xt7qjq0stx96 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stx96/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2005 2006 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals KHSJA Kentucky High School Journalism Association 05-06 Contest text KHSJA Kentucky High School Journalism Association 05-06 Contest 2005 2005 2006 2019 true xt7qjq0stx96 section xt7qjq0stx96 V ‘ . / , ' ' )
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 MAY 2805 '
Page 2 ' KHSJA Contest 2005
I ; ,, Humorous Feature for a concise script. Avoid jump lit shots.
"3 R AD CA ST First place - Walton-Verona High cuts. Too many numbers in open— Third place - Elizabethtown High
CLASS A School - Jonathan Helvey, Jill ing voice track are hard to follow. School - Ryan Nethery & Mike
Category 1 Mueller, Charlie Cantrall, Chris Williams
Spot production Wethington, Brett Stith, Lindsea Category 8 Creative, effective use of lighting,
First place _ Walton-Verona High Clarke 8: Jeff Webster Sports Feature Package graphics and angles.
School _ Jonathan Helvey Easy to follow. Funny. Nicely put Certificate of Merit - Bardstown Honorable Mention -
Creative, well shot. Good close together. Visually attractive. High School-Mary Beth Chesser Elizabethtown High School -
ups, appropriate music. Good use Second place - Fort Knox High Good topic. Good interviews. Regina Durbin &Alan Smith
of graphics, steady and well-lit School - Matt Johnson Good to open with action video. Visually engaging. Good lighting,
video. Funny. Could have given more Needed visual examples of framing. Good use of close-ups
Second place _ Bardstown High examples of senioritis that were What’s discussed in the inter- and cut-ins. Nice humorous
School _ Dominic Allen easier to follow. Ended weak and Views. Needed a wider variety of approach to serious problem.
Simple, effective use of graphics, left me expecting more. game footage and more energy in
still pictures and music. the narration. Too much head- Category2
Third place _ Bardstown High CategoryS roomininterviews. Newscast
School _ David Pis Newsmagazine Category 9 First place - Henry County High
Good attempts at match NO ENTRY News Package School - WCAT News Fall 2005 .
action.Good framing, nice visual NO ENTRY Timely, informative and ambi-
payoff at the end. Would rather Category6 Category 10 tious newscast. Good content.
have seen better sequence shoot- Documentary Sports Package Good sound bites. Well paced.
ing than use of dissolves. First place - Bardstown High No Award Given Second place - Corbin High
School - William Russell Category 11 School - Channel 18 News
Category 2 Good information. Good attempt Vo or Vo/sot January 2006
Newscast to visualize issue. But there was NO ENTRY Timely and informative. Primary
No Award Given too much camera movement on Category 12 anchors need more energy. Video
, closing shot in gym/ weight Videography was hurt by jump cuts, hollow
Category 3 room. Delivery could have had a NO ENTRY audio, lack of cover, lack of close—
Music Video or Short Video greater sense of urgency. Category 13 ups and occasionally too much
First place _ Walton-Verona High Second place -. Bardstown High Newscast (Radio) headroom. Shorten the intro.
School - Jeff Webster, Brett Stith, 541001" Dominlc A1191} . . NO ENTRY ‘ M
Charlie Cantrall & Lindsea Clarke Nice attempt at matching historic Category 14 Category 3
, Extremely well _ put together. photos with current video. Good . D] show . Music Video or ShOrt Video .
People's motions matched music use of dissolves. Nice, energetic NO ENTRY 7 First place - Henry County High
and words, very entertaining delivery. Well researched. Music Category 15 School - Megan Imel 8: Kyle
_ action matched vocals. . Steady was too loud. Too much camera " Sports Planyy-Play . Sanders
: shots, good-effects. Maybe better movement with too many zooms NO ENTRY . Good close-ups, niceeffects, good
,, backgrounds could make it more and pans. _-»~-- ' ‘ Cl AA lighting quality. NICE framing.
