xt7qjq0stw34_4359 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms474 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection Album of broadside ballads, no. 5 text 43.94 Cubic Feet 86 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 22 items Poor-Good Peal accession no. 11453. Album of broadside ballads, no. 5 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474/Item_5/Multipage15418.pdf [18th century]-1863, undated 1863 [18th century]-1863, undated 
  Scope and Contents

Includes a program announcing the marriage of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales to Her Royal Highness the Princess Alexandra of Denmark, 1863 March 6.

Also includes musical notations of the following songs, with engravings by George Bickham the Elder: The Submissive Admirer, The Blind Boy, Charming Cloe, The Request to the Nightingal, Advice to Chloe, The Faithful Courthips, The Cobler's End, The King and the Miller, The Amour, On Beauty, The Sailor's Complaint, and The Adieu to Susan.

section false xt7qjq0stw34_4359 xt7qjq0stw34 -\~ 5‘11 953471 a. ,aurém AK .- - .- ............ Q..OIII'.‘-ll-A~b. ' ‘ .w/fl. .1. d 1 it t“: 1‘ wtll‘ that 1111.11 d "e ‘a - lw (l a ,' Q ‘ 2g * 1mm! :2? , ~74 E: DEATH. IE: BRYANT LADY, lay your costly robes aside, No longer may you glory in your pride 2 ‘ Take leave of all your carnal vain delight, I’m come to summon you away to night. LADY. .; What bold attempt is th1s P may let me know :33 luro m whence you come and whithe1 I must go ! Shall I, who am a lady, stoop or how To such a pale fac’d visage P—‘vVho art thou P "' ' DEATH. : Do you not know me. Well, I’ll tell you then, : ’Tis I that conque1 all the sons of men; No pitch of honour fiom my da1‘t1s free, My name is DEATH, have you not heaid of me 1‘ LADY, Yes I have hea1d of thee time after time, tjut‘ oeing in the glory of my p1ivne 1 . 1. .v......-.._.....—1....,.,.1....-.._.e..«.._._._....._.“...._1'Arman-um—gr—V—m—w: 1g," J:r-'- ' - attitude - Why must my morning sun go down at noon ? DEATH. Talk not of noon, you may as well be mute, This is no time at all for to dispute; Youi 1iches, jewels, gold, and ga1ments brave, You1 house and lands, must allb new masters have. Though they by age me full of grief and pain, Yet their appointed time they must 1‘.emain * LADY. : My heart is cold, I tremble at the news ; :53- Here’s bags of gold, if thou wilt me excuse, And seize on those (thus finish thou the strife,) On such as are more weary of their life, Are there not many bound in prison strong, In bitter grief of soul have languish’d long? All such would find the grave a place of 1est, '. F 10111 all their g1ief1n which they a1e onp1ess ’;d ‘2‘: Besides, theres many with their hoary heads, I .And palsy djoints, by which then st1ength 1s fled. .; DEATH. ‘ " 1 Though thy vain heart to riches was inclin’d, Yet thou must die and leave them all behind, I come to none hefoie my w 111ant’s seal d And when it is they must submit. and yield 1 take no bribe—believe me, this IS tr-ue Prepaie yours self to go, I 1n come for you. LADY, Death ! be not so severe; let me obtain A little longer time to live and reign : Fain would I stay, if thou my life will spare, I have a daughter beautiful and fair, ~' I’d live to see he1 wed, whom I adorze 1,! l ,1,“ list 1 l 111 1 1 tdttrlls l l 111 oh! 1 WWW“ I.II3<’ I t l 1 .111 ll MM I l J'li‘lil it 111 1 9 atltttultl “hill". Br istolh- , ....¢.w——.._.~«—.—..A,;1.1 ~'.' g .3134“, r, " ‘. .3 ; ' . A 1 " ' ‘ - ‘ ‘ _ - . , ~ .1 . I - . .QMW ‘1; 1111111111111111.htm1111.111I111 11 11111.1 11111.11,.Ii‘lflwdfllllllllthl1111111111 amiruttulmtttuumun11111111111111111111 T“ 3:32 2% a. Q. 3:3: ‘2. a: ‘3; :31 :35 ::‘—>_:: .3: :3: :3}; ’5‘; :4 n ":3 as $5 3': :3 :5. :3 it: .2. 3: 5:; :11 :3 IT: 2 3. E. :3; 'fi i—i‘ :1 '2 :5 ~23 E: QThe Great Messenger of Mortality; or 3. Dialogue between ”mmfndafiY-‘Jd’ll '... .J ’4-..:..