xt7qft8djs6g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qft8djs6g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-04-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 11, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 11, 1979 1979 1979-04-11 2020 true xt7qft8djs6g section xt7qft8djs6g ,,~‘ .. u... .I..~.vr.:'¢r~~n... ...... .._. ,
Vol. LXXI. No. L39 Ker 21 University of Kentucky
Wednesday. April It, I979 an Independent student newspaper Lexington. Kentucky
— —
" Bla k a th Ma 3 Angel th 'lls
_V,v.r.-=,’rk-‘§<"‘¢' . -.;,.-.._.,. 2-,” f . ‘ '
- -- - crowd wrth glorious performance
. ' V ‘ ’1‘,in ' T
_ _7 are, 1
v .... “..., name-2:" - 5 a ,. y *3
.. ’2 3' ' ‘ a By BRIDGET McFARIANI) glory...somewherc in their body. love. She said slaves “laughed when
_ I ' - - Staff Writer pOIlIICflII)’. SOmCWhCR‘ in IhClI bOd). they wercn't tickled and scramhed =
"M J; ‘ . .. _ ' : y _ g _ ‘ SOCI’dHY. ”‘ch Is it tilt")! when they didn‘t itch“sotheir children
. . . = "M " . Ihe audience in Memorial Hallylast “People live in direct relationship could eat and live.
" «a 31 night expectedtohear black American with the heroes and .v-lieroes they‘ve . . g y
2 ._ = . author Maya Angelou give a speech. had. Always. every human being. even Angelou spoke m. connection wrth
_, =' . - i . . Instead. she gave a magical. mystical if it‘s just two people. a family. people “K S Women Writers Conference
4! t , y " a performance of love and glory. in the neighborhood. people in the being held. ”"5 week. Other writers
. 2. . . g I”. ... w . f A“ .. 'thwr . :2: Angelou is an actress. dancer and city. m the nation. a tribe. a species. working With the conference are Toni
' a“ 2 .. ~. . t. ~32: . 2 h.“ “weewtht .’ W“: W’” "W W lm that" “at and Ruth wli‘t’man and Ruth stone
, ' W ‘ " ‘ ’° ' y/wtamfygtfy. 1- ( aged Bird Sings. She sprinkled her I he oral literature. the blues. the poets and teachers ‘ ‘ _
' -, t? performance With poetry and song. spirituals. (of blacks). that body of ‘ .. y
. - ' = ' " g; . ' Above all. Angelou displayed a sense literature is the greatest contribution 'I tiday"s activities include an
. ’t y .54": . ' of humor in herself and a sense of yet to the United States.“ informal student discussion with y
. D r ‘ . - .‘ ’ spiritual well-being and dignity in her Angelou spoke about other aspects Angelou at |0;()0 am. in the Student
N» 4 t ”1;. W womanhood and her race. Even when of black" culture. She defined (‘enter's President‘s Room. a reading ‘
a A .1 . --‘ fl she was not ‘quoting her own or “signifying (asa method of using the by Bambara at 3:00 pm. also in the
k m someone else s poetry. Angelou s language to inform someone of agripe President‘s Room and a presentation
. . _ r . w speech patterns rang of poetry. “without actually saying the words“ by Whitman at 8:00 pm. in Room l06
' g 2.” Telling the audience she wished to and "without letting anyone know (‘lassroom Building.)
. . .. “m. x ' speak about "glory“ in literature. who you are addressing." All activitiesare freeand opentOthe
~ W ”yew.“ Angelou said. “How do people She also spoke of “lfncle 'lom-ing" public. For additional information
.. survive‘.’ I suggest because there is a as a survival apparatus and a form of call ZSX-ZI l4 or 257-l727. _
v Kernel editor wrns award -
at ' ' .
, V --._ ._ V Kernel editor—in-chief Steve claiming he was the victim of “reverse 5 ‘1 ‘ .
i I ~ lin has been awarded the first WCJUd'CC‘" 1'. =' *5": , '
2 I. "w...” Elie glf'lrark of Excellence award in V'hC‘lv-S- S”I’m"c COUNS'UPPONCd 63%
a h ‘ " . ” I editorial writing bythe Chicago region Bakk“ ‘ h‘d m cm” “ChOOL and ruled g 4 3" ' .'-.
. g Q « of Sigma Delta Chi Society 0‘ that. WhlIC- race can be a factor in .___ ‘2 '
By DAVID MAYNARD/Kernel Staff Professional Journalists. dmmlmmfi employment arid ,1! = i a" 2. T}.
' academic admission. quotas should _j t: . / é.
