xt7qjq0srk82 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0srk82/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) State University 1908 yearbooks ukyrbk1908 English Aetna Press, Indianapolis, IN Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Yearbook Collection The Kentuckian 1908 text The Kentuckian 1908 1908 1908 2012 true xt7qjq0srk82 section xt7qjq0srk82   
University Archives Margaret I. King Library - Nortii
Unlveriity of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky    40506 .':'.. ....'. - .. .  ' -       -'    -' '-  -'"-- - -  " -
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The Aetna Press, Indianapolis
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____  QTo His Cxcellencp  (gobernor of tfie Commontocaltfj of
 tfjisf Poofe aaegpectfullp ebtcatcb Jgggg
AUGUSTUS E. WILLSON A Word About the New Governor
rGUSTUS EVERETT WILLSON, the son of Hiram Willson and Ann Calvin (Ennis) Will-son, was born at .Maysville, October 13, 1846. Be graduated from Harvard College in the class of 1869. lie is the brother of the poet, Forceythe Willson, the author of "The Old Sergeant," and other poems.
Every man, woman and child in Louisville
knows Augustus E. Willson, Kentucky's new Governor. Although a profound lawyer and a man sixty-two years of age, Mr. Willson has the reputation here of being a ''good fellow.'' fie is of a jovial, happy disposition, a golf player, a baseball fiend, a splendid story teller, and loves to sing. Few men can make a better after-dinner speech than he, and if his auditors tire of speechmaking, he can sing them a few songs just as good as can In' heard in any of the vaudeville playhouses in the big cities, old-fashioned melodies are his favorites.
The favorite pastime, however, of the new Governor, is golf. Ee is a good player, too, and has been known to express more delight over defeating some of his friends at this game than he did when he was elected Chief Executive of the Commonwealth. Mr. Willson is a civil lawyer and a member of several clubs, but lie cannot he regarded as a club man, us all of his time is either speni at his [aw office or at his Fourth avenue home, except that which is given to outdoor exercise.
Although the new Governor is rather exclusive in his close friendships and inliinale acquaintances, lie i.s one of the plainest of men. He always has a pleasant smile, a firm and hearty grasp of the hand and something agreeable to say.
He  lias  had   wide  experience in politics, but now as he is  in as Governor of the State, he enters upon the duties
of the first public office he has ever held, lie w;is defeated several times for Congress, but these defeats never prevented him from taking an active interest in politics, and for thirty years his voice has been raised throughout the Commonwealth in behalf of every man who was nominated by the Republican party. To this, however, there was one exceptionwhen George D. Todd was the Republican nominee for Mayor of Louisville, and made his race on the American Protective Association platform.
"A square deal" was one of the slogans of his campaign and that he will endeavor to give it, no one doubts. But, at the same time, it can be relied upon that he is a man who will protect tho party interests of the Republicans and will see to it that the organization does not suffer.
The new Governor's home life is an ideal one. No man could be more devoted to his home ties or to his wife and kinsmen than Mr. Willson. His residence on Fourth avenue is one of the most beautiful in the city. It is large and roomy, and, although the structure is new, the interior finishings are antique and many reminders of his Harvard days are to be seen.
The Governor and Mrs. AVillson had only one child, a son, who died when quite young. Both are very fond of children, particularly Mr. Willson. During his recent campaign, at one place where a mother held up a rosy-cheeked, brown-eyed little boy to shake hands with the gubernatorial nominee, Mr. AVillson indulged in no flattery to the mother, but, turning to several newspaper correspondents who accompanied him, said: "I would rather have that boy than be Governor."
Mr. AVillson usually walks to and from his office, and always takes advantage of the walk through the park to get the fresh air "to brace himself up," as he says, and Mrs. AVillson, who is the first lady of the Commonwealth, "is of a retiring and modest disposition, and is known only to rather an exclusive circle of acquaintances.

 JUDGE WILLIAM T. LAFFERTY Judge William T. LafFerty
0 man connected with public affairs in Kentucky has ever done more for educational institutions in the State in the same length of time, than Judge William T. Lafferty, of Cynthiana.
