xt7qnk364c34 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qnk364c34/data/mets.xml Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass Kentucky Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass 1984 Newsletter of the Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass, previously named the Central Kentucky Jewish Association and Central Kentucky Jewish Federation. The Federation seeks to bring Jewish community members together through holiday parties, lectures, Yiddish courses, meals, and other celebrations of Jewish heritage and culture. They also host fundraisers and provide financial assistance for Jews in need, both locally and around the world. newsletters  English Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass records Jews -- Kentucky -- Lexington Jews -- History Central Kentucky Jewish Association newsletter, Summer 1984, volume 8 number 5 text Central Kentucky Jewish Association newsletter, Summer 1984, volume 8 number 5 1984 1984 2020 true xt7qnk364c34 section xt7qnk364c34 9V


Summer 1984 No.5

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(€21ZLZQjVZrCL //L21222 ' Certainly I know the type is set upside down, but,

fear not, everything really is running quite smoothly in the CKJA office, although
Judy is out of town. Vinnie and Erle have finally given us their lists, David
Wekstein's rather—tardy article is now here, and summer activities are humming.

Your CKJA office secretary and I dedicate this issue of the newsletter to Judy.

If she were in town, we never could have taken this space to salute our outstanding
Community Worker. The following account of "A Day In The LL62 06 Judy" was compiled
and written by her secretary, Beth:

A typical day for Community Worker Judy Saxe begins early when someone, wishing
to ”catch” her while she's ”accessible”, calls her at home. And before she reaches
the CKJA office, she's already put in a couple hours work. After a complete workday
she's often found at a committee meeting or community event. Since beginning her
profession as community worker in July, 1981, Judy has been a common thread winding
throughout Central Kentucky Jewish life, holding together the many diverse aspects
of CKJA.

Working closely with the Community Relations Committee, Judy helps organize
CRC projects, assisting various chairpeople in organizing special events, arranging
‘speakers, guiding appropriate community response, coordinating media coverage, host-
ing visitors to the community, and representing CKJA with style and grace. Assist-
ing Phyllis Scher with the CKJA Bulletin, Judy brings to the community updated,
timely, concise coverage of events affecting us all.

Meeting regularly with the Social Services Committee, she lends her expertise in
dealing with programs to assist New Americans, Jewish prisoners at FCI and people in
need of emergency assistance. A licensed social worker, Mrs. Saxe can counsel com-
munity members regarding adoption, housing, employment and family services.

While she enjoys participating in the many outstanding events available to the
community, she is a driving force in making many events possible. Again, she assists
chairpeople in the infinite details involved in bringing Yom Hashoah, Yom H'atzmaut
and Forum presentations to the community. It's not unusual to see Judy at a Singles'
Happy Hour, although a marguarita is the last thing she needs after a busy day making
a lunch break impossible.

The annual fund raising campaign commands much of her time. Numerous committee
meetings, preparation for the smooth completion of a ”Super” Sunday, and overseeing
the records and bookkeeping departments of CKJA are ongoing activities throughout the
year. For Judy, eight hours at Super Sunday headquarters were unusually exciting,
but no more grueling than an average workday.

Judy directs the interactions of CKJA with Jewish Federations and agencies
throughout the country. Through her vast resources of contacts, Judy can solve pro-
blems and coordinate events from her cluttered desk and ringing phone. As community
worker, Judy attended the Council of Jewish Federations General Assembly last Novem-
ber, attended a Region Singles Conference, is attending the Jewish Agency Assembly
meetings in Israel, attended CKJA's first mission to Washington, D.C., and will
attend a Small Cities institute in August. From these meetings she brings back
innovative ideas, valuable resources, and informative news to the rest of Central
Kentucky; to these meetings she takes from the Central Kentucky Jewish community
ideas, responses and concerns.

