xt7qft8dk08g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qft8dk08g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1950-10-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 27, 1950 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 27, 1950 1950 1950-10-27 2023 true xt7qft8dk08g section xt7qft8dk08g "l


\‘(illMl-I XLI


Opera Star .

By lid ( olfman

Janics MCllHli is a l)lL‘ man with :
personality ti match his phvsit‘a
stature and his siaiiirc as an artis'
007*er \Iho hit" him whci: hc \Ia
on Lh“ campus 'liis wool; “11' vmiti
(or that 'I‘hcrv is a varmtii chm;
this great artist that Glii‘mii‘lissb‘ r
anyone who (JIT‘.("> All Contact wit:

Those who hcai'c Mciiwi: sin: la.s
Wvdneoduy cvci; probably woui
likv to knnv s lnir mtn‘c about hiti
sonit‘ oi hi.s r' and sonic r
his idcas.

The distiiiziii hcd tcnor was in:
pressed by tiic- L‘iiiicrsiiy‘s Coliscur .
-—"It is a braiiiiiul buiidnic. and 1 l
oerulnly is :i thrilling sight it scc : l
crowd of that sum The drama 0 l
such a spectatlc (-oiiipcnsatcs for ill! 1
intimateness oi a smaller audience

Melton received aii of his mus.
c:~.i tnlhing in America at suck .
hook [is Universni oi (icoruia an' 1
\'.1nd-crbllt.Whei: askcd what mind
he had to give it: those students uhv
aspire to success in musica; tarcers
he replied. "Tho student must nrs’ '
have talent. Givcn taiPnt. he the:
must work hard irom 12 to 1.3 hour
I day. seven (”15> a weak He mus
give up evcrvihiiii: that isn‘t con
nected with musit That is not our
true in musi: but also in any othc
field. The ieiiow who puts twice a
much timc in workin: as the othc.
fellow usually makcs a success‘

“K opera star adocd that oppor
tunitv is much creator now it,
musicians ‘Opportunity 1
tilt music ficld has increased inc I
one in the last ten years Every larc
cliy hit, its own symphony orchestra
Opera companies. arc scattere
throughout the nation "

The center of musical culture 1
charming from Europe to Americ:
ii. an avalanche us Americans al'l
learning to npprecmtc music man
11‘ the artist's opinion of the currer.
music trend.





Get Started With
Parade On Monday




-- . '- L- ml; 11 n-
Melton was laid pressed it, nanr 5:; ”bi" . “(lilfp"[\“‘b‘mg‘e‘jhh;\
his iavorioe operatic roir "1 cat ‘ f '1‘ .. 4410‘ vw"l 66;“) ‘1 ”f;
not name any single roic as m' l'laldmiabc “d‘ "' S“ a "V“
' » ; uav . to c ciiiiiaxcti atur av. . ov
avrr . ve three 10' re thv ~ . . * ..
I d "t I h. T1 ‘\ a 4 w; the IKTloriua iootbaii

roles in The Magic Flute. Manon
and Town.”

UK Trustees
Accept Gifts

Trustees of the University acccpt-
co two giits oi money and a musica
composition this week. Donors wen
Dr Kenneth Wright. Mrs. Williarr.
B Wroih and the George Davis
B.\;i: Trundation, Incorporated

Thc George Davis Bivin Founda-
Iiicorporated. nave $150 to bl



uscd as a scholarship in the he]: ‘


o. incntal if.‘216'.‘i0 of childhood Ed-
.r'ar Lcizh Vance. Hardin County. i
ihc rccipient this year.

Dr Charlt‘cs Diehl Will use the 31W 1
Worth in his speech cor- ‘

iioiii Mrs
rcrtioi. work in the psychology G(‘
partmcm Dr Kenneth Wriaht UK
asoczatc professor of music. prt»
scnico a hynzn arranuemcnt of illl
(oinpn-;t;oii ‘For the Fallen.“ which
liv wrotr for the dedication of thv
Mcznoria‘. Coliseum

Mtnibcrs prcseni for the executive
tornmntcc meetin: of thc Board c:
Tiii-iccs wcrc Guy Hucuclct. Lcs:
i H D Palmorc. Frankfort
Join. C Lucrcit Maysvillc. Prc- H
l lmnuvaz. and Frank D Pcttron
i: (.1. tircr

'2 'Iilil.

[K To Host

Radio Meeting

The L‘i.;\crsit\ Radio Departinci.‘
vii; ix Lot
i‘n N"

to thc i411 mcctiiin c.
Assotiatioi. of Educa-
roaucastcrs Sunday throucl:


in or (:istu-scd at rims:



coimcri. lll(‘ fi(‘l.(::.