‘ :.‘... u .. Grant me but this and I will ask no more DEATH. This isa slende1 f1ivolous excuse I have you fast and will not let you loose; Leave he1 to P1ovidence, f01 you must go Along with me, whether you will or no; 1, Death, command kings to leave their eiown, And at my feet they lay their sceptres down; If unto kings this favou1 l ne’er give But cut them oil", can you expect to live Beyond the limit of your time and space 9 No, I must send you to another place. LADY. You learned doctors now exert your sk1ll, And let not Death of me obtain his will; P1epa1e your cordials, let me comfort fii1d And gold shall fly like chaff before the wind. . w— -7~ A“ DFATH Foibea1 to call, their skill will never do, They are but mortals here as well as you; I give the fatal wound my dart 1s sur,e ’Tis far beyond the doctor’s skill to cum; Ilow freely can you let you1 riches fly, To purchase life 1“athe1 than y eld to die, But while you flourished 111 all your stoxe, You would not give one penny to the poor; Though 1n God s name their suit- to you did make You would not give one penny for his sake, My L01d beheld wherein you did amiss. And calls you hence, to give account f01 this. LADY. O 1 I heavy news, must I no longer stay. 9 How shall I stand 111 the greatjudgment day ? Down from he1 eyes the crystal team did flow, She said, None knows what I. do undergo, Upon a bed of $01 row here I lie, VIy carnal lite makes me afraid to die. My sins, alas !' are many, gross and foul, Lord Jesus Chiist, have mercy on my soul, And though I do deserve thy 1ighteous flown, Y et pa1don, Lord, and send a blessing down, Then with a dying sigh he1 heart did b'bieak, And did the pleasules of this w01ld forsake, Thus may we see the high and mighty fall, For cruel death shews no respect at all To any one of high or low degree; Great men submit to death as well as w,e Though they are gay, their lives am but a span, A lump of clay—so vile a creature 5 man, Then happy those whom Christ hath made his car,e Die in the Lord, and then they blessed me 11‘1111'11'11‘ rut: 3 2, oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ‘IIUGC. ‘lliilltlfllill P1 mted and Sold by J. Bennett, Quay—Street,adyommg St. .Jlolm’ 8 9Church. ,_ wawvg—a William ltlllllflllllllllllufllllllfiifllll ill" llllllllnltlllllll ltlllil-J ’ultllllllhég ..................... E a ’3‘; 1111- I 1i 11 i 1 Willi Tltyi' l l 11111 11‘ 11111 1'1 _ 111111111111 1 l l l 1 11111111111111; ve 11 ll. :1 ll 1 1211111111111 lllmfltmrmrtunnwnu ’i ‘i'tlllttltuttl '13, :1 WW 111111 *ililttilli‘fl o v itfimtimimt'lfi 111 it“ 5’. l , fl 111111111 it? .1 111' a ‘ l I -.111111 1111 l I 1111? 11 I l 11111 i .I'I‘ -:L“:: ~ A. _ ,. ._._‘~ ' ,~ a 5--\‘r‘/\mx‘/ ~‘. . if. f: 1 1 4 5'. t [. ..—.‘ 1 1. 1. ~—.-y»~—_. W ~17” '1‘-“'M'r—VU w-W—va 1"?“ .7 w. v-vwr~r~««.v—<.v—y—v_ 1%, 1. 1‘“ «brat: v1: ,v_—— ‘1'—11“,, , THE BLGODY GARBENER. YOU 00115111111 111101 11:, 1 111111 101111 :111 0111', 1‘11 (his 1011111011 11111111 1 111'11111'1'011 1101 1'11: 11 s 01 1111111i110111'11i1, 11 s110ph011ls111111I1-"ht01 1101113 'I“1110'10v1_*., 1111151 11111 111010 1101 01011111011. S110 W115 01110111111' bright, 1101.11 111i1' 111111 010111', A 1111 by 11 1101110. 101'11. 3110 12011111011 \1'01‘0', She 11113 100 :.'1,11111g, 110. 111111, 115 1'01 101111 1010 10 11111111, But 11‘110 01111111111111101'110111‘1011311111‘0. Hisp11r11111511011110111 10111111111101.1101), S11i11,'1111v1111.;' 5011, 511.0 15111) 111111111101 1110 0.- 11' 1.11011’11 0111' 11105111111; 111110, (1' 1.11 1'11111. 1111' 1111111. \1'0 crave, 1’1'111'11'011 with 110110. 11111 111111111 111*. 5111111 111.5100, 11‘01"\'111.1 1111‘ 8011, 1’11: 0111010 11 1:11111'111i1111' 1111110, She’ 5 young, 111111 11011, 111111 110111101111 11051110; 01 1101111111 1111111111111100—4111::111-1111211 1‘1'111110101‘01'11100 A 111111101115111111011101 s01"111110111111133100. 