What the deuce? .Ballingcr.who has been editorof the not be used. '1 2, , . J_
' Iserne/ for two years. received the ()ne of the ctvrnpetit'itinjudges wrote : f; '
award for an editorial published in that “the cdilunul“ag extremely long. ,_
. . y . February l978 entitled “Individual but one that wasted no space. Its f ~
. All-Southeastern ( onference player .lack \\ ebb. ofthc ('incinnati. \\ ebb lost his _match.. but the team won Merits Must Be Guaranteed} The substance “a“ balanced and fair." ' .
I'K tennis team. prepares to return a serve while his overall by 6-3. Ihel Iv tennis team is nevt match will be editorial concerned the Alan Bakkc A graduate of Henry (‘lay High 3.2 .. .
" coach. (iraddy Johnson. and his brother. Scott. watch this Thursday at 2:30 p.m.lat. theOSeaton ( enter tennis case. and took a stance that was 51‘th Ballinger plans to pursue a ' ’ .- . 2 .: .
f during yesterday‘s match against the l niversity of courts. Ihey will face the l niversity of Louisville. supportive 01 the man who sought to career in iournalism after graduating . = 2 ‘ L}
be admitted to medical school. ll‘. Mav STEVE BALHNGER . ‘ = .
' M st d ts f' ht dorm changes for cagers
, urray u an lg .
By STEVEN BALLINGER wants a “controlled situation" where building. but said it is a “looser“ Some of the In students have [)epartment 0‘ Health. Education and Vance said any crrtrcrsm that “”3: . y .
tdtior In (‘htr-t he can have more supervision of the situation than what the planned painted and redecorated their rooms Ws‘lfflrt‘ film“! lht‘ proposed change. Murray's plans an attempt to bl“ ‘ 3:.
team. dormitory wing would be. Last year. and want to stay there nextyear. Bivin Ihs‘ tlmut't “I“ charge that thedorm another "\VlIdCijll Lodge~ were
UK is not the only university in Vance said the alterations will be Wallace said. three basketball players said. According 10 Vance. lhs‘ ””1““ “”9 erequrrementsol equal ridiculous. Allwe regurlty 90%.”)?! ‘
Kentucky where special housing for paid with donations from an athletic were suspended for training University is readyto housetheevictcd treatment for men's littd womens ‘0 improyeltheist‘andard 0‘ “‘mg or g y
‘ the basketball team has become a booster organization. and from a violations. students I” the same building and “I“ teams. athletes. ‘8th “Id. h 1 ‘
campus issue. l'niversity' renovation fund. Murray‘s The football team is now housed in paint new roomsto matchtheirformer Vance said the redecorated rooms .BlVln doesnt agree. er toldlt e
At Murray State l'niversity. the athletic program is not self-supporting one building the school‘s most ones. "it” “Of titllntl ‘0 b3 plush. .1 hey “I” Iteme/ that the rooms :d, ”Pf” 1d"?
administration‘s intent to convert a and is already subsidi/ed bv the modern dorm but the players will "There isawaiting list to getaroom b9 carpeted. have “‘3“ furniture and would be betterthan “. atiso’ €er b0 -
. .dormitory wing into a special housing University. Vance said. i not be required to live there next year. at Clark Hall." said Bivin. “I'he “\Cn'lit’?‘ long beds. . g ‘ ““9? Murray Hummizrf MIN B e .
unit for basketball players has stirred Greene who was head coach at Wallace said. (‘lark Hall is the oldest students are being evicted in violation He said-theschool 5. administration m [\l~01la\illornra(:'tsttii‘flents are siiUCEessfltil . y
, opposition from student groups. Mississi ‘ i State ' llniversitv two building on campus. he noted. of four different university and. athletic officials were satisfied the tin ess u. , 1. it‘s
Plans call for seven vacant offices , . . H pp, ‘ , ' '4 - ()ne leader of the students who regulations. planned wing “'Wld “‘“V'Olalcal‘w ',n mounting more Vopposr '0?“ . .-
. .- . - . ”amn‘ ago. “an” I" ““‘d . . .,= _ ~ , .. . , , .. , . . : NCAA re ulation that requrrcs likely that there Will be a specral 3
and nghl doublt. rooms in Murray disciplinary problems with his plavers oppose the move is sophomore Stuart We are very angry and we re going _ _ E ‘ 'bl‘ b' k'tball housin unit on campus
State‘s Clark Hall to be renovated and by housing them m a special unit said Bivin. a candidate for president in to fight . . We want to let taxpayers housingfor “HIM“ ‘0 be WWW” f "ism“ g ‘ r"
redecorated. said Sports Information .lcrrv‘ Wallace sports editor 0}: the tomorrow ‘s Residence Halls know that public money will be spent ‘0 housing “”9de ‘0 other students. ' ‘ ‘ .
