xt7qjq0stw34_4375 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms474 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection Autograph album of letters by William Harrison Ainsworth and his friends text 43.94 Cubic Feet 86 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 22 items Poor-Good Peal accession no. 11453. Autograph album of letters by William Harrison Ainsworth and his friends 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474/Item_14/Multipage17767.pdf 1805-1905, undated 1905 1805-1905, undated 
  Scope and Contents

Peal accession no. 7438. Includes newspaper clippings, photographs, prints, and manuscripts of Ainsworth.

Also includes manuscripts, clippings, and prints of Edward R. Moran, Samuel Rogers, Percival W. Banks, Robert Keeley, E. Laman Blanchard, W. C. Macready, Albert Smith, G. Augustus Sala, Lord Albert Conyngham, Shirley Brooks, Henry G. Bohn, Reverend George Croly, W. A. Delamotte, Richard J. Lane, H. W. Pickersgill, Charles Hooton, Lord F. Levison Gower, William J. Linton, John Wilson, Barry Cornwall, George Cruikshank, Lord Lytton, J. Rayner Stephens, Countess of Blessington, Lady Caroline Norton, Thomas Hughes, T. Crofton Croker, Edmund Yates, Mark Lemon, Douglas Jerrold, Edwin Arnold, Captain F. Marryat, Martin F. Tupper, Nicholas Michell, Dudley Costello, John G. Lockhart, W. T. Moncrief, Count d'Orsay, Alaric A. Watts, T. J. Pettigrew, J. Macrone, William A. E. Axon, E. V. Kenealy, Thomas Wright, WIlliam Jerdan, and I. K. Hervey.

section false xt7qjq0stw34_4375 xt7qjq0stw34 H. —-_ ”mum-r ‘- -mp, L“ “REE? 2 nob T KMSAL GREEN, NOW ~ xyCOME A. NEW’SRMPEB ()li‘lWCE. About a mile from Kensal Green Cemetery, where Harrison Ainswort-h was buried, there stands on the Harrow read an old-fashioned plaster—faced house with a high garden wall, known by the name of the Manor House. There was a local belief that the house was built. by the novelist, but when a. few weeks ago it was leased by the proprietor of the local journal, the “VYillesdcn Citizen,” there 'as some. dispute in the district as to the correctness of the tradition. The owner of the house, however, possesses the papers, and has now proved that this was really the' or in the garden under the twisted oak tree that gives a. needed touch of the grotesque and age to the dry gentility of the architec- ture, Ainsworth is said to have written “ Guy Fawkes,” “Old St. Paul’s,” “St. James’s,” “ \Vindsor Castle,” “The Miser‘s Daughter,” anc “ The Lancashire \Vitches.” The house is typical of good suburban houses of the early Victorian period. The library contains some of the bookcases shown in a Cruikshanks’ drawing of Ainsworth at home. The drawing—room, which is on the. same floor, with windows in a large, flattened bay opening on the garden lawn, has the old novelists home in the forties. In the library, l glass cupboards for china on either side of in the right, with a. window to the street, [the fireplace. A peculiarity of l l1“ hollyhocks are running wild. and black cherries are and thcrc IS a promise the ten bedrooms on the top floor, whichlpinks, and indicates the truth of Ainsworth’s reputation l Little red apples for hospitality. Thackeray and Cruikshanks ‘ hanging on the trees, _ -- (who also lie ‘at Kensal Green), Dickens and,0f peaches on the wall. A luxuriant V’lllo Jerrold were frequent visitors here. It is , has burst from the wall to the ground. the, said that Dickens first met Foster at the llittle pared courtyard at the stables is green Although the city of the i and sturdy With weeds, the bell has gmic from the dead have spread l the stable belfry. At one mid of the harm countrv iis a colonnade where a. great printing inaf. ,_\.ro Ainswm‘tli a“? - l . . “alum being set up. where . . W. friends are said to have sat and us The new ten: ‘ Manor House. living and the city of _ out to it, the house has still many features. The long garden behind the ‘ has been'niuch neglected, but in its tangle} 1 ' h . (1 ‘ there is still abundance of fruit and old-file 111g tinga esi k t. ‘ fashioned flowers. York and Lancaster roseskmg the gar (1911 ‘JHC t0 rm that Ainsworth is said to have plane/"Ali f, preser ' ' Eerie just new, and ma“ ' W "11010 I‘OSCS, Z31‘1N‘” ln»- 8‘ TUBD AY, FEBRU ABY 4,19Q5" l-EALTH RESTORED WITHOUT MEDICINE or EXPENSE BY U BARRY’S‘ REVALENTA ARABICA ‘.FOOD which Slves I.