xt7qjq0srz6z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0srz6z/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1938-07-26  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, July 26, 1938 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 26, 1938 1938 1938-07-26 2013 true xt7qjq0srz6z section xt7qjq0srz6z The Kentucky



ECern EL







Bill Cross Orchestra To Play
For Union Dance On Saturday


The soft, sweet music of Bill
Cross and his orchestra in the lovely, spacious Union ballroom will
offer Summer Students an 6ppor-tunit- y
to spend an enjoyable evening when the first dance of the
term Is held next Saturday night.
As in the past, the dance will be
held from 9 to 12 o'clock and the
admission will be 25 cents per person.
BUI Cross and his orchestra are
the musicians that met with such
popular approval at the last dance

More Than 75 Coeds Will Be

Unable To Get Lodgings
In rati. Boyd
Lack of Dormitory Room May
Keep 50 Girls Out of UK,
Dean Holmes Says
than 75 women students
entering the University in September will not be able to obtain rooms
in the two women's dormitories, it
was indicated yesterday tfc-- the
office of the dean of women.
In Boyd hall, capable of lodging
102 girls, all rooms have already
been applied for, and in Patterson,
which has a capacity of 120. space
for only 10 women students remains

By August 1 applicaunclaimed.
tions are expected to be received for
the places now open in Patterson, a
hall reserved exclusively for freshman girls.
Problem Was Arate in 37
The problem of caring for women
students at the University became
acute In the fall of 1937. when more
than Ml applications for space in
the two women's dormitories were
turned down. Assistant Dean of
Women Sarah B. Holmes stated.
These girls were provided for by
private rooming houses under the
supervision of the University authorities. All girls who applied for
rooms through the University were
placed either in the dormitories,
sorority houses or in private homes.
Dean Holmes said.
She explained, however, that because many parents preferred that
their daughters room in dormitories, some 50 women students were
lost to the University last year. At
least that many are expected to stay
way from the University this fall
because of inability to obtain dormitory rooms, she said.
To provide for 18 of the
excess applicants expected, a house
at 330 South Limestone street, formerly occupied by the Alpha Delta
Theta sorority, has been leased
from the Good Samaritan hospital,
owner of the property. Upperclass
women students will occupy this
resMenot and will take their meals
in the Boyd hall dining room, which
has a capacity of 250 persons.
70-o- dd

222 Housed la Dorms
Of the 1.200 girls attending the
last year, 222 were
housed In the two dormitories, 125
In the school's eight sorority houses,
27 In the women's
house and 100 In nine organized

eJj Am

Will Play

In Memorial Hall

Thursday Night
Directed by Prof. Carl Lampert,
head of the music department, the
University philharmonic
will present its first concert of the
second term at 7:30 o'clock Thursday night in Memorial hall.
Featured on the program will be
a piano solo by Gordon Moon, Fair
field. Ala. Mr. Moon has not yet announced what his selection will be.
Thursday night's program will be
the first in a series that will be
given during the second term. These
little symphony concerts will be
given weekly in Memorial hall.
The program for the concert
Wedding March (from Midsummer
Night's Dream) .... Mendelssohn
La Media Noche (Serenade from
Hispania Suite)
II Trovatore (from Verdi's
a it, Roberts
To Be Selected
Piano Solo
Mr. Moon
Rosamunde (Ballet-mus- ic

Entr'acte II)


Feramors (Ballet suite). . Rubinstein
Wiener Volksmusik (Vienniese
Les Patineurs (The Skaters)

Grid Star To Teach
In 2 Local Schools
Joe Bosse Appointed Physical
Education Instructor
For Junior Highs