11111111 101111111 1101.1,1101'1'1111111101101 1011., Forth 1'1'11111 0111' sight 1011 :1111111 111*. 1111111511011; No 1111'11'0 \10 will you 011111 101' 10 111*, 0111' 301.1, 0111' will give way 10, 01' 11'0’11 01111 1110 5111111. “ 111111111111, 511011111 1 with 1101' 11 hogging g1), 1301110111011 [5111011111 he 111 1101110511, S1) 111111 I 0011111 but 1111111 1110. girl 111111 I 1111 01‘111'1', N1) 011111011 1.111111 5111111 [11111. 1111' 110111 111111 1110 ; Was she as [1001' 1111 11011, 111111 I 01 1'1111'111- 10110, A 1111 1011.1 111‘ 1111 the 1510110, she should he 1111110.. "’ His 111011101 511111 with scorn, “ My 5011 is nohly horn, A1111 111111 11 h0gg111"s 111'111 sh 11 1101'01'Ii11111.” Hearing, 11.1011, his 111011101 111115 say 50, Tears 110111 his 010:; 11111 swiftly 11011 : “ [ '11 1111111115011111011111110, 1101'110111'1 l 1121\‘011011'11),"11, No 011101101111)- b11110 you 011111'3111111 0110050.” Against 11115 SWCCE 111111 1110010115 111-.1111, For 1101' \'i1'1 .11011s 1110 11 3111110 .3111: 111111; With her 01111-161101 she 11010011 '10 110 the 1110011y 111-1011, Her111u1:1101'10r to 110 111111 11111 1101 111-1110 ‘1‘0 1110 111110I11)’ gm'1101101‘s '11e 1r111 1* 0110 111111111011 1101111115 101111111101 111113111111 hiy 1101‘311111101‘ 11'1'0111111 A11111 111.111va 3011001),11101011115011” $10011, 111111. 1101' 11111‘b011y 1101/01'111'11411‘1 1>1110111111. S110 11101.0 11 101101, 111111 50111. 1111i1115110011, 8.111110, “.111y1101m11051101'31 \1i1h 1111510 1111100 0011, 11101-111110. 11) 1111-11t,111v110.11',50111011111111I1111v010110chne- 1‘11111'1910111.I 511111111101111111:1111_1 1111 1111101.,11 T111011 1111' 11110'1 11011'11,111111 12111 11i'1‘11 5111-1-11, 1111111111111 1011110111-11'011'11 {"11 11* 1011', 111110111; 5111*. 30111011111110 1111111011 1" 11:.11,1111111101111010103111110121111 A1. 101101.11 1110 111111111I*,' *1' 11111 111111011r. “ “11111; 111111.055 1111-. f‘ i 12-, 111111111111, I pray? .‘111.*_1'01101.111131101051- 111101111'1y ”’ “1"1‘1111111-1‘ 1 ' '11 1111 11101111131112111, 3 10:1 1111: 11010.” ..1-‘-; :1 1111110, :1131..1*1.~‘101'1i1"0*: .11 :E11 1.1112111111132111, .1;}' 51112.1 stroke; 1‘ ‘1‘ 11. ) 1 111 1111;111:011 ‘12" 110111'111111111111'11'1. j\11111);1111:_‘-*_~." ‘ S110 11:1 11.11' 1111.1» .1 11 . »/1.-. .-.. (I 11-101.11", “’11:; this 110110, my dear 11y 3.1111111111511411, ()1' 111115111131 )‘0111‘ [1111111118 1110111. 1111k11111, My111'013111115111311'111'113‘ 1'111'011‘1'11, 101111 1011*, (1110 311111,) 1 hope I 111 1101111111 :1 [111100 5111111 111111." When the 111001111 1:111'1101101' 111111111 1101' 1i1‘11 W115 gone, De1111 111 1110. 1510111111 he laid 1101' 1111111' 11011111 ; With 11011015111111 111111 1.11111 111* 11111010111111 11111 0101111}; 1111111111114; 1101' 110111 110111 111111.111 111'.- 10111111. This 10111111111 101'11, 111110011, 11111 1i'11111 1111011, Next 1111}‘ 10 51301; 1115111111 11110101'011111 0'0; N1) 11110111101110.1155 111111 111010, 111111 1'0111111 1110* 1111103511111' '1‘110 [111111.1' 111111115 11010. 11111111011111,r 11) 111101 1111, [11111101111110r 101' 1110 1111011 :11101>1101'111-ss. '1'11011 110111111 11111111 1111011 1111*. 10111111 grass; r1‘110111-1111011511011111 1111111010, 10501111111101'00111'0 111010, “ 0 111011, (511111 111') 1 13111111 110 11'1111' 1111-51. Where 3111111 1 go 10 111111 1111' 1111,4131 11111311111) ()1 111111110 she 110, 111100 111111'0 101. 1110' 1101' s00, ()1'01501111' 511111 \1-‘111 1111101113; 111110 11.5 flight ” The 1100115 111111 gruws with 111111 11111 500111 111 11101111, The 81111111 111111511105 11i11 sin: '11 11111111111111 111110, Saying, “\‘0111'101'1: is 1.10110, 1211111 11111 111'0 10151. 