xt7qft8djt7m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qft8djt7m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1989-02-16 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 16, 1989 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 16, 1989 1989 1989-02-16 2020 true xt7qft8djt7m section xt7qft8djt7m  

Kentucky Kernel


University of Konhicky. Lexington, Kentucky

Independent since 1 971

Thursday, February 16. 1989


Buildings safe despite accident, officials say

Staff Writer

UK Fire Chief Garry Beach said he was
surprised by the collapse of a staircase
that injured five students in the Reynolds
Building. Usually, annual inspections of
campus buildings would catch such prob-

“We try to get to each building on an
annual basis." Beach said. All buildings
are inspected regularly, but some smaller
buildings do not get checked as often as
the larger ones, he said.

Five UK students received minor
injuries after a staircase fell in the
Reynolds Building 1 at 67? S. Broadway on
Feb. 7. The collapse occurred shortly after
an art performance presented to a class
with the bottom of the stairs used as a

The students were released after being
treated for minor injuries

Edwin Hollan, who suffered ankle
injuries due to the fall, said he plans to re-
turn to classes this week. “Missing over a
week of classes hurts but my instructors

have been very cooperative and under-
standing," said Hollan, a fine arts senior.

The injured students have been con-
tacted by John Hunt, a university insur-
ance expert for UK, and their medical bills
will be forwarded to the Board of Claims
in Frankfort. A ruling will then be made to
reimburse the students for their hospital
bills and any other costs they have due to
the accident, said Jack Blanton. vice chan-
cellor for administration. “We're relative-
ly sure all bills will be paid.“

The collapsed staircase was replaced
within days of its fall and other staircases

in the Reynolds Building were inspected
and braces are being added. Beach said.
"The physical plant reinspected them
tstaircasest, and said they were in good
shape." he said.

With more than 200 buildings, he said,
there are bound to be some deficiencies.

“We‘re always in the process of updating
buildings. This is why we have all of the
renovations going on all the time.“ Beach

“There‘s no way any of us could tell the
stairs in the Reynolds Building weren't
safe.“ Blanton said "We deeply regret


Heavy rain

Associated Press

Heavy rains pounded Kentucky for
the fourth straight day yesterday,
prompting Gov. Wallace G. Wilkinson to
declare a state of emergency.

Wilkinson issued the order and called
for the National Guard to aid in evacua-
tions as the Kentucky River, which
flows through the central part of the
state, hit flood stage and continued to
rise at nearly a foot an hour.

Several hundred people were reported
evacuated from their homes in counties
across the state Wednesday, mainly in
western and central Kentucky.

Officials said it was impossible to
give an exact figure on evacuations,
since many people left home on their
own. And they predicted the number
would increase during the night.

The rain began Sunday and has
dumped up to 9 inches of water on por-
tions of western Kentucky, forcing road
and school closings throughout the

Authorities say the stormy weather
was responsible for at least three
deaths, including one woman who
drowned Tuesday in the backwaters of
the Ohio River in western Kentucky.

Marjorie T‘eeters, 33, of Wickliffe,
drowned near Barlow, while trying to
wade from a standed four—wheel drive
vehicle to a nearby cabin, according to
the Ballard County Sheriff's Depart-

Sheriff Herb Vance said a companion,
Brad Casey, also of Wickliffe, is miss-
ing and presumed drowned.

Two Kentucky residents died Monday
on a rain-slick road in Henderson.

Those counties hardest hit by the rain
were located in a line from Madison-
ville, in western Kentucky. to just south
of Louisville on the Ohio River, the
Weather Service said.

Only the extreme southeastern por—
tion of the state — including Hazard,
Middlesboro and Pikeville — have es»
caped the brunt of the storm.

The weather service was calling for
up to 2 more inches in some parts of the
state before the rain began to taper off
on Thursday.

in Frankfort. the Kentucky River had
reached 35.6 feet — 4.6 feet above flood
stage -— by Wednesday afternoon, state
officials said.

The city was hit hard by floods in 1978
and 1984.

