xt7qjq0sv67z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0sv67z/data/mets.xml  Kentucky  1979 newsletters  English The Bureau of Corrections, Frankfort Kentucky  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed. Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Physical rights are retained by the owning repository. Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Please go to https://exploreuk.uky.edu for more information. Kentucky Inter-Prison Press Journalism, Prison -- Kentucky The Kentucky Inter-Prison Press, June 1979 text volumes: illustrations 37 cm. Call Number: 17-C817I 8: The Kentucky Inter-Prison Press, June 1979 1979 1979 2022 true xt7qjq0sv67z section xt7qjq0sv67z VOLUME v11 '





Receives "Silver Louie"


1. formatory was the rec1p1ent of




,- The technique used. to Show

res1dents and staff members


everyday. Mr,,1Greer covered



What makes a great doubles

1 is to be compat1ble To pick a
, partner in tennis, is somewhat
like a bond in marriage-:“Un-
. ited we stand, Divided we
falll”. 1 1-

-In doubles, two tennis play-

5:? accomplishment if your part-
.I ner understands your strat-
'..I_I.-I'1;Tegy'. Each set of doubles
players have different meth-


‘Qsome l6bbersI and there are


LA GRIANGE-I—‘On June 22, .. '
1979-, the Kentucky State Re-‘h


$p ’17
'_ gshoWed. the pfibllc that inStitu-

. life inside the reformatory was I ., , .
-~.a Series of 1nterv1ews with Ithe 11L01Ii¢ - ' to

Smith, who accepted'it for the

I in various parts of the institu-

‘ . than doing those thmgs they do '

:gftea'm 1n tennis? One can say it ,

'. ‘ ‘ers have the job of covering.
' the entire c0urt. It 15 no great. 'I

nods, some work and some do

f. In each match the strategy '
”‘imay change The .thing to"-
remember is that no two ,.
players are alikeusome are net' i
- men some back c0urters,


the different inmate programs

I(Jaycees, Seven Steps, etc. ),
’ along with those run by the

adm1n1strat1on Inmates Were
- {chance .to give their

r‘._-v1ews 6n life inside the re-.

formatOry The documentary

:shown on WKPC- TV last year,

hopefully showed the public
-‘.that the people inSide the
reformatory are

not animals

tionsare not‘ ‘country clubs.”
_. Mr._ I'Greer ‘ presented . the

reformatory, saying ,he‘ felt

that the residents deserved
the award.I Not only was it


season, we here at KSR are

involved in the sport. We have
no Jimmy Connors, Arthur

_.'Ashe or Bjorn Borg, but we do

have a wide selection of tal-

1. , ented players.

On our three intramural

teams. each team has a comb;

‘inationof doubles players. It

would be hard to seed the
doubles players here for pri-
" marily two reasons.

First, the: same doubles
team may not play together 1n
each match. Then no one
‘ really knows which team is the

It 1 best If one was seeded higher

than the other teams. the

"lower seeded teams Would
11‘play extraordinarily hard in

.,‘order to defeat them. The
result .of this would be a new

also the “k1llers” those play-15K seed each match.

1’“The Balls” best doubles
players are Dennis Elliot (Joe

Bumps) and Eugene Taylor.
on thencourt ,‘1Ijtheyzare known ‘ ’



their story, but a few residents
worked on the film with Mr.
Greer. Those. residents did
some reporting and were in-
terviewersand helped write
the script. One resident, Jim
Brown, served as a camera-

.man and was given film credit ,

in the production.
Most of the inmates here
remember Mr. Greer from the

A] ‘1'“



_ I,-several year Iago." 'Als'o:' Mr; .
.Greer has been responsible for

several of the finepband's that
have entertained here at the
refmrnatory. He has earned

the respect and thanks of the
residents at Kentucky State


‘Oubl es On The Com-1L

as the long and. short rifles
and are a very hard team to
beat, .

Taylor. is a very good net
player. He catches shots and
returns your best. On the
other hand, Elliot is the “kil-
ler" of the duo. He has a
skillful overhead smash and
also a good volley~ and strong
service game.