Joe Bosse. former Wildcat grid
were day students. Freshman girls star, will teach physical education
are required to live In Patterson to boys In the Lexington and MorLexhall. Upperclass women may re- ton Junior high schools, the
side in sorority houses or In one of ington board of education announ
the private homes approved by the ced recently.
After school hours, in addition
to his regular work. Mr. Bosse will
In 1926 when applications of develoD recreational clubs and
women students for rooms in the games
for the boys in both the

private rooming


dormitories exceeded available space city's
Junior high schools.
the residence at the rear of MaxMr. Bosse has been physical edu
well Street Presbyterian church,
at the University
now occupied by the Chi Omega cation instructor
training school and playground inby the
sorority, was purchased
structor In the city parks during
University from the church. Twenty-tDast year. He has received ab
girls roomed there until the
and MA degrees from the Univer1931. when the total enrollment of
women students decreased to about sity.
Other University graduates ap
of the 1926-3number.
pointed by the board are Louise
At that time the Chi Omegas leased Funk, who will
teach art In the
the annex for their use.
elementary schools, and Christine
1935 the dormitories were filled Brown, who will be art Instructor
to capacity and In 1936 the need of in the Lexington Junior high school.
additional space was evident. It was
not until last fall, however, that
any considerable number of applications for dormitory rooms were
turned down, University officials
ItM Applications Turned Down
Dr. T. T. Jones, dean of men at
the University, said that about 100
applications for rooms in the three
IVA N'rfe. The Mk.winp
men's dormitories were turned down written hy President Mry lor the
rear and that he expected that xtieiuil 17 fMmmenriiled theIxnielon
many more to be refusd this fall leader
i the naiier'n
flrtM Hinieared in the
Th three dormitories for men have
a capacity of 260 studnts. As there
are no rigid restrictions placed, on
men students as to where they live
President, University of Kentucky
while attending the University, the
"problem has not been acute. About
In 1888 the Agricultural and Me
350 boys live In the la fraternity chanical College of Kentucky had
houses and approximately 1.000 live a student enrollment of 326; In 1938
in private homes In Lexington. At the University of Kentucky, educapresent there are 40 rooms in the tional outgrowth of that early inmen's dormitories for which appli- stitution, recorded a registration of
3537 students for the fall term.
cations have not been received.
Thus, from a small beginning, the
state's largest institution of higher
education has enjoyed a growth
worthy of the hope and trust of
those educators and citizens who
Journalism Prof. Niel Plummer have contributed to its development
through half a century of progress.
who is on a year's leave of absence
Today, In reviewing the history
studying at the University of Wis- of the commonwealth, the City of
consin was a recent contributor to Lexington, and the institutions that
the "Pour Bits" column of the have survived the past 50 years, it
is Interesting to read the history of
Lexington Leader.
The column, which Is written daily the Agricultural and Mechanical
by Jay Jay, contained the following: College of half a century ago, and
'Niel Plummer, who is at Madison, to measure, by the years, the InWis., beginning a years work on his crease In size, in enrollment and in
Ph. D. degree sends back a postcard service from the state institution of
dispatch concerning the appointment that time to the University of the
of a Rotary Club committee to present.
In 1888 the Agricultural and Mevisit sick members. Named to cheer
up the ailing ones were a doctor, chanical College of Kentucky granta preacher, an undertaker, and a ed a degree to its first woman gracemetary supertatendant."
duate, one of class of five to re


of the first

night. July

term held Saturday


Although Saturday night's dance
is the only scheduled for the second
term. Student Union officials have
announced that should attendance
warrant it other dances will be
arranged for later in the semester.
The Student Union ballroom,
which was opened last May, is the
largest and one of the most beautiful ballrooms in Kentucky. It provides a splendid place for students
who desire an evening of dancing.


University Gets Partial Credit
For Success Of Education
Radio Script
Partial credit was given the University recently by the office of
education, Washington, for the success of the educational radio script
exchange, a unit of the Federal
Radio Education committee.
Created under authority of the
commission, the
exchange supplies without cost to
school, church and civic groups
radio scripts for dramatization of
plays of all kinds. Some of the
plays were prepared by the office
of education, others originally pro
duced by schools and colleges.
One of the most popular radio
serials offered by the exchange originally was prepared for broadcasting by the University of Ken
tucky studios. Entitled "Epoch Dis
coveries of the Past," it dramatizes
discoveries which have revolution
ized science and industry.
Officials in the script exchange
reported there was a growing interest by amateur radio groups
throughout the country In the services It has to offer. In addition to
copies of script, the exchange offers
free information in the use of
radio sound effect instruments.
One of the many organizations
which have made use of the exchange was the Missouri School for
script of an
the Blind. A
historical dramatization was translated Into 180 pages of Braille and
a cast of sightless persons gave a
highly successful performance over
St. Louis University's radio station.