Wilkinson inspected river conditions
in Frankfort Wednesday by helicopter
and also flew over Dix Dam, which
holds back Herrington Lake. If the dam

Sec STATl-Z, Back Page



" t

.» ',



,a, .aézgme‘“ '* .. .3

» . {ER} 3% \

Two metro policemen inspect the flood-like conditions Lexington encountered yesterday on Russell Cave Road
near l-75. (Below) UK student Nancy Gotdsborough pumps water out of her flooded apartment on Conn Terrace.


declare emergency









Record for rainfall more

than doubled

Contributing Writer

“Rain, rain, go away?" seems to be
the anthem of most Kentuckians right
now. But, unfortunately, it looks like the
rain is here to stay a» at least for a
little while longer.

The National Weather Service is
predicting that Kentucky will receive
about another 11: inches of rain within
the next couple of days. If that happens.
Kentucky will have received close to 10

in February

inches of rain in the month of” February

The average rainfall for the month of
February usually is around 3.25 inches.
As of yesterday, Kentucky had received
close to eight inches. Because of this,
flooding has been a problem all across
the state.

The Salt River in Shepherdsville, the
Red River in Powell County, and the
Kentucky River are just a few of the

Sec MURL. Back Page




Soviet Union ends nine-year Afghan struggle

Associated Press

TERMEZ, U.S.S.R. — The Soviet Union
ended its costly nine-year intervention in
Afghanistan yesterday when the last
soldier — the commander of the Red Army
contingent walked across a border
bridge clutching flowers.

“I wasn‘t looking back,“ said Lt. Gen.
Boris Gromov after leaving Afghan soil
where 15,000 Soviets died in a civil war
that still rages on.

The pullout through this border town ~
where many of the 115,000 Soviet troops
had entered Afghanistan closed a
painful chapter in Soviet history that Mik-
hail S. Gorbachev once called a “bleeding

But it did little to silence the critics who
said the Kremlin's December 1979 inter-
vention to aid a Marxist government
against U.S.-backed Moslem guerrillas
was a costly mistake.

About 200 cheering, windburned soldiers

clutched automatic rifles as they rode
mud-spattered armored personnel carriers
across the Friendship bridge over the Amu
Darya River on Wednesday —-— the UN.-
mediated deadline for all Soviets to be out
of Afghanistan.

Gromov. the 45-year-old commander of
the Soviet contingent in Afghanistan. rode
the last armored personnel carrier off
Afghan soil.

His vehicle stopped halfway across the
bridge linking Termez with the Afghan
town of Khairaton. and his 14~year-old son,
Maxim, ran out. He gave his father a
bouquet of carnations and they walked
arm-inearm the final yards to Soviet soil.

At the border, the sunburned general
appeared to be near tears when he said his
thoughts were for his countrymen who
served or died in Afghanistan.

“I thought about those who were left be-
hind, but m0st importantly about those
who have come home,“ said Gromov, who
took command in Afghanistan in 1984 on
his third to '. of duty there.

Lt. Col. Igor Azareiiok of the Soviet De-
fense Ministry said Gromov's headquare
ters group was the last to leave. and the
official news agency Tass said other troops
crossed the border Wednesday at Kushka.

In Afghanistan. tens of thousands of
guerrillas reportedly were advancing on
the capital, Kabul and other major cities.

The Afghan government Wednesday
night expressed its appreciation to the So-
viet Union for its assistance. But it also
said relations between the two should de-
velop on the basis of non—interference in
each other's internal affairs.

The Kremlin, in a statement carried by
Tass, thanked the Soviet soldiers for
“fulfilling your patriotic and international-
ist duty.“ But the Communist Party daily
Pravda, state-run TV and commentators
questioned whether the Kremlin was
correct in sending troops into Afghanistan
in the first place.

Some of the the border

troops at

ceremony also said getting involved was a

“It was a clear error. so many died. '
said senior Sgt. Asgat Husayinov. 32 He
said Afghanistan was a hell after which
you fear nothing. except maybe yourself. '

The Kremlin has acknowledged that
15.000 Soviet soldiers were killed and more
than 35.000 wounded in Afghanistan, It sent
the troops in a year after a Marxist coup
touched off a civil war.

