xt7qjq0stw34_4394 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms474 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection Literary portraits scrapbook text 43.94 Cubic Feet 86 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 22 items Poor-Good Peal accession no. 11453. Literary portraits scrapbook 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474/Box_49/Folder_4/Multipage21982.pdf 1833, undated 1833 1833, undated 
  Scope and Contents

Contains prints of British authors of the 19th century. Also includes some manuscript correspondence.

section false xt7qjq0stw34_4394 xt7qjq0stw34 . rutfi-«Jl‘ngma “mm—n»: 4.1-, ~ —.-<—‘ < Duniel'Maellse, R. A. A cable telegiwljrgrnfkglgdon announces the . death on Monday lasi'Ai‘rom isease of the heart, of , Daniel Maclise, the celebrated artist. He was of x Scotch extraction. and was born in Cork, Ireland, r on the 25th of January, 1811, his father, utter whom E he was named, being thee an ensign in the: Elgin Fenclbles. When a child he displayed: marked talent for drawing, but was not at} first encouraged to pursue art. His parents; being in poor circumstances he received but a moderate education and compelled his entrance into a banking house at Cork when others boy. It was not long, however, before his natural disinclinnl tion for a commercial life asserted itself, and before he had reached his seventeenth year he left the establishment and went to London (1828), where; he entered the Royal Academy as a utu- i dent. He labored hard and diligently, with such 1 . success that he won all the mesials 101' which he i competed, including- tiie gold medal twtce succeslvely. 3 In 1830 Mr. Maclise went to Paris for the purpose or studying the galleries and studios of that city. He renmined there some two years, supporting him- sell by making designs for booksellers and others and by portrait painting. In 1833 he exhibited his iirst pictures at the British Institution, which at once established his reputation as an artist, and enabled him to abandon portrait painting for the more oonge- , niul pursuits of his Dl‘UchSIOII. The pictures referred to were “Mokanna Unveiling: her Features to Zelicii," and “All Hollow Eve.” These were followed in 1835 by the “Chivalrous Vow of the Ladies and the Pen- cock," which brought about his election as an Asso- ciate of the Royal Academy. Subsequently he pro- 3 duced his “Robin Hood and Richard Coeur do Lion,” ,' “Salvator