xt7qjq0sv19c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0sv19c/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-04-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 15, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 15, 1987 1987 1987-04-15 2020 true xt7qjq0sv19c section xt7qjq0sv19c  

Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCI, N0. 135

Established 1894

University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky

Independent since 1971



says he’ll
attend UK

Sports Editor

PAIN'I‘SVILLE, Ky. — With a
lifelong dream dangling before
him, Paintsville High School's
John Pelphrey ended yet another
unusual recruiting story yester-
day afternoon when he an-
nounced to attend Kentucky.

The UK coaching staff had re-
cruited Pelphrey before the sea-
son. but after signing a class of
six in November Pelphrey was
informed that UK wasn‘t inter-

Kentucky‘s early interest in the
state's “Mr. Basketball“ was
joined by the likes of Alabama,
Virginia Tech. Vanderbilt and
Marshall, who courted him all

Following his performance in
the the Sweet Sixteen tourna-

Sec Pl~ll.PHREY. back page



John Pelphrey writes his speech while Bill Mike Runyon ad-
dresses the audience who watched the player sign.



Editor of USA Today
to give Creason lecture

Contributing Writer

The editor of USA Today will de-
liver the 10th annual Joe Creason
Lecture at 8 tonight in the recital
hall of UK‘s Center for the Arts.

John C. Quinn‘s lecture, which is
titled “Editing As Well As We Know
How.“ will focus on the lessons he
has learned in journalism. according
to a press release.

He will be “looking back on his 40
years in the newspaper business,”
said Bernie Vonderheide, director of
l.’ K Information Services.

Quinn is the executive vice presi-
dent of news for the Gannett Co.
Inc, the national newspaper chain
that recently purchased The Louis-
ville (‘ourier Journal.

He is responsible for overseeing
Gannett‘s 92 daily newspapers, eight
television stations and 18 radio sta-

”He is the No. 1 news person in
the Gannett organization,“ Vonder-
heide said.

Quinn was named “Editor of the
Year“ in 1986 by the National Press
Foundation He also received the
National Headline Award from
Women in Communications Inc.

Earlier this year he won the Wil-
liam Allen White Foundation Award
for Journalistic Merit.

Quinn was president of Gannett
News Service when it won the 1980
Pulitzer Prize Gold Medal for public

In addition to his lecture, Quinn
plans to arrive early to talk with a
journalism class and with some of
the journalism faculty. Vonderheide

Before Quinn‘s lecture, the UK


Journalism Alumni Association will
induct four Kentucky news people
into the Kentucky Journalism Hall
of Fame. One of these is David
Dick, a UK associate professor of
journalism and former CBS and
WHAS-TV newsman.

The UK Journalism Alumni Asso~
ciation established the Hall of Fame
in 1981 to honor people who have
made significant contributions to the
field of journalism.

Kentucky natives or people who
have spent a large portion of their
life in Kentucky are eligible for con-
tributions to either print or broad-
cast journalism.

This year‘s inductees will bring
the number of Hall of Fame mem~
bers to 56.

Advanced registration

concludes this afternoon

Staff reports

Advanced registration for the fall
and summer semesters ends today.

Before registering. students
should consult a copy of the 1987
Fall and Summer Schedule of
(‘lasses which can be picked up in
their academic dean's office.

To register. students mist pick up
a (‘ourse Request Form from their
academic dean's office, complete

the college schedule cards and ob-
tain their current schedules in order
to prevent the issuing of incorrect
grade reports.

Students who do not advance reg-
ister will have to register at the be-
ginning of the term and will be
charged a $20 late registration fee.

Students who do advance register
are required to pay a $50 confirma-
tion fee that is applied toward their
fall tuition. The fee is due Aug. 5.


Radio station requests
Student Center space

Staff Writer

Scott Ferguson, general manager
of Radio Free Lexington, asked SAB
last night for space in the Student
Center to put UK‘s proposed radio

But the board decided to wait until
next week‘s meeting before it voted
on the proposal.

”I would like you all (the boardi
to wait another week before you
vote on this," said Lynne Hunt.
president of the Student Activities

"It‘s standard operating proce-
dure to wait a week before we
vote,” Hunt said after the meeting.
“We need time to think about this,
especially since the board didn't
know this was going to be presented
to them tonight — it was kind of an
emergency-type thing.“

The request stated that 28 New
Student Center and the adjacent




i'i'i'iI i».
Ii,i,i.i ;

l'l'l'l' é



I I-I_


ALAN NAWSE Kornoi Staff

Ellen Skidmore, an arts studio junior, enjoys ice cream out-
side the Center for the Arts yesterday afternoon.



lounge area be allocated for the use
at the radio station.

