xt7qjq0stw34_4356 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms474 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection Album of broadside ballads, no. 2 text 43.94 Cubic Feet 86 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 22 items Poor-Good Peal accession no. 11453. Album of broadside ballads, no. 2 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474/Item_2/Multipage15085.pdf 1862-1868, undated 1868 1862-1868, undated 
  Scope and Contents

This album consists of street ballads.

section false xt7qjq0stw34_4356 xt7qjq0stw34 tithe Qtlgmniclt of up @athrrhrg ef tlgt flaunts. \~W\‘\.'\.‘\\.'\.‘\.\'\.\‘\.‘\.'~_ -. xxxx xxx ‘ Paulus, James, and Patheus CHAPTER XXXVII. N OW, in the seventy-fifth year of the captivity of the land, certain of the friends of the governors thereof took counsel together, and said one to another : 2 Come to, now, and let us honour the mighty Daniel in all that he did that is not now displeas- ing to the governors of the land; 3 And perchance the people of the land may for- get their sorrow, and their captivity, and their brethren who are in chains, and in all respects incline themselves to their taskmastcrs; 4 And we will be made tetrarchs over them, and they shall bow down to us as our golden chariots pass by. 5 So Paulus, the governor of the chief city, and James, the scribe, and Patheus of the rueful countenance, considered together, and they pro- claimed a feast throughout the land; 6 And they called the people thereof from the north and from the south, and from the east and from the west, and from mighty Babylon of the gentiles, and from the isles, and from the land beyond the deep, and divers persons speaking strange tongues. 7' And they erected a loftytower of beams of the fir tree and the oak, wondrously compacted and curiously joined together, saying: 8 We will therefrom speak words of wisdom to the people, and to the sons of Isaac, and to the sons of John, who is now beyond the deep ; 9 And we will turn them from their evil ways unto the path of peace and forgetfulness. 10 And they likewise called into their council Thomas, surnamed the silken, he being of sweet speech and well favoured ; 11 And he entered into their thoughts, lest hap- pily he might not only consort with the governors of the land and dwell on the fat thereof, but also again enter into the hearts of the people, by whom he was once beloved. CHAPTER XXXVIII. AND the appointed day came. And the people assembled in their thousands and tens of thousands, 2 From the north and from the south, from the east and from the west, and from the mighty Baby- lon of the gentiles, and from the isles, and from the land beyond the mighty deep, and divers per- sons speaking strange tongues ; 3 And also came the sons of the land dwelling in the marts of the east, led by one of a ruddy countenance and by a mighty captain. 4 And couches were not to be found for the mul- titudes ; and they slept upon the grass, and under the green trees, and in rooms herded together as it were like unto swine. 5 And seeing that some were like to be famished and die, the High Priest of the land put forth an ordinance pcrmittingthem to eat of animals which on the appointed day would be otherwise unclean. G And Paulus came forth in his golden chariot, and James the scribe, as it were drawn by his mule, and Patheus upon his ch argcr, wondrously caparisoned and leading his trained bands. 7 And the people passed by in their thousands and tens of thousands, with the sounds of music, and of timbrels, and with all manner of wind and stringed instruments ; and a shout went up unto heaven as it were of a mighty rushing tempest. 8 And the yOung men and the maidens rejoiced in their gay attire, and the elders said one unto another : 9 Verily such things have not been seen in the land since we called a fast, and passed by in mourning for our three lost brethren, who fell at the hands of the sons of Belial. CHAPTER XXXIX. AND James the scribe, and Patheus of the rue- ful countenance said: Ha l ha! where are ye now ye sons of Isaac and of John? III. CHRONICLES XXXVII., XLI. Seek to lead astray the people. 