xt7qnk361t25 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qnk361t25/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1928-10-19  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October 19, 1928 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 19, 1928 1928 1928-10-19 2012 true xt7qnk361t25 section xt7qnk361t25 I







Election Held Monday Attracts
500 Voters to Polls; 21

Are Candidates
Juniors Take Five Places, Sen
tors Cop Three, Sophomores



Schedule of Elections for All
Classes Announced by
Men's Student Council

Gain Only One

Five hundred votes were cast Mon
day by University students for the
14 candidates who arc to have their
pictures submitted to a final judge in
the Kentuckian's beauty contest. From
these pictures eight are to bo selected
by a
artist or illustrator
yet to be selected.
Many incorrect ballots, some of
them known to be illegal, were thrown
out by the judges who were of the
editorial staff of the Kentuckian and
a faculty representative.
It is plan
ned to announce the names of the
eight girls, whose pictures will appear
in the Kentuckian, early in November,
The following 14 girls, selected by
the poll, had their pictures taken
Betty Crawford, Kappa Delta,
freshman: Evelyn Ford, Alpha Gam
ma Delta, junior; Ruth Bonnin, Alpha
Gamma Delta, junior; Dorothy Gor
ham, Alpha Gamma Delta, freshman;
Gamma, freshman; Lucy Davis, Kap
pa Kappa Gamma, junior; Sarah
Warwick, Chi Omega, senior; Mary
Armstrong, Delta Delta Delta, senior;
Julia Marvin, Delta Delta Delta, jun
ior; Mary Elizabeth Brother, Delta
Delta Delta, junior; Sarah Elizabeth
Reynolds, Delta Zeta, freshman; Mary
Louise Marvin, Alpha Xi Delta, junior; Martha Reed, Alpha Xi Delta,
sophomore; Martha Minihan, senior.
Of this group, five are freshmen
one is a sophomore; five are juniors,
and three are seniors.

Musicians Leave Friday Night
In Company With Trainload
of Fans For
Game at Evanston.

The special train which leaves Lex
ington at 6:20 o'clock from the South
ern station Friday night, October 19,
for Chicago, will carry the band of 90
musicians, Elmer G. Sulzer, director;
Waller Jones, drum major; Miss Mary
Lewis Marvin, band sponsor;
Elmer G."5ulzer, chaperone, and the
fans who are planning to make the

The Big Four railroad will carry
the coaches from Cincinnati to Evans-to- n
where the party will detrain. The
Kentuckians will be quartered for the
day at the Ironton hotel in Evanston.

