xt7qnk364372 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qnk364372/data/mets.xml  The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 2015  journals  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing University Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 3, Fall 2015 text Frontier Nursing University Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 3, Fall 2015 2015 2015 2019 true xt7qnk364372 section xt7qnk364372 FNU

Fall 2015

Volume 90

Number 3

Happy Holidays from
Frontier Nursing University
Wishing you peace, joy and good health!


Introduction to FNU ............................................................................................ 1
The Journey – Dr. Susan Stone ............................................................................. 2
Alumni Spotlight .................................................................................................. 4
Courier Corner ..................................................................................................... 6
Courier Spotlight .................................................................................................. 8
Field Notes .......................................................................................................... 11
Beyond the Mountains ....................................................................................... 17
Notes .................................................................................................................... 18
Wendover Report ................................................................................................ 20
Footprints ............................................................................................................ 21
In Memoriam ...................................................................................................... 22
Tributes................................................................................................................ 23
Trustees ............................................................................................................... 24
Board of Directors .............................................................................................. 26
Your Gifts at Work .............................................................................................. 27
US ISSN 0016-2116
Statement of Ownership
Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, publication #835-740 is published four times per year. Subscription rate
is $5. Mailing address: 132 FNS Drive, Wendover, Kentucky 41775. Contact person: Denise Barrett (859) 899-2828.
The publisher, editor and managing editor of the Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin is FNU, Inc., 132 FNS
Drive, Wendover, Ky 41775. The owner is Frontier Nursing University, 132 FNS Drive, Wendover, Ky 41775. There are
no other bondholders, mortgagees or other security holders. The tax status has not changed in the last 12 months.
Issue date of circulation data - August 2015 issue:

Introduction to Frontier Nursing University


ary Breckinridge spent her early years in many parts of the world — Russia, France, Switzerland and the British Isles. After the deaths of her two
children, she abandoned the homebound life expected of women of her class
to devote herself to the service of families, with a particular focus on children.
Mrs. Breckinridge founded the Frontier Nursing Service in 1925 after several
years of studying and practicing nursing and midwifery in the United States,
England, Scotland and France. It was the first organization in America to
use nurses trained as midwives collaborating with a single medical doctor,
based at their small hospital in Hyden. Originally the staff was composed
of nurse-midwives trained in England. They
Our aim has always been traveled on horseback and on foot to provide
to see ourselves surpassed, q uality primary care, including maternity
care, to families in their own homes. In 1928,
and on a larger scale.”
she recruited young people to serve as Couriers
–Mary Breckinridge,
and help the Frontier staff and nurse-midwives in
Wide Neighborhoods, 1952
all manner of efforts. In 1939, Mrs. Breckinridge
established a school of nurse-midwifery. The school provided graduates, many
of whom stayed to offer care to families in Leslie County, Kentucky.


Today, Mrs. Breckinridge’s legacy extends far beyond Eastern Kentucky through
Frontier Nursing University (FNU), which offers a Doctor of Nursing Practice
degree and a Master of Science in Nursing degree with tracks as a Nurse-Midwife,
Family Nurse Practitioner and Women’s Health Care Nurse Practitioner. FNU
has students and graduates serving all 50 states and many countries.

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How to Reach Us
The Office of Development and Alumni Relations: Please direct questions, comments
or updates to Denise Barrett, Director of Development, at (859) 899-2828 or send an
e-mail to development@frontier.edu.
The Wendover Bed & Breakfast Inn: The Big House, Mary Breckinridge’s home, is
a licensed Bed & Breakfast Inn located at Wendover. For reservations or to arrange
a tour, call Michael Claussen, Development Officer, at (859) 899-2707 or e-mail
michael.claussen@frontier.edu. Group tours can be arranged, and we are always happy
to set up tours for organizations and educational programs with an interest in nursing
history and Appalachian studies.



