xt7qjq0stw34_5846 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms474 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection Clippings about W. Hugh Peal and his collection text 43.94 Cubic Feet 86 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 22 items Poor-Good Peal accession no. 11453. Clippings about W. Hugh Peal and his collection 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474/Box_84/Folder_13/Multipage45241.pdf 1959-1984, undated 1984 1959-1984, undated section false xt7qjq0stw34_5846 xt7qjq0stw34  





University Information Services
102 Mathews Building
University of Kentucky 40506—0047










Volume 15 Number 7 October 11, 1982

l ( Published by University Information Services


Peal Collection dedication

oleridge,‘WordsWOrth, Lamb.

Robert Southey.

Paul Willis, director of UK libraries,
says the gift of the 15,000-volume
collection and manuscripts of W. Hugh
Peal to the UK library represents “the
finest of 19th century literature,” and
the collection of the four English romantic
poets “will now rank UK'among the best
libraries in the country with the period’s
holdings.” ’ ‘

The collection, gathered by Peal over
a period of more than 50 years, is valued
in the millions of dollars and features
virtually every major American and English
author of the late 19th and early 20th

Dedication of the W. Hugh Peal
Collection will be an afternoon and
evening event of October 15, beginning at
1:30 pm. at the Gallery ——* King Library
North, to be followed later in the day by
a reception and dinner, and an address at
Spindletop Hall by Herman W. Liebert,
noted authority on rare books. _

The dedicatory program in the Gallery,
taking the form of a seminar, will feature
Stephen M. Parrish, speaking on William
Wordsworth; Richard Haven, Ion Samuel
Taylor Coleridge, and Edwin W. Marrs,
onCharles and Mary Lamb. The three
speakers then will join Peal himself in a
panel. - .

Parrish is English‘chairman at Cornell
University and general editor of the
Cornell edition of Wordsworth’s works.
Haven, who has written on Wordsworth,
Lamb and Coleridge, is professor of

English at the University of Massachusetts
at Amherst. Marrs is professor of English
at the University of Pittsburg; he also has
served as vice-president of the British-
based Charles Lamb Society.

Liebert, who will speak at Spindletop
on the topic, “The History and Impor-
tance of Rare Books,” is former director
of the Beinecke Rare Book and Manu-
script Library at Yale University and past
president of the Bibliographical Society
of America.

Offering “remarks” at the Spindletop
dinner will be Robert Nikirk, librarian of
the Grolier Club of the City of New York,
the prestigious American Society of book
collectors and bibliophiles to which Peal
was elected in 1949.

Willis said the Peal gift also includes
original manuscripts, letters and first
editions of such literary figures as Mark
Twain, Charles Dickens, Joseph Conrad,
Thomas Carlyle, Lewis Carroll, Washington
Irving, Sir Walter Scott, Lord Byron “and
many others,” .

He said the Wordsworth letters “are
thought to have comprised the finest
collection in private hands.” —

Also in the collection are letters and
documents of several British statesmen,-
holdings in French literature from the
18th century through the early 20th
century, and “a significant collection of
manuscripts by noted British jurists,”
Willis added.

He said several botanical works in the
collection “reflects Peal’s other hobby,

A‘ number of items from the Fed
collection have been donated to the Uni-
versity over the past 30 years. They v
include the original corrected typescript
of William Dean Howells’s novel, “Their
Silver Wedding Journey,” and a first
edition of W. M. Thackeray’s “Vanity
Fair,” published in 1848. ,

In the present donation are about 90
Lamb manuscripts, more than at the
British Museum in London, approximately
50 Coleridge manuscripts, and/35 Words;
worth manuscripts, which collection has
been cited as the finest in private hands.

Other items include a letter from the
American poet John Howard Payne «-
(author of “Home, Sweet Home”) to
Charles Lamb, and a three-page essay by
Coleridge, written as an undergraduate at
Cambridge on “The Study of History
Preferable to the Study of Natural

Jim Birchfield of the UK libraries said
that “although Mr. Peal’s library contains
many collectors’ items of high interest, it ,.
represents the selection of someone with
serious and specialized interests.”