High-ranking Soviets have said the late
President Leonid Brezhnev and a handful
of his closest associates decided to inter-
vene because the civil war threatened the
Soviet I'nion

“It is possible to doubt the Brezhnev
leadership's evaluation of the level of mili-
tary threat," Pravda said Wednesday.
“Such vitally important decisions as the
use of troops cannot be decided secretly by
a small circle of people. without the sane
tion of the parliament."

any inconvenience we have caused to any
of the injured students.‘ '

According to Blanton. the Reynolds
Building along with all other buildings on
campus have a building operator and on
top of that they are regularly inspected by
the statefire marshal.

"In the last two weeks it has been the
most inspected building at UK." he said

Although the building still has some
problems. the stairs are repaired and it
achieves a level of safety, he said

“We don't put people in buildings that
we think are unsafe." Blanton said

SGA passes
legislation for
self defense

News Editor

The Student Government :\.\.\(K‘l£tlltill a
located $420 last night for tour tree rape
awareness and scltdeferise classes for s'a

The class. which tonsists ;: wur
sessmns‘ two on North campus and I\\t) III:
South campus in 1 ,- liour segments wail
be offered to both women and men and w ill
be instructed by Steve farmer, president
of Tai Kwon Do at {K and Laura I‘Y‘t‘u
community education specialist a' tlzc in \
iiigton Rape t‘i'isis t‘enter

Farmer will teach Hie udlflt‘lt‘ttst-
portion of the session. and lircw win
struct participants about rape aw arencss

"i bclieve strongly that there is a Il'titIt-li
problem on l'niversily campuses with A:
quaintance Date Rapes. ltrew wrote ii a
letter to ESSIG ‘ ’itll because most rapes
2o unreported it l.\ tltillt‘ull to know the
true scope of the probicni

The bill was sponsored it} lit‘xtlltittll
( omiiiunity college Senator t ‘Eiris lissiti

I'Issid. who wants to iiiake the program
an annual event. said several vwiiiei. lli:‘\:'
expressed interest i:: a lzipc i-it-ieiition

"Statistics say three out 0' ion: girls w:
rapt-d or sexually .tt’flt‘
‘EtIllpllSt‘S, Fssid said ‘m- Ll’tlltl speiiti a
little money and oftcra \aiuabic scrt !t t‘

{ifimtllllt‘lf it: t

,\ tutti) study t“llltillt'it‘ti Mir} f\ tS\
[)l‘tilessiit‘ of ps}clitilogy at ht-tii Stair t ’t
\t‘l‘Sll}. lvtllllti that ore iv: cunt \\”llit’l.

\ ‘->\(-\. link i'.1-.t

Roselle meets
with leader
of conference

.\\StK‘ldlt'tI I’i'ess

l K President l)n\id ltoseilc li.i\ urn il‘ti
Southeastern (oiiicrciite t oiiiiiiissioiici
I‘Itll‘u‘) \\ St'l‘illlt‘l' titt-
spoiisc to Iii allegations lt".lt'tl against it»
basketball program by the {\t‘AA.

Rosclic was suiii .
nioiicd to Birmiiig
hatii. Ala . last Friday
for the meeting with


tlll N‘llt)tt|.\ t»-

hcidc. I‘K's director
of ptiblic relations.
called the session "a
good meeting." and
\ttltl the two men in»
cussed the response ROSELLE

Roselle and Schiller were unavailable toi
comment \t'ediiesda} Brad liaxis. the
SI-I("s assistant commissioner for coiiiniu
iiications, confirmed the meeting occurred
but refused to comment on what was dis

The (‘ouner~.lournal said iii a story iii
yesterdays editions that the allegations
were the major reason for the met-ting .it
SEC headquarters The newspaper said
Schiller requested the meeting in a letter
Feb. 6 to Roselle.

"N'o sources who asked not to be
identified told The Courier-Journal there
was no discussion at the meeting of ban-
ning [K from participation in this year's
SEC tournament March 9-12 at the I'I‘Ith‘r-
sity of Tennessee in Knoxville.