11101101 T111111 011 11 11105151 1111111: 110 111111 111111 11111111, AS 50011 118 110111111 0105‘11 1150.105 10 11331, A milk 111111011010 11111 11111'01' on his 1111-1151; The 11111101'11111'11‘1111rs 11i11 110.111, which 11'11k’11 him 1101111115 “1110111110 11010 11101111111111 111111 he was /011. [5/0011, 1‘0 1115111011101 5011111011, 1111111, 110 11111 10111111, l‘0r 10 110,11111111'11110111 hi1115011'11'101'e “11011110111.111i111110.1101011111500 sitliug 011111111r1/1‘1100 With 11111011111”11111115, 11111:*10/'111111pp1*111".11 “ 111011 1101'0, so i1111000111,w11_1 11051111011 0111110:J O 111151111011 l0st ‘111Iy1'111110,1is 1 111110 11111111? 111111 1111111 (10511101511110 111-:10 0, 11//r1)111111 the 1'111/109 1"1111'.” \Vheu 111115110‘11 .1-‘1111'0, 1111' 110.0 1' 111110 111111111 1101111, 181111011 1111* vii1*'111 51*11'111'011i1ls1'0111 10 I110, 0111111 i1smi1k-1111i111 111'01151111011101111 11111 111111, ”101111:[)1a1re011011i111'0111111',1111111011110'11iv0 was 111010. '111011 111111111111 10 111s1111111101 he 11111 110, \1111 10/11 110' 1'1'1111111101011111 111 11110111111015 S1ijii11r, “ 1 11*111' 1111111011 111110 111/P11 1111 110111“, 1'01 '11 111110, I1111 1111111110311111 '11/1111 1110011 1111110111, 41111111111111510110111':111,1 11 111110 111113111110." “15 111011101‘111111111I1r 1111111 111* 111011 11111 $111, 1‘0/11 1111.11 111 1111* 11'11'1;011 110111 511'11111011111111' , S1111111 111.31 11111-211111 11111,11111111111111111111111113110’11110110, A1111 11110101110 1111,;111s111111I1I 1111' 11011111hi111r 111111011111 1111', 11111111111: 11 1111110, “ 1*111'011011, the Jny 111111 11101151110 01 my /1101’ 111*. 111 1110 ”11111111 111-1.1, 111111 11101011 1115110111' 1111011'1'11, ’1 11113 01115011 1111/11 111111 1111151111 111/ this strife I‘hese 1110 [1110111 111 0110 si11111t 101111) were 111111, A 1111 11111111'11 briu. [0111' 0101 them was 8111 11' "1110 11'111'1111101‘, 110110111, 11111» 111111011011111111 theie, I11111 111.11'111/[111'011 111'0 iu 1111*11'31/01111.1;1'11v0s. 151111100115, P11151011. '7‘ ll'hl E). I: V!" r 'i :ip‘d lll | v ‘. , Or, Know Thyfel'i \ VVVORTHY Squire of fober life, Had a conceited hoal’ting wife; Of fzz'm lhe daily made complaint, Hmfef/lhe thought a very faint. She lov’d to load mankind with blame, And on their errors build her fame. Her favourite fubjeelfol' difpute Was Eve and the forbidden fruit. “ Had I been Eve,” {he often cried, “ Man had not fall’n nor woman died; “ Iltill had kept the orders given, “ Nor for an apple loll my heaven; “ To gratify my curious mind, “ lne‘er had ruin’d all mankind; “ Nor from a vain defiretoknow, “ Entail‘d on all my race fuch woe.” The Squire reply'd, “ I fear ’tis true, “ The fame ill ipirit liVes in you : “‘4 Tempted alike, I dare believe, “ You would haVe difribey’d like Eve.”- The lady Round and hill deny’d ' Both curiofity and pride. The Squire fome future day at dinner, Relolv’d to try this boal’tful finner; He griev‘d fuch vanity poifefi her, And thus in ferious terms addrefs’d her. “ Madam, the ufual fplendid feafi, “ With which our wedding day is grae’d, “ “Vith you I mull not {hare today, For bulinels fummons me away. Olall the dainties on the table, Pray eat as long as you are able; Indulge in every coltly dilh; Enjoy, ’tis what I really will); Only obferve one prohibition, Nor think it a levere condition; On one linall dilh which cover’d hands, You mul't not dare to lay your hands; Go—-—dilobey not on your life, Or henceforth you‘re no more my wife ?” The treat was Terv'd, the Squire was gune, The murm’rii‘ig lady din’d alone: She {aw wl.ate’er could grace a feall, Or charm the eye, or pleale thetaflo. But while {he rang‘d from this to that, Froni ven'fon haunch to turtle fat; On one final] difh {he chanc’d to light, By a deep cover bid from fight. “ Obi here it ism—«yet not “For me I “ [mull not talle, nay, dare not lee. “ ‘vVhy place it there? or why forbid " “ That. i to much as lift the lid? Prohibited of this to eat, I care not for the 'urnptuous treat. Iwonder il' 'tis fowl or filh, To know what’s there I merely wilh. I’ll look—O no, I loie for ever, If’I'm betray’d 12.