xt7qjq0sv039 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0sv039/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1973-04-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 06, 1973 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 06, 1973 1973 1973-04-06 2020 true xt7qjq0sv039 section xt7qjq0sv039 3

Vol. LXIV No.123

Friday, April 6, 1973
Eight pages



an independent student newspaper

University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky 40506

late—night meeting in Kernelollices. l‘ol. Ronald Allen. William (‘rissey James “Dinky" \leKa} and Russell Rice talk tostall. (Kernel photo by Larri Kielkopfi

McKay says he used termpaper
as ‘resaurce' for history course

lh k \‘l llhl{l\l' It?“ IS
Kernel-l oriespomleni
' Coyn'm I"! "- Iumouy xmm

\niidst a smrl ot admissions denials.

neis intoriiiation inore admissions and a
tttllllllfllll nieetini: l k quartertiaek .laines
‘lliiiki \lt'Ka} adinitled yesterday that
he had used the vmrlx ot another student in
toinpletini: a histor) t'ot'respondenee

lteiersini: his earlier t‘ltltlt'nlliin that he
kneu nothini: atiout the tharees. .\lt'l\'ai
used 'ii-souries proiided

said he had

him in a papei uiitten to l'liiglish

sophoinoie \lai') ltlrliiges He also .it one
point iiiiplu'ated the athletir depai'tiiient
statt as iiixohed til the tilt ident, but later
.it‘er t'alls ll'lttll department ottieials
rmo'rsed lns stor\ .ii!.iIn to tree them of

tin'» responsiliilih


lieuaii '.\Itl1 .i
lttitialil (.
troni the
kin-xx \l.ii‘\ ltltliizes.



I'.\ l' \ l\
to lo]
tid'. isel

Ylial ll!
'ltt‘ student who i ontends she “as paid toi

ill .itll tltri’


iltitttL‘ \lt has s “ark on .i toirespondenee

t‘illlt'M‘ ltetore Thursday ended Allen had
\iitliilihiiii the statement and then rein
stated it

\lleii s \Al'lllt‘n statement also \a_\s that
he has "neier paid Miss tildiges tor an)
tutorial \iorli The eoed said earlier this
week that she “as paid $430 tor doing about
It lessons and a teriiipaper tor a History
to" l'ttll'l'sptlllllt'tlt’e eourse

later ltiursda) , .\ls Ilelen Mae ttldiges.
'he mother the lllilklltfl the
tharpes \erilied that her daughter had
ii-ieiied 'elephone ialls from a person
identitiiiii: hiinselt as Ron Allen ‘

\ls Utdipes said she remembers seieral

ot woman

talls and text .in
tin took

HirssJflt‘s tit-eatise her daughter “as not at

iii ti oi: a oet'asioii.s

varied phone lursell .iiid


\l ( ltl§lll\l. I'll \ls the
iiiessapes t «insisted ol requests to li.i\ e her
dailithtei' "lton Allen’s ' (all

to please ask hei to hurry up and pet the
aoik Ill


ietiiin and

tttlieis in the ltldipes household

also said the) .ill\VH'l‘t‘tl the telephone

\‘llt'tl lt‘oii .\||eii ‘ i‘alled

Curci doesn't believe claims

I“ ”ll [81“ \I It
Kernel stall “riter
Fran ('urei
\esterdai ll the t'harpes against (iuar
tertiaek llink) Nli'Ka) are pimen true
\It Kai 's tnture \Lith the team rould eome
in question

In an interiieVi held Thursday iprior to
\lt'Ka) s statement that he had used Mar)

Head looolliall i'oat'h said




“i’esouree” 1.

ttldiges's term paper as .i
t'urti. “ho had returned from
roast i'ei‘ruiting trip, stated he did not
tielieie the allegations eoneerning
\li'Kai's use ol another student's work
\wre true tle added that he did not plan an
inn-stigalion t'urei also said he had not
kernel artirle outlining (tldiges‘

(‘ontinued on Page 8. (‘ol. 3


read the

('alil, t\l in

l‘resident \i\oii announeed Thursday he
was nithdi'awnu the nomination ot l.

