xt7qjq0stw34_4586 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms474 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher prints and clipping text 43.94 Cubic Feet 86 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 22 items Poor-Good Peal accession no. 11453. Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher prints and clipping 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474/Box_53/Folder_89/Multipage25399.pdf 1814-1819, undated 1819 1814-1819, undated section false xt7qjq0stw34_4586 xt7qjq0stw34    



BLuonEn, Ficlddl‘larshal Lebreeht von,
bled-ken a distinguished Prussian general,
whose bravery and boldness procured him the
sobriquet of “ Marshal Forwart ." In his four-
teenth year he entered the Swedish s vice as
an ensign, and fought against the Prus ans in
the Seven Years’ War. He was madea pri«
soner, when he was persuaded to enter the
Prussian service, in which he was afterwards to
become so distinguished. He soon rose to a
senior captaincy, but, taking disgust at the
system which promoted an infcric officer to
merit over him, he requested perm sion to re-
tire, which was granted by his eccentric sove-
reign, Frederick the Great. He now became a
farmer in Silesia, where, by industry. he accu-
mulated a good estate, upon which he seemed
likely to settle for life, as he had already passed
fifteen years in getting it together: In 1786,
however, Frederick-William succeeded to the
throne of Prussia, when Blucher was courteously
recalled to the army, invested with the rank of
major in his old regiment of Black Hussars,
and began to serve against the French. In
1789 he received the order of Merit; and, in
1793—4, fought at the battles of Orchies, Luxem-







bourg, Oppenheim, Frankenstein Kirel ‘ ' rillcr,
and Edesheim. In 1802 he poss ‘scd lllll clt'of


Erfurt and Muhlhausen ; and, in the same year,
after the battle of Jena, made a successful rc-
treat before Soult, Murat, and Bernadette, and
although ultimately forced to capitulate, only did
so in consequence, as stated in writing, oi‘bcing
“ without ammunition and provisions.” Being
now a prisoner to the French, he was exchanged
for General Victor; and, in 1813, was again in
the field, at the head of a combined force of
Prussians and Russians. At the battles of Lut‘
zen, Bautzen, and Haynau, he greatly distin-
uished himself, and received, in acknowledge



1, t ic orL er of St. George from the emperor
Alexander of Russia. In 1513 he held the un-
divided eommand of 60,000 men, with whom he
Iarshals N ey, Macdonald, Sebastiani,
ton, and contributed greatly to the
victorious esults of the battle of Leipzic. In
181-1: he tool: possession of Nancy; and, at
Brienne, withstood a determined attack from
Napoleon I. In the same year he entered Paris,
and would have taken a dreadful revenge upon
its inhabitants, had he not been restrained by ‘
Wellington and the other generals. He now
VI 0 on his breast the insignia of all the
us orders of Europe, and the king of
1 created a new one in his especial honour. 1
Its symbol was a cross of iron, as the sign ofl
his invincible courage. At this time Islucher
visited England, where he had the academical
degree of DC L. conferred on him by the Uni-
versity of Oxi After-this he returned to his
country, and retired to his Silesian estate. In
1815, however, the escape of Napoleon from
Elba summoned him once more to the battle-
. field, and he took command of the Pr “"an
army in Belgium. He was defeated, with great
loss, at Ligny, on the 16th of June, where
his horse was shot under him, and he him-
self lay, covered by the animal, until several
regiments of French cuirassicrs had passed over
him. He was reported dead to Napoleon; but
la vieux diable, (“the old devil,“) Napoleon’s
name for him, appeared at the close of the hat-
tle of Waterloo, and inflicted a terrific slaughter
upon the ilyiug French. After this crowning
triumph, he once more retired to his chateau in
Silesia, where his sovereign visited him in his
latest moments. “ I know I shall die,” said the
veteran ; “I am not sorry for it, seeing that I
am now no longer of any use.” 13. at Rostoek,
on the Baltic, 1H2; 1). at Kriblowitz, Silesia,







BLUCHER, Geblmrd Lebreeht von, prince of
W’ahlstatt, Prussian field-marshal, termed “ Mor-
shal Forwards,” from his celerity; b. 16 Dec. 1742;
defeated Ney on the Katzbach, 26 Aug. 1813;
visited London with his sovereign, June 1814; sup-
ported Wellington at Waterloo, 18 June 1815;
entered Paris, 3 July 1815; (I. 12 Sept. 1819.




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