xt7qnk36453t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qnk36453t/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1940 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, November 1940 Vol.12 No.1 text The Kentucky Press, November 1940 Vol.12 No.1 1940 1940 2019 true xt7qnk36453t section xt7qnk36453t V‘ ‘ ' H H H " """‘“v"‘-“-‘""‘"""'*“""'""Tm'1'1‘7“”“'-“"“ ‘-‘ ""1""W“W"Tie—‘AWWWT-W'FI‘ =1“ W=—"”*“‘,‘"IH1§:| H ’
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11 Volume Twelve Number One . :1;
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 -" ILLII'L’ 13‘}: L : I; I. L
LE: f! 1 1 L‘ L
L I :i ”LL ' ‘
4L3: L; P
L L EL: Two _
L ’LLLL L“:’. L
L f LIL’: :11“ . '5 ‘
L’E‘iL L;.i K TULKY P 3"
LL mes: entU-Cky Sho RESS ‘
L 1L IMEL P W G . No L
. LLJL : L . S Vember’ L
LL L :1 OPUIatio 31“ In Rur chmr- 1940 L
L L LLLL L L Li H n 1 94' a giniai’jc’ VVashing‘lon CL“
x LJL LL Kemu O C ’ “0 Chan 5 ’. ”L We' '
:j JILL ILE; 5 Ck)’ Was on en Wyomin ge, WISCOHE' ” VLL‘
Q: L’LLL’“ :LIOT’L’QFL a net gain6 iOf 17 States that K SUS g, LIO' sm’ LIL and L C
:1: LIIIIfILL. .3 L . I 1 1.11 the last 11 rural po )1 ; , entuCk ‘ Alld-VV “-— L S’
V {LIL 9L :; analysts of th . dFCfide accord- L ’14- ln the u X 15. the thirtee T mm Medina _. L
L ’LLL’L I: figures T1 6 131e11mlnary 19401113 to POPUIat' mon 1n Proport' nth Stale 0 B6 Hcld [(mu 0 At Louisville L
. LL 523‘ ’3 : ' LC net - C6115 101]. A k 101] of Ev Tl' " U (try 16 1 L [l
1 :5L L’L’E ,3 C01T1n1u11' . galn W . [15 qu 1 Y 3.11535 1 r111:1] 10 dat ) 7; I8 I
, L L- E It . as 20 a , - LaS _ , 6 0f ’
. LL ILFL’LLL. LL finds its (Ligjgrrflallsn1 flourishéZ- A: Cl‘easinléolg'fildtlon, 885%. T122: LargCSI, 11:3:(1 for the milia‘lzfilary 16*18 Were E LL
LL L“: iLLLL I; Under [1 , L 11'] LO‘NI'IS Of L an( N ‘ CI" COlne N - _ . 111 (lg; 1' at U _ Inter me I. 56- . It
j ; EL L; : r. . r . . 1000 L 01th Dak ,.. I13515351 ' F- , 1 16 Bro eng of
. . LLLLL Indica- 1” figure can b , 0 0r V 0t€1,8/2‘E/E Pp“ 8I“/" )y ”L9 ‘ wn H0” the ‘ fi’
. :E aw: :1 . t10n th ‘3 taken . erlnom 8 "’ NEW Me ' (' CXCCL‘LLVC . e, LOLLLS” ,
:E. L L :E In h at COmmu - as an S . ’ 5%; S XLCO, 857- 2’ meet' . - commm “He: 1 LL
. II LL-LLL I} t 6 State h . mty Hews Outll Dak Outh Carol' 0, mg m Ler' ee, Nove
4* ELLE L: LI 6x . ave Inc . ‘ Papers ‘ Ota, 8330 . 11121, 85K LA Commit: . . Mngton' T mber EL 0L
3: LLLL ‘: L 1.65an and serviceréfiilxlg fif’ds for 233517611 123%; Armor/1:; 18%?“ 82%; 1Q. Waterfiefg’ is 11 13L) OinLed belecLl‘ggmm E L“
L y‘L}; L ‘- 1a 61- 10,000 . 18 Or “cit. . 6E, orth Cr; - ’ 0; WiscO - chair ’ 1C “(6 Val ’ 1alrman re
:. 4434' ges, and . , umncor . 79‘7- Johns, 80 - nsxn, - man, Fr ICC Arm
L smcu u Porated , 0: Alab %, Ke “71' W Bell “LL01” LL
II ILIII‘ III II L as y con I” Vll- . a In a, , Iltuck I, 1 115, B a Bed . I
L‘LLLL‘ Iffizalp pOpulation 21:23; are ClELSSed 76:31, and WYOming 777:; NIOntan: NCWCastlerarzlldiirburg’ Rllfiselfflii/I games a]
II III I II 0 1 . I 10d , I) o. , E , n C . _ c 1 v,
I L ”LL :.L 6145 . pu atlon of th 0 Island h Sontown a1] Hum ure, \ t.
