xt7qnk36479f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qnk36479f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-09-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 27, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 27, 1982 1982 1982-09-27 2020 true xt7qnk36479f section xt7qnk36479f i
l / Oilld obese.
‘? In today's Commie“, the harsh tooli-
/ ties of child abuse are discussed the
! Kornol's second and final instollotion of
9 ml t a two-part series on the devastating
‘ /u 44‘ a!“ i problem.Soopogea.
/ l i ‘ l

Vol. LXXXV, No. 34 Monday, September 27, 1982 An independent student newspaper University of Kentucky. Loxnngion, Kentucky


G rand jury reported ill est'gat' g B 0 I I

LOUISVHLE (AP) — Gov. John Florida bank transactions by Brown cash transfers. usually to allow newspaper. “They’ve picked on the ington Herald who also called him Federal law provides civil and

Y. Brown said last night he wants are being scrutinized for irregular-i. checks for illegal activities. wrong person, because I’m not going Saturday that “no one has contacted criminal penalties for failure to re-

federal authorities to investigate ties byafederal grand jury. Over a ten-month period, the tostand for it." me” about the investigation and that port transactions or to supply infor-

press leaks on a federal grand jury’s Brown, who built Kentucky Fried money was Wired from Liberty Na- “To me, it appears like some kind he is ready to show his financial re- mation required on the reports. The
probe of his withdraw] of more than Chicken into a ”country, multimil- tional Bank in Louiswlle to Brown‘s of political deal, or Watergate,” cords to the Internal Revenue Serv- burdenofreportingisondiebank.

$1.5 million in cash from a Miami lion-dollar enterprise. said Saturday account at the All American Nation- Brown said. “It looks like someone ice. But a cmtomer enmging a

bank. night the investigation was politl- al Bank, across the street from inside the administration, which is “Hell, get them up here (the 1R8) bank not to report withdrawals also

Brown, in a telephone interview cally motivated “to create specu- Miami International Airport, The Republican, leaked something." Monday morning." the governor can be posecuted. the newspaper
’ with the Louisville Courier-Joumal lation." Heraldsaid 4 Information about the transactions said. “let them find out everything said. Failure to report $100,000 or
from New York, said he had tried He is being investigated to deta- It was withdrawn in parcels of was presented to the grand jury they want to find out. They won’t more in fewer than six months is a
unsuccessfully to reach Vice Presi- mine whether a tiny Miami bank $300,000 to $785,000 in cash Within a Thursday by the U.S. Attorney's of- find anything.” felony.
' l dent George Bush to demand the in- failed to filerequired federal reports month after each transfer, accord- fice. Brown’s banking records with Brown acknowledged transferring Mi .
vestigation. on Brown‘s withdrawal of more than ing tothenewspaper-_ 4 the small Dade County bank were large sums of money to Miami, say- “134:4 3:)!“ mrfinmm
Brown said he wants to ask Blah sio,ooo several times during tan, The newspaper said the money Is subpoenaed. ing that all the transactions involved . N 44332:; M ' . '
became Bush is in charge of a mas- The Miami Heraldsaid yesterday. apparently from Brown’s many Brown. contacted by the newspa~ hisownmoneyandbank accounts. :3; :1 . hour? to wagons
sive investigation of crime in south- Federal regulations require the re- business transactions. per in New York Saturday night, “What is this country if you can’t ks of swing.“ “h aw
ernFlorida. porting of all deposits or withdra- “I'd like to have an investigation confirmed that he withdrew the put money in the bank, withdraw it s“ ' ‘-
A Miami newspaper reported yes- wals of more than $10,000 in cash. of this whole poms down there in money but denied any wrongdoing. and spend it for whatever you Brown claimed the money was for
terdav that some $1.5 million in The iaw is designed to monitor large Florida," Brown toid the Louisville He toid a reporter from The Lox want?"Brown asked. persmaland not political reasons
- l I 9 >3'.;>' 1’5; ’35. => . ’ ..t-. '5', . #4.. 4..,22, ' -'“’-4‘43s-=
Discussions began in December it...“ e , r it " {3“ “E f- a i“ . .. 3» gm...
' if: 3 .w n a so i ”a e do
able TVhook-up pending o ~ . .
Q .. .. . . ‘ s, t - "2;: o .. \4 "‘1"
y Reporter Pond said the University would pefer to bill room- 5 ’ ‘i .' j ,4 Q , 4* “‘3’, 4 . “lo
mates in a manner that would make them equally re- . ‘ 3“ m ‘ M 344 4 “is
sponsibleforpayment. 4 a f 44‘. ,4, *4 - 44‘ ' 4 34

