xt7qjq0stw34_2181 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms474 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection John Langhorne letter to Reverend C. De Coetlogon text 43.94 Cubic Feet 86 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 22 items Poor-Good Peal accession no. 11453. John Langhorne letter to Reverend C. De Coetlogon 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474/Box_21/Folder_34/Multipage7440.pdf 1775 December 31 1775 1775 December 31 
  Scope and Contents

Includes a transcript and biographical clipping.

section false xt7qjq0stw34_2181 xt7qjq0stw34 7—1 ‘. 3- «I5. Revd. and very dear Sir London Decemb. 31. 1775 I cannot with any face attempt to Justify my neglect in omitting writing for so long, but must confess you have had great reason to come plain as I have not been careful to preserve as I ought such a valuable correspondent, but I hope my dear Freind will not look upon it in any such light as he seems to hint in the first part of his Letter - it has been partly owing to a Multiplicity of Business and partly to a long bar— ren State of Soul, that if you will believe me I have not been able to Write, as I am at best such an uncommon Dunce that I can scarce write at all — The kind reception which my poor beggerly Scrible has mett with from my dear Freind encourages me to continue, may the Lord send by whom he will, & to him be all the Glory. I would not have you think your case is peculiar to yourself I believe most of the Children of God, and eminent believers too (however everyone I have conversed with) have trodden the same path before, and been exer- cised in the same way, and that for a considerable time together. Would it not be ridiculous to argue because we did not live under the aequator where there is equal day and night, but near the North Pole where we have (especially in winter) but little Sun, that we have no Sun at all, a its Just as absurd in a spiritual sence, we are not to judge by our Frames and Feelings, the Sun in the natural World is continually shining in the Firmament, tho frequently shaded by Cluds and Darkness, and so the Blessed Sun of Righteousness remains the same Yesterday to day and for ever, he will rest on his love which was from Everlasting & is to Everlasting; perhaps you will say its good talking for you that don't feel the Burthen as I do! I answd I know from sad experience what such a state is, and if Egg com- plain thus I am sure I ought to be confounded and never Open my Mouth any more, but lay my hand upon my mouth and cry our Guilty, Guilty= I have lately had such discoverys of the Misery of Iniquity in my own Heart, as I never experienced before - from the Crown of the Head to the sole of the Foot I am nothing but Wounds & bruises, and putrifying scres, I do not men- tion this because I would affect something, but its really too true, and them words which you quoted, too much resemble my case - unstable as water, thou shalt not prevail, or as St James speaks - a Double Minded man unstable in all his ways — And yet I must own, notwithstanding I am toss'd about, there is a Hope which supports me under all these Troubles that I cannot give up, for if we come to examine the Scriptures from one end to the other there is not one word against a poor sensible Sinner, but its full of pre- cious Promises of Free pardon and reconciliation, thro the Salvation that’s in Christ Jesus, and there is a mistery of Goodness to answer the Mistery of Iniquity — and when we look into the sacred records we shall find it no new thing to be exercised with such Heav Afflictions& St Peter exorted those to whom he wrote to think it not strange canoerning the Fiery Trials which were permitted to try them, and in another place he tells them there was a Needs be (for a season) to be in heaviness thro manifold Temptation,= and St. Paul writing to the Hebrews speaks of resisting onto Blood strivinfl against sin, a tells them it is the common lott of all God's own dear chili dren to be thus exercised ( and that it's a Mark of a child of God) and :hat they may not be discouraged in their Spiritual Warfare, he hide them look unto Jesus, and consider what contradiction of sinners (far more than they do of Busts) he endured against himself which was to encourage them a gainst being weary and faint in their Minds, so that it's no new thinsm and we read of Old Testament Saints walking in darkness and havine no lieut— awiness eadmring for a Night - and others in the midst of combatt Ery— ‘: 113130;" ill-'3"; $4,:E??‘.§.3'13".2 Til-I." fl “73““W’f‘,” “’“ ‘3" '27 ‘3" L."- J ”3"‘4‘ Silt-1.1.101- 1" I,E?Tf.3‘:-; ELL}. 1;":51‘177CT"! Sci"; Q's, Z.‘-.‘ " “9,213.5 a“; as our 5 ' exPFQJRSflJ - - as % my , and L; or; " Pattlo ton— The Etarbuck Family. Samuel Sterbuck of Nantucnet, mass., was born Jan. 15, l“27 He mar- ried lst, 1e43, Abigail Barney. With his family he removed to Milford Haven, tales, (either direct or by way of Halifax) in lru5. Among his children was:— Lamuel btarouck, Jr, born beat. :33, 1762; married Nov. 22, 1783, Lucretia Folger. bamuel Jr remov=d to "’lford Haven after the Revolution and helped to establish a whale fishery, which was a while very succeeeful. About the year 1735 a number of sea captains living in Nantucxet, and engaged in xnale fLefifiag, were induced. to go to Haliiax, [Nova Leotia, where the British government was attempting to set up a whale fie ery center. .mon tie enterprise iailed to proeyer_ acme of the Nantucket families moved to Milford flaven to engage in a sililar industry. It was in this way that Samuel Starbuck migrated to Wales, either by way of ‘ Halifax, ot direct to milford Ha.ven. His eons tent with him, and it was his some Samuel, Jr, wire was the reciyient of the giite from King Linolino. It is not imurooable that Caotain Valentine .tarbuck's pa— rents were among those who left Nantucket to go to Halifax or miliord Haven. His mother was a Folger, and his father Reuben Etarbuck, and he himself married a London woman; but his relationship to Samuel Lterbucx, Jr, nae not been determined. [5 istorg oi Nagtucget by Alexander btarouck, lQ‘ M r'J'Yé/3‘f ,Vg My“: .15 fig? , g m’w ’ ,,.'< ,y/ '/// lllft’ fl/é'ayl/ / (Zié/ //17711///In7r14/éfl7r I?) (/7757)- if / /1_ t ‘. I fl/ / 2/ 1/,71n W 771“}; r.»—;)/ ‘or [r /a(>’( .7(4//2K’KII(P)1// A 67,4," 4, l I l , “(/1 flaw/n WZfl// WDH/ 45/37,, 55m, fix “WM/7K” @771 A; [Zr/(0v org/9,6 ”(i a w , / //l / / ha? 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