To Be Dismissed



Classes will be dismissed all
day Saturday, August 6, so
that summer students desiring to vote will have an opportunity of going home to do
so, Dr. Jesse E. Adams said
yesterday. Classwork will be
resumed at 7 o'clock Monday
morning, August 8.

Judge Richard Stoll Presides
At Meeting of Executive
Committee Held In
McVey's Office

Approval of various appointments
were chief items of business carried
on at a meeting of the executive
committee of the University board
of trustees held Tuesday afternoon
In President McVey's office.
Miss Helen Elizabeth Fry was appointed assistant in the circulation
department of the University library; Miss Evelyn McAlister was
made temporary assistant In the library; Albert I. Ades was chosen as
an assistant In the department of
foreign economlce; Mildred G. Kldd
was made clerk in the public service laboratories and B. B. Claghorn
was selected as assistant county
agent for Garrard county.
Other appointments Included:
John B. Watts, assistant county
agent for Fayette county, Ralph
Cundiff, as assistant county agent
for Wayne county; Raymond E.
Nute, assistant county agent for
Mason county; Frank B. Winchester,
assistant county agent for Pike
county; Wallace L. Campbell assistant county agent for Garrard
county; William Cox, mimeograph
The work of the office of dean of operatorer in t he stenographic
men, an often little understood di- bureau.
John Martin, instructor in chemvision of a modern state university,
istry; Robert Kosgaard, graduate
will be discussed by Dr. T. T. Jones, assistant in physical
dean of men, on the Friday, August Samuel
instructor in
English, and Dan Murray, graduate
5, "Know Your University" broadassistant In English.
The program, to be heard over Members of the executive commitStation WHAS, Louisville, will be tee present were Judge R. C. Stoll,
presented from the University ex- James Park. Judge John Cooper,
Somerset, a member of the board of
tension studios at 1:15 p. m.
trustees. Dr. McVey and D. H. Peak,
secretary, also met with the com'

Jones Will Discuss

Work Of Men's Dean

Night Commencement
Services Are Planned

Sumer school commencement will
be held at 7:15 p. m. Saturday,
August 19, instead of 4 p. m. as has
been previously announced. Director
Jesse E. Adams said yesterday.



Miss Betty Swope, telephone oper-

ator at the University, who underwent an operation last week at the
St. Joseph hospital was reported
yesterday as "doing nicely."



26, 1938


Illustrated Lecture


Power Fails,
But UK Studios


Program On Air

Twenty Players Are Expected
To Participate In
University Open
Net Meet

Students May Still Register
For Participation
In Doubles

of electric
Even failure
power can't keep the University studios off the air
not when their program has
not missed a broadcast in
eight years.
The power failed a few
minutes before the College of
scheduled to go on the air
last Thursday. The
the oldest at the University,
hasn't missed a broadcast
since it was begun in 1930.
Studio officials met the sit-

