xt7qjq0stw34_4072 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms474 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection Gilbert Wakefield letter to his daughter text 43.94 Cubic Feet 86 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 22 items Poor-Good Peal accession no. 11453. Gilbert Wakefield letter to his daughter 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474/Box_40/Folder_29/Multipage13862.pdf 1801 March 29 1801 1801 March 29 
  Scope and Contents

Peal accession no. 11085a. Includes a transcript.

section false xt7qjq0stw34_4072 xt7qjq0stw34 9/7 flak—J7? L/fli 1 J4] A m/fl/ A [4v flux/L M//0::% ~ J TZWM: £4 WWW V/JJAJZMéfl/W. 4 r 4.. -..94.4,. 244...»; 7.4..V V44 \g. 44.. AVVVV44V.SJV\4444\14Z m4V4.4 \oVE44xnfxw4mVK4 vfmééfVéi. 452.4 4....uJJJ3fiWAVw r33swwfif5 PA \Nm Jilibvaj 9.4.4 Viblv 73V 4.4.4.. .4... 2.4.... 4x434 6.4 .54 4.4V: .AWJLYSPKV 434 figs UV ml v4...4\.r4\ 4,44 4;. ixsxi {Jami} 4.4 4:34. , 4.. .4 4 4.... 9 s VV. .44 349444... .44 3VV. 4JV§V444444§V4 5V4... _ .2...VQ.. 3441.434 IV )% d..4.\V\ xJJ\4\ §\.Cd Yuk.“ R R. .fi 44.9-4.4 44x43§4.§§u4144bm 4V: .. 4.4. .éVV4: 4 4.- .. 4.? V...44. 44.44 ...4444.é.44.4.,§.4.:44 4. .fidigrfigkéfifiog§filafi39§§§i§ , 4.44944... .44.... .4... .49.... 4.... .44 5.4 4.4. 9.. .44.... 4...... V434... 4.4. 4 4 3Q; 74S X34 \w 433w E .ék/xg . .4... .34... 49.44%. 4 $4-944... .4444. . 4.... 4.1.444 34.... .4... . .4..ng EVE. 4.34.4344 4. VVCJV 1444 3-99.31... Rik MKS/£6 27”"? ‘ “I (1‘14 (KN—75.56"; x4" , . 1-17 0z. 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Efvv~1%l Lev4rL7 evJ F‘firj ‘4“WA" “'“V*4'7 Q1 14(1xfi,1/1 0-le / V 0 ~ / v/ 1/ W» Q .44. ‘\ we" Mil kv W Jfl‘ja/ 1K1 ‘1 , ”a 17‘ ' .' 3'4"” Rod/1L (2&1, ‘mi; er , i ‘ 7kjL¢QV/; ¢ZA1 e7z S2;4%{ %,;q Wee - 1w 0— .9 7,1,1; kw”? W11 :lvjl— WV’L‘L‘J A] .;: J14. ~11. 1,2,- 1—} “re/[um if? 7;... - M, a flow“, 1...... V5». MW... e. Na ' L. .‘ iplfiwt‘" 2966 WAKEFIELD (Rev. G111 )ert, 1736— 1801). Scholanmzd Coizz‘rovemzal 1/1/7216? Ac/ofiled Uizzlczrzmz Vzezw. Edzted venous 626255265. [m- prisoned for 21/71/27; g a xedzz’zom pamphlet A. L. S. to his daughter. 4 pp., 4t0. 1801. A long lettm w ritt'on “1111517 serving his 191111 of impr1sonment. graphic account 01" the exeeution of four men for robberV'. . . 4nothe1 melancholy event has agitated 0u1 feelings during the last week, the IIraeeution of four men 101 rohbeiies. I obtained leave to visit them from the magistrates, it I was with them fire (liffeient times . . . . I enjoyed the satimfaltion of perceiving that their minds in consequence of my insti'ue- tions (.67 admonitions, from a rambling and confused sense of things soon settled into that serenity of resignation ((7 decency of firmness, wPh tluir situation required. It is universally admitted that no men even mtt death iiith more tranquil resolution, than these poor er'eatmes. Nay. one. who had been uneomvnonly dismayed at first, & had (’11)L’( ted a reprieve declined himself so resigned to suffer the will of God as to feel no d(.V'ii'e of delizeranee (( they welcomed the summons to the execution with a 1eadiness it tun e‘heeifulness that commanded the admiiation of beholders.’ Etc Dorchester Gao1, 29th March, £2 108 He gives a l H) EARLE (john) .\licI'o-t‘omnng't'zlphy; 111', ,\ ])1t'(‘t‘ 111' lifiStlfi'h (mil l’l'intml \.IL 1751., (>11 (1 tlt-h-ill is 11]('>l“lll,"llllll ‘ (lillnglt \\ 21110111111 171% H with 'lll autograph Hutu 1)\ him‘ \tttI'i tht 111'1111111‘ (>1 lllt nphl' ’\\111~V, , & \\'1th '111 It .\(«1111()[I 1:1 1(‘1151 t'tllléll 111 ill( [1' ‘ 1x1 111p! .1. (.‘11 I Ii 111 \\'.\1\'1£r'11~:1,11 (I ‘ 18m) \\'£l.\ a tllhllllgllltx'llt‘tl ‘fl‘lltllill' intimate trieml 01' 1'riesthw'. . 1m another ll_\>h‘.'1l i~. the "I'm \\'. 11. .\iusw(>r1h, l’xt-xlm', Feh. H) 1841." Helen this' \\'11.L1:\.\r 1'1.\RRISON‘ .\1N~.\\'(11<'1'11 lm> written From I. '1‘. R1111, (iinIn, .’I it‘\\' (111\\ 1'11'1'111‘0 Klr. Rutt's dudh \VMH.AK’ ‘ loHN 'l'oWILi 1101107110 1.541) 11111111! 111111 2111111114111 Ulltttll'x, “mum chm 11 Hits <11 intiinmv with l’t‘itstleV' 21ml \\'tl(t‘i‘1!'1(1} lIL‘ “21>: C(J(‘(111()1()1lllk'tlllill‘g't'd edition ([111 \\£ll\'(11(‘1(1.