\ V J LIBS: 1nd CHILDREN 1111113130 ‘ Ben's successfully Infants whose Debllity has re: isted all ‘ other treatment. 11'. (ll '1: LS 11 11911 all other tool 1.: r0} can i, ‘ and 5111' es 0 times its cost in medlcinc. lF'l"Y'—SEVRI\T YEARS’ INVARI IABLE (onstlpatb 1n, ; SUCCESS 1C0 00:) ANY‘VUAL CUR}: 5 of hestlon Consumpt‘. on Ily 2:21- 1‘1 lullcnc:Y Dy spcp= la, Ind Bronchitls Influenza Coughs A>tlu111., Diabetes, :1 Diarrhea ‘1,.\erv0us nobility Sleeples: 11es-: D2;- -sponlencv, ' U BARRY 8.1 CO, LTD., 1‘ 1, liegent— street, -Londo11, '.;1l\' J. W (JOLI. I. Y, SO\S. I; (OI TI). 2.11111» 1 chc31er;and 111211.11 GlOCezs, (“‘en‘:‘:“r and Storesmeryvvbe'e. In tl11sm18AMl’Lls2. Cs. : >'.-111.115.1115» DU lY"S I'lLY' AI I-‘I\' '1‘-Y l’ISFLhS 3.1. Cd. 11111 Es. V 'l‘Y HOUSVL HO} 1') A31) ’1 RAY" 111.- I [\l TRUNK ought to contain 111’01112 of I-I.\_‘O‘$ “ FRUIT .‘ALJ. " A simple renle ’.y for menu c11‘r.13g bv not r:1.| means :111 luncilonal (191': 11 '1 r'1‘11t ', , anon in 1 illouspesd. aim; 11139411. 1111:: ,co11~.-'.'.1 71' 0 cheer of E\ ‘FRU l'AS 11'1“'(1na di> ordeu d , 11nd few-11>": c111l'1Llo11 'IsimpI-v marvellou-. 111i; 'i:1t1.CL. .1, ure' > own remely. 21111111 msnl‘lnassod one. Yum-.1t d on 3 by J. L‘. I .\'O. IT.I), “ FR RUI’l‘ 1'1" " 01’. KS, London. I 11- 11:. 11 11v .l. C. Km '5 ,Vall‘zfl’, “14.111“ .Y‘Jll 1 \l ‘ V\ 1 , "“"Tcll‘ (JL' ll'l- Y YSH 1' l‘. »1. 1 THE MA} CHESTE? GUARDIAN ,1 n to climb the Lowther’s n ELE '12 ,2 V , , . Glenoonner watcr Ci1():\l NE‘JYYS. Tlfl'll lYl2\ix.f ._ v - - 1 I" , 1 - "en sheet » ablv ' 131st "hat- the nnal ‘ ‘ ‘ “O W L‘ “ L ‘ after rain for it was the third year of their ¢,____,,. 5‘ 9. l‘d‘crcn'e be-' ,, > t "‘3“; C“ :1 ,L, ,, lstriko against;- the leadminc 011 1111s Tile 1 V 1121 the Enghb 1 00‘ lcottages all belonged to I101 d Linlithgow, w 10 FEB APPLEBY ‘1‘ They. will l'onour- llplcnty of time the consonantsbe carriedlanl sift the bank .'>, of the REDERIC ‘Vr LLIAII summoned his United Diet tics “' to 10 scl in his concluding address to flush“ Paid onlx evldx' 11cc on ”..lliCll he won (ll 12>:k for .1 conviction was; that contained 111 the statements made by the men them.I 2:213l'1'c‘s. The case was adjourned till to—day. . 1 .“ and this land.“ ing coun ju ry Corrected in l.at11' the it 11 .'1> to in mi them that thev will even puin u 33> 1; 'of paper ishal‘l ('1‘ er tl1ru> t itself like 1 second 011; “Providence between the Lord God in heaven tween the trt-nzh The Revolution of 1848 119 .11 But to one who l1>tclled still to come in Prussia, after the summonin cf the lnitcd Dit'l‘ only a short 2' The King yesterday received the Bishop 0‘- lDr. G-orcl and the Bi, hop 0 9(Dr. Digg‘lcl, '.'-rho dic. homage on their. 1'18 ileCLE‘illl‘Ty" 'l(llnl1‘llS‘1(-3“- T DlY‘lSlOL' Birmingham L‘d 1il>l0 '11 outside ‘he classroomldid not press them for rent, and as each in 1h1lt this “'85 Ellg—‘yvjllnoor had a cow and a cabbau 0 patch the t least. lav»:- llefll(l——- iCOllClI tions were leal for conducting a sirikler.‘ ,~ ‘ 1 :'1 f '1 EYthn the Princ‘c of YYlales w'l a nut o 3 h emphacls, 0 THE married the whole village took a day’s gold— ‘IGC‘R‘ French as ‘1" seeking and a nugget about the size of the mun-oration, in cajolery', and the rest of it; itOP 30ml» of a man s finger (which 11,15 af::1_ a. what would liappeiry 'ards presented to their Royal 1‘12““:le txv to teach even {11031115 among the finds. Several Cullllltll 1 _ _, -1 , Epl'opdsals to work the gold have been made coaxehut‘ondl‘but it was always found that the quantitv Y's" ‘t' 0““ would not prove relnuncratiic. Lord Lin— subtleties “'OUlCl Hill 1 lithgow 011 nevi the Le- dhllls Inn which he ‘used on occasion as his shooting— bo\'. and at ‘.Lcadhills. at any rate, he is thought to be the most considerate landlord in Scotland. 