Judy's goals for CKJA are great, and with her input, will be met. She's always
open to new ideas and assistance. Give her a call. But don't give her secretary a
hard time if Judy's not there —- she's working for us -- we just don't always know


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The Washington 5.5,, Mission Program


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1m (/3 the second 05 two imtaflimem hepo/I/téng on the MIA/SLOW Compton/talus
to rm mane (me: Leon COOpQ/L, Edie Levy and Pan}: wmmu.

After luncheon with our congressmen and their aides, the mission participants
traveled on to the Pentagon where Mr. Richard Dudley, the Israeli Country Director
in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, briefed us.

In the Department of Defense briefing we learned that Israel is the largest bene—
factor of U.S. Federal Military Supplies Credit dollars. Of the 44 countries
receiving aid in 1983, Israel got 30%, followed by Egypt with 23%. The other

42 countries divided the remainder with no other getting as much as 10%.

Last year Israel received $1.7 billion with $750 million of it coming as grants.
In 1984, the entire amount will come as grants. For all other countries this
assistance is in the form of U.S. weapons supplied to the governments.

In the case of Israel, there are two interesting deviations to this norm -- the
U.S. is contracting for the delivery of jet engines for the Israeli ”Levi”
fighter plane, and the U.S. is giving Israel a $150 million grant to build a
plant for the production of tanks. In addition to direct aid, the U.S. and
Israel are negotiating in other areas of strategic cooperation. Among these are
medical assistance, the prepositioning of U.S. arms in Israel, and joint military

* * * *

At the Department of State, Associate U.S. Coordinator for Refugee Affairs,
Richard Krieger, concentrated his talk on the present emigration status of Jewry
in totalitarian and Third World countries. Krieger's current responsibilities in
the State Department are to work on immediate refugee problems and to help develop
long—range U.S. refugee policies.

According to Krieger, the emigration door for world Jewry is barely open. The
Soviets, irrespective of their difficulties with the present U.S. Administration,
are once again preventing significant numbers of the 2.3 million Soviet Jews from
emigrating. Krieger suggested that the way to prevent the door from closing is to
keep the plight of Soviet Jewry before the public, political leaders and the
international community. The U.S. Administration does this in its high level
meetings with the Soviets, at international forums and has asked other nations to
do the same, said Krieger.

The Falashas of Ethiopia, who are in a dire situation, are receiving U.S. support
by way of American visas and by American financing of some Israeli humanitarian
efforts. Israel works covertly to rescue Falashas who have fled Ethiopia and are
now refugees in Sudan.




Thirty—two thousand Jews remain in Romania according to Krieger. In order to

secure their release, Israel and other nations such as the U.S. must pay the . ,
Romanian government over $4,000 for each Jew wishing to emigrate. Krieger noted .
that the U.S. allows approximately 2,000 Romanian Jews to enter the U.S. annually.

The outlook for the world's total refugee population, estimated at 12 million, is
not particularly optimistic either; yet, it is not beyond hope. Krieger told the
group that the fight to save world Jewry in particular and all refugees in general,
requires continued commitment, money and support from all free nations. But simply
saving refugees from hostile countries is not enough. He reminded the group of the
monumental strain on Israel's economy and society, as it welcomes and attempts to
absorb, annually, tens of thousands of Jews from diverse societies. American Jewry
must continue their vital support of Israel's immigrant resettlement programs, he

In closing, Krieger asked those involved in helping resettle refugees not to lose
their compassion because refugees may at times appear distrustful or unappreciative
of efforts put forth on their behalf. "Try to comprehend the persecution and de—
gradation they have suffered before you pass judgment," Krieger said to the group.


L—R: E/Lflc Levy, Mom Rozen, Sena/t0): (Matte/L HLdeCQ/sx‘on,
Bob SCI’LQ/L, Nat Samflim, Robejmf Baumann

At the Middle East Desk in the Department of State, we were briefed by
David Greenle, whose background includes tours of duty in Lima, Peru; La Paz,
Bolivia; and Tel Aviv. Greenle spoke of the U.S.‘s good relationship with Israel,
and of points of concern:

1. The U.S. is committed to the security of Israel.

2. Israel's presence in the Middle East serves as a limiting factor in .

Soviet influence, as well as other radical groups. . L (.