the journey


n Saturday, October 24, we were honored to host Frontier Nursing
University’s annual commencement ceremony in Hyden, Kentucky. Over
the past year, more than 500 nurse-midwives and nurse practitioners from almost
every state across the nation have completed an FNU distance-education program. Nearly 200 of these graduates representing 41 states returned to Hyden to
participate in the ceremony. Graduates traveled from as far away as Alaska, New
Mexico, Arizona and California in order to celebrate this important milestone in
their careers. We were proud to have three Leslie County, Kentucky graduates at
this year’s commencement. With friends and family joining each graduate, and
nearly 100 faculty members in attendance, along with the FNU Board of Directors,
staff and honored guests, it was a large affair. The ceremony took place in the
Nixon Center in Hyden.
Award-winning author Silas House delivered the
keynote address. House was born and raised in
Eastern Kentucky near FNU’s home town of Hyden.
House is the author of five novels and serves as
the NEH Chair of Appalachian Literature at Berea
College and as fiction faculty at Spalding University’s MFA in Creative Writing program. He is a
frequent contributor to The New York Times, a
former commentator for NPR, and a former contributing editor for No Depression
magazine. Silas told the story of his mother’s birth, which was attended by famous
FNS nurse-midwife, Betty Lester. He reminded the new graduates of their roots
and legacy, and encouraged them to continue to go forth and be heroes to the
families they will serve. FNU awarded Silas a honorary Doctor of Humane Letters
during the ceremony.


We were honored to also award the
honorary Doctor of Humane Letters
to Sandra May Perkins. Sandra May
Perkins was born in 1944 in Newport,
Rhode Island. Her father left the United
States and the family to serve in the
Second World War, and she and her
seven brothers and sisters struggled to
survive in poverty. Despite these circumstances, Sandra received a scholar- Sandra Perkins, joined by her sisters, with
Kitty Ernst, Mary Breckinridge Chair of
ship as the first black nurse enrolled in Midwifery
her nursing school, graduated as class
valedictorian from the Zion Bible Institute, and excelled in the federally funded
nurse midwifery program at the University of Mississippi.
For over twenty five years, she dedicated her life to advancing the field of NurseMidwifery across the country. Working in the trenches of the healthcare delivery
system, Ms. Perkins demonstrated the leadership, entrepreneurial spirit, passion,
and dedication that Frontier expects of all of its graduates.
As always, the annual ceremony served as a special event to recognize the wide
reach of Frontier graduates. Their compassionate care will affect many thousands
of families for years to come. Join me in congratulating these graduates and welcoming them to the Frontier alumni community.

Susan E. Stone, DNSc, CNM, FAAN, FACNM




courier corner
By Mandy Hancock, FNU Courier Program Coordinator

Let’s Connect—Once a Courier, Always a Courier!
Like us on Facebook!
Share your story—I want to capture your memories!
Contact me at courier.program@frontier.edu for an interview.
Host a “high tea” at your home, in the spirit of Mary Breckinridge.
I will help you plan it!


irst and foremost I want to say how extremely excited I am to be part of
this amazing program. While I was not a Courier myself, I find the stories so
inspiring. The opportunity to be part of this legacy means a lot to me, and I feel a
huge sense of responsibility for carrying on the program. I have been left in a great
position following Nancy Reinhart who has truly built an amazing foundation for
me. I know I have huge shoes to fill, and I’m really grateful for the opportunity.
I began at FNU five years ago.
What first attracted me to FNU was
its mission, rich history, and its
commitment to serving rural and
underserved populations. When the
Courier Coordinator position became available, I was incredibly
excited for the opportunity to be
I recently attended the 2015 Brushy Fork
Annual Institute. The opportunity to meet
more directly involved in carrying
with other leaders in Appalachia, exchange
out the history and the mission of an
ideas and build partnerships was invaluable.
organization I love very much. Also,
I walked away with so many ideas I cannot
having spent a summer working in
wait to bring to the Courier Program.
Appalachia with underprivileged
children and seeing the needs of the
families, and especially the children, I felt called to be part of a program that continues to care for those individuals. I feel the Courier Program is unique as it provides
young people a chance for an education, which cannot be taught be in the confines
of four walls, and is personally transformative and life-changing. I am honored to
be part of this legacy.