Discussions began in December between University The University does not want to be responsible for 9‘ 4 " 4, 3 4 “K '}
officials and representatives of Telecable of Lexington, payment of students’ bills as well as tracing them down g .4 1-; ‘ f m - ,3,“ X 4 r“ it
but cable television is still not in operation in campis for non-payment to Telecable, she said, adding she be- -‘ 3 3,: " ‘ ’ M -' 64} “1 4 4 .- 4
classroombuildingsandresidencehalls. lievesthisistheresponsibilityofthecableoompany. . P . 4 .4 ° ‘ , .~ - 3

R.W. Koonce of 4,, _ 4 . _ 4 . _ . 5 Telecable said 4 4 e m _ ”he 44 e4 ; g4 4..
instructional re- ' 1' ' - ” - .. ,' ' it is waiting f0? at ‘ 3‘3"“ '3“ . "f: i ' '. . ‘
liaison With Tele- " '. J°° Burch, dean iii: 3. é" '*’ 23.43244” 1‘ 2””: , 44,444 * 444d
cable, said it is . 1 of students. on . ‘ . I ‘ 44.....4 , 1 ‘
444444 4044444 4 4 .. . 3 “lemma 4 2.4 4 ‘4 4 4 .44, 44444 4 4 h
than expeCted to : 4" . 1 ’ Studentsinres- ' ' . it . . ’i
connect the Uni- .4 4‘ ’ 3 3 . '4 " ' ' ' ' f . idence bolls "2‘ sir ""i - - ' £4 . . . ~
versity to the . ' J 333:.3;4;'j_:'j-§ where the Wiring ,4 % *4 a , _ 3 43 ,- .M 1.» § §
cable system. \- . . = 4 is complete _ 44 .. - 4 444444 4444444444 44 4 4,,

Koonce said n 3 - 3 : CABLE 3 at: Holmes, Blazer f 3?"? ' “ ' ' 2 ' 3 . .
lems is that “it '— and GM P389 , is; " : . 1M “ 3 as;
took Telecable a \ = Apartments — ' 4 - 2 _ . i 3 4,34 “‘3' ' .- 9"
long one n on . = .. may set the or ' “* ~' . he .. .. a i=-
izo that UK is a \ ”I o o o = Portumtv . ml _ . 2. .. ' 2
“m“ b“‘ V“: ~ ‘ '= month to sum no t . , it ' . . .: i
re” "a cy4 ,. 4444 __ 4, :4\\ . ..= 4 for cable installa- h - .. "a. .

Many of UK’s de— -» M I‘lllhh‘ tion- l'oey would i is; so. “ 4. , . 3 '
partments dis- ’fll ; \' ‘55::2iii.:.;.:§=;s;s§":=r=:::§s='§:€=i:1=s:'~ 00‘ be charged it ~ ,_ " .. ““21. j, , in? 4 ‘ 44: j

agreed on the . . 33 .‘ 3 on installation is -' 4%},

function and vi- fee for the first " ' s... ’ ‘- - 3
ability of a cable .33. o Wdays- 33“ s foil- as... ' .. ‘
sYstem. ' V " iéiféiifi The University i. a 4‘ if???"

After depart- 3 ' ' has asked that ~13"? 44%.3', " Q We...
ment heads com- . Telecable contin- ‘ : ”a do“ on. '
pronnsed. Tele- .' f J-Tm no not to charge o .3» ' . i2:
cable began ‘l l " W6 an installation 3.. '3 i _3 ...
working toward fee through the “2 “m m 3.533;; 1“»: : . fig!
installation. he z _ TIM HAYS/Kernel 540“ first few weeks 44 444.: 4.s~4 4444; 4 4 4444444.4;4:\4 4 %
said. ofeachyear. ., 4%“ ’22:; -. '1 3-" 2

When contacted for comment. a Telecable spokes 3}; ;.: 4 ”‘ "is” 4 4, 444 s: - - .r-. o.- o“