The U.S. must maintain the flow of oil to the free world. L

4. The U.S. wants to s_-mulat- a process whereby peace and stability will
exist and endure in the Middle East.




 Mr. Greenle also reviewed the political issues in Israel, namely Lebanon, the
economy, and peace.


'. The State Department policy is based on three elements aimed toward peace:

1. United Nations Resolutions 242 and 338,
2. The Camp David Accords, and
3. The Reagan Initiative.

Other topics of discussion were Jordan's King Hussein's dances with Arafat, and
Hussein's views that the United States is not responsive to Arab opinion, and the
U.S. is at fault in dealing unfairly with the Arab world. Thus...Hussein is not
coming forward to discuss peace with Israel.

The State Department views Israeli settlements in Judea and Samaria as obstacles

to peace. A freeze on settlements would be beneficial. Continued settlements

erode Arab opinion on Israeli sincerity in wanting peace, i.e., Egypt's ”Cold Peace”
with Israel might warm a little.

The State Department believes that moving the American embassy to Jerusalem would
impede the peace process, and points to United Nations Resolutions, the Camp David
Accords, and the Reagan Initiative, all stating that Jerusalem should remain un—
divided, with its final status to be determined by negotiation.


. g.


Vinnie Dubifian, Kanen Dubdicn, Embdmg 05 Izmacfl
Samara): Wendefll Fond, RObQ/L‘C (Ila/shington, TLC.
Jack Miller. President PhyIIis Scher, Editor
. Judith Saxv. Community Worker Beth AItenkirch. OFC. Manager

258 PIaza Drive, Suite 208~ Lexington, Kcmcutxm ”0503 (606i 277-80A8



Israel Independence Day Celebration.


Under the CKJA constitution /0 percent of all funds received which have not
been designated for a specific purpose (such as Project Renewal) must be forwarded
to UJA for allocation. A portion of the remaining tunds are required for operating
expenses and to conduct CKJA projects such as the Forum series, Camp Shalom and the

At the end of each year some funds received by CKJA remain unexpended. The
exact amount is a function of cash flow; that is, when pledges are paid influences

how large the available funds will be in any year.
funds begins with a request to the rabbis and to the CKJA membership for recommenda—

tions. The Budget Committee then meets. (The present Budget Committee consists of

Evelyn Geller, Monroe Moosnick, Marty Barr, Rob Rosenstein, and Ben Baker, and is
chaired by Alvin Goldman.) Its members review a set of guidelines adopted by CKJA

in 1978 and examine the requests for funds received from various charities over the
past year, the recommendations received from the rabbis and the membership, and the

pattern of allocations in recent years. Included in the information reviewed by the

committee are letters and brochures from the various charities as well as reports
prepared on behalf of the Council of Jewish Federations.

In 1984, the information concerning charitable requests reviewed by the committee

filled half a carton which was about a foot deep.
was also prepared showing the percent of distribution to each charity and each chari—

table category. After thorough discussion at two lengthy meetings, the committee
prepared a schedule reflecting its consensus concerning a proposed allocation of

funds "to other charities". The Board, in turn, reviewed and discussed this schedule

in detail, made adjustments and finally adopted the schedule of allocations listed


Making the allocation process more difficult this year was the fact that due to

the cash flow pattern, even though 1983 pledges were at an all time high, the amount
available for distribution to other charities was 20% lower than the previous year.

Committee Chairman Alvin Goldman stated, ”Reasonable people can and do differ con—

cerning the proper decision in these matters.

But Our Board is a cross—section of

our community, and I think the final result is a reasonable reflection of the com—

munity's collective judgment.”