interesting. Judges watched it _ . ' .. - . ass , Creative. ;
twice. Category7 . Categoryl . Second place - Henry County
Second place _ Fort Knox High News Feature Package . Spot production High School - Tracy Tipton & Liz
School _ Craig Needham, Chad First place - Walton-Verona High First place - Henry County High Smith
Tompkins, Tangie Oliver & School - Brett Stith School - Destiny Nabozny, Good close-ups, engaging, nice
Jamaal Shaw Good newsworthy topic. Good Amanda Cisneros 8: Courtnee shot variety. Nice effects and cre-
Liked the switch between band opening to engage audience. Graville ative.
and story line. Very nice effects. Good use of graphics. Excellent Audience engaged with opening Third place -Henry County High
Good close-up shots (the hand job of matching video to topics graphic. Good use of close-ups to School - Bradley Morgan &
playing the guitar). Some shots interviewee discussed. Good vari- illustrate tension. Nice match Michael Parrish
could have been more steady by ety of shots and nicely edited. action editing. Appropriate Nice use of colors. Nice shot
using a tripod. Focus on also hav- Don’t rely on what the intervie- music. Good use of easy-to-read selection. Very creative use of
ing smoother zooms. wee says as a substitute for a con— graphics. Good steady, well—lit music with action in video.
Third place _ Bardstown High Cise script. Turn interviewee. video. This category had more Honorable Mention -
School _ Chris Drury Ninety-five percent of face can be good entries than any other in Elizabethtown High School -
Good cross fades and nice mirror seen. Stay away from signs. any broadcast category. Picking Regina Durbin & Jordan
shot shows creativity. Camera Second place - Walton—Verona the top entries was difficult! Schneider
was relatively steady. Use a tri- High School-Jonathan Helvey Second place - Henry County Nice framing on many shots.
pod. It will look nicer. Focus on Good topic. Reporter had good High School - Megan Imel, Tracy Good lighting, nice use of effects.
smoother panning and zooming. delivery. Interviewees made Tipton & Megan Foree Could have engaged audience a
Don’t be afraid to retape a shot. interesting comments. Good job Excellent match of music with little more.
at referencing video -- audience video. Good match action ending.
Category 4 sees what interviewees discuss -- Creative angles, use of dissolves Category 4
don’t let sound bites substitute and close-ups. Good, steady, well- Humorous Feature

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MAY 2005 KHSJA Contest 2005 ° Page 3 E
First place - Henry County High beginning. Good interviews and Good standup, audio good. Try Excellent demonstration of video
School -WCAT News Staff information. Shows that he did not to show mike in shots and fundamental. Good sequences.
The feature was original and research and got different opin- some bites run a little long. Nice match action editing. :5
humorous. There was good audio ions about the class. Some jump Third place - Elizabethtown High Excellent framing. Good use of 1';
and nice graphics at the begin- cuts, need to focus and white bal- School - Nathaniel Adams close-ups. Needed one at the end.
ning of the feature. ance. Too much profile, smoother Audio was good. Could’ve had One flaw -— crossed axis once
Second place - ’Corbin High transitions. variety with bite content. Good early in the piece when sexy Mike
School - Redhound Productions natural sound. Needed stronger was seated at desk. ';
Funny. Could have better shots of Category 7 ending. Honorable Mention -
Video. The stick people was a News Feature Package Elizabethtown High School - 1
funny touch and somewhat origi- First place - Elizabethtown High Category 9 Andrew Gott {
nal. School - Ed Rogers 8: Alan Smith News Package Nice framing. Good use of close- 7}
The alternating viewpoints of First place - Elizabethtown High ups. Nice to ”frame” object or ,2:
Category5 each sound bite was well done. School - Michael Simpson 8: subject of interest with objects in 3
Newsmagazine Interesting and timely topic. I Andrew Gott foreground. Good video under 9
First place - Elizabethtown High enjoyed the quick bites about peo- Overall it was well put together. challenging lighting conditions. 3'
School - Eye on E’town October ple’s addiction to the games and I Good audio and interviews. I Video was not cued to beginning
2005 liked hearing from one gamer’s would move intervees to different of piece. Effects were unnecessary E
' Good topics. Well paced. parents. Good framingof inter- locations to keep audience inter- and a distraction. 2
Packages are visually engaging. views. Good use of rule of thirds. est. Nat sound would help. Try ’3
Excellent content in sound bites. Good audio, audio mix and light- not to end on a sound bite and Category 13 3
' Lots of bites. Steady, well-lit ing. watch the lighting in a few spots. Newscast (Radio) .