Come home to Wendover!
Visit the place where your journey began and I will meet you for tea!
Join the Wide Neighborhoods Program and be an ambassador in your state:
Dr. Anne Cockerham and Frontier Nursing University published a book in
April 2014 about the history of the Courier Program. It is a biography of
Frontier Nursing’s Courier Service told primarily
from the perspective of Couriers like yourself and
accompanied by hundreds of striking photographs.
Delight in the experiences it recalls for you.
Buy your copy today at butlerbooks.com




courier spotlight

Carlyle Carter
Carlyle Carter served as a Courier in 1962 and 1965.
Carlyle is a Trustee, active member of the Chicago
and Boston Committee and on the Courier Advisory
Committee. She currently resides in Evanston, IL and
Versailles, KY. She has two sons, Nick and John Andrew
(Ace), who are very creative. Carlyle is retired from fulltime work in publishing but still does freelance editing and
writing. In her free time she enjoys tennis, all things French and traveling, especially to Missoula, MN to visit her mother who is nearly 100 years old! Carlyle stays
active in the Courier program because she thinks “the courier program prepares
young people to serve others and to not set limits on what they can achieve. It is also
a way for ‘old’ couriers to stay involved by helping with the program.”
In her own words…
In 1954 Mary Breckinridge was in Lexington visiting my grandmother, who was
her first cousin, and she invited me to visit her in the mountains for a couple of
weeks. I was intrigued because my father, Joe Carter, had been one of the first—
and last for a long time—male couriers, and he had shared his FNS adventures
with me. The couriers who drove me to the mountains from Lexington to Wendover on my first visit, past coal trucks barreling down the mountains, were Jane
Leigh Powell and Katie Ireland. From the very start, it was an exciting, memorable
When I served as a full courier in the summers of 1962 and 1965, there were some
paved roads, so the nurses also used Jeeps in addition to horses. Two important
requirements were being an expert horseback rider and knowing how to drive a
stick-shift, four-wheel drive vehicle. My assignment as a courier in 1962 was to
drive a British nurse-midwife named Sue Smith, who had failed her American
driver’s test five times. I didn’t have the heart to tell her that I had failed mine three
times before finally getting my driver’s license. In those days the nurse-midwives
still made house calls. Since I was Sue’s driver, I had the great good luck of accompanying her on all her calls.


I saw things in those cabins that I had never seen before. This was before birth
control pills, and most families had many children. Witnessing extreme poverty
and lack of education up close was a new experience for me. The typical mountain
cabin had one or two rooms, no electricity, plumbing, or telephones; and the walls
were often papered with old newspapers.
I enjoyed these home visits, and I delighted in meeting the mountain people.
I never met a mountain person who wasn’t friendly. It was another world and
another culture. It was also a great adventure!
I had been Sue’s driver for two weeks and had yet to witness a home birth. I asked
Sue, “When are you going to do a home delivery?” Sue replied, “Jane Doe (fictitious name), who lives up Trace Branch is due shortly.” A few days later, Jane’s
husband showed up at the nursing center. He said, “Come quick, Jane’s a punishin’
bad and the baby’s a comin’.” Sue hurriedly packed her delivery kit, and we set off in
the jeep up the holler to their cabin. When we got there, the old grandmother and
rest of the family greeted us. Jane was dressed in one of her husband’s old shirts,
and the crib was an apple crate.
Jane’s labor was slow and stretched on all afternoon. But by nightfall, things really
got moving. I asked Sue, “What should I do to help?” This is when Sue handed me
a flashlight and explained what my role would be. “Here, hold this. Since there is
no electricity, your job is to shine the flashlight.” I took the flashlight, my hands a
bit shaky, and shone it on Sue and Jane as Sue expertly helped Jane to deliver her