_ Director Doug \"ancc. lhe rooms will campus paper TI“, ’flurrai' State Association election. Bivin said for the basketball rooms." Bivin said. i .-
bc converted into single rooms for the wits ‘ I creating a basketball players‘ wing A petition circulated earlier this week we oofed ‘
Players. Vance said. l’he conversion ' H would evict l6 students who already quickly accumulated signatures of 530 g . ' ‘
i has already been approved by Murray (ireene is also counting on the live there. students 011! ofa student bOd)‘ (“-7.200 .
g' State President Constantine ('urris. be special wing to serve as a recruiting I'he RHA has mounted an effort to people. Bivin said. Because a reporter was supplied at one time been on internal g
added. inducement. Wallace said. block the removal ofthc students.and . Bivin said the local chapter 0f the incorrect information. the Kernel probation. '
The reason for the change. Vance He said the basketball team is now has received support fromthe Student National Organization for Women incorrectly reported two weeks asgo The departmenthowever. has never ‘
said. was that (‘oach Ron (ireenc housed on one floor of another Government Association at Murray. planned to file a protest to the that llK‘s psychology department had been on probation. .
‘ nation A safe in a National (iuard Armory exploded. exposing dictator. who slurlcd the war six months ago by occupyinga _ _
shattered M-lo rifles and other weapons. Mobile homes were 7IIIe\qll.’lfL"mlIL‘ area of Itln/ilnla, llganda radio broadcast .
PRESIDENT (‘ARTER SAID YESTERDAY HE ‘blown across the Iiighwav opera from its transmitters in the centcrolthecity. lelephone
FAVORS government action. if necessary. to require oil calls to the station went unanswered . |= ‘ .
campus companies to explore for new petroleum and gas with the ‘ ‘ . ‘ y _ . Rf‘lds‘m‘ reached h.‘ telephone ‘dl‘q ”ls an/a'nian' ”100:: .
money they received from dccontrolled oil prices, A TAPE RI:( ORDINO Ol~ ( 0( KPIT entered the city from several dlrLLIlOIls Ihty \dlt t e _ ‘ .
He'also said WOPOWI‘ to bar the oil companies from CONVERSATONS aboard a IWA ietlrnei' that survived a Irirt/rtriians were greeted by dancing in the streets at the ' .
. SAM BOWIE IS A HE(‘K 0'; A BASKETBALL ownership 0' competing energy sources. such as coal mines. harrowrng dive last week was deliberately erased. Was itdone outskirts of Kampala lnere were reports of looting after the , ~
PLAYER and a heck of a big brother “should be explored thoroughly." purposely'or did acrew member do it routinely. as one would soldiers passed. . . '
At ll am. this morning the most sought after high school Carter said even ,1 ('ongress enacts his proposed ml profits turn off his car lights‘.‘ IlIrIIL'l'. residents in the capital said troops loyal ‘to Amin .
hoop star in American will stand beside his sister in a hospital tax. which he expects. the oil companies would receive a net That was a PUNImgqUN'O" facms '"\°5l'83l0r‘ yesterday “0W ‘tlllftttntlittftllcn“1thIttlitd°'5ltt‘mlh0l°“" 5 highest . " "
in lebanon. Pa. and. sign a letter of intent to play his boost in profits of $6 billion over the next three years. as they sought ‘0 learn M" the aircraft barrel rolled twiceand h'” .’
basketball at UK. The president has said he will begin phasingoutcontrolson plummetted about “W miles before the ”'1‘“ managed I” j .
A big celebration had been planned today during an domestic oilpricesthisJunc. bring 'I under control over M'Chlgén- THE SOVIET UNION LAUNCHED A BI'LGARIAN - . _
. . assembly program at Lebanon High School. where Bowie The pilot. Harveyfiibsonoflas\cgas.madeanemcrgency INTO SPACE yesterday as half of a two-man cosmonaut :-
. starred. but his sister. Shelly. I6. is in the hospital recovering ‘ y . ‘ ‘ . ‘ . l g ‘ . landing at Detroit s Metropolitan Airport. lhrec of the ll team. the fourth such misston inits“lntcrcosmos"program of 1 ,
- . from an appendectomy and Home wanted her to share his big ’250 ”DP”; “I‘m" IN“ RED and at east seven were persons aboard were 5"Eh”) lnjUer. . int r ational s ace ex [oration Moscow Radio reported. 1‘ .
moment kllled yesterday when tornados rampaged ““055 an area or The cockpit tape. which records conversations among the Th" g Igm‘ss‘ort’i a cared to represent another‘Tirst" '\

' . um and Oklahoma known as "Tornado Amy}. M WW' and a my" ”mm" were m" m we Na'mnal as which]: cominainderppNikolai Rukavishnikov. 4i». is i .

