xt7qjq0sv47v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0sv47v/data/mets.xml Kentucky Negro Education Association Kentucky Kentucky Negro Education Association 1937 The most complete set of originals are at Kentucky State University Library. Call Number 370.62 K4198k journals  English Kentucky Negro Educational Association: Louisville, Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Negro Educational Association Journal African Americans -- Education -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Negro Educational Association (K.N.E.A.) Journal v.7 n.2, January-February, 1937 text The Kentucky Negro Educational Association (K.N.E.A.) Journal v.7 n.2, January-February, 1937 1937 1937 2020 true xt7qjq0sv47v section xt7qjq0sv47v  



Valume 7 [anuary—Febuary, 1937 No. 2

Rosenwald Day—Friday, March 12, 1937










MR 5, L. SMITH. Direclur
Southern Office of Rosenwald Fund Friend to the Education of
the Negro

An Equal Educational Opportunit forEver K nt k Ch‘l ”








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, ‘- (Sounsss .‘ . , _
mu‘sxc , , , AGRICULTURE


_ " _ HOME ECONOMICS .. ’ '5



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.I. mush: TYDINGS, austuass MANAGE!!!




 An Appeal!


Our great Commonwealth has been struck by the most serious
flood in its history. Three of our largest cities, Louisville, Peducah
and Frankfort have been seriously damaged by the raging waters of
the Ohio River. Many of our smaller communities have likewise been
ruined. We have had to flee from our homes by the thousands in
search of higher ground. Thanks to those dry cities which cooperated
so beautifully in caring for those from the unfortunate areas.

Word has come to the secretary of the K, N. E. A. of the work
done all over the state by our teachers and principals. Our colored
school buildings have been our most convenient places of refuge.
Thanks for our school buildings! Our colleges, K. s. I. c. at Frank-
fort, Louisville Municipal College, and Lincoln Institute did all they
could to help and deserve commendation. We greatly sympathize
with Paducah, the city where our West Kentucky Industrial College
is located,

Now that the flood waters are receding, let us turn with renewed
vigor in rededicating‘ our schools to their purposes. We must push
our school beautification conbest with more enthusiasm and re-build
Wherever we can. THE K. N. E. A. MUST GO ON! Our 'program
must be enlarged to meet newer problems.

Already about one~fifth of our colored teachers have enrolled
for 1937. I am now appealing to every city that was not hit by
flood Waters to send in at once the enrollment fees of its teachers.
This will greatly facilitate matters and let us have an idea of our
financial status in planning for our 60th Anniversary Convention in
Louisville, April 14—17, 1937. Cities in the flooded areas may send in
their fees after March 15‘ President W. S. Bla'mon joins me in this
urgent enrollment plea.

ATWOOD WILSON, Secretary of K. N. E. A.


 The K. N. E. A. Journal

Official Organ of the Kentucky Negro Education Association
Vol. VII January-February, 1937 No. 2

Published by the Kentucky Negro Education Association
Editorial Office at 1925 W. Madison Street
Louisville, Kentuclq


Atwood 5. Wilson, Executive Secretary, Louisville; Managing Editor.
w. s. Elanton, Frankfort, President of K. N. E. A.


J . Li Bean, Versailles E. T. Buford, Bowling Green
R. L. Bowery, Manchester _ V. K. Perry, Louisville
Published Bimonthly during the school year: October, December,
February and April
Membership in the K. N. E. A. (One Dallar) includes subscription to
the Journal
Rates for Advertising space mailed on request
Present Circulation, 2,000 Copies. 1936 K. N. E. A. Membership 1,410

AnAppeal... ..........
K. N. E A. Committees for 1937
Editorial Comment . .............
Outline of 1937 K. N. E. A. Convention..
Tentative Program of K. N. E. A. Convention.
K. N. E A‘ nireotors Meet in Louisville .l
Negro State Coordinating Committee Organized .
Honor Roll of K. N. E. A. ........ . ......
The Ideal High School Girl l
K N. E. A Kullings ......
Exhibits at 1937 Convention of K N. E A.
Conventian Announcements
Candidates for Offices ......