When this combination cea-
ses to function, they call on the
“Ole Master and Coach”, W.
Rudy. Rudy is able to adjust
his play to play with either
Elliot or Taylor. .

‘ The Rackets"lalso have a
threesome.,The regulars are
Coach Larry ‘Lenston and Bill
Longest. Lenston is the player
with the golden arm. He
volleys, smashes, drives shots

' and plays the net well.

Longest is a good “stroke"

'mIan. He—will volley back and

forth until his opponent makes



' Kenny Hayes.





a mistake.
Robert Pilon is the third
member. He and Longest have
played several matches to-
gether and plays a fine, fund-
amental game.
“The Nets’
imented with a wide variety of
players but it always comes
down to the “killer-force”—
Lou .Hamilton and .Coach

He has a good

other teams, call them the team

,with all the mouth because

they talk a good game and also

play exceptional tennis.
Hamilton is known for his

slice service and is also a good

. backcourt player and has a

. LAcameE
. news: VALLEY '



have exper- ,

Most of \the 1


- figmggmwm




\ Superintendent Steve Smith accepts the “Louie” from Mr. Dale
Greer. .

remarkable net game. His
favorite partner-.—Hayes is un-“
predictable. He serves right-

'handed but switches to his left

hand when he tires. He mingl-
es shots ’with his ambidextrous
ability. oftentimes resulting in
a shot to his backhand becom-
ing a forehand shot. He shoots

his overhead straight at his- ‘I

opponents and both he and
Hamilton play‘the net aggres-
iVely. .
Our tennis program at KSR] '
is no professional tour but We
all‘ have fun. That is - why
Lenston, Longest, ElliotiTay-

lor. Rudy, Pilon, ’IPickney.
Farley, Hamiltonand Hayes,
are all seeded number-one. ..





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 Page 2« The INTER-PRISON PRESS-- June 1979


New KIPP Feature: I
“‘KSR Student Of The Menth”

The “Student of the Mon-

th” project is a project im-.

plemented by Larry Lenston,

I.P.P. news correspondent,
and coordinated by Barry Wil—
liams, Chief Clerk of the
K.S.R. Student Academic De-
partment. The main objective
of the K.R.S._«S_tudent of the

Month project is to intensify
morality, motivation and in-
centive of all K.S.R._ academic

students; projecting to these I‘

students that their moral as

well as academic progress is a,

. very important factor, and
that the attributes thereof can
be rewarding if utilized prop-
. erly.

As to the'selecting’of stud-
ents for this project, the
following aspects are taken
, under consideration:

l.~ Candidate must be a full

time academic student of three
months or more.


2. Candidate must have(90)l
days clear conduct on the yard

and must project the ability to
think as well as act in a
rational manner toward his
peers and with administrative

3. Candidate must show
improvement in his academic
schooling, implementing full

_ cooperation and overall stab-_

ility in his working habits.

.4. One student will be chosen
from each of three levers of
the academic school by their
initial teachers in each level.

.After this is done, all I”

l.T.‘s will choose from h

three selected candidated wh- "

ich. of the three ’ will be
represented as the K. S.R.
Student of the Month; by

"comparing their recOrds of


, ' it is with 'high hopes that
- this project
purpose in an effort for us all

to strive for a more progres-

can fulfill

sive and productive attain-


individuals that better minds
. make better men. .


“filig- “ignrwiwmfi 91%.. " xiii. " ' ‘
K ' 11 1 ’ '

it's ’

, printing,

First ReCepient:


George Dean, has been a
student of the Academic Sch-
ools Level 1 class since April of
this year. During this time
George has exceeded all sch-
ool expectations by coming to
school the full day; instead of

' the required half day. While

in class. George has worked so
unceasingly that he has had to
be told several times to take
breaks between classes.

This diligence, together wi-
th his cooperative manner and
pleasant attitude, has made
George an asset to our claSs
rooms. *At the time of this
Mr. George Dean
has been released from the
institution on shock'probation.

W‘EQFP‘.>¢ :._ .



