xt7qnk36264x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qnk36264x/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1938-10-18  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October 18, 1938 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 18, 1938 1938 1938-10-18 2013 true xt7qnk36264x section xt7qnk36264x The Kentucky Kernel

Don't Telegraph! Write
Students continue to buttonhole
mbers of the Kernel stall and pour
out their troubles, but they also
continue to make the complaints
verbally instead of in writing. Once
again we would like to state the
purpose of this column. It is for
your complaints, ideas, grievances,
and we want them in writing. No
postage is required if you drop the
notes or letters in the University



"Dear Sir: Last spring the Kernel ran an announcement of a prize
of $50 to be awarded for the best
name submitted for the Student
Union grill. I, as well as others,
submitted what I believed to be appropriate names. To my knowledge,
the award has not been made and
the contest was supposed to close
June 1. Would it be possible to have
a little information on this subject?



at"-- '



12,000 FANS SEE

Circus, Band, Card Section

Entertain Spectators
During Half

"Outlawed" Lawyers
Quite a few lawyers felt that they
in the election
yesterday because of the Council
ruling to the effect that first year
law students vote as sophomores,
second year men as juniors and
those of the third year as seniors.
There are arguments for both sides;
but if, as some insist, the first year
men were to vote as seniors, what
would happen to the second and
third year students? No Individual
should be allowed to vote as a senior
for three years straight. On the
other hand, it does seem a pity that
a student after three years in the
A Si 8 college must be relegated to
the sophomore class come time for
election. We would welcome suggestions on this matter.
Another letter from an old contributor graces our desk but the
material again is so long that we
are forced to give excerpts. ". . .
Certainly, your feature writer, Mr.
Allen by E. Winer, is winning his
way to new laurels with the type of
material he weeds out so diligently;
incidentally, his efforts go a long
way in helping the Kernel grow
to recognition.
And that article
concerning Dr. Lester Tamopol and
the atomic theory in super lattices,
is an illustration of 'more worthwhile material' I wrote you about
in an earlier letter . . . ",
"However, when are you going to
cut down on the kindergarten blath
erings of certain fraternity and
sorority scandal mongers?
why do you insist on giving that
"Mediocre truant" double space on
the front page? Enough of him!
Their stuff brands us badly to non- collegiate people.
Note: The same individual wrote
the atomic theory story and the ones
just mentioned as undesirable. At
tributes of a good reporter: (1) versatility.
Still More
"Now, sir, just what do you mean,
when you start off an
drive, both pistols blazing, and
promise more to come?
all of a sudden, what happens?
uttie Johnnie gets cold feet! . .
P. A. G.
(Continued on Page Pour)
anti-syphi- lis

The Inquiring
The Question:
When do college professors bore
The Annrerm:
Barrister Vito H. Catenaro, Arts
-- Law,
Senior: "When they reject
answers that are obviously correct;
when they lecture upon subjects
that are entirely Incompetent, irrelevant and immaterial: when they
give frequent examinations which
too often prove to be tests of ignor
ance rather than of knowledge. In
conclusion. It may be said that there
is nothing more wearisome than to
listen to a professor read verbatim
from a class
Anna Jane McChesney, Arts and
Science, Junior: "Professors particularly bore me when they assume the attitude that their word
upon every questton in or out of
their field is final, and that they
could not possibly be wrong. And
one usually has a very great desire
to sleep through lectures on the
"laziness and incompetence of students in general."
Tavner Dunlap. Arts and Science.
Senior: "Professors bore me when
they become impractical as well as
when they become so technical that
they go above the training of the
student. Tliey also bore me when
they cannot give every day examples to illustrate their point, along
with talking in a monotone or continually clearing their throat."
B. Poindexter, Arts and Science,
Freshman: "When they lecture the
entire class hour in the same soothing tone of voice. The student is
unable to concentrate on the lecture as all of his energy must be
spent in forcing the eyelids open
and in keeping his head at a safe
angle on his shoulders. They bore
me when I'm hungry, and no wonder
if they feel the same way I do Just
before noon I"