i LL LLL“; L‘: 111‘s; i8r?dan 1930; the 1948 if; VIVas 2:‘ 5);)féllati0n Which aiss t11.le Smalles[ rural the aSSOEizfgiether With théniflf’i Jefler. L Ci
LLLL LL of 925 Cate a total of O 9131 fig. E a gain of . '_ ”th at 12 . A 1‘ , . n eX'OflCiCio Cers of E’"
.4 L, LIL : I _ I338 T 2,839 927 . SaChl 1L% 1n [1 % 11] . ChOIUtIOn ‘ L .
‘ LL LLL E in . ' he numb . ’ ’ 3 am ‘seLtS Sho ‘6 decade “CC of . - . ’ COHdemn' . P.
L ILL ’E: j g In tOwns u 61 of 6 K . New I ws 18% 1‘ ' Mas. mleldl ‘ ' mg the ‘
a L, ; -,:- der 1 _p ”OHS 11v. \Ork 9 Ural po - Prest‘ ”L15 118m ‘ In“ L 55
: LL E L. 2,013 986 L“ 0,000 1 111E - —2% N- pL‘LaLLon ‘ge 0f t1 g the “a L
I E L LL‘L .’ L5 th' ; , 0r 7W7 n 1930 w . 111015 360 .’ Cw Ler' . , ad . . . 16 ASSOC' . . me and 121
I : Lu I 15 fi . o of the t . . as /v, Callf . A sey .337 Vemsm- latlon 1n . ._
. 1 LL ILL L, gure Inereased . Otal, In 1940 neXt CloSest 9mm 357 E. 0’ Th' . g’. Was Una ' 301mm“ at
._ ’ LLLL L’: LL Eli/the total, a net g:?n2’2f43,094, 791% at 423%. competltor, Midfi’gxlu’l]. thfi l‘eséiugoprmted in angling}, Passedg. L b
L L. :_ E o- 0 2291 ’ ’ ”Le n 0L LL r COL“
L ELL »1;: . E 08, Or The )0 - Heral . lanks tO Inn, A ; a1
L Li LL . It 15 interestin t Was 122’77123’léat19n of the Unit d Uni"; Leader for [he Lhe LBXingmn ’ ta
L L “E LL I}; rural Percegta0 ”me that althougl 311$ shoersE a, 46 In 1930 The f94§tatc5 kets tSltyl Athletic C0111 u'nCheOn’ the ” LL
1': -" ; a - ge sh'f PL .- ‘ total f ' c - ‘ 0 “e A ”“LLCC f' '
. I EL’L , II y In the v _ 1 led C0 ,- 01 8809 o; 131584” en a 1 labam 01 nc. .
