xt7qnk361r70 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qnk361r70/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1911-13-dec12. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1911-13-dec12. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1911-13-dec12. 1911 1911-13-dec12. 2011 true xt7qnk361r70 section xt7qnk361r70 


      The Board of Trustees of the State University met in semi-annual session,

 in the Trustees' Room in the Gumnasium, Wednesday, December 12, 1911, at two o'clock

 P. M.

      Present: Messrs. Clay, Carpenter, Nichols, Wathen, Walker, Regenstein,

                Turner, Patterson, Edelen, and President Barker.

      Absent: Messrs. Terrell, Stoll, Davies, Smith, Cox.

      The Governor being absent, on motion fur. Clay was unanimously elected Chairman.

      President Barker read his report, which was as follows:

                                              December 9, 1911.

To the Board of Trustees,

   State University of Kentucky.


          As President of the State University of Kentucky, I have the honor to

make the following report to your honorable body, as by law required.

          During the months of Tune and Tuly 1911, there was offered under the

auspices of the University eight weeks of Sunmer School, for the benefit of all who

desired to take advantage of the opportunity to acquire knowledge, with the result

that there were enrolled one hundred and thirty-seven students, (mostly teachers of

public schools), vho were taught the subjects as set forth in the following table:

       CT1MISTR.Y                                          ENGLISH

Inorganic Chemistry             5                  Sub-Freshman               5

qualitative Analysis           2                   Romantic Period          11
Chemistry of Metals             4

Quantitative Analysis           2                           HISTORY

Elementary Chemistry            4                  History                  12

                                                   Economics                 1
                               17                                           13

December 12, 1911



          PHYICS                                          LATIN

     Physics VI                4                 Latin                     6
     Physics VII                1
     Physics VI & VII           3
     Physics I or III         11                          GERMAIN
     Physics II Lab.          12                 Beginning & Adv. German  29
     Sub-Freshman              5                 French                   10

        BMAVIPMiTICS                                CIVIL NGIMEERING

     Calculus I and II         3                 Field W1ork                2
     Calculus II and III       3                 Masonry Construction       3
     Calculus III              2                 Surveying                  2
     Plane Trig.               3                 Desc. Geometry             4
     Spher. Trig.              1                 Roof Truss Design          2
     Analytics                16 -ater Supply                               2
     Algebra                    8
     Solid Geometry            7                       EDUCATION
     Plane Geometry             1
                                                    (Professional work)   11
                                                  Physiology                 1

                               EMOLRvM'NT    137

     This was the first Summer School held under the authority of the University;

heretofore efforts have been made by some of the professors and instructors to

hold sunmer schools, but the results were both unremunerative and unsatisfactory,

and the whole scheme was a failure. Deeming it very important that a summer school

should be conducted by the University, the Executive Committee authorized the ex-

penditure of $2500. in maintaining such a school for the term before mentioned.   I

believe the expenditure, while somewhat in the nature of an experiment, was more than

justified by the result.  The Summer School was a fine advertisement for the Uni-

versity and as the students (teachers) were much pleased with the instructions re-

ceived by them at practically nominal tuition fees, in their gratitude they took an

interest in directing students to the University for the regular term. I believe

that no one thing which was done to advertise and popularize the University contrib-

uted more toward this end than did the Sumner School.

December 12, 1911



      The members of the Board will remember that during the Summer vacation the

 University received a proposition from the Trustees of the Peabody Fund to endow

 the School of Education in the sum of A40,000., provided the University would agree

 to expend upon the maintenance of the school such annual sum as, when supplemented

 by the interest upon the endowment of $40,0O0., would make an aggregate of 410,000.

 A special meeting of the Board was called to consider this proposition, with the re-

 sult that a quorum was not obtained, but the proposition was discussed informally and

 referred to the Executive Committee.  There was some trouble in the mind of at least

 one member of the Board as to whether or not the proposition should be accepted as

 made, because it was feared that the Board might bind itself to an unwise contract.

