xt7qnk361v62 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qnk361v62/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. Libraries Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1986 journals  English University of Kentucky Alumni Association Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus Kentucky Alumnus, 1986, no. 3 text images Kentucky Alumnus, 1986, no. 3 1986 1986 2012 true xt7qnk361v62 section xt7qnk361v62   ‘ " T ] VL;   LA?   k   W
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"'A.`Er€r1€iit major international trade seminar in co-
Z' , __   UK in two principal ways: It will make operation with the U.S. Department of
Ye `   0ut‘0r‘$t&te $i1Per€0rr1P¤ier$ rridre &€€€$‘ Commerce and the First National Bank
i·     sible to UK faculty and will provide ad- gf Louisville
l-   ditional uses for UK’s own proposed Furst called the grant an important
7_ jj Anthony Eordley . . . ,
.· 1 _ _ _ SUP€r€0mP11t€r which Was approved by step toward realizing the college s goal
h .1 The heheh architecture Journal, Pam` the 1986 Geherei AsSemhiY· SuPereom‘ of internationalizing the academic pro-
>· t ”tt"°» itetiittti the utiiYt’rs‘tY er Keir puters sehereiiy eue used fer highly grams for its approximately 3,200 tio-
g.· · tucky College of Architecture in its coinnlicatcd "numhci~orunohing" dcrgraduarc and graduatc srudcnm
ir ,t August issue The imemenoneuY`re` Prohiems reduirmg huge humhers ef Recently, the college established the
Ve ` speereulourneu featured students, Worlo €&l€ul3ii0riS· SeVer&i UK raeuitY are Center for International Business Stud-
l it tiiscussitm er the otiiicgtis teething peyius ie use supereemputers iu ether ies, with Professor corr Harvey os oi-
i' PhiiosoPhY= and an inuioeluetory ertieie States- Ofheiels hepe UK’s suPer‘ rector. Two MBA students spent the
Vi l by erehiteeture dean Anthony Eereuelh Computer will he Oh erder withiu ti Year spring semester working for Seimens
»n V The issue contains text in both English and opcrational by the 1988-89 aes- Corn in Munich, Wcst Gcrmanyc In
ls 1 arid italian- demic year. Other colleges and univer- addition, a faculty cxchangc program
*e T "it’S tt distinct iitiiitirfi Eaitiiey saith sities iu Keutueky will have seeess te with the Economics University or Vien-
2 adding that he reels UK Wes selected sURAuet bY eohheetirig te UK· UK)s na, Austria, has been established and
e` ii "heeeuse We heye Something te sey·" suPereomPuter also Wiii he used hY the negotiations for a similar program with
1S UK is Only the third American seheel te higher education, research and business thc Uniycysity of Munich arc taking
y. 1 be featured in the journal. (The Ken- cornmunitics in thc State njacc_
1e in tucky Alumnus featured the college in its Furst and Brint Miiward) director Of
r' l Wihier i98o"8o issue) the Center for Business and Economic
i' i The UK erehiteeture Program Puts 3 Research, visited japan and China in
1 sueus emphasis eu the histery sud the- October to begin discussions for eooi-
k- _ ory of the craft, as well as the applica- tional working relationships with uni-
h‘ 5 tiohs» E?irdieY saYs· _ _ _ versities in those countries.
ir ‘ The dean said the issue contains illus-
1g 1 trations of student work, with the text
id   discussing the approach the students
a and instructors took toward each partic-
 ` ular project.
» The "high degree of autonomy" giv-
en to UK architecture professors, and
»» the resultant diversity of work, im-
  pressed the editors of the journal,
i Eardley said. Visiting professors from
— Europe also have been impressed with
1 the quality of the UK program and
` have helped build the school’s interna-
, tional reputation, he said.