“Answer Line" At Women s institution

The ladies at K C. l. W. are

out to try something- new. It’ 5
called. “Dear .C.J.” or “Dear
D.K.” Anyone wishing to ask

a question or summon an'

answer to the question already

in the paper are asked to do

We’ re not “Dear Abby" but
we do want to help deal with

feelings and problems of other,

.,..y H:

"‘f.‘ ' ' 1‘ ' ‘1‘ ‘ .51‘ "f l'ui’

the asst-say


people in other prisOns. Any
and all questions will

in the new column.

.Please send all questions-

and'answers to: Dear C. J.,
Box 2160, Pewee Valley, Ky. .,

5; ‘ ‘ Public Education Services Manager

be ,
answered, ranging fromnA. to.
Z. All questions and answers
rwill be printed in the Inter .1311. '
son Press. Anyone and every- ’
one is welcome to participate

. , .. y n
‘9‘ J .11 ,ll'l [11,1‘“ «(1 Ira its '4 l.‘ 11“

2179, Pewee Valley,

Ky .
40056. .'

Just for starters the first
question isz'What does WICK
stand for? The. first correct
answer will appear in next
month’ 5 issue. Let’ 5 go every-
one!“ .

y. Mr. "H,
“3‘50.“ 'L.‘..1 1’“



The KENTUCKY lNTER-PRISON PRESS, a monthly publication of
_»: the Kentucky Bureau of Corrections, Frankfort Kentucky, 40601, is
' 3.; . ‘ produced by and for residents of the 11 correctional institutions of
» 31' . the Commonwealth of Kentucky. The views expressed in this
' publication are not necessarily those of the Kentucky Bureau of


USPS 011170

of the best referees; We have _' ‘9 7 RED SQUAD
to have Theo (BlaCk) Simmons . .
‘ and Alvin (Blockhead). . Crisr
Malone. -= Mandy = 11 pm-
Like the first game on Payne . 21 pts.
Thursday night, the game was Pickney . v.18pts. ,
off to a fast start-The spirit Strong ., .7 pts.
was still in the gym from the, Quisenberry, ,0 P“!
last game. .All through the . _White .. 4,13“?-
game_, the fans are hollering ' Mun?“ ' 251?“-
for their team. Every player '
that slam. dunk-s gets the ‘Total > 1.0515“-
appl-ause of everyone in the - .
gym.. There are many dunk BLUE SQUAU
shots. The block shots are“ . ,_;
numerous. It is a very close _1 Mitchell ' ' 10 P‘s-l
gameoThe last minutel‘proved Allen m. 12 P“.
to be the grand finale. 'Ellm“ , . 3 pts.‘
With 50 seconds left in. the Ray .» 7 20 pts.
_ ' game, the Red Squad Was up « Brannon ‘~ '6 Pt9-'
5: by one point. The—Blue Squad [Keflee ; “Pm-A
.1 had the ball andwas -threat- Bailey 45 pts.“
. 1 ening to score. There was a: - ,. a '3 ~
“ foul—a chance to go ahead; Total 2 ' ‘ lGlpts. . ~ » '

X_ _ 2 Corrections. Reprint permission is hereby granted, provided the : '
g. . ,. proper credit is given. All correspondence and Forms 3579 should ' "
.' he directed to the Public Education Services Mwl’,
:, - . Corrections, Frankfort, Kentucky, 40601. Second {fists
‘ Ff . rates paid at Frankfort, Kentucky, 40601.

u of .,

" ‘ 40056, or Dear D. K., Box

n ,





All-Star Games
Held At LaGrange

By Kenny Hayes, KSR

For 48 minutes on June 10,
1979, the gym at KSR was a

battleground for warriors with ,

strategies unknown on any
battlefield. This was the all~
star basketball game, the se-
cond of the week. The match-
up was so even in the first
game that the “God of Rain”
created such a havoc that with

8:14 left in the third quarter, _

the game was called There
wouldfliibe no winner in this
game; It was such a rewarding
experience to see two such

teams-playing the game of

basketball. Yet, the game
must be” stopped. ,
‘ The time is nine o‘clock

saturday morning. The scene

is the KSR gym.. The actors
are for» the Red Squad: ‘8.
Crisp (G.Gervin). M. Mundy
(Star), T. Payne (The Intimid-
ator) J. Pickney (Dr. Julius).
E. Strong (Magic) D. Quisen-
berry (Quiz)


