xt7qjq0stw34_5387 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms474 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection Bernard Partridge letter to Charles Ross, with clippings text 43.94 Cubic Feet 86 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 22 items Poor-Good Peal accession no. 11453. Bernard Partridge letter to Charles Ross, with clippings 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474/Box_62/Folder_54/Multipage28504.pdf 1909-1918, undated 1918 1909-1918, undated section false xt7qjq0stw34_5387 xt7qjq0stw34 Making the most of “Punch.” -.

second consideration maltes an Annual Sub-

tlon to "'Punch' still more desirable. Every

. er~pract1cally~of Punch .. has a relative or

end serving in the War on land or sea, or in the air.

. send H'Puncll"--110t now and then, but regularly——

a fighting man is surely a thing which all must wish

do. While the Navy wearily awaits its chance

Punch” passes from hand to hand. In the trenches,

. he officer who'has Punch" to pass along the com-

' ny or platoo .,has 'cheei'ier men at his back. When

u conside‘r‘t ”Humher of initirts that are lightened and

couraged by every single copy of Punch" surely

e chance of sending every number out is worth

asping. And if you have no personal friend to

hom you can post " Punch,” any Post Ollice will

nd it for you tree of charge to the men who have

no friends thoughtful enough to render them such

A miniature coloured reproduction of the Cartoon
* UNCONQUERABLE " may be had on request,
iree of charge, with fuller particulars of this extremely
.attractive Annual Subscription offer.

' raphed by Mr. Bernard Part1 2(ng fire available. If
m of then be desired p'léase add £1 13. 0d. to your
7amtttance. The copies of “Punch” can be delivered by
land by any Newsagent at the option oftlze :S'ubscrz'ber.

'2 .N. B.—-—A limited number of Artist's Proofs, auto-


Thil Coupon may also" be used for ordering the
picture " Uneonquemble " without " Punch,” in which
can send £1 ls. 0d.. but don’t forget what you min
by not making it £1 11:. 6d.

Bouverie Street, London, EC. 4.

I enclose £1 lls. 6d. Please send me “Punch’
post paid f01 one yeai, including any Special or Extra
Numbers that may be issued, and send me at once the
reproduction 1n colours of Mr. Bernard Partridge s

Name..................... . , ........ ...........
Address”. ........... .............. . .......... . ...... .

p.11. 1. ...................... .. ..................................................
A Postcard request will bring you a. small coloured
reproduction of this historical p1cture. ‘ i






Tile. Kaiser. “ So. you see—you’ve lost everything.”



The King 0/1/16 Belgians. “ Not my soul."

An enlarged reproduction in colours of this picture,
by the artist, is offered with ayear’t subscription
to “Punch” for only £1 115. 6d.




picture which has become more amous tnan any-
thing else ever published in ” Punch "~the famous
Cartoon “UNCONQUERABLE.” Some eight
months ago the artist was induced to paint a large
Water-Colour Drawing based on his original design};
in size l9 inches by l4 inches (size of mount 33 inches .
by 26 inches). This was reproduced in colour
facsimile de luxe by earlier-printers in the most perfect
style, full size, and is now on sale in art shops _
throughout the country at One Guinea. I r










3mm wllhlmwurnadmxdinbkdlufiugmtwlir. I , 3 _ ~ g '., SMwiflthmmuanimdhaflzdmfiwngn
moumxdjyfiukarydm .__H.,_._ _ _ ’ ., a ‘ , J‘Iononmfl‘ydixkargcdon..U.‘.....y‘..«.

Aw...» ......,__..u._t.w. .n -. .. ..‘


oi the certificate to be presented to soldiers (with red bovdariand‘on the right that for the Navy {with blue border).
The certificate; which has been designed by Mr. Bernard Partridge, the iamous cartoonist, will be given to 23%!
warrant officers, non-commissioned officers and men who have served slnce Augugt 4, 19M, and'hava been
discharged on account pf wounds or of disabillgy‘yinqurr‘ed mi acme service or directly. attributable to enemy
action. A special “sécond certificaté'f will be awarded to men who, alter discharge, voluntarily serve again, and
are again dischargedwas disabled. ,V x ,







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