He said that “in addition to original
editions of famous books, there often are
scholarly biographies of the authors and '
collected editions of their letters which
would be of interest to a dedicated

I _ scholar. But beyond the collectors? items

the Peal collection contains a great‘
number of books of current popular
reading on politics, economics, and topics
of general social interest.”



 L" “‘w

Cucumber Sandwiches



and $63 a. fmonth W...

ou have a lot of memories when
Yyou have worked for the same

employer for 43 years. Most of
Mrs. Josephine Mitchell’s memories are
good. But there are some, of course, that
aren’t so good; we aren’t here today to
dwell on those.

Mrs. Mitchell, who has worked for UK
since 1939, is at the top of UK’s seniority
list. She started out in what was called
farm economics in the College of Agricul-
ture after graduating from Transylvania
College in 1938 with a degree in business.
She worked in farm economics for 14‘
years, transferred to English where she
stayed for 12, then moved over to the
College of Arts and Sciences.

The office of farm economics closed

‘ out record books on farming operations
all over the state. Partners kept the books
"all year and then sent them to UK to be
closed. ‘ ,
She was in A&S for 11 years before

_ moving on to the College of Fine Arts
where she has been employed for six

“My happiest days were when I was in
agriculture}? M Mitchell said Dean

M r .. MM

Thomas Poe Cooper was a stern, dignified
man but we liked him and everyone got
along fine. My first job at UK paid $63 a
month.” . ,
'She said that the College of Agriculture
employees came in at 8 am. in those days

' while the rest of the campus employees

came in at 8:30. The faculty and staff got'
off at 4 p.m. in the summer months.
They worked on Saturdays until noon.

Things were not so rosy in the English
department. Mrs. Mitchell recalls that
there were two secretaries to do all the
secretarial and clerical work for 119
faculty members. That job became a real
grind, she recalls.

Mrs. Mitchell says that with the
exception of the days in the English
department, her experience at UK has
been pleasant and she has many good
memories such as the days when Mrs.
Frank LeRond McVey was hostess for
garden parties at Maxwell Place in the
1940s. ‘

“Mrs. McVey made the best cucumber
and cottage cheese sandwiches I ever

’ tasted,” Mrs. Mitchell reCalls. “In those. . ‘

days of the garden. arties,t_he pace Was .

slower, and the work load for most
employees wasn’t as heavy as it is now.
Of course, the University was much
smaller at that time.”

Mrs. Mitchell is a widow. Her late
husband, William S. Mitchell, was em-
ployed with the U. S. Army Lexington
Signal Depot. She has one daughter, Vara
Ann (Mrs. Allen B. Hardin of Louisville),
and two grandsons, ages four and six.

The long-time ,UK employee’s vacation
time activities usually are spent traveling
in the U. S., but she has traveled to

' England, Scotland, Mexico and Hawaii.

She does needlepoint in her spare time
at home.

Asked to recall something'unusual that
happened to her, she said that she and her
co-workers in farm economics were
scolded by Dean Cooper for growing
marijuana in flower pots in the office
from seed given to them by employees of
the seed lab.

“We called it hemp in thOse days and
we didn’t know it was unlawful to grow it
until Dean Cooper got after us about it.”

... .u‘ 19.: .4.-.


'Who‘ isgth‘isman Hugh Peal?

du might call it a prophetic juxta-
Y position.

' W. Hugh Peal stares from the
pages of the 1922 Kentuckian, UK annual.
There are only three graduating seniors
pictured on the page, because most of the
page is'taken up by an elaborate
engraving — of the Carnegie Library on
the UK campus. .

For the past three decades Peal has
been one of the UK library’s greatest
benefactors, culminating in the recent
gift .of valuable books and manuscripts
of 19th century English literati.