2 And Paulus laughed unto himself, and said: Peradventure the rulers of the land will now exalt and honour me. 3 But ‘ seir laughter was soon turned into mourning. 4 For Patheus the little had gathered together the sons of John, and they took counsel together. 5 And appeared with mighty banners, and with footnicn and with horsemen, and with chains like unto those with which their brethren were bound. 6 And the sight was hateful unto Patheus of the rueful visage, and he gnashed his teeth. 7 And he cut the cords by which the horses drag- ged the chariot of the sons of John, 8 But the sons of John attached themselves unto the chariot and drew it as it were in triumph. 9 And Patheus’ countenance fell still more. 10 And those who played the timbrcls, and all manner of wind and stringed instruments, played in a manner that was hateful unto Paulus, and unto James the scribe, and unto Patheus. CHAPTER XL. OIV when the mighty multitude reached the tower which had been compacted and built of the fir tree and the oak, 2 Patheus and James the scribe, feared to ascend thereunto, for they said : 3 Per-adventure the sons of Isaac, and of John and of Patheus the little, should stone us, and we should die. 4 And they departed secretly to their homes. 5 Howbeit Paulus ascended the tower ; and the bearers of the fetters as it were clanked them together. 6 And the multitude shouted: Away with him. 7 And he trembled with fear, and departed se- cretly to his palace, and shut to the door thereof. 8 And Thomas, surnamed the silken, was not there, for he had taken counsel with himself and departed to afar country. ' 9 Then the mighty multitude called upon Isaac, and upon John of the tribe of Judah, and they expounded unto them words of wisdom and of truth. 10 And the people hearkened thereunto and were glad ; 11 And they thought of the captivity of their land, and their brethren in chains in a far country. 12 And Alexander came down from the house— top and also spake to them words of comfort and of wisdom. CHAPTER XLI. OW when the evening was come, Paulus gave a great feast, with closed doors, and as he thought to none save his adherents ; 2 But the sons of Isaac and of Patheus the little made a violent commotion, 3 And ran to and fro, and shouted : Go to then grey heard. 4 And James the scribe, and Patheus the rue- ful countenance, caused the lights to be removed, and left their guests in total darkness. 5 And upon the morrow the sons of Isaac and of I’atheus the little came together in the field of the blacksmith, by the tombs of their fathers, and of the mighty Daniel ; 6 But the windows of heaven were opened, and the floods descended and the winds blew, 7 And the multitude was dispersed and went sorrowing to their homes, like as it were unto drowned rats. 8 And he of the sons of Isaac who keepeth the bag, was left alone upon the field, nigh unto the tombs, 9 And he returned into the city with a downcast countenance, bearing the banner of the sons of Isaac, and like unto one not in his right mind. 10 And the rest of the wondrous doings of. that time, are they not written in the Book of Kings, and the Chronicles of the Isles. Paulus.—Peter Paul M‘Swiney. James, the Scribe.~—J. \V. Kavanagh. Patheus ofllze ruefulcountenance—P. J. Smyth,M.P. Thomas, surmmicrl the SiZ/ccn.—Lord O’Hagan. Isaac—Isaac Butt, M.P. Ju/m,__Jolm Nolan, late Hon. Sec. Amnes/g/ Association. High Priest—Cardinal. Cullen. Pat/teas the Little—P. Egan, Amnesty Association. One ofa ruddy countenance—John Barry, Man- Chester. Illiglzty Captain—Captain Kirwan. John 0wa tribe omeZav/zr-J. 070. Power, M.P. A/c.r(mder.—A. M. Sullivan, M.P. He who [teapot/z [he bag.-—-Alfred Webb, Home Rule League. THE ANGLmA Ms Mo; As I rowed out. one moving down we the river side U To catch some trout andsalmon. who: the streams do gently glide, Down by its hrook my was! l. 3.