} hniband’s layour. I own I think it vallly hard, ‘ Nay, tyranny, to be debarr‘d. John you may go—-—the wine’s decanted I’ll ring or call you when you’re wanted.” , Now left alone, {he waits no longer, Temptation prell‘cs more and fironger. “ I'll pee’p-——the harm can ne'er be much, “ For tho’ I‘peep I will not touch; - i ‘i‘ Why I'm forbid to lift this cover “ One glance will tell, and then ’tis over. ‘ My huiband’s ab’l'ent, {o is john, 7‘ “ My peeping never can be known.” " " Trembling, fhe yielded to her wifh, And rai-s’d the cover from the dix'h : She ltarts~for lo! an open pye From which fix living lparrows fly. She calls, {he fereams, with wild furprif‘e, “ Hallej’ohn and catch thefe birds,” {he cries; john hears not, but to crown her fliame, In at her call, her huIband came. ’ Sternly he frown’d as. thus he fpoke, “_ Thus is your vow’dallegiance broke! ‘; Self-ign’rance led you to believe “ You did not {hare‘the fin of Eve. , “ Like her’s,how blelt was your condition! “ How fmall my gentle prohibition! “ Yet you, .tho‘ fed with every dainty, “ Sat pining in the midi’t of plenty. “ This dilh, thus {ingled from the relt, "‘ Of your obedience was the tgl’t. “ Your mind, unbroke by (elf—denial, 5‘ Coti’d not liul’tain this {lender trial. “\thnility from hence be taught, G L earn candour to another’s fault; 4‘ Go know, like Eve, from this Fad dinner, “ You’re both a vain and curious firmer.” Z. Ltfi'iil’aS. l pray lend an ear to mystory. 'l'alze an example by this t'nIl-Vl‘lll‘ pan", ‘ liow lote a voting; virgin did blast in her glory, l3eautilnl Z‘Q-lnt'y ol' ‘rartnottth we hear. She was a merchant's only titlltillll’rv ileiress unto lil'tecu huuaretl a year; . ' ‘ A. V'Ollllt: man lov’d her and call‘tl her lilijtl‘lfi‘r‘; The sari tit" a gentleman who lived near, E‘tlanv long ‘ it's the, maid be admired, \i‘litin theyr were infants in low: lllt‘}"‘.’~l'1“3“‘l¢ And wlieii to an age this couple arrived, ('upid an arrow between them tlisplay’tl. ’l‘ht-ir render hearts were linktd together, But. when her parents. the same did hear, 'i‘itev to their charming:p'tnllltt‘ l’i‘ilulll‘” daughter :‘lt'ttid a, part that was base, and Stf\""'(“- ' 13a liter, the" .‘*"-:l, give o‘er yottr proceedings, if a host on" consent you do wed, For evertnore we're resolv’d to disown you. it you \Vt‘tl one that is so meanly bred. Her mother said you have. a, great l'ot‘ittne, Besides you are beautitttl. eharminu‘ illttl young: You. are, a match, dear child, that is fittingr For anv lord that is in (‘hristendonh Then did reply this venue beautiful virgin, Riches and honour I both do tiel‘y? ll'that l’m deuy'd of my dearest lover, Then t'arewell world which is all \‘anity. Jamie's the lad that i do admire. He is the riches that I do adore; For to be great l never desire. My heart is ilk’t‘tl never to love more. Then said lter l'tther. ‘tis my resolutit n, Altho" l have no more daughters but thee. lt' tha with him you’re resolv‘d {or to marry, Banish’d tor ever from me you shall be. Well cruel father, bttt thisl desire, Grant me that Jamie once more i ntay Though you tlo part us, westill will be For none in the World [admire but he. For the youngr man he sent in a. passion. Saying". lor ei'et', sir. now take your lt‘Zl“tE; I have a match more lit t‘or my daughter. Therefore, it is bttt a folly to grieve. V Honoured father, then said the youuz; lady, Promis‘d we are by the powers above. \‘i'hy of all eotul'orts \t'ill yott hereay'e me? Our love is tixed never Thou said her lather, a trip to the ocean You lirst shall go in a ship of my own ; And l Consent that you shall ltave mydanghter, W'ucn to Yarmonth again you return. .l'lououl‘ed sir, then said the two lover", Since it is your will, we are bound to obey, ()urct'nstant hearts can never be parted. Our