xt7qjq0stw34_978 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms474 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection Charles Dickens letter to C. B. Phipps, with a proof of the Guild of Literature and Art prospectus text 43.94 Cubic Feet 86 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 22 items Poor-Good Peal accession no. 11453. Charles Dickens letter to C. B. Phipps, with a proof of the Guild of Literature and Art prospectus 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474/Box_9/Folder_87/Multipage3220.pdf 1854 July 26 1854 1854 July 26 
  Scope and Contents

Peal accession no. 8984.

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( nu(L//(% 7 ,, fivflé-/fl 43:! c/ .5 Widen/7‘ (Of/.4320 t/L- * JW Vépd ZI/K’prv/‘é/L‘ - ‘ ,/ )fuw [2/1/4745 QM humor fif fab/5‘5?“ K VWMwfl/ng /4 :%Q L/ ~;_ '_1' “12:“. [ROUGH PROOF-CONFIDENTIAL. GUILD 0]? LITERATURE AND ART. Guilt Hf Elitmlm mm gm. + Pnicsuucxr—Sir Edward Dulwer Lytton, Burt, M.P. V'iee-Funsmz;N'r-—lllr. Charles Dickens. 1 GUILD rune): FUND—His Grace the Duke ire) K. Lnd Professor John Wilson. I TRUSTEES or Tl of Devon. TRUSTEE$ or ’l‘llE Assan ,1; PROVIDEN‘I' AUGMENT " 0N FUXD— The Right Honourable Earl Granville, and Professor Owen, RES. TRUSTEES or THE Pnovmlax’r SICKNESS FUND—Sir Charles East- I;Lke. PrL dent of the Royal Academy of Arts, and Sir William Hamilton. 'l'mzAsvmzn—Illr, Charles Knight. Aumrors—Mr. George Clones, and Sir Alexander Duff Gordon, Hoxonmn‘ CUNSULTIVG Ac’rumY—Professor AugustusDeMorgnn, anoxmm’ SECRETARY—MY. William Henry Wills. Imxomun' SoiJe1T01z~lllL Frederic Ouvry, F.S.A. immans—Mcssrs. Coutts and (30., Strand. COUNCIL. I'll): Gilbert Abbot a’Beekett. Sir William Hamilton. Mr. John Absolon. Mr. Charles Knight. Mr. Thomas ()ldham Barlow. Mr. Mark Lemon, Mr. Robert Bell. Sir Edward Bulwer Lytten, 28111 W, Wilkie Collins Bart, MJ’. My, Dudley Costello. Mr. Patrick Mncdowell, R.A. Mr. Peter Cunning-ham. RSA. Professor Owen. F. RS. His Gmee the Duke of Devon- )Ir. F‘lnrkson Stanfield, RA. Mr. F wink Stone. ARA. 1 bl rles Dickens Mr, William Telbin. ‘ir Chm L. Ezistlnke. BRA. Sir Jus. Emerson Tennent. A . Egg, A.R.A. Mr. John Tenniel. Mr. John F ster. Mr. F. W. Tnpham. The Right Honourable Earl , Mr. W, Henry Wills. Granville. Professor John Wilson. Mr. Thomas Grieve. NOTE—The President and other Officers of Tim GUILD (except the Actuary and Solicitor) are constituted by the Rules, Members of the Council ex nfirlo. OFFICES—“'IJLLINGTON Cnlmnmns) 1t), LANCASTER PLACE. STRAND, DONORS AND SUBSCRIBERS. .__._ i HER. lllAJESTY THE QUEEN AND His ROYAL IIIGHNEES PRINCE ALBERT, .5150. Acting and publishing copyright of the comedy, “ Not So Bad As We Seem, " presented to the Society by its au- thor, Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton, and which pro- duced ........ Aumteursafthe GUILD OF LITERATURE AND ART; the pro» cccds of their per- formances 01‘ the comedyot"‘NntSo Bud As We Seem," written bySir Ed- ward Bulwcr Lyt- ton, and the farce of Mr. “ Nightv iugale’s Diary ;" written by Mr. C. Dickens and Mr. Mark Lemon, . M. Allan, Esq., Mau- chcster .......... G. Arkle, ESL}, Liver- pool ............ Sir Elkaua Armitngc, Manchester ((m.) Dr. Ainsworth, Man» Chester ((m.) . . . . c 5 to N: 8‘ 0 to (I. 55000 3065 11 11 J. Adshcad, Jun. Esq, Manchester am.) E. Buckley, Jim” Mau- chestcr (ll 1;.) . . . . Ditto ditto (ale/L.) . . . . E. T. Bellhonse, Es<1., Manchester (rm) James Bardslcy, Manchester ((Ln.) Lady Chantrey ...... Mrs. A. Chambers James Crosslcy, Esq., Manchester Om.) Charles Dickens, Esq. l“. D. Darbyshire, Esq, Manchester ...... Mr. T. Eeles . . . Sir Charles Eastluke. . Robert Ferguson, Esq., Czirlisle ((Ln.) Thus. Fairbuirn, Esq., Manchester ((m.) J. W. Gilbnrt, Esq. .. The Hon. W. B. Grey Lady Grey .......... G. T. Gallop, Esq, Bel‘minster ...... Henry Hallam, Esq. . . (‘r. M. Hicks, Esq. . Henry Howe, Es< 1. Dr. Messrs. Hinks & Wells, Birming— ham ............ £ a 1 1 2 2 3 10 1 l 1 1 10 10 10 0 2 2 52 10 10 0 2 2 5 5 1 1 2 ‘2 10 10 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 5 2 2 00 see o oo o F o 000 oooc oooo J. C. IIarter, Manchester ((171,) Oliverllcywood, Esq, Manchester (1111.) Dr. J. W. Hudson, Manchestel (071.) Mr. Thomas Johnson, Manchestel John Kenyon, E. . Lieut. Gen. 811 Edwd. Ke1rison, K C. B. M.P., and Lady Kerrison ...... Sir Fitzloy and Lady Kelly ...... E. R. La 1., 113', Esq , M anehester Ditto (an. .......... J. Littlcdale, Esq, the Mayor of Li- verpool .......... J. D. Lewis. Esq. Nicholas Mitchell,Esq. H0111 I113l1ew, Esq. Charles Moxon, Esq. (a 11 ) ............ Miss Har ' ' neau ............ J. Barnes, Esq, the Mayor of Man— chester .......... John Mayson, Esq, Manchester ...... Ditto (c171. ...... . John Noble, Esq. Samuel Ogden, Esq, Manchester (am) Esq, ' 1 10 are: H 10 H03 Hqu 20 2 1 0 l o 1—‘1—‘00 01 o ._1 2 1 O 1 oooo oo o 0 Coco ooooo J. H. Phillips, Esq, llavertbrdwest .. J 01111 Partridge, Esq. Sir John Potter, Man- Chester (1171.) T. b'. Potter, Esq, Manchester ((111,) Joseph Peel, Esq, Manchester (1111.) Samuel Rogers, Esq. . Francis Robinson, Esq.,1 Manchester H. Till NRobe Esq, Manchester ((1.71) F. B. Sharp, Esq, Manchester (am) Solis Schwabe, Esq, Manehestel (cm) ,_.1 C10 mb-‘Nw 2 Gemge Tomline, Esq. 100 G. M. T11ey Esq... Edmund ’l‘ootal, Esq. , Manchester (1111.) TheDowagerCountess of Westmoreland The Hon. R. Watson, Rockingham Cstl. “A W ell- Wisher, ” by Ml. Dudley Cos- te llo ............ “A Gentleman, ” by Mr. Mitchell . . . . 2 5 10 oomwoo cooooo ooccooooo o Subscriptions and Donations are waived by the TREASURER, and by the IIONORAEY SECRETARY at the Ofiice of the GUILD or LITERATURE AND ART, Messrs. Cou’m's and 00., Strand. 10, Lancaster Place, and by m Bunkers, ADDRESS. _§_ THE Council of the GUILD on LITERATURE AND ART submit the following pages to their brethren and to the public, in the confidence that the objects they have in View will be respected, and that the means by which it is sought to attain them will be at once justly and generously examined. The objects of the Society are these :——-To encourage Life and Annuity Assurance among its members on more favourable terms than such insurers could obtain without its aid; to assist its members in temporary distress to pay their premiums when they become due ,' to establish a Provident Sickness Fund; to endow an Institution which shall have at its disposal certain resi— dences and annuities, to which only members (and, as to annuities, only the widows of members) shall be eligible to be elected; which shall not be an Institution of an eleemosynary character, but with which some popular service shall be associated, and from which the public shall derive educational advantages. The Council, having these ends in view, have endea- 6 vourcd to make the Rules and Tables so plain as that they shall express themselves. They have been framed with a careful desire to combine the experience of the best existing Institutions, and to avoid all hazardous enterprise, however promising. In adhering to the original intention of by no means erecting the Guild into a new and separate Life Assurance Office, the Council have been confirmed by the best practical advice. It is hoped that the eligibility of members is defined in terms not inconsistent with the comprehensive spirit of the Arts; and also that, in the division of the Society’s Funds, and the prospective establishment of the Guild Institution, it will be seen that the Association is content to pursue its highest object through a course of steady and patient usefulness. The merits of such a scheme as that which is now propounded, can only be tested by a calm inquiry into the soundness of its details, and the good results that may come of them. Forbearing to appeal to the feelings either of their own order or of the public, the Council submit the result of their best consideration to both. 10, LimeAsrrm PLACE, October 10, 1853. >—c\v cru- c r—lmco-u RULES. _*_. I.——NAME. It having been determined to establish a society under the 48th section of the act of Parliament entitled, An Act to Consolidate and Amend the Laws relating to Friendly Societies (13 and 14 Victoria cap. 115). 1. It has been also determined that the Association shall be called The Guild of Literature and Art. IL—PLACE OF BUSINESS. 