If the NCAA levels sanctions against I‘K.
Schiller has authority under SEC bylaws to
take punitive action against the school.

The SEC could force UK to forfeit con-
ference wins. ban the team from future
SEC tournaments.










3 based on actual murder

UK Theatre’s play

Freshman pitchers
adjust to University





See Page 2






2 — Kentucky Kernel, Thursday. February 18, 1888



Torn snowing
Sports Editor
Brian Jont
Assistant Sports Editor

UK rifle team shoots at toughest conference competition


get a shot to fire their guns in the
Staff Writer

NCAA Championships.

“I feel very confident in the
Southeastern Conference,“ Mullins
said. ”We should take it easily. I
consider it a sort of warm-up for

The UK Rifle team will face the
biggest challenge of its season this
weekend as they compete in the
Southeastern (‘onference
championships Friday in Nashvrlle,
and with hardly a rest. travel to
Murray State University for the
sectionals competition Sunday

Mnllin's team will face not only
those teams at Murray State Sun-
day. but. in effect, they will also
face every college rifle team in the
country There will be several sec
tional competitions going on
throughout the country. and every
individual team‘s score will go to
the same place . - the NCAA.

The top eight scores will be an

UK pitchers making the

Staff Writer

Although the SEC is important to
[K coach Henry Mullins. he feels
that tonight will be a workout for
the more important sectionals.
which determine whether UK will

gether. the two are similar in a
number of ways.

First. both are freshman pitchers
who chose UK over a number of
other schools. Second, both were
standouts in their high school base-
ball programs.

Nuss played for W.A. Berry High
School in Hoover. Ala. He compiled
a 9~l record with 96 strikeouts and
a 0.90 earned run average.

Meanwile. Vanlandingham
played for Battle Ground Academy
in Franklin. Tenn. He carried a 5-3
record with a 2.67 ERA and 82

Being out of state and moving
into a dormitory room with some-
one that you've never met before
can be a trying experience as t'K‘s
baseball players Kris Nuss and
Billy Vanlandingham discovered.

"It was hard at first because “0
are totally opposite because I
never shut up. and he never talks."
Nuss said.

Vanlandingham agreed that the
adjustment was difficult at first.
but afterwards, the duo have

strikeouts in 45 innings. an average
become good friends. of 1.82 strikeouts per inning.
"Every weekend. it is lust mo liven with the similarities, both

and him who go out." he said
Even though both were raised Ill
different states and are rooming to-

pitchers use different styles when
facing a batter.
Nuss is a very deceiving hurlel‘

nounced by the NCAA, and those
top teams will compete for the na-
tional championship.

“I feel good about our chances
(of getting to NCAA’si,“ Mullins
said. “The top eight would be quite
an accomplishment for us — some
thing of a (finderella story."

Considering that the Rifle squad
does not offer scholarships, its
marksmen winning much of any»
thing would seem an admirable
accomplishment. But Mullins said
that the UK team has been building
up a strong program through the
years, and the program attracts
potential riflemen and riflewomen.

“This season we got some fine
recruits even though we don’t offer
the scholarships," Mullins said.
“Some come for the campus and
the University, and some like our

This year has been good to
Mullins and his rifle team. His
team has shot down most oppo-
nents and set records at several

”This may be the best team UK
has ever had. We‘ve set records.
and I think established ourselves
as a nationally competitive team."
Mullins said. “We have taken leaps

adjustment to college

with his best pitch being the

head. He has really been showing
curveball. His pick-off move can be

promise with his curveball and

deadly as he holds the Alabama change-up.”

state high school record for picking Nuss and Vanlandingham have

off runners. gone through an extensive
“Nuss has a great chance in conditioning program since return-

being in the starting rotation ing from Christmas break. Both

because he is left handed, has an athletes have agreed that the work-

excellent curveball and a good outs has been beneficial,

pickoff move.“ UK coach Keith “It’s helped my pitching a jog"

Madison sald- Vanlandingham said.

On the other hand,
Vanlandingham relies on a fastball
that has been clocked at 86 mph.