eager desires can no longer stay. Their said kind Nancy, behold dearest Jamie, Here take this ring, the pledge ol'my vow. \Vith it my heart, keep it sate in your bosom, Carry it with you wheterer you go. Then in h;s arms he, did t-loselyinloltl her, While crystal tears like a t'onntain did tlow, (Crying. my lieat't in return l dogive you And you shall be. present wherever l go. When on the oven) my dear I ant sailing, The thoughts ol’uty jewel the compass shall steer These tedious lone; days swit't time shall devour, And bring; me safe home again to my dear: Therefore be constant. tny dearest iewcl, For, by the heavens, it. you are untrue. My troubled ghost shall torment you for ever, Dead or alive I‘ll have none littt you. Her lovely arms rottnd his neck she twined, Saying. my dear, when you are on thesea. see, loyal. l0 remove. If that the fates unto us should prove cruel . W . :34: 761733731 rl‘liat we each other on more e‘er should see. Ho man ; lire shall ever enjoy me; Soon as, the ll(llllfl.i of death reach mine car, 'l'heu like a poor unfortunate lover, ‘ Down to the grave l will go to my dear. l Then with a stvl'l‘fiwl'lll sigh he departed, , 'l‘he wind next morning blew a pleasant Lgale; i All thing's built-1' ready, the l‘ani'd Mary trolley, 'i‘hen tor llrnlrtdoes he straitrhtway setsatl. As Jamie was sailing upon the wide ocean, ller cruel parents were, plottingr the while, New that the heart of their beautii'ul daughter With cursed gold they should strive to bt‘;t‘llllt‘, Many a lord ol‘ lame, birth, and high breeding (.‘a me to court this: young beautiful maid; But. the rich persons and prol't’ers she slightetl, Constant l’ll be, to my Jamie, she, said. Now for awhile ve will leave this fair maiden, And tell how thines with her lover did {.to; in lair ilarbadoes the ship safe arrived : But now observe this young man‘s overthrow. Young,r Jamie was comely in every Feature; A Barbadoei; lady, whose fortune was fz'rt‘itf. l’it'l-t tired her eyes, then ery‘d, ill have not, This brave English sailor, I die for his sake Shedressed herselt’ in theriehest apparel. With costly diamonds she, plalted her hair; A hundred slates most to attetrl her: ‘ She sent {or youngr Jamie to come unto her. (fume, noble sailor. canyon now l‘flllt'y A lady whose beauty and riches are went? .\ hundred slaves you shall bare to attend you. Music to charm you to your silent sleep. \Vith robes; o.‘ grid, my dear. i will deck yon.‘ Pearls (it rich jewels I will lay at your feet: in a chariot of gold you shall rile for pleasure: It you can love me come answer me, straight. Amazed with wonder, awhile he stood $171“ng lt‘orbaar, noble lady, at length he replied ;, lu famous Old England l‘m vow‘tl to a lady, At tny return to make her my bride. She is a cliarrnina~ youne: beautit'ul creature. She has mv lit-'att. i can love no more: i hear in my mind her sweet lovely l'eatans; NO other creature on earth I’ll adore. I‘learine‘ oi this she did rave in distraction, Crying". uniortuuate maid thus to love One that does cruelly slight all my glory, And of my person he will not approve. Lords ot renown thefr l'arour I‘ve siig'ltletl, Ntnvl must die for a s‘tilor so bold: l must not blame him because he is constant, True hire, l had, is much better than grold. .\ costly ljewel she instantly gave him, Then in her trembling hand tool: a knife; (Erie latal stroke heiote they could save her, Quickly did put an t‘lltl to her lil'e. Great lamentatiau was made for this lady, Jamie on board the ship he did steer. And then homcward to England was sailing. V‘villlt longing; desires to meet with his dear. But, when her father found he was returning, .