Kentucky Selected For Trial
Because Of Fine Teacher
Set-U- p

A plan for the professionalization
of teaching, formulated by Dr.
Chart Ormond Williams, eminent
educator, was accepted by the state
at a meeting of the joint committees of the Kentucky Education
Association, late yesterday In the
Education building. Kentucky will
be the first state to adopt such a













ened to score. Kentucky was braked down throughout the game by
fumbles and forward pass interceptions. The overhead attack that
had performed so capably in their
three previous games knifed the
Blues in the back and 6 of their
18 attempts ended in Washington
and Lee arms and but two were
completed for a net gain of 25 yards.
A total of 12,000 customers, in
cluding 5,000 "High School Day
visitors, passed the turnstiles and

Photo Courtesy of





Kyian Pictures
Will Be Taken
Another Week

Former Golf Star Is Selected
As UK Representative
At Festival

Miss Clara Taylor Spencer, dau
ghter of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Spen-

cer of Winchester was1 chosen Saturday by President Prank L. McVey to represent the University of
Kentucky as queen in the Kentucky
Tobacco Carnival to be held here
November 8, 9, and 10.
Having attended the University
of Texas for one year. Miss Spencer entered the University of Ken
tucky last fall and is now a junior
in the Commerce College. She is
a pledge of Kappa Kappa Gamma
social sorority. While she is a participant in all kinds of sports, she
excells in golf, being a former Central Kentucky Women's champion.
The queen of the festival will
be chosen Wednesday, October 8,
from all the representatives of the
Kentucky colleges and universities.
Thos remaining will compose the
queen's court.
After a dinner in honor of the
queen and her court, a coronation
ceremony will be held Wednesday
night at the warehouse. In the
ceremony the queen and the court
will be escorted by the members of
th Junior Chamber of Commerce.
During their stay in Lexington
the representatives will be enter
tained by the Kiwanis Club at a
luncheon at the Lafayette hotel, oy
a reception at Tattersall warehouse
Tuesday night, and by tne queens
formal ball which will be held at
tlie University of Kentucky gymnasium Thursday night. Members
of the Pyramid Club, one of the
organizations acting as sponsors of
the carnival, will be hostesses to
the representatives and their
during their stay in Lexington.

Women's Chorus
To Be Organized
To Meet Demands

Pictures for the Kentuckian
University yearbook, will be
taken in the basement of
Memorial hall for another
week ending Saturday, it was
announced yesterday by Sidney Buckley, editor of the annual. All persons who expect
to have their pictures in the
yearbook are asked to comply
with the schedule.

Received By Twenty
In Arts And Sciences


A group of 20

students in the College of Arts and Science attained
a perfect scholastic standing during
the second semester of the 1937-3school year, it was reported Saturday from the office of the Dean,

Paul P. Boyd.
The group included nine Lexington
students, all girls, Mary West
Virginia Griffing, Ruby
Huffman Murphy, Louise Nesbit,
Anna Frances Odor, Mary Elizabeth Rentz, Sue Sparks, Josephine
Warren Tunis, and Jane Graves
Others were Mary Louise Bar- ton, Falmouth; Doris Baker Zen
ger, Amagansett, N. Y.; Hurbert Lee
Duncan, Winchester; Birdie Margaret Estes, Newport; Vera Wood
Gillespie. Mayslick: Mary Elizabeth
Harrell, Morristown, Tenn.; C. Crittenden Lowry, Princeton; Ella Mar
garet Massie, Miysville; Dorothy
Murrell, Somerset; Arthur Wayne
Plummer, Millersburg, and Emigean
Snedegar, Owingsville.
Dain-gerfiel- d,