1 UK 3

Urban Citizen Dissatisfaction Artificial Sweetener for BP  
The way local governments are struc-   V   ».     produce another compound called an- l
tured in metropolitan areas could make       — `”tt—.;   i _ giotensin II which can cause hyperten- `
a difference in the way citizens respond if ,_4_“   `——yVi`   _     sion by constricting the blood vessels.
to gripes they have about urban ,jL·.·       The possible link was discovered dur-
scrvices.         , .»   i ing routine research by Galardy and
That’s the hypothesis that University     .VV/      Damian Grobelny, a visiting research  
of Kentucky political science professor   ___~ · ,_ · I   professor from Poland. The two noticed i
William Lyons and David Lowery, for- j ii  &e ,_ \ that aspartame has a chemical structure li
merly of UK and now at the University     similar to other inhibitors of angioten- J
of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, will ex- ’4 ,  I \ g  sin converting enzyme. {
plore in a new study being funded by a   V `j   Galardy says testing in humans l
$44,998 National Science Foundation   _ DSW££r;NlgE  would be necessary before any definite  
grant.       conclusions could be reached on
Neighborhoods in Lexington and   _   aspartame’s effect on blood pressure. A
communities in the Louisville area are       crucial question, says Galardy, is find- ·
to be surveyed to determine the ways ing how much of the enzyme inhibitor i
citizens deal with aspects of community A UK scientist has found evidence that formed by aspartame reaches the blood- i
life with which they are dissatisfied. the artificial sweetener aspartame could stream intact without being broken
Lyons and Lowery also will examine help reduce high blood pressure. down into its component parts. `
the differences between citizen respons- Aspartame is marketed under the Also uncertain at this time is whether l
es in the localities where citizen groups trade name NutraSweet and has gained aspartame could reduce blood pressure
have their own governments (as in the recent popularity for use in soft drinks in all persons, or only those with hyper-  
independent communities of the Louis- and other consumer products. tension.
ville area) or are part of a more wide- While stressing that his results are As an artificial sweetener, aspartame
spread government (ie. Lexington). preliminary and do not reflect any stud- is about 200 times stronger than sugar.
Lyons says responses to dissatisfac- ies in animals or humans, UK Professor Because it is composed of naturally-oc- ,
tion may include vocal or written pro- Richard Galardy says his in vitro exper- curring amino acids, Galardy considers l
test, voting behavior, or leaving. Others iments indicate that aspartame inhibits it safe for human consumption. {
may remain in the community by a chemical reaction in the body that Galardy is an associate professor in  
choice or perceived necessity. can cause hypertension, or high blood the UK College of Medicine, depart- l
Five independent communities in the pressure. ment of biochemistry, and conducts
Louisville metropolitan area will be sur- It is estimated that one out of four research at UK’s Sanders-Brown Re-
veyed, each having a distinct socio-eco- adult Americans have some degree of search Center on Aging. l
nomic makeup. Five neighborhoods in high blood pressure. Although there are  
Lexington, demographically mirroring several treatments available, there is no g
the Louisville-area communities, will be permanent cure. l
surveyed. Galardy says aspartame, when in-  
He pointed out that in terms of gov- gested, is metabolized in the stomach '
ermnental organization, the Louisville and forms an enzyme inhibitor I
area with its fragmentation of local gov- (aspartylphenylalanine), which blocks li
ernment is fairly typical of older north- the action of a naturally-occurring com- ll
ern cities, while Lexington with a single pound called angiotesin converting  
consolidated government is more typi- enzyme. This enzyme normally helps
cal of newer Southern cities.
Results of the research arc expected l
in 1987. I i
I l
4 UK 4

  F¤rmers’ Motivotions New Kid in Town
_ in Not all farmers are involved in agricul- -—The "marginal family farmer," Owensboro Community College got a
l` `¥ ture for the same reasons, and thus are who lacks property or skills, and values good start as UK’s 14th community col-
" i likely to be affected differently by gov- autonomy while finding it difficult to re- lege with a Fall ’86 enrollment of 1,800.