Peal was born at Bandana, in Ballard ”

' County, Ky., only a few miles from

. Monkey’s Eyebrow. To the scuth is
La Center, where he went to high school.
, To the southeast, but in Graves County,
is Wingo, named for Peal’s maternal
great-grandfather, J. J. Wingo. It was this
, man, whom the young Peal knew only
through family tradition, and the town
of Bandana that had the greatest influence '
on Peal the UK graduate, successful
attorney,,gardener and botanist, and
collector of rare manuscripts and books.

The UK graduate gives credit to the
ancestOr for instilling in his descendants
a strong interest in books, as well as in
gardening and botany.

Hugh Peal

Wingo came to Kentucky from Virginia
and settled a wide area which he
developed into a plantation. Every two
years he took the trail to the Old
Dominion with slaves and packhorses and
returned with plants and seeds.

By Paul Owens


As for the town, it was so small that it

. could afford few if any outlets for the

boy interested in reading and other
pursuits cultural.

He once said, “All my family loved to
read, but libraries were small, if they
existed at all, and bookstores were. very

By the time he got to the University
of Kentucky, the thirst for knowledge
had only begun to be whetted. He
became president of the Patterson Literary

., Society, speaker of the Mock Assembly,

secretary-treasurer of the Kentucky Inter-
collegiate Oratorical Assembly, and he
became, Kentucky’s first Rhodes Scholar.
Peal received the Bachelor of Civil Laws
degree from Oxford University in-l925
and later was senior partner in the New
York law firm of Hardy, Peal, Barker and
Rawlings. ,

Peal built up an extensive and quite
valuable library over a period of 50 years

and about 30 years ago began contributing
to the King Library at UK.

By the early 19603 he had given UK
students more than 10,000 books. The
only stipulation was that each student
must promise to‘enter the Samuel M.
Wilson Book. Collecting Contest. The
contest was established by the late Judge
Wilson in his will, in which he left a
generous endowment for yearly prizes to
be awarded the student whose library,
listed in correct bibliographical form, was
judged the best submitted.

Peal wanted to encourage others in the
love for and the collection of books.

After he retired to Woodbum, his
historic home in Loudoun County, Va.,
he brought his collection under one roof.
The estate was sold last year and it
appeared logical that a valuable portion
of the library should be moved to the
University of Kentucky.




By Betty Tevis

at UK, young,

hemistry at UK has had a lean

year or two because of the lean

University budget. But observers
within and outside the department are
optimistic about the future of _a depart-
ment strong in young faculty, funded
~well by outside sources and growing in
national, recognition.

Dr. William F. Wagner, chairman, says

f‘there’s more emphasis now on inter;
disciplinary activity” than at any time in

the past. And new instruments — for mass,

spectrometry, X-ray diffraction, electron
spin resonance spectroscopy, high
resolution nuclear magnetic resonance
and neutron activation analysis ‘ have

’ (friablédizchernist‘i to attack-problems. thatm ;

would have been impossible a decade or
two ago.

Among UK chemists whose research
has a biological bent are: Dr. Allan
Butterfield, working with cell membranes;
Dr. W. T. Smith, studying biological
activity in pesticides and herbicides and
also looking at anti-cancer compounds;
Dr. James O’Reilly and gas chromato-
graphic analysis of respiratory gases in
dental patients, and Dr. William Ehmann
and his study of trace element relation-
ships to diseases affecting the human
brain, and to the aging process.

And other UK chemists share research
projects with other UK departments:
Dr. Loren Tolbert With biochemistry, Dr.
Stan Smith with pharmacy, Dr. Steven
Yates with physics, Drs. Butterfield and
Ehmann with the Sanders-Brown Research
Center on Aging, Drs. Smith and J. M.
Patterson with the Tobacco and Health
Research Institute. ' '

Dr. James Holler, interested in the
applications of mini- and micro-computers
to chemical problems, has been funded

. by a computer manufacturer to design
' software packages.