The band will march to the Northwestern stadium from the Ironton
hotel at one o'clock, and the game will
be called at two o'clock. Between
halves the Kentucky and Northwest
ern bands will perform on the. field,
forming the monogram of the institutions.
The Kentucky-Northwestegame
will be followed by a game played by
Northwestern reserves. However,
the band will not remain for the game
but will leave immediately for Chicago where they will be feted at a
banquet in' honor of the Kentuckians.
Following the banquet the band will
broadcast over the radiophone station
WEBH, Edgewater Beach hotel, at
8:30 p. m. Governor Sampson and
President McVey will make short ad
The Newman club of the University dresses preceding the band program.
A special tram returning to Lexing
held its first meeting of the year last
" Sunday morning at St. Peter's school ton will leave Chicago at 11:40 p. m.
and arrive in Lexington Sunday morn
About forty mem-rbeon Barr street.
were in attendance,
Harold Fried, the local club s dele-ogate to the International convention
of Newman clubs, held in Toronto last
August, presided over the meeting
and gave a report of the convention
proceedings. This report was followed by the annual election of club officers. Those elected were Harold
Fried, president; Joe Allen, vice president; Margaret Tracy, secretary, and
The reputations of student leaders
Lawrence McGinnis, treasurer.
Following the election Miss Mar- and faculty members alike will be
scandals hitherto
guerite McLaughlin gave a talk on blasted;
eye, and
the aims and purposes of the Newman screened from the public
club. This was followed by a discus- crimes of every kind and description
University campus will bo ex
sion of plans and program for the on the
posed in all their horrid details next
The Newman club is the only Cath- Saturday
olic student organization in existence D,ay, to all those who purchase a
at the University, and all Catholic of The Kampus Kat.
Reporters and editors of The Kat
,. students are urged to affiliate themselves with the club and to attend the have been laboring and sleuthing for
meetings which will be held at St. the past year, and the dirt they have
Peter's school on the second sunday uncovered will be amazing.
of each month.
It is the editorial policy of The
Kampus Kat to start seventeen senate
investigations with every publication,
and the staff feels that it will not fail
U. K. this time. expert
The most
ever soiled a clean yellow page will
Dr. Thomas Nixon Carver, of Har-var- d take the words right out of your
University, will speak before a mouth and expose the gigantic frauds
general assembly of students und fac- - that have been perpetrated on the
ulty of the Colleges of Agriculture student body by tho faculty during
and Commerce at 11 o'clock this the past year.
morning in Dicker hall.
What's wrong with tho SuKy circle,
Dr. Carver comes to the University,
the R. O. T. C. unit, the Y. M. C. A.,
upon the invitation of Dean Thomas
and other business organizations on
Cooper of the College of Agriculture,
campus will be luridly described
Berea where ho attended the the
in the best tabloid manner.
dedicatory exercises of the new agri- - your
best friend won't tell you, The
cultural building on Thursday.
Following the lecture a luncheon Kampus Kat
A limited number of Kats are being
will be given in honor of Dr. Carver
by members of the faculty of the published, and may be purchased by
and Com- the early arrivals at tho Centre game
'Colleges of Agriculture
for 10 cents, free on trains. Theremerce.
after they will be sold ut a premium.
The Kampus Kat is published at
varying intervuls by Sigma Delta Chi,
STUDY LIQUOR PROBLEM Kentucky chapter, national professional journalistic fraternity. The
have never been kicked out of
(O. C. N. A.)
The University of
town tho
Michigan should usk federal aid in school. They always leave
day before The Kat appears.
abolishing liquor drinking at fraternity houses, President Clarence Cook
.Little declared in a recent letter to PROFESSORS TO MEET AT
Dean Joseph A. Bursley.
"The student council will support
any reasonable action to abolish the
All members of the University staff
drinking, providing each house presi- are invited to be present at the first
dent be treated alike," a resolution meeting of the American association
adopted by the council declared.
of University Professors this evening
"We would be willing to join the at tho University cafeteria.
anti-liqucampaign here, should we
Suppen will be served promptly at
be assured that all fraternities would 5:45 o'clock and the program proper
be treated alike," Paul I. Kern, head will begin at 0:30 o'clook.
of the council declared.
At this meeting Mr. J. M. Crutchcr,
The automobile was banned last superintendent of tho department of
year and the enforcement proved very buildings und grounds, will bpeak on
It is believed that "A Building Program For the UniPresident 'Little would remove the versity," Tho program has been arautomobile ban if he felt that liquor ranged by Prof. E. N. Fergus, secrehad been eliminated.
tary of the association.

Annual Election At
Its First Meeting


Kampus Kat
ill Scandalize

At Centre Game

Thomas Carver
Speak at



page of this edition of Tho Kernel is an editorial enIt wus
titled, "Their Just Deserts."
written especially for the freshmen
who preslst in rushing the local theaters. The managers of the theaters
and the president of the University
have requested the students not to
rush the theaters and still they do it.


On the editorial


At a meeting of the Men's Student
Council Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock in the Administration building,
it was decided to take u vote of tho
senior men to decido what distinctive
dress they desire to wear. The voting will take place all day Tuesday at
which time the senior elections will
take place.


Desha Breckinridge Chapter of

Alpha Delta Sigma, National
Advertising Fraternity, Will
Re Hosts to Convention.

