xt7qjq0stw34_954 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms474 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection Thomas Frognall Dibdin letter to Reverend Thomas Wilkinson, with newspaper clipping, Abuse of the Royal Bounty text 43.94 Cubic Feet 86 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 22 items Poor-Good Peal accession no. 11453. Thomas Frognall Dibdin letter to Reverend Thomas Wilkinson, with newspaper clipping, Abuse of the Royal Bounty 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474/Box_9/Folder_63/Multipage3139.pdf 1838 February 27, undated 1838 1838 February 27, undated 
  Scope and Contents

Peal accession no. 8299b.

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[uWMa/Oéc fiévL/meW1/7W“#W A //r(7/L/rflomw “WM/MIA, /Mw[7u~/w¢<7wm~ 1/14/04ij an fit, WW I/AW" #1“ (Jay/1»; 7/}JV‘40MI/LM‘WL1ACW7WW % p. 47.7, amazq MM 24 z ‘ V WW 1:. 1‘» ~ , 7% film/kc £3,4me map/m lama/Q m w A" fwagyé #‘1 LAM/j] fin ,, "’t /, fig .4 1”? /./LV may/QWMZ/Lflé/A‘quM/LWM A 1/ 12% M ZCC W W? 4% l (MW/é. p ‘ m/ W /' «Mo/W a A 77» A / flan/594 1 / [fi/ WM 4 K) 1/! pl 0/1/4514"? / /M c / / 7VI—V‘» W A; // / {KW ( / M Wwpé M féo/v WM/flf/m, Am“ W7 M56 m [a “A /;:~, /L6//Wm}7éq/L W/ 4,7914% m1 a ”4% ”(A [17 ¢M’ MM [Ar/n fl, Mz/[um 0404/71/04” X ' (”/zrmq flmg ABUSE 01“ THE ROYAL BOUNTY. When we see such names as those of Thomas Moore, the author of " Little's Poems,” “ The Fudge Family,” “ ’l‘om Crib's Memorial,” tie, and of Miladi Morgan, néc Owenson, the writer of works to which, for the sake of her sex, we will not particularly allude—when we sec such names stuck on the Pension List by Ministers, as reci— pients of public bounty to the enormous amount of £300 per annum each—we turn with heart—sickening disgust from these proofs of Trea- sury profligacy, to contenmlate the humiliating contrast presented to us in the fact that Sir Egerton Brydges, a man who devoted his high intellectual powers andattaiuments to the improvement of our national literature, and the cultivation and eneou 'agement of a pure, refined, and exalted national taste in literary pursuits—a man who sacrificed a noble fortune to the hope of thus benefitting society—a man of birth, talent, education, and, what was more than all, and above all, a man of unimpeachable moral worth ; yet was he suffered to linger out the declining years of a valuable. life. in exiled penury, and the last hours of his existence were embittered by the certainty that he left his wife and children “ ‘teeped to the very lips in poverty"—such poverty that a private suh. iption has been raised for their relii . Surely, sure 7' this V'ilS a case in which it' ever a pension could worthily he considered as the reward of severe literary toil, it should have been granted ; and yet from him it was withheld. But we can little wonder that such a man found no l'avour in the eyes of Ministers who could select Tom Moore and Lady Moreau as tit and proper objects for the exercise of a Protestant Sovereign's bounty. Sir Egerton Brydges had one fault inexpiable in their eyes—he \vas a stcdl'ast Conservative. But, again, in the streets of London we are daily grieved to see such a man as Tom Dibdiu, whose talents have contributed upwards of one hundred and titty excellent dramatic productions to the rational amuse- ment of the public, and whose loyal songs have long been deservedly popular—a man of irreproachahle private character—the descendant, ’ too, of Charles Dibdin, our unrivalled naval song-writer, whose very name gives his family strong claims upon the sympathy and generous protection of the British GovernInent——when we uch a man bend- ing, not only beneath the weight of age, but of privation and sulfcring iu the winter of his days, we cry shame upon the. Ministers who could leave such worth and talent neglected, whilst Thomas Moore, with £700 a year of his own, and Lady Morgan, with the competence earned by her own Ineretricious scribblings, and by her husband in his drug- shop, are saddled on the public purse for six hundred pounds a year '.