' . State unknown number of people were trapped when two shopptng I ransportation Safety Board in Washington for analysis. lhe believed to be the first three-time Soviet spacetraveler. having : -. .1

. ... centers in Wichita Falls. Iexas. were leveled. authorities said. flight recorder was in good shape. but the cockpit recorder . . I b d go '11] to in NH and t =
. . An undetermined number of people were trapped in the was blank. 2dr; ilngonolrsyt‘ previous y a oar . .t g
' . n “a (‘ARROLL Hl'BBARD. 0.x v, A rubble of the she in centers. and other were trapped in -‘ ' y - ~ _ ‘
V i j' DEMO( RATIC candidate for governor came out strongly ln demolished buildir‘i: eliewhere in Wichita falls. authorities Ihree IVS. astronauts have made tigccdtrlps into space ‘ .
', ' .1 ., ' favor of capital punishment )cstcrday. saving he would not said. WOI‘Id .Iobn Y“""3~ 1"“ lovell and Tom Sta or ’ ‘1
3 i. . hestitate to sign an execution order. Kay Shannon. a reporter with radiostation KAIlZ.said she ' 7 ' 2
. L “If a person were sentenced to death at I‘dd)\lIIt‘. it Would counted l2 bodies at Wichita Falls (iencral Hospital. and TANZANIAN TROOPS MAIK'III-II) IVTO TIII. weather ' ‘
. ' 3 take an unusual crrcumstancc for me to have sympathy with witnesses said three other persons were killed in overturned I'GANDAN ('APITAI. of Kampala vesterday. following it ' ' . ‘
. . i that person. Hubbard said. speaking to me second annual trucks. . . tct fighter attack and fierce rocket and artillerybarrages‘that PERIODS 0F RAIN AND THI'NDERSTORMS today . . : v, ‘
._ f convention .of the Kentucky State Police Professional Iwmty cars were smashed under a bridge and into an appeared I“ ‘ttlnd' imminent "“0“ '" lh‘ war “Wm" d - ht Wind and warmer with high m mid 60s. lows ~ *

. . . ‘ 3 Association. abutment. Witnesses said the roofs of some vehicles were President ldi Amrn. residents of the city rcporlcd an tontg I'd 50 y '

- 4 t; “It is time we qurt fooling around wrth criminals.“ he said. sheared off and the wreckage was bloodied. Iherc was no word on the whereabouts of the Human tonight in mi . s. '
ll ’
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, . a . . ‘ . .‘u. . ,
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 l . ’ " _ i
‘ i
Steve Malling" Lisa Donsurd Thomas ( Iarli “alter Tunis Jamie \t’aulht Tom Moran
liltlw Ill ( luv! hlilitnu/ ’1’”!!! Jay Fm" It.“ ’4,”th \[mrlt I‘JIIIUI “tremor it! Phttlogmphi i
. Debbie McDaniel
Steve Massey '
, Richard McDonald Gregg Holds Ruth Mattinzli (n, wiitis John (1., Linda Campbell
lluriugnig liltiiu Jeanne “times L J9“) 7'" 'I\\l\llllll .1 .(l Itltmr Brian Rickcrd Photo Manager
"\\Uildll' ItIIIUI\ (”IH I‘ll/U" -l\\l\lulll Sporty hlurm
editorials fitcomments
\ l
I ' i
U -Senate 8 "GWGSt pOlICY on
Wlt rawa no Improvemen .... .
l‘he l‘niversity Senate‘s decision to give students the semester grappling with the various nuances of
only seven calendar days to withdraw from a class the matter. usually In lengthy debate.
without having a w grade appear on their In fact. the “‘W‘ is not as meaningless as those in .
transcript is unfortunate. the slim 49-45 mayority might contend. As Student 3‘ j.
No matter that the ‘W‘ carries no penalty .Wt (10\ ernrnent l resident (rene lichenor pointed out. .v _
.. ‘ , _ ~ 4 , . , . _ “lhe'Vt might not mean anythingtotheUniversity _ -
there is still an mm of gutlf about including the ‘ . . t A , .
- .v , . - Senate. but graduate schools and employers Wlll see I’ 6'!“ ‘2
letter on the card. lhere really is no reason to put it . .. , . . . ' “ i g
- .. _ . . ‘ , . , . , , ‘ a lot of ‘W s on transcripts and it Wlll hurt. ( I ,
on tn the first place. the seven-day deadline clutters ._ . . . .,. l f . i
. . ‘ .‘ .. ‘ , _ lhe decision does most students little good. if it I . . tu- '
up an already congested academic calendar for _ . . ‘ ;
no ood end was intended to grant a grace period when classes . . t 7— .
g i could be dropped without record. Seven days is ’I t .i H W .35 ’ Q .
Also. a seven-day to one-half semester "Vi h‘ _ , y ‘ .. . . . . - i t ti \ b' i t -
. . . . . ardly enough to even get a decent first impression \ a \ , a g
period will in\ite future abuses. Had the senate »( ‘ _‘ ‘ _‘ , . , . . . . r l \ D l .. hr \x -. .