\ letter he wrote to the. boatswain his friend, Saying. a handsome reward l will trivcyou, it you the lite ot yonuu' Jamie will end. Vt id ol' all erase, and for the sake of money, The cruel boatswain the same did complete. As they on the deck were, lovingly walking", He suddenly tumbled him into the deep. la the dead of the meld, when all were asleep, llis troubled ghost to his love did appear, Crying. arise. young~ beautiful Nancy. Perform the vows you made to your dear: You are my own, therefore tarry no longer, Seven long years for your sake l (lltl stay : ' l l Ji-L Agar; ‘€W.l' { llymen doth wait M" to crown u: with pleasure. ’l‘he bride-guests are ready, than rome away. She cried, y no‘s tiere under my ‘4 indow? f‘iurely it in the voice of toy near. Lil'tincr her head from her soit downy pillow Hlt'tllglll to the ea-ement she then did repair. liy the light of the moon, which brtqhtl~ Shcspitul her lover. who to herdid say, Your parents: are sleeping, Stir. was lshiuinu, bel'ore they a waleo my dear creature. and come away. -‘ she "aid, if my lather should hear thee. il b: ruin:tl therefor: repair. 'i‘o the sea side, where l’ll in.~tantly meet you. \‘(ith my two maids I come to you there. llcr night gown rmbroidcred with goid ff Silver. Carelessly round llt'l' body she throws, “‘ith the two maids who did attend her, To Intak‘t her true love she Close, in his arms did tht spirit infold her. Jamie. said shr- you are t‘t’ltlt t' than clay, Sure you can ne’er he. the man i admire, Path 1' than death you appear onto me. Yes, rm- creature. i am your lover. Dead or alive you know you are mine: l’ni come for my \‘ti‘.\’ . instantly goes. you must liillow My body now into a. \Ht‘ttxry toLnEi. l tor your sake rt-i'used Beauty and llti .' tor y ou l tlcs d: A charming lady tor me did H l’or, thinking ol'yoa, l was dt at to her cries. Your cruel lawn my undoing, And i do sleep in a watery cold and silver, )'§t_ part ;:.s have grave: Now tor your promise, my dear, I am suing, Dead or alive you I must have. The trembling lady was sorely tttiiightetl, Amazed she stood near the brink of the sea; With eyes hit to heaven, shecried. cruel parent.s lleaven tingive you l'or youreruelty. Indeed l promisrd, my dear creature, Dead or alive. i would be thy own: Now to pertinm my vow l am rcadv To follow thee into it watery ltlllllJ.‘ The maids tit. y heard lit-r sad latm-ntatiou, but the iltiillll'il‘it'll indeed could notsrte, 'l‘ltlllliln; the lady was fallen in distraction. 'l‘hcy strtm: to p: rsnadc llt‘l’ contented to be, : lint still she cm (i my dearl am coming, And in thy bosom l ll snot) lull asleep ‘ When she had spoke this the untortunate lady Suddenly plung'd heist it into the deep. i But when to her lather thc maids tt'l'l the lie wrung his hands crying, what have. i dour-Y (Hi! (i\ art'st child. it was [by cruel father 'l'lntt. (lid provide thee a watery tornl). Two or three days then being expired, These two ttnlortuuatt‘: lovers were set-rt in each ti‘Lllt,'t".\' arms upon the wares lioatinc’. lly the ship side in the watery main. 'l'be. cruel boatsnain was stzuck with horror, Straight did cont'ixss the sad deed he had done, Showing the ltillt‘l‘ that came liom her father, Which was the cause ()l'thcse lovers" (loom. ()n hoard the ship he was tried for the. murder, And at the yard—arm was tried For the st: n‘v same. ller littbcr he soon broltc his heart for his danp‘lt— Before the ship into the harbour cattle, [tt-r, 'l‘htts cursed gold had eausrd distraction; h Why should this rich covet, still al'iei'gaiu? l hope this story will be a. hill warning, 'i'hat ei ltt‘l patents may ne’er do the same. True love is tutti r than‘iewcls or treasure, liclurs can next-r buy true love, i know; ilnt this young: couple they lov‘d out of measure Which was the o "curlltut of their overthrow. Swiudells, l’tiutcr Manchester. ‘ WW7.