Al Tidom Assocation - $200
American Friends of Jerusalem
Mental Health Center — $100
American Jewish Archives — $300
American Jewish Committee — $500
American Jewish Congress — $500
American ORT Federation - $1000
Anna Frank Haven - $3000
Anti-Defamation League of
B'nai B'rith — $4000
Association of Americans &
Canadians in Israel
Scholarship Fund — $250
Ben Gurion University of
the Negev - $3500
oung Judaea — $2250
ity Kitchen — $250
Pantry — $200
n Union Camp Institute — $2250
. Theological College - $350

' Union College — $350
I — U.K. — $1000


Jewish Braille Institute — $100
Jewish Prisoners at F.C.I. — $250
Jewish Theological Seminary
of America — $350
Jewish Welfare Board — $500
Joint Cultural Appeal — $350
Kibbutz Ketura — $400
Lexington Public Library — $350
Lexington Senior Citizens
Center — $200
National Conference on Soviet
Jewry — $200
National Jewish Community Relations
Advisory Council (NJCRAC) - $800
National Tay Sachs & Allied
Diseases Association — $200
National Conference of Christians
and Jews — $500
Ronald McDonald House — $500
Simon Wiesenthal Center for
Holocaust Studies — $200

The process of allocating these

An analysis of prior allocations



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The Community Relations Committee of the CKJA
was the recipient of a “Louie” awarded by the Louis-
ville Advertising Club at its awards ceremony this
year, The television program on the Holocaust, And
I Was Thane, was selected by the Advertising Club for
the first place award in the public service category.
Over l,lOC entries were submitted in a variety of
categories for consideration of awards, and our com-
munity's program was the only one which was awarded
a prize within the category. David Wekstein, Mike
Beer and Marilyn Moosnick, and representatives of
NLEX-TS, which co-produced the program, went to the

awards banquet to receive our ”Louie”. Congratula-
tions to the Community Relations Committee for a
“job well done”. * * * * *

On March A, 198“, participants in the CRC pro-
duction, And I Nab Thane, were honored guests at a
dinner hosted by University of Kentucky President
Otis Singletary and his wife Gloria. Below are
pictures taken that evening. Participants not pic-
tured are: Lt. Caz. B/UlCC Cofleman and M. Hemy


'. "O
...Ua. S MAA. Oécan Haban,

On. a AMA. Leonid Mostuwucz


Mn. Jake Gneen
Gfionia Singfefanu
Mas. quuia Gnaen...




 Louisville Mayor Visits Israel


Louisville Mayor Harvey Sloane and his wife Kathy led an international
delegation of mayors participating in the 1984 Jerusalem Conference in lsrael
this past March. The conference, sponsored by the American Jewish Congress and
the Conference of Mayors, included visits with Teddy Kollek, the mayor of Jerusalem
and Chaim Herzog, the president of lsrael. The Jewish Community Federation of

Louisville sponsored Mayor Sloane's participation

Communifq, the Louisville Jewish Federation's newspaper, spoke with the mayor
and Kathy about their trip. The following are excerpts from their conversation.

"l was most singularly impressed with the redevelopment of Jerusalem and what
Teddy Kollek has done for the city. He established the Jerusalem Foundation which
is a committee of people from all over the world dedicated to the restoration of
the city. The city has been built in such an imaginative and humanistic way. It
is so beautifully integrated into the rest of the ancient city.‘I

”Mayor Kollek has also made every effort to see that the Arabs get the same
treatment as the Jews. It has been a conscious effort of his. Before he assumed
office, 10 percent of the Arabs had functional water facilities. Today, 99 percent
have more than adequate water facilities.”

”I was impressed by the commitment to excellence in Jerusalem,” said Kathy
Sloane. ”The city has standards. Before the reunification, they began building
skyscrapers. But after the reunification, they realized how the skyscrapers were
ruining the skyline and strict restrictions were imposed on the height of the
buildings. In addition, the law requiring all buildings to be constructed in the
gold, Jerusalem stone, creates a beautiful consistency and continuity to the city,”
she said.