Second Meeting
Of Charm School
To Be Held Oct. 20


Cosmopolitan Club
Holds First Meeting


Brush, Pencil Club
To Sponsor Show
At UK Art Center


Perfect Standings

Professor E. F. Farquhar, of the
Because cf the lack of vacancies English department, will be the
club principal speaker at the second
in the regular Women's Glee
this year, an additional Women's meeting of the Charm School, to
Chorus will be organized in order be held at 8 o'clock Thursday, Octoto meet the demands made by Uni- ber 20, in the Patterson Hall re
versity women interested in choral creation room.
Professor Farquhar will speak on
work, according to announcement
The Charm School
made by Miss Mildred Lewis, di- "Personality."
is being conducted under the ausrector of the Wcmen's Glee club.
The first meeting of the choral pices of the Association of Women
group will be held at 3 p. m. today Students.
Miss Pearl Adams will speak on
in the Art Center, with Miss Lewis
in charge. Regular meetings will "Beauty by Budget" at the Charm
School on October 27. The last
be held each Tuesday.
meeting will be conducted by Mrs.
Miss Lewis stated that no
will be necessary as all womFrank L. McVey on "Campus
November 3.
en who want the opportunity of
choral experience are invited to attend. The new chorus will serve
as a training center for the Women's Glee club and vacancies in the
regular organization will be supplied
from the new group whenever it is
Discussing outstanding impresdeemed advisable.
sions of his recent European tour.
Dr. D. V. Hegeman of the German
department was the principal speaker at the first meeting of the Cosmopolitan club this year in the
Union building on Friday, Oct. 14.
Each year the Cosmopolitan club
holds monthly meetings at which
time students of all nationalities
A compulsory meeting for
meet and discuss problems confrontall Kernel staff members will
ing the world.
be held at 3 p. m. today !h
Officers of the club are Joe BourRoom 53 McVey hall, it was
geois, president: Barbara McVey,
announced by L. T. Iglehart,
Virginia Kryak, secf.
retary; and Carl Schneider,

