xt7qjq0stw34_4366 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms474 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection Autograph album of Louis XV of France and his family text 43.94 Cubic Feet 86 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 22 items Poor-Good Peal accession no. 11453. Autograph album of Louis XV of France and his family 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474/Item_12/Multipage16820.pdf 1722-1779, undated 1779 1722-1779, undated 
  Scope and Contents

Peal accession no. 7418. Includes signed documents and manuscript letters by Louis XV, Marie Leszczyńska, Madame de Pompadour, Princess Marie Adélaïde of France, and André-Hercule de Fleury. With prints of Louix XV, Marie Leszczyńska, Madame de Pompadour, Madame du Barry, and André-Hercule de Fleury. Nearly all letters have an accompanying description or translation from the French.

section false xt7qjq0stw34_4366 xt7qjq0stw34 ;. V , 1 «Fun. in &.<5. 1:,“ : 2‘. "£4,494.“ $.on @efi LL, \ . , \ L»: _ gm . M 7; D .« $331 Vite; \x 5 b , .3” J W \ {‘z I ‘ " .L/‘KzL/Ufi « : .:.'l~lnlllllnlnql;f“liixll‘yillll.nll.( ...,. . . 6* a6 . {. LC“ ‘7' 5;) AL {film/[y A?! ‘ 1’ fl ‘ " / ”4,1,1’ an» m: (at; {L 4-! ”I:1_.. /{_*’ A » 5 - A, ! I I . (HI—1O” \ --CLIDI1€«-‘. ”:KY‘e/i. ”(Ag/Q” WV’L‘ ’3“! L4 ) {ET/4V 1"L0'fo i'PUILLG ~ J ILL)“. OI. 0). OIL/LAX.) XV :3 (I/‘Vi...l_:_ ,-' 'L C I\ (I'm hmfi‘zi - a Z . m . r: I I i w b I 6... .4 2.; :1... 0L \. L w U LL ' I I 1L N Mfr". O [i L31» 0~”'\;—-4, é’vfl‘foL 3.. ‘. ()Lu. {)I/xov't (ii-mu gig“ I) I‘m.! 0 (ILA! I. 0.. a? {g )9“ Q Lpem. , 71.2.... .3. .19. swat... CLO/KM {Luv CAI/.3 Iii... a- 13M: a. u? WAVLM. om 5..)an 2w ‘flabmuu- .Lozmg.¢t;w of /z.anx m, 1:. -. in... w] Mix. I 228. FRENCH AUTOGRAPHS. An interesting group as detailed below, accom- panied by numerous portraits; tipped and inlaid to 4to, morocco, rubbed. (Levy) Comprises: Louis XV, D.s., 1736; Marie Leczinska, A.L. not signed, 1A; p., with her seal, to Count Saint-Florentin; Marquise de Pompadour, A.L.s., 21/2 pp., with her seal, 1760, A FINE LETTER in which she tells about writing. her Memoirs; Comtesse du Barry, D.s., 1790; Louis XV, L.s., 1746; Marie Adelaide, L.s. [with 3 lines in her hand], n.d. and Sareng, L.s., with Marie-Adelaide’s endorsement and signature, 1779. u . r, u p ,w E .2" u. L w . w ;. i ,< mu...” .--«»gm~.m—a—~rnwml~na~—-———_.5——.m r // 4 4 (4.. «11¢ ant “ ) CL/(_/ ) Ocuawi (1C4’0'.:IJ<.- dLL } u / . .....~... um.“ 5.. L4 r “x a L 477a; at" tutu/Larccrwuua I (3 a diattmmtwc «711' <2. ‘” f / ‘ ». (”V4 - ' ”\B If, p 1 k, outPa, tuc' a.) 2944' an, lum.L’e/ll Cam; CL}, ( (Kc/URL” pint Li C ’ C» : ,‘ c ”N . V C. oupouuvaL ()2, (demféuau 114)‘\JCLC:141 l c‘" leg_* L, . , m L , ’ ‘ ‘3 5L ‘ ' C, auamfl..e:1u11mr C)“ d c vane/9111021 L an. L‘apcicug, a 4 / 4 = )g’cix‘? ' 4 ”4‘“ f, fl/ } L 4 1 , y k aim-gm. . (LA/L , culqouu-vuuuo JG: L C Lg ;« K’ 4‘“ U I Q ’12; C I"? / C t ’7‘] 3 . O i/ 1 R1 wah-yarmm 4.413% \ “LC “7" a”? tv 3 ¢ 0 (C(14) ow- Q& Q 0.. Q1.) 