Historical Sketch of Negro Education in Kentuclq/ 21
School Improvement Day Program ......... . 25
“Julius Rosenwald: Friend to Humanity” by 26

The Late Julius Rosenwald (Photograph) ..... . . . .
Suggestions for Improvement and Beautification of School Planks 30





The School Library . . 32
Supplementary Elementary Lili ry List H1936 37. . .. 36
School Improvement and Beautification Contest . 86
Jeunes Teacher List—Kentucky, 1936-37 . . . 36



 K. N. E. A. Committees for I937

J. H. Ingram, Frankfort, Chaima‘nDean R. E. Clement, Louisville
Pres. R. B. Atwood, Frankfort Dr_ E. E. Underwood, Frankfort
Pres. D. H. Anderson, Padueah Rep. C. W. Anderson, Louisville
W. S. Blanton, Pres. of K. N. E. A., Ex—Officio Member

NOTE: The duties of the Legislative Committee include recom-
mendations for improving the education of the Negro that might be
considered by the State Legislature, these recommendations to be sub-
mitted to the Governor, members of the educational committee of the
State Legislature, and members of the K. E, A. State Legislative Com-
mittee. This committee should also be on the alert to see that no legisla-
tion is enacted, for the benefit of the school children in Kentucky,
which does not include the Negro child.

Dr. E. A. Norris, Frankfort, Chairman

Dr. G. D. Wilson, Louisville W, n. Fouse, Lexington
Dean '1‘. R. Dailey, Paducah L. N. Taylor, Frankfort

NOTE: The Research Committee should supervise and make
scientific studies relative to the improvement of the status of the Negro
teachers and pupils in Kentucky. The chief work of this committee
at present is to make a study of the inequalities in the‘ salaries of
Negro and white teachers in Kentucky, with an idea of having the
salary schedule operate so as to insure justice to the Negro teacher.

3, L. Barker, Owensboro, Chairman

W. H, Perry, Jr., Louisville W. L. Shobe, Middleshoro

NOTE: The work of this committee plans the formulation Of
resolutions that outline the attitude of the Kentucky Negro Educa-
tion Association on questions where the interest of Negro education is
concerned and where questions that pertain to the social status of the
Negro are involved_ The committee is to further indorse such move-
ments as would pertain to the general social welfare of all people.

P. L. Guthrie, Richmond, Chairman

M. J. sleet, Owenshoro J. D. Steward, Frankfort

NOTE: The duties of this committee consist in reviewing in B.
thorough manner the books of the secretary~treasurer, noting each
monthly bank statement, inspecting the receipt and bill for every e'Xr
penditure listed, and further inspecting the duplicate receipts for all
money received by the organization through its secretary—treasurer.
This committee is to further review the records and receipts for items
in the office expense fund and to inspect the membership cards of
teachers for the purpose of checking the enrollment record as printed.


Rev. J. Francis Wilson, Macao, Chairman

R, L. Bowery, Manchester Mrs. Kebecca Tilley, Shelbyville

NOTE: The main duties of this committee consist in the calm
piling of names of teachers who have passed since the last meeting
and conducting memorial services for them at the 1937 convention.

(Nominating Committee)

W. E. Newsome, Cynthiana, Bluegrass District B, Chairman
H. S. Brown, Paducah..............................F'itst District
W. E. Lee, Madisonville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Second District
E. T. Buford, Bowling Green Third District
Amos Lesley, Hodgenville . .Faurth District
Miss Hattie Daniel, Louisville Jefferson County
Miss N. H. Ward, Newport . . . . .Fifth District
Mrs, Theda Van Lowe, Lexington. . . Bluegrass District
J. W. Bate, Danville. . , . . Bluegrass District A
W. F. Mudd, Jenkins . . . . . . .Seventh District
W. L. Shobe, Middlesboro . . ........ Ninth District
J. H. Cooper, Ashland. . Eastern Kentucky District
W. M. Wood, Harlan . .Upper Cumberland District

NOTE: The district organizers of the K. N E. A. are members
of the Executive Enrollment Committee. Each organizer is authorized
to solicit and encourage memberships in the K. N. E. A. Each or-
ganizer is to further serve as the chief officer in the district associa-
tion and establish a definite connection between that district associa-
tion and the K. N. E. A. This committee also serves as the Nominat»
ing Committee at each annual cornveiition.

Miss Estella M, Kennedy, Louisville, Chairman






Prof. H. S. Osborne, Paris Mrs. Bettie Davis, Georgetown
Mrs. M. J. Egester, Paducah Atwood S_ Wilson, Louisville
Prof. H. R. Merry, Covington [Ex—Officio Member)

NOTE: The duties of this committee consist in examining ap-
plications for loans from the scholarship fund and passing their judg
ment on the merits of these applications. It is the main duty of this
committee to select applicants for loans and recommend them to the

Mrs. M. L. Copeland, Hopkinsville, Chairman
Prof. Wallace Sunder, Burlington Prof. Carl M. Burnside, Lancaster
Mrs. Theda Van Lowe, Lexington Prof. Frank Omdorff, Adairville

NOTE: This committee is to make a study of transportation and
consolidation as it affects the Negro children in Kentucky. It is to
report whatever progress there is being made along these lines and to
suggest places in Kentucky where either consolidation or transports~
tion is needed, This committee is to further report to the Legislative
Committee any specific inequalities for educational opportunity that
exists among rural children in any of the counties in Kentucky.