(Era) [II to tie direetor ol the

l-edeial ltuieau ol liiiestiization

Earlier this “t‘t'k, (ildiges was
questioned about the winter]! of the term
papei she said she turned in for McKay
Shi- reeounted points and the
progression ot eients in the paper She
also eited t'ertain sourees she said she used


in the paper
l)r lthea ,-\
llistor} Hm «orrespondenee
\\lt|t'll MeKa) was enrolled. s.‘i_\.s he keeps
all ternipapers he reeenes This week he
said the patterns deserilied in the paper by

Taylor. who handles the

eourse In

tililipes were t-orreet

He also eontirnied that sourees men-
tioned lt)‘ (lldiges were in the termpaper's

I.\ST Nltlll'l‘. a Frankforthased
reporter eontended he had interwewed
MeKa) and that the quarterback had
admitted using parts of a paper prepared
ti) Mar) tildiges In a telephone interView
later that evening McKay told TheKernel
he had used only ()ldiges' bibliography in
preparing the paper

(‘onlinued on Page 8. Col. 3


re, a ,A__

I‘he \lleii slaleiiient.
release denies
any eoiiiieetion

with \Iar} Uldiges




\ixon. who did not say uhom he uould
name to sueeed (tray as head of the Flll.
did deelare that he has asked (ira) to
remain as aetini.l direetor until a nominee
ls tillllll iiied




What is this" Winter just won‘t let go It
won‘t be as eold today. Vi ith a high near 60
and a lo“ tonight in the 30‘s There‘s a to
pereent ehanee of rain today and tonight
It should lie eool the rest ol the weekend
\la)lie ne\t week we'll have some good
news in this spot




. Kernel

Established .30.:

Mile homey. MIF> n t tit
Lorry Kiethopt As Jul" E5610!
Katie McC.""-s C m Mitchell, Stove Sw-tt N-qht News E609“

Joel Inlani Arts Editor

Don Rhea Day News tenor
Mike wines Editor-m Ch M John Mic-s Photography Edttov
Charlie Dickinson Sports Editor


Eattonals VIDIOM'" the opinion at the odttvnot board not the Unit/ovary

UK athletics: One way to show
that high standards still apply

'I‘HF WORLD (”5 collegiate
athletics is packed \Vttlt tremendous
pressures. pressures “lilt‘h this
t‘niversit} has felt exceedingl) often
in the past decade

Burdened “till the struggle to
maintain basketball supremat'} and
to revive past football glories. Ken-
tuek} has spared little in its efforts
toward both No“ that the direction of
those efforts has been openl)
questioned by a student \\ ho elaims
close involvement »\ ith them. the time
for an accounting is at hand

English sophomore Mar} ttldiges of
t‘ampsprings. Ky has stated the
l'nivers‘ity paid her Son to perform
correspondence course uork for
football quarterlxtek Dink} .\let\'a_\
The athletics department, \xhile
demmg the claim. is understandably

Serious claims

The elaim is a serious one. for it
reflects not onl} on the WWW \Htli
which athleties pursues its goals but
on the \alidit} ot l’K t'orresptindenee
lessons as a method of teat'himl
\thletn- direetor llarr} l.atik‘.t.\lt‘t‘ is
understandatil} eoneerned with
blighting Kentuekys attempts to
rebuild a losing football team \\e, too
are eoneerned
For tilditles toiiteiitions strike at
the heart of ‘tits 1 fit\t‘t‘.\li} s tt\lt'.\t‘ll
purposes in interi-otlegiate athletics
'l'he (‘onstitution ot the \ational
t‘olleaiate .\thleties .\.\sltt'talttttt. to
\khieh Kentuek} is pledged hroposes
to tl(‘\(‘liip "edueational leadership.
plt}>t("dl fitness. sports participation
as a recreational pursuit and athletit‘
eu'ellenee "

l'K Itttlt'lttl\ time added a personal
pledge to eondiiet their programs
"uithottt o\'et' emphasis or sacrifice

of educational e\eellenee "

It the (tldiges' statements are true.
the l'nnersit) would seem to haw
left those ideals behind in its dri\e to
ereate “timers If the elaims are
proxeii talse. athletit's still tat-es a

tt‘a‘ttt lit \tl‘t'il that ttt'm‘t'ss l..ltt
should request that the
\ational t\llll('llk'_\
\ssoeiation eonduet an ottirial in
\estieation into the
assistanee to intercollegiate athleties

on this eampus




Nit-h a mom- is the qiiiekest and
most irrefutable “a; to elear the

‘ ‘fi‘ - . MW: «‘le

Clearing that matter up tor the public is

at top priority in saving UK's athletics image . . .