3They have a. light ilway there now, but although it call no lonlcr be called ”The Clockless Y illlgc,’ it is still one of the most ‘unspoilcd_ nl aces ‘ cotla 'i.nd in 1 A ion in favour of 111 Al the tcrday tho cations for refined. .‘1 7.110 l)""‘l‘--"ll‘ “(‘(“‘_,‘VVC‘\‘ I 1 (1'1 Cl 1 therefore, is. door it \1 01111.. seem cerl'l Illere is—or we of Freno _lelll';i112_';>tcl' Br-cvvslcr F5 justicl's heard a nrmbrr new liccl' most of lot were I sions ve>‘- - ' n \ 11.0111: mart ,tllc I'll); be Bishop of lli11011’(Olcrl3 c: v = r .- u .Lllc step, 5 he onto. 1' ’l‘l‘lER PROTECTEOXIST MARKING TIME. (311031 our. sun «.1. CORR .2121: one; it would not be inconsistent no teaching wine ll(.'11(,‘(; a 1'<2>'.a'1: . 2d, an". '> given to rebuild a license (‘2 i'ollrszio'r1 i:‘np-T1>‘r22'l on appli- ‘ “ Sl,ll'l‘{'li‘.".'.-l‘ of 1, 17‘. 1'2. nil two ‘ 1wg‘l-‘wf1q in attc , , decided to groceed to Merit-‘2‘ re»:- 0 cl lock this 11f"'crnoon on‘ his promiwd \isil‘ to Lor l ’1oscbel‘y. 1: v.1 ill t1:1.cl bv lnctor- -cal by way of Acton and! llvu'vdv ' Sing. 11 of ' of 1110 C“ lO.>[“l i‘ “‘11.: "' l" 111‘ .‘ELL in the TSAR'S case. as in the KIXG of Pro 3 cadeni‘ insistence, l‘illiT'T ‘ ll'l one .l l i l . . ...- 1 \- 9. '1.-gm} " ~ .1 l M - - »1.»1':'1'111>>'111n 1 (use, mm the mo ., rant. Lu. notions, about! c>P03 D} DIS-3E.) r1'ol at abult tl. l But, an important. one. far, ‘.ussia will have road to C tional growinmmin 11' thev stOT) short of it'E 01 1111;» the .livino rights of kings. though a one slzu odors to imaginj l j 'l‘hc King li9..> 1 l 1: L‘ J INDERMERE, memar NIGHT- Ylajol \oblc 3 health l1 he has gone tor a " If to a to. :im- involvn :.co'-1'i';e11.>;c short stop it would be ogte who shouldi, ouictel10ments of 1" shoulder— play and wrist hardly be said that sucl‘ to the '1ind. 111" broken 111 do u 11 lira 11' r >.' tench 1111' -work. : the TSAII‘S lororn is go so ion 61': . l l , . ii ““" d3.“ 10 lllthe .-outl mg}, ‘ 0,, m0 onsum-g 1rr'lnce to iecupcralc. but the P1"; ll'c who. with most of the’ lnombels suspended i ‘ 'otcctioni A (Ulllf'l‘ 'l.av-.' Union». Leigh. YY‘iizan. dcl-‘uf 11> from Bolton, lllackbur Hmlingdcn at Bolton yo".- (ommittcc draw up a 11 Lanca>hirc labour ('UlOIl}: for dis- ‘»(2us>i1,~n at» a siibr.crpl(,2nt Conley-mag, the Poor :1. Bury. 1111(342 (21" r or and .1 . ' 1 1.011111}. 11j'111olntct. a schemi- “ ‘c 11111 0111011 is not ‘ 1\v4\ ~11’. (: l‘ :d it], M bcczuiause of his 1 Family, has Given practical ev i- ... . .urs. Noble remains amt YYVindcrmcl‘e spending industrious davs in can“. tr3ing b,‘ example i ‘ the P co) itllo bkcstt1 llllls tlll‘ 111 19l1ting This, however, they “l lb? without political value. be 11. YYVhilc the Govc 2'2.'.'ith own subjects in St. .Ylanc l st] I ‘i‘bwni‘ in the peasant " "1k cr'nission that in future 3 ' ‘ _ '< hall be known V ssociati on. In, ation s evisth 1‘1! cc interest mav wait until [1195.311 all have, a larger nun 1our schools—Frenchmen no 0: onlv talk but teach‘ hall get little good from $91 iously to speak it' ‘tt ke learning 1 Assistant Mast-er ought to be ,1 2 7 1 .1 ‘ _ '31 ‘ ‘ a ' "1 ha, been righting we hove, as 51111.3 one d y 111, Pctcrsburg, l 1 "111110211 '. to L , re land. tl ‘k Royal Irish Indus ll has given p l 1‘ S l Ib'er of ll‘renchmcn in and moreover, who can . But 1 French until we try 5 plod away as we do. ‘r;11o1.1 as " 111121111111.” .... DYLISEng (111 the 132m 1.. -1. l1'1r1.'.i:1g~.-11's Yak) - IS 01 ll isll Industries .Ysso -1 till ‘l . ,2. ‘ . . .‘ t0 unusc somnne spirit into 1Ianother re 1 a 1 sun" "red l tivelvis‘ i 1 has it has been on a» com it 19. which has still to win its .i‘ a“ ‘ — $1 1 'l\.