(‘(lil’hli'il.:-.: bio (.~

who inc possibiiili 4‘

in 'z. a at. mutationa; nit-ti;-
I~7a prvvimnr'ni pi"

i.’ l“; ‘v' l/l



Hciuiocl‘. ruil‘
1hr Fcocral
(' ll‘.ll.i.r Lon arc
conor of tin-

VOni‘dli Ilit‘.!.-
Coninzunicatii :.
Bili Laoc
U:Ui.\'-ill(‘ Cour




i! l.'ni
Otiici titlindiii:
r. (l.Ii'('.'I.“ of

b6 the ra-
Julio!» . ' t'K‘
\R'BKY. as 'wt‘i;
\‘l'l‘ Pl. opcratcti bi
ii ii. in.
iiicL: {.
ilir rimf‘izalf
. tun: ..; iii!» Blunt;



4-('.’n n.





l".’iiil l.




.s\ ii.l



\ clerans Should Apply
l’or (irilduiilltin Fees



\'r . t. ' _
i' ‘l
.. In - ‘m
on: 3*“. Am
:;t"\\¢-rli Nut
’ lit?! Ni iiphan-
two to: ._ia:\ L...ill'


bc marrpzcd aitci tini‘



ianit- Thc L‘nivcrsity is partiCipat-
iic w.tli downtown groups during
hc tclcbration

Fivc L'nivrrsiiy students have
been chosen to reiun on separate
:tays during the week. One of them
viii bc chosen the HOIHEL‘OIIIIHL'
iueen i . rulc th‘r Saturday‘s acti—
vities and will be l)l‘9.\€lllf‘d at the
' iooibali more. The contestants
were chosen by the chnigton Junior
Chamber It: Cniniiic‘icc.

A PARADE AT 3 RM. Monday.
partiCipaiits of which Will be Gov.
Earle C Clcinciits. Lt Gov. Law-
."I.L‘." Wctiierby. State Police Com-
Ii;.\\l<;‘._l.‘2‘ G,iilir'it Crowe. and other
taie officials. will launch the week's
ici;vii.es. Rcignin: ovcr Monday's
irograin will be Pat Moore, Chi
"knew. who is a former Kentuckiaii
Sca' j; Quecii. and a member 0:
Alma Ma; :a Natcr. chns. YWCA.
,aiic‘ iiic Kentuckian staff.

0:. Tuc-day a hoisc show. spun-
orccz by Block and Bridle. will be
Lil c" “'«llll 3 30 p in to 5.30 pm at
h' l cton Troi'1n2 Track. The







. .‘ i- . i Ox :1 Gyrnkaiia. which i.-
i :- it gamcs played on horsc—
'iziCl: Ti. - shim. is to bc divided into

('Ugl. plinst—s



Till. llks’l‘ IS A minor jumpiixc
'La 1 l'.’ i, 17 ycai-oids. Second
a . .pi:.: (la s irrr University
xxx: Mris. iii chairs oi. hur. <

\Rfili‘ Milt: lll’ilf‘ pillllfillkiul



h; is. \\;El bv- tlic lllll'd part.

.i;. roll is .l.‘llr‘d.il5‘(l fourth
Em: . sadd'l c. and dressiizu
' i..;iiber hit and a




.._ class. wt. ‘re cacti
at :h \‘».Alt‘i carricu tr 1‘
‘ is sixt.i The last
eating 1i. ti..-
. ‘- suspended iinii:
iitcsuint ti‘ics cat—





KENTITKY‘S BEAI‘TIES who will rt'iun for Homecoming week arc
left to right. first row: Lois Paync and .‘lit‘(‘ Stansbur;. Second row:
Bctty Blakc. Rosemary Foster. and Pal Moorc.

Five UK Queens
Reign Next Wreck

Homecoming Events ’



0S Tl‘l-ISILH' NIGHT pr; gs for
tit iyst Hallow ‘ cosfinncs. thc
' litxq. 1.; a ht a" the Eil'lii;

tiwuzhiiuts is

4:: t;ccr
ASH. .

Ect'; 831cm.
Alpliu lecia.
Siic is a lllt‘tl‘bf'l'
L'nim Board. thc
Kc; utkian Stall.

Otiicr activities of the week in—
(‘luczc a storefront country fair.
lllt‘t'liC" totii'itzirnciit. pinochel tour—
nament. a bqulllii tournament. and
a caiiastu tournament. These will
run all week. A torchhght parade
and ‘l pep rzillv, sponsomd by Suky.

i- pl .( 1 2 rr Frinay night.


i) y



lllf; K.i',)pa
ii Tticsday.
of the Student
YWCA. and the




Quechs for the remaining days
of tlic wcck arc Alice Stansbury.
Wednesday: Rosemary Foster.
Thursday" and Lois Paync. Fri-

Stiiiisbiiry represents chell Hall

' and l~ a incinbcr oi Chi
.1. Foster will rcprcscni 643
. clinn Court. She is a member
Kappa Alpha Theta. president
oi tlic Student Activnies Committee
in SUB. and a mcmbcr of Tau Shh


ma. Paync rcprcscnts Dclta tha
and is a meiiibcr oi the YWCA,

“AA. and Silky.