 Without going into this feature of the matter at any further length, I succeeded in

 getting Dr. Wlickliffe Rose, the Secretary of the Trustees of the Peabody Eund, to

 come to Iexington to inspect the School of Education, with the result that we agreed

 upon the following expenditures, which were to be considered in making up the amount

 which the University would be obliged to expend under the proposed contract:

                 Salary, Prof. Noe                                   42000.
                 Salary, Prof. Tigert                                 2000.
                 Expense account of Prof. McHenry Rhoads               500.
                 On the maintenance of the Summer School              1000.
                 On account of departmental pedagogy                  1000.
                 For equipment                                         500.
                 Salary, one assistant in Dept. of Education        1000.
                 Making a total of  

     This, with the interest on the endowment fund, calculated at five percent, will

agregate the full sum of ;pl0,000.  It will thus be observed that the only new money

which the University will have to expend will be the salary of the Assistant in the

Department of Education, estimated at lO00O0  The University already pays the expenses

of McHenry Rhoads, estimated at $500. per annum, and I am assuming that more than

$1000. will be expended on the maintenance of the Suner School.   The item of $1000.

for the Department of pedagogy is made up in the aggregate of the pro rate of the

salaries of the various professors who teach the students in the School of Education.

Dr. Rose made the calculation himself and said he would allow the aggregate sum of

December 12, 1911



$1000. to be counted from this source.   As the University already pays the salaries

of these professors, it is out nothing for this item.  Dr. Rose also considered that

the University was already expending and would necessarily expend annually the sum of

t?500. for equipment, and we agreed that the salary of the additional assistant would

be the only new money Which the University would be required to expend.  This aggre-

gates the sum of $8000., and as aforesaid, with the additional sum of $2000., being the

interest on $40,000., calculated at five percent, makes the full sum of $10,000.  Dr.

Rose desires that the contract be ratified by the Board of Trustees and has agreed to

send it on for your consideration.  At the time this report is Tritten, it has not

yet arrived, but I confidently expect it to be here before the Board meets on the

13th of December.

     The University is to be congratulated on receiving this endowment from the gene-

rosity of the Trustees of the Peabody Fund. It enables the Board of Trustees to greatly

strengthen and build up the College of Education.  loo department of the University is

more important to the State than the College of Education.   The educational interest-

of the Coimnonwealth has great need of accomplished teachers and this need will in large

part be supplied year by year from the graduates of this school.

     The Board will be pleased to know that there has been a very large increase in

the number of our students for the present term.  That you may at once appreciate

the increase, I subjoin a tabulated statement of the annual number of students en-

rolled beginning with the year 1905-6 and ending with that of 1911-12:

                 YEAR                         No. of Students

                 1905-06                            813
                 1906-07                            901
                 1907-08                           1064
                 1908-09                            772
                 1909-10                            721
                 1910-11                            803
                 1911-12                           1108

     It will be observed that while for the term 1911-12 there is an increase of

about forty percent over the number of the preceding term, this does not state accurate-

ly the real situation.   The number for the term of 1910-11 is for the entire term,

while the number given for 1911-12 is only for the first half of the term; judging the

December 12, 1911



future by the past, I confidently expect an additional enrollment of from 100 to 200

students during the last half of the present term. That is, I expect an enrollment of

from 1200 to 1300 students by the end of the present term.

      In this connection, I desire to assure the Board that notwithstanding rumors to

 the contrary, this great increase in the number of the student body has not been

 caused by either a lowering of the entrance requirements or by an illegal use of the

 power of appointment. I have tried to follow the statute, but always giving a liberal

 construction in the direction of affording an education to the greatest possible number

 of the youth of the State.  I am of opinion that the intention of the people of the

 Commonwealth of Kentucky in establishing and maintaining this institution was to

 educate the youth of Kentucky and not for the purpose of affording a livelihood for

 the faculty, - and therefore the wider the beneficial circle of the charity is extended,

 the nearer ax will be to the generous spirit of the donors.

     The entrance requirements of the State University are as high and enforced as

rigorously as in any similar institution in the United States.   So far as the appoint-

ing power is concerned, vie have two hundred appointees less than the statute authorizes.

     I feel sure the Board will rejoice to know of the great success achieved by our

agricultural students in the national stock judging contests held in Chicago during the

present collegiate term. In October there were offered at the National Dairy Show six

prizes for the best judges of various strains of dairy cattle.   In these contests

eleven of the foremost state universities of the United States participated; among

these were Cornell, Ohio State, Illinois, Missouri and Wisconsin.   Of the six prizes

contended for, our students were awarded four. If they had received only one prize

or even honorable mention, we would have had just cause to be proud; but instead, our

team, constituting one-eleventh of the contestants, captures four-sixths of the

trophies.   Again, in the present month we sent a team to Chicago to contend for the

prize offered for the best judges of saddle horses; in this contest five state uni-

versities had student teams, with the result that our team was awarded the prize.

