xt7qjq0stw34_5499 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms474 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection John Campbell, 2nd Duke of Argyll manuscript fragment, with clippings text 43.94 Cubic Feet 86 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 22 items Poor-Good Peal accession no. 11453. John Campbell, 2nd Duke of Argyll manuscript fragment, with clippings 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474/Box_63/Folder_82/Multipage28935.pdf 1714, undated 1714 1714, undated section false xt7qjq0stw34_5499 xt7qjq0stw34  



'Aneynn, John, second duke of, was the grand-
son of the above, whose father was created a
duke by William III. The subj act of our notice
distinguished himself equally as a statesman
and a soldier. [n 1705 he was created an Eng-
lish peer by the titles of Baron Chat-ham and
Earl of Greenwich, for his eiYorts in furthering
the union of Scotland and England. As a
brigadier-general he fought at the famous
battle of Rumilies,.zmd greatly distinguished
himself at Outlenarde and Malplaquet, as well
as at the sieges of Ostend, Meenen, Lisle, Ghent,
and Tour-nay. ‘ 0n the accession of the Hano-
verian family to the throne, he was appointed
communder-in-chief of all the king’s forces in
Scotland, andin 1715 displayed great energy and
I decision in suppressing the rebellion in Seet-
lend, popular-1 known in the north as “ Mar's
rising.” He eld several ofliees, of which he
was deprived by Sir Robert Walpole, but to
which he was again restored on the fall of that
minister. B. 1678; 1)., without issue, 1H3.




 0f the Right Honourable George Lord Wfioztnt Dupplin,
One of the Four Teller: of Her Majeflj’: Receipt of Exche-
quer, the Sum of :4,” x’, , w; - 5-





v . ‘ x,

in fill of all firmer Direéliom of tlae fizid Order , and
for , jg; } Month: Annuity, due at
I L i i i K r 7 e.
/f,‘/_Y,x’] 13;; f ' -«/}z $141413) ofL/l;<{/’/A/z,é3ffi./ "I; i >Poufldf per
Annu‘m, 53/ ertne «if an Ad? 9f Pammnent, ( Entztnled,

9n A8: for Gaming to Tfiéir Majet’cies certain Rates ‘

nd Duties upon Tonnage 0? Ships and Vefléls, and up-
on Beer, Ale,- and other Liquors, for fecuring certain
Recompences and Advantages“ in the faid Aé’c mentioned, I
to fuch Perfons as {hall voluntarily advance themlm of
Fifteen Hundred Thoufand» Pounds towards carrying on I

- - ' " 5) Ifzz} Received [2} me— 1






ARGYIJ‘, ‘21111 I) [{E of (Gt.
Brit). Great. Ill! and 5th Duke
of (Stat) 1701; Earl 11f
1457; Marquis of Lorne 11111] (in-
tyre, Earl of Campbell {11111 01111111.

Vis1:t. of lmchow and G11. illzl. ’
Baron 11f l11v1-1'1n'y, Mull, Murvcn,
11nd Til-y, 1701; 13111-1111 Cuuiphrll,
144:3; Baron of Lorne, 1470 (all
Scot.): Baron Sundridgennd Ilmnil-
ton. 1766 (Gt. Brit); Privy Cunn-
uillor, 18/: K.'l‘. 187l;(1.C.V.().
1901; G.C.M.G. 1871" u. -— JOHN
BELL. s. ofthc lst duke, by Elizabeth
Georgiana, d. of the 21111 Dulu- of
Sutherland. B. 1845; m.
H.R.H. Princess [101 . (

Family); succeeded 11i~1 -
1990; ed. at. Eton 111111 'l‘rin.
00“., 01111111.; MJ’. Argyllshire
1868-78; unsumcssfully contested
Hmnpstcadns1L1b1‘11l l81l5,'pli\:11e
59.1. to the Dulu- of Altryll 111 the
India Ofl’im lllhli-Tl;1_mv .gcm
Canada ”3721-83; {10111-111111- 11f\\'i11v














sur 01151111 sinu- 1892; lIOII. ml.
(1:115:011' Highland volunteers 187i-'
.‘lU- 111ntcstc1l Brudfurd :13nUnionisL
l1‘i .3; hun. 1-111. ()1'1 l12-1nrnshi1'11
t11s1lims (A1.) and lnLh Ann . [1.1.
(Canada): M. 1’ South Mum-1115111
139.") until 111- anmcodvd‘to the
duh-1111111: I'LL. Dulnluu'ton; is
hereditary 111:1(11-1' 11f 1h1- Royal
Household in Scotland. hereditary
shri'ill'und lOHl-llk‘lli. ol' n‘lldiii'v,
11nd 1'hi11l' (if the grant .11nil_1 of
Cnmpln-ll. 11nd :1 lineal dns1-1-n1l1111t
11l‘th1- “ Mannh-u Marv." 'J'lu- ls".
l’)ul;1- of (71'1'1-111 Britain was surros-
Siv1-Iy lnl‘d privy 1-11], pn>1n1ustrr
511-111-111]. :111d 5 1'.1-11 ' of 511-111 1111
India. R1- 111-1111-5— l\1-nsiui.:inn
111-11111, Dunlln'ntunshirc. Soul—.—
lnv1~11nvC.1stl1-. Aij..r1l1-.<|1i11- '