xt7qnk361r95 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qnk361r95/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1911-03-apr17-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1911-03-apr17-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1911-03-apr17-ec. 1911 1911-03-apr17-ec. 2011 true xt7qnk361r95 section xt7qnk361r95 

               The Executive Comraittee of the Board of Trustees met at

     the Phoenix Hotel on Monday, April 17, 1911, at 11 o'clock.   There

     were present Mr. Nichols, Mr. Terrell and Mir. Stoll of the Corn-

     Mittee, and also President Barker and Comptroller, Judge Lafferty.

               On motion made and seconded and unanimously carried , it

    was ordered that the President, tnle Vice President and the Deans

    of the different Colleges of the University be the only persons

    who are permitted to write official letters for the University and

    no official letter shall be written unless it is first submitted

    to the President of the University.

               BE IT FURTiR RESOLVED that no Professor, instructor

     or emp1 oylee                           aieehej University

     shall give out any information or make any sta terntir con-  

K          ct X with the University unless it be first submitted to the

    President of the University for his approval, and that the Pres-

    ident of the University see that these resolutions be enforced.

               RESOLV0T  that a copy of these resolutions be submit-

    ted by the Secretary to every              K            g

    the University.

               President Barker said he had not as yet had opportu-

    nity to furnish this Committee with a written opinion relative

    to the Academy as requested by the Committee, airnd by motion

    President Barker was requested to make this report at the next

    meeting of the Executive Committee.

               Sometime ago the question of sewerage in connection

    with the University was submitted to a Committee consisting of

    President Barker, Mr. R. C. Stoll and Mr. R. C. Tercell.    Mr.

    Stoll requested Mr. Terrell to make him estimates of the cost


of the different plans and the following estimate was submitted:-

    "Mr. Richard C. Stoll,
           Lexington, Ky.
     Dear Sir:-
           In compliance with your request I am sending you total
     estimates for sewer     the campus from 14echanical Hall to
     Winslow Street. Also estimates for the proposed connections
     with the proposed Upper Street sewer.
           The estimates are as follows:-
           From Mechanical Hall to Winslow Street, including an
     inverted syphon under the College pond which will connect all
     buildings on the campus except the Agricultural Building, will
     cost approximately $4000.00.
           E'atimated cost of connecting all buildings on the cam
     pus excepting the Gymnasium and the Educational Buildings
     to the proposed Upper Street sewer and connecting the above
     named buildings to the W4inslow Street sewer, including the
     Universitys, cost for street sewer approximately $1900.00.
           I, therefore, recoratend that we connect with the pro-
     posed Upper Street sewer when that sewer is completed.
           I trust that this will be satisfactory, *but if any
     further information is desired, feel perfectly free to cam-
     mand me.

                               Yours respectfully,

                                         ii. C. Terrell.-"

           Mr. Stoll recommended tat the Zxecutive Committee

authorize this Committee to act.

           Upon motion made, seconded and unanimously carried, the

Committee heretofore appointed consisting of President Barker, Mr.

h. C. Stoll and Mr. h9C. ' errell on bshalf of the Unive~rity was

authorised to have                                        mifanay mnner   (

which islthe best and most economical. T7he Committee is given full

power to act as for the University.

           Judge, Lafferty then read the following recommendations

from the Counl 4 -

           " That the Associate Professors of the University be

made membere of the Faculty:

           Also that an Assistant Professor be employed in the Col-

lege of  in es and Metallurgy:


           That an additional Assistant in the Department of Math-

ematics be employed:

           Also that two new professors be constituted in the Col-

lege of Arts and Science, one in Philosophy and one in Zoology:

           It was recommended that the tuition be placed at 420.00

throughout the University."

           Mr. Stoll moved.      - First, that Associate Professors

be made members of the Faculty.

           Second, that an Assistant in the College of Mines and

Metallurgy be employed at a salary to be fixed by the Executive


           Third, that an Assistant Professor of Mathematics be

employed, the salaxy to be fixed by the Executive'Committee.

           The Board of Trustees having already authorized the

employment of a Professor of Philosophy, no recommendation was


           The President of the University was requested to report

whether, in his opinion, an additional Professor in Zoology is

necessary; and the amount of tuition to be charged by each Depart-

ment to be recommended to the Board., and the President of the

University be requested to furnish to thase Pepartments the amount

of tuition charged.

           Notion mad-e and carried that tVose resolution5 be passed.

           Motion made, seconded and unanimously carried it was

resolved that subject to the Board of Trustees that the Committee

on Appointments be abolished and the professors, instructors, and

assistant professors be employed by the President of the University

subject to the approval of the Executive Committee.

           Judge Laffery reported that he had not as yet been able

to get an itemized account of the claim filed against the



University by Bitterman & Sons but hoped to do so by the next meet-

ing of the Committee.

            Motion made, seconded and unanimously carried that the

Comptroller have the Tornado Insurance renewed on Patterson Hall

and was requested to report to the Executive Committee the cost of

similar insurance on each of the buildings of the University.