At the present time the space
serves as a meeting room, which
raised questions about its use among
board members.

“1 know how I would vote, but I
want to wait and see what other peo-
ple think,“ said Ricke Watt. a mem-
ber of the board. “I want to go
around and see how often the room
is used and if it would cause a prob-
lem 1 if the room was taken away i . "

The current use of the space
wasn‘t the only item considered by
board member Missy Derifield.

Derifield expressed concern about
the future of the building.

"If we are considering commer-
cialization of the Student Center, I
think placing RFL in here would be
great,“ she said.

Although Derifield says she con-
siders RFL an asset to UK. she also
says she realizes that there are
many “angles" to be considered be-


Staff Writer

Democratic gubernatorial hopeful
Dr. Grady Stumbo brought his pop-
ulus platform to his alma mater last
night and told people how he would
“do things differently“ if elected

The eastern Kentucky native‘s
speech, sponsored by UK Students
for Stumbo and the College Demo-
crats, attracted about 35 people to
206 Student Center.

“I come unattached, unbought and
prepared to represent the working

Stumbo said one of his major con-
cerns is the quality of Kentucky‘s

“We need a qualified and compe-
tent teacher ih every classroom,” he

One way he said he would ac-
complish that is by establishing a
professional license board, similar
to one the medical industry has.

By providing a license board,
Stumbo said politics would be taken
out of the classroom.

Professionals from the field of ed-
ucation would make up the board,
which would administer tests to
evaluate teachers‘ competence on a
regular basis, Stumbo said.

Kentucky's “devastating" drop-
0ut rate also needs to be dealt with,
he said.

“We need to keep kids in school
and make it interesting,“ Stumbo

Stumbo said that he also wants to
improve Kentucky‘s higher educa-
tion by increasing the number of en-
dowment and research programs at
the state's universities while at the
same time keeping tuition costs at a

One area that Stumbo said he is
disturbed by is the high costs in-
volved with Kentucky’s gubernatori-
al campaigns.

Stumbo, the former secretary of
the Cabinet for Human Resources
during the Brown administration,
said that because of the high costs
involved in running a gubernatorial
campaign. some of Kentucky‘s
"most bright and articulate people“
are choosing not to run for governor.

“That limits the field,“ he said.
“and that‘s not good for democra-

Because candidates rely so heavi-

Mentors give professional insights to law students

Staff Writer

When UK first-year law students
worry about performing well in their
classes. most have. professionals to
whom they can turn for advice and

This fall the College of Law set up
a mentor program that matched
first-year law students with practic-
ing lawyers across the state.

The program is voluntary, said
(‘arroll Stevens, a former associate
dean of the law school who left UK
for Yale last month.

The purpose of the program ”is to
get to know a lawyer on a pasonal
hasts . to observe the kind of
work that person does and the kind
of life the person leads and to have
yet another individual on whom
(students) can rely for personal and
professmnal advice as they work

their way through law school,“ Ste<
vens said.

“It gives the students the opportu-
nity to become acculturated into the
profession at an early stage," he

On Monday, participating law stu-
dents turned in evaluation sheets to
determine if the program accom»
plished its goals and if it should be
modified in any way. said Paul Van
Booven. associate dean of the Law

lf these evaluations are favorable,
the mentor program will pobably
be expanded to include the first-year
law students at the University of
louisville and Northern Kentucky
University. Van Booven said.

“We want to make sure it (the bar
association's program) meets a
need which in fact exists, that's not
beiiu met in other ways and tlnt

. . . justifies the time and effort in-
volved," Stevens said.

Students were told about the pro-
gram, which is sponsored by the
Kentucky Bar Association, at an as-
sembly in September. About 130 of
the 160 first-year law students decid-
ed to participate, Van Booven said.

Similar programs have been tried
by local bar associations. but one
has never been tried by a state bar
association or by a university, said
Herbert Sledd, a senior partner in
Wyatt, Tarrant and Combs. the larg-
est general practice law firm in the

The students who decided to par-
ticipate met their mentors at a
brunch in October, Stevens said.