ernment farm policies, says a UK soci- main autonomous. While he may be in Classes were held last year as an exten-
@5 ologist, Patrick Mooney. a poor financial condition, he is more sion of Henderson Community College
h i While some farmers view their Oeeu- likely to stay in farming because he en- proving the need for a permanent facili-
d pation solely as a business, others are joys the lifestyle. ty. After authorization by the 1986
Ji driven more by a desire to live the agri- Mooney says farmers who are not General Assembly, plans are now mov-
ie Il cultural lifestyle. purely economically motivated may not ing ahead for construction of new facili-
P   Those in the latter category some- be helped much by government farm ties on approximately 100 acres of land
= times make decisions that seem contrary policy, because such policies tend to ig- on US 231 at Veach Road. The hiring
is V to the economists’ view of proiit- nore the "human" factor and assume of an architect to draw up plans and
te l maximization. These decisions are not that fal‘m€fS will alWayS do what is most specifications is the next item on the
2 irrational but reflect a different set of €C0¤01'¤i€&llY expedient. agenda.
j values, which Mooney referred to as MTG 3 l0t of f&fY1'1€fS, tl'1€ f1'10St impor-
- "craftship"——where work is valued as tant thing is autonomy, what they call
Dr ‘ more than merely a means to make iboiflg mY OWU b0SS,’ iiséiid Mooney.
d` mOney_ "If some action could allow them to
in "EcO¤OmjstS and policymakers [end make more money but threaten that au-
to assume that all decision-making takes tonorny, such as borrowing money for
Cr place in [hg COy)[(-jxt Of pygfit- €Xp21I1SlOI'1, SOl'l'1€ Of[l'1Cl'l'l   Cl`1OOS€ 3.l1·
rc maximization, l’m trying to show that tonomy 0V€F PYOHL
iI`_ [hg[’g ngt always [hc Cg_g€’°’ Mggngy NOHC of {ht? lI`OI'1l€S of lZl'liS is that lll
Said the current farm crisis, many of those
nc In 8 mmm Study in Wisconsin, MOC- who are surviving are the ones who did
[I" ngy idgntifigd {Our ggngyal Catgggrigs Of 1'IOt follow tl'lC €COI'IOI'1'llC I`3[lOl'l3.llty of
ic- ‘ farmers based on their motivations and tho 1970s and Wh0 dccidfid to forgo €X‘
ifs Cmnomic Wellbeing; pansion in order to avoid debt."
_ ° —The "successful family farmer,"
m who owns his property, is not financial- . L
rt- ` ly encumbered, and enjoys his work
cts both for its own sake and for the prod-
`C- , uct it yields. He is able to buy and sell
l` in a competitive market, and his work is
, an integral part of his culture, ____ _
{ —The "eeonomist`s i`armer," who      
_ owns the land (or rents it if it 1s·more    ‘¢·.E=  
f profitable to do so) and makes decisions       ff ag gl  , `Q ·
. based mainly on profit maximization.   § t l   v:/: { ' j_‘  w
l Farming for him is less a lifestyle, more   `     ` I ·
lr abusiness.   ··     ' — »» · ·
1 em     ¤S¤al‘y¤.*€¤·    
» ant or heavily 1n debt', with minimal    
skills. Farming for him 1S_]L1Si a_]ob, and   !  
because job opportunities are often W /   `  
more plentiful and lucrative elsewhere, / ”   -*/ ,/J __,>__ “ \ `
` he is likely to take part-time or full-time /,/r /_//"' // ‘ /  Y //  
l employment offthe farm. » lr, ’/ / ’   ~ ·¤
/       A l  M
T / / 7 *‘ii `
/ / p
UK 5

Dnuuc Wm: ur: In A Snnmuc WAY  
Why would the UK National Alumni Association devote I
half a magazine to one topic like organ transplants? The reason is
what it says about the University of Kentucky. The transplant of I
 -a·a ·gaaa•¤¤;;aaa.¤-;;aaa•¤=;;;. human organs to prolong the life of a fellow human being is a .