E: L ELEL‘ : age of arLOUS Stat “mer- ’ "657- T1 ’ ”03 a ' m the Laf a-KCHLUCk ‘ P’
“LE: 1‘ , rural Ame-' es, the Perm 1930 w.“ (4 16 mm )0 , . gam t€€iev ayette h0te1 f Y game, :
. L ; :2 ;; I‘ema' “C21 to l b ' m- E . “ L :434 968- - 1 Pulauon ' L ‘5 Was a1 - or ”131
. II I L’ L‘ . 1ned CXa t / . 1]" an A1 _. Inclea: E , 1]] 194 . 1n T . 50 unan 1y mm L [C
L; - ' , , m - CCOrd' ’ ‘ gain “15, >le1' 0nd
L . m L The perce urban ”1st t1 . 0f d' L LShCr ' 0‘" RO’
. L E':' ;;; L; ma- , . and r .. ‘ ’ 19 “Ct ' e ltor, (md He ’ g1
I L JLLLLLLL LL fied as Living ing:1::11mha’)imms (‘lasgi PIl‘actically thellgsl population 1.5:? 0; cean Mangeéllle Princemn £131? Sharp, 4", li:
¢ L 1: E LL‘ 1“» areas inCrea . t0Wns 1111 L " ' Me 1930 me With no 1 me to : h. 6}” CdiLo ‘ er, Gra- EL [1‘
:1 L 'LLL LE L the 911] . 56d In 17 St' ( C l‘ura] ‘ percenta e V Clange fTOn - 3550Clati0n I‘, were fldn I L
: I 2x? LE; L E‘ 16 In 9 - (lteS, re] . The g ' L ’ Wlth HICmber l ' lltted L W
LL 4m 96 gm States a named ”end f Lhe N ' sup' ALLLL' ' L
L: III II I _ I tes. T , nd dec I I the 1 0 130ml . ti . athnal E . _ latlon L d;
(L L L L” L '11“ he great . reasfid 1n . asp; decal L 311011 Ch . On for 194 dltorlal A '
11 4 III :: :, ( eas was in Ok’ CSt Shlft t Indi "Ce £10111 1 b ange m tiv 1 1 was a - ssoc1a- '2 C)
II I IIIIII I I I laho . 0 rural Cated In 11‘ an [O . . e y by [I gall] Voted 1
I; L W: 1‘- L rura1 In 1930 ma whmh w . . Gain , the f0110w' ru1a1 IS M Le COITImitte 3mm” L P]
I’ L ’“LLL L” ' even th ‘ and is no . . a” 50% - . L0 1‘ural from mg breakdow - embers of th e. L
: 1E : :4: LL :‘z Ough ther. W 731% r1 ‘5 Indicat d urban in n' l’flCluded e COmn' '9'
L E : L 3- L Crease _ C has Dee . Ira] . , e by GE PCTCent - Presil llttee Pl‘ese
‘ ; LL’ “ ’ - ’ 66,232 1 n a 311 Elm Illban 1 ‘ - ' 1055 fr age Vlce‘P ' (em Gra m a’
L IE1: LLL LL: L lion T1 ’ n the total EL g d“ - S ll'ldlcated b Om rural t r651dem Ru cean PEdle’ L
t‘ L J. Li} : i ‘ 1e greatesti ~ ‘ L “0 popula. .eLLheT Case E - . y L: perce .‘0 Harrv Lee 556“ DYChe C E L’ “L
‘. I, ,, I :5 gan Which I nc1cage WaE - . In f 15 lndlcm 1 mage m L'~ ’ Vvatc‘rfield ’ hall‘mfln L n:
1 ; ‘ L; _ Was 3117 . s ”1 Muth- g lgureg- ec bv aCC 1.5 Alcock , SECreta~
I I I LIII LII I now 42% . 0 rural In 193 I . 1 Ompany_ . ; Frank B . 1y I Cur- h
; ~ g. IL: lural . Oand - Alaba ‘ from, R 611’ Va L (
I E I L-LL‘LLE Crease of , wuh :1 tot 1 II ls ma, Ll~ L‘s . Chen L , 11cc Armen.
I I E.L,.E I. V 402 685 a state i no Cha I L 1 1150113 L _ Rlchard, . Elklns V m
L I Lu} LL from ru ’ . The _ “- ”86: Cal‘f . L 1, A11“ . ‘50“, Edw ’ 61‘11011 W, ,
L I II I . ra] [0 url I greatCst Sh" L]; C I Inrma, . (Usas, M71150 3rd Ham , “L
. I . ELL LL ‘M‘yammgI Jan, 101%, occurred 1:1: FIOFidaOnEECtlcllt, G2. 5221 Colorado, Porthg’ngyleg Mumford» aiecitvirhomas L at
E 1: LL 1; Bcs'1 - . .. 9: Geo~ . ' aWare G . L . orm ’. “LOT R- E
L t ELgE ’t' 1‘ ‘35 ou I“mo _ , 13113, L - ’ 4" OVCLt er pm“ ’ ’C
:I 0 ; L‘LE LL; that also sho; :Wn state, Other SIaI L1; Klzngg’ IIIndiana, no 3éhaldaho, L9; Come Vii: LCMal-r BrachlecIrIltIsN Joe TI L .