~‘ 1‘ " 1111 an .rl1l,\ 13111111....t o ,lcclcd l‘l'otlccctionist i‘Ol'C‘es )hcrc are saying that .Y) asstt of th ll] ‘c‘illl E\TIl‘ RIC E. 3,“, :ncanwhilc we. ., , ‘.l rue loo easier . tll 1‘1112131‘11 or the Assui clue L111 ‘.JLL'U ha< been made in “England and ‘il‘l‘t‘lY 1111111113111» .110,1 ,mtry scnt to Ireland 13' Lc' idon dcp0t . i the organisation of cxllib tions and_ lchbishcp Chichclc. in the' '1‘ “'1 YYVlIllllllg mpg. cf (.mugmluctmn a lsalcs of Irish collage—made work in London, ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ L“ | _ _ ‘1" . 1 ' : . ‘ ~11 1 g. fifteenth century S1. Dmid‘s " D. ‘13' >1‘1ll" Major 111111 ‘1[1~.- yoiflo 11-1111'11'et Yl-incllcstcr, Liverpool. 11111111115'1121111, Brad . . ‘ V . 1 I] ‘ ‘ ..' ' ( “..- ‘ . I dll‘cctcri to be obs-crvcd as a publi/ llOllll€l\ 11‘»- 11. .11 011 1:19 l1-211l2,\ of [he lake, 111 nd their {210” llclfa +22, E1, 15h) V, 111,1.31’ 131' gliton throughout the province of (autor bur' . '.lllc‘ l motmgpmx f'uuii , nd well and \cwca>tl. custom, however. ceased at tllc'ltclormation. - 1111 11nd The constitution was passed in rccogul'tlon, 1t “"'"‘1011 1‘. i> l‘o1ievcd of the services rcndcrcd to “ \ England bv the YY‘elsh soldiers at Aglncourt. ,2 When I b clicvc that Mr. P. YVilson Ste-r and Mr. John Lavcrv were. both approzuh'ul for per- mission to submit their name' at the l l‘llis‘ docs llol. ecndition cf the .>l'113rt moire} ,, marker. cauwd a rally in mes: l‘2i .‘1- ’.l ., 1'1'12:>7.1114'nt stocks on lhe l.r;1lrl-'1n‘.-1:'1ck change y1'2>r_wr1l11y. ln the South paltmo 111 more -rfuln22.>.> was, :1‘1'1V1111carly'1lltlre ohangc' were '11:.2‘. . - ' Koblei INNS ll'cpar Winn: 101' 12..» ‘ 3’05““) bul— ‘53 L0 (‘15- ‘ 11112.1 mouth. p. (1‘ I‘lfl') are ’1'.1ll(11'-"l1:111'.'p11'— ,1) 65.1111192'121l1ot'lo 1r. 91.1-01'1' >11.» 112,3'.) drops, '.'; 1'11; .01' timer. Of all Chemists 1’; Slow; I‘. 12n11l'1tair111l2lc,11‘11'1‘21.‘ I"l.'01111daodrr—ssoi11 ' Retailer will 1.1; :':111. 1,103 l1'e0101'23.£11. Ilrltisi: Ila-11')? (YV‘11112esale only).12, 1.11.110 B1'.L.2.1:., 1.0111'l‘llh l'. ‘.‘-C 10 CORN AhD (J‘l‘iil'LIiL. Any (1012:2211 or 111111 1'1,»p1'r.-.>,r,2111111: to 11:2 '.l11:>11111':'. rue enough . V7 “ V authority has passed a rc>o- 111 St. David‘s Day a public holida3 in the Pl'llll‘ll);llll'_\' ‘l ndcl , YY clsh local ‘ courage first Llll I‘ll)? .. \ j . jn_ c11'11tcctcti01ii:ts, and by lix- ‘ African dc- al>o shown, to higher ‘ naiSsancc 1 I ' 1 allo ' which, MOUTH‘W‘ASH nusic on the pianola., aking not : 53 qle\ at {1,1,1 at examined in French conversation as well as, in bulary This would at .lcast .-'p ' 1 1,1 'vi » - Y: 2. >1 Sis allnostl _1 , , , V .1.1ol} Genern 1Y1110PAT111_\ LYIC‘lvllL} V) tut 1, 10.11 (cm ailment to her 1' pretty platform 2‘ and (.5. s spccch:>' ., recon—5‘ An thought that. "3 It. “113‘ SL’llOUl (ha: intended his last movement. to be ’1.J ‘ ” " I: ' s f in lorco we . 1 L011 titution 0 on a large scale. and v0ca—. '1‘ 1 , . . . . 1: W, ‘11,; ‘.Yll\t-L211'Cj] ‘“"" mu‘ ‘10“ .12’ wed to develop 1117.0 a serious. in "1‘“ “ ‘ though the los sc _1' ,.,1- ..lLluCA, 1 lll’JL‘l :1 ra'pid ::' t The Ip'2ui1 1', \’v‘»(_ ' 15-1 511.10 cauu- s on both side were by” ‘ ‘ about cqu ml, the Russian-s were once more de— feated. A still serious c2'1nscqucnce, , ”ml“ """llm‘ 111““ I?“ 3': ll“? V. perhaps, for the Russians was the quarreli “ “1‘“ ‘ ‘1‘ ‘V“2‘V “(“42“ ‘1‘ ‘ V“‘“‘“ “‘ ““0 General lirnomrklx .crz, 11‘ ll 11. ll} p1inl> on the dav Spot cotton; ., , , 1., ‘ (rRIPEXBERG. - , , , advanccl. 2 Q L A 1% 1‘3 .'1, .\ E M E A L l or selling' .11y oll c1 " ' 131.1111 ‘.';hlcb infringo the 'i’dteut lilletés of the Prep :Lul‘j 112‘ MOLAESI‘JS .Yll'ZAl. is liable '.': he 1)r1'11'..:."21 111131 for 3111‘1111gc111c11111111d 1111 damages, \Yl’letlml 1111111111: 11111 111' factor-.>: only. (10115111111,- 1>: 1nd othrl'b 11'2l11 111111 11:11 la- «:11 mid-'1 are kindly 151-1111 L1 :11er to 211115311101.‘151>I\‘1£ (50.. 1.11)., 5.6, Mark I 211e, l _ -Mc_._.-,,_ 1. ohm, 1:.1‘, y "7 ii H E 1 VlVl‘l‘l‘t» v,':";. l‘llllllt'2>. ;1 ll'11'1 (”.3 1'1-11 '1 'anre in 1b” price of of the York Illill‘lil'! 