Alpha Delta Sigma, national honoradvertising
nity, will hold its national convention
in Lexington next fall, it was learned
upon the return of James Shropshire,
Hugh Ellis, and E. B. Cummins from
Champaign, III. This year's national
convention was held under the aus
pices of the University
of Illinois.
Lexington was selected because of its
central location and the sight-seein- g
opportunities afforded the delegates
who will attend.
The convention will bo held next
year under the auspices of the local
chapter of Alpha Delta Sigma in McVey hall. About eighty delegates are
expected to attend.
This year's convention was attended
by twenty-on- e
chapters from various
sections of the United States. The
delegates arrived on Friday, October
12, and were engaged in a business
session Friday morning. Friday night
a dinner was served at the Phi Ep-silPi house, immediately followed
by a model initiation,
At 9 o'clock
the delegates were honored by a dance
given at the Beta Theta Pi house.
Saturday morning another business
session was held. At noon a luncheon was served by Gamma Alpha
Chi, honorary woman's advertising sorority. In the afternoon the delegates
were guests at the Illinois-Co- e
football game. The convention closed
with a banquet at the Urbana Lincoln
hotel Saturday night.
C. N. Fernald was elected president
at the session to succeed E. K. John
son, professor of advertising at Baton Rouge, La. Fernald is at present
professor of advertising at Illinois
and is president of the Illinois AdverHe is 'also contising association.
nected with a number of advertising
Bruce Barton, one of the leading
advertising men of the United States,
was elected an honorary member of
the fraternity. He was the first man
to attain this honor. Alpha Delta
Sigma has always based its member
ship on scholarship, ability as an ad
vertising writer, and character.



Wildcat Star









During the Seventh Annual Poultry
Day, held recently at the University
farm, and which more than 500 people
attended, an organization named the
Kentucky Poultry Improvement Association was formed. Representatives
from forty counties took part in the
program which consisted of an inspection of the farm, speeches and
general discussions.
W. E. Pyles, of Maysville, was elected president of the new organization,
which was first conceived by Professor Martin, and which has been started for the purpose of raising better
poultry throughout Kentucky.
The morning program started with
a general inspection after which
lunch was held at the judging pavilImmediately
afterward Dean
Cooper delivered a short welcoming
address, followed by a talk by Mr. G.
S. Vickers, field agent for the Ohio
Poultry Improvement Association.
Visitors at the morning inspection
of the farm showed much interest in
methods employed
the progressive
there, and everyone expressed a desire to return next year.

Chemists to Hold
Regional Meeting
American Chemical Society Will
Convene at University



The fifth regional meeting of the
American Chemical Society, which is
the largest scientific body in the
world, will bo held at the University
of Kentucky Friday and Saturday,
October 26 and 27.
Dr. Ralph N. Maxson, of the Uni
versity, is regional chairman for this
section which includes Ohio, Michigan,
The reKentucky and Pennsylvania.
V. F.
gional secretary,
Transylvania College and
Payne, of
Dr. S. W. Parr, of tho University of
Illinois, president of the American
Chemical Society, will be among the
members present.
Frank L. McVey, president of tho
University, will give the address of
welcome Friday, October 20.
into the secret fraternities of the University of
Texas will be made by the board of
regents at its meeting October 26, as
the result of the death of a student
killed at a fraternity initiation last
At that time a decision as to whether secret organizations will be allowed to remain on the campus will be
The pledge died as the result of an
electric shock sustained while crawling over u bed spring charged with
electricity, as part of the "rough"
socia) fraternity on the campus.
Horseplay in connection with
into Delta Kappa Epsilon,
tiation into Greek letter societies was
condemned in connection with the fatal incident, by Harold Riegelman,
chairman of the Interfratcrnity conference, a group composed of more
than CO of the leading fraternities of
the country,

N. A.) An investigation



K. Northwestern


Will lie Shown IMay by

who's that JPB HE'S


ary professional

University. Farm
Holds Poultry Day


KY., OCTOBER 19, 1028


Dates for class elections as announced by the Men's Student
Council nro ns follows: Senior,
October 23; Junior, October 24;
Sophomore, October 25, and Freshman, October 29. The closing date
for nominations is October 20. Petitions accompanying the nominations must be signed by 25 male






Best Copy Available

Play in Gym



Kentucky Northwestern
will bo shown play by piny on the
gridgraph board Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Men's gymnasium. General admission will be
fifty cents.
Admission for students with athletic books will be
twcnly-flv- o
cents. SuKy circle will
sell refreshments.
All freshmen
are especially urged to attend.