video. Anchors had'hollow audio. Second place - Henry County Good job. First place - Corbin High School -
Second place - Henry County High School - Jodi Dunavan 8: ’ Julie Parent
High School - Wildcat Magazine Jeremy Banto Category 10 A very nice, smooth reader of .3
Good, meaningful content. Good framing of interviews. I Sports Package copy. You sound natural. Overall, 1
Excellent framing on interviews. liked the quick bites from a vari- Third place - Monroe County the best mix of voice and delivery :-
Bites well lit. Visually solid, good ety of students. Timely and perti- High School - Amanda Brown style among all radio entries in 1
use of graphics. There was buzz nent topic. Could have shown Lighting was good. Audio needed this contest. No real problems :
on anchor’s audio. There was a students paying for the gas work. Good to show school spirit with a regional dialect. I didn’t
- . tendency to let bites replace instead of just gas prices. Good but people started to say similar hear much of one. But do work on
script. Both the first- and second- audio and lighting. Good deliv- things after a while. your enunciation and having a bit 3‘
place winners needed to have ery. Very conversational. of a crisper delivery. 3
' some interviewees face the cam- Third place -Elizabethtown High Category 11 Second place - Corbin High 7 '
era. We need more of their face -- School - Alan Smith 8: Cole Wisdo V0 or Vo/sot School — Shawnda Rogers ’
at least 95 percent -- and use tags Very informative. Good farming. NO ENTRY Very nice voice but your delivery .
on packages. Good delivery. Instead of using . could have been smoother. :
. the long bite from the guy Category 12 Always practice, practice reading a:
Category 6 explaining how to download pro- Videography copy aloud before going on the E '
Documentary grams you should have used nar- First place - Henry County High air, if at all possible. It really 1’
First place - Henry County High ration. The bite is a little too long. School - Megan Imel, Tracy helps! Asmoother delivery would f
School - Becky Nix Honorable Mention - Henry Tipton, Jodi Dunvan 8: Liz Smith have made this a first—place entry.
Good interviews. Nice history County High School - Jodi Combines creative visuals with Work on a crisper delivery too.
and research information. Dunavan solid understanding of video fun- Third place - Corbin High School 3'
Pictures add personal touch. In Topic pertinent to audience. Good damentals. Excellent variety of - Nathan Stevens 8: Jacob Price 2 .
some parts the music was too quick bites from a variety of stu- shots under different lighting sit— Clearer diction with less regional 5
loud and audio was low. Just one dents. Good framing and alternat- uations. Good use of short shots dialect and crisper enunciation ’;
or two jump cuts. A little out of ing points of View for sound bites. to keep viewer engaged. Good would have helped this entry. 5
focus. Natural sound used. Good deliv- use of close—ups and a variety of Practice, practice aloud. You can 3
Second place - Elizabethtown ery, very conversational. angles. Only flaw is it needed a train your speech patterns. With .5 -
High School - Ryan Nethery 8: Ed stronger ending. hard work and practice, you ’
Rogers Category 8 Second place - Elizabethtown could have real opportunities 1
Great research and information. Sports Feature Package High School - Alan Smith someday. 7;
Nice inserts. Good audio. Good First place - Henry County High Visually engaging from the first
interviews. Need to focus and School - Samantha Raisor 8: Ben frame. Creative angles used. Category 14 3-.
white balance on some shots. A Roberts Excellent use of close-ups. Steady DJ show 5
few jump cuts. Need to hide mike Good open, nice sequences, good video under challenging lighting First place - Corbin High School -
cords. Too much profile in one shot variety. Good lighting and conditions. There was one minor Matt Whitledge 8: Julie Parent
interview. Needs nat sound. audio. Story flows well. jump cut (to bowl at sink). A fast, high-emery presentation. :1
Third place - Henry County High Second place - Henry County Third place - Henry County High Try to make it sound a little more 7
School - Bradley Morgan High School — Derek Craigmyle 8: School - Bradley Morgan 8: natural and a little less like you’re 1;;
Good music, slate and title at Brittany Cottrell Michael Parrish reading a script. Also, now is not 5

 . , , . W :
Page 4 ' KHSJA Contest 2005 MAY 231% . .