Dr. Robert Guthrie, professor, touches‘
on another chemistry plus: “Right now
our undergraduate program is as good as
any in the country. And our students
with B.S. degrees go on to the best
graduate schools in the country.”

A reason for this“ undergraduate
excellence appears to be the department's
traditional emphasis on teaching. Dr._
Carol Brock, associate professor, says
“Our teaching is very good: the quality of


instruction, help offered by professors, .
making clear to the student what our
standards are. . . . ”

And, adds Dr. Brock, “Our people are
doing their work, despite obstacles.
They’re getting interesting things done.
We have some bright young professors.”

Dr. Joseph Wilson, associate professor
of chemistry and director of graduate
studies, feels “more optimism than I
have in years.” Wilson is buoyed by the
fact that “next year we’ll be adding four
or five new faculty. They’ll be young, like
the/other new, young and productive
faculty we’ve added in the past few
years. . . . ”

Wilson is cheered too by recent
meetings of the department’s planning.
committee, marked, he says by “creative
ideas and unanimity.”

Chemistry offers two baccalaureate
degrees: A.B."for pre-med‘and other

related career tracks; B.S. for professional

, vehemiSESIUKk«BISwirFéhemist‘i'ryéfififi‘l—“W "5 '

with it certification by theArnerican '
Chemical Society (ACS).

The department also confers M. S. and
Ph.D. degrees.

Dr. Gary Weisman, now an assistant

\ professor at the University of New
Hampshire, began doing research in
professors’ labs while still a UK sophomore.
That, opportunity for research as an

undergraduate, plus “excellent‘instruc-
tion,” distinguished his UK days, he says.

Dr. Ainslie T. Young (Ph.D. 1971),
now head of the polymer chemistry
section for Los Alamos (NM) National
Laboratories, says the philosophy of
approaching problems he learned at UK
has been “very fruitful in my career.” At
UK he had “extremely capable teachers
and guidance.”

Dr. George Pendygraft followed his
Ph.D. (1972) with a law degree from
Columbia University, now practices in
Indianapolis, largely environmental law.
“I use every day,” he says, “what I
learned at UK.” '

Wagner sums up: “The departmeht has
a lot of potential for the future. We have
an exceedingly good young faculty and
with proper support we can expect great ‘
achievements from them. Several already
are nationally and internationally

“With additional support we should be
able to be recognized along with the best~
departments in the country. Although
we’ve had to deal with adversity in the
past several years, our productivity,
interest and response to teaching has been


By Jackie Bondurant


Silk screen printing of fabrics is|an important part of the curriculum for
‘ people majoring in Human Environment: Design and Textiles at the UK
College of Home Economics. ~ ' '









Melanie Sovine, a cultural anthropol-
ogist now working in the Appalachian
Regional Hospital in Harlan, will per-
form a program of folk music at 8 pm.
Thursday, Oct. 14, in the Recital Hall -
of the Center for the Arts.

Ms. Sovine’s performance is spon-
sored by the UK Appalachian Center.

A native of east Tennessee, Ms. So-
vine will perform religious folk hymns
and ballads as well as old mountain vo-
cals in the traditional a cappella (un-
accompanied) style which she leamed in
churches and from her family.

Oct. 11
Exhibit, 30 Navajo blankets from the

. collection of Anthony Berlant, an au-

thority on the Navajo culture. Art Mu"-
seum, UK Center for the Arts. Hours are
noon to 5 p.m., daily except Monday.

. Continues through Oct. 24.

Movies, at the Student Center Wor-
sham Theater, “Taxi Driver," Oct. 7
through Oct. 13 at 6:45 p.m.; “Being
There,” Oct. 7 through Oct. 13 at 8:45

m.; “Amacord,” Oct. 14 to Oct. 20 at
6:30 p.m.; “Taps,” Oct. 14-through Oct.
20 at 8:45 p.m.; and “Rock and Roll
High School,” Oct. 15 and Oct. 16 at
11 pm. Admission to movies is $1.25.
Buy tickets on the day of the show, first
floor, Student Center addition.