“Our rules and regulations didn’t agree with their man. who wished not to be identified, said the installa- $4,...nea - » ’ - it? f _
procedures" he said. In buildings where no conduits tion of cable in classrooms and mimce halls was ‘4 . 44 3 4 ' 4 4 I"
existed, Telecable wanted to me cheaper plastic con- harderthanexpected. 444mg 3 4 4 .4444 ,4. . 4 44 .
duits rather than metal conduits. which University offi- 'me company is ready to install cable in the residence ‘ehfiwes R‘ 4.4 ‘ .4 or : '. . M n . .f. .
cials preferred because they would fit fire codes more halls and classrooms wired, the Wm" said. It is 4W’W’Wn “x. o -' “.‘i :M ' 1 -~
readily. wait' , however, for Burch's recommendations com . cinnamon. Kern-ISM“

Koor4i4c§ ufladgig the installation crews were also delayed m3: billing and the University’s approval of cable Aer OCC 1 SfUdIeS
byeac . . ’sstructuralobstac es. . m'up- UK safety Andy Molls is knocked to the ground after breaking up a pass to tight end Dwayne Cop-
ufhmlgag Pond.alassoc1:btle dean for m‘fincgiuhan $th the UmverSity mu “"0"? no further “who" ers in the first half of the UK-Konsas game Saturday. The Joyhowks came from behind in the fourth

e, 58] ere are so pr ems comm e m “W m Donovan mxmwh Hall and the ma!" quarter and escaped with a 13-13 tie behind the pinpoint passing of quarterback Frank Seurer, who
0‘ students — for instance, how to charge WWW Blending Complex until this summer because of the d's‘ connected on 25 of 37 asses See stor on o e 4
when Telecable insists on dealing with only one person ruptions it ma cause, it will pobably be next fall be- p ' y p g '
perroom. fore residentsoftheseareaswillbeabletosubscribe.

anese army and involved no other parties. N ' I f ' ' '
MONDAY It marked the first time lsroel set a date for leaving Bei- atlona crest strlp mlnlng
rut's Moslem sector, which it entered Sept. l5. lsroel's For-
me staff W], ’quN eign Ministry said the withdrawal from all of Beirut would '
I 9 8 take somewhat longer, without giving any date. won t appen' a . reports
An estimated 800 U.S. Marines had been scheduled to
Campus voterrcgistration underway land in Beirut yesterday to join French and Italian peace-
keeping troops in an effort to help the Lebanese govern- WASHINGTON ( AP) ._ Fears that though some forest officials say that
Students only have a few days left to register to vote in the "‘9’" ”055°" "5 m"h°"'Y- Strip mining would flourish in na- estimateistoohigh.
Nov. 2elecfi°n4 U.S. presidential envoy Philip C. Habib, however, report- tional forests if a controversial pro- Griles said the impact statement
The Political Affairs Committee of the Student Govern- edly told Israeli officials the Marines will stay offshore until posal is accepted are unfounded. was wrong about strip mining be-
ment Association will hold a voter registration drive today 0” '3'09'35 '9" Beirut. "(fly and France 0'50 said their according ‘0 the U.S. Office 0‘ SW" came the OSM unployees who
and tomorrow to encourage students to meet the Oct. 4 "OOPS: lh°°9h ashore, or 9 00' deployed. faceMining. drafted the statement were unaware
deadline. . The government office maintains ofthepl’ecedentsetbyoourtcases
Senotor-ot-Lorge Jack Dulworth, committee chairman, Gmy.’ to VM ”'8', ’W says that previous court decisions would deHe did not deny, however, that un-
soid registration booths will be staffed today and tomorrow overrule any attempts to mine the mmgm mg would be allowed
frOm l0 o.m. to 3 p.m. on the first floor of the Student Cen— IIIIU'I. LOVING" — [0500959 5'0"! television 505d yester- “fit-5' . l . I
for and 4 P.m. to 6 P.m. in Blazer, Commons and Donovan day "‘0' President Ami" Gemoyel is expected ’0 9° '0 New strictlicsisnge Is a propose ~t° relait 4re~ . Gnles referred to several “55'
. . . on mining in sensntive including an mtg-n Kentucky case
cafeterias. York sometime In October to address the UN. General As- areas includi rivatel owned . 1 . . .
' The committee hopes to attract large numbers of stu- SOMblY- lholdi 4ng4 p ' y m 978 decided by U.S. DISH-m
4 4 4 cos ngs Within national forests. Judge Bernard 1', Moynahan Jr.
dents With the cafeteria booths, Dulworth said. Freshmen ll Gilflbll'ed the report '0 lniOfmed sources and quoted The controversial rule change The case involved the Greenwood
are especially targeted because they will probably be in the them 045 50W"? Gemayel 0‘50 WOUld 9° '0 W°5hl"9'°" ’0' would allow coal holdings within na- Land ‘1 Mining Co. and its mineral
cafeterias during dinner hours. talks With President Reagan. tional forests to be mined. as long as lights in theBooneforeat.
Any U.S. citizen of least 18 years of age can register. A "‘0 "PO" said "‘9 40-year-old Gomoyel WOUld 5'09 in the were ivatel owned as of -