11'1. Pi'mr-iakintj. are - 1' unciation, at present 2 >'iglu . ,1, telnelnc t0 the right pron .1. LL. ‘.‘-.l'OUTH-YY'ASI'I. lV‘f New To ,kuown on till‘ .».1 111\ “ the suspects a certain take. 1110123 5 :1'11111‘113's ol the district 1‘5 the coachcs. :10 by. ‘1'l11 the 111d sh time cap- lulu all (lll‘ll' lrcal‘iSs b)‘ a generous distribution ol' (1‘11'1s1‘m1-1s hearty oolboy a, I\C‘l‘.S S Y‘ICl‘Ol 11A was issued PR The following: bulletin _ . , l3 1‘ pains With the ”'1 The roadmenchccr tell the alicctation in any who shz thing of their speech. :\l llliL/‘l'll‘kb _lD ' ( l( 1'1, , l tho xl‘l‘h‘ yesterda‘y', and ‘.'-01101'1‘1‘. , _ , In an army so distracted by between and they 22'1 511:111'1‘1'10ds '1' {RES‘ BOYD E wmn.) ON, FRIDAY Nionr. morning :4- l ‘ 11110111114 ham 1’9‘ l l l111‘: 1'2 ___.'_..—______.———-JV UUll llJY‘lJlJN C01 (BY PRIVA'JI‘I Load The general opinion a‘ 1113 to be that it we of the YY 111' Office 2 aiming the artillery W “ Times " to deliver itsuf: Government this morn; down the unarmed favour 0“ the W‘fcrm ‘»nfantr\ ' and cavalry. F ““t’ ‘0 “ YYar Office is of course of reservists drawn fresh from it is to— —da\,' tbr the first vil life and from the classes and (listrict> what 11111111011111 31c. critil suffered through the Govcrn- “30‘; 50,,‘V10,l,9“l“ ‘1 turn, "lime-.>'" llisley corres , . . ,{lclnncd the short rii‘ but he llgllllllg‘l11tter‘ly' to have quito lll\1111l1)1>.("‘ll 1110' which the Y‘lar Office 1311l3',1‘11ittco He mistook“ 1 l >t1‘1‘111'1‘0l' laddy is one of right ‘ ce, February 5,11 21.111. hoot. had a better ing is quite will be dis. _ . . «5011' "‘ for . 1. . stall jealouslcs as the Manchurian army l;_\"‘.<‘_ 2 0 at (,llllbtllldS Crncrally fair and mild wzclthcr, with local :':howers, is predicted for to—c day. FOREIGN. General bripcnbcrg, 2nd “H.311. Princess Yietoria has 1 . . lllgll l. ”9““ 'llle domgs of the. new a," Bilillllll‘lll 111' YY‘iu L(‘1“C 0‘ ‘ll'l‘l‘i satioll in the district, and they fill" llL"“1ll1‘1lillI t0 llY"ll tllC SLOL‘JlCS Of the fabulous pric's which YlajorV \Voblc is >11id to p:13'.lols>pccial l1r1in> when the 11 “other makes it uilpo>siblc lo. him to cross the tells bv motor—car. ,Ylajcr Noble is c :pcctorl to retulirl 1102‘" Y‘x'l‘i‘li l0 resume his pait in what- hasl been illl'ifildy a. nrolougcd and vc1 'y strenuous ‘ preparation. jho 11011111er— (lav cannot be, fixed, Of course. until Mr. lligg‘s - resignation IS 811 ‘ accom plishcd fact. A ‘ ’l‘he‘ of delay each fresh quarrel acquires additional Boys .110 and her condition this in or The evening’ bullcti1 n i ‘ significance. There I; that the of that working 1. as yet. sign 511'1ctory. continued. (Si-glut";l ..cadcmy elcctions last week. - :11r couls mean that thc \cadcmy men “0'1““ itllcm of'lici ally to join the body, but it is. 111111— 15 the successful 30““ ‘ cult to >11upose that any members should put up the ll'lmcs of such eminent men as the Pl c>1dc'1t of thc \ew 11 null>l Art (‘lub and the Y ice l‘r esidnnt of the In crnalional1 Society unlcss they lr'd 1111‘ do >111" b' forehand 2. that ihcii candidature would have rtccived bOthiplopcr support But it. is und tood the. 01‘ the. decision Of the both mintcis r12 fused to entertain the idea. ”Qt 3‘ “PW 011“: and This is one of the most i11i.(‘l‘(‘\l‘l11§"lil"llt\,' we time that “‘0 501m“ ‘2 have l1: 1d on the changed spirit that: has come :ism 0“ the ”Tim” ‘iovcr the A1ademv and also on tho attitudc It is‘truc that J” of distinguished outsiders towards that» lusti— pondcnt always con- 1V tution. ‘ : Llpl; 1C2‘11‘S ) , , . .l.ll'.l\' tusslan army is capable - and smooth victory. .\or cpolicy of the Government in i l 11>k2:.l l dcrmoro are a stock mong army of Maucluzrian Army, has resigned on the ground of The supplc‘nut “ 1311.1:1‘crs H. LYI{I\ ‘o. “ FREDERICK Tnnvns." , :11; it. was ascertained that the. ' oil progress. ' 1 commander the harmonious "Mei? 0121' 121 w 's. EDITED 111' I:— CIIATTY‘ runonarus perfectly run l): j, 1» waich alone can ensure '2 ing .i. )lI-‘CREDY'. 