 Editorial Comment


By January 20, 1937 over three hundred teachers had enrolled in
the K. N. E. A. for 1936-37. This illustrates the tendency toward
early enrollment. Superintendents and principals are enrolling their
teachers in groups. This is an economic procedure and is the best way
to he sure that the school or institution is on the Honor Roll. Note
in the historical sketch of the K. N. E_ A. shown- elsewhere in. this
Journal that there has been a steady increase in advance enrollment.
The Honor Roll will be published in our various Kentucky Weeklies
and a special record will be shown at the 1987 convention. All
schools in which the teachers enroll 100 per cent will receive Certifi-
cates of Honor. Each teacher is expected to pay the annual mem-
bership fee (one dollar) regardless of his plans to attend the Louis-
ville convention. Each teacher should feel it a professional obligation
to maintain the K. N. E. A. DO YOUR PART—ENEOLL IN AD-

r t a n

There will he held in Louisville from April 14 to 17, 1937, the
Glst annual convention of the K, N. E. A. The first convention was
held in 1877, and since that time, the K. N. E. A. has had annual
meetings Each year the attendance has steadily grown and member
ship has increased, except during the period of the war, when the
meetings were attended only by the leaders in our various schools.
Even in those years, teachers enrolled on a. larger scale than they had
been doing in previous years. .

It is, therefore, fitting that we pause in 1937 and look back at
the 60 years of progress that have been made in the education of the
Negro during the years from 1877 to 1937. Elsewhere in this Journal
will be shown a. historical sketch of Negro education in Kentucky, in
which article mention is made of the continuous growth of the K. N.
E. A, and the outstanding educators who have held the office of presi-
dent. To be president of the K. N. E. A. is the most distinctive honor
that can come to a Negro educator in Kentucky. We, therefore, at
our 60th anniversary convention pay tfibute to these leaders in the
education of our youth and immortalize those who have passed on for
their achievements in making possible the progress of Negro education
in Kentucky.

One of the outstanding features of the 60th anniversary cele-
bration will he a pageant at the Amory on Saturday, April 17. The
pageant will be titled, “Education Matches 01:." In this pageant,
there will be depicted the progress of the Negro in education from
the time that Abraham Lincoln made the Emancipation Proclamation


 up to the year 1937. In this pageant, the founding of our leading in-
stitutions in Kentucky for the education of the Negro will be por-
trayed, The progress in curriculum development will he vividly por-
trayed and in pantomime, dance, and music the history of Negro edu-
cation in Kentucky will be displayed. More than one thousand peo-
ple will participate in this pageant and elaborate plans are being
made for its presentation.

To further celebrate our 60 years of existence, there will be a
theme that is vital to the welfare of our race discussed by leading
educators of the country. This theme is “Education for Improving
the Economic Status of the Negro.” Note, in the program plans an-
nounced elsewhere in this Journal, the array of speakers who are to
cppcar at our Glst convention. It is hoped that no teacher in Ken-
tucky will miss this 60th anniversary convention. 071 the program
mention will also be made of the services of the present secretary-
treasurer of the K. N. E. A, the year 1937 being his 15th anniversary
in that office. The president and secretary-treasurer, with the ap-
proval of the Board of Directors, are making elaborate plans for this
celebration and we seek the cooperation of all superintendents, princi-
pals and teachers in Kentucky



Among the most faithful and interested leaders in Kentucky is
Mr. L. N. Taylor, State Rural School Agent and a representative of
our State Department of Education. Mr. Taylor has a. keen interest
in the education of the Negro and at every opportunity he seeks to
make a reality “an equal educational opportunity for every Ken-
tucky child." ‘

Space does not permit mention of the specific achievements of
Mr. Taylor in correcting inequalities in the education of the Negro.
The K. N. E. A., nevertheless pays tribute to Mr. Taylor for the out-
standing work which he has done and Wishes him continued success
in the noble work to which he is devoting himself.

