xt7qjq0stw34_3458 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms474 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection Percy Bysshe Shelley letter to William Godwin text 43.94 Cubic Feet 86 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 22 items Poor-Good Peal accession no. 11453. Percy Bysshe Shelley letter to William Godwin 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474/Box_34/Folder_8/Multipage11934.pdf 1815 January 7 1815 1815 January 7 
  Scope and Contents

Peal accession no. 10578. Includes a transcript and a summary of the letter.

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He writes out an account of his affairs, including details of his grandfather‘s will and his relations with his own father, Sir Timothy Shelley. Printed in Ingpen's edition of Shelley's letters as No. 213 (I, LLLLBi‘f.) The balance of the letter has not been recovered, nor did Ingpen know its location. Shelley and Mary Godwin had eloped in August, 1811;, and were finally married in December, 1816. This is one of a long series of letters to Godwin, who was phi1030p11er enough to accept loans (as they were called) from the man who was living with his daughter. Bishopsgate Jan 7.1815. Sir I will endeavour to give you as clear as possible ["an" cancelled] a history of the proceedings between myself 8; my father. A small portion of the estates to which I am entitled in reversion, were comprehended in the will of Mr. John Shelley my great uncle, £2 devised to the same uses as the larger portion which was settled on my fathers marriage jointly by my grandfather & father. This portion was valued at £18000, which any father purchased of me with an equivalent of £11000. I signed on this occasion two deeds, the one was to empower my attorney to suffer what‘s called a recovery, the other a counterpart of the deed of conveyance. Before these transactions however, & at the very commencement of our negotiations, I signed a deed which was the preliminary & the basis of the whole business. My grandfather had left me the option of receiving a life estate in some very large sum (I think £1LL0,OOO) on condition that I would prolong the entail so as to possess only a life estate in my original patrimony. These conditions I neVer intended to accept, although Longhill considered them very favourable to me & urged me by all means to grasp at the offer. It was ["to" cancelled] my father's interest & wish that I should refuse the conditions, because my younger brother, ["would" cancelled] inherit [instead of ”inherits"], in default of my compliance mlththem, the life estate. Longdill & Inhitton thereupon, made an agreement that I should Sir resign my rights to this property, & that my father in exchange for this concession should give me the full price for any reversion. In compliance with the terms of this agreement I signed a deed in parting (‘2) that I disclaimed my grandfathers property. My father did not sign his part of the agreement because he could not do so without forfeiting the new entail, which says, that whoever in whatsoever manner endeavours to break thro the intentions of the testator shall not enjoy the fortune: but Mr. Whitton engaged tacitly to Longhill that my father would buy the reversion on the terms already settled. Now, Whittcn professes my fathers willingness to proceed, but urges every consideration calculated to delay the progressof the affair Longhill told me that he saw Whitton wished to procure as much delay as possible, but that he still thought it was their intention not entirely to give up the negotiation. Whether both Whitton 8: Longdill are not quietly making their advantage [”from" cancelled] out of the inexperience & credulity of myself 8c my father isa doubt that has crossed my mind. You say that you will receive no more than £1250 for the [one word cancelled] payment of those incumbranc‘es which you think I may be considered as flecially bound to relieve you. I would not desire to persuade you to sell the approbation of your friends for the difference between this sum, & that which your necessities actually require. but the mention of your friends has suggested a plan to my mind which possibly you may be able to execute. You have undoubtedly some well wishers who altho they would refuse to give you so large a sum as £1200 ["would” cancelled] might not refuse to lend it you on security which they might consider unexceptionable. I think you could Lay before any rich friend such a statement of your case, as, that if he could refuse to leand 1200 on my security his deSire of benefiting you.must be exceedingly slight. There is every probability in favour of the arrangement with my father being completed within the year. I can give evidence of the existence of the negotiation between us. If this prospect should fail, I still remain heir to property of 6. or 7000 a year. Why not ask Graltan or Mackintosh or Lord Holland, whom I have heard named as your [the rest of this letter is wanting]