calling in the NCAA will indicate a willingness to

W swam . ’

monumental task in rebuildine lost
aeademte t‘t‘t'tlllttllt} alone ".xith a
“inning tradition

.\s the \t .\.\ ronstitution indieates
the txxo go hand in hand

in a ttieetlttL‘ early this tttttt't‘tttiL‘. in
the Kernel ottiees litre indieated the
department was ai‘.\ious to \‘lt‘dl' up
an} tontiision HH't‘ the eurrent tt‘.

not» «in. .i

titlt‘ti’ l‘hui‘sda} attei‘iiwii
t'tii‘< e\pi‘essed the
vletii‘ate t'tlttt’ltts‘itt‘; would i'tt‘a‘t‘L'i'

torn; 'he t‘iaitits

High standards

'l’iiese are lttL‘h standards for art".
It the

Hittiges sta'eiiien‘ is ‘t‘ue 'tizs

a'tile'it's pt‘viL'r It} '1: ttieet

l razeisit} s program has let' ‘l:ose
L‘oals behind at its tlt't\t‘ tor a 'tktt‘itlt‘t'
\\e are t'ertaiii tt‘ia' athleties
direetor ltani'aster. as hell as Hire
and t'iiri'i. are anxious to erase an}
tarnish of guilt from their depart

Withstand any scrutiny.


_ tittples ot

'At'ttttL‘ttUltlLl ,‘is att independent

national lt‘.\¢‘\l'L‘..tlHl' the \|'\\ t'ttlt
-l \

departiiient ot ans

t\\tlt' a rt at:\el :mpartnil ‘ltttlfiltlt'lil

titn'tt 'H t'\i‘t’}i\ttt' s st't‘titEtt}
l"l|l' ’he t't‘t-It‘Il Ae t‘eatttt‘ttt at;

ill.s’.‘.t‘l".il.‘;; suppor' at 'he eotit ep' ot




Reaching still more
‘new depths'

the uni; thing ‘ha' I i an sa} about 'he

new depths rear hed ttj. Mark l’aster s

let‘er of \pril ion the Kernel editorial of

\lart h to on the Vtoitien s \tudies proposal

is that these tit'\.\ depths should mine as no

surprise to an} ixpei’ieneed Mark l’aster

tohert B Tinrher

\d‘lllor-l',\Ullllltmal and

(ultural ('hanize

Too much attention
for ex- POW 5

Mr Dean ('raulord's second article on
the l’tM's rather ex l’tth appt-artng in
'l‘iit'sda}'s editton does seem to be ac
eomplishing “hat I deem the purposw of
the series. t('. to point out that the
enemy‘s as «,u-ll as our own prisoners
suffered in prison ramps [1 that be a


Attts’aridiriu dixiiriients like ‘he one

"'i.si:. o mt} ‘lzat sittte: riot
adreed '4» at trt'tit“. a hut in} iitipi‘i'sstoti ot
\lr' t:autord s storj. is tha' \ in“ t on: and
\\ ‘\ tt‘flilltil‘ t

\na't‘a an tatiip-


more n. sitttt m i

”wt in ans r.
“hen :ri the llepiititii ot \tetizaii. lnexei
\t'. i til at: M M

iamps and l reiiiemtvi titll‘ ouasion

am not heard of .in‘.

'.\t]t'll three \\'.\ troops u et‘I-i .iptiired not
a frequent oreurreni e that the} had to be
'iaiislerred to the .\lt\ \
PH“ litil'llttfl .ii‘I-a
\tt.t i it ans ttitt} ll:i'.t‘ been then ase ldon‘t
released it} the Ntlltll \ ietnaniese, I Would
sa_\ that the .\l{\'.\' did a job

tini- thing is elear and that is that too
mueh attention is being gixen to the ex
l’tms i am glad that the} are home. but
do not forget the hundreds of thousands of
Vioiinded that late gou-rnnient redui'tions
in benefits ”he reealls that at one time
{onian soldiers taken prisoner lost their

\. tear t't helotl
niaintained h}

hilly“ l‘ttitt‘. the looks of the

titi/enship to regain ll meant returning

set? stiptiot‘..'.e .ti‘i‘t‘toin'eta'e
.i‘tin-‘ts or. 't;;s ._ asuptis l.v-..\. zit-t1 the
turt'er'.‘ i o:.‘er.'nti.s and deriiaLs .tszde
it.~'a',!:.-_ :. \,.t\\ and t‘ wvi‘resport
It'tt \ t'r_ s ' lifl'o-il, is it
iv,L"!..r".s‘.f. '3....j-,
' s i tr,‘ 1‘? .' ‘

l’,t‘ tf‘i" ~ ' s so .s .ia'
" t l ' t s \ ‘1". hit l
' ot‘ ‘ l . rtfirt‘;