Seminar, “The Winged Word: The
Music in My Life,” Arthur Graham, UK
School of Music, 7:30 p.m., Room 137,
Chemistry-Physics Building.

Exhibits, “Choice Painting Invita-
tional,” featuring works by four merit _
award winners, Center for Contemporary
Art, RinerArts Building, Hmi‘rs 3,:de
a.m. to 4 p. 111. ,Monday through Friday,
and noon to 5 p.m., Saturday and Sun-

Short course, “Resume Writing," 5 to
7 p..,m for information, call the UK
Community Education office, 257 -3294.
Registration fee" is $5.

, Oct. 12

Seminar, “Mechanism, and Stereo-
chemistry of Glyoxalase 1," John W. Ko-
zarich, Yale University pharmacology de-
partment, 4 p.m., Room MN-563, Medi-
cal Center.

Faculty recital, Daniel Mason, violin,
8 p.m‘., Recital Hall, Center for the Arts.

Workshop, “From Script to Produc-

n ” how plays are produced. 7 p.m.,



Send calendar items to Avery Jenkins, 1B Mathews Bldg. 00471. Deadline Noon Monday.

Room 6, Fine Arts Building. Registra-
tion $6. For information, call 258-4929.

Council on Aging Forum, “Living
with Parkinson’s Disease,” 4 p.m., Room
245, Student Center. Jorman D. Bass,
chairman, UK neurology department.

Self-improvement Program, “Helping
Young People Through the Turbulent
Teens,” each Tuesday, Oct. 12 through-
Nov. 16. Registration is $50 per person,
or $80 per couple. For information call

Short Course, “Planning and Pro-
ducing Slide-Tape Presentations,” each
Tuesday from 7 to 9 p.m., Oct. 12
through Nov. 9. For information, call
Susan Byars, 25 7-3294.

Oct. 13
Seminar, “Planning Your Financial
Future,” a free seminar (one of three)
for UK faculty and staff who want to

‘ know more about investing wisely. 3:30

p.m. to 5 p.m., Room 245, Student Cen-
ter. Topics will be financial goals, effects
of inflation and taxes, life insurance,

money market funds, and tax free bonds.

Oct. 20 topics will be common stocks

- and mutual funds. Oct. 27 topics will be

tax deferred annuities, limited partner-
ships, individual retirement accounts,
and developing a financial plan. The in-
structor will be investment broker Mi-
chael W. Allen. Sponsored by UK chap-
ter of AAUP. '

Seminar, “Transition State and Sui-
cide Inhibitors of Zinc Proteases,“ Rich-
ard Galardy, UK biochemistry depart-
ment, 4 pm. Room MN—442, Medical

Short course, “Effective Interview-
ing Techniques" (for job seekers),5

g- “,1qu 7 rp.m.,..R.cmm,1201, uMatlie‘azs

Building. For information, call 257-

Short course, “Ewe Profit School,”
9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Coldstream Farm,
Newtown Road. For information, call
Monty Chappell, 257-2716.

UK Woman’s Club; Moms '11 Tots,
10 a.m., home of Jeannie Freeman, 505
Chinoe Rd., phone 266-4775.

Oct. 14
Concert, Melanie Sovine . . . in
Concert Again!, 8 p.m., recital hall, Cen-
ter for the Arts. Free.
Seminar, “Investing for the Small

' Investor,” first session, 7 p.m., E. S.

Good Barn. Second session, 7 p.m., Oct.
21. Sponsored by the Fayette County

Cooperative Extension Service. Regis-
tration fee is $3. For additional infor-
mation, call 255-5582.

Seminar, “Initiation of Bacteriophage
T7 DNA Replications,” Charles Richard-
son, Harvard University, 4 p.m., Room
MN—263, Medical Center.

Afro-American Film Festival, “Bustin
Loose,” and “Transmagnifican Damba-
muality,” free admission, 7:30 p.m., Stu-
dent Center Theater.