1111sr cmrlr 15115 1 surpl. HINTS ORIGINALV 'l‘ll‘s lllsol‘l luulls‘lulg 1112117111» ”m B; '.V ”Hi ‘1»; b t 1 1111.1US"2;11111N'1's 11:1'11 1'11.\1"1'1c.11. _-'\111101,1-;.>'.1 ' ' ‘MV‘C 1*” 1"" J1 ‘1 l 00110111221) 1\ I1\\GUY(; LTNIJILl-:$1‘.-\I\'l)ABl.li 11121'111' Madagascar. 'lhcrc 112.15 b13131, --,—1 ‘1_.- 7112112111111): IN '1111; 51111.12; . y l . 1«2 l 1 liig 1111111 )c '1" 1 " l1.» 1, "1,113 1, ~111‘151n' , ,, g in 11 n lit, outpo>l> 1.., 1111.5, Of Newmgents, 1n the matter of rc—. Yesterday ev Princess 13' as il‘L‘ill‘ v is the at quail? ‘1 \1 ill-health. 1' “pro .>:: still making go hich uicouragcd the 1 ery hot attack on thej for short- “ll‘lil‘ll'i’m 01" lcll‘ P‘tcrsburg likely to improve- the fighting mm m..— l)l‘(lll.\ ‘C 131‘ ll lJNlJlJY . S'l‘l'llNl‘llfll AND THE OllClllZS STRA. concert given by Miss Maud 1‘11 acC'9.rt.2hy at. the Hall became an inwortant orchestra‘ concert on 1102‘ ‘int 01' Herr li‘ritz Steinbach conduct 1115: the. London Symphony Orchestra in an important. progrra The limous conductor brought. our on the inter- v of the Russian private. The army . ' mg declolng 111' 1' I ‘ 1 lDl SATURDAY. 111 ncllulia is not composed of aliens like or 1mm Smith 0N1}:sj1VE?:}\;(‘;.‘(:an- . . . , ‘ ‘ r1 l‘lfle fOl' OFF «:11» 1.1. 2 11.-.. =' 1n .Ylanclluria, and 111 one case the llusslans the» cos> acks who shot Specimen Cop‘m 1’ .51. F1111: MEC‘RE or, Pl; 11m 51» ”NH Uli ' K“ 1101110101, (Ill '1pp‘it'1L’on to l‘(‘1‘\\"11‘(l ,1, , , , _ , - ,~ ,~ ' . , .'. , ., . 1 1 s, mu 11> 1 1 s . YYl..ll\llr(,ll. J; 11:1111‘12: 1b 1 lul 1011 l (20.11 llAVli 111131111115 1‘ V it 2 , ». , ,, 3113 YUPHON‘I .>c2nt in lalace Square, 3013,. 1 . . ur'crt extent l.11\‘110\' w. c. btrlkcrs have been fired on by troops at' ‘ ‘ The Lodz, on Thursday .lbcl‘ 11> have no rea>on to complain Every wcck that. p11 sscs leaves thcr 1 in a strollgcl position than its predecessor, bc'ausc of the steady educational work that Mr. Leif Jones and Lady C 1rli lsl and 'lmuny other earnest. Flee—traders arc carry- 11]“ forwlrd. Recognising the great dillicu iv in so sea tcrcd an agricu ltu' al constituency 1“"‘ialiou of‘dl"\"1“i0usw rksbis distinguished (1f makinn this “0121— something more fruitful qualities-41 5110115; and liv cly sense. ofrlli thin, 3. than a mo '0 sc lttcring 01 seed on ill— prepared 1 \vcll— thought- out and finely measured dislri bu- Hu‘ound ,er. Lcif Jones is issuing every week tion of light. and shade and 313111 enerstl" 111 an clcctiz 11 news— sheet, and a copy is sent by carrying 02,11 his 11 tendons. The tone he draws l‘VO‘t' ‘0 ‘3‘V‘H313 ”1‘02 0f the 71000 ClCCtOYV The. from the orchestra is firm and intense, but the 1alnlcr in the rcmotcst corner of the fells suddenness of: the attack and the incisiveness ' has therefore .. 32 . .' . . . . his lci 111 . t imam 0“:““““““1".1‘Otf‘9n‘g‘ihlpat of the beat now and then tend lo limit its fulr \ " 1 10111 " ' q 1 r) , _ , , . .. l \ 0“ “ “C 1 ‘1 G 0‘ ‘ ‘1 rcss and impair its sympathetic beauty. will hinge. A good portion of the news— , . 11 . , . - sllcct devoted to Clitical examination 01‘ VBeetuovens VCorlolanus overtuiewas given the Protectionist posit ion as it is represented 1“ excellent SUV‘O’ “‘1‘“ dramatically strong, by Major Noble, and the general political'eml‘ha‘s‘s' The performance of Strauss‘s ‘ TOG. sltuation is aomiribly illustrated by some of and Verklarung" was all the more interesting it came so soon after the composer s own Mr. 1" . C. Gould‘s 1 cartoons. If there are reproduction with the Queen‘s Hall Orchestra in Protectionist tares growing ill this North YVc>tmorland farming district no hot tcr Miss Newcombe‘s concert. Herr Steinbach taken in TO- l) YY r3 Ru>sian Poland, 3 one report, and according Queen‘s 2) ) 1 3 , . , ‘. which have 1 A} L1,“ more than hlt\ have been killed , ~. 3 . 