  marvelous living memorial to a deceased loved one. It’s a very  
    intense and personal decision. To consider the action can take ]
    one on an ethical and moral pilgrimage of thought like we seldom I
 éE:?5¤5¤5EE§ii; Gas?  o throu h. It involves our reli ion and hiloso h of life. lt uts I
as :::555;:::::5  :::::::55%::::1 g g . . g P P Y P I
LI *':::gg§§El:!   §EEEElEE2§¤EI\‘&§ on the table for examination our trust for the medical profession
 @555555555,   '5E§§§§llE55J5E5 and h f f `l b It t d fi I
2 ygssgggggsy   P€r aps or our own. ami y mem- ers. causes us o e ne
gg l   Iégggéi  values, to choose our individual position in relation to our society. I
    To be the recipient of such largess is also an intense,
    personal experience. While life hangs in the balance, while they  
    wait on fate, recipients ride an emotional roller coaster. Each day  
55    they deal with the reality of their mortality and hope for the I
matching organ that will extend their life. And, they deal with '
the guilt that hope brings, and then, once they have the  
transplant, they continue to face the fears precipitated by their I
illness, and then how do you pay back, how do you live up to this I
great gift that has been bestowed on you? How do you prove
yourself a worthy recipient? How do you show your gratitude? y
Each person who receives a transplant takes this agonizing  
journey through the mind.  
All this real life human drama takes place at the UK  
Medical Center daily where caring people form teams of support I
and technical expertise to help donors and recipients through the  
ordeal of organ transplants. The UK Hospital reaches out in y
6 UK

° service to central and Eastern Kentucky giving the people in
is these areas (as well as others throughout the state and country)
f the opportunity to overcome some of life’s severest health
I problems. The UK Hospital does corneal, kidney and bone
{ marrow transplants. Soon it will also do heart—lung and
  pancreatic transplants, procedures that are very limited in
T1   availability throughout the country.
YS p Also supporting these transplant programs are the
researchers associated with UK and the UK Medical Center.
Basic and applied research, such as Dr. john Thompson’s work
Y- I with monoclonal antibodies, not only advances the success rate of
transplants performed at UK, but also contributes to elevating
I the success rates and advancing the frontiers of
Ly Il research at every hospital and in every _
  research setting throughout the country.  
_] It is our hope that if you have never Oi """'°"’*’°"°"‘°°"*°"f" _ V _
H In the hope Ihut I muy help others, I hereby make this ¤n¤I0m¤c¤I gift, nf
I considered the question of organ transplants [,“gi‘j§1K{,,j;$§i;‘;bj;;,';Q?"°°"°°’“*’°""""°°'*‘·‘*‘°"°"*‘°""'"°""
l that you will do so now. As you read the rest of *9*%;; gg;Q;;1;;{,*;;?,;";j;g;;;;,,,,,,,
lis this issue, ask yourself where you belong on  
this issue _ _ _ What   you or somoouo you rome purposes orermpauneueaon, megipy, mama rmmh ureducueam
I love needs a transplant? Will you sign the  b°dYi°r°n°i°Mmdy`f"E°dEd
L donor card and carry it? Will you contribute ·
  and lend your support to this mission of the _ —_’__*_ "‘ _*—‘_— "`
2 UHiV€I`SilZy?  iiiiiiiiimiigliiiiiiiiiii ..... .l.¤,..·. ..·.  my  ..».- q;.M»,..mm
pt fl You decide. N”’""'*"’ ‘’’’‘’'
LC 2 —-—Liz Demoran  
UK 7

Doctors, nurses cmd other health core A
speczalzsts focus on the patzent to zucreczse .