too early to begin working on of video elements. Need to video” by matching video and matic lighting at some parts.
enunciation and getting rid of improve studio (anchor) produc- audio. Good conversational deliv— Good audio. Could have been
your slight regional dialect. But tion values. ery. Well framed shots. Good vari- edited a little tighter.
all in all, a nice job. Second place - Russell County ety of Video. Good, helpful info. Third place - South Oldham High
Second place - Corbin High High School - Elaina Andrew Third place - South Oldham High School ~ Drew Littrell
School — Ali Burton 8: Kathy Good studio production. School — Brittany Beck 8: Jason Good effects, good pans and
Miramontez Interesting, timely stories. Lots of Murray zooms. Not too choppy. Good
; Overall, a good effort. Watch the sound bites. Few examples of Nice job of ”referencing video.” lighting. Could maybe have used
music-bed level under your voice. video other than interviews. Let’s Good use of graphics. Good infor- some different angles or shots.
: Sometimes it tended to overpow- see things happen. Newscast was mation. Don’t let sound bites sub- Honorable Mention - Waggener .
er you. Ali has a nice delivery but talking heads driven. stitute for a concise script. Hollow Traditional High School - Danny
- a soft voice. You might work the audio in start-up. Some Video was Beard
mike a little closer, watch the Category 3 too hot -- overexposed. Nice crossfades. Nice zooms and
. music level and please begin Music Video or Short Video pans. Audio needed to be a littler
thinking about how to retrain First place - South Oldham High Category 8 higher. Good backgrounds and
your speech to eliminate your School - Blake Webber Sports Feature Package angles.
A slight twang. Kathy has a Creative. Good use of angles, Certificate of Merit - South
stronger voice but slow down just framing, shadows and lighting. Oldham High School - Amanda Category 13
. a bit. You tend to end very abrupt- Ambitious, well-conceived effort. Moore 8: Jason Murray Newscast (Radio) '
‘ 1y - leaving the listener wonder— Appropriate music. Nice match Good action video. Good attempt NO ENTRY
ing if you finished or the mike action editing. to match video with script. Too
broke in mid-sentence. - much headroom when students Category 14
' Third place - Corbin High School Category 4 appear on camera. Use less music, D] show
- Shawnda Rogers Humorous Feature more natural sound of sporting NO ENTRY
Nice voice but sounded a bit like First place - South Oldham High event. Hollow audio. Too much
_ you weren’t familiar with the School - Drew Littrell camera movement. Category 15
. copy. Watch that enunciation. Good dry humor. Nicely shot. Sports Play-By-Play
: Begin thinking about enunciation Good framing. Well exposed. Category 9 NO ENTRY
and getting rid of your slight Steady shots. Suggestion: alter- News Package A
. regional dialect. nate sides of framing for inter— First place - Waggener Traditional
. I Views. One video glitch in tape High School - Heather Peach AAAA ..._
. Category 15 quality. Good interviews, pretty good
Sports Play-By-Play . video. Watch audio levels and Category 1 _
_ NO ENTRY Category 5 voice-over levels especially. Spot production ‘
E Newsmagazine . Remember to white balance. Be First place - Montgomery County
' NO ENTRY careful with keeping screen direc— High School - Megan Tabor
, AAA tion. Good, effective stark Video.
_ Category 1 Category 6 Engages audience. Well shot,
: Spot production Documentary Category 11 steady and nicely framed.
First place - South Oldham High Certificate of Merit — South Vo or Vo/sot Meaningful comments. Effective
1 School -Blake Webber Oldham High School - Lisa Lewis Certificate of Merit - South and creative way to convey the
Creative, steady shots. Good 8: Ally Davisson Oldham High School - Dane anti-smoking message without
match action editing and sequen- Good delivery, informative and Delozier using a heavy-handed approach.
