xt7qjq0stw34_3230 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms474 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection Obituary notices for George Haven Putnam text 43.94 Cubic Feet 86 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 22 items Poor-Good Peal accession no. 11453. Obituary notices for George Haven Putnam 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474/Box_31/Folder_95/Multipage11184.pdf 1930 March 1 1930 1930 March 1 
  Scope and Contents

Peal accession no. 13150.

section false xt7qjq0stw34_3230 xt7qjq0stw34 March I, 1930 then follows an article on ”Firsts, Issues and Points” by George H. Sargent, long known for his contribution to the Boston Transcript; there are three articles on authors’ first adventures in getting into print which have both literary and collect- ing interest, one by H. L. lVIencken, one by Sherwood Anderson, one by William lVIcFee; E. W. Kemble discusses the il- lustrating of “Huckleberry Finn”; George S. Hellman describes the events connected with the publishing of Irving’s “Wash- ington,” and William A. Kittredge of Chicago writes of “The Bookplates of Bruce Rogers.” The make-up of the volume is a quarto, bound in boards with a cover design by Edward Wilson. Each signature of eight or of sixteen pages is the product of a different press which has made its own selection of type and paper. Miss Granniss’ article on “Colophons,” for instance, has been printed by the Spiral Press; and other contributing printers are Currier & Har- ford, the Harbor Press, the Marchibanks Press of New York, the Lakeside Press of Chicago, Canfield 86 Tack of Rochester and The Pynson Printers. Booksellers will find this quarterly of great practical value as it will supply in— sight into collecting tendencies, detailed information of collecting points and sug— gestions as to the new and important tendencies in typography. The binding in permanent form makes it easy to keep for reference, and it will be kept, too, because of the first—edition material which it con- tains. The entire American world of book- lovers, book collectors and book makers will welcome enterprise and congratulate its sponsors. Chain Store Statistics 0 much emphasis has been laid in the past few years on the growth of the chain store method that it is unex- pected to find that statistics indicate that the rate of increase shows a decided slow— ing down. The grocery group of stores opened only 1.6% more stores, while the candy group dropped 2.9%. According to one interpreter, the movement Will no doubt continue but probably at a decreased pace. 1083 75% of All Bankruptcies Are Needless HAT 75% of all business failures are unnecessary and the result of controllable exigencies, is the finding of the first investigation into the causes of business ills in the United States. The investigation was conducted by officials of the Department of Commerce and the Yale Institute of Human Relations who selected New Jersey as a typical ”case State” in which to study the causes of bankruptcy. The results of the study bear out the opinion of the investigators that in the past too much attention has been given to the salvaging of business wreckage with little or no thought for and intelligent consider- ation of the factors which result in business failure. The factors that contribute to failure fall into three groups: first, under personal causes were considered education, living expenses, previous experience, spec- ulation and medical expenses; second, the business methods employed which include trade associations, turnover, inventory and books, credit losses, previous failures and fire and burglary insurance; and third, the extent to which credit extension was a factor that led to the collapse. The report shows that the application of the most simple business standards would have prevented the failure in 75% percent of the cases studied. The bankruptcies that resulted from misfortune rather than fault were so few that they are separately enumerated. These unpreventable causes were illness, accident, robbery, fire, change in the neighborhood and labor trouble. In only six of the forty-three failures which resulted from the fault in business methods were proper books and inventories kept. The committee reports, “The simple commercial and personal standards and violations we have been discussing can in our opinion be brought home to the mer- cantile community by two methods—educa- tion and isolation, or to put the latter medically, quarantine. We believe that an even wider research into the facts under- lying individual insolvencies and the wide- spread dissemination of those'facts will; ultimately bring about a more general: avoidance of the pitfalls exposed.” The Publishers’ I/Veekly George Haven Putnam 1844-1930 MARVELOUS life has come to its earthly end. In the fields of publishing and of civic activities, no man has led, for many years, a more ac— tive, earnest, useful, effective, public- spirited and high-purposed life than George Haven Putnam. In the field of publishing his personal activities were extraordinary throughout his life. His father, George Palmer Put- nam, set a high standard for his sons, to which that father had adhered through ups and downs in business success. The eldest son emulated his father in patriot- ism as well as in publishing. Enlisting