xt7qft8djt38 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qft8djt38/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-04-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 15, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 15, 1985 1985 1985-04-15 2020 true xt7qft8djt38 section xt7qft8djt38 M
VotuuolflnIIU-im“ .. ' .1_~j~ .mm . mwdmwy, lum,Kenthy imam 1’7] Monday, April is, 1905
. a ’ I I 1 I I I I I II I——-* I ‘ .
\ \ . . '
UK Keeneland day - . mama-mm Religion and college
. m. “LN—Yodgatmn.mofllcetmrfl¢a. . . '
.........-. 1 1 can m est sa 8 -
to promote umty, es» mew-1m 1X, rl ,,
«swam»m.mummop.m. , , , , . . . .
say thanks to track mud”, . “Mm Spmtual ltfe IS dlfflClllt but posszble I
m- ; ~de-Noaaln or students on cam us Braxton sa 5 . .> . 1.
By PAUL J. RAUPP they've done for UK over the "m Held. f p ’ y . I ', .
Report“ yam" e m _ By ALEX CROUCH itself to producing uneducated grad ‘ . 1 _ -.
Scott Mustian. SAB vice president. ,Efammwmafiflmfla'r' Fm" R" ”m” '°" Staff Writer uates . . . only fit to take part in the . ,. .‘ 1
The Student Activities Board. re- agreed. ”It's going to be afSOOd till: ' artificial Charade of what others call ~ . ' , ‘
sponding to an idea origtnall' y pro- for students, tit also of ers us . m__ ImIsmNWICommomm The il 'ma e of reli ious stu- life." . .' -
M by President 0'33 5- Sln‘ chance to give a little back to “I Go MIStodlom. dents isp dgifrfiiculg but not igmpossible “The church has no desire to be a _' ' A. . .
elctary, i8 spomoriru “UK Day at Keeneland for all/ the times they Wmu_g.gimip.m_gsIMm a.” on the secular campus, the Rev. Ed- part of that conspiracy " instead. ' i . .. ~ , ‘
Keeneland"tomon-ow. have helped the University over the ' ward K. Braxton said Friday night Braxton said. the goal should be to ~ . , j
The first-time event, part of Little years." attheNewman Center. help religious students move 1 . -
Kentucky Dewy week. is Open to all Aside from watching the eight ters about the event to student orga- think we'll get a pretty big crowd," And after addressing the chal- through the rich and challenging ' -
UK students, faculty members 8M races, WhiCh begin at 1130 91m, par ' nizations 80d faculty members and she said. “Most students will go on lenges and pitfalls they face, he rec- years to recognize who they are as
fl :— administrators. ticipants also can get free programs placedfliers aroundcampus. their own, anyway. We‘re giving ommended a specific structure he men and womenoffaith ' i
According to SAB officials the from SAB members, who will be at IPerhaps the most visible adver- themachancetogo together.“ thinks can help. Beginning to concentrate on cam , .
day at the races ins two functions the new entrance opposite the sales tlsementI for the event will be the 500 Both Scudder and Mustian see this Braxton, who is director of Cal- olic students, Braxton said many . -. . ‘
uniting the UK community in a ‘5: pavtllon,Scuddersald. helium—filled balloons tied to various year's event as the start of a new vert House, the University of cm students have “only a mass on1Sun1 ' 1 . .
five atmmphere and saluting Keene- ?“ 0‘ the 1,090 programs set Items all over campus. “That ought LKDtradition. cago‘s Catholic student center, day contact With campus min I I ‘ '
land for its contributions over the aSIde for UK Will be Ispecullly to at least get the students' atten- “I‘m really excited about the pros- began his talk by asking what the lsters." . _ I I
ears marked. The people recelvrng them tlon,"Scudder said. pects of the day at the races," Mus- place of the church in higher educa- He went on to outline the pressur- I _ .
y ‘ will win a set of two tickets for a Mustian said he is unsure of how tian said. “It's something that can tion is. “The church is not just an es the secular campus exerts on stu1 -- .
“it's more or less a dance to get home football game in the fall. The many people will attend because continue over the years, once every alternative group. Its presence is ul- dents — predominantly the Impact ‘
students and faculty together to winnersandtheir guestswill accom- this isthefirst year for the event. “1 Spring. We could have a similar timately futile, sterile and intellec- 0f positivist disciplines 0n the stu- < .
have a good time and watch the pany the Singletarys to a pregame just have no idea how many will eventinthefall." tually defensive if ministers do not dents' beliefs, which can be nan-c or , 7. ‘
races," said Twyla Scudder, an SAB lunchemordinner. show up," he said. “I hope as many “It has a lot of potential to ex~ reach the very soul of students, fac1 uneducated. He also brought up ' -
member-at-largeand chairwoman of SAB used many promotional taC- as possible can find the time and pand," Scudder said. "It’s new this ulty and staff." questions of morality and the cm , .
the event. “At the same time, we ties to attract attention to the day. take advantageof thisopportunity." year, but I think it will continue. lt He enunciated a view of education gencies of college work. '
can thank Keeneland for what Scudder said. The group mailed let- Scudder was more optimistic. "I hasalotof room to grow." drawn from Trappist monk Thomas The bottom line for Braxton was.