Play in the singles division of the
University open tennis tournament
While one engineer rushed
will begin today. Lee Powers, di
out to borry a battery, anUniversity courts said
rector of the
other dug out an old pair of
earphones, such as was used
At 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon
in the early days o'f radio
16 players had signed to take part
reception, and some other
In the singles tournament. Mr. Pow
ers expected this number to be
They hastily rigged togethraised to 20 before the entry deader a system much similiar to
was reached last night.
that used by WHAS during
Deadline for entries in the doubles
the 1936 flood.
tournament has been set at 6 o'clock
While their modern
tonight. Already five doubles teams
trol - room equipment stood
have indicated that they will take
useless for want of electricity,
part In the meet and Mr. Powers
they "fed" the broadcast thru
expects this number to be greatly
their temporary battery sysIncreased by late registration.
tem to Louisville.
Play In the doubles tournament
No one in the studios could
will begin Wednesday.
hear the broadcast but the
engineer with the earphones.
The open tournament was
scheduled for last week but
But that didn't matter.
They knew their program
rain plus the soggy condition of
was on the air.
the courts caused Mr. Powers to
postpone the matches.
Those entered in the singles tournament are R. W. Harrison, Charlie
Wooldridge, Boyd Mahan, Wllmore
Garrett. B. A. Marks Bob Young.
Leslie Kingsbury J. W. Brevard.
Tommy Rose, Albert Hall, Bill Curie,
Ivan Carwell, A. L. Sauer and R.
Meeting Arranged By Bureau
W. Jennings.
Of Governmental Research,
Those signed for the doubles
tournament are R. W. Harrison and
Kentucky Municipal
Charles Wooldridge; Tommy Rose
and Wllmore Garnett; Herb Burk- hart and Bill Mahanes; D. W.
City attorneys and other municiBruner and L. C. Collins; and How- pal officers assembled Thursday for
ard Turner and Douglas King.
a City Attorneys" Institute In the
law building at the University. The
conference was arranged by the
Kentucky Municipal League and
the University Bureau of Governmental Research.
Carl B. Wachs. executive secretary of the Kentucky Municipal
League, was chairman of the In, ,Don Irvine, former associate editor and editorial columnist of The stitute. Dr. A. E. Evans, dean of
Kernel, is the guest columnist who the College of Law at the univerIs conducting
today's "Ravilings" sity, was the first speaker at the
meeting, discussing some of the
During the last regular school legal problems arising In connecyear Mr. Irvine was the author of tion with city government. Mayor
"Sideshow," a widely read column E. Reed Wilson. Lexington, discusrecent enabling acts passed
that appeared twice weekly In The sed the Kentucky General Assemby
bly to give municipalities of the
Considered one of the outstand- Third,
Fourth. Fifth, and Sixth
ing students in the department of
Classes authority to enact planning
journalism. Mr. Irvine is president
and zoning ordinances.
of Delta Sigma Chi, men's profesAmong other speakers on the
sional Journalism fraternity.
morning program was J. K. Lewis,
1938 Kentuc-kia- n
was art editor of the
Attorney - General,
and Is associate editor of the assistant State "Municipal Truck
who spoke on
1938 "K Book," which will be issued
Licensing," and "How to Sell a
In September.
Franchise for Its Real Value." After
Mr. Irvine Is also active in Guig-nothis address, the meeting adjourned
the campus' little theatre, and for lunch.
is a member of the Sigma Alpha
Other talks were made by F. L.
Epsilon. social fraternity.
Atkinson, assistant In governmental
Next week's guest columnist will research at the University, who
be Ed Muehsler, managing editor spoke on "Home Rule;" Dr. James
of the winter Kernel and president W. Martin. Commissioner of Reof the Delta Tau Delta social fra- venue for Kentucky, who addressed
the institute on "Municipal Liquor
Control;" Charles T. Stewart, field
consultant for the Municipal LeaBernie Shively, athletic director gue, who spoke on "Out of City
at the University, will be the official Fire Department Activities," and
starter at the annual soap box derby Guy A. Herdman, assistant State
to be held Thursday, July 28. on Attorney - General, who addressed
West Main street at the city limits. the group.




prominent Campus
Journalist Authors
'Ravelings' Column





Presented This Afternoon

To Be

In Auditorium Of

Training School

Motion Picture On 'Dyanmic
Education' Will Be Shown
Summer Session


Arkansas Professor Presents
Illustrated Lecture
Open Forum On Progressive
At First Convo
Teaching Will Follow