IIe was appointed a member of the Board of Trustees of the State College of Kentucky srnor Beckam, during the session of the legislature of L906. Prom the outset he showed unusual ability in solving some of the problems pertaining to the development of this institution. At first, he studied assiduously the conditions prevailing in the State College, and then set himself to the task of helping the various departments in their upbuilding.
Judge Lafferty is also a member of the Board of Trustees of the Bible College of Kentucky University, and the dual trustee relationship enabled him lo amicably arrange an agreement between Kentucky University and State College, by which the former should be changed to the historic name of Transylvania University and the latter to the State University, Lexington, Kentucky.
On November 19, 1907, a conference was called in Louisville for the purpose of effecting an agreement between the State College and the two normal schools, so that a united effort could be made to secure ample appropriations for these three schools from the General Assembly of Kentucky. At this meeting, a joint committee was appointed, representing the three schools, of which Judge Dafferty was appointed chairman. To Judge Lafferty must, be accorded credit for having shaped the general policy of favorable legislation, represented by the change of name of Kentucky University to Transylvania University, State College of Kentucky to State University. Lexington, Kentucky; one hundred  and   fifty  thousand dollars to the Eastern  State Normal
School, and twenty thousand dollars a year increase in revenue; one hundred and fifty thousand dollars to the "Western State Normal School, with thirty thousand dollars a year increase in revenue; two hundred thousand dollars to the State University, with twenty thousand dollars increase in revenue.
The bills for this legislation were drawn largely through the instrumentality of Judge Lafferty, and he followed each step in the legislative processes, each bill, until finally passed by the legislature and signed by Governor "Willson.
In the educational bill effecting the State University, there was a provision for the organization of a Daw School. At a called meeting of the Board of Trustees, on April 14, the Law School was established, and Judge Lafferty was elected to the Deanship; and at the same time was appointed to a newly created position, Comptroller of the University.
Universal approval has been given the action of the Board of Trustees in bringing Judge Lafferty into such intimate relationship with the present rapid development of the State University. He is a man of fine culture, in thorough sympathy with the aims and ambitions of young men and women; has the respect and affection of men throughout the State in all prominent walks of life; has the confidence of all men with whom he has ever come in contact; has had a wide experience in legislative affairs; is a lawyer of ability and possesses an untiring energy for bringing to a successful conclusion, any plan in which he may become interested.
The State University of Kentucky welcomes Judge Lafferty to the faculty, and wishes for him many years of happiness and prosperity in the new work of educating young men and women. that he has seen fit to take up after so many successful years in other lines. Evidently his purpose in life is to serve best his fellowmen, and he comes to this institution with this thought as his guiding motive.
"Knock and the world knocks with you, Boost and you boost alone."
ENTLE reader, or otherwise, before you delve into the contents of this exquisite historiography, we wish to impress upon you a few facts. These facts are by no means to be considered an apology, as will be found in other annuals, for the contents of this volume. "We have a clean slate, and no amends to make. There will be found nothing of a literary character,
Except the slang As it is slung; And language spoke By College Folk.
We have endeavored to handle the simple Truth and we have not chipped off the rough corners so as to detract the attention from the actual status.    Each and every article has been
carefully perused and its contents vouched for.
If any one has any acrimonious statements to make to the Editor or the Staff, we would suggest that they install themselves before a mirror and see themselves as others have seen them, and while in such a position to guardedly soliloquize what would be said otherwise.
To those who have no particular interest in these pages, we wish to remark that this volume is edited by college folk, for college folk, to college folk, and those who appreciate the situation  will  readily  recognize  the  advisability   of  this   plan
Should any feelings be wounded, we suggest the oldtime remedies of Arnica and Witch-Hazel, or the more modern, Para-camph.
"The pen is mightier than the sword1' and almost as sharp as a woman's tongue.                                               Staff.