Merton. “The purpose of education “HOw do you get through the secular ‘ I
CAE h Id 1 . ._ “ fl ‘ . .-..,.. Wm is to show people how to define university with a mature 20th t-en1 - >
0 S themselves spontaneously in relation tury synthesis," without being either . .
‘ totheworld." a Gnostic or an atheist. “to be truly I
0 0 . .. 1s The function of a university. he Catholic and truly a citizen of mod- . '1
ple-up llne -..,,.-.:.. e :I' .. .- . 1 . my I " ,W, ‘3: continued, is to save souls — the ernity‘?“
”is” ' jig,“ ‘--' 1...... .1. Wmmmu mature personal identity—and thus It is a process Braxton said is I I I
e e i I "' .1. . ‘asm 1 32‘ g a , W 1 . society from the hell of meaningless. “possible but very difficult." I
com etltlon 2*? I i V a“ ‘ ' :é:.‘.rre: 1' s1. a .II1 my .. self-destructive futilities. It is also a process —— a pilgrim-
p ' 5“ :v- . -~ » . ”was: 3:33: ‘3’“: 1 Z ”‘9‘":9 Today. however, “education con- age. in his words e that cannot be I
~ ‘ . \ if? ,.. ;’ Fifi : fuses means with ends and devotes Sec RELIGION. pagc.‘ ' I '
' ' s "1“ 1;?" " if; . “5“
Best entries wm I? 1 .1; , “11.1.. m1 . 9111-1“ 11 ~ 1.39.34
0 e . . ho. . , , a. 1 w @112.- .. .. "‘ ‘. S 5-3.4 ~
mght m Louisvzlle .1. 3,1 . u .1... as“ B“ b OW] I '
By NATALIE CAUDILL ; Ia? ' I _ .. f a i . .
Staff wrllfll‘ ‘III . . I I . .. 1. ~ ”to: .o 1W m ‘ I v; I
W,,,,,.,,.,,,.,,,,,,,,, m... W, 1111111 .. we is. Entomology team has become . .-
. w - -1 ' a. W . . - ,
ever heard? deml l . " 3 WJ r ' x?“ ”w '7” 1 I t‘éfi 1 c h b : ' b h
Collegian: for Aca ‘c Exce- - a? - . _ 2" ‘ 1 ‘. a...
(«:38 Perfect Date Waist. u By DAN HASSERT ——‘—___ '
most unique one ‘ve 1 Re rter H - '
um win win , mm“ evening in are \ 90 UK has dominated
l 1 “egg: Sgt“ :40, mg EIK _ When UK entomologists mention the North Central
students ir , aai on “'1 the words “winning tradition," - 1 ,
Wilding. find-raisins director for - they’re not talking about basketball. Branch, bemg 9’ 1 her
thecontast. ; If, .- ,1 1,5 1 In the department of entomology w' - '
other donated primes include din- ’ ”Wf . 3 — a branch of zoology that deals Inner 0r runner up ' '
ners for two at the Parisian P22” ‘" «1-1 3‘ . with itsects — success is associated the P051 fOW years, ' 1 ‘ '
or Hasenour’s Restaurant, ti ets ' ,’ _' _ with their rtici tion in the an1 ' ' 1 '
for the play “Wait Until Dark" at .. . I1 nuammeapgcaml’; which IS how long the . _I 1
Actors Theater and rooms at the . . ""3 Dan Ocanna, a professor of ento games have been ' .
Hyatt Regency and the Seelbach _ mology, said the Unnaean Games [a d n - I
Hotel. .. ’ 1... “'3' are a competition among entomolo- p ye ' ' ,
llThe winners also wIiIll rteIcIeeive com- gy graduate students similar to a Dan Ocanna. 1
p‘mentary cameos or evening. College Bowl contest. Two college . .
which will bring the estimated pack- a teams, facing each other. are asked professor ofemomOIOg-l '
agestomorethansmadate. ‘ “toss-up" questions. The team that _ 'I , V . ,
“I thought it would be a nice idea . '" first correctly answers each ques» has a record of 10-2 in Single games, '. . I
to get away and do something Spe- ' s. ,g. (I... t . tion is awarded points and the 0p- which. Barney said, is “by far the ' ‘ , ' .
cial,"Wildingsaid. - I. portllnity to win more points by an1 best record of any school." ' ‘ . .
The entries will be judged by 'I‘lm I " swering a “bonus“ question. The Thoeny said the other eight teams ' - .
W1 Student Government team With the most points advances in the North Central Region recog- - , . . ~
Association president; louis Straub, ! tothenext round. nize UK‘s predominance. At the . 1 . ,
president of the Student Activities ' 1 Ocarina said the games were competitions, “people tell us in the I .