. . of a course. much less have any indication about / y , / . . J . . i
settled on the simplest svstem possible. the .. . . ' . , t , “.9 Q n»: t
- , how well you tan perform in It. And with the \ r \ a; y ‘i 5
procedure would probably haye been less likely to - , y . . _ t t w / k. , '5.
. - shopping that goes on during drop-add. many ,4- t . .-
invite abuses. ‘ . . _ . _. ‘C r >_ ‘ 1,,”
~ g _ _ students might attend a course only once or twrce @gv/ ‘ V .
Sow. another strict constructionist academician before the deadline expires. a mic - e ; . ‘
L" “kt-’1." t0 35h someday that tht‘ Vt ht’ Ct’t‘hl‘tttt‘d The Senate has postponed to its April 30 meeting ('5 ' i i .
'htt’ the grade Pt‘tht “rage. ht] th tht‘ Cttt‘tt t0 discussion on what happens to class withdrawal / _ ~ t, . ‘\“{R§QS k . i
maintain the "true academic ‘P'rtt during the second halfofthe semester. There will be i g ‘ ' _
The senate‘s quick decision on the matter the an opportunity then to undue the damage that was I‘ i
. . . . V
alternative seven-day period was proposed and done at the meeting this week. and maybe a couple ’ 7v“ I .
assed on the same day is sur risin .lt hads ent of votes will have shifted bv then. V“
p l p g 'p ' WW _
Poet, novelist, former Ms editor . k
l I l h l , i
Alice Walker 3 South never app ears In coffee table magazrnes
“E .
Alice Walker isbrownskinned.soft- sorrows. is always a measure of what eccentricities. But there is always an the South “rising again." and the ability to expand in love that of herself. Alice Walker understands g '
eyed. charismatic; what folks Used to has gone before." ominous note. a special seriousness. “lfthe South rig-cs again it willdoso marks the end of hopeful strategy. such women. is one ofthem. thinks of :5 .
' call "a trip,“ She raises your w . .7 Alice Walker‘s South never appearsin from the grayc." Whether in love or revolution." them as special flowers. and knows 7?
consciousness. You never want her to - the pages of the coffee table magazines “I . , . . Walker‘s art is a poetics of people that: t!
. .. tth‘S thr.‘."nlll.t‘ .
know how trivial you seemed the Office tower blues of Southern living. Southern poplars it .. L W nu dgdl \ ”Hm white and black who are capable of .-
moment before she entered the room by [0178” hemenway may be picturesque.buttheir branches ‘ losing life despite facing the “firing “'0 Nature 0' this flower Is to Bloom ‘
‘ She makes you want to give up small can support horrible weights; the it“ ‘ ”35h all the barriers at once. squads“of/\merian experience. In one Reh‘cthom thing 2'
talk forever, i 7' WWW’T“ T mocking birds on their limbs too often We H integrate Alabama 5 “ httt’ of her most chatacteristic poems She Against the Elemental Crush. f
I once tried to explain tnat I didn't She remembers well. There werethe sing funeral dirges. The South can not beaches h." ”“tmm'hg '” them......... writes about a chic young woman A Sons 0t COW .'
i want to impose on her hospitality. She old men “Born Knowing how to escape its history. “with the trees bent. nude. arrested in a demonstration and “looming i. '
couldn‘t understand my attitude. "But (iently swing A casket." lherc were weeping." Even in the midst of the agony. thrown in the county lock-up. For Descmns F)?» i
l invited you.“ she said. "People are “The goldtoothed women Mighty of 'l he South of the Civil Rights Walker heard the laughter. shrugging. her SNCC pin securely Bltmmmgtilonousl) 1
delighted to have me visit, Doesn't artn Who dragged us all lochurch." Movement was a place whereayoung concentrated on people. wrote abut between her hTCHStS 0” an expensive h" ”5 9“" j:
everyone feel the same?" [here were t ncles back from the poet could pray all night "For eyes to revolutionary lives rather than sweater. she powders her nose in the 3-
The answer. of course. is no. Most North with “Broken teeth And billy see again." their last vision being “A grandiose tactics. She prefaces her reflection of a policeman‘s badge. i9 .
of us possess minimaltalents as guests. club scars.“ broken bottle Held negligently In a book. Revolutionary Petunias. with t It i5 11 defiantly human act. RON" Hemenway is it" “5'5““ .'