4 ‘t i r "__ “ ' "'t" 'tti’wt
U r it i . »‘ i ;.' o ‘ ' sax ' 4
ll‘\ s a'tm" i __ fion‘ atn‘. l .171
«as- , I» one r.‘l:~~\t \\
‘ "IA t'i' t ‘2i.itldltt'\s H
t 'tts't 1 e si iit'aix It s at; HP.
[Wt '1' '\' ' ii'.t' a'it tittt' At tt't‘l
stite la't is’i: ii ti .tht
l’liit'a .1.» ' 't/«-i.sh.p .xas ‘hei;
t. "All-'ll ii't‘.ttil'ft‘t‘lrll l{="tlt'l‘.l'tl
it. .‘srtt "at? [to-tin»


lhai’les \Ian Italslon
\pet ial l din .ition Iiistriii tlonal

\laterials t enter

Writer disdains
reefer madness

l-'oi‘ t'hiist s sake and other s sake l
hope and ll|\ o\\n sake I ha\e \Kt'tttt'lt
'his lt‘lti't‘ to Utttt‘ ni_\ disdain of those
people \tlto ha\e snioked mass pot.
tiiariiuana \\ll|t hexer name is siiitahle
in a pulilir plaee. speeifieall) the Student
t'entei Theatre during \arioiis slums

Further. I ask that these people
rec-tannin: llllh aetn'ity in light of the
rights and rPSpOt'lSthlllH'S for all people In
an} ewnt. t shall endemor to remain a
good ('hristian ttmards all people

K .I \Ieehan
M-nior— \litsie Eduration


Plan's defeat

indicates UK

lh llH\\l ll IlUl’sH\

ltn \! 's and N .n-iii es l'tlt till} (Hilltl ll
'i‘ttllll» ll'titlt'tl tiie'attht tltt' eslalilisli
“.t?" ot a “what, s \tiidii-s l'ioeiatii at
l h \ r i e 'tit iespoi.s:htlities tot keeptt.e
'tt' \t\\ i‘tttn tlltlllt \ tat-Ir and in-t- \attl
" \' ~\"t. 'tt1\ lmil\ flit‘ Ilt‘i ‘i‘titti i\ \t't\

4:: t u. lllt'l"l"-lllll

\ l‘.'lttt'l erlitotzal oi. \latih ill 1597f
-.;-pw‘--d 'l.‘s do-x r~.o:; to tonteiiditte that
'3'.» ‘tatxis' Ht ‘ht \Nozio'n s .stiidies .oin
wttii ial

. "o 1‘ tittitutsdl ‘.\.t\ yIt‘sktlltl

lt'i iIL‘V.

'wii. \ppai’eiith the editorial
.s' 'rt 'el' threatened it) the ventral littit'e
wt! :totii.ation «otter pot and telephone

attitt: .stl.tll\ .iitoiiipanx ottiiial

;u out an. status -’.iit 'he primiaiii ieqitnes

an| 1" ttsiifiti"lttl. ‘ii! fittlt st'H'Itl‘


ta'us tr.ill\ :m-aiis


ti'jt x il;ltL‘l.ll:.
't..i‘ mt t iilfit NL's a! it .tlt‘ {MA 1!.
r | pi ' in t‘l .is \\«itt.t :. s \tiidies
. .u to fit tots it a 1h: a t Hit.!‘t-Itt
gr. 4 _.; i_--.s'~i. ',Htlili.t'itt'> l'
t "i 1 ill 1 ‘9 'n ‘n'iit ‘ll‘l
, ii< ‘ i t l' t'itk'l l ' « ii‘"
. ‘ I \ I i' 't ‘l~ 'l'tl‘t“:
w. '- hi"i‘tw‘ 1’
i-t , i easiit .
t W"! t l t"“" l'. M
. 'w ‘v t x " 'tti NW 1 v
'. ,',' n ' ti Witt-Wat

d. i \ ‘ts l «i t H s
" 2 la \\o t' s ,;,c
t i l\ . . ‘ ' t .

