
A. E. lVIeyzeek ..................... 1940
«, A. S. Wilson ....................... 1941
i J. A. Thomas ..................... 1942
a H. E. Goodloe ..................... I942
4 L. N. Taylor ....................... 1943
H. C. Russell ...................... 1944
l Lucy H. Smith .................... 1945
R. Lillian Carpenter ............... I946
Hortense Young ................... 1947
H. R. h‘Ierry ....................... 1948
g Lyman T. Johnson ................ 1949


T. l\’l. TYDINGS
Executive Secretary
Lincoln Foundation






Office Practice Department




717 Graduates Since Establishment
C. L. TIMBERLAKE, President
)1. J. SLEET, Business Manager



“Auto Mechanics *Cllel' Cooking

*Barbering ”Woodworking

*Beauty Culture **Drcssmaking

*Brick Masonry **I’iomemaking
MCarpentry *Muintcnmwe Engineering

“Office Practice
*Shoe Repairing


WPractical Nursing

** Horticui Lure

**']‘wo-y(:zn' course
*One-year course










Woodworking Department









Bate High School has the distinction of being one of the oldest schools for Negroes
in the State of Kentucky. It was established by the Missionaries from the North
in 1868. The school carries the name of Professor .l. W. Bate, who was elected
a teacher in 189], and gave nearly sixty years of service to the cause of education
in the Danville community. He retired in l939, and was succeeded by H. E.
Goodloe, who served for ten years. Mr. Goodloe resigned in 1949 to accept the
principalship of the Owensboro High School. Mr. William Summers, a product
of Bate School, and a science teacher in the school for several years, is now serving
creditably as the present principal. The citizens of Danville are looking forward
to much improvement in the present plant. A contract has already been let
for the addition of eight new rooms, a new cafeteria, and a general overhauling
of the present plant. The school has an enrollment of over four hundred students,
and a faculty of fifteen teachers. The school has well—equipped departments
of Home Economics, Industrial AI‘L, and ’l‘ypewriting. '



.Banneker High School, located at Cynthiana, Kentucky, was constructed in 'l937.
The school was given its name in 1922. At that time the curriculum did not include
a four-year high school course. Today the school is a four—year high school with
vocational work in the fields of Home Economics, Industrial Arts and Horticulture.
A spacious campus, covering tln'ee—fonrths of a block, contains a football field, soft
ball diamond, tennis court (cement), and playground for grade children. This
does not include two-fifths of an