Powerful Northwestern Eleven
Is Host to GnmaRcmcn at
Windy City


Is Expected

Witness Only Grid Battle
in Chicago Saturday



(By Wayman Thomasson)
Coach Harry Gamago is mushing
his Kentucky team along that long
trail which leads into the frozen
North. Tonight, under tho northern
Frank C. Fowler Designs Ambi lights, his 'Cats will be encamncd at
tious Settings for Initial Guig the Edgewater Beach hotel as cold
winds whistle
noi rcriormance or nay on ing the knellaroundthe corners, toll
October 29.
Wildcats at Dyche stadium. Chicacro.
Tomorrow Wildcat will meet Wildcat,
One of the most ambitious stage the purple against the blue, Coach
sets of the Little Theater at the Uni- Dick Hanley versus Harry Gamage.
versity will be a feature of "Hay-fever- Kentucky's wonder band, lake breezes.
the initial performance of The machine guns, stockyards, 70,000 peoGuignol which will open October 29 at ple, and a game.
the old Romany theater.
This provides for everything but a
The setting, which was designed by gang war and that is one thing I'm
Frank C. Fowler, director of The not going to investigate.
Guignol, and built by Mr. Thomas football is more in my line," said
Lyons, is that of the spacious and Coach Gamage as Washington and
charming summer room of a country Leo was thrown Ifor another loss.
estate in England. The style is sug- "Coach Dick Hanley," expostulates
gestive of Spanish and is beautified Walter Eckersall In the Chicago Tribby a balcony which opens on a sunken une, "favors an open style of attack
The whole atmosphere is which he has built nround Walter
thoroughly modern in keeping with Holmer. Northwestern
captain and
"Hayfever," which is a satiric comedy fullback."
Eckersall continues, "If
by Noel Coward in three acts. The Coach Hanley can develop a line
cast which has been chosen by Mr. which gives Holmer the necessary
Glee Club
Fowler are especially well adapted to protection, Northwestern should gain
their parts and are working hard to by the use of the forward pass." This
perfect the coming performance.
line is no longer a problem. Ohio
Miss Cynthia Smith, business man- State penetrated the purple line to
ager of The Guignol, is now compil- the 20 yard line only once last Sat
The Men's Glee club will make a
At an organization meeting of the ing the list of subscribers for season urday and beat Northwestern by a
tour of the state during the Christ- Freshman cabinet of the Y. M. C. A. tickets and announces that it will lucky break a fumble which was
mas holidays this year, according to held this week, Vernon Rooks,
soon be ready for publication.
It is scooped up and carried to a touch
Professor Lampert, sponsor of the
of the College of Arts and Sci- advised that seat reservations
be down. The Buckeyes made just three
club. The members decided on that ences, was elected president.
Elbert made early as the production prom' first downs and the Northwestern
time for their annual tour at their Kikel, was elected vice president and ises to play to record crowds through
line proved itself worthy of the four
weekly meeting held last Monday B. Price was chosen as secretary and out its run.
great backs who were expected to
night. An unusually interesting pro- treasurer.
At a meeting last week the execu stun the Western Conference this seagram is being planned.
The Rev. H. M. Morgan, pastor of
of son. '
The home concert is scheduled for the Maxwell street Presbyterian tive committee of the theater an setficial constitution was adopted,
Those backs are Levison, Holmer,
some time before Christmas and work church, led the devotional exercises
ting out the rules and regulations Bruder and Calderwood. Lee Hanley,
on both programs has already begun. of the group and will
continue to do whereby the organization will be con the coach's nephew, is also a good
"The Blue Danube Waltz," "A Day so for the remainder of the year.
insignia is also being de back, but he was injured in the Ohio
In Venice" by Nevin, and "Little Cot- Under the supervision of Penrose ducted. An
game and it is doubtful if he will be
ton Dolly," by Giebel, a companion Ecton, senior cabinet advisor, the signed for the theater.
able to play. Especially is this true
piece to "Kentucky. Babe," are among members of the cabinet will conduct
on account of the fact that the Purthe interesting numbers the Glee club a campaign among the freshmen this'j
ples play Illinois next Saturday in
plans to give. A group of Shubert's week to enroll as many as possible
one of the most important games of
songs will be studied this year as a with some church in this city.
the Western Conference. Northwest- memorial to that great composer who