People generally welcome me with an I ike many writers born in the racist Fist." Yet it could also be a the words: “These poems are about dangerousy so. at a place and a time professor in the English department.
enthusiasm preserved for process South. she treasures her geographical place of bittersweet irony. as when Revolutionaries and Lovers; and when humanity wasin short supplv.bv His column IPPOII’S every other _e_
servers. But when Walker arrives a heritage. and welcomes Southern Civil Rights workers thought about about the loss of compassion. trust it woman confident in the possession Wednesday. I
rare mixture ofescitement and energy —————-———-———-————————.——————————-——-—-——— _
fills the air If you don‘t believe me. L h Ed i
check her out tomorrow. April I]. at K MAL—WM ~
pm. in room mo of the Whitehall I - d lreally thinkthatifvotingplacesare prevents anything from being though they attest to the lamb-white some. the twinge of guilt comes after -.
. Classroom Budding. tne ‘restricted by major or college. that accomplished in government. By sincerity of their respective authors I they have been caught. .
The author of two novels. two In contrast to the other graduate should be made plain. SG has lost voting down this proposal. members still hearthe note ofuntruth.Theycan ~
books ofpoems and a volume ofshort students I know. I decided to vote in what little credibility it had in my eyes. of the SG showed their ignorance of blame the It'ernelforthe whole fiasco. Helen Seeback ./
stories and a former editor of My this year‘s Sti election. I watched the Our new “representatives" will have to what government is all about and also lt makes them feel better. Accounting senior ‘
magazine. Alice Walker writes about campaigns with interest. and after (103 great deal 0t 800d before 1 feel showed 3 lack or knowledge about Don‘t diStHUSt‘th yourselves. This i
the South. Africa. politics. the wading through the flood of that they are truly “my" student themselves. This proposal frightened incident should not be forgotten (and "
“omen movement and petunias. “information" distributed by the government. them. I think that the members of our Mr. Sturgeon. it will not). Publishing Nuc|ear ode .
chain saws. and the Wards Chapel candidates, I made my choices. Late “student government" should humble the Focus was in itself wrong. This is :7
AME (‘hurch in Fatonton. (ieorgia. Thursday I went to the closest polling Margaret Rogers themselves and just admit they‘re full where the problem lies. The acts “00 WEST YOUNG MAN" 2
She began publishing in the sixties. place. the Law Building. to vote. I was Graduate student of shit. cannot be made right norjustified in Bureaucracy. red tape thOUth' 'g t» 4.
‘ while a member of S\(‘( (Student turned away because I wasn‘t a Law any way. lately realizes the nuclear shroud. ' I
Non-voilent (‘oordinating (‘ommit student. They sent me to the Humble please Clay Fink The thought of this “inadvertently“ A steam of iodine released; ‘ i
tee). when she knew people “whose (‘ommerce Building. I couldn't find lthinkthat most ofthe peoplein our Telecommunications sophomore or otherwise produced paper ever all concerned send for a priest. . ‘
‘ courage and beauty burned me the voting table. tlhts is my first “student government" are fools bythe . . coming into CKiStchC makes me feel Here we stand praying aloud. . 3 ‘
forever." lhe result otthat fiery torge. semester at L'K. and there must be waytheytakethemselves so seriously. Are YOU tW'nQIng? sick to my stomach. It‘s hard tto anonymous industrial corporate .’ '
paradoitically. has been an art of some things they‘re not telling me.) | Mark Koopman‘s proposalto abolish This letter is addressed to those believe it ever got into the printing CI’OWd. _ _ '
serene wisdom. a legacy from her was perturbed. but decided totry- one S(i because of its total ineffectiveness parties involved in the Focus stage. let alone become a finished and the industry by bankruptcy ~ _
family. Black people from rural more time on the way to chm in showed a good deal of insight and publication incident. PFOdUCt- ceased. ‘
(ieorgia winning human battles in a Dickey Hall. It seems that you can‘t humor on his part. As far as I can tell For some reason I still have Conditional apologies are a farce. thank God the wind only blows east.
hostile environment. She never-forgets vote there unless you‘re an Education 50 is nothing but a playground for reservations about this entire affair. People know the difference between
them' "lhe grace with which we mayor, time ran out anti I didn‘t vote. budding politicians. [also believethat The apologies l have heard seem right and wrong and are responsible Thomas Spalding _
embrace hfe. in spite of the pain. the | mod. the whole nature ofthe political game inadequate. to sav the least. Even for their’ actions. Unfortunately. for A 81. S senior .
' 0 hear e hear ye 9- August'nes '
MAY GRADS r r Ch r
i\ S . ape
. . 3 Thinking about what you're going Student Center Board Committee (Eplscopal)
to do after raduation?
: g g for the Performing Arts GOOD FRIDAY ‘
. I VR/ : Got experience as a waiter Presents SERVICES
- . . or waitress? 12:30 pm 1:30 pm '
a ladies nite o .. GREAT ACTS 2:30pm .
. . . If you are Willing to work Stations 0' the Cross .
. A" an... ”as-8) 3' IN THE GREAT HALL I
. u . a a a v - .
