xt7qjq0srj45 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0srj45/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1875-05-jun9. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1875-05-jun9. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1875-05-jun9. 1875 1875-05-jun9. 2011 true xt7qjq0srj45 section xt7qjq0srj45 




Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky., June 8th, 1875

Committee on


Session of
June 9,

Curator J. B.
Beck resigns

amended &
approve d

Report from
Comr. on Col.
of Arts.


Report laid
on the table

Report of
Con. on rep-
re senti ng
the Univer-
sity at the
National Cen-
tennial at

     Moved by Regent Bowman that the Committee on amending charter
be discharged - adopted-
     Moved and carried that we adjourn to meet to-morrow morning
at 9 o'clock
     Benediction by Curator Ricketts.

     Board met at 9 o'clock pursuant to adjournment R. M. Bishop in
the Chair.
     The following Curators answered to their names or came in
during the morning session- Curators- Allen- Gratz. Steele- Wasson.
Goodloe- Beck- Woolfolk- Z. F. Smith- Tarbitt- Sloan- Withers-
Campbell- Miller- Rogers- Kinnaird- Crutcher- G. G. White- Barnes-
Lee. Price.
     Session opened by Prayer by Professor Everest.
     Curator James B. Beck tendered his resignation as a member
of this Board which was accepted some voting no-
     Curator Sloan- moved that the minutes be corrected by strick-
ing out the recorded suggestions of Curators Worthington and Sloan-
Adopted and minutes approved.
     Curator Z. F.Smith Chm. of Standing Comtee. on College of
Arts made the following report viz- The undersigned Standing Com-
mittee on College of Arts would respectfully make the following
preliminary and partial report-
     That the Board of Curators are and must be embarrassed in
considering and acting on that portion of the Regents report which
suggests the necessity of consolidating and rearranging the Pro-
fessorships with a view to bring the expenditures with in the
means of the University and to provide for the accumulated indebt-
edness of the same .
They would therefore recommend that the Board request the Profes-
sors in the College of Arts to tender their resignations so as to
leave the Board unembarrassed in carrying out the proper measure
of economy and reorganization.
                             ( Z. F. Smith
                Comtee.     ( Enos Campbell
                             C A. H. Bowman
     On motion of Dr. Smith the report was laid on the table-
     Dr. Givens Chm. of Comtee. on National Centennial made the
following report-
                 We the Cowtee. on the Centennial Celsbration to
be held in the Institution of learning in the United tates gener-
ally are expected to be represented on that occasion and as a
means of presenting the just claims of Ky. University before the
world we would recommend she should be fairly represented at the
Exhibition provided it can be done at a very small or no cost.
Her financial condition being in our Judgement- such as to for-
bid any outlay of note-except for indespensable purposes.
     The above being respectfully submitted we as to be discharged
                        C Geo. W. Givens
            Contee.    ( And. Steele
                        G G. G. Whi te



Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky., June 9th, 1875

refered t
Exec. Corn

Report of
Com. on A
Col. lai K
the table

Said repc
then take
up &
a dop ted.

to            Curator Z. F. Smith moved that this report be referid to
         the Extive Comtee. with power to act provided that the expenses
         shall not exceed 200 dollars- adopted.
/322/         Curator Steele reported on A. & M. College as follows-
         which on motion was laid on tne table- The Comtee. of the A. & xi.
         College in view of the recommendation of the Regent in regard to
         the consolidation of Professorships necessitated by the embar-
Lon      rassed condition of the Treasury- Bespectfully suggest to the
         Board to request the Professors of said College to tender their


for the

             Respectfully submitted-
               Committee And. Steele
               Jos. S. Woolfolk
     Moved by Curator Withers that the report on College of Arts
and A. & M. Colleges be taken up- adopted.

     Moved by Curator Withers that the secretary be instructed to
advise  the Professors of said College of the action of the Board.
Amended by making it the duty of Curators Steele and Wasson to
give such advice to the said. Professors- Adopted.
     Committee on Bible College made their report and presented an
obituary written by Professor Pickett and adopted by said Comtee.
as a Dart of this report
     n motion ordered a copy of said obituary be sent to Prest.
Milligan 's family-
     Moved by Curator Worthington that the obituary of Prest.
Milligan be transferred from Special Comtee. on Obituaries to
Committee on Bible College- Adopted.

     Your Committee to whom was refered the report from the Col-
lege of the Bible would respectfully submit that there are no
suggestions in said report which demand tue attendance of the
Board_  Your Committee having been appointed by this Board to em-
body resolutions on the death of Prest. Milligan would adopt the
notice prepared by Prof. Pickett in the Official report of the
Bible College as an elegantly written condensed expression of the
sentiments of this Board on the sorrowful removal by death of the
lamented President.
     Treasurer D. L. Goodloe continued his report Curator -Ricketts
moved that the application of Mrs. Higgins and Miss Holt for the
Academy be refered to the fxtive Comtee. with power to actv adopted.
     Resolved that a Committee of three be raised to examine into
the whole financial condition of the University from its beginning
to the time of rendering their report and that said Committee



Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky., June 9th, 1875

Profes sors
to resign

Exec. Com.
their report

Degree of
A.B. on H.L.

have full power to summon persons before them and that are to
have access to all papers & Books touching the finances of Ky.
University - Withdrawn for the time being.

     Curator Withers moved that all the Professors in the Uni-
versity under pay at this time be requested to resign- adopted.
     The Extive. Committee continued and completed their report
by reading a list of the Securities belonging to Ky. University
and exposing said securities for the inspection of the Board and
also exhibited summary of settlement with our former Treasurer.
     A communication was read from Prest. Henry H. White Presid-
ing officer of the College of Arts- recommending Hanson Larkins
Geeslin as worthy of receiving the degree of Bachelor of Arts.
     Unanimously passed by the Board.