2, That the business of the society shall he Conducted, for the present, at Wellington Chambers, No. 10, Lancaster Place, Strand, in the County of Middlcscx. III.—MEMBERS. 3. That the members of the society shall consist of elected members and honorary members. 4. Elected Members.——Uantlidates for election into the society must be followers of literature as a profession ; hat is to say, writers of either sex, of books not being trans» lations, (translations from the aneientand Eastern languages excepted), and writers in periodicals. Also writers of dramatic and other theatrical pieces, not being translations or adaptations from any foreign language. The right of exclusion in any individual case is reserved to the council ; but, if exercised, the reason for its exercise sliallbe expressly 8 stated in the minutes of the day. Also, followers of Art as a profession; that is to say, exhibitors of either sex, of works of original design in painting or scupture, or architecture at any public exhibition in the United Kingdom ; designers of approved merit for engravers, and engravers. The right of exclusion in any individual case is reserved to the council ; but, if exercised, the reason of its exercise shall he expressly stated in the minutes of the day. It is imperative that candidates included in these definitions, unless assured in other oilices before Christmas, 1853, shall effect assurances through this society in one or other of the three classes enumerated. In the event of candidates being so assured elsewhere, they must subscribe to The Guild Provident Sickness Fund. The minimum of assurance to qualify a candidate for election is fixed at £100. Members not assured through this society shall produce their receipts of premiums paid, whenever called upon by the council to do so. All members allowing their policies to lapse from non-payment of premiums, shall forfeit by such failure all claim to the benefits of the society, and shall cease to be members of it. The names of persons applying to become members to this society with a reference to at least one member of the Guild, shall he entered in :1. candidates’ book at least one month before the council proceed to election. Each candidate is required to pay, on being elected, an entrance fee ol‘two guineas. 5. [[olwrary lllcmbcrs shall consist of subscribers of not less than one guinea annually, and of donors of not less than ten guineas to the object of the society, without being par- tieipators in any of the pecuniary benefits it offers to elected members. They will, however, have the privilege of at— tendingr an annual meeting of the members of the Guild for the purpose of receiving a report of the year’s proceedings. Each honorary member will be further entitled to a free admission to any lectures or meetings for popular instruction that may take place under the direction of the Institution. Under the same conditions physicians not being,r subscribers or donors, whose gratuitous advice and assistance may be 9 granted in connexion with the Sickness Provident Fund, may also be appointed honorary members. IV.—OBJECTS. 6. That the Society shall carry out three objects ; Firstly, Life and Annuity Assurance; Secondly, Provision for its Elected Members duringr Sickness ; Thirdly, The Endowment of an Institution to be called “ The Guild Institution.” 7. Assurance—The Society will obtain Assurances on Lives, Assurances for securing deferred Annuities, and Assurances for Endowments at all ages, according to tables hereunto annexed (pp. 10', 17, and 18). Although all pro- posals for assurance in connexion with the Guild will be submitted to its secretary; and although all premiums will be paid through him; the Society itself will not assure Lives, Deferred Annuities, or Endowments; but will con- fide the whole management and responsibility of those branches of its business to The National Provident Insti- tution, as a mutual Assurance Office, the profits of which are divided among the Assurers. Upon such assurances the Guild will receive a commission of five per cent, without any cost to the Assurer; who could not, it is to be under- stood, obtain such allowance for himself or herself. This item of receipt will be carried to the credit of the Society, and a form a part of the general fund to be appropriated as hereafter-mentioned. 