Also included in the Sloanes' trip to Israel was a visit to Netanya—Sela, the
Project Renewal sister city of Louisville and Lexington.

"It was incredible to see the effect of Louisville‘s financial assistance on
this neighborhood,” said Mayor Sloane. ”We saw new clinics, advanced day-care
centers and the renovation of the residents' living quarters. An important part
of Project Renewal seems to be the establishment of continuous leadership within
the neighborhood. The mayor works but relies heavily on community leadership.
This is an interesting concept."

”We saw a pre—school center and enrichment program in a bomb shelter,” said
Kathy Sloane. ”It was a program that anyone of us would want our children to
participate in and it was in a bomb shelter!”

”You can't help but be moved by the country of Israel," said Mayor Sloane.
”You come away with the feeling that it is a country that has overcome incredible
odds, both internally and externally. The great sense of homeland and the energetic
spirit of the people is truly extraordinary. The more encouragement we can give to
everybody, particularly American Jews, to visit this country, the better. It is
truly an overwhelming, emotional experience."

Excerpted from Community, April 13, 198h, Debra Adelsteln, Editor.






News Release



Ask Permission for Mrs. Sakharov to Go Abroad
for Medical Treatment





May 14 ... Soviet President Konstantin Chernenko today received a cable from 38
Novel Prize winners in science, including Linus Pauling, Joshua Lederberg,
Frederick Robbins, and Burton Richter, appealing for humanitarian action to save
Andrei Sakharov. Dr. Sakharov is now illegally banished to the provincial city
of Gorky and out of reach of colleagues, friends, and new media. He initiated
an "open-ended" hunger strike on May 2 in desperation over Soviet authorities'
refusal to permit his ailing wife, Elena Bonner Sakharov, to go abroad for medi—
cal treatment. The telegram was released today by the Committee of Concerned
Scientists and the International League for Human Rights.

They asked that Mrs. Sakharov be permitted ”to go abroad for treatment, optimally
accompanied by Dr. Sakharov.” In hopes of spurring the Soviet Academy of Sciences
to intercede for its beleaguered member, Academician Sakharov, the Nobelists also
cabled their message to the president of the academy, A.P. Aleksandrov.

Andrei Sakharov, the 1975 Nobel Peace Prize winner, and recipient of the Soviet

highest award, the Lenin Prize, lost many of his professional posts after the

publication abroad of an essay he wrote on the need for arms control and super— ‘ .
power coexistence. He subsequently became a moral leader of the Soviet dissident



/. «4’ a,
1955; [£be


Arab countries marked the 20th anniversary of Israel’s War of Independence in
1965 by issuing near carbon copy stamps showing a blood-soaked dagger aimed ' “ ~
at the Jewish state. ‘ .

Propaganda By filwm the Rama/Le Jam/sh umu
Postage Stamp


 Moscow Rabbi
Visiting U.S.

New York (JTA)-F6T the first time in
nearly a decade, the rabbi of Moscow's
main synagogue is visiting the United
States. Rabbi Adolph Shayevich of the
Chorale Synagogue in Moscow arrived in
New York as part of an ecumenical dele—
gation of religious dignitaries from
the Soviet Union. Their visit is
hosted by the National Council of

A native of Birobidzhan, Shayevich
is 48 years old. He was trained at
the rabbinical assembly in Budapest
(there is no Jewish seminary in the
USSR) and ordained in 1960 under a
197M agreement reached by Schneier
with Soviet government authorities
to alleviate the shortage of rabbis
serving the Jewish community.

Last year he succeeded the late
Rabbi Yakov Fishman as spiritual leader
of the Chorale Synagogue on Moscow's
Arkhipova Street.