Kernel Staff
Will Meet
In McVey

The tryouts, which began at 4:30
p. m., Monday, October 17, will be
continued each day at that time, plan.
According to Miss Williams, diand are open to all Freshmen R.O.
rector of field service and former
T.C. members.
A., Kentucky
Applicants will be scrutinized for president of the N. E.
to inaugurate her plan
military interest, ability to drill, was chosen its fine set-u- p in teachgeneral appearance and academic "because of
standing. Only the highest quality er training and the splendid spirit
She will visit 12
membership is desired in order to of its teachers.
Major Barrett southeastern states where it will be
maintain standards.
sat patiently in the sun bathed announced.
Miss Williams, accompanied by
The department announced fur- W. P. King, executive secretary for
stands during the entire game, waitsponing for the Cats to unleash their ther that the Pershing Rules
the N. E. A. has just completed a
high powered offense, but all in sor will be elected during the first 1,000 mile trip in order to gather
vain. The enthusiasm that was week of November.
J material for the plan.
During their
such a feature of the Vanderbilt
General John J. Pershing organtour, they visited teachers colleges,
gone completely and dur ized Pershing Rifles at the Uni- district educational associations, and
same was
ing most of the game the stands versity of Nebraska in 1894. It has county superintendents, and spoke
were so quiet that the yodel of the expanded to scores of similar or- and conferred extensively with ed
peanut vendors drowned out the ganizations all over the country. ucational leaders.
The Kentucky It is now considered as an honorcombined cheers.
The Kentucky plan was described
cause was not helped when
ary fraternity with improvement of by Miss Williams, yesterday as one
Davis and "Hoot" Combs, the military standards as its object and which "not only will uplift teachers
latter on his first play, wese drag- a fraternal association of members and their work to the real profesged off the field after being tackled In common cause.
sional standards, but will help thus
by ole man Injury.
to keep democracy living and vital."
A half time circus sponsored by
Although teaching had been genthe "Best Band in Dixie" in some
erally spoken of as a profession, she
manner elevated the strain of the
said, it failed in reaching many regame. The circus featured various
quirements of standard professional
saw dust antics and a menagerie of
wildj animals.
The performance
"The turnover is too great and
concluded with a stage coach robThe Brush and Pencil Club will the remuneration too little," she
by the sponsor its eighth annual exhibi- asserted. "'Such restrictions as terbery by Indians and rescue
band which was about all Kentucky tion by artists of Lexington and ritorial and political ones and the
salvaged from the game.
vicinity this month, beginning Mon- - one against married women which
day, October 24, at the Art Center, keeps the teaching profession from
Kentucky Over Kentucky
The game was lost by Kentucky and continuing through November becoming a lifetime work are essentially unprofessional."
in one sense but in reality it was 12.
During the meeting, plans were
won by Kentuckians as 8 members
No entry fee is charged for the
of the W and L squad are natives of exhibtion and entries are limited to completed for the inauguration of
the Bluegrass state. Three mem- Tmintlnpx
nrints. and drawings. Institutions on Professional Rela- bers of the starting General back-fiel- framed and readv for hanging. The tions next year in the summer school
Bishop, who scored the games exhibitors are asked to deliver and i of the University, the University of
one touchdown, Waddlington and call for their own work and to Louisville, and the four Kentucky
(Continued on Page Pour)
bring their entries to the Art Center state teachers' colleges.
A meeting of representatives cf
before Wednesday, October 19, as
the hanging committee will have the 32 teacher training colleges in
to begin its work inursaay morn- Kentucky will be held on December
19 in Louisville, with Dr. R. E. Jag- ing.
The exhibit is being arranged at gers, director of teacher training in
this timefor the benefit of those the state department of education
v,hn AttpnH thf FHnratinnal Con- - in charge. A plan for formal and
The largest issue of Sour Mash ference and also for the opening of informal courses to train teachers
for professional and lay relationever published, replete with material Guignol.
ships will be worked out.
written bv University students and
Members of the faculty on the
professors win be on sale Friday,
University committee are: President
October 21. It will contain the
Frank L. McVey; Dean W. S. Taylongest scandal column and the
lor of the College of Education; Dr.
longest short story ever included
Jesse E. Adams, director of the sumin the magazine.
Fred Newman's Recent Book mer session; J. D. Williams, director
In addition to these features, a
of the University school; and Dean
Will Be Exhibited
complete and authentic football
Sarah Blanding.
program for the Tennessee-Kentuck- y
Next Month
frosh football game Saturday,
will be included.
The manuscript of Fred G.
Continued this month will be the
recent biography of Irvin S.
regular gossip gallery, the Editorial Cobb, together with the manuscript
Jive, the caricature pages, cartoons, of the late O. O. Mclntyre's foregags and poetry.
word of the book, letters written by
New features are "A Professor Cobb and an inscribed picture of
Eight alumni have been asked to
Looks at Students," by a member of Cobb will be displayed at the library
the faculty, a 5.000 word ghost next month, it was announced Sat- represent the University at cerestory, "The Truth," by Don Irvine; urday.
monies to be held on other
Andrew C. Eckdahl's "How to Keep
Mr. Neuman, a resident of Padu-ca- campuses this year.
home-tow- n
G. F. Meadors, '12, has been reAmerica Out of A European War",
of the famous hu"Doctor of Burlesque," by Allenby morist and author, has donated his quested to be representative on Nov.
Winer; two full pages of campus manuscript to the University for in- 8 at the inauguration of President
photographs; "Jumped-A- t
Concluclusion in its collection of original M. L. Smith at Millsaps college,
sions," a new department featuring manuscripts but will retain other Jackson, Miss.; Mrs. A. E. Cannon,
'03, the former Alice Pence, on Oct.
a character named Miss Rappaport: items loaned for the display.
28 at the inauguration of President
and many shorter stories and sketP. L. Eversull. at North Dakota
Subscribers, for this month only,
Director John D. Williams of the Agricultural college. Fargo, North
may claim their copies at the desk University high school will be the Dakota: Robert G. Housman. "27, on
in the bookstore until other ar- principal speaker at the fall con- April 12 at the inauguration of
rangements can be made.
ference of the Seventh district. President A. Atkinson at University
Kentucky Parent Teacher Congress of Arizona, Tuscon, Arizona.
Dr. W. J. Ginstead, "99. on May
at 10 a. m. Monday, October 24, at
Garth high school at Georgetown. 19, 20. and 21 at the dedication of
Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes, assistant
Professor Williams, chairman of Franklin Institute of the University
dean of women, will speak before the committee on parent education, of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia; M.
members of the Kenton county will speak on "Parent - Teacher M. Harrison, '12, on Oct. 21 at the
homemakers club today.
Inauguration of President K.
Study Groups."
Leebrick at Kent State College,
Kent, Ohio; Roscoe Cross, "23, on
Nov. 4 at the inauguration of Tufts
Kentucky-Xavie- r
college,. Medford, Mass.
Dean O. F. Galloway, Ph.D., "31.
on Oct. 20 at the inauguration of
A continuation of the card stunts sponsored by SuKy will be
President Wiley Brooks at Illinois
football game Saturday. October 22,
Wesleyan university, Bloomington,
used at the Kentucky-Xavie- r
111., and Charles Albert, "26, on Oct.
according to Elliot Beard, president of the organization.
25 at the inauguration of President
Four regular and four flip stunts will be used, according to
T. W. Bibb at Missouri Valley colBeard. A steeper part of the stadium, allowing maximum visibility
lege, Marshall, Mo.
has been secured for Kentucky fans with 416 seats for the card
Tickets are on sale at the athletic office and students are
asked to purchase them as soon as possible in order to reserve the
Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes, assistant
card section for them.
dean of women, will be the prinThe band will accompany the football team. Saturday's game
will be Xavier's homecoming.
cipal speaker at the Needlework
Guild, Wednesday at the Lafayette