“ "awn-n... so ‘Mr Darlaston Wake Bull-baiting, Ofall the diversions in life, There is one among the rest, It exceeds all others for fun. Was allowed to be the best, All those who delight in a bull, To see it will go many a mile, If you go to Darlaston Wake, You shall see it in the highest style. Old Mockist a bull did provide, And one ofa rare good sort, He bOught him at Tipton-green, And there he made rare good sport; For they were all pleas’d to the heart, And swore at a terrible rate, To think they were indulg’d with abull, To accompany Darlaston' Wake. A lane, a lane was then cried, For a dog was going to run, When Wats he slapt at his nose, And so the sport begun. The bull how he caper'd andjump’d, Old Wats to spread his fame, I’ll swear says VVillenhall Dick, That this is a rare good game. To collar him, staight he went, And brought him to the stake, They drank success to the bull, And so began the wake. Tom Biddle he roars out amain, “'1 may speak my mind, There shall but one run at a time, And so it will give the bull wind.' A lane again it was cried, For Fuster’s Smut to run, The hull broke her back the first put, And for it he made a sad moan. They tapt Wats on the back, And Foster was vex’d at the stake, I wish to my soul, then he cries, That 1 was a dog for thy sake, A lane then again was cried, To run old Rusty ’3 Ball. The brother to Foster’s Smut, And the best amongst them all. And when the bitch was big With Smut, and Ball, by Spring, And when that she did pup, They set the bells to ring. A lane once more was crie , ‘ t 'For Ball was going to run, He pin’d him so fast by the groin; Which caused them rare good fun, For he held him there so fast, Which made the bull to roar, I’ll be hamper’d says Darlaston Tom, If the like we e’er see any more. Then Harper’s bitCh was brought up, The best in all the town, She went by the name of Rose, By running for many a crown. She made a rare put at his nose, But it proved all in vain, The hull made a rare put at the folks And so ran down the green. They brought him back again, And tied him to the stake, For old Robin Towser to run, That came a long way to the wake. They ran the two dogs at a time, Which made the colliers to loot', There was about forty brave fellows, Wacking away their buff. The hull they lock’d in the stable, The matter to settle then, And there was a straight young lad, That challenged every man. He found himselfquite big with fight, And challenged the company round, So Biddle the cndgels took up, And fought him for a crown. The ring was made with speed, The fight it then begun, Shiddle Biddle’s sidesman would be, Because she lov’d the'fun. I’ll challenge the man, said she, tho calls Biddle a son ofa whore, And if thou dost not beat him, and sdon Thou never shall fight any more. Longner, the King of the Ruffians, Stept in like a lad of good mettle, Gave Shiddle a dinge on the cheek, Says th bellowing soon shall be settled Then rummery, vex'd to the heart, Gave Lognor a terrible dig, Then Longer he down'd with him,__. And kicked in three of his ribs. The fight it now being over, And Biddle he bore the sway, Then straigh‘ to the tavern they went, In mirth for to spend the day. The beef they knock’d in them apace, And liquor they drank amain, ’ And when they’d wellstufi"d their guts They had the bull out again. Just three week sin, come Sunday. Au ax’d th’ owd folk, an a-v wur reet, So Nan an me agreed tat neet, Ot if we could malt booth cends meet, We’d wed 0 Easter Monday. That morn, as prim as pewter quarts, Aw th’ wenches coom an browt th’ sweethearts Au fund We’r loike to ha three cans, ’ qur thrunk as Eccles Wakes, mom 2 We donn’d eawr tits i' ribbins too, One red, one green, and (one wur blue, 80 hey! lads, hey! away we flew, Loike a race for th’ Ledger stakes, men. Reet merrily we drove, full bat, An eh l heaw Duke an Dobbin swat; Owd Grizzle wur so 121er an fat, Fro soide to soi le hoo jow’d um: Deawn Withy-Grove at last we coom, An stop: at Seven Stars, by gum, An drunk as mich warm ale and rum. As ’d dreawn o’th’ folk i’ Owdham. When th’ shot wur paid an drink