A Threat To
World Jewry

Tel-Aviv (ZlNS)--Quoting the Chief
Rabbi of France, Rabbi Samuel Sirot,
the afternoon Hebrew daily Ma’aniv
reports that no less than 702 of
French Jewry is being assimilated
and that 7 out of 10 marriages are

mixed. if this is true, it means
that the overwhelming majority of
the 750,000 French Jews -— including

those who emigrated from North Africa
-- are being absorbed in the melting
pot of assimilation.

A report of similar import was
also made by Rabbi Henry Sobel of
Brazil. In an interview with the
local correspondent of the New Yeah
Timed, Rabbi Sobel said: ”Our number
one problem in Brazil is not anti-
Semitism, but rather Semitism.”

He observed that the rate of mixed
marriages in Brazil is already at
50% and that a significant number of
Jews are converting to Catholicism.

The same is contained in reports
from other Jewish communities in
Latin America, inclusive of Argentina
with its H50,000 Jews.


Law Students Set Up
National Network

Washington - More than 250 Jewish
law students from 55 schools across
the country gathered here recently
to formalize a network as a means of
affecting issues of Jewish concern
and human rights around the world.

Named the National Jewish Law
Students Network, the organization,
sponsored by the B'nai B'rith Hillel
Foundations with the cooperation of
the American section of the Inter-
national Association of Jewish
Lawyers and Jurists, approved a con-
stitution, established an infra-
structure, elected officers and
drew up goals.

Susan Goldberg of Washington, a
student at Georgetown University
Law School and Craig Zetley of Mil—
waukee, a student at the University
of Wisconsin—Madison Law School, were
elected co—chairs. They announced
that the goals of the network I'are to
use our legal education and knowledge
to speak out on major issues, es-
pecially those related to legal issues,
and to create a national community of
Jewish law students.”

The students set up 10 goals and ob-
jectives for the new network. They are

To stimulate the development of local
Jewish law student groups on as many
campuses as possible.

To publish a national newsletter.

To publish a national law review.

To promote social, cultural and re-
ligious activities among Jewish law

To articulate consensus positions on
public policy questions.

To study and analyze issues of Jewish

To develop special leadership seminar
programs in Israel and other nations.

To sponsor annual national conferences.

To assist in the promotion of regional

Goldberg and Zetley stated on ending
the meeting that ”it's the obligation of
every student to be active as a Jew;
to heighten his or her sense of social and
religious responsibility and to understand
the role of lsrael and of the Jewish
community in today's world.‘I



United Jewish Appeal Young Leadership Cabinet has scheduled five Regional
Missions to Israel with Pre—Missions to Eastern Europe. The dates listed
below stretch from early December through Mid—March.

Date Pre—Mission Departs
March 2—12, 1985 Warsaw February 28
December 2—11, 1984 Prague November 29
January 13—22, 1985 Warsaw January 10
February 10—19, 1985 Warsav February 7
February 24 —
March 5, 1985 Warsaw February 21

These missions are geared toward the 24—40 age group and spouses are welcome.
For more information, contact Judy Saxe at 277—8048.


ALEXANDER GRASS of Harrisburg, Pa.,

New York, NY, May 25 —— Alexander Grass of Harrisburg, Pennsyl—
vania, was installed May 19 as National Chairman of the United

Jewish Appeal at the annual UJA National Leadership Conference

in Washington, D.C.

Grass assumes responsibility for directing the UJA's 1985
campaign, which raises funds in partnership with more than 600
Jewish communities nationwide. The campaign supports educational,
rehabilitative and humanitarian programs in Israel, in American
Jewish communities and in Jewish communities in 30 countries
around the world.


Citing statistics which point to a decline in Jewish population in the United
States since 1972, Grass called on American Jews to pursue far—reaching
fundraising goals.

”To retain our numbers, to encourage active life—long affiliation and involvement
in American Jewish life in the 19808 and beyond, we must pay attention to build—
ing local communities, ” he said.