11 The Editorial Staff of the 1 908 Kentuckian
Wallace Newberger   .......................Editor-in-Chief
Assistant Editors Garrett Davis Buckner............John Keith Browning
Associate Editors
William Washington Shelby       RoberUAndrew Humphrey Miss Sunshine Sweeney             Miss Lutie Darnell Allen
James Morrison Wilson              James Saffel Watson
Miss Aubyn Chirm                    Miss Sarah Louise Haynes
Arthur Wallace Babbage
12 ^Bfc|fr, The Business Staff
OTT C.  KELLEY,  Business Manager                             JAMES KID WELL GRANNIS,  Subscription Manager!
''"? \- '               .'ii
 ? 15 Officers of the University
James Kennedy Patterson  ...................... President
John Henry Neville .......................  Vice-President
P. W..COEBUSIER, First Lieutenant U. S. A........Commandant
David C. Frazee...............Business Agent and Secretary
Miss Margaret Isadora King.....................Eegistrar
Clarence W. Matthews. ............Secretary of the Faculty

James Kennedy Patterson, Ph. D., LL.  D., F. S. A., Pi'ofessor  of   Qistory,   Political   Economy,   and  Metaphysics.
James Gareard White, A. M., Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy.
John Henry Neville, A. M., LL. D., Professor of Greek and Latin.
Walter Kennedy Patterson, A. M., Trineipal of the Academy.
Jiiseph William Pryor, M. D., Professor of Anatomy and Physiology.
Krkukrick Paul Anderson, M. E.,           Professor  of  Mechanical   Engineering.
ci.ai.-kxck Wbntwohth  Mathews, B. S., Professor of Botany, Horticulture, and Agriculture.
Arthur McQuistox Millee, A. M., Professor of Geology  and Zoology.
Merry Lewis Pence, M. S., Professor of Physics.
Alexander St. Glair Mackenzie, M. A., F. H. S. L., Professor of English and Logic.
Charles Joseph Norwood, Professor of Mining Engineering.
Philip W. Corbusier, Lieut. IT. S. A. Commandant and Professor of Military Science and 'Pactit's.
* Milford White, B. C. E., M. S., Professor of Pedagogy.
Alexander Massey Wilson, M. E., Professor of Electrical  Engineering.
Alfred Charles Zembrod, A. M., Professor of French  and German.
Franklin Elliot Tuttle, A. M., Ph. D., Professor of Chemistry.
Walter Ellsworth Eowe, C. E., Professor of Civil Engineering.
Leon Kaufman Frankel, M. E., Professor of Machine Design.

1 E State University of Kentucky owes its origin to an act of Congress, July 2, 1862, donating to each .state, for each of its senators and representatives in Congress, thirty thousand acres of public land, the revenue of which should provide colleges for instruction in agriculture and mechanic artsnot to the exclusion, however, of other arts and sciences. The State of Kentucky received under this allotment three hundred and thirty thousand acres, and tluvc years Later obligated itself to establish an A. and M. college through the acceptance of the gifts and conditions of this act. The citizens of Lexington and vicinity donated the sum of one hundred and ten thousand dollars to buy a site for the college, and it was located in this city by the General Assembly as "ue f I he colleges of Kentucky University.
The connection with Kentucky University continued for thirteen years, when the act making it one of the colleges of that University was repealed and its separate existence established upon a new and broader basis. The City of Lexington again offered to secure its location, the city park and thirty thousand dollars in city bonds were supplemented by the County of Fayette with twenty thousand dollars in county bonds. These offers were accepted by the General Assembly and in 1880 the lirsl building were erected upon the spacious grounds so soon to be converted into the beautiful campus of a (irst-class university. Prom it.s very birth, expansion has been the watchword of the  institution's guardians.    Immediately  after its connection
with Kentucky I'liiversity was severed, the classical and normal departments and academy were added. There had been a substantial increase in the number of students and the graduates exceeded in proportion the number of the first commencement. Meanwhile the income of the institution was increased by the Legislature to more than double its former sum. and this was augmented later by a Federal appropriation equal to an endowment of half a million dollars.
