xt7qjq0stw34_2945 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms474 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection Samuel Parr letter to William Windham text 43.94 Cubic Feet 86 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 22 items Poor-Good Peal accession no. 11453. Samuel Parr letter to William Windham 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474/Box_28/Folder_80/Multipage10156.pdf 1806 November 5 1806 1806 November 5 
  Scope and Contents

Peal accession no. 11245a. Includes a transcript.

section false xt7qjq0stw34_2945 xt7qjq0stw34 c" ( u}. ,7) J ; . ‘ : f r v , 4‘ , J V . E , :7 M? [W arm/A 7, ML ‘7" t W 7 W «7%:29m, 4 4w; ”79420; 7 * wvz: Mflayflwzfl La “7: . ‘l 462 a L, Fleadwell 596 SHAKESPEARE—Barker (E. H.,Pln'l— ologist and Author) A.L.s., 2 pp., 4to, to “ Sylvanus Urban " (John Nichols), editor l of Gentleman’s Magazine. on the subject 3 of "Parriana," and Dr. Parr’s belief in Ireland's Shakespeare Forgeries, and John Nichols’ draft reply, Aug. 2, 1828, £7/10/- [9.110] Dr. Parr was one of the highly respectable literary men deceived by Ireland and Shakesperian Forgeries. In the above letter Barker says: “ On the subject of Parr’s unorthodoxy, etc., you will see that I have done much for the Doctors memory . . . You will also see that I have vindicated the believers in the Shakespeare papers on safe grounds and no person had yet successfully done this. To show to you how much that aflair injured the Doctors character I will mention that two very clever and very eminent men have told me that Dr. Parr had no critical dis- cernment on which they could depend because he had signed the attestation of belief in the genuineness of the papers.” $9530 ‘4'. 1!) J {.3 av; 15 KL: 3’13U. 4‘ ,4. ,‘vnqm-x— 1'\ )J L- .4 . .' J 3.3.6 7‘ L038 1*:3124'43 .5113- 1‘ 33390 from Lani: ' as soon 54‘, bc shawlfi 13".. 10510i« is iav m1 Lhc 50W“1“Lce your ‘ ‘ $.- 0 1! c'. v. T. r 1A.; EULA. Ni *7 .a. v ”Eu-m I [ .na-.. vJQv. '11 _\., .14. .v-U .l- . .1 t) *1:C"1: 1101’) ‘3 cc I :7 -*. ~. 331'; \: i 3?. DU‘.x.‘-.-.. O= “"_}"} ’J 4‘“, K5“. 'VC ‘Deaay,: ”L" raay, and 53 J . vzng ve fshe . Us Ti" .1» 71..., 15L. K..- .1... '- ;.‘. at... 1' m be u' 3.19;.11 (1;: 1' ‘1; hampt 3 Deg OI am~--1 .J.- \J\ 5.... l‘GC‘E‘lVi L‘ ‘1' “n *‘ .AUKT C 3111'. .1 3...;4». . q 1 Parr (1757—1825) 5- 5-55 letter alone, Lhc illfigible b* a: Lhi: cLL m55c UpcoLs, Lter an palitic 4 P :31 .uJi. ‘1. 0:! .3101: U. u+r2m 1.5.wa .4- .li'JD 'U :1 Q a. 1 1:: ..—- 'i‘ ~. 1b 81‘ e (.vA; » 0 i1 1‘: ‘. A. , _. I 50 be 55 ans was 01 1‘i at? Hum-4;; if?“ .‘ .LV... .1 I )Klslg i341 P3? .11 34.. 131 i- .M ‘31:; .5765 Am ,3 ull'“ 3-5-1Z‘"j’, <; j {‘3 5’- I) l but Cow-““11 0;: Pi 5. Talents" 00103155. In for fine cou.uy of .35 comptw110 L ....... fr) 1... . i——‘ ' r \- 1.. :5 J. .1 . .... .. I, vlC‘C '11 r311" 4.5.“: ', L tar 7’ U tUU. (‘\ "5‘ 6-5:: 1173 I 'vn - '-\ 0.1.0-‘ 1'. ‘3 of N‘VHmbG“ Haw-15 3. Lj: ubi‘: o .‘11 e c $112.19]. “A r.. .5 5.4%- Tho a .5- :5»; \AJ 1-5176) ~. 1/ a 30..) ML 1y with callecL‘- bu. J-’ 5111. ’av‘A"-Q *1 Q 5-) D“ H 01 li'lElEIL-L‘FC 77.0.; ~ CL. 0'31 C. 1301204" u 806, .311“; 5‘3 1.. {f "A He . a .. 1‘ 5.- 533 Coke, 3334' ‘4' .31. S , Lies-.1- U I $3-12vwquef'0” / n/me/az 4’4 i 9/ firm/M7424 / ”17/ //Z’we % “A /’/"‘/“ 4 xffi/fl/,o., /»Z:/ //Mr(.— ;;4.ztn/I— _//4,c,}(, (1’7“ Fly/4'14“” ;/a(//M /r//%r L/ 11/ ”t/ /4”" /,&,_7 / // co/ 74/ /40¢4//“ ”2/111 ”(‘L/ )9 fax/Z /m M // ’ // »/ Ara/(OZ an! /M— ,4/' Wax/4', M/fl/‘(N/ / ”{fl’flé’fl/ (X//<.— L/ /:/zf’//’/l/4/’ /14//s'/h17 -{./// Atw— /d7‘ / W % /:¢/ ‘ 5,”; 44/; ,_ a; Mka-aé4-a—014 42/14/va fl “/1 %/ j/é/ / c-né ..e - / W 7‘ ./ , Z//(m In» I L/ta—l—Ca/ / /Jgrt¢. . 2:37 %M £‘/_/l’/ 5 u- y / M ”LCM? “4.4%?“ 4%,, ' [VJ/4— 90/”,424" [AZ/(L/‘z.t‘// 4 M% c /WM 7, 49141. 4/; {77¢ . {t4~ 97 ”wax/-[7’ L t ‘— // I» uJ/“V/ftc 4946' {#fl/QW/ til/2:" fl ./ 44/» ./¢rr~r/ /rr‘ Z4: r/aa// jinx/r: 7m/ 4/ «La/p7/ all/1?; I,” /é(w441(4/p[A/l/ x/Lz/c/Z. — fl’y; K’I'u 71.24»- / _ 4/ __ ///‘tl 14- 1‘4— ] ,c/lf /’14W A A, Vii/M” “:7 . / V claim 4"! // e / ,/ ja/rya /L/0’2'/- .j/T_ {YJ‘V/ Wilfi‘azn. 17‘,” -v‘urA 3111/. 197. PARR (Samuel). The Works of. With Memoirs of His Life and Writ— ings, and a Selection from His Correspondence. By Iohn Iohnstone. Portrait. 8 vol— umes, large, thick, 8vo, black morocco, gilt edges. London, 1828. $15.00 ”Samuel Parr (174741825), divine and pedagogue. He was regarded in his day a Whig Johnson, and a fine Latin scholar who excelled as a writer of Latin epitaphs. Among literary men who warmly acknowledged his kindness were Lander and the first Lord Lytton.