Council on Aging Forum, “Food for
the Future,” John W. Tuttle, UK animal
sciences department. 4 p.m., Room 245,
Student Center.

UK Woman’s Club, Welcome Com-
mittee hosts a wine and cheese pre-
theater party at 6:30 pm. the home of
President and Mrs. Otis Singletary, Max-
well Place. The play, “Laronde,” Gui-
gncl theatre, 8 pm. followed by a party
for the cast and crew. For reservations
call 266-3654.

UK Woman’s Club, Potpourri Group,
Walnut Hill Church, 5 75 Walnut Hill
Road. 11:30 a.m., there will be a talk on
‘the history of this old church. $4 for pic-
nic lunch. Send reservations to Mary Ul-
mer,‘ 1701 Williamsburg Road, 40504.

Oct. 14 - 15

UK Woman’s Club, Ways and Means .

Committee, 9:30 a.m., each day, home
of June Denemark, 2076 Bridgeport,
phone 269-1231. Committee will serve
lunch to all who come and help address

the flyer for the annual Holiday Greeting.

Workshop, “Accounting for Non-
Accountants,” 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.,
Room 105, Commerce Building. Regis-
tration $225. For additional information

Oct.14, 15, ‘16, 21, 22 and 23

Theater, “Laronde,” a delightful
comedy of manners, 8 p.m., nightly,
Guignol Theatre, Fine Arts Building. Ad-
mission 34 for non-students and $3 for

students. For information, call 257-3297.

Oct. 15
Seminar, “Money, Government Debt,
and Investment,” 3 p.m., Room 222,
Commerce. Douglas McMillin, assistant
professor of economics.

Oct. 15 - 16
Dedication, the W. Hugh Peal Collec-
tion of rare books and manuscripts will
be presented to the UK libraries in a pro-
gram beginning at 1:30 p.m., in the Gal-

lery, King Library North. There will be
a seminar on the early romantics. A re-
ception at Spindletop Hall will commen-
ce at 7 pm. and dinner will be served at
7:30 pm. Herman W. Liebert, former
director of the Yale University rare book
and manuscript library, will speak at '
8:30 pm. His topic will be “The History
and Importance of Rare Books.” Dinner
reservations $12.50. Afternoon program
is free. For information call 257-3801.
Continuing Education, “Mineral
Law,” College of Law. For information,

call 258-2921.

Oct. 17
Concert, Kodaly String Quartet of
Budapest, Hungary, Central Kentucky
Chamber Music Society, 8 p.m., recital
hall, Center for the Arts. Admission $15.
Outing “Race Judicata,” a three mile
run and picnic at Spindletop Hall, spon-
sored by the Kentucky Law Journal.
Open to all members of Kentucky’s legal
community. Registration is $4 for stu-
dents, and $8 for non-students. For in-

formation, call 257-4747.

Oct. 18
Seminar, “Teaching ‘Western Civiliza-
tion’: A Defense,” Lewfi W. Spitz, Stan-
ford University, 7:30 p.m., Room 137,
Chemistry-Physics Building.

Housing for faculty, staff

All'housing listed herein is for rent or
sale without regard to the applicant’s
race, creed or national origin. Limit on
ads is 30 words.

For rent: House in Ft. Myers, Fla.;
seaside, three-bedrooms. Completely
furnished. $325 weekly, or $1,000
monthly. Available immediately. Call

. 272-1188 after 4 pm.

For rent: Three bedrooms, two baths,
air conditioning, fully furnished. Close
to campus, walk to Glendover school.
Refundable deposit. Available Jan. 1
through July 30, 1983. $525 per month.
Call 269-1295.


Changingminds about Milton ..,...

tudents of “Paradise Lost” — from
S the scholar to the teacher to the

serious amateur— will welcome
“With Mortal Voice: The Creation of
Paradise Lost.”