Afte rnoon

read &

Prof. Jas.


Commi ssioners
of the
sinking Fund
Reckd from
Transylvani a
Degree of B.S.
on W. T. Brown

Report of the
Special Com. on
Endowment of
the Bible Col.

             Evening Session June 9th, 1875

     Board met at 2-21: otclock and the roll called- a quorum being
present -
     The minutes of the morning session were read and after some
corrections -ere approved-

     Curator Dr. Smith tendered the resignation of Professor James
0. Harrison of the Law College which was accepted.

     Curator J. B. Bowman read a communication from Commissioner
of the sinking fund at Frankfort- Moved by Curator Bowman that
the communication be acknowledged & filed. Adopted

     Curator J. B. Bowman gave a concise history of the securities
rec'd from Transylvania University-

     Moved by Curator Withers that the degree of Bachelor of
Science be confered on Edgar T. Brown in accordance with recom-
mendation of Faculty of A. & M. College - Adopted.

     Special Committee on the endowment of Bible College presen-
ted the following report which on motion was read-
     Your Committee to whom was refered so much of the Regents
report as pertains to the endowment of the Bible College recom-
     That measures be immediately inaugurated and energetically
presented to raise $100,000 as a permanent endowment fund for the
Bible College which shall be invested and the proceeds thereof de-
voted to the payment of the seferal Professors in same.



Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky., June 9th, 1875

Reply to
the Communi-
cation from
Sub. Com.
of Educa-
tional Con-


move to
strike out
& to insert

offered a

     That the Donors to said fund shall have the right to nom-
inate the Professors who shall fill the respective Chairs in said
College or may appoint the method of making such nominations as
they may deem proper and right through any other body representing
the Christian Brotherhood in Kentucky for the Confirmation of the
Board of Curators-
     That whenever $33,000 shall have been collected tney shall
fill the chair of        and when the remaining $33,000 shall
have been collected they shall fill the Chair of       in the Bible
College, and should any responsible and satisfactory party guar-
antee the first $33,000 the Board will proceed to appoint such
persons to such professorships as the Sd. guarantors shall name;
and so on with the remaining two professorships.
     That until the said provisions can be consumated the Board
of Curators make suitable and satisfactory arrangements for in-
struction in the Bible College end that Public announcement of
same be made-
     That the Secretary be instructed to reply to the communica-
tion of the Sub. Comtee. Messrs Hargis- Whitaker & Brining ad-
vising them that the same has been received and that the Board
confidently expect such adjustment of past difficulties as shall
be satisfactory-
                      ( Z. F. Smith
           Comtee.    ( B. B. Groom
                      C J. Z. Price

     Curator Withers moved to strike out all after the word re-
commend and insert That the Bible College of Kentucky University
should be placed upon a firm foundation and be sustained under
any circumstances that may arise-  In this view we recommend that
the vacancy caused by the death of Robert Milligan be filled by
the election of Robert Graham and the vacancy occasioned by the
resignation of Professor Eve-rest be filled by John W. McGarvey,
and that measures be immediately inaugurated and energetically
presented to raise $100,000 as permanent endowment fund for the
Bible College-
     It is further recommended that when any vacancy occurs in
any Chair in the Bible College from death, resignation or other-
wise- or any new Chair there is to be filled that the Board of
Trustees of the Kentucky Christian Education Society shall nomi-
nate for the vacancy or new Chair to be filled and that the
Board of Curators shall by resolution spread upon its records
pledge itself to elect to the vacancy or vacancies or to the new
Chair to be filled the person or persons so nominated-
     Curator Sloan offered the following as substitute to Cur tor
Withers resolution.
     Whereas the endowment fund of the Bible College is alto-
gether inadequate to its wants Therefore Resolved That we propose
to the Christians Brotherhood of Kentucky the use of the Dormitory


in the Bible

Session of
June 10, 1875

read &

From Dr. S. F.


     Kentucky University, Lexington' Ky., June 9th,1875.

& Instruction rooms of the Bible College buildings with gra-
tuitous instruction to Bible Students in the other Colleges of
the University provided they complete the Endowment Fund of said
College the right being guaranteed to the Christian Brotherhood
of Kentun'-Co. Ky. said fund. to appoint such professors and in
such way as they may choose for said Bible College.

     Moved by Curator Allen and adopted that no member of this
Board be permitted to speak more than once and ten minutes at a
time until all who wish to speak are heard_

     Moved by Curator Steele that the Treasurer be authorized
to execute a note to Prest. Patterson for $925 balance due him-

     The following communications was read from Prof. Everest.
                                 Kentucky University
                                 College of the Bible
To the Board of Curators June 9th 1875
                   Kentucky University
          The following students of this college having com-
pleted their respective courses of study are hereby recommen-
ded for Graduation In the Classical Course- Hanson Larkin Geeslie
of Decator, Ohio
                   In the English Course
Thomas Benton Scovill of Mamouth Oregon
Charles Henry Straws of New Cumberland Ohio
                                       H. W. Everest

June l0th, 1875

     Board met pursuant to adjournment - Chm. Bishop in the
Chair a quorum being present- Session opened by Prayer by
Curator Sloan_
     The minutes were read and approved -
     Curator Z. F. Smith presented the following communication
from Dr. W. F. Miller-
     To the Board of Curators of Kentucky University
                             Dwex. Ky- June 10th 1875