xt7qft8djr7h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qft8djr7h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-09-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 09, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 09, 1971 1971 1971-09-09 2020 true xt7qft8djr7h section xt7qft8djr7h De dl' ' nee p merit "
By RONALD MITCHELL only Of students and is Open to any student care in full and pays for accident care in full. . .
Kernel Staff Writer interested in student health. The main task at Part A and Part B do not merlap in any way , st) , ‘ '. '
All full-time UK students are required to pay a present is to monitor the insurance program. the student wanting complete coverage should ‘ V. ‘ . ,..' -'
seven dollar insurance fee or obtain awaiver from When a full-time student goes to the Health have both Part A and Part B or a comparable '. ‘ ' I .- r
the Student Health Service before Sept. 15. Service, there is no charge for a physician visit and hospitalization plan. although Part A is a '. ' I
The seven dollars is to pay for the first part of a certain drugs. With Part A there would be no requirment. " '
new two-part insurance plan. Only the first part, charge for shots, diagnostic laboratory and x—ray Part-time students may enroll in either program .3
called Part A,is required. tests or charges incured at hospital speciality and there is also a policy which will cover the "
Waivers are granted if students or their parents clinics if he is referred there by the Health Service. student’s dependents. More information on the ' :
have insurance to cover the services ordered by the Part B of the insurance plan costs $23.70 per insurance program may be obtained by contacting J
Health Service or state that they will be semester, and is a traditional hospitalization the Health Service in the Medical Center. or by ‘ ' ,
responsible for these charges. insurance policy. It pays up to 70 days of hospital calling 233-6291. 233-5691, or 233-6125. I I ’3'-
Late fee
If the payment is not made by Sept. l5 or a '. ‘
waiver is not approved by the Health Service by .-.‘
that date, the student will be delinquent and
charged a late fee. j, , .
Many students have asked why they are having ." .j'
to pay the seven dollar, and what the money is to ' 3"." . -
be used for. '; - .. "
Because of a budget reduction for the Student ., ' ",_' .-.'
Health Service and increased enrollment, many of '1' .4
the services which were offered to students at no .. » _
charge last year would either be discontinued or J .'> ‘.
would be charged to the individual student. », j. 3 .j.
A committee, composed of students. faculty, ’v , ‘ ,7,
and members of the administration, studied the ‘
problem and concluded that some sort of low-cost '. ‘-
pre—payment plan should be adopted. .3.
The committee discussed the idea with several
insurance firms, and came up with a two-aprt
program, consisting of A and Part B. 9
Bids were taken and Blue Cross and Blue Shield ;'
was the low bidder. Even though they are handling
both parts of the insurance plan, every dollar paid
for Part A W111 be used to?“ for StUdent SCYVICCS- an Independent newspaper published by students at the university of kentucky
Students monitor program v,
Another committee has been established by UK Thursday, September 9, 197] LEXINGTON. KENTl'CKY 40506 Vol. 1 \lll \” h . '
President, Otis A. Singletary, which is composed WWW ' .
l 7 l 50 by “Qt exercising caution. according to ordinance. as is the riding on the \‘ldt‘\\;ill\\ in a f
I C E MESS . Joseph Burch. director Of Safety and Security. residential area if the rider is al‘ove the age or .
. E. C. Hale, chief of the Lexington Police 12-
Department, terms the bicycle, traffic around Business district defined _’-