0 All lod tes @ 0 months to 3 mp paymg pos't'O" easren eve VioiL _ .|
. : drt n ks 75¢ (8 ‘ I) t : Friday’s could be for you! featurlng the ”‘9 ”CHAN"
. ‘ . . 11:30 pm. .
. o . .
, . ’ . ‘ . We are a new antique bar & restaurant and LeXIn on Ballet ‘ O. “3"“ Breaktast
‘ i . . have a few full time waiter/waitress positions. E Ag'ili'gillnil AY
f lllt ‘ r'n‘nwn’i rt '
g Q . Of the ‘d . availabe paidtai l g .o t nte ere With . SERVICES Aprll 15
.' ' . . your exams. please apply in person. .
‘ . ‘ i . . TGI Frlday'a 10330 em. to 530 p-m'
. i C C 3220 Nicholaswlle no. 472 no» St. .
. . . ‘ ~ \ \ Sauth Park Shopping Ctr. WCdS - . . ‘
, , . g . , ' Lexington. Ky. - F d ’
. ' ,4 » : UfllVGl’SliY PIOZO : ERIE“! s 2p.m..430p.m Aprll 11 ."1 It i
J . . . ' a
. _. Q Euclid of Woodlond O \ ‘ O at Noon In the .t l
00000000000000.0000.» Admission Free KERNEL y
w. " :1
“first; '
:' :2 . .-
mfzirflti'hi.‘ ‘ .. «”41” .N‘-«. a. v ”Pva V’t " “ .»- "."“‘-“- an. ~WQ‘*‘ ' ' ‘ . '. >""‘" '*‘*~~~-~—.‘r'---’ " 1' " AggngDerO""'-' " "' ‘quv-Aw o-v1~-M-¢--Q . U 7'- “ " "a" ‘ ‘ " "" . .
‘3’“ ‘“.:‘v.'-fif!éh'-Eu '3 {TI ' “1‘ if " j, «o',-. ~,.".,,’I- .‘éni": . a. i ‘ " . ‘ ‘ . '. -' ~ . iii. ; 4;"; - .y’, ‘. ' . I ' ‘ : . . ' i D‘ .7 .‘ ‘ .‘
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aifi’f'fih‘ it; ad‘fie-b‘f‘fsfi-At...’ .ft;;‘;"-'l_.,l v . a}, J . I . . . _ a . . 2.: 4!] .‘ ?p .. ‘ _' a : ‘_ '_ O . ‘ . r t‘ . 75".? :' ." ~ 11:33”, 3, i. .M.’ ‘.
undefined?“ “t ih".eftae¥tir;“‘ .‘Qfitia:::txzitsith;¥.§.v ht: . i..- » , _ , - ' r , - j» ..-’ .‘ .’ ~ -. wt- casein-.3 . .~, ~' ‘- 4: .- ‘ ..

 . _ l t O t THE KENTl'(‘KY KERNEL. Wednesday. April ll. "79—3
31' 5 er a nmem . ,
A _ _ A |m presentation .
. I I o o I
Jimmy Buffett sends em home happy Niger-a Its Arts,
. , . .. , . - ddlu-clim America pcrlotmingthui hits.“ I hcl lltl 1” lllk' WW1” 'l'NllllllHHld' CUIture and People
3 (ARV WILLIS \tHLL W hat llL “Ill ht ”1| , ‘ ‘ ~ ,. .. . '
Ainlam Am Mm" Icmcmhucd I“, h [M uncanny \Mto tlocxnt vutnt to title a Is Not In Sight“ and Hunt hlllk\ ltlgk gt-Iiic A ril 12 7.00 m _ ,
\Ml. [m chutm and “p“lnl‘rn‘ \ilL'lll. \lp Mtllglllllih and Rule Romance. il\ vwll th .I \x good .l\ the Mn ML‘lL‘. p o p
- . . ' ‘ I A ' ' l llth'l \ttll\l\lll' tlm touldn‘t hold .I match to . .
. . ., ' and Im potlu watch the \llll Lo dovut on \ntttltttnt~ o y
lads]: nllffhtl‘ R‘menfllurl While thc ,Wmdcd “.mm,‘ tranquil ocean mitt-n" nu llth‘H New guitut Ixt the IIlImhlc.cttcrgcttcpqu-toi lee AdmISSIOl'l Classroom Bldg. 11.