Bigger Sour Mash
With New Features
Hits Stands Friday



Library To Feature
Irvin Cobb Display

Eight Schools Seek


University Alumni
As Representative




Stunts For


The recently organized Independent Party swept to an
unprecendented victory yesterday in the senior election as
a stunned campus saw them win all four offices.
With a split Fraternty ticket to aid them, the Independents polled 191 votes out of the 418 votes cast for president.
dents polled





Last season's football melodrama,
"Blue Saturday," played a return
engagement on Stoll field Saturday Freshmen Wishing Membership Should Apply For
afternoon as a sluggish team of
Kentucky Wildcats were trapped by
by the inspired Generals of i Tryouts for all Freshmen desirWashington and Lee.
ing membership in the University
Evidently relaxing too much af- Pershing Rifle Corps are being held
ter last week's
all this week, it was announced
Vanderbilt. the Cats appeared stale
as undated coffee and only once Monday by Major William S. Barduring the game seriously threat- rett ot the department of military



Plan For Professionalization
Of Teaching Formulated
By Dr. Williams


Kernel SportM Editor

good one.

. Old





Fraternity Ticket
STATE ACCEPTS Split As Independents Aids Tub' Thompson
Garner 191 Of 418
Ballots Cast For President

post office boxes, Dean T. T.
Jones announced yesterday.
Checks are expected to arrive
by the last of this week. Formerly NYA checks were
by the business of-


"Dear Editor: On the east and
west sides of McVey hall are two
signs formerly used to direct students to the Commons on the third
floor. Since the signs are no longer needed for this purpose why not
have them repainted, giving the location of the Kernel business and
editorial offices?" R. N. W.
Thanks for the suggestion. It's


Due to a change in government procedure, NYA checks
will be mailed directly to individual student university

Big Blue Squad Turns In
Sluggish Performance
On Stoll Field

We inquired into this matter and
found that the contest was dropped
by the grill manager because of the
very discouraging response.


Thompson Elected
With Entire Independent Ticket

NYA Checks
Will Be Mailed
To UK Post Office


C. S."

18, 1938

weep Election

University Festival Representative









votes out of the

418 votes cast for president.

Student Union
Thanks Students

Homer "Tub" Thompson was elected president; Runelle Palmore,
and Stuart WaW.