1 . ' , l‘mcnt s oxccsscs. The story of the massacre a or injured. Disorders are reported irom L" at- one the strikers wrecked station. l‘rdcr h 1> been restored ml in but occasional outrages both by 11llI‘OdCly ‘5 the C‘O““““n“‘ and striker 1119 reported. Thel? received another uorkmcn‘s depri-l will not improve their stomach for tanding Com- is called for consider the An impor tant meeting of tth the National Society the 22nd at Church House, to dillcrcucc.> that have arisen between it and i (11. her town>; railway Warsaw, 111ilila.1‘y 3 ‘l‘sar, has: ‘ tation. LEADER8~~> RUESSIA‘S CALMHTIES Bankers and Pruicc‘rionism .......... . Fron’ch ’l_‘cac.l1i1u‘.r in English Schools SPECIAL ARL ICLI‘ .5- The llaliisou .‘Yiusu'orlll Ccntcl‘lzll'y (\v11l1 illualr lriom .............................. The Applcby Division ........................... Books and Bookmen 1 Recent vem ....................................... 10 (0‘33” 'l‘11‘112',2\11d,1fl=~*§ bad an audience all Music m London 12.1npcrt'u‘ l'rancls Joseph at Yenlcc, an: . . .1 . _ ................................. 1'11 .. d1 )utcd to sound thl ,. .1~ .0. -, Australian Cotton ................... ........ 1 L 0 l0- H1111 'lrldll , lalcsmcn with a view to forming a \llni>t1y. RUSSIA‘S WAR AT HOME-222 Strikers Fired on at. Lodz The Situation at YY‘arsauv ..................... Movement in Polish Towns ......... . ....... . Another Depulatimr [0 the RUSSIA’S wan 113110.111»— a 1 . , p 9. quarrel which they probably recognlsc not their 0 shrink from ‘1'8111 1113‘s, W11. l) “ figure, of merit ” after the tests of'the mile. 10 worst result lishcl the lowest. number for the whereas the “figure of merit ” reads. like a golf card, on which t-hq lowest figure is the But the 11 ost intmc sling point bc>t 1(5‘11ll. [ to notice is that the attack of thc “'limc-s “l .»oberlr:, who heartilv is an attack on Lord 1} rule and 01100111 aocd atriotio lussiaus thinking that all scrv 11 a Lu 1' ally defeat latter 11 national cause, , . _ l . » ~ , . lllc North Sea Commission yesterday hold “'lliCll the Government. is making of the army secret sitting. national in “V3“ the Church Schools E11101 ucucv league in rc— gold to the policy that should be adopted rcs ncctiug thc attendance of school children at 111111 ch It l> a sign of the urgency v of tho 11.13 oulcd the new short -1 11111-100111r that the 111119>cnl11t119> of v1ri0us its introduction. Now ;1102 one has 1.1rca-cl1cdl,(‘lhimli organisations who are elected to join the pros $11.91 of wood musketry more carucstly iin deliberation with the Committee when 00 the n Ldrd Robert-s, so tll at it follow' that the l sion arises are also summon 'd to actt lid. The was not due to merei meeting will be pr 'vate. may 0 but the use at home is sure to remind some of them that the victori-sc of the Italian lAustria contributed more to German con- any' other patriots over stitutional liberties than single choice of the short rifle want. of seriousness. I ! cans e . ‘ 5 whom some W A legal cor 'mpondcnt may lexperts (probablv the‘ majority) condemn the. new rifle, theref are i“ YYb12t is becoming also cxpclts who tlloro‘Vughly appreov it. .' l Indeed, though many \r\ 12" of that dignified reserve 130': laps dccm a little by lcritical writes:— ’lnr. rising in Russia is over, >llooting IT is remarkable that at the usual yearly and half— yearly meetings of bank shareholders all but. the; The people by ailing have proved TOLSTOY to be right when and the cxiling. :1 12,13 111 public which v 11> supposed to characterise which have been recently held little if any The 1>tornr of opinion "against the G005 01m our jud Wes? l‘llcir exits and entrances were The Battle of Heikoutai ........ . ............ savs that the Russians do not understand r:volutions, and the Government to be wrong reference has been made by the chairmen to A the fiscal question. year ago a. raging meat in this matter willl not be. comparable always supposed to be, and I bcli 1eve 31 or so calculated as to avoid method for checking their growth could have the work much more deliberate ,‘1' The Largo calm and quiet, and . parade and public attention. We seem to be on the high ro oad to changing all this. Look at the. recent retirement of Sir l‘rancis Jeune, a dignified and high—minded judge if; ever there was onc.1“irst we have a long letter from himself, reaching, I think, to nearly two columns of small type in the 'l_“im‘e;>" praising evcrvbody, 11y illg farewell to them all, and glorifying the profession of the law ‘Not that Sir F"ancis is never to see those he addresses again. On the con- Vtrar 1 he will see them all, or most. of them, lWllen he sits in the Housb of Lords. on the 1P11vvCouuell as well as in many other placesfn. where lawyers meet- each other. On top of this comes. a, valedictory speech from Mr Justice Barnes 11111-1 another from 3111'. Bargrc .ve Deane, and there might have blC] stillh another froiu the At orncy General but that. 11011115 in bed with a cold in the head. As if this sp- cchifying and letter—writing w ere- not enourrh we hav 23 two K. 111g s C0 msel 001—1 gratulating Yli. Justice Barnes on being. appointe ed to succeed Sir Fr ancis qunc, andl two more -‘—01 was it one .'>—congratulating Mr ’ Balm-a we Deane on succeeding Mr. Justice Barires. “ These speeches to a judge on his appoim- lncnt are an absolute innovation, and it. can— not be too late to protest against them. These public displays connection 11111 General Gripcnberg Resign-s ............ The Baltic Elect GENERAL NE WS— Mr. Morley on the Premier Mr. Bryce and the l,‘ iscal Question ...... 11 Mr. Llodeeorge at. YY'arrington ......... 10 Water Main Burst. Brewster Sessions with that which has arpuscd by the (10. propaganda. had been in progress, and came to rcarming the artillery 13A year and a. half ago 21. 01111121). in the London Guildhall. The agita- your 513901"1 COTTGSPOlldent “‘3 the dim“ tion seemed to shake the confidence of one or “““meu‘Vlns “\lflilmed that, though the 110w litle would secure the (lesidmarunz of unitar- mitv tl noughout the arhly, uniformitfi COUlCl be purchased t00 dearly'. If the. tests of the‘: new ride have not beer 16:11 to sts—il, as isi said, a short. barrel with all. its external improvements has in rely been matched against, a. long barrel with no improve— uncutsJ—thzyn the soone.‘ a real test is held . the better The outcrya gainfst the gr eatcrliick or" the short rifle >901 is to have dropped After the kick is ‘only tequal to about 51b 11 child. The wag-«equal- to 1 11bl1 schools used Your special 001'— d on the absence» of low rifle, and argued o decided against it. ‘.ng' that the average 3e trusted to be cool 'ly. For even a. man has to remember to he. had a wind-gauge 'znbcr no more. By the Y‘l‘ar Office up- for the new rifle, in has a windo gauge. ll: academic: lly about c, penetration, and 1d short» rifles till we ‘ the tests have been been devised than this week 'ly spraying with a most uncompromising weed—killer. It is the farmer whose vote will decide the ap- ploaching contest, and Major \oblo and his friends are casting about almost with dcspm 11- tion for a point in the Protectionist policy which will soothe the farmer by holding out to him a shadowy prospect of increased prosperity. The Gainsborough failure to give a lead is openly lament-ed, in spite of the fact that tl lore is now an official pretence to drop er \.l111mbe rla in and speak onlv the mysterious language of Mr. Balfour. But this unlocuvre comes rather late in the day, be- cause :llilel‘l Noble, announcing himself as an impartial man,‘ 2,, 111:3 112011121,» argued how good a thing it would be to protect the rrranite industry of Shop and‘the quarries of Langdale, and he‘ has given at least the con- soul. of silence to the advocacy at one of his meetings of a. protective. dutyo of £1 per ton on foreign lead. This was at Patter— dale . There have been plenty of clinchings of these distinctly I'rotcctionist plollouncemsnts. He has prophesied that. a time is coming “ when the views put. for— ward by Mr. Chambc ‘lain will have to be fol— lowed." and