I watched in wonder as the baby was born. It was such a strange, amazing, and
other-worldly feeling to realize that a brand new human being had just entered the
room! Sue cleaned the baby, wrapped it in a blanket, and handed it to the proud
parents, saying, “Say hello to your new son.” Another role I had as the midwife’s
assistant was to be the official photographer.
I will always look back on that summer in 1962, which taught me many things,
some of which I did not realize at the time, as I was only 18 years old. I saw how
one person’s determination (in this case, Mary Breckinridge’s) can make a huge
difference in the world. I learned how skillful and caring a midwife is and how she
really gets to know her patients and their families. I also realized that it doesn’t take
a lot of money to be happy and that this area of the Kentucky Mountains is in one
of the most beautiful places in the United States.


field notes

Kentucky Lt. Governor is
Guest Speaker at FNU Luncheon
“We are counting on each of you and the great legacy of service
behind Frontier Nursing University to help continue the momentum
toward a healthier Kentucky.” – Lt. Governor Crit Luallen


he Bluegrass Committee, a group of local supporters
dedicated to the mission of Frontier Nursing
University, hosted a luncheon event in Lexington, Ky, on
August 11th. This is an annual event where local FNU supporters and friends are invited to join together and hear
about the latest news, projects and mission-focused initiatives
at the University. The event held at the beautiful HeadelyWhitney Museum in Lexington, KY and was hosted by Bluegrass Committee Chair, Linda Roach as mistress of ceremonies. A moving welcome was
delivered by FNU President, Dr. Susan Stone as was a call to action by committee
member Lindy Karns. The guest speaker for the luncheon was Kentucky Lieutenant
Governor Crit Luallen.
Crit Luallen, Kentucky’s 56th Lt. Governor, is known as one of Kentucky’s most experienced and respected public leaders, after serving with six Governors and being
elected twice to statewide office. As Lieutenant Governor, she is partnering with
Gov. Steve Beshear in his ongoing efforts to build a stronger Kentucky through
access to jobs, education and health care. Lt. Governor Luallen spoke about how
FNU’s mission to improve healthcare for rural and underserved populations is a
perfect fit with the Governor’s mission to improve healthcare for all Kentuckians.
Thank you to FNU’s Bluegrass
Committee for their generous
support of the University’s
mission and for hosting this
event! Members include:
Martha Copeland, Ann
Evans, Cindy Harpring,
Lindy Karns, Selma Owens,
Helen Rentch, Linda Roach,
Vicki Tobin and Fra Vaughan





“Chicken Coop Reunion”

Award Recipients

Homecoming is always a special
time for all of us at Frontier Nursing
University as we welcome graduates
from near and far who come home
to Hyden. However, this year was
particularly special as we hosted
the pioneers of distance midwifery
education, the “Chicken Coop Midwives” of CNEP (Community-Based
Nurse-Midwifery Education Program) and members of their faculty. These grads
are known as such because they did their clinical skills in a renovated chicken
coop in Kitty Ernst’s back yard. The ladies spent a weekend full of reminiscing,
sharing photos, singing and enjoying the serenity of Wendover.

Each year, Frontier Nursing University
honors two graduates and one courier for their
outstanding service to the university and their
community. These awards are given at the annual Homecoming and Courier Conclave held at
Wendover in Hyden, KY. This year we are proud
to announce the following award recipients.