Since then. Patsey Ely. a first»
year law student. has met with her
mentor two or three times — once
accompanying her mentor to court.

“it's been really fun." she said.

"Instead of reading cases about peo-
ple who are long dead, you get in
and see real people with real prob<

“It does gave them entry into the
legal profession,“ said Joe C. Sav-
age. presidentelect of the Kentucky
Bar Association.

“Seeing how (law) works and just
hanging around (has) really been
beneficial," Ely said.

Lynn Herald. another first-year
law student, has only met with her
mentor once became her mentor
lives: in Hazard, Ky.

However, she has talked with her
mentor on the phone and written to
her several times. “I‘m not disap-
pointed (with the program) at all,"
Herald said. "I‘ve enjoyed our asso-
ciation “

"she‘s given me the benefit of the
knowledge" she has from when she

went through UK‘s law school, she

Sledd, a mentor in the program.
has only met with his student twice.
Both have had scheduling difficul-
ties, hesaid.

"l have not been surprised by the
type of difficulties (my student) has
talked about.“ Sledd said.

“I hope to be able to share some
practical suggestions with him“
about academies and “trying to
keep body and soul together,“ he

“1 think bringim experienced
practitioners back in touch with de-
veloping lawyer: will help them bet-
ter appreciate what (students‘) cir-
cumstances are,“ Stevens said, and
thereby help lawyers “be more Ill-
derstanding of (students‘) m as
they come out into the profession."

The law school hopes these stu-

SceMENTOI. Page)

fore allocating space in the Student

“We need to consider the future of
the whole Student Center, between
hopes for commercialization, new
ideas in the works and the way the
rooms are being med now."

RFL is currently scheduled to be
located in the basement of Miller

However, a report filed by UK's
Physical Plant Division said that if
RFL elects to stay in Miller Hall, it
will have to pay $3.000 for the re—
moval of asbestos from the building.

This fee, along with necessary in-
stallation of extensive air condition-
ing equipment, has Ferguson ques-
tioning the future of RFL.

”I could potentially see Miller
Hall on the destruction list in the
next seven years," he said.

“The Student Center is the perfect
place for RFL. "

Stumbo talks about


ly on contributions. Stumbo said
there is too much commitment to
special interest groups.

“You don‘t have the freedom
when you get in office to do what is
best for the taxpayer," he said.

If elected, Stumbo said he would
try to limit the contributiors from
individuals and political action com-
mittees, and then “candidates will
be forced to come out on a one-on-
one basis to individuals" durim

Stumbo waged an unsuccessful
battle for governor in 1983 when he
finished third in the primary, behind
then-Louisville mayor Harvey
Sloane and then-Lt. Gov. Martha
Layne Collins.

One of the reasons Stumbo cited
for his third—place finish was that his
campaign ran out of funds at the
end of race and could not afford
much television advertising.

However. this time Stumbo said
he has planned things a little differ-

”We've conserved our money for
the home stretch,“ he said.

Television ads in the eastern and
western parts of the state will not
begin until the end of the month. he
said, and central Kentucky and
Louisville television audiences will
not hear from him until after the
Kentucky Derby.








art exhibit
on display

lh .IERE\I\ \ ll1l\\lrl l
Statt “ritei'

Oscar um- ~ .i.,viii::ic!il that 41‘ \
true \.llUt‘ its t-oinpn-le
lessiiess \ii’l".!!\‘t‘\ lik‘ wider f"
that at" ilii> historically relied oi‘

‘. bi'


ilt'.‘ Hi

i‘ast‘iiiiil iiiiirw' Kr‘ -Ii iiit'ti‘ii‘lp‘ ii fut

Thh i~ a niazor theme oi "ii!';il)i‘i.t‘
“(irks \llllt' l,iillt'l'\1ll‘i\ ihix‘ilt‘ll‘l'
ot llllt‘ .irts snow ‘.\liii'it
opened )t-siei‘llti‘x .li Ylit' i’ei'eplioii
room oi thi- [K i. enter tor 'lie '\I‘l>
and runs until Max =.

l’aiit’t‘solts r'\li;li.t
should earn her .i tie-pru-
(it‘SllJJl sets ou'. 'w \lil'u.
siihiet‘t although chief't‘.
with t‘illlilllt‘l'i mi
'..ili (it‘li‘inL‘
luxmiv' up Til 1.“
il" “.l‘

.i l':. ‘ ii \

it Uh".