_k   December 12, 1911



Undoubtedly Prof. Scovell, the Dean of the Agricultural College, and Pro-. Hooper, who

so ably instructed the young men who constituted these teams, deserve the highest

praise for their great work.   The young men themselves are to be congratulated upon.

their faithful industry and their great success. The efficiency of our teams was

greatly aided by the fact that in the country adjacent to our institution there are so

many splendid models of the various animals belonging to the classes to be judged, and

that the owners of these animals have been more than kind and generous in affording

our students every opportunity to study these animals.   This shoves that our Agricu-

tural College should be the very best in the country. I see no reason why we should

excel other Universities in Arts and Sciences or Iechanics, although we may reasonably

hope to eaual them in all these, but Lexington is the place of all others, in my

opinion, where there should be built up the greatest Agricultural College in the

United States.   Where else will you find a richer soil, a more beautiful landscape,

a more equable climate, a higher development of fine stock, or a greater diversity of

crops, than in the blue grass country?   It seems to me that wie need only put forth a

reasonable effort to obtain absolute supremacy in the teaching of Agriculture.

     It gives me great pleasure to report to the Board that our students by an over-

whelming vote have adopted the honor system for the government of themselves; this,

when ratified by the faculty will be formally installed as a system of university

government.   From the institution of this system, I confidently hope great things along

the lines of a general uplift in the moral tone of the student body.   This system

places the government of the students in the hands of the student body, and casts upon

them the responsibility of maintaining law and order and the building up and fostering

of high ideals of manhood and good citizenship.   This is not said with a view of

creating the impression that our student body needs moral uplift to a greater degree

than that of other similar institutions; on the contrary, I believe that ninety-five

percent of our students are as fine ladies and gentlemen as are to be found anywhere.

The honor system places the government of the student body in the hands of the virtuous

December 12, 1911



majority and enables them to eliminate the disorderly minority from the institution,

unless they reform their conduct so as to conform to the zules and laws of the


     As I reported to you in Tune, the financial condition of the institution is far

from satisfactory. Our indebtedness in round numbers is :88,000. Of this 450,000.

was inherited from the preceding administration, $13,121.23 was incurred in the term

of 1910-11, and $21,000. (estimated) will accrue during the school year 1911-12. That

we exceed our income during this year is due to the very large increase in the number

of our students, for the reason that we have been forced to purchase a large amount of

new equipment and to largely increase the number and efficiency of our teaching force.

Our income is not equal to our needs and it goes without saying that we must apply to

the General Assembly at its approaching session for adequate financial relief. I shall

not enter into more minute details of the financial condition; the statement of the

business agent will show it in detail.

     In conclusion, I take pleasure in saying that, except as to its finances, the

institution was never in a better shape than now. The student body as a whole is of

an exceptionally high character, and I believe the university spirit was never higher

in either the faculty or the student body.  I have no doubt that if the Legislature

furnishes us with an income sufficient to carry forward the work as it should be done,

in a few years this institution can be placed in the very front rank of State Univer-


                                       Very respectfully,

                                          (Signed) Henry S. Barker

     Motion made, seconded and unanimously carried that the President's report

be referred to the proper conmnittee when appointed.

     The minutes of the June meeting of the Board of Trustees were read by the Secretary,

which upon motion made and duly seconded, were approved.

December 12, 1911



     President Barker offered the following resolution on the death of Mr. John B.

 Atkinson, a member of this Board:

     Since the June meeting of the Board of Trustees of the State University

 of Kentucky, Mr. Sohn B. Atkinson, a member of the Board, departed this life. air.

 Atkinson was a man of great culture both of mind and heart and had for many years been

 intimately connected with and engaged in the development of the resources of Kentucky.

 He was a man of wide sympathy and broad views and was especially interested in the

 educational interests of the State of Kentucky.  As a member of this Board he was

 faithful to the interests of State University and in his death this institution has

 sustained a great loss. He was a good citizen, a good friend and a good man. The

 world is better because he has lived and poorer because he has died.

     BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees that this memorial be spread upon the

minutes of the Board and a copy transmitted to the family of MNr. Atkinson.