- where thnre by chance did: sun A ovely maid both plain and gayljinq IS she passed me by. lseomed to take no notice hull stii’ ‘gaziug all around, Feehng myself quite motionless l in}; down on the ground, I. uttered these law feeble worda for"; maid be not swore, Your capture slave 1 pray belcive coma answer me my den-r. I fen yo HUG astranger she unto 3::- did say, 01' did you come from Cupid‘al crew or what brought you this wail Areyou an angler sir she said did/:2. by you river clear, 01' was ill Cupil'l sent you iii-1‘9, 'muz‘léf Virgins to cuanare. 7 Yes ll. wra Cllplll mil me In foitlluo {or to will, lf 1 Could on}; gain you llmffl l’d. loin free from sin: From the llrsl View l (Ill ; won my heart. lies in a flat ‘ That’s my command giVe mo you? lmnd, 21ml amwerdmo fah‘ maid, My heall and hand l’d give to you ll‘l though you were truoj fl But 1 am ofraid of policy your love to me 13 new, Young men they are deooitful and valious in their mind, Publish the bane, give me your hands for ever you are mine. With healt and hand they walxori along down by her fathers lviaccg Her pareill‘a they were satisfied iwham tlley first seen his face, The b ms were quickly ‘llu‘lliahed and The rmau'riod they were for life. i'lSlr'all of trout or salmon ho And brolmht homo " ”V‘s-vi??? '? “ BART) OF ARMAGH 0 list to the lay ofa poor Irish hat-pen And seem not the. slriuge of his old withored hand, R( m: mller his fingers once could move sharper '1'0 rzliSc Illc merry strains ofhis owu native land} . It was lO'l‘g hvl‘rre lheshamroch, coir green lse'si lmely (‘Hlblf'll'h Was Crushed in its beauty beneath the anion , linnu‘s paws‘, I was called lly the collvensaronnd me agemblo, lheir Duld l’hol'un Brady the Bard of Armahd, All, how l love to house on the flaws of my boy lmril. Thou. foursome and th rec years hath flitted since the”, Slill it gives sweetreflections, as erery young? jwy sllonlll, For the mar); hearted boys makes the best of old mm. Al Llu- fall' or the wake I could mich my shllo li‘lnh, Or trip this ough the jig wilh my brouges bound ullh S/mw. hure all lhv pretty maids in the Village or the Va'lvy, Loved bold phelim Brady the hard of Armagh Now l have wandered this Wide world all (lVPr Yet lrulaud i3 my home and u pareat to me, Then oh,let the turf that my old bones shall cover, Be secure {mm the land that is trod by the free: And so lrgen (fowl) in his God arms embrace me Lull me to alcup With old Erin go brughg By the side of my Kathleen my young wile OE place me, Thin. forget Phelim Brady the Band Gill" Arm'vgla b y e V ' ‘ em- to V‘here l,‘ 2:35 on the grass, all with her . V . J, . - A NEW SONG TO AN OLD AIR. Z : " You might lie-'6 sworn, had you seen that less, . , . "-"""‘ _ j V ‘ that the Queen of Love lay there. TUNE-"Let 'us haste to Kelvm Grove.” 2 ' . - ~ - , Won’t you come to Sligo Town, ' _' ‘7 , With loving arms I embraced about her Puety Paddy 0! y > Blender waist, ‘ Fear no 7"”619'37‘bul'ggegrifi’nzgéy 0‘ 5 :l‘ y > L First I kissed her ruby lips, and embraced You have Palmerstonian tin, ' _ ~ ‘ I her mills-white nreast ; . \ Othe fight you’ll surely win—~‘ -' But when this fair maid she arose, all in a, * ’ V great surprise, ' Dan't you wish you may ge‘t iii—'— , - Party Paddy O! > ‘ " Her innocent looks stole away my heart by the rolling ot‘her eyes. 4 Munmmap;h~+ m‘r—Am -l Bring“ your own dear Jerry Joyce, 7 . . PurtyPaddyOl i .. ' ‘ Of all witnesses your choice, t: -_ ~ She Slgneii, and cried, I am undone, by W1 th tl Pu‘rtytPaddy O! . i , _ Judas had betray ed, V 10 swore a 1e was sen _. V . . - - y l H . .. . _ V Out of Sligo ’k‘ore he went— :' A s '. i u thiisaue tines dy' you haye'kmd 513‘, for to ‘Did he pay Jack Moli’ett’s rent—4 ‘ " A: _ ' _ H , ’ rm an Innocent maul, ' ' “my Paddy 0 7 * - ,- _ More s not a man in all thls life wool? mm a . . ' maid so young. ‘ . 