V l l' l s l " t 1' l
l ' t ’i l I! ' 'ti luttg'
,1 vppn . it: .wwips
s' ".i-s l'ltl 'irtziiis 'o pt zine“
,\ ' . rtit'w: ~"'l,i't on: pzotiott:s-x:

-' A it t out I t i '.i‘ l o'
.,. t. i'giirtat \tt'i ll"l\‘,t>l‘t|llltt'
i' \tw .\as '}.i' ”he wtetihtsiatoi" tit
\\~iun~ s \'t.<1is as .i wpaiati' .tti‘a of
‘.4: wad ‘taittiont kitoiiit-diie it.
'e‘ ,_ "w ptiipn- tl tttt"1" tiiit titltis'nit‘
t “on: ti s \‘iidIi-s l'toittain 1:: the
ti: ‘.it\"'. tuii'itiliitt» \\i|tllil sent 'o

.- ‘i'L‘ta'i lit stiid‘. o! '»\‘tllll'l‘t liai‘k ittto a
u" \ttl .n; iioti: ahnh ‘t has been


lhi pioposal --'a'i-s thus to otteiiiii;

ititl!\t's who it .ippeal 'o a laiee iiiiiiilier
of students 'he tinnet’sit) \\|ll help to
zetialaiit i- 'he mm tlttl’ittisi ioiish .in
iltINt‘tt'lti :n- ttt.tlt'\t'tllt‘tt‘tl liias of
to .itli‘tt‘it lull ttott'. lt'atlttti; lti si‘patattsttt
‘ttr st- “omen s \‘iidtes toiirses help 'o
ieinteui ate \\iilttt‘tt and feminine ideas into

the tiiiiu-rsit} tltllllttllllll\

(ei tainl\ the \t\.\ l‘.l( tilt} t ount il's
refusal to establish a “omens Mtnlies
l‘iouraiii at 1 ix I.lll be .lllltlttllt’tl to an)
tillllllit‘t of phenoitiena llomwer “hen the
great interest iii uotiiens studies at l l\
and the \iahilit) ot the proposal itselt are
taken into au‘oiint one has to dra“ a \'et'_\
negatne mnelusron

It seems (‘lt‘fll‘ that the all male (‘oiineil
has prtn‘tllt'd further lusts tor the eon
tentton that the l'niu'rsit) is' .imlroeetitrii‘.
eten though that andrm'entiisiti ma} he


. ,t.-,~‘W.t ,



lim llIHl! ! l\ --!IIIlI-III~ hinr .‘IIIIIIIiIIIII'Il


'lHil ..IIIIlIIl.IIIw\ In! 1h:- l,I‘\lllL‘,l0lI

3. (iIII'HI ‘x llH‘lllI l Mlllll Il

l\'l!l1'~ limlnlil .l [hIl'lllllII \lllill'lll
Ill; .:! ll. \lilll‘J" \lll'I‘l Mir-«l
ilIldlrl'lli'r inllNI‘ \\IIlIII IlrIN 9H1 flit-
Ii! llvill, Ylu' IF‘.:IIl [li‘llit'
l! .‘ "I ll! ‘.I'IIl 'lml I! I it \ li'tl lit .twllll
‘llil 'iI II,II!II'.,IIL{ llall‘ll
., r. ~~;I-I,..i§‘. ‘l. Ihi- ll‘.:'»“l\l'\

Ami, 1»: IIEluIll III:I-.\.I| .xIIII

l! i'tl'KIlIIII‘r II' .'..\\.x'. l :nwl [ili'
Ill\ U! lII-i'nrlt up“ ':*I'«l lIIl I_Il‘.
.'I, \\\“lll"‘|z.l\ lil.’ lIII 'l). \t\il:'l|

I . r
_ l ,


War's end puts deserters,
draft dodgers in demand

Idllltl ~ IIIIlt' lhIs h ”ll' IIllh III .I \t'l‘lt'\
n! lIn- .|llt|ll’\ Ilt'IlllllLZ “Ill! IIH‘II IlrI-plx
JHI’I'O'd ln Ihr \iI~lII.IIII \\.II Ilu- I'U\\~
.Iml lhl' IlI.I!I I‘\.Nlt‘l\ mm lnIII: III

Ih \I- II I \IIIIH. \\
kl‘llll'l Mall “Illrl
IUIHI\I(| I: up Illill‘l III llll' ,\\llf.\