the UniverSity “very hazardous ’. He said that
pa rt two the recent enforcement of bicyles ordinances is Chief Hale said the business district in .
due in part to recent deaths involving two question includes everything east 01‘ Jefferson
bicyclists. “We are interested in keeping people St. and west of Rose St. and Midland Ave. 3',
Ul<9 city clarify their rules from getting mairned or kflled”.he Stlld. He said bordered on the north by Third St. and on the I;
the enforced ordinance deals primarily With the south by Maxwell St. . _
By NEILL MORGAN safe operation and location Of bicycles. The development of bicycle racks and paths
Kernel Staff Writer The ordinance in part says that a person is described as “a matter of priorities“ by John ,
On the sidewalk. Off the Sidewalk. Over, under, must ride a bicycle with the flow of traffic. A W. Hutchinson, professor of Civil Engineering.
and around the cars and people. Park against a bicycle ridden at night must be equipped with a Hutchinson has been concerned with the ' .'
tree. Park against a rail. What is a bike rider to rear reflector and a headlamp which emits a development of bicycle facilities on campus
d0? light beam for a minimum of 500 ft. since 1965 when a group of students under his
Bicycle traffic on campus is not in itself The riding of bicycles on the side walks of direction prepared 3 report on the situation.
hazardous but the people invloved can make it business districts is also prohibited by the One outcome of that report was a survey
g _ that indicated that 22 per cent of the people
a , is, " "- ="‘"'x working at and attending the University then '. "
~— ~ . ~ ‘ ‘3" ‘.._ ‘ ‘ ,3)» fl», 3' ' ' could use a bicycle for transportation it j
. ,r' ' \k M 3“““5 Keith; ‘-~_v~_ . “. Guy”, :4“ sufficient facilities were available.
' I x :-..,:.».. ‘ ‘3’. " “a" ». if "33% . i a The ‘xx‘ut'w l' ‘ 't f D“ i ' d I. Z.
‘ -:. \ _. _> h.“ i” :1? g“ 0 1,. , ‘ .'. . _ , . cu rt ( HM. or ‘o ‘csign an _ .|
. ~35, . A l .,., £2,531 ---‘— we we. ) , ,.—.“.-,-‘.A w: Constriiction, Clifton J. Marshall. said that no
\ ~ 1“ J ' if,» ,. w} .. ;>. , ‘ . - . 8x” _ ‘1; t}; f “7 ' _{ - organized plan exrsted for the development oi ,
“:35“... , .w'a...» rg’w¢‘Q-. ,_ . §~ .. .:-. “\ bicycle facilities. He added that he would ..
,. ,%w I" 6:! ”5'3 ”\V é -. "... .... T,“ M ”‘V't-v‘ .1; T’Yfi§h\ support the formulation of such a plan. I 1‘ f,"
, who : If...“ .‘f “I“ .- ' ‘ f. - «m... *fi? *5» .3 5;, ‘- 4'2", ’52 '3‘ ; Marshall termed the absence of such .1 plan as r ', - ,'
.» ,_ gm,“ “ «V’sm‘ “Q, Q '- _ I; 49g»; I)" a result of a “lack of interest” in the university , ." i, ' . ' i
. ' i V ‘ffii ., ‘3‘ I _ , a, ...‘< ,3 ; k‘ A, "a... . ‘ _ ” 73x 3‘"? f community. “ ’j‘ '9 -
V,‘ J}. Y. 6:5, .. 2% )3 "H" ‘, _..: 3 .. o ["5" In the Lexington community the .‘ '
3%. ‘ :4 4., "~-\ '. 9, t 35.; t ‘ a.” .......;. Wl' \ 5' 7' City-County Planning Commission is H . ,. "
3i”; a - «(a “x," at. 2,". gm “‘4'“ w . ‘.. f g proceeding Wlth' preliminary plans for the 4' ~‘ 3.
if 7 g" s ' $ . ‘ _ 3. -. Q “‘3’ :3 gr . development of bikeways. According to Donald . — -
“‘f 3 ‘2. " ‘1}5'" ,, . g: i 5%?” .' -_--' ..JW’ H. Burrel, a project planner for the commission. ' 3,,
,3} t. 1', . . 5;..- ., .2.‘ ". .\ "x“ "“ ‘ / ‘ ,3 "° .' _...;.*_a. .. , 3 the plans could possibly include bikeways along '-
* ' M Q‘g s w , *5 .' w , , , -.t' Euclid Ave. and Woodland Ave. .
b v/I-«E n . ‘Nfi ”Th 3 If" WW I '3 _ ' Burrell said the construction of a bike path ‘ ‘2
k3 “‘4" W w”: &*ma,: M .. " . ' “ 9,, ,-«I..;,,-,,._.,.,‘,.,,mi from Shawneetown. under the Cooper Dr. '- .
" m‘fi - 2‘ . . . “wwfles’l‘awi; . .. ., ‘5- ".V 2. overpass, to the main campus, would help keep . ' :