Saturday’s liir'ludP\ a



Junior (-iistiiic touriiaiiicnr at thc
Bluegrass Sportsincn‘s Lc :uc :arm.
which \v.ll be iullo‘icd by ii annual


b'iiit‘: liitw‘hco'i ioi'
Aliiiiiiiic and iricnds.

THE lIOME(‘()MI.\'G QI'IZEN will
bc pres n“zed b(‘l'.\'(‘l"ll liiili‘c at tho
Saturday aliti'IiUli.i some l.lllll£‘tll-
atciy after ihr Liti‘liC ii it-cption
will bc lit-iii in. Etc-Atoll l’iacc for
uuc t- of the prcsi ii. The alumni
bui. is sci to iollr ‘

L'niv crsity







At ..\’it;cs by the Lt“:-
JUI‘il! ' nibl'l' n: CHIN»
lllLlUt’ wick-ion; opczi

Bolllilu Spiiric Country
: a squarc tiiuitt ("lanai at
' (hay-Gentry Arcih. J'i(lil‘> :or'

‘ ., are to Lc incinbcis (.1 thc
(‘cntcr oi ilic Country
Ali evciits arc open to the




“XVI "Llll’ lust-s liis Illltli'l‘s in
llliil: i llill‘llll?’ Illt' .‘lllf'llul I'
Hit in. [i.iili-si poiimiiil l»» \l

\\.|llli .l I”

lilt' Iloridmii .illi:.ilor \\lii« ll



Iln ‘lll u. illl In

DESI uopy Available





V‘cw Building

Starts Soon

Construction of a Siatv Dt’l’al'l‘
lilt‘lil oi Mines and Miiii‘rals build-
lliéi “lil begin soon on the CflmDU-b-
licaii D. V. Tci‘rcll of the Colleae of
Elillllit'f’llll‘i announced this wcek.
Thc new building will be the first
iilill oi a proposed three-unit Min-
eral Industries billldlllll.

The first unit will scrvc as a re-
Dlaccincnt for Norwood Hall which
was destroyed by fire in 1948. It
Will house the Dcpartineni 0: Mines

and Minerals and the Kentucky
Geological Survey. The two addi—
aional units xihcii completed Will

‘iOll:~8 the Departiiicn‘. of lVlllllllE
Eingiiiccrinu. thc Department of
Geology. and other divisions whose
work is cuniicctcd with the state's.
inincral industries

Thc blilldlllfl will bs- located im-
mediaiciv wcst of tho Hiuhwav Re-
srzii'vh llllllllrllJll'Y on Graham AVE.
This Will be the cast win" of the pro-
iccted three—unit structure. The
completed buiidinc ivni lll")'vl(l€‘ ia-
ciiiiics tor l‘(‘5‘"fil'|‘ll and planninu
htlpiul to Kcuttickv‘s sccond lam-
cst industry. llillililL'. and will urcat—
\ aid thc study and dcvt-iopint-zrt of
ithcr mincrai (lt‘l)t)>li:~. Dean Tcrt‘cli


Nov. 3 Is Deadline
For Kyian Pictures

Finlay; Nov. 3. is ll‘lf’ last
chance to have individual pic-
lures takt'ii for the 1951 Kcn-


tuckian. and to savc oiic (ioi‘
on the subscription price or t
ycar's book


No pictures will be takcn after
Nov. 3. and only pictures taken
bv the Jcaii Sardou Studio in the
Y—Loiinae before Nov. 3 will be
accepted for publication in the
Keiituckian Pictures made bv
other studies will not be accepted
The price of the Kcntuckian after
Nov. 3 will be $5.

One thousand fivc hundred
students haw had pictures taken
during the four weeks of the pic—
ture contract. Only 600 of the
1400 seniors have had picturcs‘
taken, and only 300 Juniors. Sen-
iots and Juniors should siln up
this week to have pictures taken
before Nov. 3.

Ant oruanizaiioiis which havc
iitii rctvu'ncd contracts bv todriv
\\'lll no: havc pagcs‘ iii the Kcn-


U 0f Louisville Trustees
Relax Discriminatory Laws

NCLII‘OE‘S \vil be admitted to the"
Uiuvcrsity of Louisville next Set)?
:cinber and thc Municipal Ctillcvc.
Ncuro branch of the University. will
be clcsed on June 30. 195l. accord-
ing to an action passed by a unan—
imous vote of the Board of Trustees
of thc Universnv of Louisville.

