xt7qjq0srj1d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qjq0srj1d/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1912-11-oct26-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1912-11-oct26-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1912-11-oct26-ec. 1912 1912-11-oct26-ec. 2011 true xt7qjq0srj1d section xt7qjq0srj1d 

        The Executive Committee met at the University in

the office of the President on Saturday, October 26, 1912.

There were present Messrs. C. B. Nichols, Hywel Davies-, C.

B. Terrell, and R. C. Stoll. The minutes of the previous

meeting of the Committee were read and approved. The Chair-

man of the Executive Committee asked if there was any unf in-

ished business.

        Thereupon President Barker made the following report

relative to the protest filed by Mrs . Stout at the last meet-

ing of the Executive Committee, which matter was referred

to President Barker and. the Director of Athletics and Physical

Culture for action or for recommendation to this Committee:

               "After the adjournment of the Committee I
        had an interview with Mrs. Stout and she accepts
        the original proposition of the Board of Trustees
        -to carry all the athletics of the young ladies
        to Patterson Hall amnd, this acceptance having
        been made, I recommend to the Exedutive Committee
        that the salaries of the Director of 1hysical
        Education for Women, Mrs. Florence 0. Stout,
        and the Director of Physical Education for Men,
        Mr. W. H. HI. Mustaine, be fifteen hundred
        dollars (1500.00) per year each and that this
        Wtlary be -paid to them beginning as of July 1, 1912"

        Thereupon came the Business Agent and the Auditor

of the University and reported to the Committee that there

was an unexpended and unappropriated estimated surplus amount-

ing to ten thousand, f our hundred and ten dollars and f if ty

four cents($10, 410 .54) and that the increased salaries of

three hundred dollars($300.00) to Mrs. Stout and three hun-

tred dollars ($300.00) to Mr. Mustaine could be paid out of

such unappropriated surplus and accredited to the athletic


       Upon motion, made, seconded, and unanimously carried,

upon the aye and nay vote, the report of kresident Barker was


concurred in byethe Committee and was made the action of the

Commi ttee.

        President Barker made the following additional Bta

port, having been appointed on August 5th, by the Executive

Coimnitteetossettle with Mr. Hywel Davies his account for

work done as expert accountant and also to arrange with him to

a-ct as Auditor of,' the accounts of the Univelsity during the

coming year:

               "I interviewed Mr. Davies and settled with
               him his account for expert work up to August 1
               at five hundred dollars ($500.00) and agreed
               with him that he was to do such expert work as
               Auditor for the University during the coming
               year as should be required for the sum of one
               hundred dollars ($100.00) per month and his
               expenses while here."

        Thereupon came the Business Agent and reported that

the University had sufficient funds an hand in its surplus

account to pay said salary.

        Upon motion, made, seconded, and unanimously carri-

ed, on ap aye and nay vote, the action of the President was

concurred in and the action was confirmed, Mr. Davies not vot-


        President Barker called the attention of the Commit-

tee to the fact that, owing to the deathof -Dr. Scovell, there

was a vacancy in the position of Dean of the Agricultural Col-

lege and the Director of tUi Experiment Station. The Pr#gi~i

dent stated that he had gone over the situation thoroughly,

that, as a member of the Board of Control, he had heard

recommendations made by various persons, and that, after hear-

ing everything the had been said and after going into the sit-

uation thoro ghly, with the approval of this Committee he


would appoint Dr. Joseph H. Kastle dean of the Rollege of

Agriculture and Director of the Experiment Station.

        Thereupon, upon motion made, seconded, and carried

all those members of the Executive Committee present voting

therefor, the recommendation of President Barker was con-

curred in and Joseph E. Kastle was declared to be Dean of the

College of Agriculture and Director of the Experiment Station

and he shall at once assume the duties of this position.