' tial shooting. Appropriate music. helpful. Video shakes. Use a tri— Didn’t always ”reference the Second place - Central Hardin 8:
‘V Second place - South Oldham pod. Avoid excessive camera video”. Talking about track-see- North Hardin High Schools -
‘ High School - Talley Elder movement such as zooms and ing baseball. Buffy McCormick 8: Christine
L Creative, engaging. Good mix of pans. Too many effects. Bovee ,
‘ animation and natural video. Category 12 Effective, stark approach engages
i Third place - South Oldham High Category 7 Videography audience. Well framed testimoni—
} School - Stu Perry News Feature Package First place - South Oldham High als. Nicely exposed. Strong audio
I, . Creative and nicely framed. Good First place - Waggener Traditional School - Blake Webber examples of Internet problems. -
f steady shots. Nice match action High School - Danny Beard 8: Very good use of graphics and Graphics could be easier to read -
_ editing. Good sequential shoot— Lauren Dillman effects. Nice cut-ins and easy to - especially the first one.
ing. Crossed axis once. Good, steady, well-lit video. Good follow. Good audio. Also good Third place - Montgomery
. angles. Informative, brief bites. matched action. Well edited and County High School - Afton
‘_ Category 2 Narration needed a little more put together. Framed well. Fairchild
. Newscast energy. Camera movement on Second place - South Oldham Creative and visually engaging.
3. First place - South Oldham High closing shot was poorly timed. High School - Blake Webber Good fundamental Visual story-
; School - TV broadcast team 2004- Second place - South Oldham Black and white effects were very telling with appropriate effects.
05 High School - Ally Davisson nice; however, sometimes too Effective, humorous promotion
Good story content. Good variety Excellent job of ”referencing the dark. Very nice close-ups and dra— for yearbook.

 MAY 2006
KHSJA Contest 2005 - Page 5
Honorable Mention - Graves jump cuts and screen dissolves. interviewees to face the camera First place - Graves County High f
County High School - Barrett Honorable Mention - Grayson more -- you want 95 percent of the School - Julie Samples 8: Kayla 1
Wilson County High School — Seth face. Sanderson 31
Nicely shot, simple but effective Stewart Nice variety of video. Steady 5
video. Well acted. Opening Ambitious, moody piece. Category 7 shots, good cover of topic, good
graphic is a little too involved. Creativity evidence. Even for a News Feature Package info. Old still photos added depth Z
You’re asking a lot of viewer to mood piece, some shots were far First place - Graves County High to story. Ambitious effort. Change 3
. read your selection and stay for too long. Opening shot would School -Andrew Morgan locations if you’re interesting the f
the video. have benefitted from occasional Creative, stylish and focused. same person throughout the f
cut-ins -- extreme close-ups of Shot and edited like an MTV true piece. Jump cut exposure could 7i
_ Category2 central object-subject. life documentary. Good use of have been better. ,-
Newscast natural sound, photographs. Second place - Montgomery
First place - Graves County High Category4 Strong close. Nice job showing County High School - Lizzie }
School - WGCE staff Humorous Feature Tim in different places. Watch for Ratliff ;
Good. Generally good production First place - Montgomery County jump cuts. Move Tim out of frame Good, steady, well-exposed 5
values. Lots of information. Good High School —Afton Fairchild before we see him again. This video. Good variety of shots. 3
' topics for Video pieces and fea- Good editing. Nice sequences. would make the piece stronger. Narration matched Video nicely. }
tures. Lighting could have been Great use of music and sound. Second place - Montgomery Good standup bridge and good to 3
improved on male anchor. Very funny! County High School - Nate Spicer interview people while they gave. '
Second place - Fern Creek Second place - Daviess County Fun, entertaining and informa- Third place - Fern Creek
Traditional High School — WFCHS High School - Amanda Bable tive. Good job matching narration Traditional High School - Allison
Channel 6 staff Very funny concept that is very to video. Nice variety of sound- Kleinfelter 3
Good, timely information. Good well told. Avoid looking into the bites. Nice action video. Beauty Good information. Good cover.