“No one throws harder than
Billy.“ freshman outfielder Al
Lardo said. “As the season
progresses, he‘ll pitch more and
more." Madison said. “He‘ll be
used sparingly early because we
don‘t want to put him in over his

The dream of most college play<
ers is to one day play professional
baseball. Nuss and Vanlandingham
are no exception.

If Vanlandingham doesn‘t play in
the majors, he would like to pursue
a career in sports medicine. Nuss,
a business management major,
would one day like to have his own

and bounds to get as far as we

However, talent and consistency
do not always go hand-in-hand. At
times Mullins must feel like he’s
shooting pistols, instead of rifles, in
a game of Russian Roulette.

“Sometimes this season has

Gerig and Thomas Mulaney, both
seniors. They figure to play a large
role in determining the team ’5 fate.

But also in the line-up will be a
couple of inexperienced freshmen.
They will be counted on to put
down their immaturity and pick up

seemed like a rollercoaster; at astrong role.
times we're up and at others we’re
down. We began well. and some Overall, though, Mullins is

goals were accomplished and then
the intensity slacked off," Mullins

According to Mullins, the team
has produced two potential All-
Americans in air rifle experts Kris

confident and optimistic about his
team ’5 chances this weekend.

“The team is looking strong and
getting confident right now,"
Mullins said.


Golf team places 6th

Sta“ rePOI'lS of 69 from seniors Olen Grant

and Steve Flesch, shot a final
round team-score of 373. Grant
finished the three-day
tournament tied for fifth-place
individually out of 90 golfers
with a total score of 210, six
shots in back of the winner. Se-
nior Wildcat Steve Flssch’s final
day score was good enough to
place him in a tie for 11th.

Host University of Florida
won its own 1&9 Gator
Invitational with a final round
team score of 359, bringing the
Gator’s tournament total to 845
— two strokes better than sec-
ond place LSU’s 847 — over the

The University of Tennessee
placed third with 863 and
Georgia Southern University
and the University of
Mississippi tied for fourth with
867. UK. with 871, tied the Uni-
versity of Central Florida for
6th place.

UK, led by final round scores

UK junior Greg Lehmann tied
for 32nd.

The Wildcats take to the
greens again on March 16 for
the South Florida Invitational in





L O O K 1‘”ng


"'C'ANS 370 LONGVIEW on. 276-2574







The Kentucky Kernel
Editor in Chief Jay Blanton
Managing Editor Jim White
Editorial Editor C.A. Duane Bonifer
Copy Desk Chief Brad Cooper
News Editor Elizabeth Wade
Sports Editor Tom Spalding
Assistant Sports Editor Brian Jent
Arts Editor Rob Seng
Photo Editor Randal Williamson
Adviser Mike Agin
Advertising Director Linda Collins
Assistant Advertismg Director Jeff Kuerzi
Production Manager Scott Ward

The Kentucky Kernel is published on class days during the academic
year and weekly during the summer sessron.

Third~class postage paid at Lexmgton, KY 4051 1. Mailed subscription
rates are $30 per year.

The Kernel is printed at Standard Publishing and Printing. 534 Buck—
man St, Shepherdsville, KY 40165.

Correspondence should be addressed to the Kentucky Kernel, Room
035 Journalism Building. University of Kentucky. Lexington, KY
40506-0042 Phone (605) 257-2871.





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Kentucky Kernel. Thursday, February 18, 1909 - 3



Rob Song
Arts Editor



Contributing Writer

The UK Theatre Department
will begin the spring season
with “My Sister in This House."
a compelling psychological
drama written by Wendy Kes-

Recreating an actual histori-
cal case of murder that took
place in Le Mans, France,
Kesselman's production is a
more realistic. Americanized
version of Jean Genet‘s similar
play. “Les Bonnes“ (“The
Maids"). which was published
in 1948.

”My Sister in This House"
was first performed at Actors'
Theatre of Louisville in 1981.
Consisting of only four women,
the small cast intertwines
quickly in a complex and dis—
turbing plot.