Bicycles line the parking area near Classroom Building. (Staff Photo by Phil Gardner). bicycle traffic off Nicholasville Road. ' 3 :‘
Conservatives pick Vice preSIdent instead
____——___—_—_—_ ,

A ' ’729 UK GOP ' '
gnew m . wants Nixon
By DAVID BLANTON Phil Dunnagan,president of UK College Republicans, “1 personally think the President has done a good ,ioh. J j .- .
Kernel Staff Writer stated he was not in favor of removing Nixon from the said Williamson. He (Nixon) is doing the things he said ‘ _’ ' ,
The Young Americans for Freedom (YAF), an national tiCket. he WOUId." - " ~ ‘ i .
organization composed primarily of conservative young “Unless he does something which is completely UK had a chapter of YAF two years ago. Its advisor . C , ‘ .,
Republicans, feel President Nixon and his policies no unacceptable, I intend to support him for President in was W. S. Krogdahl, a professor of physics and ‘.‘ ‘ .
longer fit into the mainstream of American 1972," said Dunnagan. astronomy. He now sponsors the UK chapter of the " . - V.
conservatism. UK Republicans disagree. “Agnew as President is something I really can't see." John Birch Society. ‘ 'g ~
. . . . . . said Debbie Grubbs, corresponding secretary for the Opposes Nixon or Agnew . ,
At their biennial convention held in Houston this past Campus Republican Club. Ms. Grubbs termed the Agnew “I am most sympathetic to YAF and the” ur meg “ , , .2 ,
weekend, the YAF bypassed Nixon as their chOice to replacement of Nixon as “kind of stupid .. . . ‘ P P . 1‘ _. , . ‘
head the 1972 presidential ticket. ,, . . ,, ‘ said Krogdahl. I am in complete sympathy wrth “ 3 ‘
ridiculous move dropping Nixon, but I would not pick Agnew because of x ’
Agnew-Buckley UK‘s chairman of Young Kentuckians for Emberton his attitude of Nixon‘s proposed visit to China." ‘ '
Instead, a resolution was passed endorsing (the Republican nominee for governor), Ben Fletcher. Krogdahl stated. ' i, - .
ViCC‘PTCSiant Spiro T- Agnew for the presidential called the endorsement 0f Agnew “a ridiculous move." He welcomed the idea of reorganizing another YAF ‘ -
nomination and New York Senator James L. Buckley as “I plan on backing Nixon in 1972," Fletcher said. chapter at UK. ’ ’
his running mate. Charles Williamson, assistant dean of the college of “it would be a fine thing for the campus to have an ' " .~ .
Several UK Republicans oppose any “Dump Nixon" law and advisor to the UK College Republican Club, also active YAF chapter to help present all the sides of a . -
movement and continue to support the President. plans to continue supporting Nixon. question,“ said Krogdahl. , = - '