Thompson expressed his thanks
for those who helped him and said
"I am glad we won." Herb Hillen- meyer. Independent Combine can-- I
didate for president who polled 125
j votes beat us squarely.
They had us
in numbers and were organized 100
numbers and were organized 100
per cent." As to the possibility of
a union oi ine iraternities HUien-meyJAMES WINE.
would not make a stateStudent Director.
A 1 b e rt
Combine candidate for the presidency, who polled 102 votes, asserted
"Yes. I definitely believe that the
combines will unite in all probability for the junior election.
Kappa Alpha's are not in any combine. I was the only individual in it.
Forum Convention Will Meet They are not in any click and will
not be in any."
In Memorial Hall
Pa I more. Independent
November 3
party, polled 190 votes to be elected
Herman KenPresident Frank L. McVey will be dall, chairman andthe Independent
one of the principal speakers at party, could not be reached for a
the annual convention of the Na- statement.
Kibby Vogt. chairman of the Intional Rural Forum under the ausCombine declared. "I
pices of the American Country Life dependent
think the election will cause a unAssociation to be held at the Uni- ion of the fraternity and sororities
versity Nov.
so that in the future they will bePresident McVey will speak on come powerful and work together
"Rural Statesmanship in the South" more satisfactorily to defeat the inat a general session of the conven- dependents."
tion in Memorial Hall, Thursdav.
As to the possibility of the ComNov. 3.
bines uniting, there is a consensus of
Dean Thomas. Poe Cooper of the opinion that they will do so. The
College of Agriculture and Dean one statement to the contrary wa.--i
made by Bob Stone, chairman of
Chris L. Chistensen of the Wisconsin agriculture college are vice pres- the fraternity combine, who stated
idents of the national organization. "We haven't decided to give up or
Dr. Dwight Sanderson of Cornell merge with anyone eke. I doubt
very much U the combine will unite
University is president of the
Headquarters and registra- with anyone else. In the future I
tion for the convention will be held hope that they will vote for the
in Memorial hall.
candidate instead of for the party "
Gracie Silverman, Independent,
Dr. William van de Wall, professor of musical education, will speak elected secretary, stated "I believe
on "The Culture in Agriculture" at that the combines will unite.
a luncheon meeting of the conven- the Independents back the Junior
as they did the seniors.
tion in the Union building on Thurs- candidates
day. Nov. 3.
the Independents will continue to
Held In conjunction with the convention will be the fourth national
conference on the rural home and
conference of rural youth and of
the National Home Demonstration
Each group will bring
leaders in its respective fields. More
than 1.000 delegaes from the var
ious states and foreign countries are
expected to attend the convention.
President and Mrs. McVey will
The FrcshmaJi advisory commitentertain with a reception and tea
at Maxwell Place in honor of those tee will meet at 4 p. m. today in
attending the convention, on Wed- Room 206. Union building. It is imnesday. Nov. 2. President McVey portant that all section leader atwill also preside at the closing ses- tend this meeting. Dean T. T. Jonrs
sion of the meeting in the Union stated.
building, Friday. Nov. 4.
All committees of the Union will
meet at 4 p. m. Thursday. Room
204 of the Union building.

The Management of the
Student Union building wishes to thank the student body
for the way in which they
have observed the rules of
the Union, particularly as to
no smoking or drinking in
the building.







Chi Delta Phi Holds
Pledge Season Open

Pledge season for Chi Delta Phi.
national honorary literary fraternity, will be open until Tuesday.
October 25, KadeU Dora, president,
announced today.
Students interested In trying out
for this organization are urged to
send in their manuscripts.
Manuscripts may be in short story, poem,
essay, or any form of creative writing. Other requirements are a 2
standing and 8 hours English.

Mrs: Miles Speaks
At YWCA Services
for all new members of the YWCA
were held last night in Memorial
Mrs. Robert Whitfield Miles addressed the members and guests on
"The Place of the YWCA in the
Services were under
the direction of Mary Elizabeth
Koppius, YWCA president, and Susan Price.

Union Group Plans
Bridge Tournament
Any student interested in taking
bridge lessons or in participating in
a bridge tournament scheduled
within the next two weeks is requested to send his name, address, and
telephone number to the information desk at the Union building before noon Saturday, October 22.
C. Lowry, committee chairman said
The bridge tournament and lessons are under the auspices of the
Student Union activities committee. Crittenden Lowry is chairman
of the committee.

Theta Sigma Phi will meet at 4
Thursday, Room 205. of the
Only actives are
Union building.
to attend.
p. m.

AWS will meet at 5 p. m. Thursday, Room 204 of the Union building.

Pitkin Club will meet at noon
Wednesday at the Maxwell Street
Presbyterian church.
FreshMembers of the YM-Yman Club wiil meet at 7 p. m. today in the Y rooms of the Union


All freahman section leaders will
meet at 4 p. m. today in Room 204
of the Union building.

Members of SuKy pep circle will
meet at 5 p. in. today in Room 204
of the Union building.
Members of the Book Group of
the University Woman's Club will
meet at 3 p. m. today at Patterson





college sing will be held
tonight at Memorial

7:30 p. m.