8. The Guild Provident Sickness Fund—The Society will receive payments from elected members, according to tables hereunto annexed (page 19), for provision in sickness, the ratio of such provision to be governed by the condition of this special fund at the time an invalided member may apply to receive it : no such member to be entitled to draw from the fund until he has subscribed to it two years; unless the sickness on account of which the claim is made shall have arisen from accident. 9. The Guild Institution—The Society Will at a future time, hereinafter specified, establish and endow an Institu- tion, having at its disposal annuities to which only members 10 (and as to annuities only, the widows of members) shall be admissible; of which the object will be to associate an honourable rest from arduous labours with the discharge of congenial duties in connexion with popular instruction. It will also erect a limited number of free residences, on land to he] resented for this purpose by the President of the Guild, and which will be occupied by the male annuitants elected on this foundation. V.-——FUNDS. 10. That the Society’s fund,* derivable from invested capital, from future donations and subscriptions, from members’ fees, from per centages on Life Policies, from Bequests, or from any other source, except contributions to the sickness fund, be divided into two equal portions,'the first to be called The Assurance and Provident Augmentation Fund ; the second to be called the Guild Institution Fund, subject to the exceptional condition to be stated. ll. Tire Assurance and Provident Augmentation Fund.— The first moiety of the Society’s Funds shall be appropriated to three objects ; Firstly, to render temporary assistance to members by way of loan without interest, towards the payment of their premiums of assurance when they them— selves shall he proved to be unable to meet those demands. Secondly, to aid payments similarly, to The Provident Sickness Fund. Thirdly, to allot once in every seven years all the Society’s residuary profits under these heads, in augmentation of the several advantages originally proposed to be secured by the tables of premiums. 12. Provident Sickness Fuml.——That the fund specially formed as a provision in case of sickness be kept distinct from the other funds of the Society and be self-supporting. That it be disbursed when claimed upon in such proportions (based upon the table set forth in page 19) as its condition will, at the time the claim is made, prudently warrant ; such allowance always being subject to increase out of the Augmen- tation Fund. , * Sec balance-sheet, page 15. 11 13. The Guild Institution Funrl.—The second moiety of the gu‘oss funds of the Society shall be carried for accumula- tion during the term of seven years (subject to the exceptional condition to be presently stated) to the credit of the Guild Institution proposed to be established as aforesaid. At the expiration of the seven years it shall be left to the discretion of the council for the time being, to continue or to vary these dispositions of the Society’s funds ; the power of the council to act upon this discretion being restrained within the objects already set forth in section IV. 14. Exceptional Condition.~—But if at any earlier period than seven years, the fund invested to the separate credit of the Guild Institution shall have attained the amount of four thousand pounds, then it shall become the duty of the council for the time being immediately to apply the interest of that sum to the purposes of the said Guild Institution ; and also to reconsider the aforesaid proportionate dispositions and investment of the Society’s fund ; always subject to their being restrained within the limits defined in section IV. VL—ADMINSTRATIVE BODY. 15. That the management of the Society’s afihirs be confided to a council consisting of not fewer than ten, nor more than twenty elected members; one half of whom shall be literary men, and one half artists. To whom shall be added, in virtue of their office, the President, Vice-president, six Trustees, the Actuary, the Treasurer, and the Secretary. 