4 h Ll "" — a _ A ' I F‘ r (. 4am“; lefiounoefu’ez, 3 gem/(4:), udufixfi 7) (1+1 1uwr¢nauL , <2 93:" 401167-35;\< 4: tit/£— aum y «71;! VFW-:45) z 4, ’4 ,4 C0,, C' ‘ f/‘ , ’ a) a“. on... meK (L (1;) “Dose. M140 fl. ”I \ Pfiaaxrai: 1, 405 Marie Leczinska. refine de 1“ ‘§ femme de Louis XV. — Let.:1ut. :m comte de SninI—Floreuliu; 1/21).in-4, 'f cachet :‘1 ses m‘mPs. ' » .-j Belle lettre dams laquelle il est question w one, solméclecin. mucc, "».;‘r’l(/'&P\ , , .. .7 ‘ «jngrolu; ,lzmAa‘lL _ K, [at Mu J.- m w _.-__M_—Wwflu.w—uwm_»fiumw-uéw P...__._—.__.M _ x ‘ g a?‘ a ‘. ‘ . 1 Q . - i l ‘ .h ' \ g 4 K ......... . H, W, , _ , A ,m, , - M _ _W, U, _ ,7. fl _, , , - - V l ‘ ‘ _ ‘ ‘ ‘ u I = . ;‘ ‘ / . t v ’ J . l I » , , r . VH' ’ ‘ . . ‘ . _ I ‘. u \ V —-~—- n...“ . . “my. . ‘ «M a v (44.... m... m M- van-um. qA‘uM‘a-m - m M m. _u——-~wmmflvmmnuumm sum—44W“ u. V V ,_ . r ,K . . , . .. _ .fi . . . . A11 ., : fi—r . ‘ " r-v-w r w. a a — - - - 1 , A.Quanixn.ImP.Ed1L MARIE LECZINSKA paw Maurice Quentin (it? La Tour 1m _. ant .‘._.;,‘_ """"“"" ‘7' ' --'-' “mp-mum W V-‘ ~.,~.r.' .- .7 .,. . . ._n..-:.- ‘rmawu~.u.w~.xw uni-m ,fl. ,_ »;..._A;_N‘...,..., 2 ._.. ”A at A“... .0... .EVRQQ... .‘m m. ., > 226% (may; 92,; ”/44; m 4/1’7/‘Mtflflfl/7/LC. 07 MMW box? 6 WM? L‘ WM” "6%,?”2 / 7‘ 7w ’ 01‘ W a4 r/‘v /-2/7’w»7 Vt? 4/“w W52>W’/_{/MJ ””94" =( *9 {4 4; I ’i, Z I I #. 7 2‘ ‘A _-:‘_>____. A.A-A‘_ - ~_,__~~__ _,.,..__.# _._.,___._- “A _7_,-._“___ ___. ‘flqfl _ ,r»..-...._ .._...-..l,_._;..wfln,,f_._.,r._ W e «M 5.1% -.-~..-«,._‘~....4._~ v _‘.,—__. 1w _ 5.5:f7wawtwgv. 5, 1760. * A TRULY REMARKABLE LETTER. Chateau de Bellevue, .. presented to her by Louis XV, which had cost three millions, in a reply to a. query how she spends her time. She writes, when she is not suffering from “1:1 migraine,” she is composing the Memoirs of her singular for- tunes, which appears to her a reasonable occupation for a woman who has almost passed the age of pleasing (she was then in her forty-first year). These Memoirs will be seen When she can see no more, and in this way she will escape the reproaehes and the small resentments of the Ilrean and cow can mock the living.” LETTERS She temptible, “as the (lead OF THIS CHARACTER AND LENGTH ARE ALMOST UNKNOWN. gives a. Witty and charming account of the Visit of a beautiful Comtesse at Court who “hears four masses every day, her hand was always in that of some other woman, with never a glance for the men—she saw only her husband ‘et le jour encore. ’ ’ ’ 552. POMPADOUR (MARQUlSE DE—Nlistress of. Louis XV., 1721-64). A. L. 8., 3 pp. 8vo, Chateau de Bellevue, July (See Illustration.) Written from the beautif‘x'l + 7 ""' ~‘ “““‘ “‘M “"‘~*‘ ‘~ -~~~~7«-oM—-~ ~~.V.._,\V —~—.