All freshmen who have not joined
em's backfield outweighs Kentucky's
died in 1892.
the cabinet are urged to do so. Meetby about 20 pounds to the man and
ings are held each Tuesday night at
has an enormous driving power. And
7:30 o'clock in Buell armory.
to make things even more interesting,
the Northwestern line is just as big
(By Beecher Adams)
and just as good as Kentucky's.
All hail the Knights of the Road! Therefore, it looks like Kentucky is
Will Hold
Only Student Luncheon Club on
and to some few unenlightened indi going to have to go over or around
this team to get anywhere.
Campus Is Sponsored by
viduals who are in ignorance as to Gamage has been brushing up his
Members of the Scabbard
"Y" Organization
the identity of this organization, Jet pass formations and is expecting to
Blade, honorary military fraternity,
The Pitkin club, only student lunch- will entertain with a smoker Satur- them gather at the railway station score by this route Saturday.
The squad left Lexington Thursday
eon club on the University campus, day evening at 7:30 o'clock at the and the various highways today and
will hold its first meeting of the fall Lafayette hotel. Light refreshments tomorrow to watch the intrepid stu- night and arrived, in Chicago this
The same team which
semester Wednesday, October 24, at will be served. Major Spaulding will dents (?) of the University do their morning.
started against Washingtpn and Lee,
Maxwell Presbyterian church. Pen- act as toastmaster for the occasion.
stuff. For, gentle .reader, two claw- with one exception, will probably
About 150 guests are expected to be
rose Ecton, president of the club, will
present among whom will be Presi- ing bands of Wildcats will meet' Sat- play again Saturday. Will Ed Covpreside at the meeting.
The meeting will mark the begin- dent McVey, the deans of the dif- urday in deadly copibat on the grid- ington is nursing an injured leg. It
is likely he will be replaced by Elmer
ning of the fourth year of the club's ferent colleges of the University, and iron at Evanston, and every
Gilb, in which case Portwood will be
existence on the campus. Organized all members of the advanced corps of
son of Old Kentucky will be
in 1925 with a membership limit of the R. O. T. C. Regular members of on hand to lend his support to his shifted to Covington's position and
Gilb Will assume 'Portwood's former
are urged to be present battling comrades.
25 students,
it has, because of its the fraternity
duties as plunging back. Be sure
popularity, been forced to raise the at this get together smoker.
Probably a hundred will try to "ho- and tune in on the radio program
number to 50 in 1926, and to 75 in
bo" the band cars. Possibly twenty Saturday evening.
1927, which number is its maximum
of these will make it and they will be
this year. Since its organization, the
the heroes. For those fallen by the
club, which has for it aim the discus
wayside, God bless 'em, we should Chicago
sion and furthering of religious activcheer just as we do a losing team beities on the campus, has had for its Three Best Plays Chosen From
cause they tried and tried hard.
leader Dr. A. W. Fortune, pastor of
Try-out- s
Will Be Given
much the
Some will "hitch-hike,- "
Central Christian church.
November 1
In a letter to Mr. D. H. Williamson
safer but longer way, and success will
The Pitkin club is sponsored by the
crown the efforts of ninety per cent of the Graves, Cox and company, of
Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. in conjunction
Amateur Night, sponsored by Strol- of them if they start in time. Woe to Lexington, Mr. O. S. McCorison, or
with the Maxwell street Presbyterian
motorist who scorns the B. Kuppenheimef and company of
church, of which Dr. Morgan is pas lers, student dramatic organization, the
tor. Members are without expense will take place Thursday, November 1, the plea of the lad in the blue sweater Chicago, said that as a result of a let
in the Mens' gymnasium.
At this this day, for as far as Old State is ter received from Mr. Williamson givsince the luncheons are furnished by
these groups. New members are se- time the three best plays chosen from concerned his name is MUD! But ing full details regarding the visit of
these boys will get there and when the Kentucky football team to Chiwill be given.
lected as vacancies arise by a secret the try-ouwhich will begin the whistle blows on Saturday after- cago, October 20, he has made comStroller try-out- s,
membership committee which passes
plete arrangements for entertaining
upon the names presented by the Monday, October 22, will be held in noon will cheer in full force.