On Friday October 9th, graduates arrived at Wendover where they were greeted
with a very special swag bag full of FNU and Kentucky goodies. Later, they enjoyed
dinner together in the Big House where they shared much laughter over stories of
their days in the CNEP program. After dinner, the Alumni Awards were presented
to Dr. Kerri Schuiling for Distinguished Service to Society and to Dr. Joan Slager
for Distinguished Service to Alma Mater. The highlight of the evening was a very
special circle up with Kitty Ernst after dinner. Each attendee shared, in turn, the
impact CNEP has had on their lives and their careers. Many tears of joy were shed
as the true impact of the CNEP vision was heard and felt through the stories of
each graduate.
Saturday morning the Chicken Coopers awoke to a traditional country breakfast
at the Big House to begin a day packed with activities. The first activity of the day
was a virtual circle-up from the Big House living room in celebration of National
Nurse-Midwifery week. Next, a tour of the Frontier Nursing Service districts and
the FNU campus provided a deeper connection for the “Chicken Coopers” to the
University’s Eastern Kentucky roots. The day was completed with a continuing
education session in pharmacology, dinner and more sharing of memories.
As the weekend came to a close Sunday morning, participants visited the Campus
Chapel and gift shop. Prior to leaving Hyden, the group circled-up one last time to
reflect on their time together and then rang the bell outside the chapel in honor of
their achievements and as a farewell to campus. A trip to Keeneland horse track in
Lexington for an afternoon of races was the perfect end to a wonderful weekend.

Distinguished Service to Society
The Distinguished Service to Society award
recognizes an alumnus who goes above and
beyond to provide exceptional service in his or
her community. We proudly present this year’s Joan Slager and Keri Schuiling
award to Kerri Schuiling. Dr. Schuiling holds a
Ph.D. from the University of Michigan, master’s
degree from Wayne State University and baccalaureate degree from NMU.
And of course, her midwifery certificate through Frontier’s program. She is
certified as both a women’s health nurse practitioner and nurse-midwife.
Kerri currently serves as Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs at
Northern Michigan University in Marquette, Michigan. She has also served as
dean of NMU’s College of Health Sciences and Professional Studies. Schuiling
has also held positions as the Dean of Oakland University’s School of Nursing and Associate Dean and director of NMU’s School of Nursing. She served
FNU for seven years as Education Director and Curriculum Coordinator
providing the basis for the excellent curriculum delivered by FNU today.
Dr. Schuiling has received several awards for her work in women’s health
including induction as a fellow in the American College of Nurse-Midwives
and recipient of the ACNM’S Kitty Ernst award, which is given in recognition for innovative, creative endeavors in midwifery and women’s health care.
She is co-editor of the book Women’s Gynecologic Health, which received
the ACNM Book of the Year Award, is on the editorial board of the journal
Applied Nursing Research and is the founding co-editor of the International
Journal of Childbirth, the official journal of the International Confederation of the Midwives. She has published more than 42 peer reviewed papers
and book chapters. She is currently on the statewide Task Force for Nursing




Practice and chair of the Research Standing Committee of the International
Confederation of Midwives. Most recently she was selected for induction as
a fellow in the American Academy of Nursing, which is one of the nursing
profession’s most prestigious honors.

Courier Unbridled Service Award
The Courier Program Unbridled Spirit
Award is given annually to a former Courier who has carried the torch of Mary
Breckinridge beyond the mountains, perpetuating the mission and spirit of Frontier
in their own lives. The criteria for this award
includes dedication to serving others;
ongoing, longstanding stewardship of
Patsy Lawrence, pictured with her
husband Bob, was presented the
Frontier; and demonstration of personal
Unbridled Service award at the annual
conviction, courage and a zest for adventure.
Boston Committee luncheon
We are excited to honor Mrs. Patsy
Lawrence with the 2015 Unbridled Service
Award. Patsy served as a Courier in 1947. She famously quotes her father
as saying she went for six weeks and matured six years during her time as a
Courier. Patsy’s service to Frontier did not end after her Courier experience.
Patsy served as Chair of the Boston Committee for many years and is still
actively involved with the Boston Committee events. She organized annual
Boston events to bring together Frontier supporters and invite new supporters to join the work. We are thankful for her tireless work which resulted in
years of dedicated financial support to Frontier. Most recently Patsy made a
generous gift to establish the Patricia Perrin Lawrence Scholarship at Frontier
Nursing University. This scholarship will make annual awards to Frontier
students into the future. This financial commitment will benefit countless
Frontier students. For her dedication to the mission and spirit of Frontier, we
are pleased to honor Patsy this year.