16. (Miners—That the gentlemen named in the second page of these rules, hereunto annexed, shall be, and shall remain, the President, Vice-President, Tmstees, Auditors, Treasurer, Honorary Secretary and Council of this Society until their respective oflices become vacant by death or re- signation ; and that vacancies occurring from either of those events shall be filled up by election at a general meeting of the members. That all elections take place by ballot ; and that Members of Council being absent from Council Meetings during twelve months, be considered as having resigned their oflice ; but that they may be eligible for re-election. 17. Oouncil.——That the meetings of the council take place 12 at the offices of the Society, No. 10, Lancaster Place, Strand, (or at such other house as the offices may hereafter be removed to) on the last day of during the year. That three members of the council shall at sue meetings constitute a quorum, and be an efi‘ective council for the transaction of the allotted functions of the entire body : including the power of making such bye-laws for the conduct of their meetings as they may deem fit. Notice of proposed bye-law to be sent to the whole council ; it cannot be made a law by the quorum unless a description of it form part of the general summons. That the board so constituted shall conduct the general business of the Society, shall receive applications for loans, shall issue orders for paying premiums or for making other payments out of the Augmentation fund. That all bankers’ cheques shall be signed by the Treasurer of the Society, and counter-signed by the Secre- tary, upon the authority of a minute of the council. The councilshall also decide on claims for the Provident Sickness Fund; and shall, at least once in every half year, appor— tion and set aside the Society‘s fund ; causing and ordering one moiety of it to be invested in the public securities by and in the names of two Trustees to increase the Augmen- tation Fund ; and causing and ordering the other moiety to be invested in the public securities in the names of two other Trustees for the increase of the Guild Institution Fund; the interest on the said Guild Institution Fund to be regularly reinvested to accumulate at compound interest, according to the provisions set forth in Rules 11 and 13. The council shall also, at least once in every half-year, cause and order all monies paid by contributing members into the Provident Sickness Fund to be invested in public securities separately to the credit of that fund in the names of two Trustees associated with this particular trust. 18. Trustees—That the monies now funded in the 3%; per cents government annuities in the names of Charles Dickens and William Henry Wills, be transferred to the names of His Grace the Duke of Devonshire, the Right Honourable Earl Granville, Sir William Hamilton, Sir Charles Eastlake, Professor Owen, and Professor John 13 Wilson, so to stand in trust for the sole use and benefit of this Society in the manner set forth in Rule 17. That the trustees shall further comply with all the lawful requests of the council in regard to the investing, or taking up or changing the stocks of the securities in which such funds shall be invested, or transferring such funds into the names of other Trustees; but that they shall be exonerated from all personal liability for any act done in conformity with the minutes of the Council. 19. T7-casm'er.—That the Treasurer shall receive all entrance fees, premiums, donations, subscriptions and payments to the Sickness Fund, and, as soon as thcylshall amount to twenty pounds or upwards, shall pay them to the account of the Society with its bankers. That he shall supply the council with a cash account once in every month, submitting his books to them, and, if required, producing vouchers. That he shall on the day of in every year, produce an abstract of the accounts of the Society, shewing the balance in his hands, the balance at the banker’s, or money of the Society in the hands of any other persons ; the amount of money due to the Society, with the amount of its funded capital and of any other assets on the one side ; and the particulars of the disbursements throughout the year, on the other. That this abstract or balance-sheet be rendered up to the last day of the Society's financial year. That the Treasurer sign all the bankers’ cheques in accordance with the minutes of the council as set forth in Rule 17. 