7 0 there’s not the sliggtestt dgulitl, 0' » V _ Her amiable speech stole awav m, heart. by ' ur a (-r . ‘ __ » . m. , -. . . Jer was not bribed to go gut, ) y _. ' the mowing other tongue; . .P_ur_ty Paddy 0'. ’ Fearing Mofi’ett’s balllfl's lip, V. , 1 love mv love. and'l make no (I mbt but he Falx he gave the town the Sllp, _ . ' low; we {'19 well And he went. uponatrip, ' ' 1 .' ' A: - ' a ‘ _ , ' .. Putty Paddy O! l - _ Ana if ever he frowns an my request. 1 ll laugh at him eswell ; ‘In his rambles he met you, _ V , . _ , Whilst he proves constant [’11 prove kind, and , PUTFY Pflddy 0! ~ _ a . ‘ so we will agree, . .- iAnd vow ‘1 hed be “ $$fy3112§ay OI :9 " ’ And if ever 3 find he’ll alter hi3 mind I will Sure yOu promised him no tin, 7‘ _ , . change as W9“ 35 be. ‘ ilf he swore your case to Win, . ‘ ' ' . , And that Towneley shouldn’t be m. ' , y . There are twelve months all in the veer, as I' Putty Paddy 0' ~ ' " ; hearai my mamma say, Have your other honest men, . _ 7 Two of them I would choose to love, ,the - Purty Peddy O". ' ,. month? of June and May. They’ll be useful, sure, again, > ~. V These are me months 1 choose to 10 e, when S 1‘ L Purity Paddy 0! ‘ ~. the reel roses spring, " ,. omers 'eeny, ARRY, 00, "i . l ‘ . h U . ' , ' 0 they’i'e just the boys for you, ‘ y ' - Ana ‘3 E Qtfi‘r m Bahia}. “Gum 6£1008}? to wel, ‘ For they love Ould Paudheen Ruadh, ’~ V W on I We smal, Dlrds sweetly 5mg- Putty Paddy 0! ‘ ' i if E l l: l. l i, - ‘*='-‘wwl , A young man’s love is hard to win, let them But, her you, nor all your bailiff-0' > _ all say what they will, Shall e’er ferce us to Egggvgg Y - ' . , V * v > V For when you think yonhave them won they're ‘ Purty Paddy 0! ' firth“ from you stlll.‘ ’ , Nol—Themightdflionest men, . ' ' “19MB an? honor are, ell they Want, and u: Strongly moved, shall, once again, ' f -, "- that they require, ‘ ' Hurl you back to your foul den - V V . via-Hp WNW girl carries the lie' - . . ’ -- . - , ‘- ”~-~‘ "- * " ‘ 3’8 Oi haw: IL, Putty Paddy O! > ' ._7 [lie 1 Mini“: . x a. WE’VE thrashed you twice before, Putty Paddy 0! And we’ll thrash you well once more, Putty Paddy 0‘. 0 ’tis then we shall be free, Then we’ll dance and sing for glee, 'And we’ll shout for Liberty, , Putty Paddy 01 i . BLA NEYs " The groves of Blarney, they are so charming. All by the purling of sweet silent brooks, And banked with posies that spontaneous grow them Planted in order in the sweet ltocltclose; ’Tis there°s the daisy and sweet carnation, The blooming pink and rose so fair, The daflodowndilly, besides the lily, Flowers that adorn the sweet ltockclosc. Tie Lady J ell'reys that owns this station, Like Alexander or Helen fair: There’s no commander throughout the nation For emulation to her can compare, She has castles round her that no nine poundcy Should dare to plunder her place of' strength, But Oliver Cromwell he did her pummell, And made a breach in her battlcment. .,‘“_.. j a..- at... ;‘-\‘_~7~.i~ra ‘- . m t rifle-rat- 1-..: to There are gravel walks there for recreation. 0F ‘ And conversation in sweet solitud ”l‘is there the lover may hear the dove, or ' The gentle plover in the afternoon ; I And if a lady would be so engaging To walk alone in these shady bought! round, 3 “finial“ M‘Cfll', Printer. 4', Cartwright Place, ”This there some courtier he may transport he: Byrom Street, Liverpool. In some dark fort or underground. ‘_~..4;t.~«;-._.ci A THE mom was fair the skies were clear, For 'tis there’s the cave, where no daylight can”, No breath came o’er the sea, But bats and badgers for ever breed, When Mary left her Highland cot, And moss by nature that makes it sweeter, And wandered forth with me. Than a coach and six or a bed of down; Though flowers deck‘d the mountain‘s side ’Tis there’s the lake that is stored with perches, And fragrance fill‘d the vale, E And comely eels in the verdant mud, By far the sweetest flower there, The trouts and salmon playing at backgammon, "Bras the Rose of Allandale. i; But if you attempt to lay hold of them, don’t they ' 2 Whereler I wander, east or