_ _ 4 4 4 y pr Y Moynahan relied on a 1955 U.S.
person can change the voting district in which he or she is Paris to confer With President Francois Mitterrond and on Aug. 3. 1977, the date the federal W Court decision _ US vs.
registered at the booths, Dulworth said. his return trip from the United States would visit Pope John strip-mining law was signed. pom“, —in ruling the 1937 deed D'v.

Democrat Don Mills and incumbent Republican Larry POUlllOt the Vatican. 4“T4he issue is 50 out 04‘ W090“ ing the federal government surface
Hopkins will be competing for the 6th District congressional tion. said4OSM 4‘?le director J ownership dith’t leave Greenwood
race on this year's ballot. Also, Lexington voters will decide 5‘9““ Gnles: Th9" 41uSIt m” withtherishllostripmlne- 4 4 4
whether to allow the sole of liquor by the glass on Sundays gomg to44be strip mining 0 re- . In the ruling. Moynahan said 't s
in establishments seating l00 or more. sources. . inconceivable that4the parties to .‘he

mm But some attorneys outside the deed expected “mineral explmtation
agency say the legal situation is not which would irreparably harm the
asclear cutasthe OSM maintains. renewable surface resources which
[SIMSOYS forces Mb. Withdrawn “it's not a simple question,“ said are now heidforthepublic good.
Mark Squillace. an attorney with the The case is still pending, however,
The Israeli military command said yesterday its forces will fiwironmental Policy Institute. aftu' Greenwood asked Moynahan to
be out of w“, “in" and the international airport by It wlll b. cloudy today with a 30 percent chance of Grile's assurances run counter to reconsiderhisdecision.
Wednesday. showers ending during the afternoon. the high will be the OSM'S 0W“ th-aft {PllVli'O'llilfllW Griles said he realized that. but.
. ... No date was announced, however, for complying with In tho Iow10s. amt smtfmcg‘n‘a Wh‘Ch ““244?“ “Until it's changed. we comider it
President Reagan's demand for a total pullout from the Lab. ‘I’horo will to slowly decreasing cloudlnou tonight “€4,333: nationaflfznreslt; to 34:" thebest 1°83] intern-cation."
- - - ~ 9 ' however maintains the
onoso capitol before U.S. Marines enter the besieged city. wlfh . low In a... low 9° mld 50.4 anddeep mining. Squillace. .

The announcement in Tel 4Aviv stotod4thot the withdro- Tomorrow wlll In mostly sunny and warm tomor- The Meat acreage 452mm". m mamcfl: in?

wol was home workod out m coordination W“ ll" “5‘ row wl'hohlgh in titanium. is said to be in eastern iientucky'ii local mining practices and the word:
Daniel Boone National Forest. al— ingoleechdeed.