Rosa Painting Masonielio,” “Merry; Christmas in the Bilrou’s Hail,” “Banquet , Scene in Macbeth," “Gllv Bias Dressed en, Cavalier,” “Scene from Twelfth Night,” “Sleeping, Beauty," and other pictures which made him one A or the most popular 01’ British artists. In 1841 he i was elected R. A., and from that time to his death I painted a large number of pictures, of which we run , only home the most. important, which a'e—“The' PlayStcne in Hamlet," his well known design or Shakspeare’s “Seven ALICE,” “The Marriage or Strongbow and Eva in Rntiiication of [the Conquest of Ireland under Henry 11.” (his largest aizdmist, important picture), “Othello, Dt’siiemona and Emilia?” and “A Winter Night’s ’l‘nie." ‘, In 1855 Mr. Maclise made a. tour of Italy in search i of fresco work and for the pillpiiai or performin'r his duties as one of the flue art jurors oi‘ the Polls Enhibiiion. For some years ms! and up to his thath he had been engaged on asrries oi carzoous to be painted in fresco in the Revel Gallery of the Houses of Pariiament. ”file most im- portant of these are “The Death of Nelson” and "The Meeting or Biucher and Wellington after the battle of Waterloo,“ In 1866 Mr. Maclise was oii‘ored the presidency of the Rovai Academy, but ho declined the p'isition. By his death the world loses one or the oldestofmoderu artists and one of the most prolific. His style was peculiarly his own and was often severely criticised, but on the whole it re- ' flectod credit upon Mr. Maclise and maintained the/ high position of his art. .__~;.~,~ . V , —- , 1. M V." ~ ' A ”H ,r.I-'/‘ / W\\ ;““\\\, wmmm‘ ‘ uu\\\\\“\.\ xx 1! fl . ‘ 1".3 \ r ‘\ ”m m» A. U ”[1731 U3 R 0 J}? “CQVN VJH B- SVAXT fl MAN 3 M” T W. .5 A (11.9%” B “J NV ‘UL‘N . ficMJM @Jalrua 5mm 2/5 fixytm‘ WW! 11:5,er _. Own.» anti.) ..n|ym.m.wu..?u nan} vMqun, 1 ‘ ,m 6L4)? 01m? JW/w/Lwfl b) Jame; fraud/y Z/fi/‘Bgt/M it. [iILflfl/ID- AUU'H‘HW'I‘YD IR ’03“ THE “RESET FAHRY H.111“. (GENE) g . f’uélfirfial b gran”: frag”... 2/15 lfayznl: 451’ I nrnlmz, f , :' E33: u: .thpnian (if/4"" (ivy/4,. 2 def) I?) ”'1." " "'55 «I.» II» as, “I II ‘V [I 1., 51 (HP, I _ fuflw/M alarm ,[r’vwiz- 5/07/1ng J'érzw. l. w M p... u u N u c, ,_ {immutfliwa TAT ST." 9! ,. 3/15 fl‘ywom a W72, x . xxx, “Vial/\\ mwzzyfmfiw I§§JJJ<§T CLR ,\ F :1) TEL AUTHQJR 0]? “THE SUBALTERNf MAM éyfmrfwa Zlfflgmtfirw‘ Ionian. ”11‘1“! 1?. A1” TIHHIDR m» “JFAUS 11‘ :" F. AUWF'EIDHR Di" 'THTE IPSTUCIII-Q‘ITEZLE111°.1 1?