.The oppoSing Blue Squad "
consists of: A. M1tchelL(Big:K
' )mzl. Nile ' -< -- 2-


(Joe Bumps),
Tall), R. Brannon (Ralph), D.
Kelter (Donn1e) andR. Bailey

(Shake and Bake).
‘ lt' is time for the tip- -off, but" '

there has been a delay. For
this game; we must have two

By Jerome Steed Wilson—KSR

Look! Look!

M. White (G. '
McGuinness). and F. Murrell‘



7 ibasketbalEAl
» ”played With a purpose.

M. Ray (100’

but the pressure was too
great. The Red Squad re-
bounded and Tom Payne was
fouled. He made one out of
two shots.

'With 20 seconds 'left, the
Red Squad called a timeout,
but they led by one. Strategies
were made to foul the poorest.
free-throw shooter. “Too,
Tall" went ot the line for two
shots. He miSSed both and-the
Red Squad rebounded,; but
they gave the ball up on a bad
pass. .

With three seconds left, the
score was 103— 101, with the
Red Squad leading. The Blue

Squad passed' from half-court, . ‘

J. Pickney from the Red Squad
intercepted the ball and R.
Brannon fouled him. Pickney.
missed} but B. Crisp tipped

. the ball in for thefmal two. .

The Red Squad defeated the
Blue with the score 105-101. '
Roger Bailey was the leadr

--ing scorer with 45 points for
the Blue-_ Squad. These two

teams showed so much talent ;
and good sportsmanship that
they will play five more games



games They all

1 ; .

\a -’

I can see a ray of sunshine shining ' -
I can feel a rainbow coming deep inside my mind
' I can feel my cares and troubles falling all around


. -_I am (glad the sunshine found me. '
II know I have heen hard to find

.‘. . “5;? .



l9pt. ': ‘ "







_, tem.:


Jnmate Grievance System:

0095 It Work?


If you are like me you!
wonder about programs offer

ed (not court ordered) by the ‘

Bureau of Corrections. pro-
grams which are designed to
allow you—the inmate— to
challenge certain rules, regu-
lations and actions that you

feel are'unjust actions; that*- ‘
.were taken by that same
' Bureau of Corrections.

The Grievance Procedure is
one of those programs I won-
dered about.

Recently, I had the opport-
unity to see how the Grievance

' System worked. As we should

know by now, the-Grievance is

a way to’ challenge anything
.inside the institution except

adjustment committee find-

.I ings parole board rulings and
’--outside -c'our-t matters. All

other things can be run-
through the Grievance Sys-

My grievance was fairly

’ '._x..:.,.'simple (or so I thought).
, disagreed with amorder by the . .
Superintendent tell1ng all re

sidents fWho;a f1oWned genius.-

. racketsthat they (must send.

these items home. Score: one
point for the Grievance Sys-
tem there was no way that I

could phallenge a Superinten- ‘ 1’
vdent’ s order(short of outside

court) without appealing it

' directly to that Superintendant -

or the Commissioner, who

"=’«would usually support his
1 Stiperintendant in a matter
_ like this. Under the grievance
.' syStem. I got 'with‘ the Griev-
‘ ance counselor for my Dorm-

atory. (another inmate)

Michael White. He helped me

which entitled me to a hearing

before the Inmate- Grievance» ‘

Committee within .10. wOrking

{days of the filing of the


The « Inmate Grievance

cOmmittee is made up- of five '

'_people: tWo resdients, two
staff members, and a staff

«member who presides as chai-
» rman. In this case my comm-

ittee was made up of residents
Henry Burks and Chris Brady;
staff members were John Uhl
caseworker COII B. Scar-1

brough an officer in Dorma--'
tory_8;,and1Steve Berry, who-
’ acted. as chair-man. The jobof '
' I" this committee was to hear my
;' grievance decide if it had
a" merit and then make recom—'

m‘endations to the proper per~1
son (in this case the warden)

ab1out,, how to solve this griev-
' "‘a'n-c'e-g1 S‘core one-half point11for

the grievance system.1 It has
resident participation on an

equal basis with the staff, .1
Onfy one- -half point though; . ’
because the comm1ttee 5 re-_“


commendation hasno binding
power on anyone. In this case.
I agreed with their recom-
mendation to the Warden, to
allow residents to keep .their
tennis rackets. If I had not
agreed, I could have appealed‘
their decision.