heiieu fhaf

‘Stay Alive in ‘85”


Is one of Anne Patterson's non-commercial

works on display at the UK Center for the Arts

her subject matter and the wishes of
litl tlitnts place a constraint on her
artistii triedom.

lin no. yith 2';th l‘m
lioing' she said :‘i‘(lients actually
tint their publicit) to be artistic to
the publios attention. so the
itlt‘lli .\ concerns are my concerns A
i don I usually have battles with my
\ctually. I value the constraints
are placed on my images. and l
.t is tienetmal to learn the ‘di~
;.i.illld\'_\ o: art . that is. conces~
\iilli and compromise.” she said

li‘.i xx



Asked whether she feels that the
future oi art lies in its new. com.
tiiel'i ml patrons. she replied. “I
'hink it will have to be " Graphic de-
\ltll‘. she says. is fast becoming a

major medium that will confirm the

Patterson's exhibition displays
many of the advertisements that
have become well-known around
campus - for example. the Pretend
ers‘ and Fetchin‘ Bones concert
posters ~ and 3 few that she is
working on now

Also. there are examples of her
non-commercial art of which
“Stay Alive In '85" is the best —
which typically use silk-screen
spraying {or its medium

Their display is designed to in-
crease their appeal. They are placed
in a series of angles and mounted on
plain wood backings to simulate the
effect of seeing them in a newspaper
or on a wall at first glance.


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Arts Edto!

Assist-it Ml Edict

UK Center for the Arts to feature
percussion enscmble’s ‘Sketches’

Staff reports

The UK School of Music will pre-
sent the UK Percussion Ememble’s
premiere of “Two Sketches for Per-
cussion,“ under the direction of
James Campbell, as a part of the
Contemporary Music Festival to-
night at the UK Center for the Arts.

The percussion ensemble will also
provide accompaniment for the UK
Dance Ensemble. who will perform
“The Aztec Gods,” a modern dance
presentation that combines imagina-
tive costumes and unique staging.

“The Aztec Gods‘ under the di-
rection of UK faculty member
Rayma Beal, is based on the music
of Gardener Reed. It combines the
talents of Charlotta Brunson and
laura Evans, who designed the cos-
tumes and the jewelry, and Lynda
Matusek, who engineered the stage

“(‘The Aztec Gods‘) is such a con-
glomeration of talents. It‘s not just a
dance. it‘s like artwork, with exotic
costumes and sparkling jewelry.
Add to this the music, and you have
a total sensory experience," said Di-
anna Rosenberger, a member of the
UK Dance Ensemble.

The dance ensemble originally
performed “The Aztec Gods” at the
Center for the Arts on April 5 for the
Center‘s Sunday Series.

“Two Sketches for Percussion“
and “The Aztec Gods" will be per‘
formed at the concert hall of the UK
Center for the Arts. The show starts
at 8p. m. and isfree to the public.

438 5. Ash


. w,


Limited Delivery Area ‘

. EVAN “MW/Kw“ sun

Four goddesses prepare their dance at a dress rehearsal for "The
Aztec Gods." a UK School of Music presentation.

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"but. ":800.m.-12:30I.m.

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David Wilkerson. an undecided sophomore, re-
laxes by playing the guitar yesterday morning

>' 3w; 6 y. ‘ :3“ M: "‘wi'


ALAN HAWSE Kernel Start

on the fourth floor of Holmes Hall. Wilkerson
has been playing the guntar for five years.






(‘onlinucd from Page l

dents‘ relatiorships with their
mentors will continue after the
official end of the program next
month. Van Booven said.

If the program continues next
year. its administration will have

to be turned over to the bar asso-
ciation, Stevens said.

“We just did not have the
wherewithal to orchestrate such
a large undertaking," he said.
“The law school is too thinly ad-
ministered as it is."




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273-SH E l

-------- ----L

Associated Press

WASHINGTON The investiga-
tion of an espionage scandal that
has rocked the Marine Corps' elite
embassy guard force broadened yes
terday with the announcement that
four guards formally stationed in
communist-bloc countries were
being recalled from Austria for

Robert Sims. chief Pentagon
spokesman, said the Marines. now
assigned to the L' S. Embassy in
Vienna. were suspected of possible
improper fraternization with foreign
citizens while posted to other embas-
sies in Warsaw Pact nations.

