xt7qjq0stw34_5340 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms474 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection Thomas Donaldson letters and clippings text 43.94 Cubic Feet 86 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 22 items Poor-Good Peal accession no. 11453. Thomas Donaldson letters and clippings 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474/Box_62/Folder_7/Multipage28310.pdf 1838-1863, undated 1863 1838-1863, undated section false xt7qjq0stw34_5340 xt7qjq0stw34 77/
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A badge and chain for the President has been presented to the
Institute by Professor T. L. Donaldson, the first President and
founder of this Association. In preparing the design Messrs.
Hunt and Roskell, to whom the order was intrusted, have
introduced as its special feature the carved column with the
lion supporters found over the principal doorway of the Temple
at Cumoe, Which is supposed to be the most ancient example
of architectural heraldry. This is surrounded by a graceful
Elizabethan border, and depends from a chain of massive
twisted links. On the back of the badge is engraved the
following inscription :—“ In commemoration of the gracious
presence of II.R.H. the Prince of \Vales, K.Cr., at the festival
of the Institute on the 23rd April, 1879. Charles Barry,
F.S.A., president. Presented by Professor Thomas Leverton
Donaldson, past president.”




DONALDSON (Thomas), architecte anglais,: .
:‘chndres, en 1790, étudia 1e dessin aux cours de
1' I‘xcadémie des beaux-arts, et se perfectionna en -
suite par un long voyage en Italie. Il.en rap-
porta (les vues et des collections d’objets anciens
qui lui permirent d’écrire le texte du magnifique
ouvrage sur Pompeii (Pompeii illustrated With
picturesque views, 1819—1827 . .2 vol. grand in—
folio)‘ entrepris par le lieutenant—colonel Cock—
burn. _On a encore de lui une Collection de portes
(Collection ofdoorways, 1833, 3 vol. in-4) , des-
sinées d’apres les monuments anciens de l’lta-
lie et de la Grece. M. Donaldson est devenu profes—
seur it l’Acat'émie, dent i1 fait partie a titre de
memhre aesocié. l’armi les constructions remar~
quables qui lui sont dues, nous indiquerons la
Bourse de Londres (1841). A l’Exposition univer~
selle de Paris, en 1855 . on il a envoyé des plans
et des études d’un ’I‘Mnrnlo I; In Vic/nine. ii a ob-
tenu une 2° médaille. 11 est correspondent d:
, l’lnstitut de France.






, 7ZWZ’ — .
.7 The Academia des Beaux Arts on S/

fceeded‘to Ithe election of a forelgn corresponding
member, in the room of the late Mr. Cockerell.
{Rho endidates presented by the committee were
3M1; onaléislgn, alohitlet’ Jof'London; M. Geefs,
:3 a nary, o russes ; r. ohn P e e armor of
§London ; M. Verdi, composer, of gusettrdb; and’M.
._§tuler,;architect, of Berlin. The Academy added
lthe names of M. Gallait, ainter, of Brussels ; M.
_. avez, another painter, o the same city ; and M.
Marochetti, statuary, of London. Mr. Donaldson re-
)ceived 18 out of 35 votes, and thus obtained the abso-
lute majority. M. Verdi and M. N avez have five
Z'votes each;3M. Gallait, four, and MM. Geefs, Pye,

nd Marochetti, one each. The Academy, at the

me sitting, elected as corresponding members

. Mezel, director of the Museum at the
:Ji'iafique, and M. J eauron, director of that at Mar-
:: 95,2. . I- - at; >:;.-.-_" ,







DONALDSON, Doorways in Greece and Italy, Ancient
Buildings, Collection of most A proved Examples, ex.
grossly Measured and Delineated: with Copious Descrip-'
..~_tions, 4m. IL]. russz'a, 25fi12£ pl. 16s. pub. £1 115.6d. 1833
itto, Doorways in Italy and Sicily, Modern Buildings, ex-
jgrossly Measured, with History of Italian Architecture,

' Ofgelvlwaédto Palledio, etc. 11/. rursz'a, 30 plates, 16s.
I . S ' ' ' '