Next, they forwarded their I

recommendation to the War-
den thru the Grievance Officer
for my unit-~Mr.—;Ton1 Korf—
hage. From- the: time the

grievance is received by the

Warden. he has ten (10)

.working days to respond in

writing to the grievance. The
Superintendent either accepts
the Inmate Grievance Com-
mittee’s recommendation or
overrules it.(Minus one half
point from the grievance sys-

1 tem). The warden makes his


in filing a grievance form. . 1‘»:

judgement based on the writ-
ten recommendation of the

committe, only heis not made
aware of the information the
committee used to make that
recommendation. It'was his

order in the first place and it

is hard 1 to believe that111he


rejected :the committee 5 re-:' ' 5'
:which was my right to the

I appealed

The Commissionbr’s i‘eview

has? all ' '_the faults {of ‘the’
* Warden's review. He does not

haVe access to the full story.
Generally. he is given the
reasons why not (in this case)
and not the ways to satisfy

'.both parties differences. Min-
us one-half point. In this case '

the Commissioner went along
with the Warden and denied

‘ the grievance I ha‘”d one last
=appealcom1ng mfg

I had three daysfifrom the

time 'I received the Commis- ‘

sioner's review to appeal the
decision to} the Onbudsman,

‘_‘Mr. Mike Bradley, who would

set up an outside review board
to hear my case. This Outside
Review board 15 made up of 3

, people; one resident whom I

I Campbell.

select. one staff member. who
* the Warden selects. and one
- outside lawyer, picked'from a

'pool’of lawyers who have

. agreed to work with the griev-’

ance system. I. don't know if 1
the Bureau pays them. but.
give the Outside Review Board
one (l).point. It is not every
day that! the Bureau of Correc-

‘tions will let an outside civi1lian

. pass judgment on'its rulesIOn

- top ofthat.~the Board makeup ~
was fair—Mr.

Thomas A.
resident. Mr. Tom
associate warden
for treatment. and Ms. Sara.

Scott, J...

‘Wyler the outSide lawyer.

I_ was impressed with this
stage of the grievance system.

i’ .4] was able to 11call1 the witnesses


to help present my case and
was given an opportunity to
question those people sent by

the Warden to present his

side. It was kept nice and
simple and informal.

After the Board was given
all the facts from both sides.
they closed the hearing and
talked about the case. Then

~they made their recommenda-

tion to the Commissioner has-
ed on their], findings. In this
case, they recommended that
residents be allowed to keep
their tennis rackets.

These recommendations are
sent to the Commissioner. who
may follow them or reject
them. Minus one(l)_ point for
the Grievance System. In my
opinion. the recOmmendation‘s
by the Outside Review Board
should be binding on the
Commissioner. 1 1

From looking at the Griev-I
ance system I' cOuld give it

only one-half point in its favor.
.That one-half point means .
nothing really. The Grievance"
System can be a. good thing for 5'


drawback is that it carries no
force of law. that is. the

Commissioner 15 not bound to 1’
abidefby anyOne' s recommen- '

dations. Its one good point is

the relief it-may offer to the:
'residents. It allows residents

to express their fellings about

something that they feel is,

wrong. and maybe'have that
ruling revised. In a way. it can
give them a voice in institution

There is no doubt that the
Grievance System serVes the
interest of the Bureau of
Corrections. First. it can serve
to lessen tensions inside the
institution. by giving the res-
idents an avenue to express
their displeasure at some ins-
titutional decisions. Secondly.
it may stop some of ‘the
lawsuits that get filed against

'theBureau. Third, it is good

public relations, both inside
and out. To the public, the

’ Bureau can say we provided

the residents in our custody an
opportunity to challenge the
way we run our institutions,
they have a voice. Public
image is important to the
Bureau of Corrections. To
make the GrievanceSystem
serve us. residents in the
Bureau of Corrections. we
must: use it. ‘For what it is-

‘ worth. it is still'another tool.‘ to '

have an input into what affects
~your life.