Published by the University Press of

Kentucky, the l98-page volume presents
the epic poem as literary work, an

approach the book’s author, English

professor John T. Shawcro'ss‘ feels is “too
often ignored.”

“Paradise Lost” is generally read, says
Dr. Shawcross, “in terms of ideas, as
religious with attendant questions as to
the acceptability of its thought and
philosophy. . It has been most



frequently pursued by scholars as a
storehouse of knowledge, allusion,
influence, and the humanistic world of
the classics and the Renaissance. And the
reputation thus denounced upon it has
often been that of a dusty old classic read
in school because it looms large in western
culture.” '

Shawcross’s new book is written, he
says, as “an introduction to ways to
approach the poem — not all the ways,
but the literary ways.” Hence, such
chapters as “Inspiration and Meaning,”
“Structural Patterns,” “The Genre,”
“The Style” and “The Poem as Novelistic


In addition to 13 chapters, the book
contains an appendix on the dates of
composition, 17 pages of notes and an

“AB Bookman’s Weekly” says “Shaw-
cross gives John Milton and ‘Paradise Lost’
the kind of attention as a literary master-
piece that he believes has too long been
withheld by critics.”

Reviewer Roy Flannagan, writing in
“Milton Quarterly,” says “Shawcross’s
book . . . may change more minds about
Milton than any book published in the
past ten years.” ‘





 Before the new policy can take
effect, the policy must also be approved

Pea/ls Present,

A prized array of books, manu-
scripts, letters, and photographs given
to the university by its first Rhodes-
Scholar, W. Hugh Peal, will bededicated
at the University this fall. ’ ' ‘ .

Formal appraisal is incomplete, but
the collection's value is expected to ap-
proach 35 million. . _ ,

The main program event at the
October 15 dedication will be a seminar
on the early Romantics focusing on
William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor
Coleridge, and Charles and MaryLamb.
Leading scholars will be in Lexington to
present papers in these areas which
correspond to the strengths of the Peal
Collection. The fall issue of The
Kentucky Review, a publication of the
Friends of the King Library, will be
devoted to a partial catalog of the (DI-

A native of Ballard County, Hugh
Peal graduated from the university in
1922. He was the university's first
Rhodes Scholar and after legal studies at
Oxford, he spent his career practicing law
in New York where he took advantage of
his access to major book and manuscript
dealers and developed a major collection
of English and American literature.

Peal acquired his love of books and
reading from his family and had this
interest in literature reinforced at the
university in the 19205 where one of the
campus offices he held was president of
the Pattersop Literary Society.

Peal's generosity to the university
goes back many years. He has arranged
for thousands of books to be given to uni-
versity students. For over 30 years he has
given items from his 15,000 volume
library to the collections of the University

It was this past year when Hugh and

0 Margaret Peal gave up their historic

tural backgrounds.

Exceptions to the admission


Omen} ""

Treasurers in the collection in-
clude a lock of Coleridge‘s hair, a

home at Woodburn in Loudoun County, ‘

Virginia, and moved to Leesburg that the
bulk of this collection came to the

University of Kentucky, despite intense’

competition from some of the nation's
most prominent and prestigious

Peal's private collection of
manuscripts of the early Romantic poets
—— Wordsworth, Coleridge, Robert
Southey and Lamb —is especially signifi-
cant. Peal's collection of Lamb letters is
described by Prof. Edwin Marts, editor of
the Lamb correspondence, as second only
to that of the Huntington Library in Los
Angeles. The Peal collection of
Wordsworth letters has been called the
finest in private hands. Included are ap-
proximatly 90 Lamb manuscripts, over
50 by Coleridge (includinga lock of hairL

”over 65 by, southey— and 35 by


"Consistent with its programs and
emphases,” the‘ new 'admissions polity

Parallels Perfection


1 11M hut-at 1 Sim.


, Leibniz i
human stir "in H.

letter from Hardy and an 1848 copy
of Vanity Fair.