20. Auditors—That the Auditors shall examine and audit all the accounts of the Society, and verify them by vouchers. 21. Secretm‘y.——That the Secretary, being cal Qlficio present at all council meetings, shall record the names of the mem- bers there present, take minutes of their proceedings which he shall transcribe into a book, in order that they may be authen- ticated by the signature of the Chairman. That he shall receive all proposals for membership, and apprise the members of council, by written notice, of the name and description of each applicant, with the name of his referee at least one week before the day appointed for the election. 14 That he shall also sign all proposals for life assurance, transmit them to the National Provident Institution, and, . as the agent of the National Provident Institution. shall receive five percent. from it upon all premiums paid by members of the Guild of Literature and Art, and hand the amounts to the Treasurer to be added, within one week, to the Society‘s fund. That he shall receive any other sums that may he paid on behalf of the Society, and transfer them to the treasurer within one week at furthest after he has received them. That he shall, if required by the council, pay the various sums voted to members out of the Augmentation Assurance Provident Fund and the Provident Sickness Fund, rendering an account of the same with the acknow- ledgements of receipt once in every month to the Treasurer. That he shall also counter—sign all hankers’ cheques ac- cording to Rules 17 and 1.9. That he shall preserve and keep in an accessible and orderly manner the accounts, documents, books, and papers of the Society, conduct the correspondence, and direct such salaried officers of the Society as may be appointed, in the performance of their several duties. VII.——GENERAL MEETINGS. 22. That on the first day in the month of every year a general meeting of the Society to which not only elected, but honorary members will be invited, shall take place at to receive a statement from the council of the condition and prospects of the Society, and from the Treasurer an account of its finances. 23. Special GmwralMccting.—That if it should appear to a. majority of the counciladvisable to convene at any time a general meeting of the whole body of the Society, then such majority shall deliver a requisition duly signed to the Secretary stating the purpose of the desired general meeting. Whercupon the Secretary shall immediately send a copy of such requisition to each elected member of the Society (not to the honorary members), convening the required meetinér at a date not less than seven days distant from the (late of the notice. At such meeting no other business than that specified in the requisition shall be taken into consideration. BALANCE SHEET, FROM APRIL 3, 1851, TO APRIL 30, 1853. 331:. To Donations from the Amateur performers of the Guild oi Literature and Art, as per account ...................... Donations and Annual Sul.)scrip-)_ tions. ........................ ) Dividends, &c., on Donations and + (Cr. 1; 3. cl. £ 5 .7 By Expenses on account of Guild 3,615 11 11 Fund,foradvertisements,print 393 ll 0 Annual Subscriptions invested} 30 16 0 in 3!; per cents. .............. J. HUTTON, Accountant, 12, Moorgatc Street. 3 i , x . l l £4, 18% 7 11 (Signed) pauses, salaries, furniture, and sundry petty cxpcnsc-n ........ Balance, beingtotnl:unountrccei \‘Cd on account of Guild of Litera- ture and Art, loss expenses incurred ................ I ing, stationery, rout, lmV or}L § 3,700 10 11 GEORGE CLOW ES, LAwlhnrax ALEX. DUFF GORDON, J m 5 .2 A (I. - :a “mu lea pnvahla ~. 