xt7qjq0stw34_1582 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms474 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection Reginald Heber autograph bill of exchange, with clippings text 43.94 Cubic Feet 86 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 22 items Poor-Good Peal accession no. 11453. Reginald Heber autograph bill of exchange, with clippings 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474/Box_86/Folder_6/Multipage5013.pdf 1821 September 24, undated 1821 1821 September 24, undated 
  Scope and Contents

Peal accession no. 9580.

section false xt7qjq0stw34_1582 xt7qjq0stw34 . nan—A—am-—f ~— -4 Q Stones ‘1 N AEIERICAN writer once said: “It does not necessarily tuiic a lifetime to accomplish in)- mortality. “A have not done in a. moment, it courageous word spoken at the fitting. time, at few lines which ‘an be writ-- ten on a sheet of notcpzviper, may g we one a deathlcss mime.” Such was the case. with Reginald Heber, known n'i'ierex'cr the influenca of the Christian religion has pene— trated, by his unequaled missionary 11 *mn: ' “F‘rmn G'rl‘QG‘l'llx'liHTF; Icy l‘vlountains.” Although the origin of Bishop I-Ieber’s hymn. may he as familiar as a household word, its circumstantial story will bear repeating. A royal letter was issued in 1819 re» questing that collections should be made in all churches of England on be— half oi? the Society for the Propaga— tion at the Gospel in. .li'orcign Parts. Reginald I—Iebcr, then rector of Hodnet, was visiting. his father-in-law. Dr. Shipiey, dean of St. Asaph and rector of W'rexhum. Half a dozen friends were gathered in the little rectory parlor, on Satur— day afternoon, when Dr. Shipley, knowing; the vase with which he com- posed, turned to Hebcr and request- ed him to write some missionary lines to be sung in the church the next morning, as he was going to preach on the subject of missions. The Rector of Hodnet retired to a, corner of the room, remained there in deep thought for a. brief time and when of Fairness he had rcjoinedvthe ministerial party read the first three Verses oi.’ the tat-- mous hymn. “That will Shipley. “The sense is not yet complete, rc— plied Heber. who again retired and in a few moments returned with the noble bugle blast oi? the fourth stanza:«- . “\Vaft, wul‘i‘ 3'9 winds, His story; And you, ye waters roll, ”l‘ill, like :1. son. of glory, 1'!’ spreads from pole to pole; "l‘iii, o'er our 1"ansomed nature, The lamb for sinners slain, ‘ tedeemur. King, Creator, In hliSs' return to reign." The tune to which this hymn is song has been a powerful aid to the cause 01' foreign missions, and its story'is not less interesting than that of the Verses. in 1823, a, lady living in Savannah, Georgia. obtained a copy of the words. She had a desire to hear them sung, but could find no music to which they could he set. It came to her knowledge that a young hank clerk in the city had quite a local reputation as a composer of church music. She sent the words to him, with a note in which was expressed the hope that he might be able to adapt them to an appropriate tune. In the course of an hour, as the story says. the words were returned with the melody. The young bank cleric was Lowell do very well," sz‘vid Dr. H .ymns *i‘om Greenland’s icy Mountains. Mason, illu.‘ thirty—one years old; who hecznne ihe erratum, hymn tune com- poser this «..-<‘nniti‘j-.'.lni:< mmr produced. This may be on t);\:;n;g'r:ruted esti- mate of the. influence of the hymn, but it is not unlike-1y that it has done more than any other hymn of; its class to in— spire and strengthen the. churches in their («i‘iforts to propagate the Christ— inn religion among; the, heuthens of many lands. 4 Bishop Haber was born in 1783 in Cheshire, flingiand. “"hen only twenty years old he took the. university prize with his poem, Pal— estine, which was considered the best Oxford poem of the century. He read it in Convocation I18.