The four will return to the Quanti-
co. Va.. Marine Base. where the as
pionage inquiry is being conducted

A fifth Marine is being replaced
for unrelated violations of “local se»
curity regulations“ in Vienna. Sims
said. and a sixth was recalled to ap~
pear as a witness at a pretrial hear-
ing Wednesday for Sgt. Clayton J
Lonetree. the guard whose arrest
touched off the current investiga

Sims also said the Marine (‘orps
has tightened its screening proce»
dures for new guard recruits, and he
confirmed that an internal Pentagon

KENTUCKY KENNEL. Wednesday. April 15. 1987 - 3

4 U.S. Marine guards recalled
for questioning in spy scandal

study had recommended changes in
the supervision of embassy guards.

Defense Secretary Caspar W
Weinberger. meantime, said the
Pentagon might consider assigning
more married Marines. accompa-
nied by their wives, to guard duty
instead of relying on young, single

And a lawyer for Lonetree said he
was seriously considering an at-
tempt to move the espionage case
against his client into a civilian
court and wanted to summon Arthur
Hartman. former U.S. ambassador
to the Soviet Union. as a witness.

Sims told a news briefing he could
not release the identities of the Ma-
rines who had been recalled nor dis-
close at which embassies the men
had served before Vienna. He
stressed that none had been formal-
ly charged with wrongdoing.

Lonetree. who has been charged
with espionage. was arrested in De-
cember at the Vienna embassy. He
had transferred to the Austrian capi-
tal last fall after working in 1985 and
1986 as a guard at the Moscow em»

The Marine (‘orps has formally
accused Lonetree and a second for-
mer guard. Cpl. Arnold Bracy. of al-
lowing Snviet agents inside the Mos-

cow embassy on numer0us late

night spying forays last year.

Lonetree also has been aCcused of
breaching security at the Vienna far
cility by providing floor plans and
office assignments for the building

Sims declined to say whether any
of the four Marines returning for
questioning might have served with
Lonetree in Moscow. although he ac-
knowledged they had been targeted
as an outgrowth of the Lonetree in
vestigation. He said his information
indicated only that they had worked
in Warsaw Pact countries

Pentagon sources have said Lone
tree and Bracy became involved
sexually with Sov'iet women in Mose
cow, who in turn introduced them to
Soviet agents A third Moscow guard
has been charged with improper
fraternization with Soviet women
but is not facing any espionage

The Marine Corps has also ar
rested a fourth man. Sgt John J
Weirick. on suspicion of espionage
while he worked at the L'S consul
ate in the Soviet City of Leningrad in
1981 and 1982. Weirick is also sus—
pected of having become involved
with Some! women.

Radiation levels prompt West German inquiry

Associated Press

BONN. West Germany .,. West
Germany said yesterday it will ask
Moscow about higher levels of radia
tion in Europe that some experts be-
lieve may have been caused by a nu-
clear power plant accident in the
Soviet Union

West Germany. Sweden. SWliZCF
land, Norway and France yesterday
confirmed varying increases in at-
mospheric radiation last month, The
Soviet government denied it was the
source of the emissions. which offi»
cials said caused no damage or inju-

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the Sturgill Bldg.

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May 9th at 4:00 o’clock

A handbook containing information about Commencement activities was recently mailed to
degree candidates for whom correctaddresses were available. Students who did not receive
this handbook may pick up a copy at Patterson Office Tower, or at any college dean's office
For specific details regarding individual college ceremonies, please contact your college

dean's office.

The Soviets were critiCized after
the Chernobyl nuclear disaster for
failing to quickly report the power
plant accident. which killed 31 Sovi-
ets and spewed radiation around the
world nearly one year ago.

Officials in Bonn said unusual lev-
els of the radioactive element iodine
131 and four to five times the normal
amounts of xenon gas were mea-
sured in West Germany between
March 9 and March 15.


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EnVironment Ministry spokeswo»
man Claudia Conrad said the radia-
tion posed no health threat. but the
government asked the Soviet Union
for further information.

Foreign Ministry spokesman
KlausHermann Hingwald said the
request was “on its way" to the So-
viets but had not yet been formally

"The experts are all saying it was
almost certainly a nuclear power ac-
cident.“ Heinz—Joerg Haury. a

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spokesman for the government-ti
nanced Institute for Radioactivity
and Environmental Research in Mu-
nich. told The Associated Press,

A Western diplomatic source in
Moscow said yesterday that the So
vtets were asked about a p()SSll)l(‘
radiation leak after some Scandina-
vian countries registered an in-
crease in emissions last month The
source. who spoke on condition he
not be further identified. said the So-
viets denied any such leak

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Join with the rest of
the University in honoring
Retiring President Dr. Otis Singletary

Thursday, April 16, 1987
Center for the Arts



3:30 p.m.