content with interesting features camera. Use a variety of shots to contest is priceless. Good close. Variety of shots. You are reporting 5
and engaging Video. Get video enhance drama/ comedy. Use Opening shot should have been claims, not facts. Needs attribu- E;
quicker in sports. The anchors music to underscore story and stronger. Drop last soundbite tion. Who says the meals will 5
’ should look like they’re happy to move action. where the guy lists all the coun- taste better? It’s a school board é
be doing their jobs. Smile! Third place - Montgomery ties attending. Avoid facts in claim. 3
a» Third place - Montgomery County High School - Nate Spicer soundbites. You (the reporter) can Honorable Mention -
County High School - Afton Very funny! Excellent parody of a say that. Montgomery County High 3“
Fairchild &Taylor Lansdale documentary. Nice use of cut- Third place - Graves County School -Marisa Back ‘ j
‘ ' Engaging opening. Timely stories. aways and vignettes. Be sure to High School - Justin Bottoms & Good attempt to incorporate nat— 3'
Good to get first video element up use a tripod whenever possible. Barrett Wilson ural sound. Good variety of visu- l
quickly. Good story content. Two Beware of excessive headroom! The Video in this story rocks. als. Audio on speeches was ”hol- 3‘
problems -- poor exposure on Video is a little dark in places. Great for high school level. Shots low.” One interview was badly 3
Halloween feature and frequent Honorable Mention - Graves are all different. Nice angles and underexposed and should not 3
jump cuts in video packages. County High School - Barrett variety of camera’s height. Very have been used. One jump cut. :
Unnatural movement in action. Wilson creative.
Good job. . Category 10 5
Category 3 Category 8 Sports Package '
Music Video or Short Video Category 5 Sports Feature Package First place - Graves County High 2;
First place - Montgomery County Newsmagazine First place - Montgomery County School - Barrett Wilson 3
High School - Marisa Back & First place - Graves County High High School - Nancy Stone Nice shots of members of cross ’5
Samantha Mudd School - Amy Motheral Good natural sound open. Wrote country team. Very nice inter— 5
. Good angles and good close-ups. Nice news flow and content. well leading to bites. Bites were views. The music is OK but pack- ;
Good lip sync. Creative and fun Magazine had very clean look quick and up soon. Camera age could have been done with- 5
to watch. Could have used more and topics were timely. movement following action. out it. If you want to use the 5
cut-ins. Second place - Montgomery music turn it down. Change the j .
. Second place - Montgomery Category 6 County High School - Taylor direction the interviees are facing. ‘ 4
County High School - Taylor Documentary Lansdale Watch your focus. Very nicely
Lansdale First place - Graves County High Good delivery, nice writing. Good done. A little more energy. 3
Creative with appropriate use of School-Barrett Wilson clear audio. Needed more shot Second place - Montgomery 3
effects. Occasional exposure prob- Superb work for a high school selection. County High School - Ellie Parker 3 1
lem. A few shots with too much student. Excellent use of the Third place - Montgomery Nicely put together. Very good
headroom. medium. Well paced, good natu— County High School - Lucy standup. Ms. Parker should do
Third place - Montgomery ral sound open to get attention. Cowden the opening. Well written script.
'County High School - Taylor Good bites. Excellent and appro- Good shot selection. Good light- Use the same amount of energy 1
Lansale priate use of graphics. Good fun- ing. Wrote well into bites. Audio used in the standup while reading f5:
Engaging opening. Good match damental example of Videogra- wasn’t very clear. the script. Very good. Be a little :
action editing. Video built around phy with close-ups and match more personable. f
sequences. Good use of dissolves. action editing. Stay aware from Category9 Third place - Fern Creek f .
Nice Visual storytelling. Watch walls during interviews. Get News Package Traditional High School - Aaron 5‘

 ; MAI 2008
,_ Page 6 ° KHSJA Contest 2005
‘ Holmberg objects in foreground. Flaw -— Category 1
Very nicely written. Need more occasionally crossed axis. Newswriting Category 4
energy and enthusiasm in reading Third place - Graves County First place - Berea Community Review
, and stand up. Make sure video is High School - Heather Moon High School - Tess Smallwood First place - Danville High School
: matched up with the script. Good steady shooting. Well Had all the right ingredients. - Molly Weston
Natural sound would help this framed shots. Good creative Second place-Berea Community Very well written. Good use of
piece become more personable. angles. Good visual storytelling. High School - Tess Smallwood language and in a mature way.