 Ker not"
IIII "olden Andree: W John Oern 80m VI. hemmed tlnl 5. Kudos- 1.0. Venue.“ Den ("Nerd
EditoHn-Chiet News Editor Ant Editor Sports Edna! Special Proleds Editor Photo Editor Graphics Editor
Jon.- lf-la MI. (Indy Nov lurk-n I. kilo. Mldroy Inner-en [some Mllllon Ion VIII Noel: (hm Ash
Managingfdlto' Editorioliditoi "litmus-II. AuiuantSpom Editor spfliolprolxfifi Aummu chlgl Photographer Copy Desi- (‘hiel ‘
Auluanl Am Editor!
Students need to reg' te t0 0t I ll
Some controversial issues are being dis- with students registered by campaign work~ _ .
cussed in Lexington now —— issues that vot- ers for Larry Hopkins and Don Mills and If ou donur 5: n "7/00 COu-ld be 3I3n\n3
ers will decide on election day, Nov. 2. those registered at the Fall Festival, Will 7 3 it 0:” QWO --..
Whether or not Lexington should have lim- probably bring the number of students regis- UP'" Y
ited liquor sales on Sundays at large restau- tered this semester toaround 2,000. _ .
rants will be one of those issues, as well as Those students who are already registered , /f
the question of who will be the Sixth District in their hometowns should seriously conSider « ~ ‘ THE OUT" ‘
US. Representative. changing their registrations to Fayette Coun- / _ ,3- ‘:
As a student, you are a Lexington resident, ty. After all, this is where you live. The deci- ‘ ,fg‘g, ,3 ‘3- ,. '5 ., "a ,
and thus, these issues directly concern you. sions made here will affect you more than s, .. 5,} cw"- - =
. - V ‘. no , ' ' .
And, to be able to help decrde their outcome, those made somewhere else. . .~ l / W7 0 . 0 ,
you must be a registered voter. In order to Think about it. On which election would "K’h‘ ‘ W” h {7 H R H AR ”AR
vote in Lexington, students must be resi- you rather help decide the outcome: the f/ , ‘\.€- f/ ‘ ‘5 I ‘
dents of Fayette County, US. citizens and at school board race where you went to elemen- Q? “'n'?’ / fl HAR FMR I, '
least 18 years old by Nov. 2. tary and high school, or the US. representa- / ;, a-a'" 'I a .0 ‘u H '
The Public Affairs Committee of the Stu- tives race from the district in which you cur- #4., ( u‘fl‘ A " ”.4‘ , ,
dent Government Association is holding a rently live and attend school? ,. 'A ‘5 KW v“ 3” -. K (’ V“&‘
voter registration drive today and tomorrow. As a Lexington voter, you also help select " ‘7 _ : /‘ KKK _ ‘ “v ..,,._ ‘ ,~ A \ ”5.,
Tables will be set up at the Student Center the mayor and members of Lexington- .3 . H 7' is ‘ ,flh t J” % 7/ o, W
and and the three residence hall cafeterias Fayette Urban/County government. a H]. REG'STER l W, p ‘N i... , ‘ “it: (4,
so students may register conveniently. Remember, if you aren’t registered, you E l u ‘ ii i' » A in“ A. "i 7 //‘/I//.‘ -
Students may also register at the SGA of- can’t vote. And, if you don’t vote, you can’t / ' d 4? fl" .‘, ’.‘ ‘ h ,
. . . . 2, / , / 3% .1 i i I. , / / .
fice, 120 Student Center, until Oct. 4, the last argue about what elected OfflClalS do or a g. egg: ‘/ 83%1‘& oil» 5% 4/7
day to register to be eligible to vote in the don’t do; or about what referendums pass or ,g 551 g R jam, 4.?nggul3 / t V. _/ 7, ' / .
Nov. 2election. fail. ,/ — 5 L I "ll/AV
Signing up as a registered voter should It’s also important to note that students ? . 5 / ’\V’ f ’67- ‘
take no more than a few minutes. And you have rarely had a voice in this community. / - ‘5’; Is» \\\ / 44/155, ‘ ‘
only have to register once in your lifetime, And repeatedly, they have suffered for it —-a 7/ g ‘\ 9‘ Our?
unless you change your party affiliation. utility company that gets away With finan- / 7‘ 3, _ __ ,§‘_—_K “g Q. ,‘ “Cw Lb) ,.
In the past, turnouts for the registration cial murder, a representative who conSis- g K.“ . % 0% 7
drives have not been very high. This year, tently votes to slash student financial aid, Q :K ,, é \ Q. ® \ -'
Jack Dulworth, committee chairman, said etc. We " _’4 / ‘5“ dub”)
he hopes about 1,000 people will register dur- Registering to vote is the first step to mak- ! . -—' ' . w“ " , 2':
ing the drive. If the drive succeeds, it, along ing this a more hospitable place to live. w “‘ K“ "E a“ ' g,
Can countr be run on Rea an '8 char es and cliches?
When reporters cover the presi- collector, big government. but can heusesit again. East peace initiative was splendid, cits by an amendment that makes Well, you can't win them all!
