xt7qjq0stw34_5201 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms474 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection Samuel R. Meyrick letter to Henry Ellis, with a clipping text 43.94 Cubic Feet 86 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 22 items Poor-Good Peal accession no. 11453. Samuel R. Meyrick letter to Henry Ellis, with a clipping 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474/Box_60/Folder_41/Multipage27710.pdf 1825 July 14, undated 1825 1825 July 14, undated section false xt7qjq0stw34_5201 xt7qjq0stw34 MEYRICK, Sir SAMUEL Rum, LL.D., RS .51.,
was educated at Oxford, 111111 zilter11'1'11'ds pl‘ilL‘hSCd
for 111:1ny1'c1'11’sz1s an advocate in the Ecclesiastical
111111 21111111111111 courts ; hutl1is1'e11lstu111'1'111dpur-
s11it11'as that of antiquities 1'11111 zn'chzeoloa} and
in his residence Goodiich Coiii',1 Ilere111111s1111‘,e
he gr: 11111: 1111/ accumul: 1te11 :1 1L-r1'lz11ge collection
of 1'11",n10111 which is now deposited in the South
Kensinwton Museum. His two g1'e11t110rks,11111L11
zirL st 1111111'11 authorities on the subject the1 treat
01,1110, ‘ A CritiL1'1l Inqui1'1 into 111tie11t'Ar111oui, 11s
it existed in Europe, hut 11111'tic11l1'11'11 in Fug] 11111
from the Norzm 1n Conquest to the reign of
C111'111es 11 111111 a G]o;s1'11'_v of Milit1ir1' 'Ie1111s
01 the Middle Ages,’ 3 vols 4to. ., 1824, 2111111191111
1844 , and the lettLr-press 1101111111 01‘ Joseph
Skelton’s ‘ Engraved Illustratiom 01 Ancient Arms
and Armoui" in his collection, 2 1'ols.4to, 1830,

‘ and again 1354.. Sir Sum 11e1 :1lso published "l‘lie
History and Antiquities of the County of C111-
11ig11n,’ 211111 edited I1e\1'is Dunn’s ‘ Heraldic Visita-
tions of \V1'11L‘s.’ Died 2 April, 1848, aged 65’. ~



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t x ‘ L \
' , MEYRICK, Sir SAMUEL RUSH, I.L.D., F.S..’\-,l
' { was educated at Oxford, and alterwards practised;
' 1 for many years as an advocate in the Ecclesiastical: '
1 and Admiralty courts; but his real study and put-2
' suit was that of antiquities and archaeology ; aud‘I ,' ‘ u
'.; in his residence, Goodrich Court, lleret‘ordshirefl
' he gradually accumulated a very large Collection 3
of armour, which is now deposited in the Southi
Kensington Museum. His two great works, which t»
A are standard authorities on the suhject they treati
: of, are, ‘ A Critical Inquiry into Antient Armour, as i' ,
‘j it existed in Europe, but particularly in England 3
, , from the Norman Conquest to the reign of
‘ Charles 11.; with 3 Glossary of Military 'l'erinsi ' ' "
of the Middle Ages,’ 3 vols. 4to., 1824, and again 1‘
1844; and the letter-press portion of Joseph “
Skelton’s ‘ Engraved Illustrations 0i Ancient Arms
and Armour" in his collection, 2 vols. 4m, 1830, t ‘
and again 1854,. Sir Samuel also published ‘ ’l‘he -‘
History and Antiquities of the County of Car- :
(ligau,’ and edited Lewis Dunn’s ‘ Heraldic Visita- t
Lions of \Vales.’ Died 2 April, i848, aged ()5. L at.

‘ . W 5mm 6W


; I CUNNINGHAM, ALLAN, a popular novelist , .
,. i and biograph. W11, au. of a well—known memoir of" ~ ’
1 Burns, several lyrical poems and ballads7 thcnovel -
q of ‘Paul Jones,’ ‘Thc Lives of British Painters,
{i Sculptors, and Architects,’ &e., horn in Duint'ries- ,
3, shire 1786, died in London two days after complet-
| ing the l iography of his friend Sir D. Wilkie, 1812.
- . « 2 V.
