xt7qjq0stw34_5632 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms474 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection William Fitzwilliam, 4th Earl Fitzwilliam letters and manuscript fragment, with clippings text 43.94 Cubic Feet 86 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 22 items Poor-Good Peal accession no. 11453. William Fitzwilliam, 4th Earl Fitzwilliam letters and manuscript fragment, with clippings 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474/Box_65/Folder_31/Multipage29385.pdf [circa 1803]-1831, undated 1831 [circa 1803]-1831, undated section false xt7qjq0stw34_5632 xt7qjq0stw34 'lt‘l'rzn'irxriinr, William \Ventwert h Fitz-
william, earl,./i(.s"-iri//ium, an English states-
man, whu took his seat in the House 01' Lords
in 17139. and fur a time noted with the Whigs,
llllt en Mr. fux apprm‘inj: ut’ the l"l‘l'll\'l11‘l‘\'tl‘
lntieii:1r_\'itleas, hejuined the 1hilieot‘ l’urtland
and 111'. Pitt, and was appointed lord-lieutenant
(tt‘ll'Cltllltl. 1n the dist-liargeut' the duties of
this otliee, he t'avmn‘ed the agitation for Catholic
emaneipatien, and this not beingr apprnved by
his Colleagues, he was recalled to make way for
Earl Camden. (in l’itti‘s death, in 1500, he be-
eame president (11' the ennneil, an otliee he eon-
timiwt to hold tilt the Grenville :ulministration
fill, in 1‘07. He did not, at‘ter that time, take
mneh share in pnblie atl'airs. He was pnsstssed
(11' very lame estale<, and this, and his family
connexinns, gave him an immense amunnt el‘in-
llnenee; to thlt‘ll eirl-mnstanee, more, perhaps,
than tu his own abilities, he was, indebted tor the
pmition he held in the national eonneils. 1:.


l 1111111141119. Masons, (,‘arpenters, and other 'l‘radesmen,
_ “he may be desirnns of Contracting for Building: the
('arease of the 1v‘1'1'ZW11.LIAM MUSEUM, at. Cambridge,
are informed that. the Drawings and Speeitieatinn may be
seen 011 am] after the 11th day of September, in London,
at the Belgium—square (nth-e; (if Mr. George Basevi, the
Architect; or in Cambridge, at the Office 0er. ’1‘. Smith,
the Clerk of the Works, on the Premises.

The Tenders are to be delivered to the Viee-("ihamrellmu
at. Pembroke College Lodge, Cambridge, on or before nine
o‘clock on Wednesday morning, the. 11th day (if Hotelier.

The lniversity dues nut. pledge itself tn aeeept the low :‘t


 The .'“itzw 1111:; 1 1 1'3“ 111211.10 have It“ . '
“.' '1‘11:.t in ,.‘11‘..s;.:.
-31i111‘.‘1:13',‘_ », “t1
te111‘1~1of :1 C. .L!‘:1:t“ th. ‘.3- .1
pletinn ol" the 11'1ole 111 the
"lixse111 ‘11, with the 01: 11111111111
{nitIe\1'1‘eL1i11q‘1j,"-f. 1., ”’11'1111'-‘rv‘1-,'.‘e.
.1'.:1 . '1'111- 111L- L‘L‘ntre 1r'1te :111.1 .
Inlhu‘fln L~:'.:lusi\e ottheu‘zL‘L; 11111,:1; .'. .. 1.
(4111 but to 1111 :.j;1ee'111e11:'. that 1.1-‘ 11' 1: . ' . :1‘1'ter it?
completion, he 119:1511'1e1l :1:11'1".:1:1.. :
schedule of:i:e~‘, 11y:‘. C1)..1}1-::.e111.',1e‘ ‘, 1111111». '15.!
the:11c“11ite1.‘t, :1111ltl1ut the 1h. 1 ')e.t"""" 1th.
21Ltu111 :11111 the ::'ss1.11:1e1‘1 L‘W‘. 1:11;.1111 31L .. .‘1 l‘w‘11'l'11tc1‘.
from the :1'1111111111‘10’1'the L‘. 'tirnute. ' '
owintr to the ditheulty 111' 111:11'113'

e1er:11 parts 01' 11‘1111: 1. of 511'111. ‘

The state ('1 the W11. 1.1111

t the time of

linsevi 11.:s11esc1'ih‘l in 1110*. . ..
‘1 11se~Cl1z1z1eellor1'111.‘l111.s 1:111 111. 1‘. ; 'r L 1'11: ate
of I>eceml11r 1.91:1 :1111111'11‘1L‘h 1"111 .)‘J :1 I. {Exec-l

' r'struiy table for the i11s'1,1e.:‘.‘111111.1‘.,'

‘.3. That, in further pursuant-1 111' . ,1, .
3-:13',lS’J,1"11g:1gement:; of the .. 3.. 1'"; the
01' the great 31:111 Mere 1'1'1.11'.le 1"1..1 ~ ""

11i1eetion of Mr. Coekcrell .1111 '.111.