Him. ”I! VIII wumrl .IIII'I'IIImII l \lIIIIIN-il


’\ M'lIIHllllllllll.i\l'\Q‘lidlilll‘illln‘\lli‘lllt‘

E 'Yv‘ft. 'I.«~ iIII min .I «I'imlm’ [Hill
\IHIIIIIIII .Ilm Iiml 'Il'l‘li III) nI’IIIIIml
Hrk'mi lII'H' l:.i-l tum '4: :2 II\I ll!‘ IrIl'
l’I‘. l..|'.i ills 'lIIIIi'liIII .Il'lII lliI\I‘l\I!\
' iwwt'w H'Iml Hunky I.sz IIIIIIu-Il
1' ill
'i.!! i' ".I “Him 'I‘ YI.~\I'll l lIIL‘JlI
YW.'!I1 Imk Amp .Ii
\‘Ql \ "HH‘. MI ‘l'.i' Ivlv \'illh":
r, mm
5 , I M” \\ll‘\ l \i
g . 4 i ‘ II. x y l\\ II l'I
" ‘I' I \v' Iif.l'\ll\l‘II!I
" . Hp I my; Iii !I.lil‘\
H ‘A I ' I! iIl‘IH .Iliri him
t I ”Hi! \“1 ‘ ‘1‘ \(II‘ M! I
i "I"

II \\| \l H\ ‘!:.i? «I. 'ii'w'il 'lI- hill n!
Arm .Klu't I IulI' mi! llivll: 1hr lIIIuII
“liJlt‘l u! hinxlw ||\|‘l i-iliiuiml i'IIIIII’ul
Ill: [lilllli :xtmlml ll In lw II llllll\l‘
'II‘\\‘li'lli‘l illl‘l II Hm I Imlmial \l!'\\\ .\IIIl
w =2 ~I>lII mini} .lllll I llilllili'Il I!,~ llillllt‘ ll‘lHll




Two more UK students file
for metro district seats

!I_\ In lIl'lllL' \oIIII- l'i‘lll'l In Ihv !I‘;Il!II'
lilHlIli'lll\ lll lll\ ill>ll'l(‘l

lli' llltllI ;I!I-Il i'IIIII'I-I'II gilmu! lllt'
lI‘lIl('\(‘lll£ll|i)ll u! the l Inn-I‘M!)
In: II! mI; lllL‘ ‘lllIM'Illlt‘l'i'\l\.1l‘t' ltll’ lll('
In»! Imi’! \ui pl A‘Hl!‘ Ill lJH‘ll Ill III‘I\.'I!I'
rim! I;.II!I\=III lNIlIlll'\

’\l.III\ (.llllliililli',\ haw \IIHl IhII! Il
.laiiml Ihv; ‘.\:ll High! lUl \.II'IIIII\ lhIIIL's
In I. .I- IllIIIlI‘\i'4l \i“.\.IL’t‘ Ihqmml, lu-lh-I‘
g‘llll‘l lilllli'l IInI. llIIIIi‘ !I.Il'k\ .IIIIl
:. . iIuIIII-Iml III: lllll~‘\ Ixull high! lHl' Imm-
H! ‘I . \. ‘llllllf‘ lnxh-(ul lull] high! In! 11h!
‘Ilil‘ ‘lIIIIu llli‘ prop]. «II [hr SMI‘IIIh
Ilr'rlli! \IHl \ll'llHl‘

\Ih-I 1500.9!lIII1I1~ pol [In-II} \u'll \I-lel
ll! lrlll limp A.» .i ling l|.I\\lI‘ III WIN mvi'
xxln-thri In ll'l iii-WIND min the-
‘IIIIC.I/lllt'\ vIIII'luHHII 'l‘hv) go! In and
'hI-II III l‘JTH llli‘ III.I;_'.I/IIII‘ III.\! ('(Hi‘l‘t'il
\Inmw Ilm! “11 i- inippi-IIIIII: 1n Ihi- tall «I!
WI! \\l’\ \!.II‘!Hl i'va‘IIII: th- (illll1(‘\!_\
Ili‘lhill lull III!”-