Board; Holly Bankemper, a UK \ named after Carolus Linnaeus. a elevators 7 ‘We know you‘re the ' ,
cheerleadenandWilding. " ' Swedish naturalist, “who, among team to beat,‘ “ '
The contestants are encmlraged to other things, was the proponent of Entomology professors Lee ' , - .
run Wild With their imaginations, hilt —..-- ' " ,i . the type 0i naming system Wthh We Townsend and Dan Potter. are the '
any profanity might disqualify en- » *5.“ Y useto name living organisms.“ two coaches of the team and helped ' . .
tranul, Wildim said. CONGO!!! ' s )1. ,I. *' The Linnaean competition ”is the it prepare for the competition. Sh- ‘. '
membersw'llldecide whichlinesare 3.3: .I;.ii< .' t "1., only real competition among ento winghammer said the team had ' . 1 .’
notappropriate. “tip? :' I; V " Ii . i ' , - ”if .. . 1 mology departments in the COUH- practice sessiors every Friday 1
The two winners will be notified CV- ' 11 -1 1 .. III ‘ 1“ “’1 ' try," said Bob Barney, one of the where they made up and answered . .
April220r23. 1... ‘ liww ’ « W" ‘ *1-5" . .... . 1 r. four entomology graduate students typical questions. ’
But, Wildirc added, “they (the '5 _ ‘ '-"""" .1. s31 - M2135. on UK‘s team. The four: Barney, Some typical questions are “What ' ‘
winners) have to W33 out their 0W“ ‘1“ ,_ ;~ aw; 1 1 Bill Thoeny, Kurt Shwinghammer species of insect transmit encephali- ‘
dates." " ' '1' :1 £336. c3" ‘ we? 1- 1 ‘ 'Wi.‘;i.’ and Lenny Dintenfass, recently won tis?" and “Name three families of .
Interestecl students can receive ~ " 1, giafsj‘iif‘irfi i “M 1:"- ‘ . _ I the North Central Branch 0f the Lin- insects that are wingless.“
entry sheets from all 50 CAE mem- . . 1:.:'.}ft‘l,.°1“"f.' . ”W " . :- '- snare .‘vz-1» - I I’ f‘ ..,.;.f;,..... naean Games, continuing the team‘s The practice questions were divid- .
bets m camps 0' drop by I“ . him}? ‘ . 1— i ark-“”3"“ ’ “r " X11 “‘9‘; .41??? ‘ ' winning tradition. ed into such categories as the histo ‘ .
Student Center. The deadline for the ‘ I ’ “seeing““fl figsié-T; ' “UK has dominated the North ry of entomology, insecticides, ecol-
conteat is April 2 and the entry fee 11 1.“. e. 19‘2"...“ 3*” «It? 5"”; «32.1151; ‘1. t ‘ Central Branch, being either winner ogy, physiology, people and - .
“The f the try f “E“ 5m""/"“""5“" or nlnner-up the past four yearS. statistics. Each team member con- ‘ .
money rom en 9“ ' Wthh is how long the games have centrated on “bonin u " in certain
will be donated to the UK General smaShlng been played," Ocarina said. In addi- categories. g p
' , sai . . . . . . ' , ‘ ‘ '
gemmhmp is a Jeff SchroIcnng, an Arts & Scrences Junior, serves the ball in a volleyball game yesterday at the :aoauiahfcfimpmhigafgrceglltthfi coflggag‘hmcigggg‘rs amechggggl . .
sub-committee d the Academic Ex- Lamda Cl“ Alpha fratemlty house. yearsof the national competition. also rectgnized UK's strong compet-
cellenceOommittee. During these four years, Kentucky See Bl'G. pages
"lane STEPS office helps students
* ~ ...,............ -- secure summer em loyment
V: lit: *4“ I1 BySAlLAJA MALEMPATI blindly," she said. I‘:We work with them until they get 0 K
Mg? j i:- , 23;: -3; Staff Writer muting they like. ( R e w
as _ 1, I: ‘.~" 11,1. The Career Planning and Placement Center offers \
11331.“? $531.13 is ..__....a,_.,, There is still hope for students who don‘t have jobs for students a variety of actlvrtlea through which they can g i,
iswgw . ‘3‘ sgéw. theeummer. _ learn "how to market themselves,” said Drama How- (- 7 .
.'.. j 1. -III; _ .3. .1, With a little Initiative and the help of Students Tempo ard, associate directordthecenter. VJ 7
:i’ " . ' "$1 rel-y Wt Placement Service, etuderlta may "I encourage students to take advantage of our serv- '- l
«1st. Mfrs-c2“ (1. flndtheeummerjobetheyvebeenlooklngfor. lcee" she said “le should t W W \ ,
t..;.1.;,:i.......1.1esfials. '--3..'h'1':{:.‘i£‘ STEPS, a service available to help UK some seek- mm m mam MW 6- . g i _ \
“mg"unuveematepebmmewe ' I” ‘ . ‘ —/
mm mmmMmfiflaflmm,” Howardealdthetypedjobonehokhwillhaveebiga m
wmforoiemice . lrflwtceonleteremployment.eapeclallylfthaioble% I [J —,.