. f , Us : Sm; 11 , greater ,E 08 . , S: 1- K “g6; 10 : ‘ LS- ere “'6‘ 31‘
E L LE L L l 1Own a ‘ POpul ‘ ' and ‘ ’ Gnu “a A 1
,; t I- z - nd 311011 E L2, ,. LCk: - - ’ und ‘ ’
L v’. LIL LL IncltldC Califonlglral fireas than in I In Massac Mama 1‘1; N31,! IG2, Lomsi- Herald- leon as guests of t - ’ [h
; a L” M Ware Illin . lma, Connecticu 1330 G11 Mhu-‘Letts, n0 ch dlyland Gz- sidi LeaderI With 1‘ Ihe LBXmgton L 10:
a » L N; ’ 01s, M , E, De1._ : inn ange- M- ’. . . Hg, and . ‘rec Wad L
a, I. LL HamPShir a1”)land, Nev d Ll- . esota, no h E ’ lchlgan o' . the anm 1 18: Pre- ’L
DL ,Lx ILLS . . C, New , ada, New , MISSOU ' C ange; M‘, E. -‘ .’ I) .mtmg, f0 , 1a ’ th0u h d' L —
L a, L L: LIL“ Ohm, oregOn, Pen Jerse), New Yon: Change N £1, no Change; Mo ILSLSSLPPL enjoyed b Otball game Were thgo 1511) L 111
1<: L L‘s: land, an d I “Sylvania , T‘ , e raska, L3- mana’ n il' Y the memb roughly nc
L _ M L I LL’LL A ‘Afashmgton r Rhode Is- G21\€w HamPShir : Nevada (‘1 0 165. ers and their fam- L m
L‘ n L i; ’§ L CCOrding [ - ; New . C; G]' N 1 I .
E f? " LféE the 4 0 the new N . MeXICO, L . ’ CW Jersfg, E E ——____ : hc
LL y“ LL’LLLL town? Sites are m0”? thancegdsiés’ S7 0L CELL? CE‘E’rolina’ L1. $1101:va York GL aély Padumh Editor—13;? L to
E 0 : : 31.E rural 1- (E “small , ’2; 0k ’ r L Dako ’ harl 5 L 'h
. V L; L‘ Elf mOI‘C [1 ’ W111€ 16 . v . G2E 1a110m ta, L2; . - CS Q- C. ' L s
I ”I LILLILLL tion. Ian 75% fall into thisgtaclfs IWIIth G1: Siennsylvania’ G; 1%”? Oregcm 376mb? business IIII‘IICIgh, I84 years old, L Va
I I III II II 855mm. L8; Télth carolina, LL- q lode Islaan w at 1115 home in 1:31 dlCd November L :11]
i 1' LL [3. n“fissee, L1; ’r’ EOUth Dako;a as One of the r ‘ ucahE Mr. Leigh .
‘ ‘E L f: I? ‘ , Vermont ’ “‘38, L1- ’ ers in 1) ”St newsm 5 f
. : ;;1~' ’ ”0 Change- VE -’ Utah, W'th - aducah, havin I per pubhsh- a1
s 1 lrgmiaI no tl’ hls brothers in g been associated . L01
16 Standard in 1884 the publication of ' Set
. L da
1 Ly

 .51 ‘ - 1» v': in E -
L 11% lI L
. I1 ii i.