dent on a trip, they can’t all get into yourunacountry on this idea? “We have another task force that and was delighted to toss it into the them unconstitutional. He advocates Think how he’s fixed up the US.
Air Force One, so they send a “pool *— is working on fraud and waste. They administration’s account on the plus prayer in public schools (which the Navy so the other half can now go to *
reporter”to cover eventsaboard. have brought thousands of indict- side just as I was getting discour- Supreme Court has banned). He sea.
If you know the code, these re- _ merits. They have done thousands of aged with so many negative mat- would change the law to allow tu- 1982,The New Republic, Inc.
ports are sonfitimes mtflmfinll- , TRB audit: ha f d th ters, such as the president’s stance ition credits for private schools. TRB is the pen name of Richard
umma ing. ey ca e a o- “ ey ve oun ousands of on crime. Some conservatives aren’t ha . St t, P It P ' - ' ' -
sphere of the Reagan White Horse: people receiving goveriu'nent benefit In his pretentious appeal to the na- Sen. Bob Packwood, R-Oregon,p‘f)gr porrTZr :ho hazizenrzfimzzlwag-
chatty, gossipy, right-wing and checks who have been dead seven tion on crime, he didn’t mention the example, chairman of the national ington bureau of the Christian Sci-
sometimes rather reckless. K years. They have saved, so far, in obviom matter of gun control. The Republican Senatorial Committee. ence Monitor since 1921. Strout has
Here is the pool report of Eleanor “I’m convinced that in these last the last six months, 35 billion . . FBI has just figured that there were said Reagan’s proposed anti-abor- been writing the TRB column in The
Clift of Newsweek for other report- few decades, increased intervention It’s the same “seven years,” but 22,516 murder victims last year in tion amendment drives “one more New Republic for over 35 years. It is
ers on Sept. 1 at KNBC studios in by government in the marketplace, now“$5 billion”is added. the United States. Other sources in- nail in the coffin” of the Republican distributed by Field Newspaper Syn-
Burbank, Calif.: tax policies that took too great a Of course the government is run- dicate that about half of these peo- fortunes. dicate.
_“Coptered into the parking lot be- percentage of overall earnings, plus ning down fraud all the time, in So- ple were killed by handguns.
hind the NBC studios, arriving at burdensome and unnecessary regu- cial Security checks and in income Every poll for 50 years shows the
5:15. Before Mark Weinberg cut off lations, reduced economic growth tax evasions. So far as is known, US. public wants stricter handgun ar e an sma co 8 es
the power, the pool was able to see and kept us from creating new jobs there is nothing new in the energetic control. In his book, The President
on closed-circuit TV the president for newcomers entering the job mar- Reagan countermeasures. is Calling, Milton Eisenhower said,
preparing forhisTVaddress. ket.” One of the president’s arresting “Every civilized nation of the world ' ' I
“A half hour before the telecast, He believes this emotionally; it is platform charges, made in Kansas other than our own has comprehen- ave some a I e ua ltles
Reagan sat at a makeshift desk at his basic dogma. He repeats tag recently, isinanother sphere: sive national policies of gun con-
the studio, assumed a presidential lines from old speeches. “When we took office 20 months trol.”
pose, and as the technicians hovered Where did he pick up the statistic ago, on any given day half the air- But the pro-gun National Rifle As- Take a long-time Kentucky boy dead center of the place and nobody
around, stared into the camera and he used Sept. 9 at the Republican planes in our military could not fly sociation says “no" and Congress 600 miles from home and drop his bothered them. We theater folk
with a completely straight face de- Party luncheon in Topeka, Kan., for for lack of spare parts. Almost the doesn’t act. Now, in the strangely- cherubic, enthusiastic face into an roamed about, gypsies that we are,
clared, ‘Welcome to Death Valley Alf Landon, that “8,000 people are same percentage of naval vessels disappointing Reagan administra- “under the willows” Methodist-affil- and took a table where we could find ,
Days.’ ” . receiving Social Security checks and couldn’t leave port for lack of spare ton, the president can come out iated, midwestern liberal-arts col- one.
There is a directness and simplici- they’ve been dead an average of parts and machinery or lack of full against crime with a fanfare for lege, and what inevitably happens? All the blacks sat across the salad