Of Term
An illustrated lecture on "Olimp-se- s
of Other Worlds" was given by
Dr. A. M. Harding, noted lecturer
on astronomy at the first general
convocation of the term Thursday
in Memorial hall.
Dr. Harding, professor of mathematics and astronomy at the University of Arkansas, was introduced
by Dr. H. H. Downing, professor
of mathematics in charge of astronomy at the University.
Adams presided at the meeting.
The uncompreshensible distances
from the earth to other heavenly
bodies were stressed throughout the
talk by Dr. Harding. As an example he showed that it took light,
traveling at the rate of 186.000
miles a second, eight minutes to
reach the earth from the sun.
Defining the word "world" as
"any heavenly body that goes
around the sun," Dr. Harding devoted a portion of his talk to a
comparison of the sizes of relative
distances of the nine planets that
revolve around our sun.
A series of slides was shown giv
ing actual telescope pictures of the
surface of the moon. Dr. Harding
explained that we were able to see
the moon because of its and the
earth's motion and because It reflected light.
That the sun was covered with
sun spots, each of which are larger
than the earth, was shown by Dr
Sun spots, according to
Dr. Harding, have an effect on the
earth; radio, telephone, and telegraph reception
being lessened
when the spots were more numerous.
These spots become numerous
about every eleven years, the astronomer explained.
To show the enormous size of
the sun. Dr. Harding explained
that the earth, with the moon revolving about it has a smaller diameter than that of the sun.
The great distance of stars from
the earth can be seen when it is
realized that while light can reach
the earth from the sun In 8 minutes
it takes it four and
to come from the nearest other

An Illustrated lecture on progressive education will be given at 2 30
p. m. today In the Training School
auditorium by James L. Hymea, Jr.,
assistant secretary of the progresNew
sive education association.
Mr. Hymes will illustrate his talk
motion picture entitled "Dywith
namic Education." that was taken
in the Santa Monica. Cal.. public
schools. After showing the film he
will lead a discussion and answer
questions on progressive education.
All students of the second semester of the Summer Session axe invited to attend the lecture.
Mr Hymes is visiting teacher

training Institutions throughout the

United States this summer showing
the film, which contains pictures of
progressive education being carried
on in a public school system.
The progressive education association, the United States section
of the New Education Fellowship,
is sponsoring Mr. Hymes' lectures so
that a larger number of students
in education may have an opportunity to see the film and to take
part in a discussion of progressive

New Booklet Lists
Titles of UK Theses
Now Ready For Distribution.

Dean Funkhouser
A booklet listing the titles of all
the theses and dissertations submitted to the University In partial fulfillment of the requirements for
advanced degrees from 1925 to 1937.
has been published by the University and made available for distribution, it has been announced by
Dr. W. D. Funkhouser, dean of the
Graduate School.
Eighteen distinct advanced degrees are now offered by the University. They are Master of Arts.
Master of Science. Master of Arts

in Education. Master of Science In
Education. Agriculture. Home Economics, Civil Engineering, Electui
Dr. Harding closed his lecture cal Engineering, Mechanical Engiwith a short discussion of nebulas, neering, Metallurgical Engineering.
the heavenly bodies that lie out- Mining Engineering. Public Health.
side what Is commonly considered Civil Engineer, Mechanical Engiour universe.
neer, Electrical Engineer, Metallurgical Engineer. Mining Engineer,
and Doctor of Philosophy. For all
of these degrees, except the professional degrees in Education, a
formal thesis or dissertation is reWilliam Henry Cassell, 21, Nlch- - quired.
The University first offered work
olasvllle. University student, died leading to
the doctorate in 1927.
yesterday morning at the Good Sa This degree is now offered with
maritan hospital as a result of In- major work In the departments of
juries received In an automobile chemistry,
accident last Tuesday near More-hea- history, mathematics, physics, political science And psychology.
Cassell was a member of the Phi
Delta Theta social fraternity and a
graduate of University high school.