in the Civil War, he cast a soldier’s vote for Abraham Lincoln before he was of age, and rose to the rank Of Major, a title by which it pleased him to be called to the very end of his life. As Junior Member of the firm in his father’s day, and for fifty-eight years its head, he gave personal impetus to the business, and many of the series of international character which bore the Putnam imprint came di- rectly from his personal suggestion. Born in England during his father’s stay as a representative of American publishing there, he crossed the Atlantic more than sixty times, braving the dangers of sub- marine attack during the war as he braved political opponents in peace. Thus he built up not only the London house, which bears the firm name, but developed a wide acquaintance among English authors and statesmen. Oxford University conferred on him its Doctor of Literature degree. For over ninety years at home and in international relations, the name of the Putnam firm has been held in high honor for its intimate relations with authors and its fair and liberal treatment of their in- terests. As an author himself, he found time to write voluminously, his works covering the early history of authorship and publishing, the story of his own career, full of interesting personal reminiscences, and many lesser writings in the political and economic fields. Especially he was an ardent leader in the cause of international copyright, succeeding in this respect to his father’s devotion to the cause, and to him was chiefly due the organization of the American Publishers’ Copyright Lea— gue, of which he was secretary, imme- diately after the formation of the Ameri- can (Authors’) Copyright League, of which he was a member,——and in suc— cession to this he became Chairman of the Bureau of Copyright of the National As- sociation of Book Publishers, which con- tinued the work. He never flinched from standing for the rights of authors to the fullest extent, at the same time upholding vigorously the rights of publishers, as their representative, and the great body of Eng— lish and American authors may well feel that in his passing they have 10st one of their foremost champions. In civic relations his activities have been multifarious, but always effective. It was at his instance that Theodore Roosevelt made his entry into politics, by the sug- gestion that the young Harvard graduate would be a good candidate for the As- sembly, and through him the ex-President dictated from his hospital bed his last message to the American people. He was one of the first to respond in 1879 to the call for independent Republican ac- tion, and in the Mugwamp movement which ensued, he supported Grover Cleve- land and turned from the party of his youth to become an Independent of Demo— cratic Proclivities. Civil Service reform early had his support. He supported sound money as against Bryan and stood always for tariff reform, becoming like Roosevelt in his free days a member of the Cob— den Club and later up to the time of his death the acting President of the Free Trade League. 7 Though born on British soil he was a one hundred percent-American in the true sense of that abused phrase, for his na- tionalism was as ardent as his internation- alism was broad, and to him these two causes were the same. In the organiza- March I, 1930 tion of the English Speaking Union he took the greatest delight in becoming one of its most active member representatives on the American side of the Atlantic. But to name all his interests in such a field is to make a catalog of a large proportion of the causes which command the support of loyal citizens of America who are also “citizens of the world.” In his personal relations he was equally remarkable. His friendship embraced two generations of authors and many of the leading statesmen, both of his own and of the Mother Country. Many degrees came to him from American colleges as well as from Oxford University which honored him. He was a fluent and agree- able speaker on many topics and his ad— dresses on Lincoln were peculiarly dis- cerning and interesting. As a correspondent he was a marvel for he wrote many letters on all subjects at considerable length and usually answered letters on the day of their receipt, a feat the more extraordinary because of the large and varied mail which came to his desk daily. Everyone who knew him honored him. To one who has enjoyed sixty years of association with him, a larger sense of greatness in this quiet, unobtrusive, unselfish man, has grown, with friendship, through the years. It will be long before American publish- ing has another man as its dean who has given his life to such service as has George Haven Putnam. R. R.