. Very nice shots. Some shots ran too long. Focus Nice story on Katrina efforts. Second place - Berea Community
: - Oldham County High School — was soft occasionally. A few shots Third place - Berea Community High School - Jesse Montgomery
’ Kyle Menaugh were underexposed. Crossed axis High School - Lilly Belanger Very nicely developed review.
Wrote well to Video. Good natural badly on one edit. Nice job. Third place - Glasgow High
sound, good lighting, good Honorable Mention - Graves Honorable Mention - Danville School - Phil Freeman
' action. Camera work needs to be County High School - Zach Ladd High School - Sarah Vonderbrink Appropriate topic for a high
: steadier. Good natural sound opening to Nice lead. school paper. Your point well '
3 engage audience. Good match made in an organized, well-writ-
Category 11 action editing. Nice use of Category 2 ten fashion. ‘
_' V0 or Vo/sot sequences. Good closeups. Some Feature Writing Honorable Mention - Mercy .
First place-Montgomery County shots ran too long. First place - Berea Community Academy High School - Ashley
High School - Taylor Lansdale High School - Jesse Montgomery Biven
} Referenced the video nicely. Category 13 Well written. Good information -- While the columnwas organized
_ Narration and video always Newscast (Radio) can tell lots of research went into well, the closing was not strong.
f matched. Good action footage. NO ENTRY story. Nice headline. Good job.
‘ Good energy in voice-over. Second place - Mercy Academy Category 5
: Needed cutaways of crowd to Category 14 High School - Emily Crabtree Sports Writing -
visualize emotion. Overwritten. DJ show Nicely done! Informative and First place - Walton-Verona High
. Go easy on the adjectives. Wordy, Certificate of Merit - Montgomery well written. Very timely topic School - Evelyn Tandy
unnecessary lead-in to sot. County High School - Taylor especially for teens. Well written, clever headlines.
Second place - Montgomery Lansdale Third place - Glasgow High Well researched and presented
. County High School - Afton High-energy on-air presentation. School — Jane Marsh stats in an interesting way. Good
Fairchild 8: Ashleigh Donaldson You might slow your delivery just A burning issue is a clever head- job!
' Referenced video in most cases. a bit so you sound less rushed. line. Well written. Nice job of Second place - Mercy Academy
Easy to follow narration. Good Borderline monotone -- at times. research collecting. High School — Katie Mincey '
. variety of shots. Avoid jump cuts But overall, nice effort. Keep Good job! Well written! Good
-- keep cam steady. working on your delivery. If you Category 3 lead into story.
Third place - Montgomery want to pursue this, you could see Editorial Writing Third place - Danville High
. County High School - Taylor some opportunities coming your First place - Berea Community School - Sarah Vonderbrink
_‘ Lansdale way. High School - Elyse Litton Good lead into sports story. The
. Good referencing video with nar- The clear winner! Well headline was creative. Well writ-
ration. Good action shots. Good Category 15 researched, organized and urges ten.
energy and sense of urgency in Sports Play-By-Play students to take a specific course .
the narration. Marred by shaky Certificate of Merit - Graves of action. This editorial addressed Category6
1 Video. Pans to scoreboard don’t County High School - .Michael an issue in hopes of enlightening Newspaper Photography
- work. Need cutaways of crowd. Gossum 8: Barrett Wilson the audience. First place - Nicholas County _
3 High—energy presentation. You Second place - Berea Community High School - Walker Mattox
1- Category 12 rely a little too much on sports High School - Jesse Montgomery This entry clearly jumped ahead
’ Videography clichés. Trying slowing your You personalized a bit much -- an of the rest. Nice action, but would '
. First place - Graves County High deliveries just a bit and enunciate editorial is the voice of the paper, prefer a tighter crop.
» School — Barrett Wilson a little more clearly. That would not the writer alone, but regard- Second place - Nicholas County
Excellent example of solid funda— help. Putting your contest entries less this editorial upheld its civic High School - Walter Mattox
mentals. Creative, nicely framed on the CD in what was apparent- duty of watching out for the Again would prefer a more verti—
shots with steady shooting. Good ly an MP3 format made it difficult rights and interests of the readers. cal crop