I! u.» \\llll(‘ I um gnIIIL‘ lhI‘iIIIfih !hv'
xi.“ l\\ \‘l l>.ii'k 1\\!l(‘\ llldl l k‘dllli' III-m»
our Imm Lu! _\I'.'II' IhII! hm! all IIIIII~IIIIl
mII‘I‘ l! ll.l\ IhI~ ll)4]¥)l‘lI‘llitll‘11‘Nl.\P(i(’I1|i
I'lt't'll In.“ kquIIIIIl {mil iIiI lhi- lll,\l(l-i' u! the-
lml l\ 1hr ‘lllld‘l' ”\h‘ \I- (Ullll‘ .I lHllLl



Ill \ I \ I'lll' I I\ \ll ( ll him lll!‘ (1111!!
'flvilLt'! ~ .Ill'l Ill'\\‘l ltl\ IIII hm fi‘!‘l.ll!1lll!
'hi :i \ III.I!:m. mm \ml \\ll'f.\ l\ HM”): In
l'llliilllll'llillli‘l|'\l1llllli‘\\.l) h} LII-HIM}:
lili‘ \llH I II .III lllt‘lllii In !:Ill\ .Ilmu! IhI- l\.\1lt'
nI llllI‘lIllIllllHllJl .Illil llll|\i‘l‘\;il .IIIIIu-sl}

II \\.‘I~ liko- III} lll'\l .IllI'l‘IlUUll III lllt'
\\ll-I.\ Ullll'!’ l'Il onl} lK‘t‘Il IhI-I‘I- .‘IlH‘Ul
l|\I‘llillllil1'\ \IhI'II .Ill lII'll lwgmi lo lll‘t‘iik
l(l.\" 'l'hI-rv \\.I> IhIs gu) Mm hdd come up

(‘ontinuod on I’ag“ l (at 3

Ruin-II lulmrr i\ trying lo we it his old fl‘lt'nd lirmld lIlI‘il\lll‘t‘\ up to his I~\~
pm humus (.i-rulil “as lllluhlt‘ lo (“\(‘lIN‘ lht‘ lllilut‘l‘ (luv to some trouble hi- has

\\ IllI his lmu-I j;|\\ N-I' I'I'lulrd ~lnr} nn [mgr 3 (KI-rm-l photo h) Jr” Bruit)!


'I‘IIE KI‘JN'I'lTKY KI‘IRNI‘IL Friday. April 6. l97ll—-3





Sterling Silver Pendant & Chain $ 8.50
Matched Earrings for Pierced Ears pair $12.50

You can give without loving .
but you can't love without givmg

Fm. megs


“"5”" 3rd BIG WEEK






Rout p I ORMAN presents R



2" E MAIN ST 25‘»60'0





@ATK\ BARGA' "s Clasfictlggls



t--~'l‘llF. KEV“ ('kY KFRNEL Friday. April 6, 197;!

ll HII‘I’I'JH 54.]! 541/111 N/uwh
(carefree no Iron Satin)



pamper your Body and experience the in-
timate Elegance of Satin luxury. . .Tonight
Bed and Bat/2‘ Dag/gin: :5};pr





This ad is worth $2.00 off
on any purchase. Good thru April 7.

One per customer.

Located in Fayette Mall






(IIntinuI-d trIInI Paw It

ll‘IHIl \HQHX III lttIstIIn ll!‘
!.III 1} “t'll I‘I-I'I'In-Il tn the tour or
ll\t‘ IIII IIIlIrIzs IIl' thI- »\\lF,\ statt


\\l]l| mar Inst IIIIIshIng

l‘hIs lI'tIsIIIII guy \I‘t‘ ”In place



”Passover Sedar"
Monday, April 16
5'00 p.m.

HospitalIty Motor Inn
7143 N. Broadway

Members I 50
Non members 7 SO

RI-servatmns must he made
no later than Thurs AprIl t7

lm resvr vatinns (all

Home lessr‘n 257 D60
[ivy (when 257 9390

For rIdes. meet at the

Student (enter lot at
It 10 p m






 Among America's oldest

Professor calls artifacts' treatment bad

In lttt\ \l I) II II \\\I\I\.\
kernel .\l.ilI “l‘lll‘l


I k

l>elIe\ ex

lIl'lI.I\.I Ir“ \kllll
Iln lIIl\I‘I\|I\

mm In

’Imnow Io Inek‘

IIl' the
.Ium )e.u old III'IIlQII'I\

'lmII-‘\ lI'l'.IlIIIt'lIl
III InIIIun IIIIIIII‘I' line up In Him;


