xt7qjq0stw34_5015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms474 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection Thomas Cooper letters, manuscript poem, and clipping text 43.94 Cubic Feet 86 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 22 items Poor-Good Peal accession no. 11453. Thomas Cooper letters, manuscript poem, and clipping 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474/Box_58/Folder_48/Multipage26957.pdf 1848-1860, undated 1860 1848-1860, undated section false xt7qjq0stw34_5015 xt7qjq0stw34  


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a-.. -.. .:
,'111':3t' 1.1111013 t1) the “‘1'1110111115

13 uptist (11.3.1301, vwheie :1 short service was
1.- 01111110“ 1. by the 1331320135113 fliev. .1.'
Bennett ——'.l‘he 111.1. A. 1’) '1‘13111. 1., of Biuni: wham,

. ”1:113 1111351111955, in which he .3:'.i:.i: —I knew
..-' i'l1o.11a.g (Jumper in those old times, when
1 mothmg 111011.31le him so much as to tell-

'lpeoplo that he was 11 Churtist I wish I?

1% ov’YLQIV'
N (313111 l h {we 11le time tl:is:.10111i13-,rto 1:30}: particu-

‘8 05 'W' '11::1ly at the date, but .1. believe it is zmnxuly
'8' 37¢ aslzicssihh)5051131115 :3.ro 1311i; 111013.111 since '.l‘ho. 11-13 -

1' 3.310013111131111 111 :3311 stood together on 11 13111301“:
> J; 1.110 on) ’1'.) OJ.) [1130;110:111 the mwn of 'n' canes hm'g}
(11.4mm4 -:
5W?” Cute/~14

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iowu of J)11111111g 11111: [

the 11:3. IE 01' the Ohm". 15:53 in that 11i1111'i1: 5 of-
-?':'| Jinglo 1111,1111 l'homns Coopn' was 111 Leicenloi;

, and 110. 0:11:13 {'3 help 1-36 in my \vmk there. I:
(1:, 11.111: now, 8.“ it were, 1113 mugging \',oiu:3

i 101 he could speak (.3115in to the 211,030 139011113:

and 30 could I, who was his j1111i01.-- he 'has '
'1 .11 113116311 at 8:3, I 11.1.1 {15.131111 011,1.11135
- , . i int-11130 011. '-husi:1.:‘111'1 which liefc 3111 in thos 13 (lays in}: .'

("TWA’V‘ 0,43,44,47 '- ircedom, the intense 133111111thy anIi pity 101' the '

(i , i 'poo: defir 11.3 131113 the tremendous (191111.111I111ti011 of
> . ' 43;. 1311:3113a11ltliel'2(:1rlessS\'.-'I115 111wh1:.hhe:.o1011111I1':{d

bywmté-nqfla 4W1: onpwssois My‘ 1 0111' 1113:1113, let me remind you'
_ ,who live' 111 these lumpy times, the e p 3:1 :clul 251ml

01' 7‘1““ fcompzumtively prosperous tiincs, tlat in MI.) e
”6’7 .' Addys of 13-12- 5110 people of th:s Gaunt-1y w 13

-, ' , _’Z 1.‘ 11531.1” stamina for want, their Clem: child: 311

not 1111. 'ing r311 'licient bI'CLLd 01' m I to those -‘

11141311111 rcstrmtive111.1,,150'1L
l' 1113:1510. dhnd got ii \‘11‘4'1'
.- fig-3.1:"...101181119511 1.1....- "5'11":
' 1" X011 111'H.3i&1t9':'s.11:13-13""2""p 1113:0011‘154 ‘

l.‘ 1 111' 1,3 11:9 111131111011 11153 oxfm 0:150;
1' 151'0'31051‘dM'3 "'"""l '5'! went (311 1 tr vallcd :tltcr t 1.1
- 1111101. 1. 'mt 110111311 11:11
ll get 11.31111 31' 111'c111'locl
,1} WM 11 rope put lOlUlCi.

0:. 1.919.144

11‘ 3.111;: LI (",1 anti

ti11‘1o--tl 10 BeI'oml ti 1'11 —01N‘3V"°'0

, 1.11.1116 1'31: — room all the 11:11:,

3,411 .31, 111111 on‘ 11.111151110M ono'uqh to converse 11,11
" ‘ii to draw trust's 1101i to 11011':' him sin-.3111»; tho.

;1e.1rth, and ’J’.'l1.<>111:1:3 '13:)1 :11 Sing if, 1"".111191111

‘1 could not 5311111111 it. ,1: '

_',‘ 01.1111 131'.) 101' the 111011

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t'ioting, :11111'1'11111Ii11g.

Churtists, “.1111 011::


I [11111011 111' '1"

:13)! 11103.11

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met 13.311131 in p1'i:301',1 13.131111 WM '3-rJit-h him 1.11:-

3.1111 in

“ flies-:iah

to en. ‘ -- in

wrison (361113, 311111 I 0011111 her. 3' him thr 0 (3011.3 011'.

1111111 lead the 1")'c1iptu1'-'..3 in 3:3. 1'911 hanging-:23

53 to 2mm:

U115 b'1' ‘ 0U 'iiC-l‘h' 1i"

" Home 11 .31'5: i1: ; ..:1:l we H1111; 1:11 (luv la'lt' 11);: 11-11.}. ,

’/( f’Y/IF» 17',.'-'_ ' [474‘%L‘7/[/(1

(.111 you hel'cxe 51. is ()1 your 1134.": 1'2
”Chan: :15 (30091-1, thatnertthau 01108110\"£‘.3»,.

so “as l' ‘9

'111prison'metheith:.t 1"1311
t6111l51y1’. the tiiwtl,
,hut in :1 you. w e ‘

i' 1


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