}zx’afa'x/mi @fil/mvjflme/iflqy’yzz‘Sb'mZa/u’am 21mm H mm“? 4/. / ‘ / ((1) .‘F‘ / \(,/ “\flii RE (0) Ilii av V v 140’ /’&/4/ 4/32”} AUTHQHR «W ’1‘ 1m 1L , [/r’ 7/ / A Published by Jams Freya“, 215 v Mythic Sv‘ceLJamémr. .u . lb} 13 MANUS CREPE 20,figmdedelmdku THE AU TlHi <0 R our TJHUE “C IEI'AJLJDJ //I ./allu,’u' / mum (filial/‘41] ‘ x; M MI fl ‘ 5-. JIMMN‘ A I a .. . . .H 1 m V . , ,, /Wu//wn,tm : A III 1 ‘ J , , ,flflWllfl {fink/gill . /, .. . , t , , ,ramnmu'm’WuMVé/fi/AQ / // .. . I , ‘ , , , , , I , / , ,, , / , ,/, / IIHWIIH Maggi I/lA/ . ' , . H ,, .. , / , , (I!!! Ifflflflllfllu. I , , , / ”MI‘MUIJNIH‘IIIIA ,,,/ ,, . / / V mmmmew’uvnuMqum/h /' ”7' Y. , HT ,, .nthfiWWagaWnfl.AfllflW I; III;;/ ,4? 4 , , / / ,Z/ / x 7.; ; , m », WV/ ///,//u WM/Iw/rH/I /// AiU'Il‘lHIn’IDEIK ((1)1? VSAYHNIGS ANIID lflfl/J/ . ‘ , / //w,/ , Zil/flb/ I //. I/ / fll/fl/flll/l/(fl/fll/lflkl/ly I! /.A/ 1/4”, .,.,, a // lip/l 4 V / V4, , , ....\ufi\J\MuIv\n\ Hamil 351‘ ‘ : ‘ I 1;”, w, , 3 «12/;{71/Sféfdij Jmsfrmckfl’fiflqymfié’lrmfi [0/2/1014 _’ JD “(MNG S u AN [1]) ‘3‘ n ‘V «mm-51534,"; w 1;; V'Mvflm ‘ «NF b‘Ah’JlitY'h , //, , /. Hanna»! w“! A; 7/ %W/ ,, ,. vfiivh‘u/t MM; // / / fix, - {7% // ,, I 1/ w (A 2/ 1fléfl// //M///M/// A'M‘,’ ”:l‘ H H LU) HS {Adi fi/fiZ/flgtd 71th Jumyfr/erZZ’I. figs/155527254 [0/2/1014 % _/ m 1H ""uwnx «m K: was \rtwmmm1r'vmmnmaxi’ A‘U’leil ((1‘) ‘IR Influx/lard lgy .lm/ms‘ ["rm'zrl,‘ 31:57 Ja‘dywlf .W/W/ ,[flf/lll/lb. KETC 1% 171"” T as ANT H (DR VINE“ « ..........-...~....uo.n=u; TIERARY GAZETTE THE IL" 011’ ' ' Mgbmgylfmsa' kw 'Esgviémzm»g . ' zwwmmzamuqumu V ‘ E1: Emma THE MM/M «9y Jimmr Emmy 21.7, [@md‘bué AUTHO‘R 0F“THE SIAMESE TWINS". 11 r W 1:1waerqu1( I .uuuuwrmwMWmmwwmemmu/hmmwwr ‘ «w ,A‘ mug/(Ina nix. / , fl 4%; , A [MW/”9 14/ 0'57 [fa/ma? /'}zm,/: '/ W; ’1; 4‘J\11 .knlxilllllull‘lq (‘ I , ‘ 1!? y .,.<‘..lt| w . ,1 Fl .AIJ | a . 5 ’11.}1." I 4 A '1' I‘ll A .MHLHJ. .hIIII'IIIII!UHIIIV~|tLSLlII; : § . 4 ‘ v, 1 v 4 4 a I \ . \ M \ . fl 4 .fl - ‘ ‘ g | w “R _ 1 . 1 M. H 1 S . / w . I ./ .A ‘v. m ,. (x In a 1 w . . 1 V. . A Z 1 .a . W. .«N A a ”K. W .m. m/ .F, m. .6 r, , l {J m m < P w W. _ W E v | w _ A ”J 3 m M; l -7 , ,. V é]. , ,9, .11 ( ./\ /(H R. M D > . ,,r\ I 71 I w , T ¢ A ,A in}? El? .2. J . 1.. .n |I7VII.II|I./, , . ... (l; 1 . r v / / / /, / 4 . e :3. ’ f "v 9’— 9 23“ / :3 . / / . , .A / / é, 2/ lg”, ‘ - 3": V — . Y' .1741. u z, I MH/AWMWVNHHIIIAI .