xt7qjq0stw34_3991 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms474 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection George Francis Train note to E. H. Coffin, with clippings about Train text 43.94 Cubic Feet 86 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 22 items Poor-Good Peal accession no. 11453. George Francis Train note to E. H. Coffin, with clippings about Train 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474/Box_39/Folder_41/Multipage13608.pdf 1873 March 20, 1891 September 16, [1897 August 28] 1897 1873 March 20, 1891 September 16, [1897 August 28] section false xt7qjq0stw34_3991 xt7qjq0stw34 //Vg/ 2/2
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‘ He ‘Yas \Vau-den of (he 'l‘oxubs any} a

Horse Breeder, fl; g. iii/v;

William Johnston, ex—Vi'arden' of I the
Tombs. died \Yednesday afternoon from
cant-er at the residence. of his sister—in»11uv,

. Mrs. James B Sheridan, 317 Lenox Avenue,
. after an illn


s of more. than a year. Mr.
Johnston wa horn in \Vestchester County
in 1829. and tor the last forty yours was a
resident of \\'i hington Heights.

From his early youth he was a lover of
horses, and at the time, of his death was ‘d.
prominent member of the Gentlemen's Driv—
ing: Association and Supervisor of the Na—
tional Trotting Association of. America.
Many years ago. when Harlem Lane was
the great trotting ground. and when all
races were trotting contests, he was, from
his knowledge of horses and his well-known
impartiality. always in demand as a judge
or an uri’itrator. He was an owner of many
fast hora ., among which was Bull Run.
which held rank over lLll roadsters of the

At the, iime of the Fisk murder Mr.
Johnston was Warden of the Tombs and had
in his charge. Edward S. Stokes. He also
had in charge George Francis Train, who
was also a prisoner Charged with contempt
of court and who refused to be. bailed.

For several ,vedrs Mr. Johnston had resid—
ed at the Hotel Majestic with his wife, but
when his illness became serious he was re—
moved to the residence of his . er—in—law,
where he, died. The funeral s ices will he
held this afternoon at 1:30 o‘clock at the
residence of Mrs Sheridan. and the. remains
will be interred in the family plot in 'Wood—
luwn Cemetery. The Rev. Dr. Andrew Fin—
ley of the Church of the Good Shepherd 01‘
Brooklyn will officiztte.






 rison because i was the hood orthe Com-

34,1357, SEPTICBEBIC]: 16, £89113”;- 'Orlllilcjrlt; they poisoned me,nnd I lost
' 1"" l

“(ii-oprge Newton is no friend of mine,


r w. r '7 'i rhough he says he is. one day after my re-
01 [[ZEN TRAD b PISTOL. turn from my ilrst trip around the World. he
l ,‘Train, saying that the boni‘el‘,1'g(~ how-
‘ :‘ ton, was a second Goorgc Francis 'i‘rniu and
i Y i j , v i agreater man than inane.
Hh SAYS HE HAS NOD HAD 03H SI“CE‘ thcapple falland discoveredgravitation. AS
HE ORGANXZED THE COMMUNF- 1001; great interest in this American Newton.
7.1 I told hinil was very busy doing nothing just
8" Vance-s, 1a ‘E‘N'i‘i‘l'l the
are higher 0110“ ”1"; that {031:1 “‘ Bystanders Saw Him Reach, However, about.
llard, nomtoer ; t \ M uI soon discovered he wasnman of talent
Cal" to! ‘,_ ”"v J11 ter, (.7 ., .
)aceo, W001. anfg‘r‘i‘vlfl'ans. G901?" “OWN“ Tim's?“ Him—They an immense fortune il' he knows how to use
500d all a,“ ,1!” l ‘ “ SW Accused Each (liner of Predicting them. There’s millionsintliein.but1wouldn’t
” (‘0‘ K ‘. ' 'Gfi'orioi . A . < i
L101], \\ men ' ' ' ne‘ol“‘l""*‘" “J“ ”0"" 51’9““ for I have all i want. Why, one or his watches
at th': ~ 5 StOck . _
price: grim], an improiflezasf n H 1 GGDFEJB Francis Train and George. Newion. ply ny opening and shuitim,r it onec. Do it a.
“1‘3 * W“: any ithc projector 01‘ the Police Stock Company, dozen mum and you wind It up forever. ‘

come to me with a card addressed to Citizen
Newton. who saw
‘thc card was signed by O'ilonovnn Russo, I
w “““U‘J‘UU' ' then, and asked what he wanted to see me
for “vb“