As you can see, Kerri’s contribution to advanced nursing and midwifery
education has been outstanding to say the least. We are honored to award her
the 2015 Distinguished Service to Society Award.
Distinguished Service to Alma Mater
The Distinguished Service to Alma Mater honors an alumnus who has
continued to provide support to Frontier through volunteer efforts and/or
donor support. We are pleased to honor Joan Slager with this award. Dr. Joan
Slager is a graduate of Class I of the CNEP (FNU) program in 1991. She
earned her MSN from Case Western Reserve University in 1993 and her Doctor of Nursing Practice from Oakland University in 2008.
She is the Director of Midwifery at Bronson Women’s Service in Kalamazoo,
MI, a large full-scope midwifery practice which recently celebrated its 20th
anniversary, receiving ACNM Foundation’s With Women for a Lifetime Gold
Commendation. Dr. Slager lectures nationally on both clinical topics and the
business aspects of practice, particularly in the area of billing and coding. She
is the past chair of the ACNM’s Business Section, past chair of the ACNM’s
Division of Standards and Practice, and is currently serving as Treasurer on
the ACNM’s Board of Directors. She is a Fellow of the American College of
Nurse-Midwives and a recipient of the Dorothea Lang pioneer award. Joan
and her colleagues at Bronson have served as preceptors to nearly 100 nursemidwifery students — 62 of those students have been Frontier students! For
her many accomplishments, her ongoing dedication to education of nursemidwives and preceptorship of more than 60 Frontier graduates, we are proud
to honor Joan with this award.

Would you like to schedule a reunion
with your class at the 2016 Homecoming?
Doing so is easy! Please contact Angela Bailey
at angela.bailey@frontier.edu for more information.




Frontier Nursing Service Foundation
forms new Board of Directors
Peter Coffin of Boston, MA and founder of Breckinridge Capital Investments, has
joined the Frontier Nursing Service Foundation Board of Directors and will serve
as the Chair. He is joined by Fred Keller, Jr. (retired Merrill Lynch), Derek Bonifer
(PNC Bank) and Peter Schwartz (FNU Board of Directors) to form this new board
to oversee the investments held in the supporting foundation for FNU.

Frontier Nursing University welcomes
Jean Johnson to the Board of Directors
Frontier Nursing University is pleased to welcome Dr. Jean Johnson to the Board
of Directors. Dr. Jean Johnson is a Professor and served as Founding Dean of the
School of Nursing (SON) at the George Washington University from 2010-2014.
Prior to serving as Dean, Dr. Johnson was Senior Associate Dean for the Health
Sciences Programs. During that time she expanded the Health Sciences Programs
from a small student enrollment to nearly 1,000 students.
Throughout her career, Dr. Johnson has been committed to improving the health
and well-being of people and communities, and has designed and launched
a range of programs to improve access to nursing education and health care in
rural and underserved communities. She has been extensively involved in national
leadership around legislative and regulatory policy focusing on nursing issues.
She has served as President of the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner
Faculties, and President of the American College of Nurse Practitioners. Dr.
Johnson has co-chaired the National Task Force on Evaluation Criteria for Nurse
Practitioner Programs and has also facilitated the Advanced Practice Registered
Nurse Consensus Group that established a new regulatory model for advance
practice nursing. In addition, she has served on the Institute of Medicine’s Committee on the Future of Primary Care.
Dr. Johnson was voted into the American Academy of Nursing in 1996; she was
awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award by the National Organization of Nurse
Practitioner Faculties and made an honorary member of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing in 2009. She was appointed to the UnitedHealth
Group’s Center for Nursing Advancement Advisory Board in 2014.