            Judge Lafferty brought up the subject of advertising

 in the way of making small posters with a view of the University
grounds on same, some of these to be tinned so that they will hang.

Motion made seconded and unanimously carried that the Business

Agent be allowed the sum of $30.00 to be used in advertising the

University and Summer School.

            Upon motion made seconded and unanimously carried, it

was resolved that the Business Agent of the University buy a

Loose Leaf Minute Book, such as used by the Executive Committee,

to be sent to each of the members of this Committee and a copy of

the minutes be sent to each of the members as soon after the meet-

ing of the Executive Committee as possiblei paper to be used the

same as that which comes in the Loose Leaf Book. It is understood

that these books are the property of the University to be returned

when the owner ceases to be a member of the Executive Committee.

The books are to be marked - "This book is the property of the

State University of Kentucky".

            Lieutenant Kelly presented the following letter:-

                                      " Lexington, KYry., March 17, 1911

"The Executive Committee, Board of Trustees,
      Kentucky State University, Lexington, Iy.
            I would like to respectfully call your attention to the
 following matters. It has been customary, heretofore, to pay the
 cadet officers in the military department certain small sums for
 their services.  This is essential as the officers are taken from
 the Junior Class that is not required to drill and it is hardly
 thought that it would be possible to induce students to take these



*places without the incentive of a certain amount of pay. When the
system of making appropriations for the support of the different
departments was in effect, the Commandant made these payments
out of that appropriations. However, as thAt plan is no longer
in effect, there is no provision for the payment of these young

           I would strongly recommend, therefore, that certain dis-
bursements in the military department be made routine, and inde-
pendent of any annual appropriation . This would be simply fol-
lowing the system pursued in the other departments in the payment
of assistants, and would make it unnecessary to bring the matter
up every year.

           Thereupon it be FXSOLVED: That the following annual
payments to officers of the Cadet Corps of the Uniiiersity, be
and are hereby authorized, i.e.:  The Major $25.00;  Captains
$25.00; First Lieutenants $20.00; Second Lieutenants $15.00:
Provided, that the total amount expended for this purpose shall
not exceed $350.00. Proffided further:  TEat the Commandant, in
order to maintain discipline, be and is hereby authorized to
assess fines against the pay of cadet officers for delinquencies,
and in his discretion to remit said fines.
          That the payment of fifteen cents an hour to the cadet
adjutant, for the actual time engaged in office work, be and is
hereby authorized.

          That a salary of $8.00 per month, to the cadet quarter-
master sergeant, when engaged in the care of the arms and ord-
nance equipment of the University, be and is hereby authorized.

          That the sum of $75.00 be and is hereby set aside
annually for the purchase of prizes to be awarded to the members
of the best cadet company. The realtive proficiency to be decided
by. an annual competition, under rules and regulations prepared
by the Commandant.

          That these resolutions take effect at once- and embrace
the present school year.

                               Very respectfully,

                                       High M. Kelly.

                              1st. Lie~tenant, 26th Infantry,
                       Professar of Military Science and Tactic&."

          Motion was made and seconded and on roll call tire motion

was unanimously carried.

          RESOiVED: That the care of our trees be put under

Professor Garman, who is authorized and requested to do such trim-

ming and other things that to him may seem best for the preserva-

tion of the trees.



Motion made, seconded and unanimously carried.

           The following resolution was unaniously adopted:o-

           RESOLVW: That MH. S. Barker, President of the Uni-

 Versity of Kentucky, be and he hereby is authorized to execute

 for and in the name of the State University of Kentucky a bond in

 the penal amount of $15,414.60, in the form required by the War

 Department, to insure the safe-keeping and return, when required

 by the Secretary of War, of certain ordnance and ordnance stores

 already issued, about to be issued and such as may be issued in

 the future; the aggregate value of all such issues not to ex-

 ceed the sum of $7707.30."

          Professor White presented the following requisitions:

          Administration amounting to $8,028.64.

          Advertising amounting to $34.00

          Dormitories amounting to $496.85.

          Building Fund $76.50.

          From the Department of Agriculture requisitions amounting

to $116.95.

          Gymnasium $19.10.

          Department of Zoology and Geology - $76.42.

          Department of Chemistry amounting to $20.00.

          Insurance amounting to $36.90.

          Department of Law amounting toO $1.70.

          Miscellaneous $4.00.

          Department of Military Science amounting to $24.62.

          Patterson Hall axmounting to $21.80.

          President Patterson's traveling expenses and stationery

amounting to $14.15.


         Young Mens Christian Association amounting to 429.50.

         Department of Civil 3ngineering amounting to $4G.45.

         Department of Mechanical Engineering amounting to $142.90.

         Grounds and Buildings amounting to $171.42.

         Motion was made. seconded and unanimously carried tiat

the above requisitions be approved and charged to the proper ac-

counts. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.

                                Secretary of the Executive Committee.