-‘~—-—»« ”Zia; ”/7273“ (cwéflwld/ /;/l;¢r" /Z¢;zW(III/Vu.4\.i (luv [“01ch II'ILLLJOV” LEM 1” Q. ”Cutting, :21 €61” { \LL {LIL1LL‘M t.) 921w1L141k7 \- ) L. .. . . ' ,/ . I P z J‘vtk /‘-~ , 4’1“ 061.1,t‘4myuDon-1 (17/ L 614. mm “CL Uri/[04“) ULw aul 41— ZC ,. . 1' ’7 I /,-*»«> ' ' 7? J , LLCT: LLLC, [3‘1 fcvug (¢¢L ,C )Lle.) U-€(’J’. ((415 L' VLLO’(LL’§{‘I ”6‘17 17:1.19“.{6€LV / 3 (ye? ant/LN“ yZUfle'U/Hhfl “A“ ' [/1 \ fl. _§.WL 0..., -_,’.—’a— .6\ ax! T 4‘ . .1 {1‘ n h \.. ,..,1.. .TA. ..fi.lc, v ‘ wk; 1 . u 1 7.1V. _ M .. u. x y I y I /,/// . a a. ‘ Jr U .\ A!» . _,.. . ‘ . ,0 fl 4 .4 r A . A i . . W vb, ‘ w . m. .1. V 7 (.fl. w A 7 r v I” . W 7 . , Rm J A / J _ W Z ‘. W x 4. ._ ,m .1 x w m ,w fl, 1 1 ~ , 7. w , W / a if? ,, ._ . W . $ . w ._W x _ E , _V t . m m. H. n t W . _ M m x . a ‘ ,, . ‘ xl‘ r ~ "fix/.4 - » Letter signed to Marshal the Chevalier de Nicolay giving him instructions as to services required of him in the Army of the Prince de Centi. Signed by the King and countersigned by his famous Minister Dargenson. Versailles, May let, 1746. LOUIS XV, King of France, 1715-1774. "The Well Beloved". Notorious for his Amours with Madame de Pompadour, Madame DuBarry and many others. Accounts of his Life very freely given in the very scandalous Court Memoirs of Marc Rene Dargenson, his Minister and Keeper of the State Prison at Vincennee. 3 ii i i if: ('9 \ _ V whim {WW2 avzzf/wfl//L) Arizfe'étflu & Wm / flL/Flf‘ £11 454/ / O //(],//fl7k/q9fiwx¢f ‘/// . 0 / _ / (2 //[ [th/L’lfifl/ZlLd/Y‘ . 4/", _ flak/AM [FM ymrgfa/L [ , ~ v I. a! a y/6ffi‘amze/ LL egg/Maul 4905227412444 J14, 4527:)“, /.'MZL;ca/z&z) J4 42mm 2/4/4441! 7441' a flap/LVauégz’a/l’wpémr {‘7‘ 96/43; (/4141, WWJWMM [L flaw/52314310)” éfiz/[l/Le/szlw Jazz mafia?" A: fat/”£27” W"/”L ’J'L‘j/MMM 1 .Vqu“:§Wh/l {thg/egmtjfifiézaég , (71¢ flwJu/Mwwm WW 9% “741/1 4,22% ' m,£L/Q7W/,; . ode 42/9041“ fiat aflmfl‘dyw 22, fimfiw Jaw! Raf/”Wm“; fad MIA. MD 22414 ‘chZ-Z’DMW 7m 771‘an 523,315“ 45%;» fie, JAIL/1701;)” lyfiadei 67W»-vl'mmih¥/M1Wfiylwi3 j/L) -y¢cnul-M4uQL_) 61, 214 ‘1 fr? Afié/Zuy I p( flc(l¢1d‘z(/ 1), €¢L%' {fail/11¢» “WaJ LM4/9ld 54¢I-LJ‘4 {T' ' p /MIJ (p/flé/fl/[é Marie Adelaide of France, Letter signed to the Comptroller. General. To the Lord Controller General. The Sieur Barruel has been honored for a long time past by the special protection of Madame Sophie, (her youngest sister) who has very willingly expressed the hope that the Lord Comptroller will grant him the first pesition vacant in the General Department, at a salary of not less than six thousand