The University‘s president. John
W. Taylor. stated that the measure
was no surprisc; that cvervuiie had
cxpected the trusti-es to admit
Negroes. He said that the biggest
problem is finding stifiicient faCil-
him for cxpaiided classes.

Dean Bcrtram W. Doyle 0f Munici-
pal Collegc told the trustees that his
faculty members were in favor of

Over 500 Will Attend


Small-Business Clinic Primarily Concerned
With Divulging Contract-Getting Techniques

Over 500 business men from in!“
state Wlll attend Monday's Small-
Btislncss clinic to be held in Me-
morial Hall. ECCOI‘dlilLZ to Dr. C. C
Carpenter. dean of the College of
Commerce and Chairman of the
Committee on Arrangements.

The meeting. which runs from 10
am. to 12 noon. and 2 to 4 p.m.. is
for the purpose of distributing, iii—
i'ormaiion to small business men on
how to 9.0L more contracts from the
Army, Navy. and other government

All phascs oi the meeting are open
to both students and faculty.

Speaker for the morning will bc
Clyde Miller of iiic Department of
Commerce. who will speak on how
the Department of Commerce can
aid thc business man on matters of
taxes. iccords. and other types of

sentative. Harry Biythc. will be the

luncheon speaker in the Student
Union Building. His gcncral topic

will bc on mobilization.

the move even though it means the
loss of their jobs at the end of next

At the last session of the legisla-
ture. the Day Law. which barred
Negroes from admission to Kentucky
Colleges was amended to permit a
college to decide for itself whether
or not to allow Negroes to enter
when the college offers courses not
obtainable at the Kentucky State
College for i'egroes at Frankfort.

The three Louisville Catholic c01~
leges. Nazareth. Ursuline. and Bel-
lermine and Bcrea College. in Berea
have already passed resolutions to
accept colored students.

In the afternoon. J. D. Tompkins
of the General Service Department.
will talk on the specifications of
products to be bought by the gov—
ernment. His talk will be aimed to-
wards peace time business.

A representative of the Recon-
Sstruction Finance Corporation. Wal-
ter J. O'Donnell. will speak on how
his- agency can help small business
men by lending them money. Other
speakers include Commander Phillip
Ashlcr, chief of the Small Business
Office. and John E. Horne. repre-
sentative of the Senate Committee
of Small Biisiiit‘ss. who will talk on
tho work being done by his group.

sntant to the special assistant to the
ECA administrator for small busi-
ness. will explain the SPI‘VICE‘S oi' the
011cc of Small Business of the 12.0-
Il()ll’ilt'\ Cooperation Administration.
McCormick has been with the ECA
since its beginning. having sprvcd
part of the time with the Lend Lease

Dance Presentation
ls Farewell Concert

Mrs. Revcll Esiill Shaw. lllsti‘lll'lol‘
in the UK Physical Education Dc»
partmeiit. \vill present hcr iarcwcli
modern dancc concert Sunday iii
the Gunrnol thcatcr in the Fine Art»
Building at ioiir o'clock, Mrs. Nan-
('lf‘ Fields. iormcr Australian concert
pianist, \vill accompany the donut


Tonight At 8.30

Lab Theatre
Gives Plays,
Mock Debate

Two one—act plays and .. irock tit--
linit‘ will bc prcsciitcd at 8‘30 His
nicht in thc laborii nrv ihciiiri‘ ll‘.
ihr Filtt' Arts Buildln: 'l‘iic plavs.
both \l'i'itlcii by Rm McCitiic. arc
”I'll Stav In My Gran" .iiid "A
Slilt'll Iii Tina-'1

Dudlcy F:.iiiitii-i's is l)l't‘(liif'i.l: ’lic
iirsi plzn. ziiid l'nc t'.l\i iiiiliidcs Twzii
Martin .limim Iiiiiian. {ov Giulns.
(i.i\ Wct‘ks. ’mh Sliillt'. (it'llt‘ Arkh-
.iiid Bcit Harm-i "A Stitch In
him” is nude-r ihu (lle‘t‘liUl. o:
Ruth Adams who l..t\ ('Llrl
lll‘lll' liarl Martin. But) Rollins.
ii ,vxi Du k. (‘zciic Al'kll‘. Nani y ll.ii ~
ris. Man Aiiii Bi'ndioi‘d. and Latin»




'Iliw (lt‘l).liiil‘_‘. hunts ll::lll.
RESOIYH) Thai Mcn Aii- .\l pl‘isoiial
Illt' t‘iviit't'l‘l .\lt‘iiiiii.
ii i..” Hiulilti will pour coffee.

