xt7qjq0stw34_3884 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms474 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston letter to Mrs. Stewart text 43.94 Cubic Feet 86 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 22 items Poor-Good Peal accession no. 11453. Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston letter to Mrs. Stewart 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474/Box_38/Folder_32/Multipage13281.pdf 1810 October 20 1810 1810 October 20 
  Scope and Contents

Includes a transcript.

section false xt7qjq0stw34_3884 xt7qjq0stw34 [W (9/55: [2 K: i flu) A/Wy L’WW AW: Wm/4 W, W“ W/A‘afl/ W 355 144.7 g; * {I 7 4.470447 1 u? [/n a AAAA %fl%wu :7 , :47 ga/ 74/ {:41 /’:{.//45 Z77 [4f 7/ (42-: 7/744/‘1/72M * ”(H/lb f4: ///4/Lz44 $Mfl: 614% 0’ [71¢ %) gaff/Z én/ML/g Muaflaé ,hw/éLé) ”74/2 , (/24 //7 //£. /w A1145 ML 44, “171/ «5 24440146 V/fl W {/14 m; 7L/0L/I /. 414: ’7', 771% c/Jt/ (VI—£9 {<7 fl! 1/}! 4%,4’ ”é 97 {/72 477/ i: Mfll7¢ by“: ”$641., (Zl/A/ gm wt/é/77 54%.) / / / “/47 %/; 4e.) AID/,é/ 9 hfl/y/ WM Wm; (want) «Lax/”WW / ”4%:{4 / $414 W M l;7 WW6 (.41 a. {W /10:4/Mf’ / /M/&///L gw fox” ' fl/iz 7L.) ZW/LQJ‘ hiiféé f/MZE IL fi3/ /n/,4723?0 * chw/tbw #44744.) 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(74/ firm Mwfi%: _ /?(2‘A M AAA £37K [4; L 477:1 AMA) fl/fi/twfiw . éalwflf‘ufi “/7 W (4/!er it, W437§ AM /¢‘/7'/y—7r:7 AAA/u (tam/2’7 wk” ‘ Loa“ (“MM/WA» X?) WM/fyv/féa" New” (2' AA/M/ fl‘flM/ '//;7’é HZ; 75 M “£7” Z) ”4544/; 77M fi/LLMM Mud/M”? fiflw (,6 ((4%;4‘4 /’ M47 cwzwzdm figj/U mg” MA, fl: “fig m4 44 flyW," London Government House, Oct. 80th, 1810. My dear Mrs. Stewart: It is so long since I haVe written to you that I have many things to say and have therefore chosen an idle day for the purpOse,and I have not, I can assure you, many that come under that description. I know too well the interest you take in eyerything that concerns us, not to be persuaded that you felt much.grieved at hearing of the loss we have lately sustained by the death of Mrs. Culberden. The attack of water on the chest, which was the immdediate cause of the melancholy event, was sudden and ragid in its progress; but those who had witnessed for a long time past the gradual decline of her health, could not but antic'pate something of the kind, as but too much to be apprehended at any time. It is a consolation however to know that for the last two months she had been in greater enjoy— ment of health than for a long time previous, and that to the last moment there was no perceptible appearance of suffering or of pain. My sisters with William Culverden and Miss Godfrey are at Broadland and they are all as well as can be expected. I was with them in Hampshire during the whole of S°ptember3 but have been obliged to return to LOndon, yet I still hepe to get some further holy days before the Meeting of Part! I was sorry that my absence from Town prevented me from seeing fiilliam Miller when he passed through; but I hope to be tore fortunate if he should return by the same course. I wrote L'd Mulgrave about him, and got a very kind answer, although not one which can encourage me to entertain any grea t hopes of the early accomplishment of his wishes. He promised to make a note of my application and attend to it as soon as he could; but added that he thought it but fair to say that vacancies occurred; but seldom in the Horse Artillery and that as it was what all the artillery officers were anxious to obtain, he had of course a great number of similar applications. I shall be very glad to find that a favorable resulto I have now to beg you to give hr. Stewart my best thanks for his kind recollection of me in sending me his last work. I have read it with the greatest pleasure; there are very few whose praise can be worth Mr. S‘s acceptance and therefore I shall not say more than that I am very certain that had «h one taken up the book by hazard without knowing She author was, he could'not have failed to have discovered him before the first page was read through. I hope that you will some day or other keep your promise, and that he will write his name in the volume at Broadlande; though one really begins to be as sceptical about your progress to the south, as about the French Invasion; though I hope that the same certainty of meeting with a_wa§m reception, which prevents the latter, may operate as an inducement to bring about the formero We are all on the tenter~hooks of expectation for news from Portugal. You will see in the papers that the last accounts represent the contest there to be near its:‘fir£¢ . From the pontion of the two armies & Massenas previous movements a battle may considered as inevitable, and one cannot help indulging the mostsanguine hopes that the result will be glorious to us° Our army was in a position strong by nature, and fortified by every exertion of art, during the last three mOnths our men were under cover and protected from the rains,in very good health and abundantly supplied with provisicnar The French were in the open country ex— -4- and the English, the former cut off all his foraging parties, and the latter land, and destroy all his batteries "Somme en faisant ane promenade d‘argrement." The head of the Medical staff writes great complaints against the "Pharmacehmoniste Major," who cannot ' make physio as fast as it is wanted. He says he has tried everything and given the men every sort of medicine and application; but all to no purpose; still they will die, and the only thing that seems to occur to him is to renew his medicines in additiOnal quantities. Another Genl. officer says that the Regiment under his command is ruined by the despondency the men droop and fall ill, are carried to the H0spital and never come out again. It is in vain he adds, that he endeavors to cheer their snirits and persuade them put on . imgosing countenance upon the thing, all his attenwts are thrown away. Adieu my dear Mrs. Stewart. Pray remember me most kindly to all your \ party and believe me ever Youre affectionately , Palmerston. I was rejoiced to hear so good an account of as reached me the other day by a private channel and which stated that L'd Minto meant to give him an appointment at Calcutta of the same nature with that’ which he holds at Allahabode, but very much better in its emoluments.