1 1 . .-t a my.” WWSTEPSMU ’l'heyknowwe oareerrelated.“Nearly56pementofUKatudantawlll 1? ‘6‘
. g .» .L “31.13:“ .1 . :1 in“! M” a” M," all said, "If a “I. want: I holdcarec-relatedjobetflullnm." . - «AK
'1 ".1: ahtdanLtheyeallll,wecalltheehldnt.thenttheehl- . . % , \l
. . ” ‘1 1 ‘ it donkmallthehnlnaaaorgoforapamllntervlew. Moetofthejoheavallableforamdultaforum . 7-Il—i 1}
. 1-1. ‘ - ' " *‘ Newjobebeomavallableeverythy,meaid. Wmmflnmmmonrduld. I. 57“"- t | 1/“
. *‘1 wei- “Wm“noeeallluufwmtowort areatllljoheavallablelnallflelth,but“the
- .. . 1. I}: STEPS he a staff to Interview w and m be,"nowardaald. trim
”.mdonothvetoptothom antitrust-ed
l I

 z-xmvxmmmu 7‘
information on this calendar of events is collected
and coordinated through the Student Center Activities
_ _, ._ ,. ,, .,. Office. 203/294 Student Center. University dim».
tucky. The information is published as supplied by the
. on-campus sponsor, with editorial privilege allowed
for the sake of clarity of expression. For student orga-
. ' nizotions or University departments to make entries on
the calendar, a Campus Calendar formmust be filled
out and returned to the Student Activities Office.
‘ DmdiiscfomswflibcscccnsdnoiuulheubsMonfiyMthrpum ' due.
1 0 Exhibitions: MFA Thesis
Exhibition: Caron Cunningham; 107
Fine Arts Bldg; 12-4230 daily;
. Call 7-8148
° Exhibitions: Prints, Drawings 3 Paintings 0 Academics: Advance Registration for 1985 0 Academics: Advanced Registration for 1985 e Plays: Rashomon: $5-Pub./$4-Stu. 8. Sr.
by Lanelle Kelly; Rasdall Gallery; Call 7-8867 Fall Semester Fall Semester Cl"; C", Guginol Theatre; 3 pM; Call 7.3297
‘ F‘hlmeMi ”90"” from Rodin’s '50?” Of 0 Concerts: UK Jazz Ensemble 1 8 11 Benefit 0 Meetings: National Organization for e Workshops: Alumni Job Club: Free; 103A
:dLCAlll'7N5h7‘12‘Jm; COM" 10' ”‘0 Ar“: '2'5 7' Concert; $5; Center for the Arts; 8 PM; Call 7- Women meeting; 109 SC; 12 Noon; Call 254- Mathews Bldg.; 5:30 PM
~ ”"1 ° ' _ 4929 2946 0 Meetings: UK Fencing Club meeting- Equip-
. Academics: Advanced Registration for 1985 o Lectures: Joe Creason Lecture: Charles Mc- 0 Movies: The Outlaw Josey Wales; $1.75; ment available; Alumni Gym; 7:30 PM
Fall Semester Dowell, speaker; Center for the Arts; 8 PM; Worsham Theatro;7:30 PM 0 Movies; The Outlaw Josey Wales: $1.75:
0 Movnes: Red Dawn; $1.75; Worsham Call 7-3145 0 Sports: UK Baseball vs. Evansville Universi- Worsham Thootro; 7:30 PM
, Theatre; 7:30 PM 0 Meetings; Emergence Feminist Women's tyat home; Shivley Field; 1 PM 0 Other: 1985 Home Economics Banquet; SC
. ‘ '1 Other: Romans: A Letter to Non-Conform- Press meeting; 111 SC; 5:30 PM; Call 254-2946 0 Workshops: Seminar on Time Manage- Ballroom; 6:30 PM
. ists A Bible study; 412 Rose; 7 PM; Call 253- 0 Movies: Red Dawn; $1.75; Worsham ment-space is limited, phone early; Rm. 15 e Concerts: Lexington Philharmonic Young
0329 _ . _ Theatre: 7:30 PM Memorial Hall; 8:15AM; Call 7-1851 poop”, Concerts; Center for ,5. Arts; 10:30.
- ° R9019“: Jr. "WWII “05 ROW: 509701101 0 Other: UK day at Keeneland; $1.75 at 0 Other: Film ‘To Bear Witness' w/panel/dis- Noon; Call 233-4226
Center 10' "‘9 Ar“! 3 PM? CO" 74909 gate; Keeneland Race Track; 1 PM; Call 8-6991 cussion by Rabbi William Leffler; 245 SC: 8 PM; o Meetings: AAUP meeting-Don Soule 3 Dr.
