xt7qjq0stw34_2508 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms474 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection Hamilton Wright Mabie letter to Clifford M. Trivett, with a print and obituary of Mabie text 43.94 Cubic Feet 86 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 22 items Poor-Good Peal accession no. 11453. Hamilton Wright Mabie letter to Clifford M. Trivett, with a print and obituary of Mabie 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474/Box_24/Folder_56/Multipage8506.pdf 1898 October 31, undated 1898 1898 October 31, undated section false xt7qjq0stw34_2508 xt7qjq0stw34 HAMILTON WRIGHT MABIE, CRITIC


(Associate Editor of the Outlook)

HE death of Hamilton Wright Mabie

0n the last day of 1916 removed a fa-
niliar figure among the literary men of
New York. Mr. luabie had been for thirty-
even years a member of the Outlook editorial
ME and for thirty-two years Associate Edi-
or with Dr. Lyman Abbott.

After graduation from Williams College
n 1867, Mr. Mabie began the practise of
aw in New York City, but it soon developed
hat his natural tastes and abilities lay rather
in the direction of literature. During his
connection with the Outlook he contributed
hundreds of book reviews and literary arti-
cles, in addition to editorials on social topics.
The more important of his essays on literary
topics were from time to time collected in
books that have been widely read.

In later years Mr. Mabie became known
throughout the country as a lecturer, and in
that field he showed special aptitude. He in-
:luded in his lectures on literary topics remin—
scences of famous American writers, and

\these were reinforced by anecdotes gleaned
in the course of his extensive reading. Sev—
eral years ago he went to Japan, under the
auspices of the Carnegie Endowment for In-

ternational Peace, serving as an American
“exchange professor” and delivering lectures
in the Japanese universities and cities on the
spirit and ideals of the American people.

In connection with the tributes from his
editorial associates, published in the Outlook
for January 10, there is printed the last
contribution to the Outlook from Mr.
lVIabie’s pen. It is entitled ”Essays Old and
New,” and something of Mr. Mabie’s own
genial philosophy as an essayist stands out
in the opening paragraphs, which we quote

Wisdom literature began a long time ago, but
it has reversed the usual order of development;
as it has grown older it has grown not only in
grace but in vivacity and variety. There is essay
writing.of immense weight and dignity in the
Old Testament, but the knowledge of life which
it conveys—and in the light of three thousand
years of additional observation the depth and
vitality of that knowledge is astounding—is in-
vested with the solemnity which Bacon associated

with affairs of state. Montaigne’s egotism, to say_

nothing of his devouring curiosity, put him on
easier terms with his readers; he was concerned
to record the fact as he saw it, but he kept Well
in View and told us pretty nearly all he knew
about himself. Bacon’s greatness will save him
from the Baconians, and his grasp of the prin-
ciples of conduct and the organ roll of his noble
style put him safely with the masters, but one
reads him in evening dress, with the feeling that
he is dining with an ambassador.

Charles Lamb is as unconventional as Whitman,
but far more companionable and better bred.
His manner is so intimate and easy that in his
hands the wisdom of life is so happily humanized
that it loses its solemnity without loss of substance.
He makes his readers so comfortable that they
forget at the moment how much wisdom is mixed
with the playfulness of his mind. He often
teaches, but he never instructs. And this is char-
acteristic of the modern essay in the hands of
its masters. Matthew Arnold was a teacher by
instinct and intention; he even kept a switch
in his desk and used it at times with stinging
effect; but it was like going to a sparkling comedy
to sit in his classes. He was as far from solemnity
as Bernard Shaw, but the dignity of literature
was as secure in his hands as in the hands of
Bacon. His essays are free from the air of the
schoolroom, but the wisdom of life in conduct
and art is in them.

When one recalls that happy phrase, “full
weight of thought without any weight of expres-
sion,” he thinks of the masters of French prose,
who write as if clearness, precision, and charm

of diction came by nature, like seeing and hear- ,

ing, and are not matters of rigorous achievement;
but American writing has survived the German
influence, and, outside the field of scholarship,
has quietly assumed that humor is part of the
wisdom of life, and that truth in jest is as true
as truth in heavy-handed didacticism.


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l'Iditonul Slall'
Lyman Abbott. Elluurm cmr e O u th 0

Hamilton \\'..\tnbie.r\ssucuur Edmu-
R. D. Townsend

$211“; $335,“; 28 7 Fourth Avenue (near23dStreetl

Anton" ll. Bradt‘on]

.linncs MM'Inton N ew YO r'k

Mrs l,itlinn\\'.l‘mtts

October 31, 1898.

My Dear Clifford:


tippose 1/011 knotr a {good hotel, 20 I

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'1 N J. JV.
I were advi sing; :5011, I would ougg 1. what

vow no to the F313. Denis, corner of Iiroatlrra;
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11th Street, and one of their small rooms.

"> an ~ 1,
You can go there f0 1'- 531.00 pet dc, one.

then you can spend so much 01' as litt le as you

please on you“ meals.
If you will come up here on Tittir'ele.:,r, I

171 ll {39 ‘2: you 011 t to Summit pr»? Chip ’1; 1y.

Yours 1n haste,

A76 rota/M»)

Clifford 3:2. Trivett .