Crash Injuries Fatal
To U. Of K. Student

Ten Students Get
Accuracy Awards

President McVey Traces History Of University From Small School In 1888
To Present Status As Kentucky's Largest Institution Of Higher Education


'Four Bits Carries

Item From Plummer

edt-tt- .i

ceive diplomas that year and one
of 51 graduates since the establishment of the Agricultural and Mechanical College. Up to the present,
and including the mid - year and
June graduating classes of 1938,
there have been approximately
students graduated from the
University of Kentucky.
16 Faculty Members
The University of Kentucky of
today meets the needs of the youth
of the state with a resident teaching staff of 272; in 1887-8there
were 18 faculty members on the
staff of the Agricultural and Mechanical College and of those only
one was a woman. President James
K. Patterson was also professor of
metaphysics and civil history at
that time, and the remainder of the
staff consisted of Dr. Robert Peter,
emeritus professor of chemistry and
experimental physics; John Shackelford, professor of the English
language and literature; James G.
White, professor of mathematics,
physics and astronomy; A. R. Cran-dal- L
professor of natural history;
P. M. Helveti, professor of French
language and literature, who also
served as secretary of the faculty;
John H. Neville, professor of the
Latin and Greek languages and
literature; M. A. Scovell, professor
of agriculture and horticulture and
director of the Experiment Station;
J. R. Potter, principal of the nor


mal department and professor of and, until that time, there had been
pedagogy; Dillard H. Clark, first only five buildings. Including the
lieutenant, U. S. A., commandant greenhouse, on the campus. These
and professor of civil, mechanical buildings were the administration
and mining engineering and mili- building and While hall, which
tary science; Walter K. Patterson, were the first two buildings to be
principal of the preparatory de- constructed and which are still in
partment; M. L. Pence, instructor use; President Patterson's home,
in bookkeeping and assistant In which Is now being used as a wopreparatory department; William man's building; and the commandPrewitt. Instructor In Latin and ant's house, which has been torn
Greek and assistant In preparatory down. The greenhouse, also long
department; J. Lewis Logan, assis- since destroyed, was located near
tant In preparatory department; the spot where President Patterson's
Mrs. Lucy B. Blackburn, matron and memorial now stands.
Students who attended the college
assistant In preparatory department; Alfred M. Peter, assistant in 1888 did not have the choice of
making their own schedules or setprofessor of chemistry In Experiment, Station; James A. Yates, tu- ting their own lunch hour, accordtor In mathematics, and David A. ing to the minutes of the faculty
King, professor of practical me- for September 14, 1888. The object
of the meeting of that faculty was
At that time there were four "to fix a suitable hour for drill," and,
members of the board of trustees "after consideration, different hours
of the Agricultural and Mechanical having been proposed. It was deCollege. They were Judge William cided to have drill from one to two
B. Kinkead of Lexington, Former p. m. and dinner at two p. m." Quite
Chief Justice B. J. Peters of Mont- a different regime from the al
gomery county. General D. C. Buell fresco lunching of the present day
of Louisville, and W. H. Wadsworth student, who chooses hie lunch
of Mason county. The present board hour and his luncheon partner with
of trustees of the University of equal freedom.
The minutes of that early faculty
Kentucky has 15 members, and the
One record,
governor of Kentucky serves as are often interesting.
dated October 1. 1888, reports the
chairman of the board.
case of two cadets who were absent
Five Buildings Used
from quarters without leave, having
The Experiment Station was es- gone to the opera .and who were.
tablished during the year 1887-8"In consideration of their bad rec

ord as to conduct, dismissed." It is
difficult to imagine such itricjt
discipline in comparison
to the
freedom which is






ever, even that early faculty was
not so strict as to disregard a plea
from one of the two students for
readmlssion. and the minutes of
October 5. 1888, granting reinstatement to one of the cadets.
The Agricultural and Mechanical
College of Kentucky established in
1878 as a separate institution from
Kentucky University, under which
organiaztion It has functioned since
1862 as a department, was only 10
years old in 1888, and boasted its
original holdings of 52 acres of
campus, and an additional 48 acres
in the Experiment
Station plot
which had been acquired In 1887
with the establishment of the station. In 1938 the University of
Kentucky has 94 acres in its main
campus and 600 acres in the Experiment Station at Lexington, besides
a forest reserve and
station at Quicksand. Ky.. of
15.000 acres and a
station at Princeton, Ky., of 600
Growth Is Rapid
So. like nearly everything men

Five University students now encamped with the ROTC unit at
Fort Knox qualified as experts with
a .45 calibre pistol and five as sharpshooters in recent trials at the
camp. Sergt. Fred Perkins of trie
military department announc d
Experts were A B. Colvln. W B.
student body has Increased, the
staff has been enlarged, and num- Elder. Norman A. Wldes. William
erous buildings have been erected. Young and E. Stephenson. SharpIn the last two years seven new shooters were Forest T. Mullikin.
buildings have been added to the Leslie Allison. Herman W. Brooks.
plant of the University and today Albert Moffett and Clifford Simp- the total value of real estate, plant
and equipment amounts of $7,000,-00- 0.