     The above resolution was, upon motion duly made and seconded, unanimously


     President Barker requested that action be taken by the Board in regard to the

offer of the Trustees of the Peabody Education Fund of $O,000. as an endowment of

the School of Education of the State University. He read a letter from Dr. Wfickliffe

Rose, the Secretary of the Peabody Fund, stating that he could not send the proposed

contract in time for the December meeting of the Board. The following resolution

was thereupon unanimously adopted:

    BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of the State University of Kentucky

that the Executive Committee of this Board be and it is hereby empowered to enter into

a contract with the Trustees of the Peabody Education Fund, relative to the endolment

of 340,000., with which it is proposed to endow the School of Education in this in-

stitution.  When the proposed contract between the Trustees of the Peabody Education

December. 12, 1911



Fund and this Board is approved by the Executive Committee, at a meeting held for

that purpose, and signed by its Chairman, it shall bind this University as fully as

if approved by this Board and signed by its President.

      The Secretary was then requested to read the minutes of the Executive Committee,

 which was done, and a motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried that the minutes

 be approved as read.

      President Barker stated that there were tvw vacancies in the Board of Trustees, one

 in the Second District, caused by the death of sir. Xohn C. Atkinson, and one in the

 Fifth District, caused by his own (President Barker's) resignation, and he therefore

 nominated from the Second District Hon. James Breathitt, the retiring Attorney General

 of the State, and from the Fifth, Mr. Robert W. Brown of Louisville.

     M-iotion was made, seconded and unanimously carried that the Secretary be instructed

to cast one vote for each one of the nominees.

     Motion was made, seconded and carried that all committees appointed at the June

meeting be continued for another six months, until the meeting in Tune.

     The following resolution was offered, which was upon motion unanimously adopted:

     BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of the State University of Kentucky

that the President be and he is hereby authorized to appoint a committee of two mem-

bers to serve with himself as a Legislative Committee, with power to confer with

similar committees from the tvo Normal Schools and agree on all matters of interest

December 12, 1911


               MiTS OF TEE BOARD OF -WSTEE             -        December 12, 1911

arising at- the next General Assembly of the Conimonvrealth of Kentucky.

     The following resolution was offered, vhich was upon motion unanimously adopted:

     B:E IT  ESOLMED by the Board of Trustees of the State University of Kentuc]ky

that the President be and is hereby authorized to appoint any person or persons from

the faculty whom he sees fit, to aid him in advancing the interests of the University

before the ensuing meeting of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

     The following resolution wras off ered, which was upon motion unanimously adopted:

     -BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of the State University of Centucky

that hereafter all athletics, including gymnasium work at% the University, shell be

under the supervision and control of the Athletic Committee.

     Should any question arise between the committee and any. professor or instructor

in athletic work, either party may have an appeal to the President, whose decisionin

tme neatter shall -be final until the first meeting thereafter of this Board.

    -President Barker offered the following resolution, which was upon motion unani-

,nously adopted':

     BE -IT .RFLVED BY the Board of Trustees of the State University of Kentucky that

Prof. Co R. M elcher be and he is hereby made Professor of modern Languages, his salary

to remain as fixed at present, but to increase under the general rule applicable to

the salaries of professors.



     President Barker presented a letter from LMrs. Caroline E. Wallis, enclosing

an account for $230., balance claimed by her as due on salary as iMatron of Patterson


     Motion made, seconded and carried unanimously that this matter be referred

to the Executive Committee, with instructions to investigate the facts end report

back to the Board.

     President Barker reported a request from the Y.'1.C. A. for the annual appronri-

ation df $5O., for travelling expenses of delegates to the Conventions, for literature,


     On motion this matter was unanimously referred to the Executive Comnmittee,with

power to act.

     President Patterson protested against the action of the Executive Committee

in regard to his travelling expenses, and requested the Board to take definite action

on the matter.

     Motion was made and duly seconded that the two outstanding accounts of President

Emeritus Patterson for travelling expenses be allowed, but that President Barker

shall have the power to control representation at Educational Conventions in the


     Before the vote on this motion was taken, a division of the Vote was requested

as to the two accounts.

    A vote was thereupon called for on the first account for expenses of Dr. Patter-

son to Richmond, Virginia, to attend the meeting of the International Tax Association,

which was defeated.

Twne 12, 1911


                 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES   -    December 12, 1911

     The vote being also taken on the account for attendance at the meeting of the

National Association of State Universities, said motion was carried, and the motion

as a whole was then unanimously passed, with the amendment as to the expenses to

Richmond, Virginia, as voted on.

    Motion was then made and carried to adjourn sine die.

                                        C. m. Clay

                                           Chairman pro Tem