ty about Reagan that is at once at- seven years”? crews to send them out. . . . Yes, we tightening the laws of jurisprudence Two years later he’s back at UK bar by the west wall. (Because Sim-
tractive and rather terrifying. Gov- He goes on whimsically, “There is stepped up defense spending." (the insanity defense and that sort grinding out editorial rhetoric for pson is a liberal-arts college, there
ernment is the aiemy, it is too big. a little sloppiness that needs to be It is hard to believe that even the of thing), but not mention gun con- the Kernel . . . with just a touch of is a continual controversy over
He has been preaching this since his corrected there!” amiable Reagan accepts the full im- trol at all. gray at the temples. whether the blacks are avoiding the
television days. . . What “8,000 people"; what “seven plications of such startling declara- Reagan wants a lot of constitution- “ whites or vice versa.)
The charge is all right. as a plati- years ’? At a Republican Party pic- tions. NobodyinCongress seems to. al amendments but none is likely to Groups of professors also sat here,
tude — everybody is against the tax mm at Hooper Park, Utah, Sept. 10, I thought Ronald Reagan’s Middle pass. He wants to end buttet defi- JAMES along with one table of Kappa Theta
ME PS] members that nobody sat Wlth
‘ STOLI. anywaY-
The food was as mundane as the
conversation. If the vast fortunes I
m. donated to the liberal arts collegiate
I don't want to say I became diSil- kitty were supposed to be for superi- .
_. _ _ _. _ _ _. _ lusioned with Simpson College. 1 or services, I‘d rather buy Japa-
. . mean. if I had won a thousand dol- nese. Soyburgers . and succotash
Voter reg|$fral|0n day. Whatever your political per- there is not security. We also move sider the necessary job that we do larsbir; a ploeléer gametthists'p‘lri‘ingigg every other mght ‘5 "0‘ a healthy
suasion, you should take a hand in heavy furniture and are responsible and once in a while remember to my 1.331 obailn $18,): tfh d‘et' , . .
On Nov. 2, Lexington will elect a the decisions that affect your life. for cleaning up chemical spills and say“thank you." '3’ n5?- y s . louR erh‘ When we werent try ing to hg‘h'e
representative to the United States being maids and housemen for the My tr a ‘er was entire y onnie out what the shrimp shapes really
Congress and will decide whether or Katy Banahan families who stay in our waiting Irvin Smith ReaganSidea. l . were, we were paised heSitantly
not local restaraunts will be able to SGA Political Affairs Committee areas. Environmental services The monster theater scho arSh‘p over a. 31°!) or maShhd mtatha'
sell liquoronSundays. It is environmental services em- UKMedical Center "“3 ““9 3“.“ me was 3‘ “5 953?“, Wondemg What mys‘erles ‘ay w‘m'
Will youbeoneon them? This letter was also signed by these ployees who clean the rooms where but 3h? 31" drgpg’e: dand turtles ‘h‘ h seemed thht every meal was a
Students will have the chance to committee members: Chairman ill patients have been and some- SSRF . f d goat - In it e enI . u] 51 sonée co fresh (to use an Inappropriate adlec'
register today and tomorrow in the Jack Dulworth, Kevin Devlin, Mi- times other staff members forget to OPPFeC'a e a“: ‘3 0° mm c; afor :12 go hve’ challenge. .
Student Government Association’s chael Goldberg, Cheryl Hardcastle, tell us that it has been occupied by a :m ' .“t I “’° d . w‘ghhg "‘9 1 3"“ ”me ““35 are h“? We
voter registration drive. SGA will Krista McBride, Mary Ann O’Don- patientwithacontagious disease. The UK Student Government As— "Ch".5hhas and Spnhg ”at: at any college. Theh’w" I hved ‘h
set up voter registration tables in nell and Terry Warren. Sometimes staff members also sociation would like to express its UK d'dht seem nearly as 'g and 0‘" “’6‘ had 1‘55 Citizens than UK
the Student Center and at Blazer, ' I forget to properly dispose of nee- sincere appreciation to Ann Phillippi unfriendly after that rea lza.hhh' has Sh‘demsv and the college only
Commons and Donovan cafeterias Job necessary dies, and it is us who get stuck with and the members of her organiza- They say one Of the us advan- had800students. .
oriboth days. these contaminated needles. tion, the Students to Save Robinson ”3‘5 0‘ small “:Wls,‘§ kndgwnitghev- Even 5°! you 5“" had to Chase