Students interested In a

non-cred- it

course in typewrituig this
semester are asked to meet at 4 p.
m. tomorrow in Room 201. White
The Spanish Club Will meet at
m. today In room 205 of the
Student Union building.

3 p.

Independent Party will hold an
important meeting at 7 o'clock.
Wednesday evening In the Y room
of the SUB.
(Continued on Pags Four)

� UCOl UUJjy


Tueschv. October


Page Two



In etymology class: "The tire
Followers of brunette Kay Jack- by Vincent Finelll. Is having heT
other case, there are a vast number of college
son, the Morehead Menace, will be own echo problems (and we don't a compunction" . . . "Cursory! The
. . "On the
boys whose funds do not permit dating at dances
interested to know that she is in- mean an
with Centre British are coming!"
. "He was
vading the North shortly whilst her Deke W. M. Hendren who has heard road to contemporary"
even when the ballroom tariff is identical for
brother is doing some field work on that Mabel has been knocking them sent to the penitent for 10 years" ...
stags and escorts. Is their access to pleasure to
the cheer leading detail here. Good cold up here . . anyway, a phone
luck, children
call from W. M. requesting a date
Published semi meekly during the school year exAs a fond farewell we offer you
be made more difficult; or even denied comwas nipped in the bud when Mabel today a little tidbit handed to us
cept holidays or examination periods.
so, then the University is guilty of
pletely? If
but I'm by a very intrigueing male who
Errata: Phisig prexy of last year, said "Why. Jd love to .
Entered at th Pout Office at Lexington, Kentucky, aa
reserving its functions for higher income groups;
matter under (he Art of March 1, 1879.
dashed away without identifying
Ed Sweeney, is carving on his first pinned." . . the catch is that MaINCREDIBLE is the tenacity with which the student con- cadaver at Tulane Med. School and bel once had the Drke emblem
himself. Here it is: "Quite a few
Kentucky Intoreollefrliite Press Aaaoclatloa
and the entire principle of the Student Union
have entered
tinues to cling to his ray of hope, his belief in the good of finds it mighty tough going. Why Alphagam Pat are pinned and SPE Grand Rapids boysKentucky,
rl Ilia lira ftwlM a( IIWMIM
things to come. Like the drowning man clutching at floating said shouldwasbother when Winchell Milt Younker Vogt was heard thre- the Freck writesof a friend: "These
.DVMTI.Iwa a
in line for about a SPE Kibbee
petals, the University citizen grasps at the phrase "Wait un- quarter of a million, we can't see. atening Chi O pledge Mary Louise dolls down here are so beautiful
As a final point, it is well known in all secNational Advertising Service, Inc.
I olUf Pmilithm Kepi WMtmlstif
tions of the country that the South's dances are til next year." You can't beat the idea from him. Next year, S'truth, so help us . . . other echos Weissenberger with his if . he. why and so plentiful, that even you could
(he's lost it
uh huh
New Yoex. N. Y.
next year, we will have a winner. We'll beat the of last year come from Florida it Sigmanu Billy Garland being raz- get a date' ." Hnmm. Anon.
420 MaoiaoN Ave.
the most lively in existence. Few people ever always they
S. FflC
where Beckett is rusticating 'neath U
can't stop us.
zed about Saturday night and the
softly rustling
have to suffer the humiliation of being "stuck,"
sCBScKirnoN rates
Out at Keeneland, you will see the same thing going on. Closterman . . palms with Don firecrackers?
. Phidelt Clarence
they've been
falbecause stags keep the breaking at a maximum. The horse of hope may have a broken leg; he may come in
S2.M One Tear
$1 04) One Semester
off ffaffnd ffoffn ffsffinffve cT McCarrol has a sore hip from
. . . and
Remove them by the high admission rate and so tar back tnat ne iooks like the ;
sing off and 'on since June 28. 1936 ling down the S O B. steps
acquaintances palpitat
Editorin-Chir- f
winner of the following race. But
. he has his
. . . is there a tinkle in the air? .
I .oris T. Ir.i.EiiRT
Then the
Coundances will be retarded to the point of social here is always another race to be
about the
still another echo which amounts ing Homecom