Not until more recent years, however, has the growth of the University been most phenomena] and it.s scope of work more extended. In 1891 the Department of Mechanical Engineering was established in its present quarters; and Electrical Engineering added six years later. The Department of Anatomy and Physiology was also established in 1891: and the Department of Physics three years afterward.
The close of the old century and the opening of the new, witnessed the erection of several of our most ornamental and important buildings, viz., Science Hall (1898), Patterson Hall for the ladies (1903), and Alumni Hall (1903). The General Assembly, recognizing the growing needs of the institution, again appropriated a sum to the amount of fifteen thousand dollars per annum for defraying expenses, and in 1907, Congress again made an additional appropriation of twenty-five thousand dollars per annum.
The increase of students from year to year has equaled the most sanguine expectations of those who have watched the growth of the institution and had its welfare at heart; the total number
m.. of graduates in the last three years exceeding that of the first thirty. With the close of the present collegiate year four additional buildings will be completed to adorn the campusa spacious home for the College of Agriculture, Department of Education, Mining Laboratory and Carnegie Library. Such healthful growth indicates the fact that Kentucky will have soon established a State University that will compare favorably in every respect with those of her wealthier sister States.
Any historical sketch of the State University would be incomplete without a reference to one man, its present and only President, James Kennedy Patterson, whose ceaseless and devoted efforts have been the most potent factor in the development of the instil ui ion from its infancy to its present condition of vigorous maturity; His administration during the last twenty-five years has witnessed an increase in the number of buildings on the campus from two to twelve: an increase of about forty in the number of instructors, and of students in attendance nearly one thousand.
Not only has the College made great advancement along material lines and in the quantity of students, but, what is more
important, in the quality of its graduates. For many years past there has been a constant advance in the curriculum of each department, thus raising the entrance requirements to a higher and higher standard.
The history of the past year truly indicates that another turning point in the life of the institution has been reached the transition from a College to the rank of a University. This advance was recognized by the General Assembly in its last session by a change of title from the A. and M. College to the State University, and an appropriation of two hundred thousand dollars, the largest sum that has ever before been received at one time by any educational institution in Kentucky. The bill also provides for the establishment of a College of Law and a College of Medicine and Surgery.
With a great University at the head of the school system of our Commonwealth, and a growing liberality toward the cause of education on the part of the Legislature, we may safely predict a higher place for the name of Kentucky in the list of states and a brighter future for her worthy citizenship.
His Excellency, The Governor of Kentucky
Augustus E. Willson
Chairman Ex-Ofh'cio.
President, James Kennedy Patterson President, Member  Ex-Offieio.
Executive Committee
David F. Frazee................................ Chairman
William T. Lafferty                 Robert L. Stout
Charles B. Nichols                   Claude B. Terrell
David C. Frazee
Secretary of the Board and of the Committee.
Basil M. Brooks                David F. Frazee
Frank A. Hopkins              Charles B. Nichols               Robert L. Stout

^Ufljl Henry S. Barker                  Tibbis Carpenter               William T. Lakfertv               Denny P. Smith
Claude B. Terrell
Cassius M. Clay                  Hyvvell Davis                   Richard C. Stoll                Lewis L. Walker
R. N. Wathen Kentucky Experimental Station	
D. F. Frazee, Lexington, Ky., Chairman	C. B. Terrell, Bedford, Ky.
C. B. Nichols, Lexington, Ky.	President J. K. Patterson, ex-officio, Lexington, Ky.
C. M. Clay, Paris, Ky.	Director M. A. Scovell, ex-officio, Lexington, Ky.
Melville Amasa Scovell, M. S., Ph. D.,	John William Nutter,
Director and Chemist.	Assistant in Dairying.
Alfred Meredith Peter, M. S.,	Miss Lillie Liston,
Head of Chemistry Division.	Stenographer.
Henry Ernest Curtis, M. S.,	Earl Cleveland Vaughn, A. B.,
Head of Fertilizer Division.	Assistant,  Seed Inspection.
Harrison Garmax,	George Eoberts, B. Ped., M. S.,
Head of Division of Entomology and  Botany.	Assistant Chemist.