.ii iitl* .iii-‘l



l‘llmcr Davis Spcaks‘ Tomorrow at
Homecoming; (‘clchration Begins
Sigma (‘hi Derby

8:13 p.m.

Tomorrow at '2 p.m.

NL’Mlll‘lll 6


News Analyst Elmer Davis
Will Discuss Wvorld Problems

At Coliseum Tomorrow



I”? M - “s... Engagement .\t ['K
:5” . Is Only Appearance
" During Fall Season
El: Di' Vii
\lf‘iiii .5 i..
' w Tits
. v fill-i'i’i'


.'_ D .
tucky Commt





lilo :‘9lr‘:.:‘(l ii.» oat .;

Kerk deg







yrmatioz. London. Since





The Sigma Chapter of Guam“ {\ppllcatlons for ODI‘ .94.) :ie m per a news 3.114.:
'Ii..... mm”... :c tipli'. nun-mm. , .. if.“ 3m" Air-9H Brownian»;
mu meet at the 5w May [)9 P iled Monday Our-Dam
Building. Room 2.51. a" 7 JG . ha star .1
Wednesday. is' iP-t' - 2w Appear 1:.

vines He y .i be ‘2 re in Nov 1).

Mock Election
:; it: To Takc Placc‘

.- The Lciigzii- if \V . V’i'
pciisor -.i Muddy. .
the \‘ot' lobby Ml iti‘:




.i tr. u'k Ext
4 out in in ’h
i. Bliiiiill.‘



[lwiitr‘vJII ‘Jid. A - _i\i'i. :.. z.
‘ rumour: 'o L‘P
will Dc 2’


President H. I
"We It‘t'l that .
given at thzs (ll
lIllpOl'lixlll‘t‘ to many


. AK' r‘tt‘ '
Til". ‘. v’.:
4. poll i: 'f.‘


:iess mm: Olli‘ i: It" in . ..
lfor the DI” 3:) inc .i ' «on ’)V
sli‘i‘ ii (i '7t‘ll [lllls , .


liilt’l‘ m. ’
)v .i 1

be pub

Sigma Chi [his
First Dcrliy

On Campus
The s cu Dew -

-i'l l.

2‘» “UK



. "‘il

.). A .. ’Ix"

I .




I ll " l
81:: To"

.f’ . .L



liks. iiifvififlsrlii. sill“ 2. .. - «. .. i.

Lou-Rolling“ Highlights l’aradc

[101‘ Time In The Old Town Is Forecast
For -cht Friday "lion 'Galors Get Ilcrc

By Hull lain








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“'11.;- \ll lllll.\\l/\l‘lii§s \\III'\ THE Put “it -
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It (‘ i
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i.. t . . v - _
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til.i.ii .\ y