       President Barker made the following report, having

been appointed with Mr. Hywel Davies a special committee to

interview Dr. Tuttle as th the needs of his department and

the -reorganization of his daily schedule:

              "I interviewed Dr. Tuttle, with the
        result that Dr. Tuttle now withdraws for
        the present term all claim for any more
        assistance or for any improvement in the
        laboratdry supplies.1" "

        Came the Business Agent of the University and re&

ported that since the last meeting of this committee he has,

through Messrs. Rowe & Terrell ot the Civil Engineering De-

partment, contracted with Gromley Brothers, as set out here-



      THIS AGREEMYNT, made this, the 17th day of October, AXD

1912, by and between the State University of Kentucky, party
of the first part, and Gromley Bros., of Vessailles, Ky.,
party of the second part,
      WITRESSETH: That the said party of the second part, for
the consideration hereinafter mentioned, agrees to furnish all
materials and build or reconstruct-as the case may be, the
roads on the University caftub, in accordance with the plans
and specifications and cross-sections attached hereto, and
which are hereby made a part of this contract.
      The said party of the second part agrees to have said
roads built or Reconstructed and ready for inspection, on or
before the first day of December, A .D. 1912, allowing a reastn
able amount of time in case oxl unavoidable delays for causes


beyond the control of the said party of the second part.
      Inspection of this work aB it progresses shall be made
by the party of the first part, and upon completion it shall
at once be passed upon. And in consideration of the above
presents, the said party of the first part shall pay, and
hereby agrees to pay to the said party of the second part,
the sum of, (1st) 12ije per square yard for scarifying and
grading drive from the front gate to the front gate on Lime-
stone Street, and 10, per square yard for all other roads scar
ified, graded and rolled; (2nd) for all metal furnished,wwtted
and rolled $1.65 per ton.
       And for the performance of awl and every article and
agreement mentioned in this contract the parties hereunto do
hereby bind themselves each to the other finrmly by these pres-
       W-WITiMS -WHEREOF, The said parties of the first part,
and the second part have hereunto affixed their hands and
       Signed this, the 17th day of October, A. D. 1912.

                                        Walter E. Rowe,
                                    Party of the first part.

                                Gromley Bros., by Wm. Gromley,
                                      Party of the second part

                               State University of Kentucky,
                               by W. T. Lafferty, Business Agt

        4Upon the estimates made by Messrs. Rowe and Ter-
rell, we will come within the appropriation including a ce-
ment walk from the Administration Building to the main en-

        It was stated to the Committee that this University

had laid gas pipes across Judgeliilligan's land, with the

consent of Judge Milligan, to be removed upon the request of

Judge Milligan or his successors or assigns, but Judge Milli-

gan thought this should bd put in writing, Upon motion,

seconded, the President was directed for and upon behalf of

the University to. execute with Mr. Milligan such agreement

as should be satisfactory to Judge Milligan,

        The Library Committee filed its report, which is as

       The Library Committee met in the President's office May
15th, 1912.
        Pr'esent: President Barker, Dr. Terrell, Dr. Tuthill,
Miss Hamilton, Prof. White.

                            -k   AVj I~ i 8?  ) (tooS5A  o4wr  v(  1  
                                           lo  Pug {t s , ;+l(+l


    On motion it was decided trhat Miss Hamilton should employ
Miss Jennie Cochran of Louisville for a month, at a salary of
$100. and her expenses, to organize and classify the library,
and that Miss King should work with Miss Cochran and receive
instruction from her, instead of attending a library school
during t-he sumner. Miss Hamilton was also instructed to em-
ploy Xr. C. P. Weaver at $5O. per month during the summer
iession and such other assistants as may be required for the
work, im addition to Mr. Weaver and Miss King.
     It was moved and carried that Miss King's salary as li-
brarian should be $;75. per month beginning with September 1st
     The Committee then adjourned.

                             Anna J. Hamilton,
                                     Acting Cairman,
Approved                                     Library Committee
        H. A. Barker,

        Upon motion said report was received and filed.

        It was moved that the salary of the librarian, Miss

Margaret King, be fixed at 475.00 per month, beginning as of

September 1st, 1912, allJof which is to be paid out of the
Library Fund, which motion was seconded and unanimously car-

ri ed.

        A communication from the Pan-Hellenic Council was

received and referred to President Barker, to take such courser

as he should think prpper.

        Mo.*ion was made, seconded, and unanimously carried

that the business Agent and the Auditor make up a budget for

the Summer Sckool and report it at the next meeting of the

Executive Committee.

        Motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried

that Mr. Young Alexander be elected Treasurer of the Uni-

versity until his successor is chosen by the Board of Trustaes

provided he executes a bond similar to that executed by the

late 'Walter Rhoads, Treasurer of the University, and complies

with all the terms and conditions of Delaw relative to such


Treasurer; and the President of the University is authorized

upon the compliance with such terms to notify Mr. Alexanderof

his appointment.

        President Barker reported to tVhe xecutive Committee

that he had appointed Hywel Davies as a delegate to represent
State University in the American Mining Congress for the ex-

press  purpose of cooperation and aiding the passage of the
Yederal HinAng Bill, which proposes to appropriate $50oo.oo

to the assistance of the Mining School of the State Universt

ty; this bill further proposes to increase this sum $500.00

per annum until the amount reaches $25000.00.

        Motion made, seconded, and unanimously carried by

an aye ad nay vote, that Mr. Davies's necessary expenses

shall be paid in attending meeting, Mr. Davies not voting.

        The following resolution. was. duly offered, second

ed and carried, all present voting therefor except Mr.Stoll,

who stated to the board that his firm represented Carey-Reed

Company, the contractor who built the street, and who declined

to vote on the proposition or to take part in the discussion


     Whereas heretofore the City of Lexington has ordered

South Limestone Street, from Winslow Street to Virginia Ave-

nue, improved with sheet asphalt at the expense of the abut-

ting owners, and

        Whereas the contract for said work was let to Carey-

Reed Company, and said work has been done in cinformity to

and in compliance with the contract and ordinances therefor,


        Whereas the University was desirous that said street

should be improved and also desires to pay for its proportion-


ate part of the same on the ten year plan,

     NOWTHE1EFoBRE, B:E IT RESOLVEED that C. B. Nichols, the

 Chairman of this Comnittee, and W. T. Lafferty, Secretary of

 the Board of Trustees and of this Committee, and Business

 Agent, be, and they are hereby directed, authorized and em-

 powered to execute for and oh behalf of the Ztate Utiversity,

 Lexington, Kentucky, the waiver as required by law in order

 that the University may have the privilege of paying whatever

 tax may be assessed against its property because of said im-

 provement on the ten year plan, and said Nichols and Lafferty

 are authorized and directed to sign the name of the Universi-ty

 to such paper, and to attach the corporate seal of the Uni-

 versity thereto, and to do any and all acts which may be neces
 sary and t6 execute any and all papers whichmay be required in

 order that the University may be extended the privilege of

 paying such tax on the ten year plan.

        Mr. James R. Bush, attorney for Carey- Reed Company,

appeared beforethe Committee and stated that if the Ubiversi-

ty were to pay cash for its assessment Carey- Reed Company

would accept ninety eight per cent. (98%) of the face of thb

tax in full seitlement thereof. Mr.Bush also suggested

that if the University made arrangements to pay sash in all

probability he would have the cost of improvement assessed

separately against the University and bonds issued only

against the University for the amount of its tax and that

these bonds coul, be purchased by Carey-Reed Company and

turned over to the University or anybody that the University

might designate to be used as collateral on a loan if the UYs

versity needed the collateral to use on such a loan or it it


desired to borrow money for the purpose of paying cash for

such street improvement.

       Thereupon the President of this University was au-

thorized to borrow the amounrt of the street improvement tax

for ten years, one tenth .(I/lu) of which sum should be repaid

each year, interest on it all to be paid annually or semian-

nually, as the President may determine upon and to use said

bonds if the arrangement could be made as collateral on said

loan, the said loan to be repaid one tenth (1/10) each year

out of the General Fund of the University, and the note or

notes shall be signed by C. B. Nichols, Chairman of the Exeo.

utive Committee, and W. T. Lafferty, Business Agent of the

University, and the corporate seal of the University shall be

affixed to same.   Upon the roll being called, the votes

were as follows: lMr. Nichols, "Aye"; hir. Davies, "Aye"; Mr.

Terrell., "Aye"; Mr. Stoll not voting or taking part in

this matter at all.

       Upon Motion the meeting then adjourned.