William Henry Scherffius, M. S.,	Edwin Stanton Good, M. S.,
Head of Agricultural  Division.	Head of Division of Animal Industry.
Robert McDowell Allen, A. B.,	Miss Oleva L. Ginochio,
Head of Division of State Food Inspection.	Stenographer.
Job Darbin Turner, B. Peel.,	Howell Davis Spears, B. S.,
Head of Feed Division.	Chemist, Feed Division.
James Oscar LaBach, M. S.,	William Durrett Nichols, B. S.,
Chief Chemist of State Food Inspection.	Assistant in Animal Husbandry.
Miss Mary LeGrand Didlake, M. S.,	Benjamin Franklin Scherffius, B. S.,
Assistant in  Entomology and Botany.	Chief Inspector of Foods.
Saxe Dabney Averitt, M. S.,	Miss Anna Wallis, B. S.,
Assistant Chemist.	Stenographer.
Oliver March Shedd, M. S.,	Elmer Francis Worthington,
Assistant Chemist.	Superintendent of Farm Experiments.
Charles Alfred Mahax, B. S.,	Bruce Elder Brewer,
Field Assistant in Entomology and Botany.	Special Agent, Tobacco Breeding Investigations.
Herman Woolsey, B. Agr.,	J. .C. Guthrie, B. S. A.,
Special Agent. Tobacco  Breeding   Investigations.	Dairy Extension. 22
Mujtord White, '93
O. M. Shedd,  '01.
...................President         Ellen Ann Reynolds, '95 . .
Brooke Gunn Hifner, '97...........Secretary and Treasurer
Executive Committee
T. T. Jones,  '02, Chairman.
A. N. Whitloek,  '06.                               L. K. Frankel, '00.
Margaret King, '98.                                Aleen Lary, '01.
Committee on Honorary Membership
W. S. Webb,  '01, Chairman. Mary L. Atkins,  '95.                                                        S. D. Averitt,  '02.
Committee on Necrology
E. C. Stoll,   '95, Chairman. Marguerite MeLaughlin, '03.
\V.    II.   Scherffius,    '99,   Chairman.
Denny  P.  Smith,   '93. Clyde Grady,   '02. J. W. McFarlin,  '93. E. E. Moorman, '02. S.  L. Pottinger,   '92.
Legislative Committee
J. O. H. Simrall,  '97. J. W. Gilbert, '01. ,T. W. Woods,  '96. A. B, Marshal],  '01. G. G. Brock, '98. E. C. Terrell,  '06.
V. E. Muncy,  '91.
J. D. Turner,  '98, Secretary. Al
New York-.
J. I. Lyle.........
R. P. Ellis.........
 I.   P. MUSSELMAN   . . . ,
........................  President
...........Secretary and Treasurer
W. L. Bronaugh................................Presideni
Henry Bewlayh ...........................  Vice-Presiden1
L. C. Brown.......................Secretary and Treasurer

J. T. Faig..................  President
George Morgan, Secretary and Treasurer
A. M. Kirby  .................  President
II. E. Stevens........... Vice-President
 I. \l. Ammerman   Secretary and Treasurer
Dr. Harry Davidson  ............................  President
Miss Charlotte Bliss  ......................  Viee-President
Edward Weurtle..................  Secretary and Treasurer
 MAIN   BUILDING HE past year has been one of marked growth in all the departments of this institution; and the Scientific, the oldest department, has maintained its foremost place in what is now the State University of Kentucky. This department bears witness to the tireless efforts and devotion of our Dean. Prof. -James G. White, who not only guides the men to a thoughtful ami judicious choice of work, and takes time to cultivate their friendship; but promotes every cause that contributes to the welfare of the students of the University.
There is a wide range of choice in the Scientific Department. Courses in the following subjects may be chosen as majors: Chemistry, Botany, Physics, Physiology, Anatomy, Geology, Zoology, or Entomology can be taken; and the satisfactory completion of the required amount of work entitles one to the degree of Bachelor of Science: while an additional year occupied in study and research leads to the degree of Master of Science.