Livres. The Applicant dares to hope that the Cemptrcller will not View with indifference the wish that Madame Sophie has expressed of seeing him placed in an advantageous manner. I recommend M. Joly de Fleury the memor- ial in which I myself am much interested. It is the Wish of Sophie, a reason none the less strong. Marie Adelaide. (The last four lines entirely in "Madame's" handwriting.) T-” :44 ._ _ _._..,‘.w‘w .3.» _ . _..,‘ 4| .. 4mm”... Marie Adelaide, eldest daughter of Louis XV. A H , ‘Uanhfi, w iil unrul, \u‘vg {14144: 11! J1»! ii Jr .m. .A ,,_,, _._..._.. ,. {M ”5 ML 72/314446 , ‘ q [E IéQéch/yé’fdw ymm‘) [/7796] W Mg WW, Winn») 9/“an dvaWY/JM 444/ Q/W ' W - ‘ /' ., , . . . /M449; 7M/4’ m :7va“ JWgyJme /MW WWWW /MW 064/ -W_.._‘,Wri .u, .« A“. A ., “was. I; 23* a: ._ i, . ggWAL_,__-_1.,H_J_W1_ e /6 [(1 231% 3261415 1 lug/\- P M W574“ [h / { //1)111< puma 4 {30 (51¢ (/ZLMI/ 11115111117 41111111111; .1 W% MM MW) 71' W / ( mar/é L 1111171 )1 (J 1111 /J (1111.141; 11» 7112[ 11111111111119? 11111111111L) 1x 11 111271 {a 77¢ " U 971/2719 — .1 1 111111 111111117111” , , V 1 M“ 1111/9 1/m 1%QK/11/1’1 WuuwaovWWPW/‘L/W I: W‘ @123 WWI/MW I) 211/11 115/de0177“” WW I ( 'I V D m 7 ”If?“ H A raw a _ _______ .w “W ‘W r w—~ W _. Intro *1, Versailles Sept. 18, 1779. M. de Sartine, I am much obliged Monsieur for your kind disposition towards Madame Duhamel and Whenever you can effectively reclaim the favors of Mesdames Adelaide and Sophie, I pray you not to forget them. I should much like to procure some assist— ance for the Widow of the Viscount de Vexhault, but I find upon inquiries I have made into his services that it does not enter into my department, for he was only employed six weeks from the time of his nomination till his death. Besides the Regiment of Volunteers in which he was a lieutenant was a Corps established provisionally by the Gover— nor of San Domingo and its formation not having been approved by the King I have no title to solicit in favour of his Widow the Assistance of His Majesty. If she has any rights owing to the _-.....‘s.‘._ ”when”.-. ._,._ ....l....lh. ._ ._...,._.. “mm--. “.4“... ,. ”yuan“. -_...._......u.‘. “A“, .A... All“; /:4_l .. A ancient services of her Husband when he was in the Ministry of War, she should address her claims to M le Comte de Montbarey who is the only Minister who can move in the matter. As for my- self I am very sorry of not being able to do any— thing on account of the interest you take in her. I have the Honor to be Monsieur your very humble and very obedient Servant. H. Sareng Good for 150 francs annual Gratification on the funds of Mission at Versailles. Marie Adelaide. MARIE ADELAIDE of France. The Eldest daughter of Louis XV. Occupied the richest and finest of ' the Salons in the Chateau of Versailles. Famous Woman BibliOphile. Fled from France from the Revolution. Died at Trieste in 1800. M. de Sartine - French Statesman and Secret Agent of Louis XV and Louis XVI. w-..