. 2 THE KENTI‘CKY KERNFL. Thursday. Sept. 9. Ill-ll ________—_________.__.__._————————————-——- l
. —. I
. , . l
_ l l -f- l s New Party wants Nader to run 1
. + C a S S l l e + . . . , . . ,.
I ‘ 2 By RONALD D HAWKINS “We‘re developing zi plurality The main purpose of Kunst s
. . . k Assistant Managing Editor [701“ch a politics b.1sed on trip was to 5”” chapters Of the
. . “unified ndvertlsln‘ will he occeptzd WWWOB SAL: Bob Kunst national organi/er dividing the opposition and New Party in Lexmgton and on
. i on n pre-pntd bnsls only. Ads mny e . ~ . I< . I . . I I, n I , II
' l ' i' ' ”1""! m ”mo" “and": imiouah CLASSIC \1 l B k T 1 lm the New Party, a liberal third developing 01” 0“” strong), tlit Ul\ tampus. ,
F M r 1) mail, aymen no one . 1 uiogziny 00 case- rop iy- _ I . . , .
. tor T-Hyl-IOKEh’lTll‘KtP KIZRNEL, Room Ease. 84I1n. hang. 54 llI‘id. talci. 1:11:11" party movement. swept into the LOIlUnULd lxunst. .
‘ l I, ll Bid . 0013; 31155 00r5; 0 a JUS’ e H . , . - ,‘ \ - , v v . . I I .
. .» . lhismfl: 3:50 ”I, ..0 words. $8.75 shelves. 3200. 269-2282. 259 campus LN night dthvcrmg ”M l l\ ('ilbt‘ ”001! I" ”g I ( OU rt
‘ . for thrsel‘ consecutive insertions 'oi the S‘—~—————_—_——_TFREO eqummwt McIntosh MR-65 word on the New Party s efforts 3" . f I
, -' ' ~ 3:; it: sit ivorii‘yriltj'cxtds Styx-3:5 FM 510"30 timer. $125; Harman-Kar— to elect a presrdential candidate. James T. Bell. a UK student of the 7 p.m. cur W on campus
I ’. ' i. over 20 words. per Insertion. 3:: 91351.31?)“1115:1231:facultihliggleyhgost in thC ‘72 election. (01chth (if disorderly conduct Thursday. May 7, 197.0.
.4 . .' “ IThe‘dc-deIlInenls lit-:1- ii" d-r‘ 299-2403. 8510 The New Party is trying to during the spring 1970‘s He was conv1cted of .
» ’ pr or 0 pp on on. _ o .- ver semen —~——————————-————————- ‘ _ .. » 3 j , , , ‘
,. ' .- '_ -. my clte nee. religion or nntlonll TEAC A 20 Cnssctt Tape Deck. Reg— persuade Ralph Nader. consumer demonstrations. has tiled for a dlSOTdLTlV conduct ianagette
. - .. origin as n qunllflcntlon for rentlnx ulution size basketball score Clock. . . . .. , t - ., - . ' ' i . ~ ‘ ine
' ' . . room: or for employment. A must. All automatic. Petro prints. dlfdlII’S crusader, 10I run {(Zr th‘ Wfll 0f ktrtlordrl ”1 thb U-S- QUdrttrly Court and . $
. ' - 7 255-4698 evenings. 8514 premdency. According to kunst, Supreme Court. and costs. He appealed the
. . . ' WWW ——-———-~———_— . . . .
. . '. ,' ‘ CHILD CARE GUITAR —— Fender, 12 strings, with who spoke in a hallway on the . . _ I . conv1ction to Fayette Circut
g I_ - . WW“ ifienrtd sheidiIIcase. \slliglsiager Igodtel. If’fer- third floor of the Student Certiorari IS the process in Court and was sentenced to six
EXCELLENT CARE-F .. 1 f C “0".“09: 0‘ “5 0 er- . . - w - ~ '\ . ' ' ’ - - ‘ .
I - . ~ . 3 , ux- fenced m back .;;c';.bm°r°}‘,5 {g3} Phone 212-3355 after 5:00. 8510 Center. Nader 15 on the ver e of which om convuttd hy .1 lowtr months imprisonment and fund .
, I . . . 3 . y- p 3 . __ . . ..k. [h‘ nation’s high
, 33):; (fitifgfguan“3§2_;;§‘2’9“9”“f§§ 1960 CADILLAC HEARSE. Good con- bcmg won over. “0“” "5 5 (i l . I; The $500.