. LLlI ,
r’ 1940 1 November, 1940 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three ll EL 1
' E1 Elli:
we“ Vir- Cleaning U1) The youn er 'ournalists raduates -of col- Boo tin Th H T L‘LLLLL L 1
I, L1; and Ll ' g -J . ’ g. , s g 6 0m, 0w" , , LILL'L :-
_ Small Town Press leges of Journalism which once weie a One of the definite requ1s1tes for a1EliE E‘ --j
E The executive committee of the Ken- Joke in newsrooms of the land, and successful editor is to be a home-town El PEEL
isville l1 tucky Press Association, meeting recent- others who hZVCE had dd?” nfeEwspaper hOOSteh—to get hls town 0nE the map Ell‘LEE "
18 L ly in Lexington, heard a proposal by flimerienEcEe anf we“: e in nancinlg ”1 a _b}g way andEto get as Wlde spread E LuiLLE it}
8 were se- L its chairman, Editor Harry L. Water- a: p 53:11? 5:131: aasma niwstpapegigmm pEubliCity concerning his town as pos- E, EEEE "
ting of the E field, of the Hickman County Gazette, SE31Eyes y c n opera e o sui iem- Sible. This was more than realized re- EEE
Louisville, l that the Association consider joining L Within the last decade a ver consid- cently when .lhe Lexington EHerald an- 1 LL LLL L
November l other State press groups which have erable chan c has come over tLlie Ken- noEunced that the entiie edition of that E EEEEEE j
.e pmgram aligned themselves with the Audit Bu- ttihk/ Pres gd ‘ . l . ,. . daily paper would be given away 0E“ El .
Chairman ’ reau of Circulations, and have all Ken- influl of E: n ue biEi 31g: ttineaEscEiie,Etg any day that a Bluegrass-bred horse dEid EEELE .
rmentrout , tucky newspapers audited so advertisers, 'Ildllil E u ger .00 dl e for C (incite. “0t WEI“ a race on Ea recognized mile EEEIEE E
)l‘d, lame; and the public as well, may know au- E EEv1cua S more soun y giEoun ef Em track I.“ the Umted StaECS-E ENewspapers, L EEEE'LE
McClure \ thoritatively and exactly what the paid Eiusinetss pracfu:s,Ein01e cpgnuanCE 01‘ He magaZmeS, trade publications—almost Ev LLLELL .1
ell, Idler: E circulation of each is. EmEZEor ancEe 01 EcilisingssEeEt iIEcs arE 1gEEup- every type of news purveyor—carried the LELLLILL
officers of E It was decided that the Kentucky ioNinEg s ancczlii s 0 tie EEouitEi state. story and Lexmgton and the Bluegrass 1 EElEEE‘
E Press Association would invite a repre— oEEonger1 o KEenfEuckys better Enews received thousands of inches of com- E‘ EEEELEE E
the pm. i sentative of the Audit Bureau of Circu- liapef”,56,[ tEieE ads,E 1131 L111) thEe boils-11m ment and advertising. The WP”. 15 "EILLE
name and E lations to address the members assembled $611.91 “3.1““ idanhthm [er ptatte YEN; to be congratulated on .18 initiative L‘LELE
L soliciting at LhEir annual mid—winter meeting, to ' ruLshcsa Chisilniniltrilm Lit 11:35 (iiisto iv )2 1:31, and uniche achievement In putting lt- LvLLllLL
y passed. E be held in Louisville, January 16, 17 [E .E E: E d - t . .EI T} E self, Lexmgton, and the Bluegrass more E5EEEE
:olumn. A E and 18, and to make every effort to ob- “Leartrghygilrgf L)Luhfi:heligsoagdbileljiwis; firmly insthe lllElllEElS ofEthEeECiti71enEs 0E this EEEE
Lexington E tain a favorable VOLC upon the PrOPOSl- readin )ublilwill no lonoer tolerate Emma” fuic LLB: Cu} .szemLh‘lac Enot lLlLL
heon, the v tion of audits for all Kentucky news— 1 gEL l . l' 0 16m" 0 “6 uegiass ere [ 15’ “CW EL;
36 for tic» E papers. tiaItEEsmItEo John]; ism. 1 ul , knowledge of Kentucky wonders have L; EEEEE
:kv game, I To the everlasting shame of the small . 1e Eentch y .ICS.S LOC RE’ VEVEH 1f LEE“) been enhanced and augmented. 7E JELEL‘L:
tassed. * admitted that many such publishers are nefivs )a )erslof other eneiations and is ‘2: 3' Goadm‘meEBuh-‘E Idmdin . LE1 ELLE
idon, ROLL guilty Of gross neglect 0f thdr. mailing makilng1 ra )id stride? in no r’ess too ()mity Enteipiise Dom Caitei ILIL‘LL