‘B. 1086 The Publishers" I/Vee/ely Dean of American Publishers jlrfajor George Haven Patna/1L Carve a Long Life 2‘0 Public Causes and His Profession’x A d-vaucemeut N February 27th, at the age of eighty-five, George Haven Putnam, dean of American publishing, died at his home at I Sutton Place South, New York. Although hdajor Putnam had been ill during the early winter, his vigorous constitution had apparently brought him back to health, and only a month ago he presided with his usual readiness and wit at the annual luncheon of the National Association of Book Publishers. On Wash— ington’s birthday he was obliged to cancel a promised address, and during the past week his strength failed rapidly. On his next birthday, April 2nd, he would have been eighty-six. l\lajor Putnam is survived by his wife, Emily James Putnam, and their son, Palmer Cosslett Putnam, who, with his wife, is now abroad. His daughters are Bertha H. Putnam, Ethel F. Putnam, Klrs. Joseph Lindon Smith and l\’Irs. Robert Falconer, all of whom were pres— ent at his bedside. He is also survived by his brothers, lrving Putnam, vice- president and director of G. P. Putnam’s Sons, Herbert Putnam, Librarian of Con— gress, and Kingman N. Putnam, retired. His surviving sisters are Edith G. Put— nam, Ruth Putnam and l\/lrs. R. W. S. Pinhey, now residing in Geneva, Switzer- land. The Putnam line follows back to dis- tinguished ancestry, as far back as the Puttenhams of Buckinghamshire, England, of centuries ago. John and Priscilla Put— nam migrated from Aston Abbots, Buck— inghamshire, in 1640, and found a New VVorld home in Salem, Adam, with which the name of Putnam is still closely asso— ciated. Their grandson, Joseph Putnam, was noted for his opposition to the witch- craft craze; he was related by his mar— riage with Elizabeth Porter to the Hathorne, afterward Hawthorne family. Their son, l\'Tajor General Israel Put— nam, whose commission was given him by Washington at Cambridge, July 4., 1775, was born in that part of Salem now the town of Danvers, and on Sep— tember I4, 1923, a tablet was unveiled, with an address by h’lajor Putnam. Boyhood and Youth George Haven Putnam, the first—born son of George Palmer and Victorine Haven Putnam, was the second of a notable family of eleven children. The eldest was lVIary Putnam, who, with an English associate, bliss Elizabeth Garrett Anderson (Dr. Garrett Anderson), forced open to women the Ecole de h’létlecine, Paris. Among the other children were John Bishop Put— nam and Irving Putnam, also of the pub— lishing firm; Ruth Putnam, biographer and historian of the Netherlands and Luxem— burg; and Herbert Putnam, who com— pleted, last of April, his thirty years of dis- tinguished service as Librarian of Congress. The father was a distinguished publisher in New York and a foremost advocate of in— ternational copyright. He was for some years a resident in London, where he pub— lished his “American Facts” and there the elder children were born. Foreign Travel and Study When the family returned to New York, George Haven Putnam, as a school— boy, increased in wisdom, if not in stature, and proved the equal of boys two or three years older than himself with whom he associated and who knew him affectionately as “little Put.” The Putnam home in New York was the center of a literary Circle of which Washington Irving was the chief ornament, and among l\lr. Putnam’s boyish mem— ories, those of the creator of Diedrich Knickerbocker (for whom the Putnam firm has always been publisher), stand out most clearly. George Haven Putnam, after completing his boyhood education at Columbia Gram— mar School, was sent abroad for study at the Sorbonnc and at the University of Get- March I, 1930 tingen where his course, begun in 1861 was interrupted by his return in 1862, to enlist for the Civil War. This experience gave him a working knowledge of French and a command of the German language, both of which have stood him in good stead as a publisher with international relations. He has been worthily honored by degrees of A.M. from Bowdoin, 1894, Litt.D. from the Western University of Pennsylvania in 1899, and from Columbia University in 1912, when he was presented for the honor with the designation of “Brave soldier and good citizen; author as well as publisher; carrying on with zeal and high purpose the traditions of a publishing house of which New York and the nation are deservedly proud; alert in the definition and defense of literary property.” In 1926 he was given the degree of Doctor of Lit— erature by Oxford University. His return to New York in 1862 was in— duced by an urgent determination to aid the Union cause, and though his father was a man of influence as a distinguished pa- triot, the modesty and patriotism of the young man caused him to enlist as a pri— vate rather than to seek through that influ- ence an officer’s commission. But for that, as a friend has said, he might have been a Major-General instead of a l\"Iajor, though his wellaearned promotion to the last-named dignity proved so much of an honor that he was always distinctively known as h'Iajor Putnam, a title of which he was pleasantly proud. His service was interrupted and possibly his promotion checked by his capture, October 19, 1864. in the Battle of Cedar Creek, whence he was sent to Libby Prison and later to Danville Prison. He was released from prison March I, 1865, just before Lee’s surrender. Publishing and PolitiCS On his return home, he became as— sociated with his father as a deputy collec- tor of internal revenue in the New York district and a year later in the publishing business as G. P. Putnam & Son at 661 Broadway, and began the business career which continued nearly sixty-five years. The firm removed in 1870 to Fourth Ave— nue in the Y. M. C. A. building, corner of Twenty—third Street, and in 1872 after the death of the father on December 20, the firm name, other brothers, John Bishop Putnam and Irving Putnam being