Note: As of this writing. I

. don tknow what the Commiss-

ioners decision will be.

1 1’
must recogmze 1ts l1m1tat1ons 11.
The Grievance System" 5 major 1.11 1.

The INTER-PRISON PRESS-- June 1979-- Page 3 . '


“ifsometime it seems hard to

break the stigma of conviction.- ‘

However there are times

1When the effort put forth

seems worthwhile. FCDCis
the home of the GovernOr’s
Senior Citizen 'Garden. Any-

body who has ever worked on
' a farm knows that the effort is

no, easy taSk. Hewever. load-
ing this particular truck and
then sharing the bounty. of the
garden with the Senior Citi-
zens of Frankfort. made the
effort seem worth all the
“sweat and cussin" that went


Community Service:

into it. Actually. the gardenis.



FCDC Garden Project
Benefits Area Citizens


. {hireéfoldg One section istallo-

cated for'tho'se Senior Citizens
who wish to do the actual
garden work themselves. An-
other section 15 worked by men
at 'FCDC and is weekly har-
vestedand delivered to the

Senior Citizen Home in‘Frank-

fort. Of course. all that work
cannot go unappreciated by

the men involved. so the third

section is allocated for use by
the residents of FCDC. Once
again. FCDC is providing a‘
work service to the communi-'
ity. In this case it is a project
that's pretty worthwhile.







, .


Page 4—: The INTER-PRISON mass— June 1979

Previous Board members were recognized for their service to the

R'oadrunner _.Jaycees




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J’ayceels Banquet




., By Maurice Slaughter-~KSP A


,1... . q .. V FROM:4__ . 4L"

The Roadrunner Jaycees h-
eld their Fifth Annual Awards
and Recognition Banquet on
June '2 at the KentuckyIState
Penitentiary ad Eddyville.
The banquet. beginning at
3:45 p.m.. was. the result of
two weeks of hard work on the
part of every chapter member.

Welcoming remarks were
made byWilliam Sloan and the
meal. consiSting of Kentucky
Fried Chicken. Baked Beans.
Cole _Slaw. Fish Rolls and
Drinks. was served.

Following dinner. Banquet
Speaker Jim .Gooc'h swore in
Joe Tolle'asthe new president
of the Roadrunner Jaycees.
Tolle is serving his second

. term as president.

“i feel like the second time
around as president‘ will be

' better and I also feel that the

Roadrunners. will‘ be the num-
ber one chapter \in the' state

.fagain. " Tolle said after his

swearmg- 1n . x

'13,” Gooch. hr'aiso performed ' the



swearing-in of the newly elec- '

ted Board of Directors. This
group included Steve Fuller,
Secretary; Warren Caldwell,
State Director; Maurice Slau-
ghter. Community Director;
Roger Crawl'ey. Community

Director. James Fountaine..

Individual Director and Jimmy
Dennison Indlvidual Director.

A special plaque was also

I presented to the Roadrunner -
Jaycees by Gooch. The plaque .
read “Presented to Roadrun-_

ner Jaycees. 1979 H.E.L.P.
Award. Governor's Officeof

"Volunteer Services".

The l. Keg Man Award was,
presented to Michael Tinsley‘
while James Fountaine 're-,
ceived the Mental Health and -

Retardation 'Award. Ben Sp-

encer was named Jaycee of the -

Year and William Mitchell was
the recepient of the Ways and
Means Award. '


Appreciation awards 'went .‘

to Lieutenants Ronnie Hand-

ley. Allen Cox and Joe Knight ..
Harold Radford. club. adviger. ..

also received an appMion

’ award.




MA"; ’44
' fire ,