went, all sw1m away ' Though f'ate began to lower, 0h 2 therels mamr a Hitchen in the kitchen. A solace still was she to me,'. With maids a’stitchin‘ in the open air; In sorrowls lonely hour. 0h l the bread and turkey, and the beef' and whiskey W119” the tempest llllSllid 0111‘ gallant bark Faith they’d make you l'riskey if you were but more. And rent her shiv’ring sails, "l‘is there you‘d see Peg h’Iurphy‘s daughter:r One maiden form withstood the storm, A poking the praties before the door, Twas the Rose of Allandale. With Nancy Casey, and Miss Roger Honey, All bloodirelations to my Lord Donoughmom ,1 And when my Fever’d lips were pareh’d ‘ 0” Afric‘s burning sands, There are, statues gracin' this noble place in She. wlnsper‘d hopes of happiness, All heathen O‘ods and rrotlzlesses so fair, And tales of’distant lands ; 1 L“ Bold Neptunefl’llltarch?and Nicodemus, Mélllc has been a wilderness, = All standing stark naked in the open air. . “lllCSt by fortune’s gale, So now to fiitisli this brave narration, Hiul fate “Qt lmk d mi! l0! to hem, That my poor genius could not divine. 1 he Rose Of Allant “1C But were I Homer or Nehuchadnezzar, ’Tie in every feature I’d make it shine LINES WRIT'I‘RN tor; "run fihflhi’t‘ia Mia Shaw was 'hrvelarmers in the north as they were pusihg by x'ney more an oath». mighty oath that harleycouishouldda (3116 o‘ the n sal drwn him the other said hang: him high, lror whoever will stick to barley. grain begging he will dis. ~ CHORUS~ . .... , ... . 9- With me fal lathe; They putvpoor barely in to a sack of a cold &‘ rainy day, And brought him of to 0! one he (15 & hurnd h m in the claw Frost and snow began/to melt and the dew began to fall, . When barley grain put up cis head 435 seen surpriscd‘them ad. f Being in the summer season and the harveut comeing on it is teoo he Stands up in the field with beard like anK man "The reaper came with his book and usc‘d me bar '0‘ rely, - He caugho by the middle so 5111211151. cut me above rho Rama; The next came was the binder tit-look’d 0n me w th afrowm Bus. in the midd 6 there was a th stile that pull’d hibcouragv dowu, The farmer came with his pitchfork' d3 peirce'd to thil heart Like a theita I‘Oagc 01- highwayman ihey tied me to the cart 1110 thrash- 1" came with his big flail 8r soonzhe broke my bones, 1t W0uld greivethe heartof any man to hear my sights and! grow s, ‘ The next :hing they done. to me the7 stepp‘d me ina well The.» leftme there ior a day «is winigut until my hellp begun to swell, , The next thing teey'done wane theyifdried me in a kiln The used me teu tunes worse than 'Ltiaa they groua'd me is; u mill, The used me in the kin-hen they used me in the hallfi They used me in the parlour among the ladies all. The barely gain is a council grain it makee man sigh and moan For when they take a glass or two they forget their wife m home, l‘he drunkard is a nurt~ m n he used we WOrae than all - illo‘ilrank me up in illo' thirty gut {at apew‘daneLagalurit tho ‘ , H's-U, if, Brenton, Primer. 1. Lu; 1273:1132ng St, floods. A, list") 1'. 9.1, ,.; 1‘ “J Ill l)(3 aisy, ' ' sing the c a: 3, a rn . And l‘ll sing you a 3031;, just to please 791 About myself, Deviant Mch‘hane: You’llown, when l‘ve could ye my story, And the ianius adornin‘ my race, Almough l’ve no brass in my pocket, Mushagra, I’ve got lots in my lace. For in rainy and sunshiny weather, I’m full of‘good whiskey an-ljoy; And take me in parts: altogether, lly the powers I’m the broth ofa boy. 1 was sent on this mighty world one day Like a sneaking pit; out of a sack, And oghl murder, although itwas Sunday Without a clean shirt to my back; ' ’iut my mother died while l was snakling And learning for whiskey to sqall, Leaving me a (load c< w and a stocking, Brini’t'ul——of nothingr all. For in rainy, Sic My ancistors, who were all famous, 'At Donnybrook got a great name; Ely aunt she Sold famous good whiskey, l’ni famous for drinkinsz; that same; And I‘m famous, like Nader Adonis, \'\'ithliishea