6`l'LCl7'L6`€.S`_fOT Cl .S`lLC6`€.S`,§`][I,LZ 0[)€7`6lfZ0?”l..
care of the patient and his kidney is surgically placed, the medical i
» BY     problems. When that is not possible, we management of the patient is I
t { t th try to keep them on the healthy list challenging."
lSn;J;;lSil;y lgslggziickyc through caretand dialysis until a kidney SURGEONS i
T Chandler Medical Center nee b°?i$lill;;§al;Vtltl;$citi llplallflilili Slyl Bruce Pg Lucas, MD, along with ’
· _ ’ '_ " Drs.  William McRoberts and
been operating a renal nc hr i h k d i
· P O Oglsl Oll l E l llcy tmllsp alll Stephen Spires are the kidney ‘
; (k¤d¤<¢v> ¤’¤¤SPl¤¤t imsram- $<>m<¢ 659 team. His work is to keep the patient i ’ UK ¢¢Th T
* transplants have been performed. · lllallsp am surgeons at ' C
on the healthy list by the day to day · H ·
- TW t _t k·d _ actual surgery is pretty standard now,
. Cn Y WO Years agO> l PCY management of his end stage renal L tteph h d · -
transplantation was considered a very d· · · llcas sal/S' C ar pall ls patlclll `
_ isease. According to Waid, 85 to 90 management. the Clinical ·ud ments »
l Cxpcrlmcmal PrOC€d'·“c· TOdaY» the percent of these patients will have other th b i d »» J g
UK trans lant team erforms some two · · · at must 6 me c'
P P medical problems associated with · · - ·
to {Our mmspiams Z month k_ _ _ According to Lucas, it is this total l
` As a tertiar medical center UK has idgcy dlseasel These can Include pallcm management that makes the  
l th . Y . . . ’ Flla Ci€S> llllgh blood prcséllllct difference in how the renal transplant
e expertise, facilities and resources to infeetipns diseases and diajysish , ,
» hep peepne     e ¤¤<»s<>-up After the actualltrans ientetien of l“`“`il““Etl°“lnlciallcnllel llllll
look at a kidney transplant team. . . P . mgm ell mm ll C lllllc   C patlclll
3 l<1d{1€Y, Waid W3t€h€$ {OY signs of enters the program until years past the
NEP}-IROLOGISTS rejection. If a fever arises, he will transplant, they arg able to make tl-ie
“The patient is aware that determine if it is caused by rejection, appropriate decisions at the appropriate
nephrology is able to offer a unique virus, bacteria, or by a reaction to the tirnes_
medical service: that they can lose a many drugs and will recommend the The potcntial kidney ieeipient will
major organ and still be alive. If a necessary treatment in each case. inst ineet the Surgeons when Starting
kidney transplant. fails, they can always "Solid organ transplantation is a dialysis or on referral for t
go back on d1alys1s." major challenge in medicine today," transplantation. There are two methods  
Hafimuf M2\llU€h€, M·D·, h€¤d of Waid says. "Man cannot yet make one of dialysis for partially replacing the i
ih€ D€P&FU¤€¤i of N€PhF0l0gY, Bone that works like the body’s own, so function of the kidneys. For ;
and M1¤€F3l, makes VCFY lZ>0SiiiV€ transplanting an organ that functions hemodialysis, a vein and an artery in l
STf1i€m€¤i$ and, while lit? is excited and overcoming rejection of that organ an arm or a leg are surgically hooked
P1b0U¥ ih€ advances b€1¤g m&d€ 1¤ Vih€ is surmounting, what used to be, an together in order to make the tube _
renal il`H¤Spl21¤l Hffld, he is quick to insurmountable barrier.l’ insertion easier. The other method,  
l¤Cll€€1i€ that dialysis has improved Waid indicates the one year survival periotoneal dialysis, uses a silastic  
steadily as well. rate for kidney transplants at UK is catheter placed directly into the  
"End stage renal failure gan be almost 90 percent. The rate after three abdomen.
managed for years," he says. years is about 80 percent and both are The surgeons are also involved with t
"Transplants and dialysis are equal above the national average. He also the blood transfusions patients undergo l
I`[]Odali[l€S WC OHCY [O p3[i€]'][S_l, feels th€ {63]]*] approach to planning b€fOI`€ the transplant   order to i
Since 1982, when Mallnohe (ook over pre- and post-operative care has made increase the suppressor cells and lower t
thc department, the survival rate for these HgUI`€S possible. rejection.