. . I . ‘. " . dition. 56,000 miles. Call 299410115513 kunst Silld The NL‘W Party. ‘d court to LOHSI er 11% u t According to on; of Bell S
I‘ . JOB OPPORTUNITIES third or fourth p'trtv was made vast llllllOlll)’ of such cases are attorneys UK law professor I
~ ‘ ‘ “ . ' . 1908 K\\VASAKI 1"“. N-w i'to ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ,~ .. . , » v ~ 11s . .
-. . . MAL‘IE‘thD n'Iimu‘d‘ “Ofk on “511719115 rings. tires: Perfect cinipu: ”11:33:01]: llt‘L‘CSSLll‘V in illt‘ Olht‘l’ 1W0 rk-lhct‘d in [hit ISOUH Robert St‘tllt‘f. th lllgll LOllrl
. woo uys. (Lm. — L .111. .-; 4- . -~ » -.I~. .7.-. ., .- . ' '. , . - . 'r ' g; ‘1 on. _ .- ',
' .. 1 ' . . name and liullibi'l‘. 277-71537. List; ”“0”" “93‘ (‘“ 20‘) “)9” “““é‘Ié’li; parties. Said kilnst. ‘ This 111m ””13 ‘l “m“ ‘ ‘r‘ I requested an opposmg britf
‘ ' " ‘I—TI—"f—Tf'f .-~_._____-__. ___..____... --———————— » ~ ~ j - r ’ v ‘ 4 a; . ( ’ ‘ ‘ 1 l5 :1 V e t I t‘ (‘ O u n I '
. ‘ - . .' . ”451715.. “”M‘ ”V“? WWW-H ”HE“: 1953 CUTLASS soprano. Factory (lll‘, “““U’l \\ “In? m d I ”‘Ilinld Bell \\Ll\ unt‘ t'i xiii siudczitt fl ‘ ”l l \ t I .y
3' ' ‘ ' ' » f;3:;I;I‘fl"‘I “if““f‘h 511‘} .,_;‘9,‘1‘$.;‘1t§“1 power Slt't‘l‘zlu'. not. tilt-s, l‘IXL'téllt‘lll condition. [he two party \) stem ( o In in r: n \\ L .1lt l .2 t 01m y
~ - . ~,., . ‘> ' Tic it'i‘. . 1 ..i -.. 1 t‘» 1 . ‘H w I... .- -2'u._'w-m ' r . . . .. ... . ~ '; ».~ .1 _ . .. - ~\ )
/ . . NH... 5, ,.. I“... , p.m. “WI Hm. _‘""d‘ll"“_‘_:fj_“__;i:’_:__'?* "0*" 952 WI“ do what it always has MW \Hlll 3“ “It WW W'Im “Ml twinge Bnrlxei in responst to the
. .1 . Fri. 1151-1 9n: 5" ..3, “1):,- . .. ,. .. ... . . ,; ,,: .. r. .. u. l; . .
. .. . . '. .I I. _- ,.,,,-__-...____.___ xt-iu.oiil.\io IIIIC\.IIIILII1 21.23“: :35”? drmt trout .1 paranoid \ott. Ink“; m 11.. “from .1] amount .111. httxmrn ..llul l‘.‘ Bk”-
~ FL‘rng'llMI‘. DJIV tur part—time hours. 254_?430 9S1?)
, - I' . ' . llours arranged *1. fit your schedule. ’ H
, . w . 1'. IWmnt'ri preferred (Kill 266-0078 lifter GULF CLYBS and but: 3 “mg Ultra 2,;-5.5535%;-sals‘z-E-‘Eézzgg.z.
. " . . ' '. . . " “— A-‘K for BOD- 85” \\ oods, 7 szildiiig irons, putter, $95. z;”§§”2ix I "MN
- , W’W Also large steel string gu1tiir. SSU. 3&2»; i
.- .. .' ,- . I SERVICES Cnii 253—0306. 9s13 a» . 1w...
. . - .? Wm. M , , a.“ ‘ . Q"
I ' . . I EXPERIENCED teacher of piano (in- 1gbfcefigfygoirgpaslgIIOCO-glrv.bZL-18 011323: “1% * I ' . “(a [M 12% ng‘ ., 3%“...
. . ' .' 'I - :. nounces :1 lllllltt‘d number of open- ‘ ‘ . f L‘. ‘ ' N W“ , n??- . '7 ‘ i h "m“ ”A M'
' " .I= . .‘ ings for advanced pupils, including 12’5202;:I4Rust) “It” 5' 25"2621 gr é ‘ W1, _ -.» M. , . ww..%:""% §
. ‘ . 2' ' adults. Telephone 299-7574 for ap— ' ‘ 9 5. 2.2-- .. w 49%" ' I M" ‘W
. . . . . ,I p01ntment. 8510 WWW ' -'*":‘_1\"III.' "II 5(- I ,. ” ..
. . - ’ '. ‘ I W B-A-C-H-E’L-O'R efficiencies to 6 ‘ _ ' . - x EW‘ m S“ ‘ . t
. ' ' SATURDAY Sept 11 8 pm Me- Person units. $90 Up. Adults. Special E' " ' ' '5'“ .a: . @ 3:3 .. ‘3
i '. . . morial Halli—Gospel Sing N’o ddmis rates for doubling up. Between UK— .. .‘é.’ .2 4.2.. -- ,. v 3 . ‘ . I-