 4 - KENTUCKY KENNEL. Wednesday, April 15. 1987

View oint

Gubernatorial race
now has substance
in health care issue

Someone has finally brought a real issue to the cam-
paign for governorsz in Kentucky — the increasing num~
ber of the state’s residents who are too poor to afford basic
medical services, but too wealthy to qualify for welfare.

Actually. wealthy is a bit of a misnomer. These are the
people who are called the “working poor" — those who
have part-time or minimum-wage jobs with companies
that don't provide them health insurance.

The problem is that by working, they disqualify them-
selves from welfare and Medicaid —- a barely adequate
health care program at best — and are left to go it alone in

finding health care.

The whole situation illuminates the brutal irony in the
American welfare system. The system, in principle, should
be an incentive to go out and look for a job, to work. In-
stead. it has become distorted and become an incentive not
to work. Working simply isn‘t profitable because once one
finds a job, one is no longer eligible for welfare. The prob-
lem lies in the fact that just working — even in a dual-in-
come home — isn‘t enough anymore.

In the low-paying fields, people who have families sim-
ply can't make ends meet in the few jobs that are avail-


And so the time has come — finally, and long overdue
— for the candidates to make it an issue in the election.
Nice to see that they‘ve found something better to occupy
their time than penning nasty letters to one another.

Even more refreshing is not only the fact that they‘re
going to make it an issue, but the position statements show
a real concern for it. Grady Stumbo, the former secretary
of the Cabinet for Human Resources, is calling for compre-
hensive reforms. He has suggested that Medicaid eligibili—

Gooden’s drug problem destroys aura surrounding baseball

The disclosure of New York Mets
pitcher Dwight Gooden‘s drug mob
lem was no great realization. Ath-
letes with drug problems are every-
day occurences.

It's commonplace.

John Lucas of the Milwaukee
Bucks as well as Mitchel Wiggim
and Lewis Lloyd of the Houston
Rockets are all examples of how
drugs can ruin a career.

Lucas is currently attempting a
third comeback with the Bucks.

Wiggins and Lloyd, however, were
not as fortunate. They were banned
for life from the National Basketball

They don't get another chance.

Even in baseball. drug use has be-
come a problem. Dave Parker and
Keith Hemadez admitted drug use.

Still, for many reasons Gooden's




problems are different than the oth-

Gooden was the master illusionist
in a game of magical, almost mythi-
cal proportions.


It's a different game altogether. I
can remember playing organized
Little League baseball for seven or
eight years where my fantasies of
playing pro baseball were only ex-
ceeded by my ineptness as a bal-

But it didn't keep me from dream-

Fren Stewart
Edtor-in chief

Scott Ward
Woo Edtor

Cynthla A. Palermo
Editorid Editor

Jay lemon
News Editor

Kentucky Kernel

Establldhed 1394

Independent Since 1971







I“! it



ty standards not be tacked onto the welfare eligibility re-
quirements, which is certainly a start to solving one aspect

of the problem.

The other nice thing is that, as will happen in political
races, Stumbo’s concern has spread throughout all the

ing — imagining I played second
base for the Reds (an impossibility
considering I'm left-handed) or hit-
ting the winning run in the seventh
game of the World Series.

I would wait for the seasons to
change. Each year as the last winter
snow would melt away, I found my-
self anticipating a new season.

Each year, in love again with

In the movie, The Natural, Robert
Redford played Roy Hobbs, a 35-
year-old rookie who leads his team
to the pennant. Attached to Hobbs
were mythical powers, an air of
mystery and the ability to be 35 and
thebest there is.

And perhaps it is that air of mys-
tery — that certain intangible qual-
ity — that makes baseball so appeal-
ing. Baseball has all the elements of




Not ‘masculine’

I am responding to the guest
opinion of Ruthie Maslin in the
April 6 issue. After reading it, I
am not sure if she and I were at
the same meeting — or indeed if
she actually went into the audito
rium and listened to the Steinem
speech. For one thing, I didn‘t
see the 1.500 feminists “clad