Wordsworth. This extraordinary gift
places the University of Kentucky among
the finest institutions anywhere for
access to the original correspondence of
four of the most important figures in
English literature. .
_ ,In addition to his highly important
group of papers are valuable letters by
still other major writers, including the
Earl of Chesterfield, Robert Burns and
Percy Bysshe Shelley. ~

The collection is rich in "association
copies" -— books which have belonged to
notable individuals. These include a copy
of the Doves Press Bible which belonged
to actor Jean Hersholt and a biography of
Charles Lamb presented to Mary Shelley,
the author of Frankenstein. A 1674
edition of Francis Bacon belonged to two
great poets, first Alexander Pope and
later Lionel Johnson.



Student Center Addition
To Open Sept. 17-19

A hot air balloon moored beside the
new UK Student Center addition will
mark the spot for grand opening festivi-
ties September 17-19. Live entertain-
ment Friday afternoon will begin the
schedule of activities. Friday evening a
current hit comedy has been booked in
the new movie theatre which will be
shown free. There also will be free pop-
corn, balloons and door prizes for the
movre-goers. 4

Saturday the children of UK faculty
and staff are being invited to a Disney
movie with cartoons at 10am. Sunday at
3 pm. there will be the traditional ribbon
cutting followed by a public reception,
refreshments and building tours.


National. Alumni 7
“ September 24 & 25



The Open Door .
Voiumne 15 Number 2‘


Liz Howard Demoran '68, 73
The Open Door ISSN 0732-6319)
is published quarterly by the
University of Kentucky Alumni
Aesociatlon, 400 Rose Street,
Lexington, KY 40506-0119;
Secondciass postage paid at
Lexington, Kentucky, and addi-
tional mailing offices.

POSTMASTER: Send address
changes to the Open Door . UK
Alumni Association. Lexington.
KY 40506-0119. ,





 Dedication of the George W. Pirtle Geology
Library will be held at 3 pm. Oct. 22 at the library,
100 Bowman Hall.

Dr. William Pirtle of Bedford, Texas, will rep-
resent his father at the ceremony.

Pirtle, a 79-year-old Hardin County native,
moved to Texas after receiving his degree in 1925.
He and a partner were involved in several success-
ful ventures and Pirtle is still an independent oil
producer and head of a geological consultant firm
in Tyler.

In May, he contributed $50,000 to endow the
library and another $10,000 last month to start a
national coal data base. Pirtle is a UK Fellow and
also has established a scholarship for geology stu-


Robert Nikirk, librarian for the Grolier Club
of New York City, will be on campus this week as
guest speaker at a special program at the Univer-
sity on Friday.

Nikirk, who will be the house guest of long-
time friends Lois and Pat Wylie, will speak at the
dedication of the literary works donated to the UK
library by alumnus W. Hugh Peal.

The 84~year-old Peal has donated a collection
of first editions and he and his family will be guests
t the dedication Friday afternoon and later at a

inner at Spindletop Hall.

The other guest speaker is Herman W. Lie-

bert, former director of the Beineke Rare Book and
manuscript Library at Yale University.

>‘r * z‘r
The Kentucky Coal Association is coming to
town next week and the wives will get a look at
what the Blue Grass has to offer in the way of

One of the parties planned‘for the ladies is a
style show and luncheon at the Marriott Oct. 22.

And after that they will take in some of the
races at Keeneland and then attend the UK football

Kathy Miller, Len Cox and the people at Lolli-
pops will show clothes for the whole family.

Some of the wives of the executives of the
association will be models, along with some of the
coal men.

Former Lexingtonian Tom Duncan is execu-
tive secretary of the association.

ti * *

Women from 30 garden clubs around the state
will be on the campus of Eastern Kentucky Univer-
sity Thursday for the annual district meeting of the
Garden Club of Kentucky.

The Richmond Garden Club will be host for
the meeting and among those attending will be Mrs.
J. Richard Murray, state president and Mrs. Nor-
ville Moore, corresponding secretary. The district