If you are a United States citizen, I am employed by the UK Medical When something is stolen it is en- Forest. It was the efforts of these ery body and ma ing .rien , “’1 0“: §°r°5§ campus to three d'fferem 0“
live in Fayette County and will be 18 Center in environmental services. I vironmental services who gets the concerned students that brought the Shght‘m tfrouble. “"5 ‘5 "u? {ices “St to drop or add a Class' h
or older by Nov. 2, then you are di- think it is about time that other de- blame, since we have access to about the preservationoftheforest. knew morfs ‘fiks out the.” 31:" even made you Set the . form
gible to vote. Registration takes only partments understand the feelings I many areas we are naturally always So, once again, on behalf of SGA three weef t an". "$13) "'1 ee stamped by the business .thce 'h
two minutes. and it’s certainly more have concerning the department. accused and seldom guilty. President Jim Dinkle, the Student y “mania ayette 13“ °° - case you owed any money it wanted
than worth the effort. On weekends and holidays when Ithink it is time we receive some Senate and the 23,000 members of St ' c “In” wegidas commonhaas to extort. . .
Whether we realize it or not, both other departments are resting, envi- respect that we deserve. Consider the UKSGA. . .thank you. anywhere. Every 1 y may Xe Certainly, I missed the rolling
the congressional race and the Sun- ronmental services is always on the condition of the buildings at this “"0“!" a 10¢ 0f. peop 9' but he: s e horse farms and. inane religious mh'
day liquor sales issue will have an duty. Universityif we were not here. 'l‘im O’Mera grayitatedtohisorher 0w" km ‘ . "wet” for meh Lexmgton ‘5 fa-
impact on is as students and Lex- We are called on to be plumbers if Because we do not have high edu- SGA press secretary {Simpson had a lunchleiall the we more. Who wouldnt feel .hhmwd‘
ington residents. So take the time to there is a water leak. or police offi- cations and there are few degrees 0 a Classroom 8‘" Ins emu-'8 for sweet southern femmlmty, and
register, and then vote on election cers if areas need checking where among us, do not write is off. Con- _ room. It could run us al through in raucous school board meetings. For
Lane’s Polmy an hour and a half, often less. If you several weeks I had Vismns of old
DR ABBLE (I) b Kevin Fagan ate slowly, you met the entire stu- friends and flames, times and
y People submitting letters to die dent bog at elicit! "rial. and you 811- plaice. h I f d If
. . we 5 ew s w ere everyone ow, owever, as in m se
I HOPE YOU “ERNIE MOM) THE POPCORN VOPPER I6 00 VI OON'T KNOu)... g '" ‘1 x :mamlmmxrfign woeild sit. J" breaking in the old Sears Scli’olar
CLEVER ‘iOU|R WWMR ON THE BLINK AGAINfiiO ’iOU LE15 SEE IF IT5 50;..z/ , c O . the editor u [14 Journalism The Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity typewriter for another journalistic
l6, PATRICK. .j IN“ 901' RWY. DUNCH TRlNK STARTW To FOP... g (which Bulldlng,UK,m2- members had three tables pushed year, I feel a homesickness for
I OF VOPCORN IN THE W 4; . g .6 ,. Writers must Include their together that the food service man- somewhere else. Endless patchwork
' MICROWAVE — lillLL / / , E 90' 0 "II" mm”, “drum. telephone agement had stopped trying to sepa- fields of corn and hay float in my
OVEN! WORK? 3 . g 7 {352) 050 numbers and their "“10". clull- rate. The drug fiends from the top dreams. The rich stench of passing
J .,, . g , «7‘ 93% new... or connection m. ux. floor or the coed residence hall ate pig trucks conjures memories or Me
U- /, I , . ; i /. g / J/ : ‘fggg‘fg Identification wulhveflne¢ in dazed little groups close to the under smogless skies and glorious
. - ‘ , o '~,; 91.1? 9,3); he Kernel reserves the right north dOOI‘S- sunsets.
4 . .- -‘ :55; / ° . \ ° £3 ((1% William 330 '23 to edit for grammar. clarity and Against the east wall. the music Andlcan’t helpbut miss that,too.
y ‘ . — i'vlliniruilmf'". '3; _ l . . - ”8302?) length and to ellmhate Ilbelou people jammed into three sets of
1.; mtlummmlulm ‘ ../ o ,'___'.':g." {hégh m.m.|_ two tabla each, usually reserved James A. Stoll is a theater sopho- .
-. ‘ 4 3 / ' // ”9' .- seating only. The jocks sat in the more andaKernel columnist. '
. ‘ . ,

' S ' l 'es try to help victims
' 3‘1 ’ f f llo ing violence
psychological effects on children. Veltkemp said. lems they are unable to cope with, such as lack of par- banging the door down for children who haye been
“Generally when a child is abus