5'3“?" PP . I 0' most ol h“ \ongx ML. It” tvm hours on it lucxdu) Duncan ('ttmcron \hovn ol h.IppIIIt\\ Mm ctghl \mrs sponsor. . .
l Theg. were smilin' hcctuw \lllllClL‘lll. onl\ ”WWW.” mm ctcntng In ”\plll. ltullctl took proniisc in one ol thc llltixl .IIItl \t-It-II .tlhlllll\ ,llllllll) African Student A550C|at|on
; they hyad just seen 05m ol lhc thc chummti and .lllllilhlt' m A“ «mu Intmutlcrutsctolhc thutncund ”HUMWNW!“ “““t‘” W” WW“ 1"“ Will”):
most genuinely cntcrtulnlng chug) ol llll\illll\l will} \lllllt' ““P‘V‘ W'lh songs . MW
. performers at this decade pm He nltth'N us all \\.llll to no lo "HAHN“! l’illdfl‘itmllk "A
on a helluva lun concert. lll\ hcttultlul llltlL‘-.l\\.t_\\ In thc MN” I “"l'f‘ “I l'ort) ”"d ”‘3
Jimmy Bul‘l’ctt will not hc (“.IIIhht-Iin and hc llL'L‘ llUllllllL' “‘“Cll'”_L'"( ”4N 0‘ MUIWIHC‘-
remembered for grcal gundr llkIS\lL'\ tll lllk' ()lllk‘k' illltl lllk' ht k'ille'dlel th ilUdIL‘nCL‘ 0‘
solos or an extraordinary mun) tltxtippotntmcntx ol W'm‘ llllll“ 0" W “I‘ll ”WE“ .
. ' ol \illlhtlilh. palm trees and
. ou e a Ies or e
I Hullctt I\ quttc popular In thc
‘g | cungton art-IL lhc lurgc
)' ' “ L‘l‘o\\tl was unusuall) enthust—
_ ~ . .l\llL' ctoud Sonic latns In the .
1% ' qt§ titxt to“ own made him it I m es
. ' ;_ x {m t” ’ Ii? “Welcome Back to Kcntuclxy"
5’ *V .‘ § ,5} - « w: hitnnct. llc acknowledged it. us
! . V . ,g 'g __ he did thc lrcqucnt vrurm
I '- 3‘ -"_ F g: * (Hillltllh. with an udmtruhlctur }
r _:. (V . ,. . .g ., a ‘ ol humility . h K k h
é \ = ,2 He ll;l“lC\\l) pcrlormcd JOIn t e W JOC S at a party WIt ‘
; ., '~ “Wonder Wh) We l'wr (lo
5 ‘ ‘s . Home.“ L‘L‘l'lltll‘tl) one ol ll|\ ,
l .k... ’ f ' lt)\eIlL‘\l composttions, lhc 25 cent beer and free albums. The party IS
; :_.:.; \ . mclunchol) hurtnomcu sounds
. i 3 ,t ,» . ,V ' ~_ . ,,
f l ' ,V ‘ supplied h} l-Ingct‘s |u)lor. ' t
I l L‘Ulllhlllcd “llll Bullctt‘s swccl h f 8 p 1 m a
E ‘ I '. gllllill Itoik and thought- tonlg t rom m to a
I; V N ‘ . pl'tH olttng.I l_\ rm made the piccc
_- , 4 .v V »' , _ II Inclltm highlight. .
‘ : . 1* ; ' ‘ ’ (in II more humorous notc
‘ ‘ \ / ‘ ‘ llullctt ttllL‘l'L‘Ll the mood Stl n ‘ s
’ R" .,, . tlI'ustIcIIll} wth It spirited.
, - ., ‘W' V » hIluI'tous and Itnprmiwd
‘ ' V " x if " lL'lltlllltlll ol llh classic “(iod's
’ V 1' . -' " .5 ’ ()\\ll Drunk.“ lrom lll\ Living - h f D-
’ " V ' ' i ' - " . . r I
I I X _ .; ; >. . and Dime .n mac-mum All profits go to the Marc 0 Imes.
' ..V _. .- {:3 I‘- ’ ; lime album.
it“? ; ""' " " ~72 j‘ _ ' lhc Bultctt sho“ was t t.
‘ i B)l'()\\“lBlR Mmeimrr WMHd '\ d "“5 rom our a um S a lon'
: piolcwonal \ct h_\ thc
‘ JIMMY my”; ['1‘ ‘\ Ina/Int: R hV\thm Ace».
i NO | ICE 90
The 1 12th Annual STEREO
Commencement Exercises
' I
‘ I “N.
,3 Will be held on Saturday, )
.2, I I
May 12 at 4.00 o clock 4%)
93‘ I
53? A pamphlet contaInIng Information about Commencement \ , I
7‘ . activities was recently mailed to degree candidates .
ff ‘ for whom correct addresses were available. Students ~ 2 V {J {x y
{7 who did not receive this pamphlet may pick up a copy at the 1st Floor 1 ‘t‘ »
“3 . desk of the if I
5" Patterson Office Tower, ’ »'/l
or at any College , v' w” k. \
7:; dean's Office. ‘ I) W I‘ . I \
-‘ 1 H J) '5}. V.V 47
7 \ g