cnd stage kidney disease has steadily "We provide a continuity of care The actual kidney transplant i
increased. that involves planning for the patient operation takes between two and four t
"Our major goal is to avoid the need even before the actual tranSplam,l’ hours. While kidneys are matched as
for a transplant or dialysis by taking Waid said. "For me, once the kidney closely as possible between donor and
8 UK l

 .    *    = N ‘ _
‘ "    
` . ‘ • -2   ‘
‘ ` ` ‘ ‘ rt 
  Y we V i
Right; l·lormull\/lalluche,   __ V    __;=__  
` Department of Nephrology " ~   y .  
Below: Thomas \/\/aide, M.D_, ` g    gg   {    .=-      
Nephrologist. 2     , T gi
I 4   ` g i l a i   1 . lf   7_i*\
.      ·<·     g    
—  _·’‘ T .     of ii i    
  recipient, surgical problems could arise __ ‘i·.   Y *#~··~      
lj such as some kind of organ abnormality   I L     Q ’,.=    
or the delicate blood vessels could be V   `      
‘ too short for attachment. The failure ,   i °      j   -=.·  
rate for kidneys because of surgical   ~   "   _,  A   ``i`i` T 
problems, however, is less than one   f" ‘’’   g n _  i s i' ,   ’ W} ii  
percent. _ I Vgl  \ _ ‘ `    Q 4.    LA;  
The surgeons usually perform two to ,    Til   t ` J.   __    ` . " ···
li eight transplants a month and some of _, it   t "      ` A  
these will include removing kidneys I t` ` .   ·__;”° ’i , l i  
from live donors such as a sibling or . l.\ i .; L,-jg; ill ` si T
a parent. But even if they are   ‘ ` \ _   V V .     ""~.s. `   H   g     I .
i transplanting a kidney from a cadaver Ft `   .   ,,_, _  `- ` i" ·· _—   .· 
donor, the prognosis for the patient wi »       A  
is good. ,,,, ~ g` A A         igi M
"With the new drugs and new »,,   IM;    _ " .;
methods of tissue typing, the chances of   ,,   r   it       ‘     . A
2 one year of successful function is 90   V ‘ . · _   ‘—' _  
percent," Lucas says. "Even though a in     ·i'· "·— l~‘Fil ) ,   _ ,
te patient is not exactly normal, he feels _     °   H ’ T "'
better and functions normally?   ‘       `’‘ A _     .t = ~ ,-_ Y `  `
NURSE COORDINATORS   f . /‘ *  ` -1
, Linda Anderson, R.N., Peggy nurses is reviewed and the members , l ; I
ds Brown, R.N., and Nancy Dawson, then determine whether a patient may 7 \j V V,
` R.N., are the renal transplant nurse be a good recipient and his name is ~   A _
coordinators at the UK Chandler placed on the waiting list. While éb ‘ Y
i Medical Center. It is theirjob to help continuing to teach the patient   Y, *mT_,
determine, along with the transplant everything about kidney transplants,  
physicians, whether a person with end the nurses also coordinate the various [ r ‘ V
‘ stage renal disease is a good candidate studies, lab work, and tests required. Above right; Nancy Dawson,
for a kidney transplant. One of the most important facts they ll“d¤ A¤d¢rS¤¤, PBQQY Brown,
l Once a patient is referred to UK as try to convey is that the new kidney 5\i;;l€lTllé;Zi;;8Ji;-l;n?\%O[§'
` a potential recipient, the three nurses, could experience rejection at any time Tmnsplcm Surgeon gndiygss
3 l WOI‘ki1‘1g closely with the renal a.ftC1‘ the tI‘a1'1SplaI1t. “Tl"1€y l'l€€d to Simons, Transplant Nurse
TO I physicians and social workers, begin know the problems," Anderson says. C00fd¤¤¤¥0f R-