I ount) III the

III l'I't'\lIll'IIl

lionu-H'II \ \Nulk l'I’ogI’exs
\ \\ l-i‘IH l'.\ .\\lll "I‘lle

Iil‘tml'lil l‘tllltiilltllh .u’e \o lI.I(l IIIIII
InoIe III the past 40 years than III
the In the

\'.In liI‘I‘H'II \itHl the skeletal

III.III‘I luls hau- Ileeontpoxetl

moo )e.tt'\ the} VH'I‘l'

nmII-I'ml. Imlll'l') and other .It’
III.II'I\ III the lIItiIth are among
the ln'\l ~IN'I‘IIIIeIIs oI earl)
\IneI’II‘IIn lnIlI.In eullure In the
Iountn \et. he \(tlll‘ the eon
IIIIIon\ III the ltlIIl(lIIIL' the) are


'IheI'I- .ue leaks In the I‘I‘IlIIIK
.n .II ll'.l\l hull .I Ilo/en plueey ‘
\.IIII \.III lvt‘I'H’II

\ \\ I.I |I\I‘.\ poInII-II out .‘I
III-I .tll\l‘ leak III the
\lll'l\l‘\ I|l

NKIII ll.’I'Il_\, .I
poInII'II out

\\ .III'I‘

lIlliL’I‘Il Iron-s
i',IdIlIl.Ilt‘ \lIlIlI'Ill

Ihe IIII‘IlIt} .I\ .I luhoI'IIIIIr: when

It I\ I‘l.I\.\llII‘Il l‘.‘ Ihe I'.1I\er.\It_\
.l\ .I \\.II'(‘lIIIII.\t' "

lit'IU‘lI uses the IIII'IIII) lIII' IIn
.Inthrowlog} I‘l;l.\.\ on Suturdu}
.IIIeI'noon llt' \.u(l he Imtls the
\peI'ttIII‘Ih llIl'I'l‘ nmke the ('lil.\'.\
more IIII'JIIIIIIIllIIl Ior the

“What the I‘nnerslt) has heen
IIoIng thus I.Ir have been only
stop gap Ineusures,“ said Her

“What \U‘ have here I.\ II real
treasure," eontInued.
"Properly done we can justll}
IIM‘Ol the InnterIIIl 'I‘hIs muterlal
needs II home II thIs sue Is gmng



w a rehouse.

(Kernel photo by Skip

proper!) developed Iot‘ [hill

purpose "

'I'he I'nnersu) l’re» uses the
llIIIlIlIIIfl to .\II)I‘(' unbound eopIes

(Ii ".\ I’IetorIzII ”Mom of Ken
tuek) " It I-ompIIeII several years
.Igo VIIII (iI‘I'\('I‘I sztId they

potI-IIIIIIII} present it lII‘t’ hazard

I III\(’I'.\II_\ told the Kernel. "
good sturd} huIldIng I ean‘I
thInk \\h}' It would he It IIre
humrd It's not (leslgned for an
oIIIee or For a
you ean‘t

It's a

warehouse. however.

heat It '

.IIIn Kopenhaeler.
promotlon manager
l'nnerslt) Press, saId









on the sIte‘" mud IIuIIIeId "I‘he ' . - .
to he the home It needs to he hulldlng NFHS lb purpose
For Sale —"Services
67 Votlu mmool ”nod Ives Ianm n good ‘Iypang Iurahvan MI A (ampm-II wpp
mu! I on $500 ”so I168 Inn ban AF‘IER 5 10 P M B “Owens 75? 3787

Suiuk- X a Hustler
«.ymwt N HIIrxvpnva

(hK‘IHVI \I-aI Iank A
1i8$ 799/487 IAU

WI] Rolls Royce V w w" Ie 5 000 Nwrlr‘k $7 980
~m‘ II w Ionian ,‘SS )Ifll mil:

8 track Player Recorder new under “000!

‘I .mv II" IIII yI Ie Iemns rm In” steel
vv-xtvnnn "nuke 099m )H 1741 1A6
Sony Stereo Yaperuoraoy model I( 260

257 NOR AA I0

Wu Fora Favrlane (.000 Inndnhm Prue
new" .lhle I all 7130704 tale Mlernoon “HI

I u mmm ImuIme (all

10 All

Chevy Nova I97I I07 Ispo‘mt Moor shIII

(.l'twptfl. 1‘5! )6” Home NR 9685

—— Wanted




.‘Il'l 'I‘Imn m t‘vl‘r‘Inq \hIH

Im .‘0 yl’