Only the briefest outline can be given of the various majors, several pages would be necessary to give the details of the work of any one of the courses.
Through the co-operation and energy of Prof. Franklin E. Tuttle and Dr. Ralph N. klaxon the Chemistry Department has greatly increased its efficiency, number of courses, library and apparatus, until this department is now regarded as one of the strongest in the South. The chemistry building may always be distinguished at night by the gleam from the windows of the busy laboratories. In fact a new rendering of the old adage is, "Classics work' from eight till one: but the chemist's work is never done."
The Department of Botany, under the able management of Prof. Clarence W. Matthews, 27
 ..  5 .:t:-:.-iri-l-'.-i -''
assisted, by Prof. Alfred II. Gilbert, has so far outgrown the equipment that the laboratories will be moved into new and more spacious quarters in the new Agriculture building now nearing completion.
The Department of Physics is in charge of Prof. Merry L. Pence, assisted by Prof. William S. Webb. This department has grown until lecture room facilities are now a necessity. At the last meeting of the Board of Trustees money was appropriated for a new Physics building, which we hope to be able to occupy in September.
The Department of Anatomy and Physiology is under the control of Dr. Joseph W. Pryor, the one man whom everybody gets acquainted with. Dr. Pryor is surgeon of the regiment and is also the man on duly at the foot ball games and other athletic cm i tests.
The department of Geology and Zoology are supervised by Prof. Arthur M. .Miller, who by a mere look at a piece of rock
can interpret the hidden secrets of past ages. The laboratory work is very ably carried on by Miss Sue D. McCann, instructor in Entomology. There is a valuable library for the work in Geology, and one for Entomology and Zoology and a well-equipped museum affords ample material for illustration and practical exercise in the fields of these important subjects.
The story of the marvelous field of Science, as here studied, cannot be briefly told, but any earnest student who comes to this University to prepare himself for his life work in the sciences, may find preparation that will lead him to efficiency and success, and with the growing facilities of this rising University, those looking toward medicine and similar fields may soon expect satisfactory opportunities.
Note :Since writing the foregoing, Prof. .T. G. White, owing to the heavy duties involved upon him by the change of the College to a University, resigned as Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and Prof. A. M. Miller will fill the chair in the future. Prof. White's resignation does not take place until .Tune.
28 JAMES G.  WHITE,   Dean
James  Garrard White, A.  M.    Dean.   A. M. Kentncky State College; Professor of Mathematics  anil  Astronomy at State University since 1868.
Joseph Morton Davis, A. B., B. S.    A. B. and B. S. Hampden Sidney, Virginia, 1S86;   Chi Phi;  Assistant at Pantops Academy, Charlottsville, Virginia,
three years; Principal of High School at South Boston, Virginia, two years; Second Assistant in the Academy of  Kentucky State College for thirteen
years;  Assistant in Mathematics at State University since 1905. Miss Martha Kipperdam White, M. S.    M. S. 1903, nt Kentucky State College;  Assistant in Mathematics State University since 1903.
OBSERVATORY THE oldest and yet the youngest of sciences; chemistry stands today in the front, both as an applied and as a pure science. Its scope is practically unlimited; its various branches so infinite that it has been seriously proposed to create from it new sciences in order to lessen the magnitude of its consideration as a single subject. Probably no other science forms the basis of so many practical ones as does this. The importance of the chemist is constantly increasing and the demand for able research workers far exceeds the supply.
As it was in the days of old, when men looked with wide open eyes and fear at the wonderful phenomena produced by the holy churchmen with their mystifying experiments in chemistry; so it is today that man, as he is, stands stupified to see the advancement in all the network of science brought about by the investigations in chemistry.
Chemistry is a broad word and means more than the ordinary man conceives. It bears with it not only the fundamental constituents, but also the very existence of life, to say nothing of the probable creation of life and
the absolute destruction of matter. Many things have already been discovered but they are as yet in the embryonic stage when we think of the great fields ye1 to be conquered. A glance at the 90,000 carbon compounds now known only tell in a feeble way all thai is yet to come.