 esr uopy Available














‘ W
age 2 K R N " . . . _
P THE ENTUCKY KE :L EM” “Wheat 1950
DI- 3"! “ not a material in: (in '6‘ Si; .gbii'mm 15 'he my,
a ' . . _
The Kentucky Kernel SI; ti l ~ -- . ,. s». m m.
- , _ l: ’.'2 .. ’l‘.’ r oresenh 'l ‘319'13‘ 1- " 4
' l \l\l li\|l\ oI- l\l \‘I'I'csv u bar rs? . div-1' Comm.- n... n ,is and dumb.
..W..... i ’ _;—;3l. / ':‘p] .‘t',
luuw‘. weekly during Kr‘ '. l‘~ n" 'w |ll‘> a' d .1 .
I‘ v!‘l("‘\(‘l1*'l.’>‘ tl'r i‘mi "' .I _‘ | g r r 25
W,. .. , W. . svmmw I .1 )rarlan
M I, , . per semestr
'. ‘I go o I
lku I ‘\\III II\H\ . . l’tlvtor lu\\’ (‘INIK ”Business \l mu." ~. .t [Ti !< “I tl Entertalnment
Dllk \lUkl .\lx:..:'_' lliuoI liti\l\l\ll\ llllll\( ....\'\\~l." i 181 8
Editorial Staff Dr Ewald Li, ‘0 I =:
- BIII ‘lAVsI’II l n. Assistant \l ‘l| in; lilitm. K \TlllillYV \\'IIII\HI1 Fu ( oii '1 Stuttgart. (’9 _‘ 'V . GOOD FOOD .
.\H\ ’\‘\|\l ml \«\is lll tors ( i um i «my. Society lCdItor. \\\i \. i x .k fig the MHY-‘l'RUW 1- K... 1' H
lrl'dl‘llt l'llitui. hi i I‘. (n\: In\ li. (luv l‘:ilill|l. liiil SI Ill l l \u: I:I (-1 L)!“ LISSme‘" . Hui Elm" j“ ' ,
‘D. sL l’u I l\\\l l' \lI 1 ~ I\ \lli' III ! l. liui Hm mu \_ llu (lull g y \ « Ible by the C'Iltural L.Tlt'il.l: "e . to- .
Duh Hmnrm :\. \liuu I. ('am Inst. l)Hl l y \l l l.l\l-\|. l’Iooir. I, -ram 59"“5'.)r9d by m" "1“" 1‘“)
High Commission In C?“l’!ll.l.*_'.'
Sports sun Th." . W, .. . ~11 _ Inc.
Bun Comuu. Editor. l‘IIn 1,111 um. l,I\\Is l)li\'lilll’\\'. F. T. Knax. llii: bate:3:331:17?“de buy (an.
\1. ““'." ‘L.’
Saw ILS, \ Imis. Business Staff 'nany and the United 5; ,1. I.;~.- 140 W. SHORT ST.
Am “’mxmtno. Adwrtisnn: \l .I..IgII_ lhni \ltlx'rxx'i, BIII. l)n\‘ (:I'HH Program. w?“ I’.’1ti"”"_‘\‘il‘~“ff. . Vi“?!
CII\ llA«I.I\sI\ \il\1lli‘l'i"\lill \o (‘IIIIIIII (‘inulation \llll"'il in send “men“ U‘ mm.“ M 1'”
" ' ' ‘ ‘ ' ' ' “ ' students are handled ox amine;-
' RO‘POI‘H‘PS program and the Culv‘” 1‘. _ .v
.. Carlm \loncure. Dormnn Cord. ll. Dolh Sullin‘nt. Mary Ellen llogm: l w ESSEX“? sends ‘1’“‘3‘15 ’- ‘ .
' Payne. Pat Green. (“In It -ll (Mutt l5l.unc \loore. Ann \‘edro. Sup lw l«‘- 9!) PYO 95510115- w t h D d J I
'(tinr. «m on... \i. ”a. ll. linlrlinn. hill with. warm ma...“ Dr. Lissberger hJ lie-n a ( es 1- Iamon S + ewe I’y
.])orothy HIDalel. ( l: .lrlt . lliilit. ll. Il» Beard, Charles Slinnet. Lois BI .d‘u‘ United States abou' din " ..
Pl-‘F‘ shilllmlt. l’.oil (lulu 1. low \\ ilhoIvI. Elllll) Campbell. lo (‘oulti l. '1 ' He flew from Euro!» r. .\'I 1"
Skinner. LINN“ l“l’.ll|l\\. bill \luslnr. lxcnncth Vance. Dot Neal. .\l.u’\i:i l'I From New York he 'vem 'r; ‘.'.'; h—
l’.oil lsnapp. \lartlII 'l .rplcy. l.llllt\ hlrh_ Bob \lcCoun. Marcher! “.3“ ington. DIG Tin-re l‘r‘ I - in v:
Charlotte- \icl l: lw-n \ll' lllll Don \I'IIIstIoug. John \\’hitcl_\. Bill l’odluil-l; received ln>l,l‘li"ltili .I ’)’)‘d' ‘

l’ollv Botehr John \ndirwn.

Campus Abounds In Culture

In the midst of all the current interest in the Concert-Lectun
genes atithe (Ioliseuin. the student should not overlook the mam
fiber cdural opportunities on campus.

Several L'Iiivcrsity departments are offering worthwhile lectun .

series. The English Department has already presented llohert

Penn \S'arren and Harlan llatther. and future programs lllCllKlt

such nines as A. ll. (Cuthrie. llohert Peter Tristam Collin. and

T. S. Eliot.

Dr._Harold C. Dcutscli opens the Blazer series of lectures ‘
"sponsomd by the History Department. tonight when he speak»

”on “The. German l'ndcrgrmind in \Vorld \Var II" at the Cuignol
3Theater. This series includes eight talks on critical issues ot thI
ntieth century. A series of tour discussions on various phases
not mui. art. and literature is being sponsored by the University
xflumanities Club. The nevi of these programs is Nov. ‘7"

A traditional series enioved hv I’niversity students for sever-Ii
years is the Sunda\ afternoon musicales the out of which pn-
sents Earl Holloway. baritone. on \ov. 12. Five talks dealing \\ it'n

E the history of painting and related arts during the] last hundn-I
years are being planned by the An Department. Dates of th: s.
oprograms will he announced soon.

‘ Degartmental services which are available to the Cllitlcii'
" ugEJut the year are the Art Gallery in the Fine Arts liuildinz'
~l tfi'b‘two music listening rooms. The Carnegie Room in lllt

SUB. which otters lighter classics. is open from 11:30?) .\lond.i\.

through Friday. More serious music can be heard at the Fine

Arts listening room lrom 8:305 Monday through Friday and

8:304 on Saturday.