[an Sharp, 4r LLSLS’ resulting in an accumulation, over lon dbelaveld The exce )tilonsgare' No Seymour B Goodman, for the past ELLLLIIL
ader, Gra- 1 the years, of many names of persons to . gren ciirculation and 11le of Em Lstan- five years editor 0f th‘? Central Record, EE L 3i L
admitted L Whom PaPGI‘S are sent each publication iliidimtion of advertisin‘ rate scchzdules Lancaster, tOOk POSSQSSl-On Of the Hardin LL E
Affiliation L date without any payment being made, Bbth Lof these shortcomign 's are on the County Enterprise,E Elizabethtown, N0- Ll LLL
l Associa- E except for the first subscription which wa t‘ l . E 11 gbl'l .. l vember 1: purchasmg thC semi-weekly EIEEEE
d affirma- a placed each name on the list. you ’ anc 50 me EEL E Pu E11516” W10 newspaper and commercial plant from LLLLLLLE
l Checking the mailing list takes time; “”1““: “‘“d‘ “mg“ ‘0 ab“ ,‘hem' Wesley 13- Carter E: liElLiilii‘E
e present and a country publisher never catches Kentucky now has aE_C0h31d€mble M1". ECarter, W110 had operated the ELELLJEIE
E Pedley, L‘ up with the things he must do, because number 0f small town dailies and week- Enterprise for the past 51X years, has llilElLLEl
Chairman E running a country newspaper is a 24_ lies which measure tip well With the best “(En completed plahs {qr the. future but EEEElEEEEEr
FY l- Cur. hour-a-day job that leaves the under- 10 be found anYWhCl‘Eef Weswm EKen' Will continue to live In Elleabethtown 11EE E‘E'EEE
e Arnien- E manned staff always far behind with its “ICkl’ has more than “5 share Of these. lIOl” the time being. H6 retains owner- L‘EE’EEEEL
3mm W. E work. So, usually, the list goes without Many young m?“ andEwomen are COITI' ship in the Enterprise building, erected LE‘E ELEE
E Thomas 4 attention, week after week, year after iiig out oEl our Journalism colleges these two years ago. EEEEE EEEEEE
Victor R. year. days seeking enEiploynientE on State news- . Ardery “Red” Macauley, who has EEEEEE
5 Joe T. L _ There are other deplorable practices Balm”, some Wlth hhahmal backmg Shf‘ been connected with the Cynthiana Dem- ELLL LEE '
were ml 1 HI‘Oundacountry neWSpaper shop, which ham“ to enable them [0 buy a news- ocrat, has assumed editorialship of the E:‘ HIE
l the national advertisers, and the astute Pal)Er Of them“ 0W” And forhlese Lhmgs Lancaster Central Record. ,‘E ILL:
Lexington l local advertisers, too, know all about. Kentucky can be, and ‘51 properly ——————— L1 E’LEE
acliS, pre- L Worst of. these, next to carrying thankful. . . Speaking Of Operations— E, l; L; 1L:
gh disapv E hundreds of names of persons Who are When the Kentucky Press Association Genial KP A secretary, l- Curtis Al- EEEELE. _
lioroughly E not really subscribers because they do puts its weight behind Circulation au- cock, took a short “vacation” from his ‘LLL LiL
:heir fam- E not pay anything for the paper, are dits, as it seems certain to do in the many duties and underwent an opera- EE- EE E
E Door bookkeeping, lack of attention to near future, and when Kentuckians gen- tion for removal of a tumor from the _,1 ,EEE,
E COrrespondence, failure to mail tear erally Erealize thatE buying newspaper back of his neck. He had such a good {E ELlEEL ‘
’iE sheets and statements at proper inter- SWICC 1n and subscribing t9 newspapers time in the hospital that he wrote a L LLLLLLL -,
zears old, E vals, and Slip-ShOd methods of executing which do not deal fairly With their cus- column, telling of his experience and E EE 3,
\Iovembef E‘ all business contracts. tomers, either In the matter 0f reader 111' thanking his doctor and all the pretty E'I1 EE LLE
/Ir. Leigh f These were, very largely, the cliiel [01‘0“ 01‘ advertismg value, 15 sheer nurses for their excellent care and EE E .