The two French Lutton sisters
are employed between the years
19254933 by Madame Danzard
and her daughter. Isabelle,


Described as a difficult play to perform, UK
Theatre premieres "My Sister In This House,"

After continual and disturbing
psychological abuse from their
employer. the Lutton sisters
turn to one another for security
and compassion, resulting in an
incestuous relationship.

The Lutton sisters continue
their sexual kinship while still
receiving emotional pressure
from Madame Danzard and her
daughter. In 1933, a pinnacle is
reached where the sisters can
no longer endure the abuse. The
tragic climax is reached when
the sisters successfully plot and
execute the murder of their em-

Director Patrick Kagan
Moore said "it is a difficult play
for actors to perform. It is
often grim and serious, but not
without humor."

He also expressed that he was
pleased with the progress of the
actors, feeling that they had
come a lony way with charac-

Johanna Dozier, who portrays
one of the Lutton sisters, said of


a powerful psychological drama that is based
on a real-life murder.

UK Theatre opens ‘Sister,’
a factual, disturbing drama

the rapport between the cast.
“It‘s been a lot more demand-
ing, more exhausting We don‘t
have a large cast to fall back on
so we're really depending on
one another , just the four of

Although "My Sister in This
House“ is often performed in
smaller auditoriums, Moore
says that the Guignol Theatre
works fine. The show is a quiet.
complex production but the
intricacy is not lost Within the
size of the Guignol.

Dozier said “the rehearsals
have been very intense. This is
a really difficult production to
put on. but I do think that it is a
big step in college theatre."


"My Sister In This
Will be performed
through Saturday and next
Thursday through Saturday.
Tickets are $5 for the general
public and $4 for students and
senior citizens






the literary supplement of the Kentucky Kernel


is accepting submissions


We want the best and brightest authors,

artists and poets UK and Lexington have

to offer.

We want new stuff, old stuff, previously
unpublished stuff.

Give us your good, your well—wrought,

your quality.

Closet artists welcome.


Guidelines for submission:

06 Fiction submissions may be 20 pages or less.

09 Poetry submissions may be 10 pages or less.

06 All artwork must be in black and white and a medium that can
reproduce in newsprint.

'6 All entries must be typed. Dot matrix printouts are acceptable.

06 PLEASE include biographical information and a phone number at
which you can be reached.

'9 Send photocopies of your work (except art) as submissions will not

be returned.

ob Send submissions to Still Life editor, 026 Journalism Bldg, University

of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506-0042. Call 257-1915 for more


'6 Deadline: March 1, 3 pm.






Tar Babies roll into Wrocklage

Contributing Writer

Bucky Pope just changed the on
and put a new timing chain on his
van. Pope will be making the
seven-hour trek from his home in
Wisconsin to Lexington with his
band 'I‘ar Babies for a show tonight
at The Wrocklage.

The Madison—based trio is
venturing out of the Badger state
after staying close to home in the
past month following a five week
tour of Europe in December.

“It was a lot of fun and it was
rigorous, but it paved the way for a
good tour in September, when
we‘re going back for eight weeks. ‘
said Pope during a phone interView
yesterday. “We weren‘t extremely
well known when we went over
there iEuropei. but we were re—
ceived pretty well, All the places
we played want us back in Septenr

The Tar Babies have released
two albums on SST Records, Fried
Milk and No Contest. and has
recently finished recording a third
album. Honey Bubble. tor SST lt's
scheduled for release in late May
The third SST album expands
many ideas from the prevmus two
albums. according to Pope. and
uses seven additional musicians.
including a horn section.