These departmentally sponsored programs, plus the hi;y (7on-
cert-Lecture series at the Coliseum. combine to give the University
one the most complete cultural series offered on an Alllt'l‘lCJ‘i
col bampus. He who would be a well-rounded studentuand
a well—rounded ('lll7t II later on—would do well to take advantagc

of these opportunities.

- o I .O-I-Iv.lfi.m'.."ho

Crusade For — .What?

It would be interesting to know how many of the 3907 FR
students who signed the Freedom Scroll really read and llll(l(‘l‘~
stood what they were altirming when they attached their names
to the lollowincV statements:

“I believe in the sacredness and dignity of the individual."

“I believe that all men derive the right to freedom equally
from God."

“I pledge to resist aggression and tyranny wherever they
appear on earth."

li every signer would stop to determine if he truthfully he-
lieves the first two statements. he could probably make a iar
greater contribution to the cause of freedom than he could (Iv-Ir
make by merely signing his name to a Freedom Scroll.






‘Thc‘ Colonel

u' Self.‘
War The Tic
The Colonel Wears For The


3A" Color: —




Lances' Reply

This is in reply to the letter of

lssi wcek raising the question of1

discrimination at the recent Lances‘
\Irrtado is fully justified in
.I;:l:iu‘. about the lack of suf-
:ablcs fir independenr stu-
~ The rescuing of tables for
dance where the crowd exceeds
Iu'o‘c lat-Ilzties by more than
double l> always a problem. Lances
‘(; rem 'he incident and will attempt
2.» ll . Iiiy ihe situation in the future.
I nnzv Insert here. though. that
latzws membership includes inde-
penden' as well as fraternity men.
l..i‘.1(".‘.\ wants to take this oppor-
".11. "o 'hank all the organizations
. Hi both





Individuals. independent
“14’ Crrvk, who helped to make the

(‘ariziial and Dance such a suc—

Al n

we thank the Kernel and
-:i WBKY for their excellent
.. . we of the event.

looking forward to an even better




I :

“Edison. ' ' I "

The Mailbox

Improved Spirit

At this time I wish to express the ‘

thrill I received after attending the
Kentucky. U. C. game. and iinding

the progress made. 1101 only in the 1-

band. but in the card and cheering

I feel that the spirit of the school
has improved at least 50 per cent
from last year.

It seems as thouah we received
our Kernels a week later than the
printing- date. and therefore if we

would like to ernie down for a week i

cud. we havm't any way of finding
out what is going on for that week,
as our Kernels arrive so late.

I know that alums who graduated
within a year or two always visit
the campus often. If our
would be delivered on tune it would
help the situation greatly.

I enjoy getting my Kernel and
especially feel that the editorials are 1
a change. 1
yours. .

worth while reading for
An Alum

'New York Director
: Speaks To Engineers

(‘71:nivn‘. and Dance next year,
Bob Gregory,
President of Lances.
l()\'l‘ P ik and sI lver Sh act'fcr
n . I l)il\ttll Exptrimental Sta-
. i l\ \i 01 tobvi 18. If
. l \ -- lil‘ \I.r. 2 net Cook. Putt
H l I ..I., it Kernel Bu>niess ()itice.
APPLE Cll)ER — Made frcsh each
um \. Kent on Ice. No preservatives
.AlI’I l \I <. m gallon glass iars‘. Shaker—
t-u . in: t F. r.‘n Av «(Alllblc in Lexmg—
1s ,k IdII Park Phone 2-6918.

Otto de Lorenzi. director of edu-
cation of the Combustion Engineer-
ing Company in New York, spoke
yesterday morning in Memorial Hall
to the American Society of Me-
chanical Engineers on “A Study of
Stoker Fuel Beds."

In the afternoon
Anderson Hall to
neering student..- -
cal engineering

he lectured in
advanced engi-
‘id the mechani—
, alf on “Methods of
Pulvrrized Coal,"




Shirts Laundered

lat-mum! 80-






The Ultimate in Fine Foods
Served in a Perfect Setting

Luncheon 11:45 o.m. — 1:30 p.m.
Dinner 5:15 p.m. to 8:15 p.rn.

In A Hurry? Try



Lime at Maxwell, Lexington



.... ~ c-o-u-n ...- n~nuonowvinoooo- - u... o- u nu u—ooun announce..." mnlivv'uOOOIUI-wnht--QQII—nnw—


‘ Southern Pride

I don't know to what benevolent
group we are indebted for the Con—
federate-Rebel signs which are de-
facing our campus. but I would like
to remind said individuals that this
is 1950 and we live in the United.
States of America.