"Yet,” he added, "we cannot do that at the expense of Jews overseas, because we
understand the centrality of Israel and our family ties to world Jewry. The
only solution is a capacity campaign that will meet our commitments to the
people of Israel and —— at the same time —— provide a fair share for the
creation of a strong Jewish community at home.‘'

Grass brings to his new position almost 20 years of leadership experience in
Jewish organizations and the business perspective of a chief executive officer
for one of the nation's most successful retail operations. Grass founded the
Rite—Aid Corporation in 1962, and serves as its President and Chairman of the



: :-



 Camp Sh@fl©m S©r€apb©©k








$25,000 and over
Steve Caller

10 000 - $29,000

Harry Cohen
Joseph Wolf

$5.000 - $6,999

Maurice Hymson
Mark Warner

$3.000 - $4,999

Mike Ades

Erie Levy
Stanley Rose
Arthur Salomon
Brad Wolken

$2,000 - $2,999

Robert Cohen
Leon Cooper
Louis Dubilier
Marvin Frank
Alvin Goldman
Lloyd Mayer
Morris Rozen
Allan Slovin

$1,200 < $1.999

Robert Baumann
David Bolotin
Ernie Cohen
Steve Goldstein
Phil Hoffman
Raymond Miller
Leon Ravvin
Stanley Saxe

$1,000 - $l,199

Lou Boyarsky
Harold Fine
Martin Kaplan
Tomas Milch
Charles Schwartz


Mike Baer

Louis Diamond
Ted Friedman
Kenneth Germain
Carl Gesund
Hans Gesund
Rabbi William Leffler
Michael Lerner
Ken Mayer

David Paritz
Hyman Shraberg
Ed Wides

Joseph Wile
Myron Zuckerman

$300 - $599

Louis Ades

Philip Fanwick
Sheldon Hymson
Lenny Lerner

Jim Levenson
Eugene Mervis
Alan Paritz

Stan Revesman
Charlie Rosenberg
Rabbi Bernard Schwab
Stuart Silbar
JeSSe Weil

$l50 — 5299

Harvey Abend
Philip Berger
Lou Bernstein
Austin Cantor
Bruce Gantz
Nathan Golton
Oscar Haber
Mark Luckens
David Osser
Fred Pollock
Ivan Sipos
Jeffrey Silverman
Paul Wertheimer

$5 - $lh9

Leon Amster
Presley Arnovitz
Ben Baer

Harold Baer
Matthew Barrett
Michael Jay Biel
Abe Cohen

Fred Cohen

Jack Cohen
Nathan Cohen
Charles Collins
Steven Craft

Lee Elioseff
George Faigen
Warren Frank
Greg Frankel
Irving Gershman
Robert Goldsmith
Lester Goldstein
Dan Goodman
Clifford Gross
Joseph Hamburg
Lee Hoffman

William Houiihan
Sanford Joseph
Josh Kamof
David Kaplan
Jeffrey Kessler
Bruce Koffler
Mark Kovar
Bruce Kruglick
Richard Levine
Robert Levine
John MacDonald
Lee Marx

David Maxon
Richard McCreary
Mark Mellman
Henry Meyer
|.A. Miller
Alan Pearson
Mark Perecman
Jesse Peters
Marc Plavin

Abe Rablner
Hyman Rosenberg
Louis Rosenberg
Dan Rosensohn
Sam Rosenstein
lra Rosenthal
David Sabritt
Werner Saloman
Jack Sharer

Art Shechet
Lawrence Sherman
Joel Sokoloff
Sheldon Steiner
l.H. Stern, Jr.
Louis Strauss
Michael Tachman
Gary Thor
Stanley Victor
Greg Waller
Dennis Whitc0pf
Andrew Weiner
Dan Yarus