,. ‘ - .~ , ' ‘ town. Nice. 254-6134 266-4632. W l " ’ . .' W ' ‘ 2 -' i
I, I . _ r I , .‘ sion charge. Featuring Gospel Cour- ' \ I‘ ,. , z » “,5. .. . ,
. . _ >‘ , . ' ' . _ ———'————“‘—_ x ‘ , n “ ::E=.:' . _1- :5 »=: ~ “ x
4' 'I - I " ‘ tilts Iélaizr‘rgonggs, %22\:1:ymg‘i'53ufrs SPACE in double room and tentative \ a ..I'W R . I ' _:.2'§ .- . g
» " fl others—— all; sin ersg cots invliatgd' single room. Need people who are ‘0 Ni" ”32' g II I . I. :
- .- '2 . , ‘ Blue Grass Gos El S" per-s 9510 seriously committed to the human 01 .3.. it"; *3. °3 “W 1;“ .
.‘ ,' . p mg ' growth potential in a cooperative F ”fifth . " “653 -~...
,' I' 1 - .I communal living program. Call Karen ‘3‘“ . .. ' '-
.. - ' at 252-3426 from 8-5230, or comesto .. 3, ’g - 1 ‘
. I . I I 370 Aylesford. Students only. 8 14 ‘ ., ~ 2‘ . '
, ,. . , , Today and “_— ~ _.
' ,- , .. ONE BEDROOM. 2 blocks irom cam- m w"’:ff.§2M .
. . I pus; Ignished. Maid and linen ser- . ° .1’.’:-‘«’_
. .. -’ . “ vice. 25 for rest of semester. See '
a . ; , -’ = Tomorrow xent needy. Room 221. mini-an ~
. . - ‘_ . . House Motel. 8810
- , _l ' ——-———————————_—— ' I
g _tI .. .I .‘ I‘I' MALE STUDENTS—Z-room apt. 376 R t ‘ 8 t F
‘. - ‘ ‘ f.‘ The deadline for announcementsis 50- Brondway. Sh“? bath. $30 per en a re r' era or or
-_ , _ . '1 . - ‘. 7.30 in two days prior to the first month including utilities. Call col- *
.- . _- . 1 - .P- .- . . . . lect. 873-8522. 9515 S
. . - .- ‘ - publication of items in this column. —_____________ your room. us a man .
. . 4 " ~; . , . , TODAY 1013 AURtgslgAlAVE. 3—room exit, attfic, '
. ; . ‘ ‘ ~ ‘- ‘~ no pets. p us deposit and ease or
': . . . ' I : ‘. WENDIFIEJL 1:201“) AND ”ital?!“ school year. Phone 252-6046. S9 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ‘
i '. i . I > 7 ‘ 7 for Git)? and ”mag: fimci'é 1111805: MODERN furnished efficiency Air- . comma—dimensmns are °”'Y 20 x 17 " 18" .We pay were“ on your dapos't
-. .1 I " ' Student Center Theater, Thursday‘ conditioned apartment for one or o ' _ - - - M‘ ‘- P t ' I 4 ‘ '
_. . . , I . Sept 9 7.30 pm Recption 8-30 ton Walk to UK from 317 Trans- SpaCIous Toncubicfoot capacnty, holds up to 36 0 1m l' 5'
h _ l__ll - __———————-————-—— 2 ,
\ ‘? 1; '7 ' ~ __ 2 ‘»§~i§§;‘;fl' 1. 2‘ .2, -'..) ‘IV" . 2 i ..
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. '2 I" ,. H , .a-M-52.1,..,;2‘-~~ . .. ~ ; a; ' , 2,3,9 . ' - ‘-
Caats 8. Pant Suits 20% off w; i’“f 2.252;“, - 2%» ’ , .
e . m". <2! «f, , ,v - , ,4; f I. '
REG. $30.00 k‘ ~ “’7 25' 2. "3" ’ 3:3? 92; §. 2 , :1
° . . s; ‘. .2. 2": ~ . ' .‘
Sweater Pant Suits . . . now 19.90 3 ~ 2 / :2: 22 . ._ - ’
REG. TO ”3.00 i: 5,52"; . I 22: ;_ _- . ~ . ‘
Sweater Sale . . . . . . . . . from 4.90 2 ’2' " 2 . . », ; .
2’ 3 2 22;? ‘ . 2'
(‘ REG. $2.50 2 ~ ' 2.
\ALE ,.: j 1 *.'-Q
a. ,, ‘ Panty Hose . only 99c .. 2. . .   _.. _
; 0 Fall Blouses from 4.00 3 _ _
gm). ) Specual Jeans .. 4.90 :2 .. . 2 ~
Reg. to . 2 l: 7 , 2 . » ‘
Q ‘2} $28.00 Unbelievable Knlt g1; ~ » . - 2
‘ Top Prices . . ‘” .‘., '
an 2 W
.. ,. u .. 4" .2... newt... it‘s“. -. .- . “c 2 .n-umv-x .L-nte“ x“ In .t' v... 1.5“ -.-....,.~y-~w - -2 M 2- 2-.» - -~-m . h