"We started recording the album
we have finished now before we



Tar Babies will per-
form tonight at The
Wrocklage. Cover is $2.
Free Radicals will open
the show.




left. and we finished recording
when we got back So. '.l.'("‘.(‘ got an
album in the can called

"This timi- we spent about two
months doing it Honey ltiibblw
So. we were .1 mi more
experimental. and we wrote it lol til


songs in the \llltlili it‘s not .is
mellow as No t'oniuo

Although the band would be
classified loosi-l\ as .i

lunk/punk/bliies band. Popes "tr
i'luences are that oi uoui' average
bar-band musician ltui somewhere
along the way l’ope took :1 wrong
or maybe unlit ‘iirn and
stepped into ‘hi- world oi mid-me»
lt’l‘t‘fl.(iu1l'l\'_\ took

“I started playing LILItliil‘ ill tom
and was listening 'o pretty much
what everybody rise was listening
to in um”. and i‘iTii you know south
r-rn rock. 'l'i-d \ugent. 1.} nard
Skynai'd l’ope ~.iid \Iy hugcst

influence to this day is the Beach
Boys. I was into them when l was
to. but then when I became a kid
Wllh long hair. I was into what ev-
erybody else was into But l was
\ery influenced by The lted Hot
(‘hili Peppers when they came on
full force We try to combine all el—
ements in our musn'. not Just
straight tunk or straight blues. "
Many of the hardcore/thrash el-
ements of the lirst album. Face
The Music. still remain. But you
have to listen closely to their newer
albums to hear them
"Our first four songs that we re-
torded were actually one tune We
cut them up. Then we stopped
using the distortion pedal.‘ l’tipe
said ‘ l was taking Jazz chord the-
ory and I started writing songs in
odd meters That s when we lost
our audience For about ihri-e
cars we couldn't even play in (‘hi-
t'ago or .\Iilw aukec
The Tar Babies are no strangers
to the bluegrass state haying
played in Lonisyille last spring and
.ii Lexington last September. Their
:ist show in Lexington. at the now
letunct nightclub Babylon Baby
ion. drew over l to people libvious-
‘.\ this shows that the Tar Babies
lane ioiind .i niche lit the Letting-
'on scene
lii Lexington. from what I un-

derstand. the tollege \lallilll there
\VHFI. . really had a great Mme
Willi Ir't’ll ‘.ltiu Pope \éiitl

‘Rain Man’ heads list of Oscar nominees

Associated Press

“Rain Man," the Dustin lloii'nian»
Tom Cruise drama of a self
absorbed car dealer learning to
love his autistic brother. took home
eight Oscar nominations yesterday
including best picture.

In collecting the most noiiii
nations for the iiist Academy
Awards. the movie that m L‘I'L'itlltt‘
production obstacles also garnered
a best-actor nomination :oi'

Hoffman and a directing honor lot"

Barry Levinson.

Earning seven litilllllldlltilltv t‘kitli
were “Dangerous Liaisons." .i
drama set in the bedrooms oi the
elite in prerevolutionary France,

and ' \lississipiui lturning. '2 won
'rmersiai e\pioi’.itioii oi the Hill \
llalitlllllii «'1 fine “in; ’llLiltlt‘l'

Roth uteri- Hillilildlt'tl T'tl fies?
picture. .i~ scri- 'l‘ne .‘U‘L’ltlt‘llutl
'l‘oui‘istf .ui ,olapta‘ioii wt \llltt‘
l‘ylers timel about ’iii- iieait
breaks .tziii :‘o:ii.i:it-i-.« . Vine;
writer. and WorkingI m'i .: «or
litiliilt' Iiiiiteii-lia s'oi‘} thou
\t‘k'l't’idlj. (it; '\\;iii Nit-e;

\igouiiiey \\ea\ei‘ «tainted
ltllt' iou‘oh- imiiiiiitititiii or he»:

iioitilas ii- The .\ll.\l
'l‘lie ‘i'l\tliii,ll" .~ than,
and l't'.\l supporting .‘i‘ll't‘\\ as .

.ii llt‘>.\ lot

: ll\>t‘\

stirewisi, n-\i-i'iiti\i- Zyoi'kiizc
The dentin.» m.‘ 't ;ili“\k‘lilt'tl

Haiti: :4 vi. ,v\l;t



Weaii-i' ,:: 'he best
'tilllpt‘lllltili .tere hienn
ltaiieei ous Liaisons
Eoii'w losti-i’ 'I‘he ‘it’cuseii
\leryi \it‘t‘ep \ try in The
iiark. .mu .‘ileianie ih‘iiiith.

Facing llotimaii in the best at'loi’


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