: . ’ SPOT“: BIUOQTOSS OP." F_9"C'"9 TOU'MI' 0 Recitals: Tuesday Noon Recital Series; Cen- Call 7-3191 Govindaraiulu discuss Salary Report: 233 C8: 3
ment- All welcome; Free; Alumni Gym; 10 AM tor for the Arts; 12:30 PM; Call 7.4900 PM; Call 7-3763
‘ 0 Academics: Deadline for Financial Aid Ap- e Workshops: Hidden Job Market; Free;
plication: Financial Aid Office 103A Mathews Bldg.; 11 AM
9 Lectures: Hal Hamilton on Kentucky Farm 0 Lectures: Sexual Health Considerations for
U'MY Coalition; 223 SC; 7330 PM; CO” 77052 Young Adults; 214 SC: 3:15 PM; Call 7-6598
0 Meetings: UK Water Ski Club meeting; SC;
. , - 6:30 PM
0 Exhibitions: MFA Thesis Exhibit Reception-
free 8. open to the public; 107 Fine Arts Bldg;
' 6-8 PM; Call 7-8148
0 Other: AIAA Seminar- Zero-G Combustion
and the Space Shuttle; 257 Anderson Hall; 3
, PM; Call 253-1918
0 Plays: Rashomon; $5-Pub./$4-Stu. 8. Sr. 0 Plays: Rashomon; $5-Pub./$4-Stu. 8 Sr. 0 Concerts: The Bach Aria Group: 511- ' Exhibitions: MFA Th“i‘ Exhibition: Caron
Cit.; Cit. Guginol Theatre; 8PM; Call7-3297 Cit.; Cit. Guginol Theatre; 8PM; 7-3297 Pub./$7- UK Stu.; CFA-Concert Hall; 8 PM; Call Cunningham; '07 Fm. Arts Bldg-2 12-4z30 PM
0 Concerts: Jonathan Shames; Subscription 0 Recitals: UK Guitar Ensemble: Michael 7-4929 daily: Call 7-8148 . . . .
Series; Center for the Arts; 8 PM; Call 7-4929 Fogler, director; Center for the Arts; 8 PM; 0 Plays: Legacy; $5-Pub./$4-Stu. 8 Sr. Cit.; ' ’EXh'meM! “90'” from ROd'" 3 50195 0'
‘ 0 Concerts: UK Chorale: Sara Holroyd, direc- Call 7-4900 Lab Theatre; 8PM; Call 7-3297 Hell - Art Museum; Center for the Arts; 12-5 T-
tor; Center for the Arts; 12 Noon: Call 7-4900 0 Sports: UK Baseball vs. Vanderbilt at home 0 Sports: UK Baseball vs. Vanderbilt at 5°"; COIN-5,7,6
0 Movies: Starman; $1.75; Worsham Theatre: (DH); Shivley Field; 1 PM home; Shivley Field; 1:30 PM ' 0'Other: Romans: A Letter to Non-Conform-
730 pM 0 Movies: Starman; $1.75; Worsham Theatre; 0 Movies: Starman; $1.75; Worsham Theatre; “'5 ' A 3'5“ study; 4‘2 R0“; 7 PM; Call 253‘
' Workshops: Energizing the Commuter Per- 7:30 PM 730 pM 0329 .
spective on your Campus/$10 for Stu.; 228 SC: 0 Sports: LKD UK Rugby Tournament; Rugby 0 Sports: LKD UK Rugby Tournament: Rugby ° MOW”: Starman; “-751 W°“h°'“ "1'0""?
: 9.5 PM Pitch; 1 PM; Call 73920 Pitch; 1 PM; Call 7-3928 7130 PM , . .
0 Sports: UK Women's Softball vs. Eastern 8 0 Recitals: Senior Recital: Jodi Yasko, Flute; ' 01h“: Phi 3°” K°PP° '""'°"°" and 8°”
Western at home; Woodland Park Field; 11 Todd Farmer, clarinet; Memorial Hall; 5 PM; 9““? 5C 3°"'°°"‘i 7130 PM; Call 7'67“
' AM; Call 7-3928 Call 7.4900 ‘ 0 Sports: UK Womons Softball vs. Transylva-
' 0 Other: Black Student Union Award Ban- nia at home: Woodland Park Field; 4 PM
quet; SC Ballroom; 6:30-9 PM 0 Concerts: Cauncil on Aging Spring Concert-
‘The Best of Broadway'; Center for the Arts;
7:30 PM; Call 7-3145
. - Movies Arts 8 Concerts éé‘) intramural and Athletic Events
' \ . . 4 15; Red Dawn:$1.75; Worsham 15.0.";730 pM 4/16: Concerts: UK Jazz Ensemble I 8 ll Benefit Concert- $5; Center for the ”'5‘ "WW OP." Mi” Tournament- 9" W'km "“5 Alumni GYM?