beyond the mountains

North Carolina Tea
On September 16th, Julie Breckinridge
Davis hosted her annual tea in honor of
Frontier Nursing University and her Great
Aunt, Mary Breckinridge. The afternoon
was filled with laughter, memories and
wonderful stories as more than twenty
friends, donors, students, alumni, faculty
Pictured left to right: Dr. Susan Stone,
and staff gathered at Mrs. Davis’ home. Tea
Julie Breckinridge Davis, Denise Barrett
was served from the beautiful silver tea set
passed down to Julie from Mary Breckinridge. Other refreshments included traditional tea fare such as finger sandwiches
and cheese straws. However the culinary centerpiece was a special cake commemorating the 90th anniversary of the Big House at Wendover. One highlight of the
afternoon was an update on FNU news and programs by President, Dr. Susan Stone.
Many thanks to Julie for her hospitality and generosity. If you would like to host
an event in your home to help spread the mission of Frontier Nursing University
please contact Denise Barrett, Director of Development and Alumni Relations

Miles for Midwives 5K Brooklyn, NY
On Saturday, October 3rd Dwynn Golden,
Regional Clinical Faculty for Frontier
Nursing University, braved the cool temperatures and intermittent rain to lead a team
of FNU graduates and students in the 12th
Annual Miles for Midwives 5K in Brooklyn, NY. The annual event is a Fun Run
and Birth Fair that brings together families,
birth workers, and healthy birth supporters for a day devoted to improving
maternity care and community wellness. Angela Bailey, Associate Director of
Development and Alumni Relations, manned the FNU booth at the Birth Fair to
educate the community about the work of Frontier Nursing University.




October meeting of the American Academy of Nursing. FNU will assist FSIL in
development of a curriculum to train Haitian nurses as nurse-midwives and nurse
practitioners. We are excited to consult in this partnership which is a direct extension of our mission to train nurse-midwives and nurse practitioners to serve rural
and underserved families.

Susan Stone and Denise Barrett recently enjoyed lunch with former Couriers Susan Small
(1948) and Diana Hadley (1959) at the historic
Arizona Inn in Tucson. It was a pleasure to visit
and learn about their memories as Couriers and
provide updates and news from Frontier.
In conjunction with the annual American Association of Birth Centers meeting, held in
Scottsdale, AZ, Susan Stone and Denise Barrett
traveled to Prescott Valley, Arizona to visit PioSusan Small and Dr. Susan Stone
neer alumnus Ivy Stearman (FNS graduate 1985).
They met at the home office of Nurses Network,
Inc., a company Ivy founded with her former midwife partner, Jane Trezise, RN in
1986 out of their midwifery clinic in Jerome Arizona. NNI provides home health
care to patients in four counties of rural Arizona, with offices in Sedona and Flagstaff, as
well as the home office in Prescott Valley. They
are passionate about caring for patients in their
own home environment, and the transition
from home birth to home nursing was natural
for them. Susan Stone expressed how “Mary
Breckinridge would be proud of the care being
Nurses Network
provided by Nurses Network.”
Susan Stone and Michael Carter, Chair of the
FNU Board of Directors, traveled to Haiti in
June. The purpose of the trip was to begin the
establishment of a formal partnership between
Frontier Nursing University and The Faculty
of Nursing Science of the Episcopal University
of Haiti or FSIL (Faculté des Sciences Infirmières de l’Université Episcopale d’Haïti). FSIL is the first four-year baccalaureate school of nursing in Haiti. This partnership was publicly announced at the


During the trip to Haiti, Dr. Carter and Dr. Stone traveled to visit Midwives for
Haiti. Midwives for Haiti was founded by Frontier graduate Nadene Brunk, Class
8. Midwives for Haiti works in collabora