The Department of Chemistry is now under the very able direction of Dr. F. E. Tuttle, who has not only won the highest admiration of the students, but of all with whom he lias come in eontaet. Associated with him is Dr. R. X. Maxon, a man worthy of his position.
Today marks a great transition in our college life the passing from a college to a university and the development of a real Department of Chemistry. With the change of schoolings we also pass into a new life, such as buildings and the longed for, necessary apparatus.
We now stand on a footing second only to few and the front is already in view. The era for famous chemists in Kentucky is now at hand and success will crown the efforts of Dr. Tuttle.

Ki.wnkun Elliott Tuttle, A. M., I'll. I). Theta Delta Chi: Phil-Seta Phi: B. A. Amherst, 1889; M. A. Goettingen, 1893; Ph. D. Goettingen, IS!):!: Instructor of Chemistry and Mineralogy, Pennsylvania State College, 1889; Assistant Professor of Analytical Chemistry, 1893; Professor of Quantitative Analysis, 1905: Professor of Chemistry, State University, 190(.
Ralpb Xki.son Maxon, Ph. D. B. S., 1902, Rhode Island State College; Ph. D., Yale University, 1905; Sigma Xi: Assistant in Or-ganie Chemistry, Yale University, 1903; Assistant in General Chemistry, Yale University, 1904; Instructor in General Chemistry, Pennsylvania Slate College, 1905; Assistant Professor of Chemistry, State University, 1906.
Harry   Essex, A. B.    A. B., Cornell  University, 1907;  Instructor in Chemistry State University, 1907.
ren que
gir tea
..... r ..: ;  :   -.;.. .-."
...... AUTHUE BISHOP BEAUMONT, Mayfield, Ky.
"He   knew   what's  what,   and   that's   as   high As metaphysic wit can fly."
B.   S.  in   Chemistry.    Instructor in   Freehand Drawing and Labratory Assistant in Chemistry.
To some extent my middle name symbolizes my character. I am quiet and reserved and have for many years tried to be-"Ginn;" or, in other words, to win the affections of a certain young lady both of us are so very slow to speak, that the answer is still a question.
I am a good chemist and artist but some fear I will some day fall into the lowly occupation of teaching Calculus.
I am "Sandy" MacKenzie's model of propriety and thereby am the most prominent topic in metaphysics.
After six long years of toil, success has crowned my w:earied labors.
GAKRETT   DAVIS  BUCKNER,  Lexington,  Ky.
'' He  was  a  man,  take  him  for  all-in-all, I shall not look upon Ms like again."
B.   S.   in   Chemistry.    Kappa   Alpha.    Lamp and Cross.    Staff Kentuckian.
"Buck," the inventor of aryllhroglycollicorthocarboxylic acid, cynic, diplomat, and man of the world, can tell more yarns in a minute than Baron Manchausen could evolve in a lifetime. I was remarkable, when a tender prattler, for my loquacious talent. My logical replies to all of "Sandy's" queries are sequels of oratorical sonorosity, drowned in idylity, and lost in magniloquent verbosity.
I divide my time between Chemical lab. and bridge parties. Verging on the autumnal, I hate girls, but as a true son of Bacchus, I am frequently seen taking "Keaty" Browning to drink pink tea with Miss Kinkead.
I was quarantined once on account of a catching laugh. But I am, however, a good, all-round fellow, with plenty of gray matter but exceedingly particular where I use it.
As yet I am unspoiled by labor and its rewards.
.Tpfc wSP^
 WILLIAM RODES, Lexington, Ky.
"He seem'd
For   dignity   compos'd   and   high   exploit: But all was fake and hollow.''
B. S. in Chemistry. Sigma Chi. Mystic Thirteen. Lamp and Cross '08. Gym. Team. Captain '08 Class Foot Ball Team.    S. XI. A. A.
I began my existence some time during the year 1887, in a small cottage, as all ye great men have been heretofore. This is the only claim I have to greatness, but it is enough for me to place myself in the "Hall of Fame" at the tender age of 21.
I am small of stature and casually known as "Doc."