§.., .n... “a...manual—“mum‘mwmnumm—uwwuawa-Au«Hahn-41‘.a‘Aaum‘aum— «a-.. u. . ..:.....m...u .nmln L4 uu ‘ .m \l v nun- 7.. Dupz’u J'c , LOZLZLS‘ QLLm/Le Ray ([3 France 66' ([(L N LLrJ(L77~e Ne (L VEmazZZw [& 1.5 Few/'16)" 1710 A Pam Cim Daunzonl: ”l5 (é it; firmne)’ ’le‘ . < u . ..... . u.>\-—.i.‘- ,, _ .. MM. H...,.,............ » w. w..._a.__ __ .. ._. __ __ . . _.____._._~...._m-uu.~.m___....u.._m_n__. dun... fl. . .‘ ‘1. . a. a“... . , . . ....... .u............ um i‘ ,' v : / "a l , § § , , / 1 .52 I ~ "! 'iifiiikh'r” - mum » jVa/M/Im “ (W ; ‘ “m I ~ ' rule? I; MATH 111- LE CZINS KA PIKINCESSE DE POLOGN A’FU'M Jr [kl/m» pl (/HNm/Jr/T , ”Ml‘fi’ [‘1 Warm/kw J: 24 Jun} 1/07; ya; a]? Hindi. ,o \ AMI/7.}- . ~/;.v.b€',r/1m//wxl*j?xyu'/‘/y I‘ll! J’.’ Jam/(Ar (1 i1 VIZ/P (é’ (bib/mar ,szr 171713. [/11 1371' ' {3 k ‘0 , . 5 5‘ i‘. E’ i Y . ‘ . .._.-......_....._u._. x ..—_._~‘. w...» “w,“ __,,___,.. I—u—v—n—a‘“nmnmu—n-w—w.IWCWWIu‘A—m‘nwmlwfluudw ”Manna—u new... .., .‘ w:.....,u...u .1. m... mum“. m -.. V 4...“)- m -, . . nu‘.|. Quinn/Leia at Navarre 5.x: afus' 15 97:117' .flnna .1710. . KW , . .._ , _-MWWW__WW__#_m~-«_m.—g ...._.__‘__.____._‘q_____ A-r”m fey VP , ,.. MM" rm. :94». Judy. .1\J[*"'i"“ WT. PKMWPJLMDUUER r. //:n7flm.w (24‘ .431“) I!” “”17- an /‘,’?I', ”NW/C (1/ 474/, ; “lluuumu lNllmllfllmm DRE HERCULES CARDINAL DE FLEURY 0/taut/{111711771117'z/E/(lRthflM/Ifi/H’ zz’Z‘lev - J . ,1).R, v WW“ I ‘ a}? znlr n’wz Ullllwmdlfiflxrl. nil/mm (/1111 v (A. [5.1% ' 12 VII . z 'ml'r A' d 1/61 1/: [1 fun: 11/774 (I‘m-A :1 I A/Af _......-..... ”uwmwwmv‘wmuA—p‘wm—‘um “m‘wm‘mwmuwfl =1u.flu.n.1mu..4_uwh~tm ~ “a“: 2m...“ ‘ “a...“ o. u Al.:-A—-n4.—A‘: «Na... mm...“ H... 5‘ .. 2‘“... .4 n1. 1. ‘ nu _- H -__———~—~—-—~, 52599 iéi%:¥h%1£ééb;/ ZU¥JL65LL) jéxfia/Z>2224'£Aazo /2g7%/ g11¢izfiy74/flw4f cafe. pjézffig/ W‘€//Q:Z2;:Laéiar;kxzj2? Ayahzz ézgyfgik/gzié§Z?flfiéh(25)a £452};.gr/Ziiérz44;}pu1zec7 62.¢>/3216ZZ a»; cj/zszEC£L¢L.££;z £16122Igfl:;;k2zc2i;?éc4gzglg ‘ ’:9&¢41;Z4£. £4¢£_7> 1442194 f2£$¢k1 22212.2&2225E2;»Z{é2fi:¢422L/) .. V x{\»*{?::zé: ,2iaaiéffl Wj77422222222aEE+ céZZL.£224;41;71§:bhmfi¢/ LZZQEEg/2z44ca2a;;2021% Qac/ MW [/ZL/ WW @- ch 1, 1732. / 224gpa22fip b/£:;%24u22a za/cxaéZ2,/jyzc4 jgéi.éaoz¢4fi:¢¢222/ , 33“ {K 3 . 