“ at the annual commenccmcnt and it was received with (—111 outburst of: applause “as probably never before greeted an Oxford student." llelwr vos rector oi‘ IIodnet sixteen years, where it is supposed he wrote all his hymns. . ]‘n 1823 he was made bishop of Cal— cuttu and early one morning in April, 1826. after confirming a large class of natives, he [00k a cold bath which re- sulted in instant death. BisliOp Heber wrote fifty-seven hymns, and competent authority says that every one of them is in common' ‘ use. That every hymn a. writer has pro- duced should find a place in the service of the church is an honor that is paid to no other hymnist in the history“ of sacred song. THE BIRTHPLACE OF A IIYMIN. Where ”Prom Greenland’s Icy Mountains" Was Sung for the First Time. i SAVANNAH, April l3.———The birthplace of a hymn the melody of which has encircled the globe passed into ruins during the fire in this city on last Saturday night. 4. \ \3 ,au: \‘msxv \“\\ a .. lay It was in the Independent Presbyterian Savannah, that Bishop Heber’s song, "From Grecnland’s Icy Mountains,” was first heard. Sixty-five years ago there was a meeting pro— jected in aid of foreign missions. In the course ol‘the services an unfamiliar song was reached. Lowell Mason was at the organ. As his lingers pressed the keys the congregation, that filled the church fromend to end, and surged along the aisles. was thrilled with the strange melody. It seemed an inspiration suited not ior the hour alone but for all such occasions, in all places and through all time. Such it has proved to be. ‘ The words, “They callus to deliver Their land from error’s chain,” that those Savannahians so long ago sent in You‘d swelling volume upon the broad streets of their forest town, have since resonnded throughout man’s domains, and many a consecrated mis- sionary, leaving friends and home behind. has b me with him to foreign clinics the echoes of t to music that the organist of the Savannah Church composed and set to the grand words that the Bishop of Calcutta had written espe- cially 101‘ that occasion. r'l‘here were many other interesting facts con- nected with the burned church. When it was dedicated on Sunday, May 9,1319, James Monroe. president of the United States, his Cabinet of- ficers, generals and admirals and other officers of high and low degree, were present, together with distinguished men from surrounding states. It was an audience the like of which Savannah had never before seen. Lafayette. in 1825, stood within and expressed his admiration, and since then many men distinguished in state and na- tional annals have done likewise. In it, in 1832. the centennial anniversary of the birth of George Washington was celebrated. It is stated that Mrs. C. F. Mills, whose chari- ties have made her one of Savannah’s greatest benefactrcsses, has offered 5100.000 towards re- . stOring the edifice on the original plan. which was a copy of St. Martin in-the-Field, England, the architect of Christopher Wren. l_...,.. —~———-‘—«+~—---—~ Church, the most picturesque structure in:- which was the great Sir, “From Greenland’s Icy .Mountains. The hymn “From Greenland’s Icy Mountains” was written by Reginald He-o ber about 1809. He was, according to the story, as told by The New York Sun, stay- ing with his father-in-law, the dean of St. Asaph’s cathedral, when a gentleman pres- ent who was to preach a missionary sen mom said he Would like to have a good hymn for the occasion. Heber went aside and in ashort time returned with three verses of the hymn, which he at once set to music. He added the *fourth verse, and the hymn was sung the next day. Heber became bishop of Calcutta, including In- dia, Ceylon and Australia, in 18:33, and died in 1825. ' ‘ x a . we..- - a. 2.}, mm. ,. ”flu-.. dawn..." -.. __. 4/2/54”?th Crab’mtta, i . em'nent hymn writer. ~¢ H .q "rem GivenLana : ‘ Ticruntzuinst” l909 HEBER (Bishop Reginald). The Fannous [IYMN \VRI'I‘ER. Author “ From ({reenhrnd’s iey mountains.” A.l’..s., oblong, m the form of {L hunk draft, requesting payment of certain sums. A very scarce Autograph. 10s (5d of , ,_~.___ _V. _ , ,,, .