' 47 16: Red Dawn; s1.75: Worsham Theatre; 7:30 PM Am: 5 PM: C0" 7-4929 '° AM‘ 0'" 277"”
4,17; The Outlaw Jo.” Wales; 31.75; Worsham They"; 730 pM 4/18: Lexington Philharmonic Young People's Concerts: Center for the Arts: ”'7‘ UK “”59"“- Em"... WWW 9’9“": 91M” “9”; I PM
. 4 , 18: The Outlaw Josey Wales: $1.75: Worsham Theatre: 7:30 PM 10:30Noon: Call 230-4220 UN UK Scuba" vs. Vanderbilt at homo (DH); 51:1qu Field; 1 PM
, 4,19; 510mm"; 5115; Worsham Theatre; 730 pM 4/19: Jonathan Shames; Subscription Series; Center for the Arts: 8 PM; Call 7- ”20‘ ”(0 UK Rm “WWW" Rm PM"; I PM
, L20: Starman;$1.7s; Worsham Theatre; 7:30 PM 4929 4/20: UK Women's Softball vs. Eastom 5 Western at home; Woodland Park
4/21: Starman; $1.75; Worsham Theatre; 7:1) PM 4/19: UK Chorale: Sara Holroyd, director; Center for the Arts: 12 noon; Call 7- ”PM: 11 AM
. 4:22: Starman; $1.75; Worsham Theatre; 7:30 PM 4903 4/21: UK Baseball vs. Vanderbilt at home; Shivley Field; 1:30 PM
. - 4721: m. Bach Aria Group; $11-Pub./$7-UK 510.: CFA-Concort Hall; a PM; Call ”2“ "‘0 ”1‘ka VW'WW": “"967 PM: 1 PM
». . 74929 4/22: UK Women's Softball vs. Transylvania at home; Woodland Park Field; 4
_ ‘ . 4/22: Council on Aging Spring Concert- 'The Best of Broadway'; Center for the PM '
, Arts: 7:30 PM: Call 7-3145
: C 4/17: Seminar on Time Management- space is limited, phone early; Rm. 15
. , Memorial Hall; 8:15 AM:Ca117-1051
Meetings and Lectures A Specml Events we: AlumniJabClub: Free; 100A Mathews Bldg.: 5:30 PM
‘ ' . '1 4/19: Energizing the Commuter Perspective on your Campus/$10 for Stu.; 228
. ' 4/15 thru 5/3: Exhibitions: Prints, drawings, I paintings by Lanelie Kelly; Ras- SC; 9-5 PM
' . , ' . 4 '16: Meetings: Emergence Feminist Womens‘ Press meeting; 111 SC; 5:30 PM; doll Gallery; Call 7-8867
' , . Call254-2946 4/15 th 6/2: F1 1 Rodi ' 'Gat ot H il‘- Art M ; Con i
' y -’ 4 16: UK WaterSkiClubmeoting: SC: oszM theArtsr;u12-51-Sugr:rc.:ill;?5"7‘16 "3 a . uleum ter or Locking Ahead
4 17: National Organization for Women meeting: 109 SC; 12 Noon; Call 254- 4/15 thru 4/24; MFA 11...}. Exhibition: Caron Cunningham; 107 Fine Arts
2946 . Bldg.: 124:30 PM daily: Call 7-8148
4x16: UK Fencing Club meeting- Equipmont available; Alumni Gym: 7:!) PM 4/16: MFA 715.“, Exhibit Reception- free 0 open to it. public; 107 an. Arts 4/23: UK Baseballvs. Cincinnati at home; Shivley Field; 3PM
. 4'18: AAUP meeting- Don Souie 0 Dr. Govindaroiulu discuss Salary Report; Ildg.;6-BPM; (“17.3140 4/23: Faculty Recital: Dmitry Feofanov 8 Carol Sampson, duo-pianists: Center
233CB: 3PM: Coll7-3763 4/15: Recitals: Jr. Recital, Lios Reedy, soprano: Center for the Arts: 8 PM; Call forthoArts: 8PM; €1.11le
4 15: Lectures: Hal Hamilton on Kentucky Farm Unity Coalition; 228 SC; 7:3) 7.4900 4/24: legacy;$5-Pub./SO~Stu.ISr.Cit.; LabThoatro; BPM;Call7—3297
. . ' PM: Call 7-7052 ms: Tuesday Noon Recital Series; Center for the Arts; 12:30 PM: Call 74900 4/24: UK Icahn" vs. tout-viii. at homo: Shivley Hold; 3 PM
gaérc 1307 gr?» l-Ot'uror Cheri“ AMONG". spook-f: Comor 1°! "'0 Am: 3 4/20: UK Guitar Ensemble: Michael Fogler, director; Center for the Arts; 0 PM; 4/24: UK Worn-«'- Sot'boll vs. Gears-town at hone: Woodland Park Field: 4
z o - 4 Coin—4900 'M
- . :50: Sexual Health Considerations for Young Adults; 214 SC: 3:15 PM: Call 7- 4/21: Senior Recital: Jodi ymo, flu”; Todd Farmer, doflno'; Memorial Hall 5 :43: Roshomon; $5-Pub./$4-Stu. 8 Sr. Cit.; Cit. Guglnol Theatre; 8 PM; Call 7-
_ PM: Coin-491!)