Still other "broke" sons of the the team.
president. Those wishing to become the Recreation hall of Patterson hall
A reservation
has been made for
members of the club should give their from 3 until G o'clock, and then in Bluegrass are oiling the flivvers up
names to I'enrose tcton. members the evening from 7 until 9 o'clock. and will attempt the impossible in two busses to transfer the team from
will continue a slong as them. If any of these ancient car- the depot to the hotel, and to take
of the club are chosen equally from The try-oualong the north
them sightseeing
The judging riages make the hazardous non-sto- p
the boys and girls, as well as from there are candidates.
composed of Lewis
committee is
flight to Chicugo, our hats go off to shore after breakfast.
the different classes.
A reservation has also been made
Frank Davidson, Harry
them. Due credit will be given them
Luetta Grecno, vice president, and
Leonard Weakley, Martha for possessing more nerve than Lind- for their luncheon in one of the privJoe Ruttencutter, secretary, are the
ate dining rooms of the Orringtou
Minihan and Bob Thompson.
bergh ever dreamed of.
other officers of the club.
The names of those trying out, telThey'll all be there, from the high- hotel.
try-ofees est Phi Beta Kappa to the lowest unephone numbers and
should be given to Lewis MacDannold fortunate on probation.
They'll be R. O. T. C. COMPANIES WILL
or Frank Davidson today. Tho forAdams, of the College of mer may be reached at 4G51 and the there with bells on, this loyal army of
Dr. J. E.
"Tucky's Travellers" and may their
Education, spoke before a general latter at G035 or 4491.
Southern yells reverberate across the
Sponsor substitutions for companies
teachers' meeting at Henry Clay high
Egg Man," by frigid atmosphere of the Windy City
"The Butter and
school yesterday afternoon at 2:30 George S. Kaufman, and "Charm," by
of the University R. O. T. C. were
out with selected Friday, October 12.
o'clock. His subject was "Tho Old John Klrkpatrick, are the two plays until our Wildcats strike
The vaHis address was fol- under serious consideration for pro- terrible talons und peel another scalp cancies of last year wore filled by
and the New."
vicKathryn McWilliams, .Major sponsor
by a reception for the teachers. duction. The play will in all proba- to decorate Daddy Boles'hall of
of the Second Battalion, Frances Bas-kct- t,
bility bo put on just before or immedsponsor of Company A, und
iately after Christmas.
of Company
parts in the play will bo undertaken JOURNALISTS TO PLEDGE
, -for eligibil"
AT MRS. McVEY'S TEA B. These substitutions are temporary
after the try-ouuntil the election which will be held
All organizations that desire, a over.
Theta Sigma Phi, women's honor- the second semester.
place on the social calendar are
ary journalistic fraternity, will hold
requested to file their application
pledging exercises at Mrs. McVoy's
before Saturday, November 3. This
calendar must be submitted to the
McVey has issued u special invitation
University senate before ThanksBecause of the International Re- to Sigma Deltu Chi, men's honorary
Women's organizations
Dr. William S. Taylor, dean of the
lations club dinner on Tuesday night, journalistic fraternity, to assist in the
should file their applications in the
October 23, Professor Grehan's dinner entertainment and u cordial welcome College of Education, has been schedoffice of tho dean of women, and
to the
in honor of the heads of the departwill be extended to all University stu uled to deliver three uddresses
the men in tho office of the dean
Y. M. C. A. Men's Bible cluss during
ments has been changed to Monday dents attending.
of men.
evening, October 22.
the fall und winter season. The first
The applications submitted will
one wus given by Deun Taylor last
At this meeting, to be held in the
bo turned over to the students' soBOOK STORE IS OPEN
Monday night ut the opening meeting,
Red room of tho Lafayette hotel, the
cial committees to prepare a schedand the next one will be given next
department heads will discuss probule to submit to tho University
The University book store, which Monday night on "The Big Things in
lems relating to their field of work.
senate at its regular meeting, MonThis is the first of a series of din- was closed during the first part of Christian Living." Each meeting is
day, November 12, which is its
ners to bo given each month by dif- the week, is now open for business in preceded by u Bupper to create inter
last meeting before Thanksgiving.
its new location at McVey hall.
est among members.
ferent heads pf departments,