2 u 11111110131111. r' 1 AW'Hiwsv-ynble A ~ . ‘ a a 111,550” A 1m 2 Z 2. . Age of 55. Age 0f 60 1mm Dnnlh from 111» until 131-111. mm? E . Z 8 151111;” Amulnl Single A ' ARE“ 65. ' 1111110170 1° 31:5 1111 u. 1 . , 1mm Si 11 1. a -m.‘ . < g )mcn human“. Inymelxls. 12.01“” 11w.."1';.,.“.s1 £31231”- 11:1ngla Annual $11110 5‘8; i I! 32 s I 31111-11111 Pnymenla, “‘ymxcuu. I31111111111 L125 1‘ u 3 21 .~. . (_ 13 s. (I. _ (I. 18 a d numems. man: 8 9.: 22 4'92 29fi 9 “513‘ {:15 £11.11. £ Egg j 130% 94 47190 H109 9 "1 39 1373 0128 "f3 06-5 5:3 1 H< 2:, .11 n -J1 9 1 3 ‘1 013 ‘ 1“ “50 1‘": ' m 2) ,g19~ 331; g r) r 93 1310 0 4 779 ongoo Egg; 9.11.137“, 95 g ' 941 152 “0 7140077423 E :11: 94311 1126 00 g 90 103 011110 8011 0—“ Egg ‘ .1 :31,- 00117 31- 1, 7' an 13:» 01:7 87 ‘— ‘:=." ' to guy-1 r. 19 1-5 3 ~ 0 “ 08a-~~ .—1 $0295 3ng :35 oz 2 73 11910 01?? 311112 0310 8:5! a . 1 9111 . 1 ~ 2 ‘ 1 s . 7 o 9 " '” “mj’n 134.111 417114413? 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Ma 0 H d 2 e A w t E m 1y d 1 .,, a m m ,1 a n m ,m H u a nt 9 m .m m m Ha 1m hm .mi GU. cc Han. m0 mm Jfl s. NW] 0L H...» um ~$6066956000480651153 83601838H06422248314 ....... . . . 111 1 1 1 .......... £33333444555567739mu s w... W U N N A D E R R E F E D R O F s M w M E R P F O E L B A T P h .u sh u M; u o ..h u w £100 18 TABLE OF PREMIUMS FOR THE ASSURANCE VBY THE NATIONAL PROVIDENT OFFICE, PAYABLE AT DEATH. OF EACH .. 1 3 Annual 1 :23“: Premiums. 1 <£‘—'} 1 l :8 s. (E, 1 15 1 15 2 1 10 1 1c 0 1 17 1 10 9 1 18 1 17 7 1 12 1 1s 5 1 20 1 19 1 a 21 2 0 3 1 22 2 1 2 i 23 2 2 2 1 21 2 3 2 1 25 2 4 3 26 2 5 4 27 2 e 6 1 23 2 7 s 1 22 2 s 11 1 30 2 10 2 1 :11 2 11 6 1 1 32 2 12 11 l ‘ :13 2 11 4 11 Amilnl Premiums. 113 .c, (l. {24 ‘2 1-5 10 35 2 17 5 :11; 2 10 0 3T 3 0 9 33 3 2 C- 30 3 4 4 40 3 G 3 41 3 S 4 41‘ 3 10 5 4:) 3 1‘2 7 7H 3 11 11 >15 3 17 4 40 3 19 10 ~17 4 2 5 13 >1 5 2 40 4 S 0 50 4 11 1 51 4 14 3 52 4 17 7 53 62 0?. 6-1 05 (16 07 OS 60 70 Annunl Premiums. £1 S. (l. 5 1 1 5 4 9 5 S S 5 1 1 HGH‘IIC \IOb-‘KD —I-Y~IDOC>O<:1 ._- 10 17 5 15 a {l 10 10 9 8 4 2 S 12 1 9 0 9 0 10 0 10 0 1 10 11 0 For example : At the age of forty years, (in Assurance of 1000]. may be effected by paying 331. 23. (31L annually ; or, in pro- portionate smaller sums, half-yearly or quarterly miums Include Profits; which at the last valuation of Poli- cies issued by the National Provident Assurance Oflicc ranged from 6 to 80 per cent, (according to the age of the Policies), in reduction of Premiums, or in increase of sums assured. Besides such Profits secured by the National Provident Office, the sums assured may be further increased at the discretion of the Council, out of the Guild Provident Augmentation Fund. All these Pre- GUILD SICKNESS FUND. __°.__ Annual Premiums for £2 per week during Sickness, up to Age 70. A 9:" “Mt Annnnl Premium 3 Ace next Annual Premium l llirl Inlay. 111) to Age 70. l llirthllnyi up Io Age 70. i £ x. (I. i’ s. (I. i ii 3 4 11 5 3 5 ‘- 25 3 0 .3 5 7 5 l 2‘} I 7 10 5 11 (i l 27 3 9 S 5 15 6 ‘ 28 3 11 G G 0 4 20 3 3 8 6 5 5 30 3 123 11 6 11 3 31 3 13 1 0 17 G 325 4 O 4 7 »l 10 33 4 2 (i 7 12 6 3M 4 4 S S 1 3 33 4 7 E; S 11 7 31’} 4 0 1f) 0 O 0 37 4 1:1 9 9 f) 2 ; :1“ 4 ] fl 1 10 O 2 ' 4 19.3 10 12 s ‘ OBSERVA IONS. The sum of provision in sickness is not due until the Aasnrcr shall have been sick, so as to be incapable of following; his .'\\'0 cations, (luring six weeks; but, it is due, after this preliminary term of sickness, weekly and payable monthly. RELA Psi-1, after one or two intervening Weeks of seeming recovery, is reckoned as: a continuation of sickness. The Council reserves power to reduce the amount of provision in sickness, in every case where the assured member shrill have received the sum usmi‘ed by him [or 78 weeks ; whether in succes- sion or otherwise. Also to reduce the amount ot'provisiun in the 20 case of the fund being—0n account ol'a small number of con tributors to it, or by reason of the occurrence oi‘a greater number of cases 01' sickness than was calculated up0n~too low toatlniit ei'elaiins being paid in full. After any such reduction shall have been made, the Directors have power to incre‘ se payments, if, by addi- tional contributions to it, o ‘ a. diminution of the number