$5,000 and over

Susan Caller

$4,000 — Sh,999
Penny Miller
Phyllis Scher

$31000 - $31999
$2,000 - $2,999

$1,000 - $1 999
Edith Frankel
Evelyn Geller
Evelyn Hymson
Harriet Rose
lrma Rosenstein

$500 - $999

Arlene Cohen
Harriet Cooper
Karen Edelstein
Marilyn Gall
Zelda Gall

Ellie Goldman
Susan Goldstein
Laia 5 Richard Hanau
Glorla Katz

Sara Levy
Marilyn Moosnick
Simone Salomon
Nancy Scher

$350 - 5H99

Anita Baker
Gail Cohen
Vinnie Dubiiier
Nancy Hoffman
Judy Saxe

$200 - $3h9

Judy Baumann
Maxine Bobys
Chris Eidelson
Sue Friedman
Alana Leffler
Judy Levine
Ethel Paritz
Helen Paritz
Mary Wenneker

$150 - $199

Elizabeth Broudy
Lynn Cooper-Myers
Renee Hymson
Alice Mickler
Linda Ravvin
Carol Veal

$100 - $lh9

Charlotte Baer
Frieda Baer
Marsha Chatoff
Cindy Derer
Kaye Frankel
Lois Germain
Marjorie Lerner
Ann Mervis

Ann Stein
Ethel Schwartz
Marilyn Swan

$50 - $99

Barbara Barr
Ruth Bell

Lila Boyarsky
Dale Brichta
Michele Erdmann
Anne Frye

Rebecca Golton
Jane Graham
Barbara Grossman
Estelle Guttman
Minna Mlller-Sabritt
Ann Samani

Eileen Scherl
Miriam Starr-Gantz
Sharyn Sharer
Carolyn Straus
Carla Wolff


Doris Baer

Ella Berkowitz
Vivana Brodey
Carol Busch
Jill Caller
Lisa Campbell
Sharon Coale
Laura Collins
Judith Craft
Karen Diamond
Betsy Dickow
Mindy Doctrow
Shelly Dutch
Shlomit Elitzer
Taryn Fine

Joan Flashman
Vivian Frank
Diane Friedman
Jean Friedman
Nikki Fulks
Elaine Gellin
Irmgard Gesund
Marianne Gleason
Helen Goldfarb
Paula Goldman
Lynne Goldsmith

Rose Goldwater
Dawn Haber

Linda Haggin
Debbie Joffe

Lynn Kadden

Mrs. Alan Kaplan
Mindy Kovinow
Vera Kreiger
Edith Lach

Freda Lerner

Mrs. Joseph Liebman
Ruth Luckens
Linda MacDonald
Lynn McCreary
Alma Miller
Lillian Morris
Sadie Osser
Leonore Pappas
Debbie Perecman
Debbie Rader
Eileen Ray

Marcia Risk

Cathy Rosenberg
Lillian Rosenberg
Martha Rosenberg
Hattie Rosenstein
Rita Salzberg
Beth Schumacher
Sallie Shakib
Dindee Sheridan
Rebecca Silverman
Natalia Simonovsky
Naomi Sussman
Laura Szekely
Kathleen Whalen
Betsy Wides
Georgia Zuckerman






Judy Saxe, CKJA Community Worker, is spending three weeks in Israel with
her family. During the final week of her stay she will attend the Assembly of
the Jewish Agency for Israel (which will take place in Jerusalem from June 24 —
28, 1984), and following that, a seminar dealing with the upcoming elections in

The Assembly meetings, which are held annually, include representatives from
the Diaspora and Israel. Its mission is to review the programs and budget of
the Jewish Agency, to ratify the budget for the next fiscal year, and to establish
priorities for future Jewish Agency action.

The Jewish Agency is responsible for programs in Israel dealing with
Immigration and Absorption, Youth Aliyah, Rural Settlement, and Project Renewal.
Funding for these programs comes mainly from campaigns undertaken by Jewish
communities throughout the world. Here in the United States, funds are raised
by local