The Civil War ended 85 and one-
half years ago. and the Confederacy
no longer exists except to those ‘
stupid people who can find nothing
fbetter to do than to stand around
.‘xaving the stars and bars and
loudly exhibiting their good. ole,
Suth'un pride.

If they're really interested in the
good. ole South. why don‘t they do
something to help it out of its chains
of ignorance and prejudice? Then
1 they might have something to shout
; about.


Kernels ‘




‘(iiscuss problems In 13.1211: '1..:

United States More v II '

lexington Jewelry 8. luggage Co.
143 S. Lime

librarians. He 1» i)er..I.v*
in the United Stan.
months. He arrm-Il xi


Dial 2-5125

on Monday and plazr 3-;
Nov 1.

Dr. Lissberger had
library in Stuttgart. Ge
library had 1.200.1i00 hoo't: ‘VllJ'll
were reduced L'I Comm!) during .1
night bombing by the British In
September. 1944.

rhar-“e cf 1
muons. The



Why Be Conventional?

Have YOUR idea for Christmas Cards
English Professor drawn to order

To Address Writers


Ski-Irhes in Ink Block PriII/s‘ i

Dr. Hollis Summers. assistant pro. 1.} lo 73¢- each .lppx. $3.30 (I block
fessor in the English department. I

will speak at 5 pm. fried" ::I the
A R T S, Inc.

SUB to members of Chi Delza Phi

women's literary llfrllh'."".'. He will

scripts and answer (Ines:
informal discussion period.

South Side Pool Room

407—409 5. Upper St. at Maxwell

Where U. K. Students Meet
Dole Holbrook, Owner . .





. Wes. Hockworth, Mgr.






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Lil“ LSIM 8;,“ Perfect mildness? You bet. Scientific tests,

confirmed by three independent consulting
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than any other principal brand. Rich taste?
Yes, the full, rich taste of truly fine tobacco.
Only fine tobacco gives you both real mildncs
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Strike Means Fine 15m

‘0'... TI] AIIII‘CAII ronAcco con-nun

 Friday. at ‘loln‘l‘ 27. 1930

“Vita Happens Elsewhere?
Read This And Find Out


. th..t









nipvls iii the mini-r33 wc'w
takct. lii‘lt oi the :ttil\lllt\ of our
li'll‘-\A pen l)-l‘~ll1‘lf.

A new t.i :.ttii. l‘.l DNP'l approved
for lis‘i' 'l‘iic ill“ tttiic will
lune it -c ‘ i2: c..!i.:«;t} oi TlLtlt‘vtl.

'Tlu Vi tuition ,llbllt'Jl‘ttll of
Ben .i (‘n‘. l.tlll('l the lollowniu
iiii ili tht i die o1 Oct l4' "Girls!
Are You I-Itiitiai‘tit-ued because you

dot“t l):i\" zil: r‘liLzlL't'lllelll riitc‘,‘
You tc-cm‘t be ill st raise in public,
grid) the lif‘.lll'>l male and draiz htin
out to see llo.tlut'»- larce display of
rim: ..

The I’tttverny of Georgia an—
nounced in it 'th and Black"tliat
basketball ptittticc had begun on
the (.Illll)tl\ with a large number of
lettetntn-‘t I’f‘lnll‘lilli".

Students at i‘li'llli‘lln State have
added a total! of the Old South. A
('liilill‘ih \littdl’t‘ minim}; club. the

Pi'wnetiadei's. prom e ll it d e every
Winnie-day it: the Women's uym «if
they held it on Tuesday titszht. may-
be we could have mental tilepiethy
lull; llillH illL‘ ‘.

l.t‘lllL’ll ITiiiversity. in Bethlehem.
Pa. also boa-L a new unit and
swimming: pool. Five hundred stu-
dents were present at the dedication
of the 5800.000 building. Forty grad-

uating students were awarded prizes. ‘

I‘K take note.

Seats formerly alloted faculty
tiiciiioers at Tulane are now avail-
able to the stttdent body. University
enrollment at the school still makes
for overcrowding iii the stadium.

Two thousand loyal Tulane root-
ers supported the weekly pep tally
led bv the Tulane spirit bzlll'l UK
students. are we going to let these
Louisianans out pep us?

Payne Tells Drama Class

Movies Are Hard

”You are very fr rtttnate to have
a theater like this." sari John Payne
as he put his hat on the table. lit
a cigarette and asked for questions

Payne talked to Prof. Wallact
Briggs drama class Saturday fot
tlttrty minute: iii the Fine Art:

Immediately the questions flew.

"Is it mote unfit-tilt to break into
the movies now than it was let
years it