The Unlversiy has come into a
larger relation to the state through
its Experiment Station, agricultural
extension, and the various bureaus
established for the purpose of rendering service to citizens. Thus it
has made marked contributions to
the commonwealth. Today the University consists of seven colleges,
an experiment station with two
stations at


ton and Quicksand, a great agricultural extension organization, and
bureaus of business research, government research, school service and
publicity. The University has encouraged the association of organizations with it that would be
helpful to the state, such as Cha
Municipal League.
One of the marked developments
that has taken place has been in
the library, whose volumes number
215,000. making it the largest In-

stitutional library


the state and

undertake, the half -- century has seventh In the South.
seen a great advance in the developAll these figures and many more
ment of the University. ParticularIndicate something of what is haply has this been true In the past 10 pening at the University of
years, for during that time the'


Following is a calendar of
activities of the Summer Session for the week of July 26
to August 2:
Tuesday, Jaly 26
Motion pictures on Progressive education, 2:30 p. m..
Training School auditorium.
Wednesday. July 27
Nothing scheduled.
Thursday, July 28
Little Symphony concert directed by Prof. Carl Lampert,
7 30 o'clock. Memorial hall.
Friday. July 87
Nothing scheduled.
Saturday, July 28
Dance with music by Bill
Cross and his orchestra. 9 to
12 o'clock. Union ballroom.
Monday, August 1
Nothing scheduled.

� a


Page Two


Scrap Irony


Knterod at th Pout Office at Lextngtoo. Kentucky, ma
ciM matter under th Act n( March t, 187.
Kontacky Iatoreolirlate Prat Aaooclatloa
MtlllftW Bout M mi

Tuesd.iv. JuTv



T ikk Diogenes searching for the truthful man.
we scoured the campus and today we bring
(Fit. Note. Mr. Irvine, today's Ktiest columnar, in a fctrnHT editorial rUinA4M( ol
Sterna hi. iwn journalism iralrmity. At
Itr krrw and in president ol
you the fruits of our investigation. The last few present he if associate editor ol the 1S3H
Rational Advertisinc Service,
clays we have lecn absolutely boring in converBy DON IRVINE
sation, we asked more questions than a child of
(Guest Columnist)
Mew Yoa. M. V.
4 to Nuwac Ave
four, and we read omnivorously.
The result; a Sorority Camp How To Quit Smoking Notes Outside Class
Editor composite of the jierfect woman. A picture, or
Andrew C. Ecrdahl
Classical Music, Maestro, Please
. Spick Attn
Business Manager rather a oi traiture in words of the scatheless
(Phone University 74)
memsa hit).
CONSIDERABLE search among Kentucky forests last
Remember though, that we are only the poor
week finally disclosed the Alpha Gamma Delta camp,
imk:i.arid artist that creates the likeness. Whether we buried in the boles that border the banks of the nauseating
war in China
endorse it or not doesn't matter really.
state river. The place was full of women and SAE's. Also
ils Inst milestone
there were two old hound dogs and a chaperone.
on July 7th.
Of War
Differing vaguely from previous Greek settlements, the
Spanish civil war
Her name is Sylvia and she is, contrary to Miss camp was, decorous, orderly, and well behaved. People (some
passed its second milestone on July iHiii. Both
a brunette. She rises at eight in the morn- of them, anyway), played cards,
listened to the radio, shot
conflicts have been atrociously cruel. None ol ing and dons a grey ensemble made with a tunic,
craps, and munched sandwiches prepared by two lodgesisters
the rule of civilized warfare to use a t