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,2 g 1: "Wall sevjust how lm'lusiro and up-Io-(lale these student records are. . . {11:53:11
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1 Pllt all the I‘UanrS t0 I'CSt: l"xr\1r:Rsn1voi-1 KENTI‘CKY :jowid

1- . . . . : ESTABLISHED I894 LEXINGTON, KY. ac" tY

. . . . _ ..m______________—_———————————-

- t "‘1" _' What’s in the Student files? Editorials rcpt/awn! Iln' opium/ii of the lithium. not of Hu’ ('niiwrsil)‘. The 1
. ,1 .7 I, _, 1, Mike \Vines. Editor—in-Chief tearing
g " . " 2'] TllCSC are paranoid times. What relcasing student files, UK students {3mi- 181nm), Managing Editor 1Jerry Lew(i1s, Asslociate Ejitor buildint

. , , v, ; ,. , q- , n , - i 3 , , , f mind Of avi( . . king. Business Manager Jo in Gray. E itoria Page E itor this p13

1 , 1 .’ “11h Arm) SllI’thld‘llLL. Cdelt md dLStI’Yt the peace .0 . Janice Francis. Greg llartmann, Ronald Hawkins, Rachel Kamuf. Lincoln R. Lewis, Jr., universj
.- . :2. :. other agency tiles and the knowing what the Umversrty knows Dale Matthews. and \Vendy Wright. Assistant Managing Editors adequm

;‘_-" . - 1' omnipresent PBI‘ people have 'd abOUt them 110d WhO €139 1135 access Mike Tierney, Sports Editor Don Rosa, Cartoonist Rona Roberts, Arts Editor Archite

. .' right to fear that their right to to that knowledge. __________________________ ___________,_ Uset

".. .‘ . ofthe

, f privacy is in Jeopardy. Forth l
1‘; j 3 it should come as no surprise the BC
'2 that the University of Kentucky R l d th — bl t th said t‘hz

' f,’ . maintains files on its students. It is 00 { ea S a 0 on you 2:11;:

’ 1 T " ._ _: a proper part of a university’s . . _ . . . _ , Pence I

~ p function to keep some data on its We note in passmg, rather sadly, generation which supposedly prides musrcal traditions shattered along .An e
.. . . if students. But the questions that are that another rock festival. has left liielft' ont bleing gaCigistic and With the stage and a few thousand 311:1 :2:

.1 I. : t, nagging an increasing number of yet ahothct man dead in its wake. 3 en we 0 t e nee s 0 its fellow bucks of instruments. floor ‘
['1 ‘1 students are what do those tiles Thls time about 3’000 people man. We ShOUId be prou