‘lrflv/LPI thNViNHMHA/HHVWMIIWWW’flw/Ij‘t /V///”/fl/fl/, f /MMWWM/dfl”/fl”fi%’rlfl ‘ /, 7.4/1.1”: W111. // I 1/ I fl 1! (I . ”Will/(g/ I J Ir/fld I! 9.“!17 gig! I JIM“. I I I/ g )1 / V/ y y / I " I“ 4; 4 firmwflfll’kr gait ,, x J 'Jl‘JUlE EDIVII‘O‘R (OF “THE CAMJLNET «CYCLUVEJIMAWD fuI/filé'lzedéyvhmfl'asm 7/7: Aye/r10. fibrcgfim (1m: '55 ,4 4 k» / /’ 72/ // /5;/////' 2/; //////@z ////1/ r4” / 1 4L / / ,/ ‘1/0 ‘ 7 / / // y W / p , ’ 7/L /e{’ 452/ ,//,//////_/ // , /////// //1, 74 / / . / ;//—_/ / a,” [1/ [I I ,9 LV— iéfW/l/ 1;;5/’//////// // . d 1/”, / ./ 7 / [A , / d/é/W ////‘/ VN'VQ/{AjI/f , ‘ Jif/ 1 // 4 [In/7?; /” ' , J ,/ 7/.5/«1 /', // M c, L 4/71/7244 / /fl/L Cy ///// / Z. / ' ' 1 /./ I” / ‘l /’ / fl ’ A ,,////// ///,/////. //2 ”Z — z////fl/z / /y // /4 / /, , . /, / V,//‘} I fi///- C// [/1 // ( //1/ {4/ 4/1 //// ,/ ‘ ”' / . / , A,“ /L_ 73 ' ”7 / ,/ ' 7/ /;// //¢//// 4/ . a "f ' ’- r x / , fl / ////.////// m ////// {1/ // //// k / l , L ,L/ »» f 0/ ‘ ’ ' /(/ ,» W f/& (/(L////' W//% //i// ////4 /’////’/ 2””? < _ b . I ‘ ' / KW -_ \ n . f // Zl/¢/,{/(7/,////// (5/ p 0 , ,/ / // fl/fiz ,L/4,/, / /’ I [Z ///// /.; /// /'A—- ' ,7. / ,. / // i; M fi/Z Wm WM / 4/ 4,4 . / / k / , ,, / ' ”I V X/ ,1» ”/M ////// flZ/ %//,7 //7/’,/’////! ,, ,j//// ”(:12 g/1’7//L///M/ — — / {y fléé/Ij/“yv/ _ / Z, / ‘ //) . A ’ 74* ,. / ' ///// /// ,1, /{L . // fix/’1 I/l/(l/ 7/ r[// £4 r/C/Z /‘// [/ C (Pi/j /7 / a / LL. Z / ”/7:,7[// ///7/ ”771a ” Z / ////// ’/ ////’ //////a//; A / , - i I ,/ ' - K , / ' / ,/ / befi’ / //////p//fl/’fl /:/ ,l// 4/ /,///7, __ //'//fl¥ g/x," (/4/ , / ‘ / / ’ / / ~ * / ,. ',7,// ,////,//’.//', _ '1 'Zcz/i/fl/ Z / 7 // V /' , 1/ , g; %u;//; / _ A,..W«~A,_,.,~... w—v‘. / //,,//7 V /w~/ w/zgg/L 7/ /€- [git—Log AIYTJZUOLR «5m “fualmrmxcih: AN‘ID REALIT‘W [’Iz/dIA'l/f/i Znnfimn‘s [”177551:Zlffiignwlfi‘mr/ [NH/I'M. '~‘ " EM (-33.24% .' sun) ‘17-: EALI'J’YT' x A .R<(lJI§L‘ . i m: r V" / mA 1| x ’11" H 11?. A TU T M ([27 R (D It!" j’chrZw/Lmi éyJw/IW f‘rzwsr, Eli/hymn; JAZwu/flm ©W”LALLA M®®mm” hut! 2/5. ”My?!” Jlree/ Awwmwm /'w/u’4,'<114,( lip ./r[’I/('J' 1‘ THUMB AUTHKDR 0F 9’ (C)? BONNIE] L”; Paibked 5y famed [hwy 21.5. Mm Janet [Mm I «‘33 ’ 0 Q; 33": ’H W“ 'U l”, '0‘ ATHTHORQZDF YE S AND NO”: Pub/#725117 fp/ Jamar Ema; 21.5 fi’cymt 527'ch [0774272. 1me 11 N H)“ A\. 'H‘ (U) IBM (G: ”ANN Hm A, J LOW 11%;, N IE1 \Y' H" (0) IF‘ ,AX U T H (OUR, ,/'n/I/1§1‘//rz/ 6/ (05mm fwrnr, 3/5 Rig/nu J'hm‘l lmmélm. AL {U ”H“ M U R MAP (U) S TA TIE”: r/Mh, .0: _ / 1 A -. ".