Each year, through the efforts of Mr. Taylor, the Rosenwald
Fund cooperates with him and the State Department of Education in
the publishing of a School Improvement Issue of the K. N. E. A.
Journal. This issue of the K. N. E. A, Journal is sponsored to a
large extent by Mr. Taylor and it is because of Mr. Tayloi’s interest
that the K. Ni E. A. Journal has been able to grow to its present
status. Mn Taylor is ever interested in articles that would prove
beneficial to the colored teacher of Kentucky and is alert and active
in his suggestions to the secretary of the K N. E. A. We appreciate
Mr. Taylor’s interest and feel greatly the kind influence which he
exerts and which he causes to be established in Kentucky relative
to the education of the Negro. Negro education will march on’ with
men like Mr. L N. Taylor as one of its leaders.



The success of the K. N. E. A. depends primarily upon the princi-
pals and presidents of our various schools in Kentucky. The principal
of the colored school in our cities in Kentucky is in the main the
most outstanding leader among the Negro people. He is everywhere
recognized as the leader of Negro teachers in the community or city.
Therefore, the influence of the principal is far reaching, as far as
teachers and patrons are concerned. What the principal thinks, the
teacher will think; what the principal requests, the teacher will do;
the attitude of the principal will reflect itself in the attitude of the
teacha‘. In a. school Where the principal is interested in the Ki N. E.
A. program, where he is interested in the matter of advance enroll-
ment, that school enrolls one hundred per cent and the teachers are in
attendance at the sessions of the K. N. E. A.

We, therefore, pay hibute to the principals of our schools and
urge that they feel in a. larger way their responsibility in pushing an
educational program that is beneficial to our youth. Every principal
is a vital factor- in the progress of the K. N. E. A. and. we, therefore,
solicit his influence and cooperation to the extent that he will he an
enthusiastic supporter of the one organization in Kentucky that pro-
motes the teaching profession among the Negroes

Outline of 1937 K. N. E. A. Convention

April 14, 15, 16, 11
Louisville, Kentucky

«Central Then-in: “Eduction for Improving the Economic Status of the

Wednesdny. April 14
Registration of teachers at headquarters
Visitation to Louisville Schools
First Annual Student Musicale at Quinn Chapel. All
teachers invited to this program.
Music Recital—Presenting local artists
First General Session of K. N. E. A. Adresses by Presi-
dent W. S. Blanton and John W. Davis, President of
West Virginia State College.

Thur-day, April 15
9:30 A. M. Second General Session of K, N. E. A. at Quinn Chapel

Business Session

10:30 A. M. Address—Hon. A. B. Chandler, Governor of Kentucky
11:15 A. M. Free Picture to enrolled teachers at Lyric Theater









P. M.

P. M.

A. M.

A. M.

P. M.

P, M.

P. M.

Sectional Meetings of K. N. E. A. (Music Dept, Ele—
mentary Dept, High School and College Dept, Librar-
ians’ Conference, Adult Education Teachers’ Confer-
ence, Foreign Language Teachers’ ConIerence, and Pli-
mary Teachers’ Conference.)
Principals’ Conference and Banquet—Phyllis Wheatley
Y. w. c. A., 528 5, Sixth Street
Music Recital—State Artists .
Third} General SessionvAddresses by Prof. George
Brown, of Wilberforce University, and Dr. Mary
Bethune, Ass’t. National Director of N. Y. A.

Friday, April 16
Sectional Meetings of K. N, E. A. (Music Dept, Voca-
tional Education Dept" Athletic Dept, Art Teachers’
Conference, English Teachers’ Conference, Science
Teachers’ Conference, Adult Education Teachers’ Con»
fetence, Guidance Workers‘ Conference, and Librarian?
Spelling Bee in Elementary Educafion Dept. at Quinn
Band Concett.Kentucky School for Blind at Quinn
Fourth General Session at Quinn ChapelwAddresses by
Dr. J, M. Bond, Ass’c. Director of ’l‘.V.A., and Mrs. Willa-
C. Burch, Pres. N. A. '1‘. C. 5.
Sixth Annual Musicalhflalleck Hall, Second and Lee
Streets or Quinn Chapel

Saturday, April 11
Business Session. of K. N. E. A. at Central High School
Seventeenth Annual. Exhibition at Armory
Orchestra Music and Social for Teachers and Visitors
at Armory


Privilege of Active Membership

in the K. N. E. A.

1. The privilege of attending all general sessions of the Association.
2. The privilege of participating in the depamnemm sessions.

8. The privilege of speaking and holding oflice in the Kentucky
Negro Educational Association.

4. The privilege of von‘ng and participating in the business affairs
of the Association.

5. The brivilege of receiving all literature of the Association in»
eluding the oficial publication, The K. N. E, A. Journal.

To A. S. WILSON, Secretary, Treasurer
1925 W. Madison Street, Louisville, Ky.