\‘.l/(‘UHIH\ 1n 1N0; 111: (11(111 lIL‘\1t'_\'Hll11]('31‘(l()f\12}1111,18.11. If . W512? Original tree will. [3 the \\'1II'1(1 characterized: in (lléll'lll‘lt'l‘s, 1:". 1.0111111“. 141511, S.Ili\l,111r_\', Replinlt'il 75‘." 111111 :11] l]],\l‘l‘1}'1|.l()]l :7 7 Dorchester Goal) my dear Child 1 Mr. Harris, I hOpe, has had an 0pp7 of seeing you and preparing your mind for that melancholy intelligence, wh it is now my office to communicate. This dear little creature, so repeatedly the most anxious object of our hopes & fears, c‘1 be retained no longer in this world by a degree of solicitude and watchfulness in his medical & domestic attendants,that was never exceeded in any human beings to another; he left us about six o'clock this morning. Some internal complaints, incurable & unknown, has been preying upon his life in all probability from the first hour of his existence; & his relapses after apparent convalescence made us at length wholly despair of his recovery to health & strength; so that his release became desirable, as the less of two great evils. It is not necessary to inform you of the unabating assiduities of your Mother; but I shd not do justice to your sister,if I did not tell you that parental fondness od not surpass her anxiety & interest in the sufferings of this little angel. When I reflect on the trials wh your Mother has undergone,in constantly witnessing his cruel torments in her solitary condition, without that support & consolation,wh my presence might have contributed;and,when I recollect the raptures,with wh she has told me of his personal allurements & the dawnings of his understanding, I feel for her a degree of sympathy,wh no words are able to express; but we have resigned ourselves, I trust,to this bitter cup, as salutary in its effects, though painful in its operation,& console ourselves under a persuasion that life so protracted without effectual relief, cd only have proved a prolongation of torment to himself and with unceasing disquietude & unavailing commiseration to us all. We, who survive, my dear Child 1 must make a prOper use of this calamitous event in redoubling our affectionate attentions to each other & in preparing-ourselves by every act of reciprocal benevolence to smoothe our mutual sorrows through the remainder of our pilgrimage, that we may live & die in the exercise of all kind offices & the cultivation of every friendly'sentiment with ourselves & all our connections. Another melancholy event has agitated our feelings during the last week, the execution of four men for robberies. I felt an unusual interest in their situation, & as they were extremely ignorant, I was desirous that some attention sh? be paid them beyond the formal & unimpassioned duties of the chaplain. The time was short, but I obtained leave to visit them from the magistrates & I was with them five different times. I employed the Opportunities to the utmost capacity of their attentions & understandings, & I enjoyed the satisfaction of perceiving, as well as learning from the reports of their attendants, that their minds, in consequence of my instructions & admonitions, from a rambling & confused sense of things, soon settled into that serenity of resignation & decency of firmness w? _ their situation required. It is universally allowed, that no person ever met death with more tranquil resolution than these poor creatures. Nay, one, who had been uncommonly dismayed at first, & had expected a reprieve, declared himself so resigned to suffer the will of God as to feel no desire of deliverancej & they welcomed the summons to the execution with a readiness & even cheerfulness that commanded the admiration of the beholders; whose lamentations & sorrows, & mine among the rest, formed a striking contrast to their steadiness & silence & magnanimity. Adieu 3 my dear Girl I and may we all learn not only to acquiesce in our afflictions, but to rejoice & glory in them with the apostle, as merciful dispensations of God towards us for our improvement in holiness & virtue. Your dearest Mother & sister affectionately remember you & convey our kind remembrances to all our relatives & friends at Nottm° Betsy at present is inconsolable. Your mother supports this affliction better. I remain, my dear 1 Your most affectionate Father & friend Gilbert Wakefield.