as— 1087 sociated, was changed to G. P. Putnam’s Sons, which it has since held, though in- corporated as a company in 1892. John Bishop Putnam who died in October, 1915, developed the firm’s production plant, the Knickerbocker Press at New Rochelle, while Irving Putnam devoted himself to the firm’s retail business in new and rare books. fllajor Putnam delivering a Memorial Day address in Westminster Square, London In this firm Walter Howe, and later Theodore Roosevelt, were silent partners, an association which helped to give the future president his start in politics. In fact, it was at the suggestion of George Haven Putnam that this young partner was recommended in 1882 for Republican candidate for the New York Assembly, as being a young man of ability, of politi- cal ambition and of independent means. His senior has often pictured the return of the youthful publisher-politican to his business desk of a Saturday with more than enough schemes in his head to bank- rupt any publisher within a year. George Haven Putnam married in 1869 Rebecca K. Shepard, who shared with Fanny Garrison, now Mrs. Henry Villard, the brave honor of taking up the collec- tion at the meetings during William 1088 Lloyd Garrison’s slavery crusade. They had a notable family of five daughters. Mrs. Putnam died in 1895 after twenty— five years of happy and useful association, during which, before the days of private secretaries, she often served as amanuensis for her husband, since a wound received in the \Var disabled him from Overmuch autographic work. In 1899 he married Emily James Smith, who had been Dean of Barnard College, and their son, now living in Colorado bears the name of Palmer Crosslet Putnam, Author and Editor As a publisher, George Haven Putnam has notably exemplified the fact that many books are due to the publisher’s rather than the author’s invention, “The Story of the NationsH and kindred series, the American continuation of “The Cambridge. History of Literature,” ”The Outline of l..itei'atu1‘e," complementing “The Outline of Science.H are among the international enterprises which have come from his sug— gestion. Despite the drafts upon his energy by immediate business and by his many patriotic services, he found the time to write authoritatively on books and author— ship and to edit historical papers, Leader in Copyright Progress .‘VIajor Putnam had been a prominent member of the Loyal Legion of Civil War Veterans, and he was among the active American organizers of the English-Speak— ing Union, as well as of the American Rights League. He was an honorary mem- ber of the Cobden Club in London and the President of the Free Trade League in America. In behalf of international copyright, he followed in the steps of his honored father and was the Execu— tive Secretary of the American Publish- ers’ Copyright League, which was organ— ized largely by him, and later, of the Copy— right Bureau of the National Association of Book Publishers, and his services for international copyright won for him from France the Red Ribbon of the Legion of Honor. Orator and Publicist The publishing house has a branch in London founded in 1841, and it had been The Publishers) PVee/ely b'Iajor Putnam’s custom to spend a month or more each year at his London desk, and renew his acquaintance with English au~ thors and political leaders. These visits he continued, with the exception of one year, even during the war when he braved the U—boat danger. In England, as well as in America, he had many and varied circles of friends, such as those who are to be found in the Century Club in New York and at the Reform Club in London. As a publicist, he was even more honored in England than in his home country. On July 4, 1918, when the English signalized their recognition of the fact that the Amer— ican Revolution saved their liberties as well as ours, by celebrating our Independence Day in Westminster Hall, IVIajor Put— nam, in the absence of our Ambassador, was selected to make the leading Ameri— can speech before an august assembly. Both in America and England as a ready, clear and interesting speaker, George Haven Putnam was in demand for ad— dresses on various occasions and on many subjects; and in his eightieth year such was his vigor that he made five addresses within two days on the occasion of Lincoln’s birthday, including one by radio. The Indefatigable Worker As a worker, he was a model of prompti- tude and effectiveness. He was early at his desk, read his large and varied mail be- fore most people are fairly at work, dic— tated his letters to several assistants spe— cially informed as to specific subjects or organizations with which he has to do, and then was ready for a busy day in consulta— tion with his associates, with authors and with the many kinds of men and women who came to him for counsel or cooper—w tion. Usually he lunched at his favorite Century Club, where he was one of the veterans most appreciated. He was also a member of the City Club and of numerous other organizations of the kind. At four, when he had no speaking engagement, he was accustomed to leave his office for a walk to his residence on Sutton Place, and after the hour’s siesta which helped to keep him vigorous, he received, read and signed the letters which he had dictated and were not ready before his departure from his office.