4115724¢7 22 5221 L¢1g¢¢¢4¢ £32LL¢22$42EE ,_E_E ;7pa2/fl37mL 77%?zro{{:2azn.aegpjgj27fzég/511afiéo77- 5/;£#*r—'—een, who is in another f bney of the r_- 2 ,_ _ mg I shall be much obliged if you be good enough tiptuuv 4i: ébakL/.fii/7La;///%LUEéénf:;fL22z?o be ,a memorial from the em I was speaking quite orm in i ’ to tell me that unt as that wention- 01d kind to ‘hurry the dispatch of this smell affair before that Money has grown beyond its procedure. of Carri, and be persuaded that no one can honor you mo perfectly than myself and am Sir Your very humble and obedient Servant, A. H. Archbishop of Frejus To Konsieur Couturier. I also beg you not to forget Madame the Marchonese 1‘6 FLEURY, ANDRE-HEPCULE CARDINAL DE, Bishohof Frejue. Cardinal and Minister of France under Louis XV to whom he formerly had been Tutor. Decreased Taxation and systematized the Financee but was unsuccessful in his Foreign Policy. “2:115 .. Died 1743. flaw/3» I ”Wee, “/3324, i I W79 %Kuflgflo’/ V%7*Vl¢u0 / My”! fill/{v V_W- /w:[ 7Z1,» %/Wfléolflifltcv/Zw/sz6gflygz) a dM/y/wz/Lgy tC/f wifizm/uugy e4, Jdfl I. w, (”W g4 gm ”4, {4V ”(7% 9 3,414 M94144] ;44 fly} 947m zm". £4259.” %rzm) a/ Mzm7mm.. 4 WW wry/14 712 pém Li/lpbj/Léd W haw ‘ 7W/vm. Mag/LMouz/Q cafifa? . /L~ l ‘ - \ L . ». t .‘ . It 1‘: 1;} l '- " g A- ' ‘ _. . .. V‘ , , ,_ QUZA/L {la/)0 ml 17% L/Q/vzpjc 92% ‘ [ZWV [77/ é’vu/ZZ/V/ pix/Xflfiy {ngégzpyw _ wMH/er—I/Cc/ W560 aLZMI/Lil/(ALJ (Bk/MOW7U W /m/% 74 V/mé / WOW/M /,L. W?///W “7% W 4"” 5“? 7M mpfié %/ Maggy/{a7 % Magma) 121;; , WW%Lac9~o/IL07) 147%. W gal/W w' mm/éflfla WvXZM/fpw 7M% /%7er9/ Q/Mm Mflvflw 7% Wwdv 4'72 / flM all 9%W , 2244 71¢ .. flm;fl»¢4/fi7‘% Z MQ—CI/r '- -H...._...r ..‘.uthHMm—awmmn4—..‘4u—u——WV“ll-4M“WWWw-‘uwmummlh:¢u«tw~nflhs¢.»u'dhuuAmA .; 4—duu‘h‘ul _. “or..- . Nu...“ r? ."n L.“ ') Nina .Mn..~........... w an .--‘,:».¢. ”Mun“... .., M ._ .. . . . Y - - = .. , . N Paris March 1, 1788. I have the honour Sir to send you a lemorisl from the Masters of St. Nicholas du Chardonnet of whom I was speaking a few days ago to her Royal Highness the Queen, who is quite willing to do them the favor they ask, but in another form in view of consequence. She had the goodness to tell me that you would send me an order for the same amOunt as that mention- ed in the Memorial which would be paid by Money of the old kind which has fallen into confiscation. I shall be much obliged if you be good enough to [hurry the dispatch of this small affair before that Money has grown beyond its procedure. I also beg you not to forget Madame the Marchoness of Carri, and be persuaded that no one can honor you more perfectly than myself and am Sir Your very humble and obedient Servant, A. H, Archbishop of Frejus To Konsieur flouturier. FLEURY, ANDRE-HEPCULE CARDIJAL DE, Bishopof Frejus. Cardinal and Minister of France under Louis XV to whom he formerly had been Tutor. Decreased Taxation and systematized the Finances but was unsuccessful in his Foreign Policy. Died 1745. .’ . u .- _. “yam“... . .. ._ 7.. .. . ___..__...._____._.‘_...___-_..__.._.____.__..__._..__uu