Tour During
Christmas Holidays


Freshman Cabinet
Y.M.C.A. Holds
Annual Election

Kentucky Rooters
To See Game by

Hook or Crook

Pitkin Members

Meet Wednesday Military Fraternity

Strollers to Hold
Amateur Night


Entertain 'Cats

� Best Copj







Subscribe For




And Help the Association

Shoe Artisans With a Reputation

Edited by



Prices Lower


Alumni Assn.

Secy.-Trea- s.

Published By and For University Alumni





Graduate of University in 1925
Accepts Important Post With
Large Cincinnati Department
Store as Advertising Writer.








Mrs. E. T. Proctor, '16

Wyland Rhodes, i'IB

Dr. E. C. Elliott, 02
Walter Hlllenmeyer,

W C. Wilson, '04

Dr. Georite II. Wilson, '04


"On to Chicago" h.is become the battle cry around the
folcampus" and the city of Lexington since last Saturday when the
lowers of the Blue and White were served the most delicious
enthudish of football offered on Stoll field for many a year. The
siasm that followed the defeat of the worthy Generals of
Wildcats, was so pronounced
and Lee at the hands of the
that one might have been led to believe that every one was
But with the beginning of the new week the team, stusatisfied.
dents, Alumni and followers of the Wildcats already have become
hungry for some of the same dish, but served this time in Chicago.
At the Chicago end of the line nothing has been left undone to
make the record crowd of Kentuckians who will follow the Wildcats
They have made arrangements with
to the "Windy City" Saturday.
hosthe management of the Edgewater Beach hotel to make that
telry Kentucky headquarters on the day of the game. The management has set aside a number of rooms that are to be used exclusively
by Alumni, students, and friends of the University.
In the evening the Chicago Alumni club and the Kentucky club
at which every person
of Chicago will be hosts at a dinner-danc- e
The team and the band, of
from the University will be guests.
course, will be guests of honor. While both clubs wiuld like to entertain everyone from Kentucky, they find that it will take more
finances than they have available so they are limiting themselves to
the students, the team, the band, and faculty.
All Alumni and friends, however, who are in Chicago are cordially invited to attend the dinner provided they pay the cover charge
record-breakin- g
which will not be large. Indications so far point to a
crowd from Kentucky to the game.
On to Chicago! Let's go.


Helen G. King, who was graduated
from the College of Arts and Sciences
with the class of 1925, has recently
accepted nn interesting position with
the John Shillito company of Cincinnati, Ohio. She is now advertising
fashion writer for that company. She
is well adapted to that work, having
been engaged in advertising work in
Lexington since being graduated from
the University.
While in the University she was ac
tive in journalistic work and was so
cicty editor and feature writer on
the staff of The Kernel for several
years. After leaving the University
she was employed by Wolf, Wile and
was snecial feature writer and work- ed with the advertising department
She also inaugurated a weekly feature which aDDeared in the Sunday is
sue of the Lexington Herald. This
was along advertising lines and was
called "Helen Goes
feature, which was a novelty worked
up by her, received favorable com
ment wherever it was seen by adver
Using specialists.
Later she became a regular
of the advertising staff of the
Lexington Herald and had become
quite valuable to that newspaper
when sh