'1‘lL‘tinu‘ the interior of the 11111<..‘111.1 ‘1

1711111111111 th e ~11-1r‘11111ende11Lr‘ 01'1'1‘ '

ful 111:1:1511'1'e11ents{11111 V:1'.'1.'.t301' . -.

1.3:. That the SL‘V'Clill cont1:1-:‘.-: .111tl1111‘i.'~‘ 11 by' 111101
graces of the Senate, for work 1‘ :~1l1.h 111.111 to 1t 11.11011
was contenml: Lted in the 1,1:1'111‘1 ‘
first, 11:; .1. ;1;1':1L'L‘ 01' thel ‘lth (11' . . J
CilS’L and 1mm: of the 51111111 11") " " :12. .111se111'1'1 :.t :1
Lost not 01: L‘eeLlinrJ 3,13'11/ .117." ' :L. 1' ' :' ;.{r'1‘:11‘e 11431110
11th ofJuly "‘.‘lo alter 1:; the .- '
cee lin" l ,01'J((l{.; and thirdly, 11". .. ; .‘f " - 1\1.,1113‘,
1840,1'01‘ puttmwup columns :11 re! fry: 1liiC ‘ 1 111111 :1". :1
c1)sti10texeLedi11,1r 1,0001. 11.11'0 :1ll l‘.' 1 L11r11lete.l, and the
walks! executed to the s:1tisl':-.cti1'.‘11 121‘ .. e e113t'et.

.1, Thatthe1'1'1‘esentstut1‘, o1 ~l ..11'111'1'11;_; 1,-;:151-1i1"'11‘.s.—-

The picture grail—mics 011t11011;.:1‘:i’,-113 3.111" ti‘ ‘e 91111111
lib1111‘y, 11111101151h notentireiyl11isl1o11,
for the reception of the Lollw 1111,11
31852, C\'c.

The sculpture galleries are 1‘111'11plL'te1l,
ofhart of the stone 1.111110, 11111.1 111' the. or.1:11'..e'nt'.1l 31311131111:
and finishing. '

.111 the north library very little ,.1111111>.l1a<1 been made

In the grant hull th'.‘ lantern 1111‘ 1113.11 .1'1111111‘ 1:111:11plet1‘11
and glazed, and the orzn 1111151112: 1111: 1st->-‘ 11'111‘11‘ 1111.: heen 1:011"-
plete1l (1011111 to the level of the 111': -1“ irCiO‘V the niches.

5. ’l‘he “Syndicate he" leave 1'111‘t'111.1‘t0 11111111;—

Thnt :11ter1'11111cin‘11se o.the:.11111113011111, for
Vice-(.‘huneellor1119 authmh“ .3". . May.“ . ,
to :tllix thesual 11fthe Univer Sitj' l1) ‘1 11.11117, the fund 1:;
at ‘pl L~L11t1n.LLiL1111.1t/- 1.70 110111 the expm.‘ L of r‘v.'.1":1,11:1'111;;:

That, considering the extent to 111111

. f1'0111 the capital stock of the Pitt.“ 11
pledged for the payment of the 111lL.

'1 for the redenmtion .1f the hon
ve y unrlesimhle to 1113' :1 iurthn
procurinrr any additional 111:111 1' 1'1.1.. 11.];

That they have been i1"-"1t1. . . by ‘17.
upon the completion of the 1‘. 01'1' 11‘11‘1‘11 iv. now actually
hand the f111'tl1erp1‘01r'1c‘cs 11. 1.1110 ""..o1' 1:
without any risk 011n31111' until the ."Lvuilihle f 11111.4 01'
Fitzwilliam t. list are :1dequ:lte t1) the anletmu 1:1
museum; and th:1t1n the 111e11nt111etl11‘ '
into :1 state fit tor the exhihition :11111
M) :1 cost of 4311.

The Syndicate therefhre 1‘eco1111.'.e'.11l to 1.3.1: U‘1‘..1te, that
the \VOI‘kS should be suspen'le 1.1 :11IL‘111'1li115r11', upon the 1.0111-
pletion of the portion ot‘ them 11111. :et‘ 1:‘ 13‘ in. 11211111 ; 111111

th.1t such prepzu': ltiOhSS hould be 111:11le, at 11 (1’31; not e'xcee'l-
“1.140711 as will render the l. L.11(.‘.‘1:; 11‘ f'Jr the e); hih1tion
111111 use of the collection.

At :1 Congregation 1m Ltlk‘mlitly next 11.1401 111%.
('1‘ me will be offerml to the S..1‘.‘te to (011.-.; “"" "\



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