? publish- aults of the country editor-printer who, waste, the Fourth Estate “1 Kentucky treatment. We are happy that he is now LE ’EEI; ,
associated E fortunately for the rural press which Wlll take its place in the vanguard or back on the job and feeling greatly 1-m_ EL‘ LLE’L’
[cation 0f , 366135 t0_ 8'0 forward and t0 SUI‘ViVC in t0- newspaperdom ”1 the Nation. proved in health and disposition. Who ELELE
E ays highly competitive field, is rapid— —Princeton Leader, wouldn’t with all those pretty nurses ELL l; ‘i’,' L
l LY passing from the picture in favor of GRACEAN M. PEDIiEY, Editor whom he told about. Eff EELE
11: ,§ ELL: 5
. leilIE
I -

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tio Your . C estlo - rcpo _ ly C- u of Ct ate, be a 'Or a an 50 at, a £0110 gent , e _ 0r h‘ 1f th _ 1W1 3 i
r1S r ‘ Onfo 11 I, rt s, 11"Cu . her Prem- dn-e slngl Der red . Wlng 15 Pl‘ln . 1 h - e 'E e3 e

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mu ' 1n - )‘SCT - at r etermter G e Du .the g1Ven 1“St heth with 1”ad ' In 11 n f nS "ir- ”a! ‘
E T E ‘ nlt, g 1, 1])[1 Ella. Cost lhin ene bllsh Prem. with 311m er f 10 a, . Elna V Ian I‘om HEW E's i
/ V61 3 11 LS 0n 1- bu g t 1‘31 . er . lum_ a 5m; U11 1“ , g6 y th 1,”. EH

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E . ed Spa erC T] ed t he r Valu V1510 h 15h b561,. 501" ‘he 61‘ g , all . : bu Son 3, i. E‘ .
'67‘ Wh b Pet 1-" '65 ‘ 1C ,(b) 0 t1 etail e of n of C e Th.lpti° IDtlon M200 dlto yer 5 Su M: :E ”E >

E ere I Y Pro 161d Into cle Sub 16 Sub Valu *1 135‘ 1rd n Off C1215 a rs S, ch . E E, 3E _.
' ' ‘ ' ' - - U a S 0h Scrib Scrib e an Drem. s‘ficat- ASsi 61”. 56d . mo and Che . . NEE .
‘ e5th LS Inf gressl, am , ‘6 rran Coin e1's er s d w ‘“m 1cm Stain T as nth 0th mls E: M x
Cr . i hated Elle Ve e . 15])6. the game misS. °btaj hall berth , net sand, he adln‘ _ Wh Crs ts, JEsEi‘

In E CC . an nCe dlLo 11],. Ce' Subs {Its w.‘0n 0 “ed 1; e Co 01‘ Va only 1n 116 11115 056 mak. E: H: V
E [he ‘ lltlve (1 s1 can rs iR, Wed bomb” 1th 0 r in hm“ “Side lue r the Cat‘ w 1" Lrat‘ WOrk 1n :V‘E'EE‘ .
. elld 1,: 10 - lollld nm eVCr of th y th pay they Conn gh a red. epre_ 10115 ules 1V6 0 Ca g iEEE ,1 .

Orse. CSted . an 1) be )’- Dubl- '3 re *3 pUb .5 les Dubli echo gents St» f0 mak r n b “Esme .

t 5 1n y n e 1 , un i e “at gular 11Sh 5 th °atio “.w- Or a. 1at' r “ 6 Prof . c w'i ,.
iilée NEA E To re.Pr0ciisin€W5Papeis‘ "aluaisledw £59131?exciiifgggii‘e’eea