- , “‘5: ics: ncoRegls for 1905Falli ter :43: UK Chorus: Allen Goodwin, director: Center for the Arts; 8 PM; Call 7-
’ 0/15: Deadline '01’ "WNW A” WNW: Financial A” Olfico ‘m: m m Award CIR-"10"}! "D w fol D'FDM" Center '0'
4/17: AdvancoRegistratlonfor19IS Fall Semester
4/15: Other: ’Romons: A Letter to Non-Conformists' A Bible study; 412 Rose: 7
, ‘ 4/16: UK day at Koonolend; $1.75 at gate; Keonolond Race Track; 1 PM: Call
4/16: AIAA Seminar- zero-6 Combustion and the Space Shuttle: 257 Anderson
”011:3 PM: Call 253-1918
4/17: Film 'To Beat Wifnooe' w/penol/discussion by I“ William W: m -
SC: 8 PM; Call-74191
4/10: 198 Home Economics Banquet: SC Ballroom; 6:” PM
4/2it Block StudontUnionAwardlanquot: SCIellroommzfl9PM
4/22: 'lomons: A Letter to Non-Conformists' A Bible study: 412 Rose: 7 PM:
4/22: PhiloteKoppoinitiotionondlmauet: SCIoliroom; Coin-6142
4/18 thru 4/20: Roshomon: “Pub/“Stu. I Sr. Cit.; Ot. Guginoi Theatre: I
4/21: Legacy: “Put/844M I St. Cit.; us Theatre: 0 PM: Cell 74297
4/16: Workshops: ttiddonUob Market: Free; iflAMoihowsIdm 11 AM
-. . ‘

eeseaaiit" '
'ld t t V l 14 1
0 p P 9 UK s tennis team oses to a ama,
Statfreports the second inning when Greg Ste- Yosterday, however. the senior first . '
m W W ................ k 25 h k (1 Fl d d
mm. m. _ “was “teams. 5 .. a. d. “5;. a» a... 5;» tangy. g: ta es on t -ran e on a to ay . . .
pitcherChris s on . nswas or-_ y 'un_ Jurn ouon in , .
batters and save up only six hits to “nth two “9““, a triple and f0)" fustmmnstakmsanearlywlend. Staffreports Kentucky’s Paul Varga upset tured the other three singles - ,
help the Wildcats defeat Tennessee BBLRIgtlthIng hIS first game wrn- The Wildcats bounced back in the Alabama's Andy Solis. es. 6-4. at wirs.
here yesterday. 1+1. mns ; third. scoring five runs on six hits to The Kentucky men's tennis the No. isingios spot. Varga and . . . _ 7 . .. ,
The victory puts the Wildcats back The Wildcats went on to score one take a 5.3 lead. [gyntz capped off team will be looking to get its Solis, who had two career victo . Alabama “Pkg up its my , , '.
into the running for second place in run In the third. three In the fifth the Kentucky half of thethirdwitha feet back on the winning track “a We, Varga before Same In]: three VIC es In a . ' .
the Southeastern Conference East- and three in the Sixth: An eight-In- grand-slam home run. The Wildcats when the team takes on the 25th- day's 1055‘ both are ranked in the P Y- - . .-
em Division. The first- and second- Inns hIttIng spree Wlth two outs wentonto win 74. ranked Florida Gators today. Top 30 of collegiate players in the Solis and Hann combined for a . . . ,
place finishers in the East and West gave them SIX more runs. ' Kentucky senior Joe Farmer, 3-3, Starting time for the match will nation. victory at the No. 1 doubles spot - ' . . ~
divisiom advance to the SEC Tennessee’s only run came. In the worked four innings to earn the win he 2 pm. at the Kirwin-Blanding Alabama picked up its two sin- over Paul Varga and Keevins. t‘r ‘ ', . . '
Championship. Gish!“ when Alphonso Martin and and junior Jack Savage came on in Complex courts. 81% wirs when Gregg Harm 3‘ 62, while Van Der Boom and ' .{
Kentucky is now 840 in the confer- Davrd Turner Singled. Pat Sullivan relief to pick upthesave. On Saturday, the Nth-ranked knocked off David Keevins at the Jim Grossman upset Bailey and .‘ ‘- '1 r ,
ence with only home stands agaimt smacked another Single, scoring In the second game Saturday, UK Kentucky squad was upset by the No. 2 singles position, 53, 64, Andrew Varga at the No. 2 dou- . . , , t'»
Vanderbilt and Georgia left on its Martin. . pitcher Jay Ray. 4-5. went the dis- zoth-ranked Alabama Crimson and Wijnand Van Der Boom de bles position, 3-6, (H. 64. Ma '. l '
conference schedule. The win im- Kentucky's Clint Arnold went 3- tance for the Wildcats to record a 9- Tide, 5-4. feated UK‘s Pat McGee. as. 6—2. bama's Stephan Viljoen and Hen— .{ - ‘. '2
proved the Wildcats' overall record for-5 on the day with a solo home 5 Kentucky win. The Wildcats had 13 UK jumped out early in the attheNo. aposition. ner Lenhardt picked up the third . - .. ’ , . p
to 1849, and combined with Satur~ run in the third. and. Jim l..eyritz hits in the game while Tennessee match, winning four of the six Kentucky‘s Mark Bailey. Steve doubles victory. defeating McGee . - , .
day’s sweep. markedthefir'st time til: ridged altlwo-gun htlTSmnlme fifth'l.‘ committed 13 errors. singlm matches, Denney and Andrew Varga cap and Keith Cook, 6—2, 345, as. - ;
UKteamhastakenthreefrom rro,wowa oyone en- .. 1 1' ‘.