 Tentative Program of K. N. E. A. Convention



Wednesday, April 14, at 8:15 P. M.

Seated on rostrum: Past Presidents of the K, N. E. A., Officers, and

Presiding: H. R. Merry, Vice President of the K. N. E. A., Principal
of Lincoln-Grant School, Covington

Music: Girls’ Glee Club, Central Colored High School, Nannie G.
Board, Directress

Invocation: Rev. R. c. Ransom, J11, Pastor of Quinn Chapel A. M E.

8:30 P. M. Welcome from Local Schools—Prof. Henry S. WilsonY
Louisville Municipal College, Louisville, Ky.

8:35 P. M. Mrs. Mamie Brock, Secretary of Phyllis Wheatley Col-
cred Branch, Y_ W. c. A., Louisville, Ky.

8:40 P. M. Response to Welcome: Mrs. E. B. Davis, Principal of
Edward Davis High School, Georgetown, Ky. ‘

8:50 P. M. President’s Annual Address: “A Proposed Program for
the Education of the Negro in Kentucky," W. S. Blan-
ton, Principal of Mayo-Underwood School, Frankfort,
SoloaLeiIa Wiggins rate

9:30 P. M. Address: “Education and the Economic Status of the
Negro," Dr. John W. Davis, President of West Virginia
State College. Introduced by Dean H. C. Russell of K.
S. I. C., Frankfort

10:20 P. M. Recognition of the Services of Atwood S_ Wilson as
Secretary-Treasurer of the K. N. E. A. for 15 years—-
Mrs. M. L. Copeland, Sponsor

10:35 RM. Announcements—Benediction

Thursday, April 15 at 9:30 A. M.

Music by Sixth Grade Chorus—R. L Carpenter, Directress

Mrs. R. E. Cabell, Second Vice P sident, presiding

Invocation: Prof. E. T. Buford, Principal of State Street High School,
Bowling Green

9:45 A.M. Report of K. N, E. A. Resolutions Committee, S. L.
Barker, Owensboro, Chairman

9:55 A. M. Report of K. N. E. A. Legislative Committee, J. H. In-
gram, Frankfort, Chaimon

10:05 A, M. Annual Report of Secretary-Treasurer Atwood S. Wil—
son, Louisville

10:15 A. M. Report of Auditing Committee, Prof. P. L. Guthrie,
Richmond, Chairman

10:20 A. M. Address: Hon. A. B. Chandler, Governor of Kentucky


 11:00 A.M_ Report of K. N. E. A, Necrology Committee and Me-
morial Exercises—Rev. J. Francis Wilson, Maceo, Chair-
Singing led by Miss R. L. Carpenter
Report of Nominating Committee, W‘ E Newsome:
Cynthiana, Chairman
11:25 A.M. Announcements and Adjournment
Thursday, April 15 at 8:15 P. M.

Seated on Rostrum: Presidents of District Associations and District

Organizers, W. s, Blanton, President of x. N. E. A.,

11:15 A. M


Music—Louisville Choral Club—R. L. Carpenter, Directress, Nannie

G. Board, Accompanist

Rev, W. P. 0mm, Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church,

Louisville, Ky.

Music—Lincoln InstitutemAIene Martin, Directress

8:30 P.1VL Address: “Economic Conditions of the Negro in the
United States,” Prof. George w. Brown, Professor of
Education, Wilberforce University, Wilberforce, Ohio,
Graduate of Howard University, A. 3., Western Re-
serve, M. A., Candidate for Ph.D. University of London.
1937, Introduced by Miss Eunice Singleton, Teacher,
Madison Junior High School, Louisville, Ky.
Solo—Miss Carma Shaw, Elkton, Ky.

9:20 P_ M. Address: “New Deal Practices and the Economic Status
of the Negro,” Mrs Mary McLeod Bethune, President
of Bethune Coolnnan College; National director of N.
Y. A. for Negroes. Introduced by Mr. T. E. Brown,
Ass’t~ N. Y. A. Director in Kentucky

10:00 P. M. Mushy—Lincoln Institute Chorus, directed by Mrs. Alene

10:10 P. M.-~Announcements and Adjournment


Friday, April 16 o: 2:15 P. M.
Music—«Band of Kentucky School for the Blind—Otis Eades, Direc-
tor (SD-minutes program)
Presiding: R. B. Atwood, Fresident of K. s, I. 0.
2:45 P. M. Music—Madison Jr. High School—Earline Good,



2:50 P. M. Invocation: Rev. M. B, Lanier, President of Simmons
Music—Jackson Jr. High Suhoolr~