«z'w’fw/Zw/ @y/amoz/“fwm: Z/rf/fiyaw JZrI/W 'HWUUE AIU'H‘IUNDHK (IDLE v"ll‘lliUE W’HJEAS‘UJHUES U11" IvlllEfiMPiWIh'" Pail/Mimi [zydamas Fmser, 2/5, Regan; Jared W 9% 'H‘ H (0) R (D IF '11" HE“LHJFE fl 1}“ II .1 (J'- Jl‘w rm 1 5/5 'H‘ A. 3‘- ;i‘g ‘l s‘ v ‘ M‘ :5», HT "hi/1.511;”? éy/hirmr/m» (/3 ZZM/Ezwndr JKMM‘} xi Nut/U11 MAY “7“ ¢ . v14‘\\\ RF fi.\hm_m ,\\ ,7; Ex «WWW; "END HA 1m 11 NT; ;\\afl\/ E , “Km T filifiuyhd/ I}? Jamar /‘}rw&)¢ .915. /L’¢J(Jw32)2nwf A m 111%) EH 0» A? "“ 1v ()1 ‘im a IE: /7 ' AUTHKDR (INF THEMMJEMKDHRS (DIE THE 4&FJFAKRS (0)]? EURGJIP’EO: MZZJILMZ Z] Jtamw frwa‘r 27.5,flzy5n2‘ JZJWMZWV JI ill ii ‘ -1 x t . w I \II iln u . ‘ , Ill 1/ 1 ‘h, ll}: , lulu" xii‘fljruu :E€£I .’ . 4 » 1 v I 1 ‘ t J l \ \ A ? l ( \ w { i I 1 I I 1 l . . ,t . *wm’mvwwmtfi We 3:"- @111 \ _« WWIWMW& \\ - ‘l 7 ~ w .K‘EDUIMWNA. ‘M.l\lnkv \‘\\M\l\\l|4 \\ .¢\\.\\\\1 r a $3 m “M; 1 E ACUTE??? J. /, ”w ,1/ é} Jamar/Thu”, 2Z1 Ziggy/21, 3.112%,1/1/4/6/1. (DTP H “ww; » 7‘ .‘4 EN ‘ ._ W _ ‘ Atqfififi .. . 9 1. .\., 3 \ .N, N n ; , \ s_.. w I N . , w w / . . x .. i e nvmiumn ” N 8 PM. m L S v. W. L M ~ Y L P E Q R. w M T U A H}: Ell-’7 1‘7 err,” 7 "My; . ; (1.6 V xj’ru. ”Mg/Luz @flww A1 "1"[5HDB ‘(D'LE‘ ”DESIGNS OF TB‘IY'ITIED‘IN" 73m! //\‘ fanny ISO/[war- / / : / I/V/‘(/ . ,0; / /,'/,'/ ,' L'ZEl' D .I‘i DTP ‘ r ‘ if: s// #4 {g} JU/m '; s'f/ rm M7 .J ~\nn,\\\ r fitwflkfififli‘ -_i \ \ [lg/ml WW} M, 1015’ [ggqmbdirufi rm; fit/4min .'7 3y . limar 17}an //\ NK (LIA (“\ch QC /(L//‘/‘.L'~»IQ if?.£535»!.3..7\.Pm5¢r,_.w.-E, . . / 7 // I U I l H r / ./ x l m V 1/! . /z 7. _ T u .,I / ,H. H M m . ,// /h W / / ;/ / 'II'IIHHS AUTJHHUHHL 01F "II'IHIJE EXQUHSHTES." /5, 13(1me and, Jami/m , a fizbbfirhed éy flame; Frwza, Ingrbmum, Gin/"I7 firmdtt, Lilla/y "1a 1/12: Jig/(sly, A; “Va/mum. Jr V. é. 6....‘w‘w‘pgkgL: 44.7, .. 7/; ,4 0/7 2/, fit}. 9/,» , . ..,. , /,,,,,/%L 1234.4 In , ///,/ 4/" AMA AK , ”/4, A (M414 . //%/7/////./ ,, Ob flaw & to .m / \Wh Mfilfild él/ fimxwfmrw: 2M, jiggmld'lrzoa MHz/[um ,a . ; EDHTC’JR 011“ PTJEUB HLHTERAIR‘Y SDUVENE ‘ THE? 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A; ‘1, ZM.»LL;¢/ [f/év‘ fl! a449y¢¢4 4:11,?) 2!!» ”1449:“: M1" 2m (:14; ‘ k 4; $4 c/M A/fcio [’if’ " k/ ' ' L 9 4/6/34th Mfr/g; fl-myz/oaQ 42.. {if base/.5, @1237 /(xt/‘t% Maia“ 7" L/ /’4""1:v/‘: 4:,” M w 7/ W/%/ 9M7? VJMM 7 7a; 77 Z742! em/g/ZM gall/(44’ #21 £717,471 k: (fig/Z é/‘M /”"7 ._ / , 4/2: 474917 417%] fl/flafl/