Volunteers. nessee batter, is now 1-1 on the sea- mgmcg :33: t°mL°mswue F3] m j _. .. ‘ .
lso son. . ‘ . p'. 3 game Wl. , . ,. _
The loss for Tennessee a y . the Umversrty of Loursvrlle at Cardi- ' ' ‘ .
marked the first time that it had Kentuckysnandy Clark had his mlsmdium. uy Kernel ( [aSSl [eds .
been swept in a threegame series corsecutrve hitting streak broken in . _ I. _ { . ‘
on its home field since Florida’s yesterday S contest. On Saturday. The Wildcats return home on —_—__.___.__—_.__________ . . . t .
romphere in an Clark set a new Kentucky record. Wednesday for a 1 pm. game with ' - I.
Kentucky scored its first run in hitting safely In 20 straight games the Evansville Aces . . .. .-
. .. > . I r ‘ ‘ .’ .
Langer Wins Masters by two strokes, - ;. .
' ° ' . ‘, if. 1'
becomes first German to take title H E RE 5 How .-
AUGUSTA, Ga. (AP) — West Ger- famed green jacket that goes to the for the year on the PGA tour reeling . p '.
man Bernhard hanger. taking full winner, used the two par-5‘s on the back into the pack and paved the _ . * ,
advantage of Curtis Strange's wa- back nine, the 13th and 15th, as the way for the curly-haired Langer, 27. U ’
tery disasters yesterday, fired 8 keys tohis triumph. to join South African Gary Player ' , _ . j
4-under-par 68 in the closing round [anger birdied both. reaching the and the current British Open cham- - . ~
and became only the third foreign putting surface in two and 2-putting pion. Seve Ballesteros of Spain. as ; ' ‘ I . ‘
player to win the prestigious Was on each. the only foreign winners of the tour- . ~ .
ters golf tournament. Strange, who hadn't even expected nament that ranks with the US. and p ' ' ._
Langer, the first German to win to play here, opened the tournament British Opens and the PGA as the .7. ' ' ,
any of golf’s four major with an so and bogeyed both those game's Big Four. . . .
champiomhips, acquired his first holes He hit into Rae's Creek on the . Ad ' ' ‘
American triumph by a two-stroke lath and took two shots to get out of Strange. the winner 0f “”9 .Tour Mi , '_
. . . . - - events already this season. finished -
margin With a 282 total. 6-under-par the little stream trickling along In a with a 71 and was tied for second at
on the Augusta National Golf Club rocky ravine. . m with Ballosteros and third-mimd ' .
gamsiommggs dampened by 3" °°' (1381:23fl $125331??? 50:33 leaderRay Floyd. We have moved temporarily from the GIllIs Building .
Langer, four shots back with nine thepondin frontof thegreen. Ballosteros shot a fourth round 70 f ' ' ‘
holes to play in the chase for the it sent the leading money winner while Floyd matched par witha72. O Rxom 23? ?If the SlUgenl IcenJer Agdlhon' « , .
e are u y opera mm: on rea y to
—_—__‘_-‘————_————_—— e a . > .
serve you In this new temporary location. . .
Advertise III THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, for results! Teleplwne- 257-7148 . -
Reg istra r ' ' '
We have moved our services in the Gillis Building up ' '
to a temporary location, the American Tobacco _, . 1 ' ,
Warehouse Building on South Upper Street. ‘ . ' '_
The entrance to our new quarters faces Bolivar { .. '. ' _
KEN TUC K Y Street see map below. I I "
BLDG. - {_ _.-
._ . :.-r~* “av“:GILtls BLQG‘.‘ . , . .. .'
.' ' ADMINISTRATION DR ':~..~.; 3" I . ..,_
1“ STUDENT E] _, -' . g ' ~ ’ {
CENTER ”:9 .v .
> g .
oi PETERSON _. '
3 SERVICE ‘ {m p . ..
0 AMERICAN BLDG. (23‘ . .
- 3221-8 TOBACCO ' A p
a BLDG. [j ”35‘ U; .' ' ~.'
" ,..-"_:-,.~1 2:73:11:i-':':';-.'-.u9PER ST.“_:';:’. 53:0»: TAYMLDG .
L] < l
.J r
A We will offer all of our normal servrces to students
and faculty at this new temporary locatIon, _
including applications for transcripts. '
Telephone: 257-3161
We will continue to offer the regular services in
. Miller Hall
including the Summer Advismg Conference
and the office to certify clearance of
financial delinquencies.
We are sorry for any inconvenience we have caused you I
l . .

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